OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

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Commit to a New Level of

World Service

Daniel Kobialka, Furusato

Purchase the World on a String CD
Humanity Healing

Humanity Healing Network

Humanity Healing Holistic Directory

Humanity Healing Community
Judith Orloff Charlotte Reznick Charlottemarie

OM-Times online magazine is a virtual periodic published 12 times a

year. Om-Times is a multi-media outreach of the Humanity Healing
Wellington Gina Hardy Ronald Alexander
Editorial Team: Debbie Camarda
Denise DeZendo

Editor at Large: Liane Legey

Publisher: Christopher Buck
Graphic Design & Art: Beatrice Caffé
Kaitlin Buck
Maria Khalifé Gina Alzate Terry & Linda Visual Production: Liane Legey
Regional Account Managers: Bonnie Hoffman (East Coast)
Michelle Cardona (West Coast)
Charlie Phillips (Europe)

Webmasters: Wellington Rodrigues
Cover Design: Kaitlin Buck
Judi Lynch Marty the Squirrel Chandi Devi April Cover: Steve Bhaerman
Cover: Swami Beyondananda

OM-Times™ is a Trademark of Humanity Healing Network, HHN, LLC.

Humanity Healing Network
9947 Hull Street Road,
Suite 117
Richmond, VA 23236
Marsha Cook Deb Graves Mary Cook (804)-859-3395
©2010 Humanity Healing
All Rights Reserved

OM-Times is a publication from Humanity Healing Network. All editorial material

including comments, articles, opinions and statements of fact appearing in this
publication, represents the views of the respective authors and does not necessarily
MayLin Rene Wadlow Darity Wesley
carries the endorsement of Humanity Healing and its Officers. All the information
gathered from the sources is considered to be reliable, but the accuracy of the
information cannot be guaranteed.

Please see Humanity Healing Network

Subscription inquiries:
Sarah Maria DeZengo Andria Wagner Advertising Inquiries
Writers’ guidelines
Reprint Policy
Terms of Use

Kimberly Steve Bhaerman Chris Anderson



relationship of man with NATURE.
All existence is inter-connected
whether seen or scientifically
explained, it is felt! Soon after

Health and
pharmaceutical companies came to
our rescue offering toxic solutions for
the manufactured diseases – our
shamans, healers, medicine men and

Wellness women, who knew the secrets of

nature, were eliminated. Since most
disease can be prevented where do
we begin on the road to self

Editorial Dezengo
discovery, healing and

No Body:: No Human Experience

As the saying goes, there’s no place
like h(OM)e. H(OM)e is where the
“heart” is. A plethora of sayings
suggest a subliminal universal truth :
home is where WE ARE! That is our
home, our body is hOMe! We are not
our body, nor are we the cpu / brain –
we are more than all the sum parts.
However, without the BODY, life
ceases! We believe a few minor
details have been left OUT of our
All that we are is the result of what we current handbook / manual for a
have thought. The mind is everything. GREAT Life, written by those who
What we think, we become. profit upon our sickness and diseased
-- Buddha bodies!

Last month I began a personal & :: How to be a Really Great

online journey into uncharted waters
investigating individual health & Consumer and Forget Everything
wellness via education, intentions, Else::
and everyday application. We know so others can make lots of money
long before modern “science &
medicine,” our ancestors handed off of you.
down healing knowledge and wisdom
from generation to generation,
promoting balanced living and
natural healing. Such an existence
acknowledged the dependent
It is obvious to presume most prefer
being healthy over sick or diseased
and logical to value and desire a
healthy body / lifestyle. It is not
rocket science to see a direct link
between an increased likelihood for
disease and individual lifestyle
choices. For instances, if Sally drinks
water containing chlorine, fluoride
and other chemicals her entire life,
uses pills as birth control, has a
stationary job where she sits for 8 +
hours and she consumes unhealthy
food at home while watching tv –
there is a high probability that at
some point a cellular revolt will most
likely occur? That revolt is called

There is no quick fix – but there are

real solutions. We can no longer run
or hide from our role and
responsibility in OUR LIFE
manifestations including health!
That miracle of change begins with
our formation of thought just as
Buddha suggests! This month, a look
into how thoughts create realities,
heal bodies and how we become our
perfect reflection of divinity. Little
wonder that the first Greek god was
actually a goddess, and her name is
Gaia. According to Greek myth,
from her fertile womb sprang the
planet earth and all its beautiful

species and life forms. The Greeks
prayed to Gaia as the spiritual entity
who nurtures and supports all life on
the planet, believing that all life and
death depend on Her. In Gaia, Spirit
and Nature are One.

Several centuries later, a great

philosophical division between
science and theology could not have
brought us further from the ancient
Greek's point of view. During the
17th century, the philosophy of
French scientist, Rene Descartes,
ushered in a lasting paradigm of
duality, in which science dealt only
with the material world, and theology
only with the unseen world of the
mind and soul. Thus, nature was no
longer viewed as having spiritual
characteristics. And the human was
also seen as an expression of this
duality, as he was composed of both
body and mind (or soul), but the two
were not believed to be connected.
With spirituality no longer informing
the view of the natural world, we
gradually lost sight of the
sacredness of Mother Nature (Gaia).

With the ignorance born of the new

"enlightened" doctrine of duality, we
For the ancient Greeks, nature and
sadly proceeded for more than
spirituality were inextricably
another three centuries to plunder
intertwined. Nature was viewed as a
and overpopulate our earthly home,
bringing us to the present day brink
of disaster. It has taken a situation
so dire as the possible annihilation of
the earth for humanity to begin to
understand that we and the earth are
completely interdependent; and
though material in form, we are
spiritual in nature. How fortunate
that we live in an era when science
and theology are actually beginning
to merge once again, albeit with the
ironic twist of science (specifically,
quantum physics) coming very close
to proving the existence of
God/Spirit/Consciousness. We are
quickly becoming aware that
everything is Spirit, and we and our
beautiful earthly home are simply
manifestations of It. It is the "divine
glue" that binds together the entire
material world, and we are learning
the hard way that what we do to the
earth, we do to ourselves. Hopefully
we will heed the lessons of Gaia's
devastation, awaken to Her spiritual
nature, and realize that Her On April 22nd we celebrate the 40th
existence now rests firmly upon our Anniversary of Earth Day. What a
own. great time to commune with Nature!
And while doing so, you just may
hear Gaia whispering the lesson that
the ancient Greeks already knew --
that we and the goddess are One,
and she indeed is the Mother on
whom all life depends. Be kind to
Her, and she will care for you!

Debbie Lawlor Camarda
Editorial Team
OM-Times Magazine
From the
Publisher’s Desk
OK…I know…I seriously need to come up with a new
intro for this page besides “there never seems to be a slow Humanity Healing International has forged partnerships
day with all that has been going on with Humanity Healing with several organizations and many more are being
and we have exciting news to share with the Humanity explored. As part of our Educational Empowerment
Healing / OM-Times family.”, but there never seems to be Initiatives, HHI has partnered with the Green Education
one, especially since my return from Uganda setting up Foundation, Project H Design and Children for Children to
operations with the new office and rolling out several new bring a first-of-its-kind Environmental Education Program
initiatives (there wasn’t a slow day in Uganda either…). If to Uganda. The pilot project will be at Future Victory
you haven’t read anything about the trip yet, please visit: School, one of the schools HHI sponsors. and check out
the amazing things that happened during my trip there,
including the release of a wrongfully imprisoned man and
endorsements from the highest level of the Ugandan

Let’s start with our name. Humanity Healing Foundation is

now officially Humanity Healing International. This was
done for two reasons: first, to reflect our growing presence
around the world; and second, because many people seemed
to think the “Foundation” meant the organization was
privately funded and that their donations weren’t needed.
While all donations to specific projects have gone
completely to those projects, the operating expenses for
everything Humanity Healing does has been funded almost
entirely by Liane and I. Your donations are very much
needed to keep outreaches like this magazine and our
Community Network going.

We are very proud to announce that Director Bruno

Pischiutta and Producer Daria Trifu of Toronto Pictures
have accepted positions as Celebrity Ambassadors for HHI.
Their talents at raising social consciousness through the
media of film are unmatched.

The website has been updated

with their biographies and is being updated with all the new We will be announcing Partners for our major project
information about our initiatives. Please continue to visit as IDPERRI (Internally Displaced Person Empowerment,
our webmaster gets all this new information up. One of the Resettlement and Rehabilitation Initiative) in the coming
new areas of the website will be for Partners. weeks. Your help to make a major impact to raise Humanity
through these programs is very much needed. JOIN IN!!!

No….not a slow day…

Much Metta,
Christopher Buck & Liane Legey

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Content 95 World Vision
Cover 96 Banning Cluster Bombs
14 Creative Expressions 100 Twelve Seconds For Peace
Stories 18 Toronto Pictures: The Wonder
Company 102 The Shift
104 Incoming Energies for April 2010
22 Health & Healing
15 26 Crystals that Aid Depression 106 Short Stories
Shift Happens 30 Imagery For Our Children: A 107 Before I Became a Mother
with Swami Magical Healing Garden
Beyondananda 36 Sustainable Wellness 101 109 Poetry
110 Spring Whispers
37 Personal Growth & Development 111 Today I Open
38 The Secret of Effortless Power 112 I Walk In The Sky
21 113 Twin Flame
Featured 42 How To Make Real Change In Your
Life 114 Unconditional Love
Musician Trevor 115 Tear Bliss
Hall 44 Relationships
46 To Text of Not To Text…That Is The 118 Book Reviews & Recommended
Question Reading
24 49 From OMG!!! to OM…
The Importance 50 Gift Giver Copyright Information
of Play 54 Pet Talk
56 Privacy 101: Medical Record Original material generated by contributors is
Privacy copyrighted in the names of the contributor, and
commercial publication and reprint of material for
28 58 Are You Speaking the Same distribution is strictly prohibited without written
Language? permission from the contributor.
Do We Really
Need A Brain? 65 Simply Spiritual To read the OM-Times Reprint Policy, visit:
66 Mindfullness Meditation &
Addiction OM-Times Reprint Policy
62 69 The Undoing
The Power in 74 Letting Go
Goodbye 76 The Value of Living Simply
78 Wing-Nuts
80 What Is Your Truth?
82 The Enlightened Path
What is Grace?
83 The Astro-Sage
86 Oracle: Reformation

