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Now that work has started on the new $15 million shelter at Broward, so many
questions are being asked about what is actually going on in this situation. Why
would Broward need a new shelter that costs $15 million and doesnt house any
more animals than the last shelter? People are angry, saying that the $15 million
being spent on what is in effect a glorified slaughterhouse could have been far
better spent on actually saving lives by helping with rehoming and associated
projects such as TNR.
People all over the world have put pen to paper about this. The writer of this
article is English and resides in England and some sensitive information about
some goings-on at Broward sent to them via their blog site This information is quite shocking in itself yet
in a way it just another example of the massive extent of the sickening
corruption that is going on in the American shelter system today. The failure of
the US government to institute organisations to properly oversee what is going
on in their shelter system is paid for by the homeless pets of the USA with
suffering and often with their lives. Animals cannot tell anyone what happened to
them especially when they are dead and people arent telling either because
they are scared for their jobs, their reputation, attacks from friends and relatives
of those who stand accused, and afraid even for their very lives. Anyway who do
they tell? A government that doesnt care because all they care about is the
money? If the public knew what was really happening in these shelters which
some call slaughterhouses and to all intents and purposes in effect thats exactly
what many of them are there would be a demand for change. People trust that
their government will do the right thing, after all it is a place where animals are
sheltered and there is an Animal Care & Control to oversee what is happening
at those shelters so it must be OK. The publics trust that the Government is
doing the right thing is being betrayed as surely as those homeless - sometimes
feral or sometimes just lost or stolen - animals who need help are being
Serial trapping

Adequate veterinary care is simply not available in many shelters and animals
are often not killed humanely. Some are not given the anaesthetic they ought to
be given before they are painfully killed by heartstick. There is a constant stream
of chilling and blood-curdling reports often with pictures of animals that suffered
and died in horrible ways in shelters, or after coming out of them sick with fatal
viruses as many of them in fact do. Conditions in many shelters are insanitary
and germs breed and thrive in such conditions as these poor creatures are forced
to live where so many are abandoned and dumped by their owners when they
are too old or sick or when a relative is sick in hospital or has died. It seems to be
standard practice to . Perhaps paying vets fees might cutting back with no family

holiday that year or whatever. Many are dumped simply because at one or two
years old they are no longer a kitten or puppy anymore and no longer so
interesting. Often the shelter photograph shows the look of bewilderment and
betrayal on their face is unmistakeable.

Against this backdrop,

Well, here's the deal. Our kill shelter director's life partner is the Vice Mayor of a town
in Broward county. The Vice-Mayor is constantly speaking up about Animal Care and
how wonderful they are - as though she personally feels the organization is doing its
best, bla bla bla. Misrepresenting herself as a local community-minded vice-mator and no one knows she is in an intimate relationship with the freakin' shelter director!

So, Julie Carson, Vice-Mator of Wilton Manors, FL, is the partner of Susan Pierce,
the Shelter Director. Julie finds it necessary to post negatively on pages where
groups like Pets Broward campaign to get the shelter to make No Kill happen at our
shelter - which the County Commissioners voted for 3 yrs and 27,000 dead animals
ago. So see below, Julie is angry that she has been blocked from Pets Broward's
page....and says how wonderful the shelter is (completely misrepresenting herself to
the public - no one knows!! she sleeps with the director!!) Even when people ask she replies as though the community volunteers and non-profits are doing this for
money? WTH? we save the animals with our own money, not FOR money ! How
ridiculous! Also -- Please Note - County Commissioner Stacy Ritter actually thanks
her on this thread. Stacy Ritter doesn't know that Julie is the shelter director's life
partner. Would it be appropriate to do that? OMG !!
Oh there's more. Don't read it now, I'll just send a few notes cuz they are on my mind.
Shelter Director's personal veterinarian has been the chairman fo the County Animal
Care Advisory Committee for 4-5 years. Is that a conflict of interest or what?
Why did Broward County Shelter Director trying to become No Kill, hire an
Operations Director/Asst. Director who feels Adoption Programs are not a Good
Investment ?!
Is the Director of Animal Care setting up a self-fulfilling failure prophecy? Thomas
Adair, Operations Director/Asst. Director at Broward County Animal Care & Adoption,
was quoted in a recent public meeting stating that "adoption programs are not a good
return on investment," though he accepted the position at Broward County Animal
Care and Adoption approximately a year ago. He was quoted in the same meeting
stating that "No Kill is not the County's problem." Adair has never worked at a No Kill
Shelter, though the Board of County Commissioners has resolved and aspires to be
No Kill, per their resolution over three years ago, and he personally "does not agree
with Nathan Winograd (Founder of the No Kill Movement) on all fronts." Per LinkedIn,
Adair's background is in dog training, mall security and he spent 3+ years in
operations at a humane society which is not No Kill, however, he himself claims to be
a 'numbers guy' which is not apparent based on his experience. It appears as though
Adair is yet another symptom of current shelter management resisting change, and
perhaps fortifying a self-fulfilling failure prophecy position to avoid No Kill, which the

