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ICSCI 2014 ASCE India Section, Oct 17 18, 2014, Hitex, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Ground Improvement of Soft Clay using Compacted Lime Column Technique

Femy M Makkar1, Chandrakaran S2.

Graduate student, department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut,

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut,

ABSTRACT: In the present investigation an attempt has been made to examine the
effect of compacted lime column technique for improving the physical and
engineering properties of soft clay. The experimental setup was carried out on a
circular tank of 60cm diameter and 50cm height. The compacted lime column was
designed as a single central column of 9cm diameter and 33cm depth. The tests were
carried out on samples collected from various radial distances from the centre of the
tank at curing periods of 3, 7 and 21 days. The laboratory tests carried out were the
grain size distribution, consistency limits, unconfined compressive strength test and
one dimensional consolidation test. The test results indicate that the compacted lime
column effectively improves the physical and engineering characteristics of soft clay.
It was observed that the liquid limit decreases, plastic limit increases and plasticity
index decreases upon lime treatment. The grain size distribution curves of treated
samples along with untreated sample indicate a well known reduction in percentage
clay fraction occurred for samples collected nearer to the lime column. The test
results also indicate that the compacted lime column improves the strength of soft
clay very effectively. The percentage increase in the unconfined compressive strength
were 245%, 90% and 30% for samples collected from 1D, 2D,and 3D radial distance
from the centre of the column at 3days curing period. It was also observed that the
soil strength tend to increase with curing period. When preloading technique was
applied in combination with compacted lime column, further improvement in physical
and engineering properties of soft clay were observed compared to compacted lime
column technique alone.
Soft clays are generally characterized by their high compressibility and low shear
strength. The soils transported by water and deposited in water bodies such as
lacustrine and marine sediments belong to this category. Various problems
encountered with these soft clay deposits, such as high void ratios, high
compressibility, low permeability and poor shear strength. Construction of structures
on this type of soil requires deep foundations which are highly expensive. So suitable
ground improvement techniques are necessary for these problematic soils to ensure

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ICSCI 2014 ASCE India Section, Oct 17 18, 2014, Hitex, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

stability and to limit the ground deformation. Several researchers (Broms and
Boman, 1975; Barnes etal, 1993; Rajasekaran etal,1996; Tonoz etal,2003;
Muntohar,2010) have been conducted field and experimental studies on lime column
technique to improve the geotechnical properties of soft clay. They reported that the
technique would improve the soil plasticity characteristics, increase the shear strength
and reduce the compressibility characteristics. Broms (1991) mentioned about the
type of lime column which is used in India, Japan and Taiwan, where lime is filled in
predrilled holes and compacted.The increase in the volume of compacted lime will
corresponds to the reduction of water content of soft soil around the borehole. It will
accelerate the short term clay-lime reactions, which will have a large effect on the
properties of soft clay. But no experimental studies regarding compacted lime column
is reported yet. So in this research an experimental study was conducted to investigate
the effect of compacted lime column technique with and without preloading technique
to improve the physical and engineering properties of soft clay.
The soft clay used for the study was collected from a site near to the Vallarpadam
Container Terminal at Cochin. The clay was collected from a depth of about 8to 9m.
The soil was collected in polythene bags to preserve moisture content and brought to
the laboratory. The properties of untreated soil are given in Table 1.According to is
plasticity chart, it is classified as CH indicting clay of high compressibility. The lime
used for the study was the commercially available quick lime powder, which satisfies
all the requirements laid down by IS 712-1984 for building lime.
Table 1 Properties of Untreated Soil
Sl no.



Natural moisture content,%


Specific gravity


Grain size distribution






Liquid limit,%


Plastic limit,%


Plasticity index,%


Shrinkage limit,%




Coefficient of consolidation



Compression index



Unconfined compressive strength, kg/cm2


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Modeling of compacted lime column

The compacted lime column was modeled on a circular tank of 60cm diameter
and 50cm height. . A number of holes were provided at the bottom and along the sides
of the tank to facilitate drainage. The leakage of slurry was prevented by providing
filter paper both at bottom and along the sides.
The soft clay was thoroughly mixed with water to make thin slurry. The slurry
was stirred well so as to remove all the air bubbles and then it is transferred to the test
tank in stages with sufficient time interval in between each stage. The slurry was then
left for a period of 2 weeks to consolidate under its self weight. Further consolidation
of soil slurry was achieved by applying a total overburden pressure of 0 .14kg/cm2 in
4 satges. After the application of final load increment, the soil was again allowed to
consolidate for a period of 2 weeks. Then it was unloaded and average thickness of
consolidated soil in the tank was 33cm.
The lime column was modeled as a single central column of 9cm diameter and
33cm height. The optimum lime content required for stabilizing the soil was
determined by Eades and Grimm test and it was obtained as 5%. In order to make the
compacted lime column, a hollow PVC pipe of 9cm diameter was pushed into the soil
and the clay inside the pipe was removed. The clay removed from the hole was used
to determine the untreated physical and engineering properties. The quicklime powder
was filled in the hole in five successive layers and each layer was compacted
separately using a compaction hammer of 2.6kg weight to form the lime column. In
the second test tank, after introducing the compacted lime column, it was preloaded to
accelerate the rate of settlement there by increasing the strength of the soil. A total
pressure of 0.28 kg/cm2 will be applied on the top in 4 stages with sufficient time
interval in between each stages. After preloading was completed samples were taken
for testing the physical and engineering properties of the clay.