88 Movies That Inspire

No Impact Man
90 No Impact Project

91 Digital Media
Agreements In Heaven

92 Healing Cuisine
Art, in all its myriad forms, is a way for the
soul to speak and the process of creation is
a vehicle to link body, mind and soul. The
Healing power of the creative process
benefits both the artist and the audience.
Spiritual Steve
Humorist Bhaerman
Steve Bhaerman is an Swami Beyondananda is
internationally known author, the cosmic comic alter
humorist, and workshop leader. ego of writer, humorist,
For the past 23 years, he has performer and
written and performed as uncommontator Steve
Swami Beyondananda, the
Bhaerman. The Swami,
"Cosmic Comic." Swami's
whose favorite yoga pose
comedy has been called
is tongue-in-cheek, is the
"irreverently uplifting" and has
spokesperson for a new
been described both as
"comedy disguised as wisdom" non-religion,
and "wisdom disguised as FUNdamentalism (accent
comedy." on "fun"). Says the Swami, "We are strictly non-
As the Swami, Steve is the author of Driving Your Own
Karma (1989), When You See a Sacred Cow, Milk It For Steve was pursuing a career as a teacher and
All It's Worth (1993), Duck Soup for the Soul (1999) and writer, when a funny thing happened. The name
Swami for Precedent: A 7-Step Plan to Heal the Body "Swami Beyondananda" flew into his head on
Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction (2004). day in 1979. As Steve tells it, "I got struck by
enlightening during a brainstorm."
In his "past life" (before Swami), Steve started an
alternative high school in Washington, D.C. and co- The following year, when he and a cohort were
authored a book about his experiences, No Particular casting about for a comic mascot for their
Place to Go: Making of a Free High School. A political
ground-breaking holistic publication, Pathways
science major, he later taught history to autoworkers at
in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Swami's name popped
Wayne State University in Detroit as part of the Weekend
back up. The first issue of Pathways in January,
College. In 1980, Steve co-founded Pathways Magazine in
1980 featured an ad spoofing the old Famous
Ann Arbor, Michigan, one of the first publications
bringing together holistic health, personal growth, Artists ads. This ad was for Famous Guru's
spirituality, and politics. Subsequent to Pathways, Steve Schools, and the headline proclaimed, "We're
was a freelance writer and co-author with Don McMillan looking for people who want to draw ... on
of Friends and Lovers: How to Meet the People You Want higher consciousness." The piece included some
to Meet (Writer's Digest Books, 1986). mock testimonials, including: "Dear Swami ...
loved your leadership training ... please send
Since 2005, Steve has written a political blog with a followers."
spiritual perspective, Notes From the Trail, hailed as an
encouraging voice "in the bewilderness." His latest book, Before long, Swami was the most popular
written with cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is feature in Pathways, as he held forth on topics
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to such as "Everything You Always Wanted to Know
Get There From Here (Hay House, 2009). Steve is active About Sects" ("... unbridled sects can lead to
in transpartisan politics and the practical application of
unwanted misconceptions ..."), Teach Your Dog
Spontaneous Evolution.
to Heal ("... being around friendly canines
generates healthy hormones called puptides
..."), Tantrum Yoga ("... the latest rage on the produced a half a dozen comedy cassettes
path to ire consciousness"), and Be There Now, (sorry, not available on 8-track) and CDs.
Swami's ultimate take on bi-location ("... the first
He has been on stage with the great sages of
time I stepped outside my body, I was beside
myself with excitement ..."). the past quarter century, and even performed
for Swami Satchidananda's 80th birthday party
After Pathways ceased publication, the Swami's in 1994, along with Hollywood celebs and
articles began to appear in national international recording artists. He has gained a
publications such as the old East West Journal, reputation for being both pointed and
and local publications in Philadelphia, Austin, compassionate (his comedy has been called
Salt Lake City, among others. When Steve "irreverently uplifting"), and over the past
decided to pursue comedy as a full-time career decade, his comedy has become more
in 1985, the Swami was the obvious vehicle. (You political.
can read the
surprising story of ("I know," Swami
the first words that says, "that many
ever came out of people don't want
Swami's mouth in to go there. But
the e-book, Wake there has already
come here.")
Up Laughing: An
Insider's Guide to In recent years, the
the Cosmic Swami has
Comedy.) performed at
numerous political
Anyway, shortly
after his first public events, including
the Transpartisan
performance as
Swami in 1985, Alliance Citizens
Summit, the
Steve met his wife-
to-be Trudy, and a Network of Spiritual
year-and-a-half Progressives
later, they took off in Conference, the
a van and trailer Department of
and launched the Peace Conference,
the Praxis Peace Institute Economics of Peace
Swami and Trudy show. And the rest ... is
mystery. Conference, to name a few.

In the course of nearly twenty-five years of Swami's latest venture is to combine his non-
purveying cosmic comedy and healing religion of FUNdamentalism with the non-politics
laughter, Swami has had a successful, long- of the newly-formed Right to Laugh Party ("one
big party ... everyone is invited"), to create one
running monthly column, Ask The Swami, has
written four books (Driving Your Own Karma ... big evolutionary up-wising to overgrow the
current dysfunctional system. He will also be
When You See A Sacred Cow, Milk It for All It's
Worth ... Duck Soup for the Soul ... Swami for launching his radio feature, Karma Talk this year
Precedent: A Seven-Step Plan to Heal the Body -- to give folks from all over the world to ask the
Politic and Cure Electile Dysfunction), and Swami answerable questions, and receive his
questionable answers.
Swami Beyondananda The Upwising Begins
Courtesy of Institute of Noetic Sciences Shift In Action Program. See more at: and
many important details surrounding this film
under strict wraps.

The film puts an accent on the correlation

between child abuse and prostitution in the
United States and it has all the ingredients to
become one of the most commercial films of
the year. The commercial release of THE
PROJECT is scheduled to start on November
18, 2010 in New York City and in Los Angeles.

Pischiutta is known for directing and

producing films that have very strong social
and political messages.

Pischiutta and Trifu’s last film, PUNCTURED

HOPE, was shot in Africa and it had a budget
of USD 5.8 million. The film was nominated
by The Political Film Society (Hollywood) as

‘Best Film Expose’ and ‘Best Film on Human

Rights’ of 2009 alongside AVATAR, THE

Toronto THE
“WONDER” PUNCTURED HOPE will be releases

commercially this year starting in New York

The Upcoming and Highly Anticipated Feature Film,

THE PROJECT, Marries Substance with Commercial

Director Bruno Pischiutta and Producer Daria

Trifu are the newly appointed Celebrity
Ambassadors for the Humanity Healing

This year, Adhara Properties is producing a

new and groundbreaking feature film, THE 1. Director Bruno Pischiutta, Canadian Actress Krista Campbell-
PROJECT (working title), that will be ready Graig and David Craig attending the screening of PUNCTURED
HOPE in Montreal, Canada
just in time for the Awards Season. Toronto
Pictures, the developer and distributor of the 2. The poster of PUNCTURED HOPE inside the Cineplex Odeon
film and Adhara Properties, the producer and Theater in Montreal
financier, are keeping the actual title and April 2010 Edition
THE PROJECT has a budget of USD 12.2
million, more than double their previous film,
and a world famous Hollywood Star in its cast.
The story line is all-American and the filming
will take place entirely in the USA. THE
PROJECT is scheduled to start filming this
June and the production entails few days of
shooting in New York City and 5 weeks of
shooting in Atlanta, GA.

The film promises to display two essential

components that have never been seen before
“PUNCTURED HOPE’s success was partly on the big screen.
unexpected” admits Pischiutta. His remark is
based on the fact that this film had no ‘names’ Toronto Pictures and Adhara Properties are
(no Hollywood Stars) attached and the story operating globally. They produce and release
line and setting of the movie is 100% African. films worldwide and they select to work with
talent and investors from different countries.

The financing comes from private investors

(no Government funding or grants). Every
investor in THE PROJECT will not only get the
principal back with a high, 18% yearly interest,
but also a percentage of the film’s profit (from
all sales: theatrical, TV, DVD, Blu-Ray,
ancillary, etc.) for three years after the movie’s

Toronto Pictures’ mandate is to giving

opportunities to talent from around the world
to gain access to a career in the film industry.
Unknown and emerging talents from around
the world have been cast to play roles in THE
PROJECT. In particular, THE PROJECT has
given over 70 roles to talent from different

An example of one of Toronto Pictures’ great

talent discoveries is Andreea Banut. She is a
teenager and an emerging actress from
Germany. Banut has been cast to play a
principal role in THE PROJECT and she will
play in scenes alongside the famous
Hollywood Star. This film is sure to launch her
international career.
Pischiutta and Trifu’s commitment of
producing meaningful and non-graphic films 3. Laemmle Cinema marquis listing PUNCTURED
that provoke thought and not violence and HOPE in Santa Monica, California
4. Sold-out theater screening PUNCTURED HOPE
that expose little talked about social issues
and injustice will be evident in THE PROJECT. April 2010 Edition

Photo 5 Andreea Banut
The above is part of the vision of Toronto
Pictures, the “wonder” company. Toronto
Furthermore, Kaitlin Buck is the Script Pictures was privately incorporated in 1996
Editor and she will be the First Assistant and, today, it is a public company on the OTC
Director of THE PROJECT. She is a young and (Symbol: TTOPF) in the United States. The
multi talented filmmaker from the United company has an established and valuable asset
States. By holding these very important base.
positions in THE PROJECT and by working
under Bruno Pischiutta’s mentorship she is
well on her way to launch her career and to
become a Film Director herself.

