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r Caitanya-caritmta, di-ll 1.

Mypur, March 25, 1975


vande gurn a-bhaktn

am vatrakn
tat-prak ca tac-chakt
[Cc. di 1.1]
Ka Caitanya is Ka.
by Srvabhauma Bhacrya. He composed one hundred verses
Lord Caitanya,
becauseCaitanya Mahprabhu was playing the part of a devotee, He
threw away thelokas, because "This is not for Me." That
was Caitanya Mahprabhu's humbleness. But the devotees know that
r Caitanya Mahprabhu is KaHimself. r-ka-caitanya rdhka nahe anya. Rdh-Ka combination
r Caitanya...
r Caitanya Mahprabhu means Rdh and Ka combined. In the
is Ka,
then Ka divided
two, Rdh and Ka. And then again combined, that is
r Caitanya Mahprabhu.
rdh-ka-praaya-viktir hldin aktir asmd
ektmnv api (bhuvi pur) deha-bheda gatau tau
caitanykhya prakaam adhun tad-dvaya caikyam ptam...
[Cc. di 1.5]
So the Gosvm's siddhnta, that Ka is one. There is no rivalry
with Ka. God is one. Eka-brahma dvitya nsti. There cannot be
many Gods. So when God,Ka, wants to enjoy His pleasure potency,
that is Rdhr. So He manifests Himself, manifests His energy... His
energy and He, there is no difference. akti-aktimator
abheda. The stra says akti and the aktimatmeans one who
possesses the akti (akti means power, potency)they are equal.
There is no difference. Just like the sun. Sun is the powerful, and the
sunshine is the power. So there is heat in the sun and there is heat also
in the sunshine. There is light in the sun and there is light in the
sunshine also. Therefore qualitatively they are one so far heat and light
is concerned. But the temperature of the sun and the temperature of
the sunshine may be different. May be not. Actually there is difference.

This is the basic principle of all philosophies. Acintyabhedbheda.Acintya means inconceivable, bheda means different,
and abheda means nondifferent. The whole situation... The one is
there, God, but He has expanded Himself in different
way. Eko bahu sym.
So that is described here. Ka-caitanyasajakam. Ka CaitanyaMahprabhu, He has expanded Himself
as gurn. The guru, the spiritual master, he's also
r Caitanya Mahprabhu. Skd-dharitvena samastastrair ukta **.In all the stras, guru is accepted as Ka. Skddharitvena. Skd means directly. Just like you offer your devotion,
respects, to guru. So that respect is offered to Ka. Guru also does not
think himself that he is Ka, but he collects the devotional services of
the disciples to offer to Ka. This is the process. We cannot
approach Ka directly. We should approach
through guru.Tasmd guru prapadyeta jijsu reya uttamam [SB
11.3.21]. That is the injunction of the stra, that one should approach
the guru who can transfer the service from the disciple to the Supreme
Person. So... Therefore the first offering
is guru, vande gurn. Then guru creates many devotees. Guru's
business is to canvass on behalf of Supreme Lord. That is guru's
business. Ka says, sarvadharmn parityajya mm eka araa vraja [Bg. 18.66], so, "You
give up all material, engage..." Sarva-dharmn means in the material
world we have created so many so-called duties. This is our material
disease. People are interested in material engagements and they have
created different varieties of engagements. Sociology, communism, and
this "ism," that "ism," philanthropism, altruism, internationalism,
nationalismmany, many duties they have created. That is all
material. Ka, out of His causeless mercy... (children crying) Stop
that children. Out of His causeless mercy, He comes, He
descends. Yad yad hidharmasya glnir bhavati bhrata [Bg. 4.7].
Glnir, this is glnir. Human life is meant for one
thing, athto brahma jijs, to inquire about the Supreme Absolute
Truth. But instead of doing that, they have created so many "isms."
That is their misfortune.
Real business is athto brahma jijs. This human life, nature,
gives us the opportunity to inquire about the Absolute Truth. We have
got the intelligence. The cats and dogs, they have no intelligence to
inquire about the Absolute Truth. The trees, the plants, the aquatics,