community greatly desires. Shelter Director Pierce, formerly with County Libraries
and Permitting Divisions, also has no experience in No Kill - or in shelter
management whatsoever. While touting her management experience is enough, her
superiors have ignored scathing reviews on her performance including gross
mismanagement and negligence from the OIG, and the County Auditor.
The Broward County Board of County Commissioners resolved in April, 2012:
"Broward County will develop and implement a financially feasible No Kill Strategic
Plan with goals and measurable objectives to include the following programs and
services utilized in successful No Kill Communities across the nation, with the goal to
become a No Kill Community." Since that time, Broward County Animal Care &
Adoption, under Ms. Pierces Directorship: 1. Has not developed a No Kill Strategic
Plan. The Commissions directive to develop and implement a No Kill Strategic Plan
has been ignored. When asked publicly about the plan, staff states they are working
on the no kill programs already. Yet, no goals or measurable objectives are known or
made public.
2. Over 27,000 animals have been killed at the Broward County shelter since the
resolution as passed.
Animal Care is now a division, which yielded Pierce a salary of $160,000 a year as
director, with director retirement benefits. Also, the county has approved a $15 million
new building - although the No Kill Strategic Plan to justify this huge expense does
not exist.
We have an alarming situation in Broward County, FL, concerning our municipal
animal shelter. 3 years ago our Board of County Commissioners resolved the
following: " Broward County will develop and implement a financially feasible No Kill
Strategic Plan with goals and measurable objectives to include the following
programs and services utilized in successful No Kill Communities across the nation,
with the goal to become a No Kill Community." Since that time, 27,000 animals have
been euthanized In the county shelter. Staff resists change, and continues to kill
animals at 30 days, with empty cages throughout the shelter. They apply for grants to
spay/neuter community cats and continue to kill community cats in the shelter while
spending the $230,000 grant money.
Shelter has created an overall sense of frustration and oppression throughout the our
resident, taxpaying, volunteer and rescue community, due to bullying tactics which
include fear of an (illegal) retaliation for exercising freedom of speech about shelter
practices. The shelter employs needless, convenience killing of the animals in their
charge even with lower intakes and inventory than in recent years. Does essentially
no substantive marketing of any kind on individual animals to find adoptive homes or
rescue, and relies instead on the volunteer and overburdened rescue community as

an ongoing, and just in time resource, with a constant implied threat of euthanasia
of healthy animals. - Kills, and threatens to kill (as a bullying marketing technique)
healthy trainable, treatable animals, with or without space at the shelter : - While
volunteers and the rescue community fear asking questions will lead to even less
notice or information on which animals are at risk to be killed.
Continues to make ongoing, careless errors on the on-line/internal chameleon
database concerning the animals in their care, leading to the unnecessary deaths of
Broward County citizens lost pets, including:(photos of these items available) O
Duplicate photos O Sex and/or breed errors O Failing to enter animals into the
system while their stray hold time is elapsing O Known on-line updating failure
which excluded our shelter animals on the largest and most popular adoption
websites used worldwide: Adopt-A-Pet and Petfinder for the month of September,
2014 (documented)
We have an alarming situation in Broward County, FL, concerning our municipal
animal shelter. 3 years ago our Board of County Commissioners resolved the
following: " Broward County will develop and implement a financially feasible No
Kill Strategic Plan with goals and
measurable objectives to include the following programs and services utilized in
successful No Kill Communities across the nation, with the goal to become a No
Kill Community."
Since that time, 27,000 animals have been euthanized In the county shelter.
Staff resists change, and continues to kill animals at 30 days, with empty cages
throughout the shelter.
They apply for grants to spay/neuter community cats and continue to kill
community cats in the shelter while spending the $230,000 TNR grant money.
Shelter has created an overall sense of frustration and oppression throughout the
our resident, taxpaying, volunteer and rescue community, due to bullying tactics
which include fear of an (illegal) retaliation for exercising freedom of speech
about shelter practices.
The shelter employs needless, convenience killing of the animals in their charge
even with lower intakes and inventory than in recent years. Numerous
examples with animal photos available.
Shelter does essentially no substantive marketing of any kind on individual
animals to find adoptive homes or rescue, and relies instead on the volunteer
and overburdened rescue community as an ongoing, and just in time resource,
with a constant implied threat of euthanasia of healthy animals. - Kills, and
threatens to kill (as a bullying marketing technique) healthy trainable, treatable
animals, with or without space at the shelter :