Photo 6
Kaitlin Buck

The casting for THE PROJECT, was primarily

reserved for the members of Toronto Pictures’
network (, is
Toronto Pictures and Adhara Properties have closed. However, the financing of THE
created worldwide talent and investor pools PROJECT is now open.
that are growing every day. Working with the
two companies, the talent has the access to There are different ways to participate to the
starting an exciting film career and possibility financing of THE PROJECT: an individual can
of reaching Stardom while the investors access become a direct investor or an organizer, a
the possibility of high financial gains. fund raiser. Both roles are financially
rewarding and anyone who has an interest in
Photos: participating is welcome to become a member
5. Actress Andreea Banut
6. Filmmaker Kaitlin Buck of by Signing-Up
7. Bruno Pischiutta and Producer Daria Trifu featured on the online and to contact Daria Trifu at
giant TV screens located in front of the Carlton Hotel in Cannes, or at 310-734-8669.
France during the Cannes Film Festival
8. Pischiutta and Trifu being interviewed at the NASDAQ Stock
Market in New York City April 2010 Edition

Featured Musician
Trevor Hall
Originally from South Carolina, singer, songwriter-
guitarist Trevor Hall is a fascinating young artist Join Host Chris Anderson/Onefeather
who brings a dynamic new twist to the prevailing and cohost Twylah Bleu with an
music scene. His new self-titled Vanguard debut interview of recording Artist Trevor Hall,
album is eclectic, empathetic and enjoyable from a part of the new wave of consciously
start to finish. Although he's only 23 years of age his evolving artists who are committed to
unique musical mix of reggae and acoustic rock bringing their message of Peace to our
with occasional overtones of light country acts as a troubled world. Trevor talks about his
engaging soundscape for his enlightened visions music and his life on the road touring
and thought-provoking dialogue and performing across America and his
journeys in India on his spiritual quest for inner awakening. This is a
His music comes from that deeper place in the soul great interview!
and expresses a cryptic spirituality, (evidenced in
the single “Unity” that he wrote and performed Listen to the entire interview at:
with his friend Matisyahu... accessible on YouTube). Onefeather Journal Radio
Having made two trips to India, one a pilgrimage
with two monks from a Southern California temple
(whom he occasionally stays with when on the
West Coast), the second on his own in celebration
of his 21st birthday, Trevor commits his life to being
supportive of those who survive on the fringe of
society; abandoned children, displaced people and
the poor.

Many of the tracks on his Trevor Hall album

(especially Where’s The Love, My Baba, and Sing
the Song) reflect an evolving spirit of harmony,
unity and devotion to achieving global peace in this
era of human evolution on the planet.

Trevor's best known for his songs The Lime Tree

and Other Ways (a featured track on the Shrek 3
Soundtrack). Writing and performing since his early
teens he's also released two independent
recordings. Catch him on the web at:
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By Mary Cook, M.A., R.A.S.

to the sound of music. It is a free, spontaneous,

Rigidity is a sign of aging, illness and death. relaxed, joyful and creative inner expression.
It can be hardening of the arteries or stiffness A stressful childhood leaves our child self
of the joints. It can be life stuck on a barstool frightened and stuck in dark places. Lack of
or paranoid in a garage. healthy bonding removes the lightness and
playfulness of life, in exchange for obsessions and
Our eyes can be glued to pornography, and miss
the loving affection from our own child. We might compulsions.
attempt to escape fear by imposing our will upon
others. We can be stuck in a whirlpool of unending These keep us stagnant and eventually can
desires or carry the carnage of contaminate and corrupt our entire life. As adults
resentments on our back. Lives attempting to heal our inner child, we
can be lost behind walls of “The healthiest play is not cannot promise this child anything.
isolation, or in busyness competitive, nor goal Betrayal is too familiar. But we can as
pridefully pretending to be safe and sober adults, stand by the
oriented, and is devoid of
productivity. These are all ways child and say “I see you”. We can feel
judgment and self- the fullness of healthy, positive,
of attaching ourselves to the
edges of life, afraid to let go of
consciousness.” spiritual energy from our present
our primal pain. recovery and send love to that inner
child. We can demonstrate compassion, patience,
In contrast, healthy children are focused on loving, acceptance, sensitivity, respect, and
learning, playing and evolving. They are flexible, Understanding.
resilient and immersed in the natural flow of life.
They fully engage with the moment, which births We can know the child’s pain without becoming,
the newness of the next moment. The child that denying, judging, resisting or fighting it. We can
doesn’t need armor, rolls down soft grassy hills show them that we will not drown in their torrent
laughing. She smells fragrant flowers that leave a of tears, nor abandon them in response to their
yellow ring of pollen around her tiny nose. She rejection, confusion, fear and emptiness. Nor will
somersaults, twirls and tumbles, then lies as still we become defensive, offensive or die from their
as she can, watching butterflies dance against a rage.
background of blue sky. The healthiest play is not
competitive, nor goal oriented, and is devoid of
judgment and self-consciousness. It is children
jumping up and down or babbling and squealing April 2010 Edition

with healthy play. Strangers in public often exhibit
a dramatic and immediate change from a neutral
or negative state to that of happiness and
friendliness in response to children. Play therapy
is a very potent component of treatment, because
it bypasses defense mechanisms and accesses
unconscious insight and solutions.
Play does not need to be limited to specific times,
places or activities. There are countless ordinary
circumstances where playfulness can be a
valuable asset. One small playful moment can
positively and significantly shift the energy in a
Healthy bonding and healing with our inner child, large crowd of people. Play is not confined to
creates a new sense of safety which stimulates behaviors. It can just as easily be attitudes,
playfulness. This in turn deepens our healing. feelings, physical sensations, body language and
Healthy playfulness nourishes body, mind, heart words. We are here to honor our God, our planet,
and spirit. This energy relaxes us, opens us up to each other and ourselves through the efforts of
greater creativity, intuition, trusting, and bonding, our work and through the lightness of our play.
and raises our consciousness. Play diminishes And we might ask ourselves in all that we do, if we
fear, anger, defensiveness, judgment, stress, are contributing to the suffering or to the
conflict, and depression. Our relationships with happiness in our world. For play is a sign of
our Higher Power, nature, animals, people and youthfulness, health and vitality that irrespective
ourselves can all be enhanced with play. Play can of current circumstances, puts us in the fullness of
balance the serious and difficult aspects of life, life.
and can clear out the cobwebs created by
outdated habits and thinking, allowing us to
explore the unlimited possibilities of our own
evolution. WWW.MARYCOOKMA.COM Mary Cook is the
author of “Grace Lost and Found: From Addictions
and Compulsions to Satisfaction and Serenity”,
available from Barnes & Noble, and
Borders. She has 34 years of clinical practice and 29
years of university teaching experience. She is a
national speaker and has a private practice in San
Pedro, CA. Mary is available for telephone and office
counseling, guided meditation, speaking
engagements and in-service training. Contact her at and see website for further

Many people confined to bed with illness

experience relief from pain and symptoms during
visits from children, pets, and people who have a
light, playful sense of humor. Additionally people
who are ill often have this same sense of relief
when engaged in activities or even memories of
activities that are playful to them. There are even
reports of patients who experience complete and
spontaneous healing following re-engagement April 2010 Edition

Crystals that
by Starlene Breiter

Got the blahs?

Feeling low on energy and not sure where to start to turn
that blah feeling around?
Well what I do is turn to my crystals and mineral friends,,,
but then again I turn to them in most cases.
can also use tourmalinated quartz for the same

Why you ask? reason too!

Rutilated Quartz - This one helps you get some

Because energy flowing... If you have been feeling sluggish,
then this is the stone for
it works! you. Rutilated quartz
opens and activates the
energy chakras of your
Here is a little list of some spiritual body and helps
gemstones that I may use get things moving along
to help turn the blahs again!
around and why I would
use them... Try working Garnet - Aside from this
with them in different being my birthstone and I
combinations, and almost always have some
remember that everyone garnet on me somewhere;
has a little bit of a different it is a great stone to help
reaction to crystal and aid in depression. It brings
gemstone energies. Sooo if emotional balance to the
you feel like using person drawn to it and
something totally different, also encourages the
I say go for it! person to be courageous.
Anyone that has gone
Rhodochrosite - It is one through depression cycles
of my favorite soothers of knows it takes courage to
jumpy or anxiety energy... get out of it!
It helps calm me down and
open my heart chakra. So those are some of my
Place it on your chest or favorites to work with
wear a piece of when I am feeling a little
rhodochrsite necklace and low on energy or have
see calm and peaceful you gone through my
feel. depressed cycles. I think it
is most important to
Malachite - This one remember that whatever it
helps to absorb the is you are going through is
negative energies that may only temporary and when
be surrounding you and it you go through it, know
is also a powerful heart that it will soon pass.
activator. Just make sure you cleanse it often Working with some crystals may likely help you
because it absorbs the negative energy. and get that time to pass a little quicker!

Black Tourmaline - This stone helps to put your Feel free to contact me if you have questions or
feet back on the ground. A lot of times I see people are in need of any of these stones. This is my
are depressed because they feel ungrounded, this website
stone is a happy stone that will help you feel like
your feet are firmly planted on mother earth. You Peace and Happiness!
Starlene Breiter RMT April 2010 Edition

By Judith Orloff M.D

Do We Really Need a

from -- that form of knowledge that goes beyond

the so-called rational brain. Why do we sense
danger before the event even happens? Why do
we hear from a long-lost schoolmate moments
after we've thought of her?

As a psychiatrist who integrates intuition with

traditional medicine, I believe that consciousness
and intuition involve a kind of
wisdom that goes beyond the
rational mind, beyond neurons,
beyond the time space
continuum. I have spent my
career integrating intuitive
medicine into the practice of
How much of our intelligence even comes from traditional, biologically oriented,
our brain? Despite many new studies that are
being conducted using state-of-the-art technology psychiatry. But my personal journey--which I
and imaging, scientists still know very little about chronicle in my new book Second Sight--is one
consciousness and where intelligence comes from. where I grew up as an intuitive child in a family of
25 physicians--scientifically minded relatives who
In one study, British neurologist John Lorber raised their eyebrows to intuition and revered
concluded that the loss of nearly all of the cerebral only the statistics = reality oriented paradigm of
cortex (the late evolutionary part of the brain that reality. My message in Second Sight is that we can
gave humans their vaunted mental powers and blend intuition with the analytic mind to make us
superiority over other animals) does not smarter, more insightful and more loving. I know
necessarily lead to mental impairment. One when doctors "tune in" to this other form of
student at Sheffield University, who had an IQ of intelligence; it greatly expands the scope and
126 and won first-class honors in mathematics, effectiveness of their healing practice. By tapping
had virtually no brain from a condition called into your own intuition, you can also enhance
hydrocephalus. This led scientists to wonder-- work performance, athletic skills, health,
where does intelligence come from? relationships, and much more.

