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EEAS C8 Applications

Task 1

- Read the three extracts below and for each of them answer the following questions:
Who do you thing are the readers of this text?!
Why was this text written?! What is it trying to achieve?!
What organization has been selected as most appropriate for that audience and purpose?!
How academic is this text on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 very academic?!
Which features of the text are academic and which are not academic?!

Extract 1 A paper abstract (

Computer Science and Decision Theory
This paper reviews applications in computer science that decision theorists have addressed for years, discusses the requirements posed
by these applications that place great strain on decision theory/social science methods, and explores applications in the social and
decision sciences of newer decision-theoretic methods developed with computer science applications in mind. The paper deals with the
relation between computer science and decision-theoretic methods of consensus, with the relation between computer science and game
theory and decisions, and with \algorithmic decision theory."
Extract 2 A technical report abstract for a longer text (
Performance Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Combining Integral Quadratic Constraints and Sum-of-Squares Techniques
This thesis investigates performance analysis for nonlinear systems, which consist of both known and unknown dynamics and may only
be defined locally. We apply combinations of integral quadratic constraints (IQCs), developed by Megretski and Rantzer, and sumofsquares (SOS) techniques for the analysis. In this context, analysis of stability and input-output properties is performed in three ways. If
the known portion of the dynamics is linear, the stability test from Megretski and Rantzer, which generalize early frequency-domain
based theorems of robust control (Zames, Safonov, Doyle, and others), are well suited. If the known portion of the dynamics is nonlinear,
frequency domain methods are not directly applicable. SOS methods using polynomial storage functions to satisfy dissipation inequalities
are used to certify the stability and performance characteristics. However, if the known dynamics are high dimensional, then this
approach to the analysis is (currently) intractable. An alternate approach is proposed here to address this dimensionality issue. The
known portion is decomposed into a linear interconnection of smaller, nonlinear systems. We derive IQCs satisfied by the nonlinear
subsystems. This is computationally feasible. With this library of IQCs coarsely describing the subsystems' behaviors, we apply the
techniques from Megretski and Rantzer to the interconnection description involving the known linear part and all of the individual
subsystems. Traditionally, IQCs have been used to cover unknown portions of the dynamics. Our approach is novel in that we cover
known nonlinear dynamics with IQCs, by employing SOS methods including novel techniques for estimating the input-output gain of a
system. This perspective is a step towards reducing the dimensionality of the analysis of large, interconnected nonlinear systems. The
IQC stability analysis by Megretski and Rantzer is only applicable for systems that are well-posed in the large. This thesis makes
contributions towards extending this analysis for with more limited notions of well-posedness. We define the notion of a local or
"conditional" IQC, and develop a new test to verify stability and performance criteria. We also study a specific class of interconnected,
passive subsystems. If the subsystems also exhibit gain roll-off at high frequencies, one would expect improved analysis results. In fact,
we characterized the gain roll-off property as an integral quadratic constraint, and achieved an improved bound on the performance with
respect to the allowable time delay in order for the interconnected system to remain stable. In the case where the interconnection is
cyclic, we derive an analytical condition for stability.
Extract 3 - A research proposal sample ( - fragment
All over the world there is a realization that the Internal Audit activity has the potential to provide
hitherto unparalleled services to management in the conduct of their duties. This potential has been
t u r n e d i n t o a c h a l l e n g e a n d e m b o d i e d i n t h e n e w d e fi n i t i o n o f I n t e r n a l Auditing from the Institute of Internal
Auditors (the IIA).
Background of the Study
Th e Go vern ment o f th e Repub lic o f Ghan a by the Interna l Aud it Agenc y A ct, 2 00 3 (Ac t 65 8)es ta bl ished th e Inter nal
Aud it Agency as an ap ex over sight body to c o - o rd in ate, fac ilita te and provide quality assurance for Internal Audit activities
within the public sector (Section 16 of Act6 5 8 ) . T h e I n t e r n a l A u d i t o r s v a l u e l i e s i n h o w w e l l h e h a s b e e n a b l e
t o c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e achievement of the overall organisational objective. The Internal Auditor should constantly seek t o m a k e
h i m s e l f r e l e v a n t t o h i s o r g a n i s a t i o n b y p r o v i d i n g i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t w i l l m a k e man ag em en t
take decisions that im pa ct p ositively on their ability to a chieve th e o rg anisa ti on al goals.However , according to
res earch an d sur veys c ondu cted b y Delo itte & To uch e (2 004 ) and the I n t e r n a l A u d i t A g e n c y o f G h a n a ( 2 0 0 6 ) ,
m u c h o f t h e w o r k o f I n t e r n a l A u d i t h a s b e e n v e r y restrictive in term s o f sco pe. Th is need s to b e add ressed if
the requ ired retu rn on in vestment in the Internal Audit activity is to be attained.
Problem Statement
P u b l i c s e c t o r m a n a g e r s d o n o t s u p p o r t I n t e r n a l A u d i t . T h e I n t e r n a l A u d i t f u n c t i o n i n t h e Ghanaian public
sector faces a perception and, to some extent, a credibility problem as a value-adding unit of the organisation. The Internal Audit Agency
(2006) believes that the importanceof Inter na l Audit is "sh roud ed in o bs cu rity . This unf or tun ate ba ckground con tinu es to
p layd o w n
o v e r s i g h t res pons ib ility o f the go vern in g bod y . Th is refl e cts in the man ag em en t a ttitud e towards the Internal Auditor.
Most often than not the budget of the Internal Audit Unit, if any exist at all, is wo eful ly in adequ ate to en able th em meet th e
res ource requ ire ments o f their annu al aud it p la ns. Internal Auditors are seen more as fault finders rather than solution providers
and partners in theGovernments strive for organisational excellence.
Management Question:
Why do public sector managers fail to support the InternalAudit function and what can be done to curb it?
Research Questions:
1 .What accoun t fo r th e lo w su ppo rt for In tern al Audit b y public sector ma nag er s?2 . W h a t a c t i o n s a r e n e c e s s a r y
t o g e t t h e s u p p o r t o f m a n a g e m e n t o f i n t e r n a l a u d i t i n g i n t h e public sector?

3. I s t h e r e a l i n k b e t w e e n t h e q u a l i t y o f s e r v i c e t h e I n t e r n a l A u d i t o r p r o v i d e s f o r h i s organisation and the

attitude of managers towards the Internal Audit function?

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