the animals, the beasts, the uncivilized manso many, 8,400,000

forms and species of life. Out of that, the civilized men, the
Aryans... rya. rya means the person who has got godly qualification.
This is the meaning of ryan. ryan, advanced. ryan does not mean
godless society. They are non-ryans. Real ryan means... Because we
are part and parcel of God, naturally we have got, in minute quantity,
the qualities of God. That is natural. But on account of our material
association, those qualifications are covered now by updhi, by various
designations. This is our material disease. Material disease means...
Just like a gold is covered by dirty, dirty things. Similarly, we are
actually gold, because part and parcel of Ka. We are a small Ka,
very small, but we are also the same quality. But it is covered. This is
our disease. And these coverings are going on in different names
socialism, communism, and this "ism"so many. "I am Indian," "I am
American," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am white," "I am black"
these are all designations.
So it is the business of the guru to clear up these designations, dirty
things. Therefore, vande gurn am. Guru, first offering because he is
the agent ofKa. Ka said that "You give up all these
designative dharma; take to realdharma." Sarvadharmn parityajya mm ekam [Bg. 18.66]. "That is your real
business." But even Ka... Ka does not fail... But Ka does not
force. So even upon the request of Ka we do not give up our
designation. This is the difficulty. Ka said, sarvadharmn parityajya mm eka araa vraja, and nobody practically,
except the Pavas and few other devotees, nobody took it seriously.
And what to speak of now. They are talking of Bhagavad-gt, scholars
of Bhagavad-gt, but without Ka. That is their business. These
demons, they are preaching Bhagavad-gt without Ka. Nobody
preaches about Ka. Nobody says what Ka wants. Sarvadharmn parityajya. Ka wants this, but they are misinterpreting in
different ways and diverting the attention of the people most foolishly,
that... In the Bhagavad-gt Ka is the center. So this is going on. You
know, you are coming all from foreign countries. Bhagavad-gt is
popular in your country, at least amongst the scholars and theosophists
and theologists. Going on, for the last two hundred years at least. But
nobody understood Ka. That is the difference. Now for the last, say,
five or ten years, because we are presenting Ka as it is, it has become
very easy for you to accept it. Unadulterated Ka. Before this,
everything was presented adulterated. Therefore there was no effect.

So if you push on this movement, unadulterated Ka, it will go on.

It will go on. And as soon as you adulterate Ka, it will not go on. It
will not be effective. You may be very good scholar or very good
politician or this or that, but you'll never understand what
is Ka. Nha praka sarvasya yoga-my-samvta [Bg. 7.25]. If
you want to pollute Ka, Ka will never be revealed to
you. Sevonmukhe hi jihvdau svayam eva sphuraty ada [Brs.
1.2.234]. So by the grace of Ka you have taken the shelter of the
lotus feet of Ka. It is great fortune for you. So do not
adulterate Ka. That is my request. Try to understand Ka. And to
understand Ka, the Ka Himself taught... That was also difficult.
Then Ka as Ka Caitanya (is) teaching us how to approachKa.
That is Caitanya-caritmta. Caitanya means spiritual, living,
and caritameans character. So Caitanya-caritmta means that the
supreme living force,Ka. The living force is Ka. Therefore we
contradict the so-called scientific theory that life has come from
chemicals, matter. No. We are trying our best. We have engaged our
scientist students. They have already..., one student has already written
one small book, The Scientific Basis of Ka Consciousness, and we
are going to publish another book. I have given instruction to the
scientist students. What is the heading of that?
Devotees: Life Comes From Life.
Prabhupda: Yes, Life Comes From Life. That is the fact. These modern
so-called scientific theory that life comes from matter, that is not fact.
Because our original person, Ka,
said, aha sarvasya prabhavo [Bg. 10.8]. Aham, this aham word is
applicable to a person, person. And person means living force.
So Caitanya-caritmta means that living force is a person, and
His caritra, His characteristic, this is Caitanya. And that
is amta. Amta means not dead matter. Mta means dead,
and amta means not dead, living force. So he is living force; his
characteristics are also living force; and they are, because living force,
they areamta. Na hanyate hanyamne arre [Bg. 2.20]. We have got
experience what is living force and what is dead matter. That we have
got experience. And that is further explained by Ka, that living force
means na hanyate hanyamne arre[Bg. 2.20], na jyate na mriyate ka
dcit. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gt,that living force is not
finished even after the annihilation of this body. Very nice statement
by Ka. We can understand living... In the life, when we are alive, the
body is moving, we can understand what is living force. And we can

understand further when the body does not movethat difference, why
the body was moving and why the body is not now moving. If we simply
study this difference of position we can understand what is living force.
It is not very difficult. Simply we have to understand, "Now this living
force is gone out of this body; therefore the body is no longer moving
and it is a dead matter." This is this... So this Caitanyacaritmta means we are talking of the living force, not of the dead
matter. We should always remember. So the guru belongs to that living
force. And a, a means controller. So everyone, that living
force. Gurn, a,a-bhaktn, a-bhaktn and am. So they are all
living force. The Lord, His devotee, His representative, everyone, they
belong to the spiritual platform, living force. Caitanyasajakam. Caitanya means living. That personification of all living
forces is Ka Caitanya, r Caitanya Mahprabhu. People
mistakeKa Caitanya Mahprabhu because by misfortune they
understand KaCaitanya as a devotee or just like socalled sdhu or yogi, like that. That is mistake. Ka Caitanya means
the original living force, Ka.
So Srvabhauma Bhacrya, he understood Him.
rla Rpa Gosvm, he understood Him. Similarly, the followers
of Rpa Gosvm, SrvabhaumaBhacrya, and all the Gosvms,
they will understand Ka CaitanyaMahprabhu. And one who
understands or follows the path enunciated
by KaCaitanya Mahprabhu, for them Ka is very easily obtained.
This is calledCaitanya-caritmta. If you follow
r Caitanya Mahprabhu... r CaitanyaMahprabhu's mission is
described by Srvabhauma Bhacrya, r-ka-caitanya-arradhr. Pura-purua, I just now forget the verse. Yes:
vairgya-vidy-nija-bhakti-yogaikrtham eka purua pura
kpmbudhir yas tam aha prapadye
[Cc. Madhya 6.254]
r Ka Caitanya is
same Ka, Pura-purua.
dya Pura-purua. Pura-purua means Ka, the original
Personality of Godhead, very old. Pura means very old. So, vairgyavidy-ikrtham. Because we are suffering here on account of so many
designations, so r Ka CaitanyaMahprabhu came to purify us from
all these nonsense designations. That is called vairgyavidy. Rga means attachment. So... And virga. This false attachment