Moreover, scientists still don't thoroughly

understand where intuitive intelligence comes April 2010 Edition

I want to raise the
discussion about:
• What makes humans conscious beings
• What intelligence is -- and where it can be found
in your body, besides the brain
• Why coincidences happen--and why they are not
merely random events
• How to strengthen your intuitive intelligence--
and make better decisions
• Why you should pay attention to "gut" reactions

I invite you to keep an open mind, perhaps explore

areas you haven't ventured in before, and be
prepared for lively debates with colleagues and
friends as well as exploring new methods of

Judith Orloff MD, a UCLA psychiatrist is author of

the new bestseller Second Sight: An Intuitive
Psychiatrist Tells Her Story and Shows Y... (Three
Rivers Press edition, 2010). Second Sight
describes how to tap your intuitive intelligence in
your work, relationships, health, and everyday life.
Dr. Orloff synthesizes the pearls of traditional
medicine with cutting-edge knowledge of
intuition. Her insights create a new convergence
of healing paths for our stressed-out world. She is
also author of the New York Times bestseller
Emotional Freedom. For more information and
inspiration, visit April 2010 Edition

Imagery For Our Children:

A Magical Healing Garden

By Charlotte Reznick PhD

“ Spring is a time of new beginnings:

Flowers are blooming and seeds blossoming into lush plants that we've
nurtured and cultivated earlier. Spring can also be a time of renewal for
our children - to open their hearts, to share their hopes, and to expand
their dreams. We can guide our children toward their right path by
helping them connect with their own inner seeds - of peace - of joy - of
love. We can teach them how to the heal hurts of their personal dark
winter - in the present, and from the past. And, we can support our
children in developing their potential. The most potent technique that I
have found in my twenty-five years of practice is for children to connect
with the healing power of their own imagination.” April 2010 Edition

The impact of positive
images while in a
relaxed state is
tremendous. After one
group session using
the magic garden and
healing pond imagery,
three boys were
relieved of the pain of
their stomachache,
headache, and canker
sore respectively.
During another group,
an adolescent girl
with a pounding
headache eliminated
her pain without
medication, and later
successfully taught
the simple imagery
technique to her
friends at school.

To inspire and to start

you using imagery
with the kids you
work or live with right
away, here are three
brief guided journeys.
First, use "a rainbow
light" to reach a very
deep relaxed state;
second, bring in "a
magic garden" to help
grow inner seeds; and
third, make use of "a healing pond" to heal physical and emotional hurts.
They can be used separately or together, based on your goals with the
children. An animal friend (or wizard) is used as a guide and helper, a
valuable tool to access unconscious wisdom. "Gifts" are used as unique ways
to receive power and assistance. For example, one eight-year-old girl
received the gift of a spiral-moving rainbow to heal her chronic stomach
pains, along with rainbow glasses to see her world in a more positive light.
Another child received the gift of a golden heart to help him heal the
physical heart-breaking pain he experienced during his parents divorce. April 2010 Edition

If you choose to use the
following imageries, you may
find your kids feel healthier and
happier, while learning to
expand their own healing

You'll be surprised at what wise

answers their inner guides offer,
what gifts they receive, and
what awareness they develop
that can be applied to their
everyday world. Use your
most soothing, slow voice with
soft music in the background if

"Allow your eyes to gently close and focus on your
breathing … we're letting all our troubles float away ... in
beautiful rainbow balloons. Imagine a beautiful colored
rainbow floating above your head ... the purples and the
blues ... the greens and the yellows ... the oranges and the
reds ... and maybe some gold and silver…. Notice what
colors your special rainbow is.... And as you breathe, this
beautiful rainbow grows larger and larger ... and starts to
gently wash over you ... to help you relax…. And to go inside
and find that special calm place that waits for you each

You might now suggest the child relax each part of his/her
body as the rainbow light moves through. And then…

"As you breathe you are totally safe in the rainbow light ...
totally safe ...
totally protected ... very, very comfortable." April 2010 Edition

"You find yourself surrounded by the rainbow light as you walk on a special path ... there are beautiful rainbow flowers around you ... and birds singing.... In front of you
is a large stunning gate. It is a gate that leads you to your own magic garden. And there is a key to open this magnificent gate ... It's found under a rock.... Notice
"You find
whether yourself
your key is gold or surrounded
silver or copper….by
key rainbow light
has your initials asinyou
carved it so walk onthisa isspecial
you know your gatepath ... key....
and your there Andare
one beautiful
of your specialrainbow
animal friends
now appears from around the rock. It is an animal friend that is very wise and very loving, and is here to help you build and grow your magic garden."
flowers around you ... and birds singing.... In front of you is a large stunning gate. It is a gate that leads you to your
own magic garden. And there is a key to open this magnificent gate ... It's found under a rock.... Notice whether
At this key
you’re pointis have thesilver
gold or childorenter the gate
copper…. Theand
keycreate their
has your magic
initials garden.
carved in itYou mayknow
so you suggest
this any plants,
is your gatetrees,
and your
flowers, fruits,
key.... And oneetc.
of your special animal friends now appears from around the rock. It is an animal friend that is very
wise and very loving, and is here to help you build and grow your magic garden.

At this point have the child enter the gate and create their magic garden. You may suggest any plants, trees, flowers,
fruits, etc. you want you can plant in this magic garden ... You may even plant seeds of peace ... and of joy and
happiness ... and of calmness ... or any other qualities you would like to increase or bring in your life ... This is
your you want
own space you is
... This can plantmagical
a very in this magic
time." garden ... You may even plant seeds of peace ... and of joy and
happiness ... and of calmness ... or any other qualities you would like to increase or bring in your life ... This is your
own space ... This is a very magical time." April 2010 Edition

HEALING POND "And when you are ready ... step out of the
healing pond and dry off ... Your garden has
turned into the most magnificent magical
place that you can imagine. See what you
have created ... the beauty ... the
magnificence ... everything.... How incredible
and important you are for being able to plant
seeds that grow to be tall and healthy ... just
like you are growing. Know that when you
take the time to plant seeds ... and the time
to care for them ... wonderful things can

For the healing pond, you can adjust the

message depending if the child has physical or
emotional hurts, or if your focus is on
building their capabilities.

"Now there's a part of this garden that has a

wonderful healing pond. So you go over to it
... and this too is a magical place. As you step
in the water ... which is the perfect
temperature for you ... there is a beautiful
long rock ... with soft, fluffy moss on it so
you can lie with your head out of the water
where you're totally comfortable ... And as THE WISDOM OF THE ANIMAL
you lie in the healing waters ... they wash FRIEND
over you ... and soothe your body ... and
soothe your feelings ... and any pains or "Your special animal friend points out that there
tightness melts away ... And it's a wonderful is one very precious flower that is calling to you
place to be as your garden grows. Your little ... and you lean down near the flower and you
animal friend has helped prepare some smell it ... it smells wonderful. And notice what
magic healing herbal tea for you so that color it is … and how big it is ... and it's special
when you drink it ... any sadness or hurts shape. And the flower seems to be talking to you
inside your body disappear and melt away ... and it tells you something very important for you
so that all the goodness ... and all the health to know now in your life. To help your own magic
grow within yourself. To help all the seeds within
... and all the joy that you deserve now
you ... and all your goodness ... come out. And
when you look inside this flower there is a
beautiful gift that springs up toward you ...
Something to help you remember your own April 2010 Edition

special growth ... And to know how At the conclusion, you may permit them to
wonderfully you're doing." continue to rest. Or, you may suggest that
the children draw any images that have
THE RETURN come up during the imagery and share their
experiences. Pictures can reveal what words
do not, and the very process of drawing is
Now you can lead the child back out of the often cathartic. Sharing with the group is
garden with the suggestion that they can supportive for each other and helps you as
return when they want. the leader notice any areas that still need to
be addressed. It is not necessary to have the
"When you're ready you'll come back here ... perfect script, or years of experience for
slowly ... feeling your body ... feeling facility with this work. What is important is
refreshed and remembering all good your sincerity, your respect for the children,
things.... remembering that wonderful magic and perhaps most significant, is your
garden ... and all the things you grew ... and allowing these kids to touch their natural
saw ... and heard ... and felt... remembering inner light of love and healing and bring it
everything...." forth.

If you are assisting a group, you have the Many blessings,

option to work interactively with individuals
after the guided section. This allows you to Dr. Charlotte:Charlotte Reznick PhD is a child
receive their feedback and provides them an educational psychologist, an Associate Clinical
opportunity to further generate their own Professor of Psychology at UCLA, and author of the LA
ideas, delve deeper into their imagery, or Times bestselling book The Power of Your Child's
Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety
help clarify any questions or concerns with into Joy and Success (Perigee/Penguin, 2009). In
your guidance. If you have been working addition to her private practice, she creates therapeutic
with one child alone all along, feel free to relaxation CDs for children, teens, and parents and
interact with them throughout their imagery teaches workshops internationally on the healing
power of children's imagination. You can find out more
once you know they are quite relaxed. about her at April 2010 Edition

Sustainable Wellness 101
Balance Your Worlds
By Cristina Smith

“Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less pay attention to your physical health and condition
energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in of your space?
perfect alignment, you perform better when your
thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in These worlds work together to create our lives.
balance.” Many of us tend to emphasize a couple of them over
the others. There are times in life where that is
~Brian Tracy appropriate, like training for a marathon or getting a
college degree, however we cannot sustain optimum
Sustainable wellness™ is a proactive approach to life health (and evolutionary progress) with a constant
in which we seek to maintain and improve the health void of one or two worlds. Eventually, the void needs
of all aspects of our worlds. One of the key to be addressed and will often make itself known as
components of creating optimum health is achieving a discomfort or dis-ease in your physical body. This is
balance in those core aspects of our lives. why people find themselves with chronic conditions
to which there seems to be no reason from a
Here are four major worlds: physical perspective. Often the ultimate cause is
based in a different world in which it is perceived
Spiritual- The part of you that longs to connect with because we didn’t catch it before it manifested on
your God and discover the answer to the big the physical plane.
questions in your life like, “Who am I?” and “Why
am I here?” There are as many different ways to do Here’s one way to find out how balanced your life is.
so. How do you revive your spirit? Think about how you spend your time. Write down
how many hours a week on average that you spend
Mental- Your mental component is what needs to with each of these worlds. Sleep is a category unto
know the facts about life and craves information to itself so include it separately. Once you have your
learn more. It’s the part of you that figures things result, consider adjusting you schedule so you can
out and decides what to do when. It is also the part live a more balanced life.
of you that wakes you up in the middle of the night
reeling off your to-do list. Are you learning It is sometimes tricky to change your schedule.
something new every day? However, in order to create a lifestyle of sustainable
wellness the results can be well worth the effort.
Emotional- How you feel and perceive is your
emotional world. Your emotional world is beyond
words and if your happy or unhappiness factor. It’s
the part of you who smiles when you see a baby
Cristina is an energetic healer and
smile or gets angry when you see an injustice done. Sustainable Wellness™ coach. Her
What do you do to make yourself happy? website is and you
may contact her at
Physical- Your body and the tangible planet around
you comprise your physical world. How much to you ©2010 Cristina Smith. All right reserved.

