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Academic Year 2015-2016

Audience: Parents of Grades 1-5
Presenter: Ms. Daisy

Date: 24 April 2015

Time: 3:00 to 6:00 pm

The parental orientation was held in two sessions. The first session commenced at
3:00 pm for parents of Grade 1 & 2 and the second session at 4:30 pm for parents
of Grade 3 to 5.
The sessions commenced with the welcoming and greeting of all the
parents assembled, by Supervisor, Ms. Sathyabhama. She highlighted the
importance of education and that all students are special and unique and
have positives that needs to be identified and supported by narrating a
She announced the joining of Head Master and welcomed Mr.Dilip Sharma
, M.A, B.Ed, who has 15 years of experience in reputed CBSE schools in
India as R& D and has recently even served as a Principal.
Head Master Mr.Dilip Sharma took over and addressed the gathering and
expressed that he was privileged to be a part of BRS family. He requested
Parents to extend their cooperation in order to help the students bring
laurels and accolades to the school and the society at large.
Madam Daisy took over and expressed that it was a pleasure to see a huge
gathering on a Friday afternoon. She highlighted the importance of primary
education as it forms the foundation block of school. The important points
put forth were:
Motto / Vision and Mission of the school

Activities conducted by the class teacher during Zero Period such as

Circle Time / Topic of the day / Quiz / Word Wall/ Value Wheel that aids in
inculcating core values in students.
The zero period used for Assembly practice / student portfolio / Anecdotal
Class Room behavior expectations by school .
Motivational Pyramid / Kindness pond or tree adopted in every class to
appreciate and honor the child for all the good work and positive behavior
displayed .
Celebrations of important days as a part of activity such as Earth Day/
Teachers Day/ National Day during CCA period once a week.
Bulletin boards / Class boards as visual aids
Birthday charts displayed to make each child feel he / she is special and
Space management ( organizational / Leadership Skills) Arranging their
cubbies / assigning various responsibilities such as Cubbies leader/ class
monitor / line monitor etc.
Library period - Listing the important character and reflecting on the story
book read.
The various other facilities offered such as Dance / Music / Art / Aerobics
/ Swimming / PE / Mass drill and different club activities .
Pastoral system Headed by House Mistress / House Masters organize
various inter class and inter house competitions and activities.
Highlighted the teaching strategies of school starts with a concept map /
Project / Home work Schedule / Practice sheets / LMS
Lab activities to make them experience Seeing is believing
Child safety policy and assurance that their kids are in safe hands.
Attendance policy A minimum of 95% attendance is compulsory and in
case of medical issues to be supported by medical certificate issued by
Discipline policy / levels and Intervention / warnings
Facility of a full time student counsellor to discuss if students have any
academic or behavioral issues.

The new assessment policy To ease the stress, 3 evaluations shall be in

place for Grades 1 and 2 instead of 5 tools graded on a 5 point scale. For
grades 3 to 5, 2 tools of assessment along with one Paper pen test for 25
marks per quarter is made mandatory that will be conducted on Sundays
and assessment schedule will be available in the school diary. Weightages
of FAs and SAs shown.
Content Management System an e-learning tool that facilitates student
learn things that are abstract and in 3 D
Criteria for scholar award/ scholar Gown and Good chit
Parents advised to pack healthy snacks and encourage students to eat right
and stay healthy.
Communicate to teacher via SMS in case their ward is absent and to
contact Class teachers between 5 to 7 pm and discourage posting on social
media. And check portal on a daily basis.
Shared achievements of school - Magazine Blossom / IBT results we
being the highest scored in UAE / Bagging the special Jury award at Gulf
Rangoli / 9 trophies at Teens Fest held by AUH university / 5 prizes in
Interschool Sports meet held in ADIS.
Participation at TIMMS One of the schools adopted by ADEC
Introduction of SCF One among 2 schools asked by ADEC to pilot
School chosen to conduct the gulf Olympiad for chemistry .
Shortlisted as the 8th finalist in Eco club.
Grade 9 - 12 students taken to USA ( First abroad trip) to New york /
Washington / Universal Studios/ Disney Land/NASA
The presentation was concluded by stating Students are like wet Clay in
the potters hand eager to learn to be molded in the right way to evolve as
21st century citizens
This was followed by a question and answer session and Principal addressed
their queries/ concerns and requests.

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