we have to give up. That is practically being manifested by practical life,

how to love Ka, how to approach Him. That is the characteristic of
rKa Caitanya Mahprabhu. And therefore He is described in
the rmad-Bhgavatam, Eleventh
Canto, kavara tvikam [SB 11.5.32]. Ka-varam: He belongs to the
same category, Ka. Or He is describing Kaalways. His only
business is to describe Ka. But His complexion is
not Ka,aka. Aka. Aka means white. Because Ka had
was pta, golden,
golden avatra. So, tvika
sgopgstrapradam. This sgopgstra-pradam is
that gurn, am,a-bhaktn,
vatrakn tat-prak ca tatchakti. This is sgopga.
So study this Caitanya-caritmta. Now we have got this English
edition, very elaborately described, following the footsteps of
our Guru Mahrja, Bhaktisiddhnta Sarasvat hkura Prabhupda.
So there is no such edition ofCaitanya-caritmta, very elaborately
described. But it can be understood by the advanced student. It can
be... And so... Advanced, you can, anyone, you can become advanced.
Advanced means at least one should understand that Ka is the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. If you simply understand these two
words, that Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then you are
advanced. It is not very difficult. Everything, all Vedic literature, they
are meant for
understanding Ka. Vedai ca sarvair aham eva vedyam [Bg. 15.15]. S
o if you simply understand... What is that understanding? That Ka is
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We have written in
our Ka book, "Ka, the Supreme Personality of Godhead." If you
become convinced, then your study of Vedas
finished. Tepus tapas te sasnur ry [SB 3.33.7]. Anyone who
understandsKa... What is that
understanding? Ka says, matta paratara nnyat
kicid asti dhanajaya: [Bg. 7.7] "My dear Arjuna, there is no more
superior authority or person or truth than
Myself." Matta paratara nnyat
kicid astidhanajaya [Bg. 7.7]. These few words, if you simply
understand... Blindly or openly, it doesn't matter. Because if you touch
fire, either blindly or openly, it will act. It will act. It is not that because
I blindly accept Ka as the Supreme Person, that will not act. No, it
will act. Even if you have accepted Ka blindly, it will act. Because the

thing is the same. Either you accept in open eyes or blind eyes. So
similarly, if you accept this theoryit is not theory; this is fact,
thatKa is the Supreme Personality of Godheadthese few words,
then you are advanced student, immediately. Take it from me, that
simply this conviction, that "Ka is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead," then you are advanced student in spiritual life.
So all these persons associated with Ka, r Ka Caitanya,
rNitynanda, r Advaita, and Gaddhara and rvsa, all of them,
they are one. One in this sense, they are all interested how to push
on Ka consciousness. rKa Caitanya Mahprabhu, He's trying
personally, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
And Nitynanda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, rvsa, Gaddhara, they are
trying to help. So..., and to approach all these five supreme persons,
you require the help of guru. Therefore the guru is offered first the
respectful prayers, vandegurn. And gurn, bahu-vacana, plural
number, that many gurus. But they are not many; they are one, gurutattva. Just like Ka has many forms, but that does not mean Ka is
different. No. Ka is one. Similarly, guru, there may be many gurus, it
doesn't matter, but their philosophy must be one: to teach everyone
that Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So there may be
thousands of gurus, but the guru's business is to teach the disciple
that Ka is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the test
of guru. If guru is teaching something else, nonsense, then he is
not guru. Gurur na sa syt. a-karma-nipuo vipro mantra-tantravirada. A brhmaa, he is very expert in his business, in Vedic
culture, Vedic mantras, tantras. That is the test of thebrhmaa, that
he is very learned. So a-karma-nipuo vipro mantra-tantravirada. Virada, very expert. Avaiavo gurur na sa syt. But if he
does not know what is Ka or if he's not a devotee of Ka, he
cannot become guru.a-vaiava vapaco guru. But one person
who is coming from the family of dog-eaters... The dog-eaters, they are
considered to be the lowest of the human beings. So, vapaca, va means dog, and paca means eater or cooker. So vapaca,even
a person is coming from the vapaca family, and if he's a Vaiava, if
he's a devotee of Ka, he can become guru. On the other side, even
born in abrhmaa family and very expert in Vedic ritualistic
performances, mantra-tantra-virada, he cannot become guru if he
does not understand Ka. So therefore guru is very important
because he has accepted Ka... Tattva-daribhi, he has seen the
truth. So therefore guru is first offered... This is the test

of guru. Guru does not become Ka himself, but he canvasses door to

door to induce that "You become devotee of Ka." This is sign
of guru. Vande gurna-bhaktn. a-bhaktn. Then we shall describe
later on.
Thank you very much. (end)

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