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Growth &
By Wellington Rodrigues

and allowing for the Universe to do its work, is a

great principle for leading what I call the
effortless life.

It may have happened to you before. Probably

you were planning that dream vacation trip for
months, or preparing for the business
presentation or an important job interview.
Then, when the event finally came to pass, you
were less than satisfied, if not totally
disappointed, with the results you were so
anxious about for days or even months. On the
The Secret to
other side, you may have engaged in something
Effortless Power
without any preparation, expectation or
projection, and it just turned out to be much
As my students start understanding and truly better than you could ever imagine.
applying universal laws in their everyday lives,
one of the most common comments they make One thing that we must realize is that the
is: “It is amazing, I did not plan for anything, and Universe works smoothly. Once we set a goal or
it all flowed in a way much better than I could intention, this Higher Force immediately starts
have ever expected!” creating the means for us to experience the
It may be a trip, a job interview, a date, a desired outcome. And let me tell you; the
business meeting, a sales negotiation, or simply Universe is wise and direct. The path set in front
commuting to work. It does not matter, what of us will be clear and straight, no bumps in the
we often notice is that stepping out of the way, road, no sidetracking. We are given the shortcut April 2010 Edition

as soon as we set our minds on our desired end in sync with your goals. Your mind also tries to
results. rationalize and make sense out of things and
events. And usually the Universe works in
mysterious ways, yes indeed. Don’t try to make
sense out of the Universe’s ways. God did not
graduate from one of your “traditional” colleges
or universities. He-She is not limited by your
primitive paradigms. Therefore, your
dysfunctional “logic” and outdated rules of
“how things should be” do not apply at this
level. Those who have experienced this truth
can attest to it.

Joanne, for example, one of my private

coaching clients, mentioned a few days ago that
since she started using this strategy, that is,
trusting the Universe to manifest the easiest
way, her life has taken a whole new direction.
Now she rarely misses a train, as she walks into
the subway station her train is arriving. Her

Yes that is true. The only reason why you may work days flow very smoothly, and it seems as if

not experience that smooth flow every single she is always in the right place, at the right

time is because you simply get in the way. You time. Does she care about why or how this is

think you can outsmart the “big guy up there”, happening? You bet it she doesn’t. She has

come up with your own shortcuts or solutions. kicked logic and common-sense out of the door

What you’re usually doing, instead, is a long time ago. She is getting away with it.

sabotaging your own process. You are trying to

come up with a “plan”. Isn’t that amazing? NO, it is just the result of

The problem with this strategy is that we try to applying a natural law. We are not surprised to

use our minds to define the way and to guide find out that two plus two equals four, right?

us. However, your mind is usually driven by So, why should we find it amazing when a

your hidden codes (beliefs), which may not be natural law works without failure? I don’t ask April 2010 Edition

anybody to “trust” or “have faith”, that is for tomorrow, and step out of the way. KNOW that
religious people. We are scientists, and we work once you do this, your part of the work is DONE.
with principles that do not require any faith, That’s it, now all you have to do is to move
just allowing. It is pretty much the same as forward with confidence and follow the
when you type an addition in your calculator. Universe’s clues. That is effortless Power –
You do not need to have faith for the result to using the Universe’s leverage.
show up, right? You just allow the calculator to
do its work and the result comes without any
effort from you.

So, go ahead and test me. From now on, stop

getting in your own way, stop being anxious
about a result or outcome, stop trying to get
your own answers and solutions. You will not. If
the answers were in your mind, you would not
have to search for them in the first place, right?

Once you act from a state of certainty, instead

of trying to guess or to dictate how things
should turn out, once you open yourself to the
never ending flow between you and your
Universe, then, and only then, you will be truly Be assured that everything you need to reach

making good use of this wonderful law that is your destination will come your way, and things

available to all of us. will be much easier than if you tried to figure it
out for yourself.

Realize that by trying to figure it all out, you are

just distracting yourself, which can cause you to Do it and you may be surprised. Send me a few

miss a clear answer or sign that the Universe lines with your results; I’ll love to hear from

intended for you to see and follow. you.

“Follow the white rabbit” – The Matrix

Set your goal. Be it to have a wonderful trip, a

productive meeting, or just a good commuting April 2010 Edition

Are You or Someone You Know Going Through a Challenging Time?
The state of economy, our environment and world politics are touching many of us on different levels. Some are dealing with the loss
of a job, their home or a loved one. For others today’s stress is affecting their relationships, emotional and physical health and

As a response to this situation many of today’s groundbreaking leaders have come together to help create the Open Mind Resource
Center. Here you can find the tools and support you need to transform your challenges into greater awareness and clarity. PLUS you
can access free downloadable gifts from our bank of experts with no purchase necessary.

Change your life NOW at! Also please forward this to family or friends who would find it

The Open Mind Resource Center was inspired by Ronald Alexander, PhD ( a licensed psychotherapist
and pioneer in Positive Psychology, Mindfulness and Creative Thinking. He has has been helping people for over thirty years
transform their times of crisis into opportunities for greater personal awareness, clarity and creativity.
Want to make a change in
your life? Whether it’s losing
weight, a career change, or
remaking a relationship if you want
to make any real and lasting By Ronald Alexander
changes then you can’t do it alone.

I work with hundreds of

patients and workshop attendees
who desire to transform their lives
and one of the first points I tell
them is that for real success they
initially need to build a Wisdom
Council of Support. Like an owner
assembling a start-up baseball
team you begin with those players
who are already available to you,
being mindful of the strengths and
weaknesses of each.

In the council of support you

bring people you respect around
you, and who are not afraid to
exercise what I call a strong
dialogue with you in a way that a
guru or teacher is not afraid to
crush your ego. It is like creating a
family of supporters who are willing

How to Make
to bring you along on your path,
whether it’s an idea or a project
you are developing, and are willing
to confront you when you’re in your
ego or your nonsensical stuff. They
will also help you move through any
resistances that arise and over
come your procrastination or
hindrances to the changes you
want to make. Change
In Your Life!
Selecting wisdom council members
requires that you be sensitive to others’
needs, boundaries, and time. You want them
to be available to you, but some members of
your council won’t be able to be on call, or
respond quickly or at length to your requests
for guidance, insight, and help in working
through problems and some may require
payment for their services. The key is not to
become needy but to stay needful. Needy is
not honoring people’s limitations or
respecting their time. A needful person is
someone who is aware of their needs but
simultaneously is considerate and sensitive to
other people’s situations.
The key to success is to be alive, open
and present in order to receive what is
unfolding. Check your ego at the door and
listen to the possibilities not the limitations.
Every change is possible if you are truly
sincere, committed and willing to persevere.

Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. is the author of the widely

acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose
The core players to consider for your and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change. He is
team are a peer, an educator, an entrepreneur or the Executive Director of the OpenMind Training® Institute,
someone who can inspire you, some type of leader practices mindfulness-based mind-body psychotherapy and
leadership coaching in Santa Monica, CA, for individuals
such as a minister or a role model, a coach who and corporate clients. He has taught personal and clinical
can help you clarify your goals and get organized. training groups for professionals in Integral Psychotherapy,
If you are looking for work you may also want to Ericksonian mind-body healing therapies, mindfulness
include a headhunter, employment agency or an meditation, and Buddhist psychology nationally and
out placement source. I would also suggest internationally since 1970.
someone who has more experience than you and a (
therapist who can honestly confront you and
wisely guide you. If you are on a limited budget Watch Alexander’s YouTube Video on How to
you could ask someone at your church or Build A Council of Support: Go to
synagogue, look into Toastmasters International
or check out, a national association of
retired business people dedicated to mentoring
anyone who is sincere about developing a project.


The interconnectiveness
among all human beings
and, consequently, the
relationship among all
beings is the focus of this
section. The dynamics of
the web of connections we
make is one of the most
prominent aspects of
human existence: how we
interlace with each other’s
existence in a meaningful

To Text  By Gina Hardy

or Not to

That is the Question!

Leading nicely on from my last piece about how to "tool up" to communicate properly in your
relationship, I find myself compelled to mention the wonderful world of non-verbal
communication, in particular, texting. Daily life seems to cocoon us more and more within the
world of laptops and virtual relationships with others and as well as the plethora of benefits in
terms of connecting us with ever larger circles of people, it can, in intimate relationships, kill
some of the essence of good old fashioned face to face dialogue.
trends tend to be "hot pursuit" style. A new client
said of his girlfriend recently, "She freaks me out
sometimes and literally stalks me on text ! I feel
trapped and pretty intimidated and can't escape, so
I shut her out to get some peace." This is classic !

The opposite style, minimizing, is when in conflict,

that person's style is to shut down and not talk
about what's bothering them in the moment. They
believe they are the logical rational ones that
never start the rows and they feel they are often
the more mature partner in the relationship. Their
texting style is often short and sweet and boy, lots
of minimizers use texting to keep their
maximizing partner, at bay. I have a friend who
loves texting when her man "starts" cause she can
tell him how she feels then turn the phone off to
control his octopus style clinging. Sounding
familiar? So in this way texting can nurture your
tendency in conflict to remain where you are in
Now I am not saying texting is bad because your style of learned behaviour i.e. maximizing or
indeed it has its benefits. For example, sending a minimizing.
sweet nothing to your loved one as they journey
through their day, just to show you care, is My main point is that
lovely... or to wish them luck when they are just texting in conflict will
about to head into an interview. It saves money usually inflame rather
on a phone call and sometimes for a quick word than smooth, because
or two, it's not necessary to speak. we can so easily take
the words the wrong
I guess I just want to explore and share my way. I will agree that
thoughts on using texting to communicate when sometimes a quick text
you really do need to talk. to say "darling, I feel a
little emotional about
I have been guilty, if I can call it that, of trying to what you said earlier,
get my point across when I was peed off about can we talk later ?" is
something in my previous relationships. My ok, because it is stating how you feel rather than
intention ? To tell him how I feel and then shut chucking a great big hang grenade criticism. But
him out because I need to run away for a while! remember with texting, it is the words you use
My defense plan "You are gonna know how I feel, that can aggravate or smooth. So if you feel utterly
but you are gonna have to run after me to fix it!" compelled to text...explain how you feel, NOT what
Crazy huh ! But that's me. Think about how you your beau is doing to pee you off. Blaming and
use texting when you want to say something but shaming never works and on text it's a very
are and this is the point, afraid to speak the words. detached way of putting your point across.