- While volunteers and the rescue community fear asking questions will lead
to even less notice or information on which animals are at risk to be killed.
- Continues to make ongoing, careless errors on the on-line/internal
chameleon database concerning the animals in their care, leading to the
unnecessary deaths of Broward County citizens lost pets, including:(photos of
these items available)
Duplicate photos of the same animal on line used for different animals
Sex and/or breed errors
Failing to enter animals into the system while their stray hold time is
Known on-line updating failure which excluded our shelter animals on the
largest and most popular adoption websites used worldwide: Adopt-A-Pet and
Petfinder for the ENTIRE MONTH of September, 2014
Some thoughts:
Why did Broward County Shelter Director 'trying' to become No Kill,
hire an Operations Director/Asst. Director who feels Adoption Programs are not a
Good Investment ?
Is the Director of Animal Care setting up a self-fulfilling failure prophecy?
Thomas Adair, Operations Director/Asst. Director at Broward County Animal Care
& Adoption, was quoted in a recent public meeting stating that "adoption
programs are not a good return on investment," though he accepted the position
at Broward County Animal Care and Adoption approximately a year ago. He was
quoted in the same meeting stating that "No Kill is not the County's problem."
Adair has never worked at a No Kill Shelter, though the Board of County
Commissioners has resolved they aspire to become No Kill, per their resolution
over three years ago, and he personally "does not agree with Nathan Winograd
(Founder of the No Kill Movement) on all fronts."
Per LinkedIn, Adair's background is in dog training, mall security and he spent 3+
years in operations at a humane society which is not No Kill, however, he himself
claims to be a 'numbers guy' which is not apparent based on his experience.
It appears as though Adair is yet another symptom of current shelter
management resisting change, and perhaps fortifying a self-fulfilling failure
prophecy position to avoid No Kill, which the community and the Board of County
Commissioners greatly desire.
Shelter Director Pierce, formerly with County Libraries and Permitting with the
county, also has no experience in No Kill - or in shelter management
whatsoever. While touting her management experience is enough, her superiors

have ignored scathing reviews on her performance including gross

mismanagement and negligence from the County OIG, and the County Auditor.
The Broward County Board of County Commissioners resolved in April, 2012:
"Broward County will develop and implement a financially feasible No Kill
Strategic Plan with goals and measurable objectives to include the following
programs and services utilized in successful No Kill Communities across the
nation, with the goal to become a No Kill Community."
Since that time, Broward County Animal Care & Adoption, under Ms. Pierces
1. Has not developed a No Kill Strategic Plan. The Commissions directive to
develop and implement a No Kill Strategic Plan has been ignored. When asked
publicly about the plan, staff states they are working on the no kill programs
already. Yet, no goals or measurable objectives are known or made public.
2. Over 27,000 animals have been killed at the Broward County shelter since
the resolution as passed.
Animal Care is now a division, which yielded Pierce a promotion, and a salary of
$160,000 a year as director, with director retirement benefits. Also, the county
has approved a $15 million new building - and while it states there is a plan in
the Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department's Strategic
Business Plan 2014-2015 (Pg. 8, II.C.), per the county public records custodian,
the actual No Kill Strategic Plan to justify this huge expense does not exist.
More information:
Our kill shelter director's life partner is the Vice Mayor of a town in the same
(Broward) county. The Vice-Mayor is constantly speaking up about Animal Care
and how wonderful they are - as though she personally feels the organization is
doing its best, without ever disclosing her intimate relationship withthe
director. Misrepresenting herself as a local community-minded vice-mayor - and
no one knows she is in an intimate relationship with the shelter director!
Julie Carson, Vice-Mayor of Wilton Manors, FL, is the life partner of Susan Pierce,
the Shelter Director.
Julie finds it necessary to post negatively on pages where groups like Pets
Broward (pro No Kill) campaign to get the shelter to make No Kill happen at our
shelter - which the County Commissioners voted for 3 yrs and 27,000 dead
animals ago. So see below, Julie is angry that she has been blocked from Pets
Broward's page....and says how wonderful the shelter is (completely
misrepresenting herself to the public - no one knows!! she sleeps with the
director!!) Even when people ask - she replies as though the community
volunteers and non-profits are doing this for money? WTH? We save the animals
with our own money, not FOR money ! How ridiculous! Also -- Please Note County Commissioner Stacy Ritter actually thanks her on this thread. It is

unknown whether County Commissioner Stacy Ritter knows that Julie is the
shelter director's life partner. Would it be appropriate either way?

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