Crystal Resonator and Oscillator

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Crystal Resonator - Oscillator Difference

Today, We are going to discuss about the basic differences between Crystal, Resonator and
Oscillator. Most of the people are confused about the fine line of differences between three of
them. Let me tell you these 3 are different things for almost same purpose, that purpose is to
generate Clock signal of some fixed frequency.
Its not only me, Digikey also stocks these things under 3 different categories

This is what Crystals Looks like at Digikey and Oscillator at Digikey and Finally Resonators at
So, Visually also they are very different




Functionality Wise also they are different, though the purpose is same almost all the time.
1. Both ceramic resonators and quartz crystals work on the same principle: the vibrate
mechanically when an AC signal is applied to them. Quartz crystals are more
accurate and temperature stable than ceramic resonators. Both Quartz Crystal
and Ceramic resonator has two legs with no specific pin orientation that means you
can solder/plug it into the circuit either way.
2. Ceramic Resonator and Quartz Crystal are Passive devices, They are meant to
generate clock signals but they alone can not generate Stable clock signal, both of
them need some external circuitry around them to sustain oscillations. Like you
must have seen the two PF capacitors around Quartz Crystals. On the other hand
Clock Oscillators are Active devices and can generate clock independently without
and external circuitry.
3. Since most of the chips and Micro controllers (which require external clock) have
clock stabilization circuitry inside them, So all you need to do is plug in the Quartz
Crystal or Resonator of appropriate value in the Two terminal and the Chip itself
oscillates the Quartz Crystal or Resonator. The benefit is both Quartz Crystal and
Resonator are very Cheap to buy and easily available, While clock oscillators are
expensive and not easily available.
4. When using clock Oscillator you need not to use OSC_OUT pin of the Micro
controller, You can directly feed the output of Clock Oscillator into the OSC_IN pin
of the MCU and you are done. No need to tell that Ground must be common.
5. Clock generated by clock Oscillator is much more stable than either of Quartz
Crystal or Ceramic Resonator.

Circuitry inside MCU to support Quartz Crystal or Ceramic Resonator

In Other words, Oscillators are stand alone Clock Generating circuits while Quartz Crystal or
Ceramic Resonators are just one part of the whole Oscillator Design. Quartz Crystal or Ceramic
Resonator makes an Clock Oscillator when a feedback mechanism is incorporated with them. Like
as shown in the Figure above where the feedback circuitry is actually exists inside the MCU itself.
This kind of feedback circuit is necessary to achieve sustained oscillations.
A Clock Oscillator (One with 4 leg metal casing) has a Quartz Crystal as oscillating element and
Feedback mechanism and Capacitors for sustained oscillations inside it, which makes it a stand
alone clock generator.

w Clock Oscillator Connects to an Microcontroller

Post Tagged with Clock Generator, Clock Oscillator, Crystal, Difference, mco1510, OScillator,

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