I have learnt about two styles of behaving in I had an emotionally intense relationship 3 years
conflict in relationships. I will call these two folk, ago, where most of my more difficult
minimizers and maximizers for the purpose of conversations were on text because I felt afraid of
illustration. Maximizers in conflict are usually the his response. I can't talk for his feelings about it,
more emotionally flowery people who want to talk but it was almost like I couldn't face him for fear
about everything to sort problems out and they that he would leave me at some point. I used to get
only feel connected when their partner listens and really upset if he blocked me out and shut down
hears them. Maximizers can be overbearing and when he was angry, so I would "fire" a text to try
intense and sometimes can scare their partners and wound him in his rabbit hole, then I would
with huge outbursts of emotional lava. Texting shut down and retreat hoping and praying he
would come get me and make it better. Oh what a has texted you and how many times did your
survival strategy! receiver take it the "wrong" way from you? Easy
to do. Our previous experiences create a filtering
Let me go on to use an analogy here. Your world of system in our minds and certain words or
you is like an island. On your island, with all your messages will be absorbed, filtered and according
thoughts and feelings and the way you see life, to your values and beliefs you will react according
your partner cannot possibly know exactly where to what your resulting "output" is. Having a
you are at because they are on their own island. conversation with your partner can ease the
When you send a text, imagine if you will that it is ability to take it the way to choose, rather than the
a flare, it lands on their island and can and will be way they meant it. Our stories about what we
received with their views and feelings and think is coming from our partner can be way off
opinions about what the message is that you have the mark, so please, if you to need to say
sent. Not how you originally intended. Get me? something delicate, say it don't text saves a
The only way to really hear your partner or for lot of hassle in the long run !
them to hear you, is to visit the other's island and
be fully present with them, leaving your island Finally....the next time, as you start to send a text
behind. This is what I teach in my work. Good old to your loved one in a bad moment, perhaps after
fashioned, heart centered connection where a row or even before one, stop and think a little.
verbal communication, face to face, is the only true Does your relationship deserve to have you
way to achieve a healthy conscious relational contributing in this way or would it be better to
space. tell your loved one face to face how you feel about
what is happening?
So often texting can be muddled in its "received"
mode. Taking it the wrong way is common. How Enjoy texting for the fun of it...leave the tougher
many times have you got it wrong when someone bits to the bravery of talking...go can do it!
Ask the Tantra

Chandi Devi
Do you have a question for Chandi?
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OMG !!! OM …
I'm interested about a Yantra for love. Can you tell A Yantra is a wonderful device to focus your mind
me how this works and is it proven to work? It says on whatever it is you desire. Bringing the love
that it brings the love you want under control, but under your control simply means that you set your
what if I don't want to control that person, would it intention on the kind of relationship you want. It
still work? does not mean that you should try to control
anyone else. It means that you should control
~ Anonymous your own thoughts and emotions in order to
attract to yourself whatever you want. You decide
what it is that works for you, and using pure
intention for the good of all, you facilitate your
desires by learning to monitor your thoughts, your
feelings and your actions. A technique for using a
yantra in meditation is to gaze at the center of the
yantra without blinking. See the outer images of
the yantra using your peripheral vision. When
your eyes start to tear, you can close your eyes
and re-create the images in your mind's eye.
Tantra Yoga exercises from
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Find them at: finding your beloved, or better health.
Gift-Giver By Shervin Hojat

“In our life time, we run into people that make a great impact in our
life. Sometimes they are our parents, family members,

friends or strangers”
In the context of Tend to Your Garden
Within, such people can be a source of water
and nutrition that help the flowers and fruit trees
in our garden flourish. In my opinion, these people
are sent from the
Divine to change the trajectory of our lives so we
can move toward a more fulfilling life.

I was very blessed to know Dr. Melvyn Smith for

two years. I went to see him in Houston, Texas, to
help me deal with my dad’s accident and death. Dr
Smith was not only a medical doctor,
homoeopathist, mathematician, musician, and
poet; he was also an evolved soul.

He challenged my beliefs, thoughts and behavior. I

would drive 300 miles back and forth once a
month to have an hour session with him. Those
days were some of the pivotal points in my
spiritual growth and my
desire to know myself.

Dr. Smith passed away, too soon, in 2009 at the

age of 66 due to pancreatic cancer. I would like to
dedicate the poem below to him and all the
wonderful teachers who show up in
our lives and provide us with gifts of love and
We receive many gifts in our life.
Some are small, some large.

Some cheap, some expensive,

some priceless.

How do we measure the value of a gift

one, two, ten, or twenty years?

Most times, on the surface it is measured

by its cost.

But within us, outside the glamor of the

it is measured by our heart.

How do we measure the worth of a gift

with our heart?

Does recalling the gift bring

tears of joy and appreciation to our face?

Does recalling the gift warm up our heart

with a joyful tingling?
What gifts may bring us such feelings?
Perhaps it is a gift based on

Pictures by Starry Tales

Exclusive art of ©2003 Kagaya
Courtesy: http://www.flash-
love, choice, no obligation or expectation
from the gift-giver. The gift-giver never runs out of gifts,
there a never ending source.
A gift may be the gift of life from our parents. the gift has the energy of the gift-giver.

A gift may be the memory of a delightful time with Soul parts of the gift-giver
a parent, are in the gift.
a brother, a sister, a child, a friend or a mate.
We have two choices:
A gift may be the unconditional love received, ignore or accept the gift.
from a favorite aunt or uncle, or even a stranger.
As we accept and acknowledge the gift
A gift may be the unconditional love received from the gift-giver becomes part of us.
our favorite pet.
Perhaps that is the reason we still remember
A gift may be the wisdom and insight from our the gift-givers in our lives
many teachers, after so many years
helping us see our inner beauty. with both joy and sadness.

These gifts usually have no physical form.

Copyright @ 2010 by Shervin Hojat
These gifts cannot be bought on the open market.
Live Balanced
Pet Talk

resonate at a higher level as they don’t have the same
Dear Naomi, heavy emotions that can bring down humans. They
love purely from their hearts. For this reason your
We recently lost our fourteen-year-old Yorkie, April. harmonic resonance with April is a very deep heart to
Her death has had more of an impact than I could heart connection. You are actually singing to each
have ever imagined. I have not been able to shake others’ spirit. Your aunt held a different energetic
the grief and the huge hole I feel in my heart. When I space and spoke to a different place in your heart.
walk in my home and she is not here the emptiness
brings me to tears. I did not grief like this when my We still have the connection after a pet passes but the
aunt passed last year, which makes me feel guilty. vibrations change when you are on different planes
My aunt and I were close and I loved her very much. and at first will seem out of harmony while each of
How can I feel the passing of a pet so much more you are adjusting to the transition. Our animal loved
acutely? Can you contact animals that have passed? ones become such an integral part of our lives that it
feels like a loving, vital piece of our energetic
DJ makeup is missing and actually there is, resulting in
the feeling of a big hole in your heart.
Dear DJ,
To help each of you adjust to the transition process I
I receive so many questions on the passing of a suggest creating a ceremony of gratitude or a
beloved pet in my practice that I included several celebration-of-life for your beloved pet. Gratitude is
chapters on this topic in my new book, They Sing To such a powerful positive force it can lift the vibration
Our Hearts. Yes, I can talk to animals that have of your energetic fields. Make a list of all of the gifts
passed. Spirit remains spirit and is eternal so it that April has given you, what you learned from her,
doesn’t matter whether it has physical form or not. how good she was at her job, etc. Invite friends and
We can communicate with April, and ask her any family to join you (they too may also want to
questions you wish. Visiting with her and knowing contribute their appreciation), then light a candle,
that she is alright might put your heart at ease. read the list out loud, feel the gratitude come from
deep with in you. This won’t take all the grief away
Quantum physics and metaphysics can best answer but it will help lift your energetic space and bring
your question about the difference in the depth of your harmonic resonance with April back in sync.
grief you feel between your aunt and April. Each
being has its own singular harmonic resonance,
similar to individual finger prints and we connect or
respond to everyone differently. Animals tend to

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Hello, On the metaphysical side, whatever type of energy or
I have a question regarding the newest member in my thought we project out to the Universe is reflected
family. His name is Patch and he is a handsome 3 back to us not only though the people in our lives but
month old lab/border collie. Patch is very fond of my also the animals. Patch is mirroring what is apparent
children especially my son and is very loyal to my to him in your energetic field. A suggestion would
husband but for some reason I feel he doesn't like me be to look at how others in your life respond to you to
very much. I am always showing him affection and at see what type of message Patch is sending. It could
times he will follow me wherever I go but most of the be playfulness or he might be telling you it’s time to
time he is trying to bite at me. My hands are the first let your own alpha come out.
thing he tries to go for and he has even lunged at my
chin many times. This worries me. I realize puppies
love to chew but I sense anger behind his biting and
I become apprehensive around him because I am
afraid the older he gets the harder he will try to bite.
Please Help.