FIG. 1 Compacted Lime Column Model

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Soil Sampling
To study the properties of lime column treated soil, the whole plan area of the
tank was divided into 3 zones, 1,2 and 3 to collect samples after 3, 7 and 21 days of
curing respectively. From each zone, samples were collected from various radial
distances as 1D, 2D and 3D from the centre of the tank, where D is the diameter of
lime column. The collected samples were tested for various physical and engineering

All Dimensions are in cm

Lime Column
A1,A2,A3 Ucc Samples
D- Consolidation Sample
FIG.2 Sample Locations
Grain Size Distribution
Fig.3 shows the grain size distribution curves of lime treated soil samples at different
radial distances from the centre of the tank along with that of untreated soil for
samples collected after a curing period of 3 days. From the figure, it can be observed
that a well known decrease in % clay fraction occurred for samples collected nearer to
the lime column. It is observed that the sample collected at a radial distance of
9cm(1D) from the centre of tank contains 14% sand size particles, 62% silt and 24%
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clay. The percentage reduction in clay sized particle is 45.5%. Similarly, as the curing
period increases, the percentage clay fraction decreases. This may be due to the
migration of lime into the surrounding clay, which will results in the aggregation of
small sized particles due to the formation of cementation compounds. When
preloading was applied along with compacted lime column, the percentage clay
fraction again decreases. Table 2 gives the grain size distribution of soil treated with
compacted lime column technique and lime column with preloading technique
Table 2 Grain Size Distribution of Treated Clay






%sand %silt %clay %sand









































































FIG. 3 Grain Size Distribution Curve for 3 Days

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Liquid Limit
Fig.4 shows the variation of liquid limit with curing period. It shows that the
decrease is more predominant for samples cured for 21days than 3 days. It also shows
that the effect is more predominant for samples closer to the lime column. More
improvement is observed for soil treated with compacted lime column plus preloading

FIG.4 Variation in Liquid Limit with Curing Period

Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index
Lime modification increases the plastic limit and normally decreases the liquid
limit of clayey soil and typically reduces its plasticity index. Calcium ions from the
lime cause a reduction in plasticity, so they become more friable and easily workable
(Bell, 1988). From the Fig.5 it is observed that the plasticity index decreases upon
lime treatment. This may be due to the cation exchange taken place by the addition of
lime, which can be considered as a short term effect. Also, the effect of lime is more
for samples closer to the lime column and as the distance increases, the effect is

FIG. 5 Variation of Plasticity index with Curing Period

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Shrinkage Limit
The results of shrinkage limit tests shows an instantaneous increase in shrinkage
limit of untreated soil upon lime treatment.Fig.6 shows the variation of shrinkage
limit upon lime treatment. Generally, as the shrinkage limit increases, swelling nature
of the soil decreases

FIG.6 Variation in SL with Curing Period

Unconfined Compressive Strength
The effect of lime on the strength of soil depends on numerous factors such as
type of soil, type of lime, curing period, moisture content etc. In this study, the
unconfined compressive strength of the soil treated with the lime column has been
determined in order to compare the variation in the unconfined compressive strength
with the distance from the lime column and curing period. For the purpose
undisturbed samples were collected from different radial distances at different curing
periods.. The tests were conducted in accordance with IS 2720 (Part 10)-1991. Fig.7
shows the variation of unconfined compressive strength with radial distance from the
lime column for 3, 7, 21 days of curing. The test results indicates that the soil exhibit
a significant increase in strength when treated with lime and the most clear effect of
lime migration occurred at locations very near to the lime column. When preloading
was applied along with compacted lime column strength again increases.

FIG. 7 UCS vs Radial Distance

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The stress- strain behavior of untreated and treated samples at different locations
at curing period of 3 days is shown in Fig.8. The stress- strain curve for untreated
sample does not show pronounced peaks, where as the lime treated samples have
shown slight peaks. This may be due to the formation of cementation compounds by
reaction between soil and lime.

