Complications During and After Surgical Removal of Third Molars

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Complications During and

After Surgical Removal of

Third Molars
June 1, 2013
by Hans Ulrich Brauer, DDS, Dr Med Dent, MA; Robert A. Green, DDS, MD, Msc, FRCD(C);
Bruce R. Pynn, Ms

Third molar surgery is one of the most common procedures performed in oral and
maxillofacial surgery offices.1-6 Nevertheless, this procedure requires accurate
planning and surgical skills. With surgical procedures in general, complications can
always arise. The reported frequencies of complications after third molar removal
are reported between 2.6 percent and 30.9 percent.1 The spectrum of
complications range from minor expected sequelae of post-operative pain and
swelling, to permanent nerve damage, mandibular fractures, and life threatening
infections. Minor complications are generally defined as complications that can
recover without any further treatment. Major complications can be defined as
complications that need further treatment and may result in irreversible
consequences.5,6 Although impacted third molars may remain symptom-free
indefinitely, they may be responsible for significant pathology.7 Pain, pericoronitis,
development of periodontal disease on the second molar, crown and/or root
resorption of the second molar, caries in third or second molars and TMJsymptoms are associated with retained third molars.2 More significant pathology
such as fascial space infections, spontaneous fracture of the mandible, and
odontogenic cysts or tumors may also occur.2
There are numerous recent studies, which identify risk factors for intraoperative
and/or postoperative complications.1,5,6,8-15 Common intra- and postoperative

complications and side effects associated with third molar removal are summarized
in Table 1. For the general dental practitioner, as well as the oral and maxillofacial
surgeon, it is important to be familiar with all the possible complications. This
improves patient education and leads to early recognition and management. In this
review, complications are considered rare or unusual if the incidence is commonly
quoted below 1 percent. The aim of this systematic review is to remind us of the
unusual complications associated with third molar surgery.
Studies were found using systematic searches in Medline and the Cochrane
Library electronic databases between 1990 and the present. Additionally, hand
searching of key texts, references, and reviews relevant to the field was performed.
Key words included the terms third-molar, wisdom tooth, complications,
unusual, and rare.
Data was included if the following criteria were met:
1.The study had to deal with intra- or postoperative complications associated with
the removal of third molars.
2.The date of publishing had to be between 1990 and 2013.
3.The text had to be published in English or German language.
In order to gather all the important studies, the references from the found studies
were double-checked.
There are many studies reviewing permanent inferior alveolar and lingual nerve
injuries and mandibular fractures during and after lower third molar removal.
Several other studies/reports include inflammatory processes, unusual abscess
formations and displacement of teeth in different spaces. An overview is shown in
Table 2. All of these complications are considered major.
Furthermore, there are single case reports that describe extreme events, such as
asphyxial death caused by postextraction hematoma, life threatening hemorrhage,
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, subcutaneous and tissue space emphysema,

subdural empyema, and herpes zoster syndrome. The reviewed case reports are
presented in Table 3.
The main patient age among the cases was 28 (SD 12.7) years. In the majority of
the cases, the complication occurred after third molar removal of the lower jaw. A
second surgical intervention was needed in nearly all cases. In order to find the
cause of the complication, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) was need all of the cases. In the majority of the cases, the first
surgical procedure was described as complicated and the intervention was
reported as extensive or lengthy.
Permanent nerve damage
Permanent inferior alveolar or lingual nerve damages is extremely rare, but in
general, well-known risks associated with third molar surgery. Injury of the lingual
or the inferior alveolar nerves during removal of lower third molars is among the
most common causes of litigation in dentistry.16 A close anatomic relationship
between these nerves and the third molar places them at risk for injury. The
incidence of these extremely rare complications vary among the studies and are
difficult to be determined exactly due to the small study populations. The incidence
of permanent inferior alveolar nerve lesions ranges from 0 percent17,18 to 0.9
percent;19 the usual accepted rate is about 0.3 percent.20,21 The complication
rate for temporary lingual nerve damage is around 0.4 percent22 and for
permanent lingual nerve damage, it is even lower.2,20
Mandibular fracture
Immediate or late fracture of the mandible is a rare event, but a major
complication.23 The reduction of bone strength may be caused by physiologic
atrophy, osteoporosis, pathologic processes, or can be secondary to surgical
intervention.24 There is no valid data on the incidence of mandibular fractures and
the risk factors are not clearly understood.24 Libersa et al., found an incidence of
0.0049 percent.25 In a study by Arrigoni & Lambrecht, 3980 third molar removals
were analyzed.8 This group detected a complication rate of about 0.29 percent.
The peak incidence occurs in patients over 25 years, with a mean age of 40