Dear AL,

Not only do puppies like to chew but they like to play

aggressive contact sports with each other. Patch is in
fact, very fond of you, and he is relating to you like
he would another sibling. If you watch two puppies
play you will notice that they chew or bite each
others’ paws, around their necks, and any other body
part that is available. This type of interaction will
also often include growling.
Naomi McDonald is a professional animal
communicator, certified shamanic
I have two suggestions that relate to the physical:
practitioner, and educator. She is the
The first one is to begin a training program that will
author of the newly released book, They
establish you as the alpha. Teach some basic things
like, sit, stay, and a recall. With a puppy keep it Sing to Our Hearts: A Communicator
Shares Her Stories of Animal Wisdom.
simple and very positive. Lots of praise and treats.
Naomi has studied extensively throughout
North and South America with renowned
Second, it is never appropriate for an animal to bite a
teachers in the fields of metaphysics,
human even in play, as the animal grows older that
quantum physics, shamanism and animal
line between play and real aggression can become too
communication. She works with clients
thin. One of the most important things to Patch is
locally and long distance, teaches an
your attention. If you are standing and he bites your
innovative animal communication
hand give him a stern NO BITING and turn your
program that incorporates shamanic
back on him. If you are sitting down get up and leave
healing techniques and personal self
him. Then change his thoughts to something
development, gives speaking
positive, ask him to do a trick or command that he
engagements, and volunteers her talents at
knows how to do such as sit, come, etc so you can
animal rescue organizations across the
reward him.
United States. To learn more about
The goal is not to punish him for something that is a animal communication and shamanic
natural instinct but move his mind to something practices go to
positive in order to establish a good habit.

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Privacy 101
Medical Record Privacy
By Darity Wesley

"The law and medicine should be very serious professions to undertake, should they not? People's
lives and fortunes depend on them."
-George Eliot

Most of us consider information about our What HIPAA doesn’t cover is what you need to
health to be highly sensitive and that it deserves know about, since that defines who has access to
the strongest protection possible. Long-standing your medical records. The truth is that a wide
laws in many states and the age-old tradition of range of people, both in and out of the health
doctor-patient privilege have been the mainstay care industry, share your medical information,
of medical privacy protection for decades. But in often because you’ve agreed to it.
the 21st century, those privileged to your One is the Medical Information Bureau (MIB),
medical information have increased in number- which is a central database of medical
and not always for the better. information of approximately 15 million
The extent of privacy protection given to your Americans and Canadians. About 600 insurance
medical information often depends on where the firms use the services of the MIB primarily to
records are located and the purpose for which obtain information about life insurance and
the information was compiled. That means that individual health insurance policy applicants.
the laws that cover privacy of medical The MIB is a consumer-reporting agency subject
information vary by situation. Confidentiality is to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
likely to be lost in return for circumstances like and doesn’t fall under HIPAA. It functions more
insurance coverage, an employment like a credit score for health. The MIB does not
opportunity, your application for a government have a file on everyone. But if you have an MIB
benefit, or an investigation of health and safety file, you will want to be sure it is correct. You can
at your work site. That means that you may have obtain a free copy once a year by requesting it
a false sense of security based on the highly from their website or by calling (866) 692-6901.
touted Health Insurance Portability and There are also at least two databases,
Accountability Act (HIPAA). IntelliScript and MedPoint, that report
Enacted in 2003, HIPAA is a body of national prescription drug purchase histories to
standards for electronic medical records and insurance companies on consumers seeking
transactions for healthcare providers, health private health, life or disability insurance. And
plans, and employers. It also addresses the this is really something…their information may
security and privacy of electronic health records. go as far back as five years with a detailed
This rule is the reason that we now stand out of history of drugs used, dosages and refills. Like
hearing and viewing range of transactions at a MIB, these are reporting agencies under FCRA,
pharmacy or medical center. not medical ones.

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Though you don’t have control over the
information they gather and store, what you do
have power over is what information you Darity Wesley is CEO and Legal
volunteer. Anytime you are in a public place, like Counsel for Privacy Solutions, Inc.
at a health fair, a pharmacy or other non- a San Diego based consulting
medical setting, and take a test, like a free or low firm. Her team of Privacy Gurus®
cost screening, that requires that you fill out a work with you to create policies
form that requests your personal information, and procedures to establish the
that information may be passed on to a direct
expectation of privacy for your
marketer. Think about that before filling out one
of those forms. Your data may end up in the
members, clients, customers,
MIB. Additionally, when you are online on a prospects, affiliates, associates,
Facebook group discussion or in a chat group employees and vendors. You can
where you talk about specific conditions and reach her at (619) 670-9462 or
diseases, understand that information can, Visit
instantaneously go to anyone anywhere in the our website at:
world with an Internet connection.
Please pay attention to what information you
volunteer, particularly your sensitive personal
information. What you give away as far as your Join Darity on
privacy goes will likely not ever return.
Privacy Solutions on Facebook
The Privacy Guru® says: Please know beyond
the shadow of a doubt that anything you email
or post online may become, if not already is,
public. Stay aware and alert!

©2009-2010 Privacy Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

As spring approaches with the promise of
new growth and lighter days and as By Gina Hardy
winter's grip loses her hold you may well be
starting to think about spring cleaning your
life. A few people I know are making big
changes in their love relationships
including some that are ending because
they feel they can't communicate anymore
and the lack of being able to speak the
same "language" has brought forth

Are you speaking the same

tango. Both of you must be committed to a path of
inner growth and healing, period.

What is the main problem with conflict ? The

wrong type of communication. Effective
communication is where you leave your
judgments, opinions and what you are not getting,
to visit the world of the other person and really
see the world from their position. True
understanding is the healing balm to conflict. You
don't have to agree with where your partner is at
but you must have an appreciation of the position
they are in. You may be surprised what you see
when you SEE them in their truth. Your way of
taking what they say is often slanted and filtered
through your own experiences and oh boy how
often we can get it wrong!

Working with couples lately, I have seen TRUE

connection happen when the right communication
is present. No amount of sex and spending quality
time beats the art of the right communication. Just
talking doesn't fix it because usually we are trying,
even if we think we aren't, to get our needs met in
the relationship and one of the worst habits we
perpetuate is, we want to be right ! Wanting to get
one over on our partner, to be smarter, more
spiritual (oooh …This is bad one!), more
intelligent only serves to harm the relational space
and it's selfish.
As numbers of people going down the aisle
decline, a quarter since 1991 and divorce rates During my training with Imago Relationships
climb, one can't help but wonder what is it that is International, I was introduced to their main
failing in our world and making communication tool called The Intentional
us despondent about staying in relationships ? Dialogue.
Movies and songs are ever woven with fairy tale
love and happy ever after, keeping us chained to "It is a basic 3 step process to help people
the promise of our soul mate and yet the desire to communicate thoughts, feelings or experiences with
stay happy and not experience negativity seems to the intention of being clearly heard and understood
be increasing at the same time. and to hear and understand the other. On a deeper
level, the Imago Dialogue invites, creates, enhances
One of the big misunderstandings in relationships and preserves connection".
is that 80% of the time conflict and bad patches
are inner resistance to growth and healing. Martin At first I cringed, as some of you will, at the
Buber, a Jewish Philosopher once said "the gift of thought "not another process". I guess that’s my
relationship is a helpmate in opposition", in other conditioning from the corporate world. But as I
words our loved one is there to push our buttons have used it in training and working with people I
and help us grow to a place beyond inner conflict, am seeing "soul connective" experiences that
to acceptance of the self and of the other, warts leave me in awe of its potential power. That
and all...why be in a relationship if you don't have "certain something" that we search our whole
that ? You may say, yes I hear that but I have tried lives for and want to be part of, appears when you
and tried and well I feel like I am making all the truly SEE the other in communication.
effort...I hear you, it simply has to take two to The process consists of 1) mirroring what the
other person says, 2) validating their point of view
and then 3) empathising your imagined feelings of Validation follows. Please don't assume that
other. validating means you have to agree with what
your partner is saying! It means "I understand you
and I accept your experience". As Imago says "it
allows two different worlds to co-exist - the
both/and rather than the either/or." When you, as
the receiver, start validating your partner after
summarising, use the words "it makes sense
that...." or "I understand that...." It acknowledges
the existence of the sender's internal experiences
and perceptions of the world.

How to dialogue The third and final step of the Dialogue is

To make this communication work with effect, you empathy. The "receiver" imagines the feelings of
need to find the time, first of all, to sit down and the sender by stepping into their shoes. It is
be totally present with your loved one. Ask them if important here to verify that the imagined feelings
it's convenient to talk at a given time. You both are correct with "I imagine you might be feeling...."
need to be ready. Watching TV while eating dinner Try to steer clear of words such as "must" and
is not a good time to dialogue! Once you have "should" because their world is not yours, so don't
found the space, sit close facing each other and assume you know what they are feeling.
link knees and perhaps hold hands. Body
connection, brings a feeling of purpose and safety. Over time, we move from communicating with
The next vital step is to gaze into each other’s eyes what we see on the outside to touching each
and stay visual with each other as much as other’s interior world, as you learn to participate
possible. This will help you to be totally present in the world of the other, while holding onto your
and help your mate feel that you are really there own separate experience.
for them.
Close the dialogue with appreciation and thanks to
Decide who is going to "send"/talk first. Whoever your partner for sharing their thoughts. This is an
is going to "receive" first make sure you leave important step.
your place of judgment, opinion and ego and
"visit" your partner’s world. Imagine that you each Now I know you may think, as I did at first, boy
are an island and to talk to your partner, you must this seemed a little contrived and stilted. I can't
travel to their island, which means leaving yours pretend it won't feel awkward to talk in this way
behind. Be fully alert and present to them and only initially, because like new shoes you need to keep
them. trying them on to feel comfortable, but after time
and with practise, you will find your own energy
The sender can then start to speak about and words to complete the process that feels right
something that they want to discuss. You then for you both.
mirror back, as close as possible using the same
words that your partner has said, using "I hear Intentional Dialogue is used extensively in Imago
you say that......" For those who love to talk and Therapy and is the key tool for shifting blocks in
"transmit" only, this can be tricky because us couples who have forgotten how to communicate
transmitters are usually preparing what we are properly. The main benefit is the re-vitalised and
going to say next and can miss completely what deeper connection that grows from this simple but
the other person is saying. Listening is a learned incredibly effective technique. In my own
art and mirroring helps us to "get" what the other experience it is valuable to be able to know and
is REALLY saying. Keep mirroring until the other accept the differences that exist in other human
person has expressed all they want to say by beings and that often we get it so wrong in our
encouraging with "is there more about that ?" and perception of what we think they have said. It has
then try (it's not easy !) to summarize what they helped me to really listen with intent and to
have said using, again the same words if you can, appreciate the essence and deeper beauty of
using "did I get that/you ?" at the end. another person.
So try it on, see how it goes and let me know! You
don't necessarily need a partner to do it, you can
ask your friends or family to dialogue with you. When to use Dialogue?
This is valuable on so many levels with many
people. If you need guidance, please contact me  To express love and appreciation
via the web site. I would be happy to guide
 To simply "connect" by practicing the steps
through this!
 To be heard and understood
Happy communicating all!
 To listen and understand

 You are upset about something and want to

discuss it

 To discuss a topic that might be touchy.
Mention Humanity Healing and
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The Power
in Goodbye
By Rev. Judi A. Lynch
The Power in
life goals can replace the old
One thing we all eventually have to notions and beliefs. The power of
learn in our lifetimes is how to say goodbye is that it changes your
goodbye. We have to say goodbye to attitudes about yourself that may
relationships that don't work and to have turned negative due to your
loved ones and family as they leave surroundings. It means soul growth.
this World for the next. We also
learn to leave behind old habits and Like a baby giving up a pacifier, it
things that can harm our physical can mean you learn to walk alone
and and
emotiona discover
l health. things
It can be yourself
challenin you have
g to say either
the least. forgotten
It can be or never
downrig knew. It
ht means
frighteni that you
ng to be can stand
on your up and
own again after having the change the things which are
companionship of someone close preventing you from the future you
after many years. It can be painful need to manifest. Loving from a
to give up food that you love that is distance those who have brought
causing you harm or friends that you pain knowing you are better off
put you in constant emotional to forge ahead down a new path
warfare even though you love them. with lessons learned.