FIG.8 Stress Strain Curve for a Curing Period of 3 Days

Consolidation Characteristics
The compressibility characteristics of untreated and lime treated soft clay was
studied by conducting one dimensional consolidation tests. For the purpose
undisturbed samples were collected from a distance of 15cm from the centre of the
tank. Standard one dimensional consolidation tests were carried out in accordance
with IS 2720 part 15-1986, with a load increment ratio of 1 and load duration of 24
hours. The variations in compression index (Cc) were studied by plotting e-log
curves. Fig. 9 shows the e-log curves of untreated and lime treated soil samples of
compacted lime column and lime column with preloading technique. The
compression index value reduces as the curing period increases.
Values of coefficient of consolidation (Cv) of untreated and lime treated soil obtained
from the consolidation tests are given in Table 4.9. It can be seen from the table that
the coefficient of consolidation increases with increase in curing period. This increase
in Cv value may be due to the formation of flocculated structure in lime treated soil

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FIG.9 e-log Curve for Lime Treated Soil

Table 3. Coefficient of Consolidation for Lime Treated Soil
Curing period





(x 10-4 cm2/sec)


The optimum lime content required for stabilizing the soil was 5%.
A well known reduction in percentage clay fraction is observed after lime
column treatment. As the curing period increases, the percentage clay fraction
decreases. This may be due to the migration of lime into the surrounding clay,
which will results in the aggregation of small sized particles due to the
formation of cementation compounds.
Liquid limit decreases, plastic limit increases and plasticity index decreases.
The effect is predominant for samples collected near to the lime column
Shrinkage limit increases upon lime treatment. As the shrinkage limit
increases, swelling nature of the soil decreases.

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Unconfined compressive strength tends to increase with curing period. The

strength is more for sample collected near to the lime column and as the
distance increases, strength decreases.
Compression index of soil decreases from an untreated value of o.64 to .44
after 21 days treatment.
The increase in the value of coefficient of consolidation indicating faster rate
of settlement after the installation of compacted lime column
When preloading was applied along with compacted lime column, further
improvement in physical and engineering properties of soil was observed.
From the results obtained, we can suggest an optimum spacing of three times
the diameter of compacted lime column for installing the same in the field,

1. ASTM D 6276-99a (1999), Standard Test Method for Using pH to Estimate the
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2. Agus Setyo Muntohar ( 2010), A Laboratory Test on The Strength and LoadSettlement Characteristics of Improved Soft Soil Using Lime-Column, Dinamika
TEKNIK SIPIL, vol.10, No. 3, 202-207
3. Broms B B (1991), Stabilization of Soil with Lime Column, Foundation
Engineering Handbook, 833-836
4. Broms B.B, Boman P (1979), Lime Columns- A New Foundation Method,
Journal Of Geotechnical Division, ASCE, 539-556
5. Barnes B L, L.D Madrid (1993), In-Place Stabilization of Waste Phosphatic
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Geotechnical Engineering, St.Louis, Missouri, Paper No. 13.15, 1301-1304
6. Chandrakaran S, Nambiar M R M (1999), Ground Improvement Using LimeFly ash Column Method, Proceedings of the 11th Kerala Science Congress, 376378
7. Chummar Verghese A (1985), Ground Improvement by Sand-Lime Piles,
Indian Geotechnical Conference, Roorkee, December 16-18, vol.1, 199-201
8. EuroSoilStab (2002), Development of Design and Construction Methods to
Stabilize Soft Organic Soils: Design Guide for soft soil stabilization, CT97-0351,
European Commission, Industrial and Materials Technologies Programme (RiteEuRam III)
9. Gupta et al. (1998), Lime Slurry Injection, Lime Piles and Stone Columns for
Improvement of Soft Soils - Field Trials, Proceedings: Fourth International
Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, SL Louis, Missouri,
March 9-12, 867-872
10. Rajasekaran G, Narasimha Rao S (2002), Compressibility Behavior of LimeTreated Marine Clay, Ocean Engineering, 545-559
11. Rajasekaran G, Narasimha Rao S (1996), Lime Migration Studies in Marine
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12. Rajasekaran G, Narasimha Rao S (1997), Micro Structure of Lime- Stabilized
Marine Clay, Ocean Engineering, vol.24, No.9, 867-878
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Soft clays represent a well known category of problematic Soils. They are
generally encountered under the form of deposited layers in coastal areas. With the
increase in population, construction activities are increasingly takes place in poor
ground conditions. People are now using low lying areas and marshy lands for the
construction of buildings. These soils cause several foundation problems such as
settlement, deformation and stability problems for the structures founded in it. To
avoid or reduce such problems, there are several measures in geotechnical
engineering, in which soil improvement and stabilization is one of them. Lime
stabilization is achieved by two ways depending on nature of soil (soft or desiccated),
thickness of strata, depth of strata etc. Intrinsic mixing of lime with clay is generally
done, when the thickness of layer is small and is available at shallow depths, whereas
lime column technique is adopted at locations where soft clay extends to larger depth.
The stabilization of thick deposits of soft clay by lime column or lime pile
overcomes some of the difficulties connected with pile foundation. Lime provides an
economical way of soil stabilization. The stabilizing effect depends on the reaction
between lime and the clay minerals. By using lime for soil stabilization, a number of
benefits are obvious such as an increase in the shear strength and bearing capacity of
the soil, a reduction in the susceptibility to swelling and shrinkage, an improvement in
the resistant to bad weather and reduce the moisture content in order to improve the
workability and compaction characteristics.

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