years.24-26 Due to a greater masticatory force, men may be more likely to have
late fractures.25 Intraoperative fractures may occur with improper instrumentation
and excessive force to the bone during tooth removal. Most late fractures occur
between two to four weeks after surgery during masticating.51,62
Unusual inflammatory processes and abscess formation
In the reviewed case reports, extensions of the inflammatory processes to atypical
regions of the brain and cervical region are discussed. In one case, a subperiosteal
abscess of the orbit appeared in a 57-year-old man following the uneventful
extraction of the left maxillary third molar27 which might have been caused by
extension of infection via the pterygopalatine and infratemporal regions to the
inferior orbital fissure. Another group presents a subdural empyema and herpes
zoster syndrome (Hunt syndrome).28 In this case, a 21-year-old man had all four
third molars removed. An abscess involving the right pterygomandibular and
submasseteric spaces and extending to the infratemporal fossa was found.
Although antibiotic therapy and drainage was initiated, he developed severe frontal
headache and vomiting with a Glasgow coma score of 13. Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) showed a subdural collection in the right temporoparietal region. He
had emergency craniotomy and subdural drainage.28 Burgess reported a case of
epidural abscess of a 20-year-old woman after extraction of a wisdom tooth.29
First, she was diagnosed with a musculoskeletal neck sprain resulting from posture
during the operation. Three days later, the patient presented with an increased
right-sided neck pain and sensational numbness to the right arm. Nine days after
surgery, an epidural abscess to the right side of C4/C5 vertebrae was seen in the
MRI29. In another case, a brain abscess developed after removal of the right lower
third molar of a 26-year-old man. He needed emergency neurosurgery and
antibiotic treatment for eight weeks.30
Displacement of third molars and instruments
Accidental displacement of impacted third molars, either a root fragment, the
crown, or the entire tooth, is not common during extraction, but is nevertheless a
well-recognized complication that is frequently mentioned in the literature.31-33,58
However, there is only limited information about its incidence and management.
Displacement of mandibular teeth/roots usually occurs when it is located lingually,

or when the lingual cortical plate is fenestrated and if surgical technique is poor.32
When a root fragment disappears during extraction, its retrieval should not be
attempted. Immediate referral to a specialist should be arranged.34,35 Upper third
molars can be displaced into the infratemporal fossa.38,39,52,56 Further reports
describe third molar displacement into the submandibular space,33,38 the
sublingual space,39,40,60 the pterygomandibular space,35,41 the lateral
pharyngeal space42,43 or into the lateral cervical area. In one case, the symptoms
started after two months. The patient experienced recurrent inflammatory swelling
in the right submandibular space. Over a period of 14 months, the same dentist
supervised treatment with antibiotics. After extensive imaging procedures and
surgery the tooth was located beneath the platysma muscle.44 Parts of dental
equipment or burs can also be lost in the adjacent tissues. A 35-year-old woman
had severe trismus, swelling, and pain three weeks after removal of tooth 48. A
20 mm long diamond bur was found in the submandibular space.33
Further unusual complications
Airway compromise was described by Moghadam & Caminiti.45 A 32-year-old man
experienced swelling of the soft palate due to post extraction hemorrhage after he
had undergone extraction of teeth 18, 38, and 48 at his dentists office. Computed
tomography revealed a hematoma in the submandibular and lateral pharyngeal
spaces which resulted in deviation of the oropharynx and constriction of the airway
at the level of the oropharynx. The patient was intubated for two days and was
treated with antibiotics and high-dose steroids.45 Funayama et. al.,46 report a case
of asphyxiation caused by a postextraction hematoma in a 71-year-old man.
Respiratory arrest occurred 12 hours after treatment. The hematoma involved the
submandibular, lingual and buccal spaces leading to severe narrowing of the
oropharynx. Wasson et. al., reported a case of severe hemorrhage during the
removal of an impacted third molar in a 60-year-old male patient. Over 2L of blood
loss occurred prior to obtaining control, using embolization of the facial and inferior
alveolar arteries.57 A single case report by Goshlasby et al., discussed the
development of a right sided retrobulbar hemorrhage after the removal of an
impacted maxillary right third molar. The resulting hematoma caused right
periorbital swelling and ecchymosis with evidence of proptosis. The maxillary

incision was extended and the hematoma was drained and bleeding was
controlled. It was believed that a branch of the posterior superior alveolar artery
was injured during the extraction and bleeding tracked into the orbit via the infraorbital fissure.53 Severe intraoperative or postoperative hemorrhage is one of the
few life threatening complications in which a dentist may have to initiate
Thoracic complications are very rare, but have been reported in the
literature.47,48,49,55,61 Sekine et. al.,47 reports on a case of extensive
subcutaneous emphysema with a bilateral pneumothorax during removal of the left
lower third molar in a 45-year-old man. As with many cases of emphysema, an air
turbine dental handpiece was used.47-49 Recognition of mediastinal emphysema
following surgical extraction is difficult because there are no absolute clinical
symptoms and signs.48,49
Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo was described in one case after the removal
of all third molar teeth.50
Third molar surgery is a very common procedure, but is associated with many
attendant risks and complications. Fortunately, significant complications are rare,
but need to be diagnosed and managed early in order to reduce morbidity, and
perhaps, mortality. For the general dental practitioner, as well as the oral and
maxillofacial surgeon, it is critical to be familiar with all potential complications
associated with this procedure. OH

Hans Ulrich Brauer, DDS, Dr Med Dent, MA, Oral Surgeon, Center for Dentistry,
Implantology and Oral Surgery, Lahr, Germany. E-mail:
Robert A. Green, DDS,MD, Msc, FRCD(C), Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Stoney
Creek, Ontario. E-mail:
Bruce R.Pynn, Msc, DDS, FRCD(C), Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Thunder Bay,
Ontario. E-mail:

Oral Health welcomes this updated version of the Quimtessence Int 40;565-72,
2009 article.
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