The power of goodbye is that it can As painful as some changes can be,
also leave you exhilarated at the they are necessary. Resistance can
promise of a better future. New hold you back from discovering
opportunities, new friendships, new your life purpose and fulfilling your
soul's very plan for overcoming
what may have been a life theme to
overcome for many lifetimes lived
on Earth.
what a person says and what they
do and really feel inside can be
quite different. Sometimes we
forget that love is unconditional but
trust is earned.

We should give unconditionally and

expect nothing in return while also
removing ourselves from people
and situations that can harm us. We
can send out love to every soul and
that includes loving ourselves and
taking care of ourselves as well.
When we realize these things, we
also realize that no one owes us
anything. The power in goodbye is
An empathetic person has to learn that it makes your soul strong
when to say goodbye and when not enough to withstand anything life
to take on too much of another's can throw your way, making way to
pain. Familiarity and soul manifest the future of your dreams.
recognition are not an excuse for
another to play on your sympathy.
To perceive reality from a
different perspective is to
open oneself to the wonders
and unlimited wealth of
creation. Simply Spiritual

Spiritual offers the opportunity to visit

new places, new methods, and
different ways to perceive the
vast human knowledge of our


One of the first steps in dealing with addiction

is to discover the emotional cause of it,
Whether it is fear, depression, anxiety,
or pessimism clinical feelings of emptiness.

By Ronald Alexander
and examined later so that we can make the
conscious choice to reject them.

You can never completely avoid the wanting

mind or any other hindrance. Desire is part of
being human. It
causes us to strive toward bettering our lives
and our world, and has led to many of the
discoveries and inventions that have
provided us with a higher quality of life. Yet
despite all that we can achieve and possess,
we can become convinced that we won’t be
happy or contented unless we acquire even
more. This unwholesome belief can lead to
competitiveness and feeling resentful toward,
or envious of, those who seem to have an
easier life.

If I have a patient who is using drugs or even

food to manipulate their moods I first refer
them to a nutritionist; a psychiatrist or
psycho pharmacologist; or a holistic doctor
such as an integrative medical doctor, to
break this habit. In addition to this I
recommend mindfulness meditation, yoga
practice, and regular exercise as they are all
Many times these unwholesome thoughts and
excellent to help mood regulation. These
beliefs come from what I call the “wanting
types of activities lower the levels of the
mind.” In wanting mind, we feel that our
stress hormone cortisol in your bloodstream,
current state of unhappiness could be cured if
increase your interleukin levels (enhancing
only we could have the money, job,
your immune system and providing you with
relationship, recognition, or power we had
greater energy), and streamline your body’s
and lost, or never had and strongly desire.
ability to cleanse itself of chemical toxins,
such as lactic acid in your muscles and
Often we cause ourselves suffering when we bloodstream, which can affect
ache for something that lies out of our grasp neurotransmitter receptors and alter your
or cling in vain to something that has already mood.
passed away. Sometimes, wanting mind
involves tightly holding on to something
Many musicians and artists use drugs,
negative: an unwholesome belief about how
particularly mild hallucinogens such as
things ought to be or should have been, or an
hashish and marijuana, as tools for
unwholesome emotion such as anger,
transforming their moods and tapping into
sadness, or jealousy.
their creativity. But over the years of
counseling many such artists, I’ve come to the
Mindfulness practice helps us develop the opinion that drugs are very rarely a good
capacity to see clearly exactly what we’re option and are never the best way, in the long
attached to so that we can let go of it and end term, to hook up to your creative core. You
our suffering. The hidden areas of resistance can open the doors of consciousness with
that emerge into our awareness can be noted drugs for a limited amount of time, but then
the cost is too high. Even if you don’t develop
an addiction or you into denial
empty your bank and cause you to
account while minimize the
using them, you consequences of
over stimulate your
the dopamine unproductive
and behaviors.
norepinephrine Whatever you
receptors in discover about
your brain. In a yourself and
sense, you burn however painful
them out so that your discovery,
everyday dramatic
pleasures can’t breakthroughs
produce a are always
positive, much possible.
less euphoric, Research on
feeling without resorting to drugs again. I’ve mindfulness meditation shows that qualities,
seen people become over stimulated by one we once thought immutable that form
drug, then start using temperament and character, can actually be
another to reduce its side effects and help altered significantly. By retraining your mind
them sleep, leading to such a severe through mindfulness practice, you create new
imbalance that it takes many months of neural networks. If you’re aggressive, you can
correction to bring their systems back to find ways to temper that aspect of yourself,
balance. becoming assertive and clear about your
boundaries without entering into a
competitive and possibly even hostile mind-
set that will sabotage you.
Wholesome practices, such as mindfulness
meditation, are far more effective for opening Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. is the author of the widely
yourself up to core creativity and becoming acclaimed book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding
Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and
creatively toned. They aren’t fraught with the Change. He is the Executive Director of the OpenMind
danger of severe emotional crashes and Training® Institute, practices mindfulness-based
chemical imbalance. In many ancient cultures, mind-body psychotherapy and leadership coaching in
hallucinogenics were used ritualistically, with Santa Monica, CA, for individuals and corporate
great restraint and respect. Using drugs as a clients. He has taught personal and clinical training
groups for professionals in Integral Psychotherapy,
quick transport is quite different. Ericksonian mind-body healing therapies, mindfulness
meditation, and Buddhist psychology nationally and
internationally since 1970.
The challenge to altering these addictions is
the fear that you can’t change which can push
The Undoing

To wake without the hands of tomorrow’s clock, By Deborah DeNicola

the words of yesterday’s narration, the whole heft

of the personal—Poof—snockered away! Remains

of a morning shower, flecks of water where rain was.

Then growth. A hibiscus of infinite petals, stamen

Would that you were God, the conscious
and stems. Fragrant, extended seconds of
presence— creator in each apprehended linear segment . .
. yes.

To do the minutia without worry in your own


As Zen says: When you sweep, sweep. Oh the

mercy, the ghostly

Deborah DeNicola’s spiritual memoir, The Future That Brought alchemy of not thinking. All one undoing of
Her Here, was recently released from Nicholas Hays/Ibis everything
Press. A second full collection of poetry, Original Human, is
forthcoming in 2010 from WordTech Press. Deborah edited
the anthology Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poems on in the mind. So to do without is more, is most.
Greek Mythology, from The University Press of New England.
OM… times

Let your worries drift away into the moment…

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What is
By Baba Shuddhaanandaa
Grace is the power which gives you the ability and will to ask
“What is Grace?”!
Grace is perennial.
It is eternal like a flowing river.

Whether you know it or not, deserve it or not,

are conscious about it or not,

YOU are bathed in Grace from the birth to the death and beyond.
Your existence is soaked in Grace.
Your love is Grace in manifestation.

Even when you are blinking your eyes,

it is also possible due to Divine Grace,
for you don't have the power to do that.
Your heart beats a hundred thousand times a day by Grace
and the rhythm of Grace.

I don't see anything that is not Grace.

Even from that point of view, sufferance is also Grace.
It is through sufferance that a soul comes to realize
the fragility of the material pleasures.

Then a time comes when the soul longs to know about the
Grace and pines for the Grace.

And prays, meditates, forgives, loves,

realizes the Oneness that is the reality.
Grace thus is God's love for all of creations.

Oh! I do not know what not Grace is!

Love overflowing and this is also Grace.

~Baba April 2010 Edition

Letting Go
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I
might be.”

By Janice Chrysler

“When I let go of what I am”.....not an easy step

for most of us to take is it? In order to let go,
first we have to have a relationship with
ourselves. Does our belief in which we are rely
on our name, where we live, our job title or
what others think of us? If so, what happens to
us when these things are taken away from us or
truths are uncovered that we would rather have
been kept secret? In order to really discover our
true identity we need to go within on a very
personal journey of self discovery. This is a trip
we need to do alone for only we hold the key to
unlock our purpose and we alone make the
choices along our path. Too often we hide
behind the fear of change forgetting that it was
through our inquisitive nature as a child that we
learned new things. Had we not followed our Continually repeat things we know is to stay in
inner voice of pure innocence, curiosity and the past. After all, that is what knowing
longing to learn we would not be where and is…Things you have already learned. Why do we
who we are today. When we were children, we choose to stop learning and trying new things?
had not yet taken on the burdens of
preconceived ideas, fears and limitations. We Have we decided that this is it for us, there is no
knew only that we were here to learn, grow and more that we need to do or can do in this lifetime?
Do we hold fast to the false hope that things will
to expand our awareness of all things. Being
change yet take no action to make it happen?
one with the Universe, we were and still are Clinging to the fears from yesterday and refusing
filled with endless potentiality. The limits we to venture into unknown territory only robs us of
have in our lives are ones we have placed upon any joy we could be experiencing today.
ourselves. Letting go of the past is a huge step forward but
When we refuse to move ahead in our life, we are not through yet. Holding onto yesterday
whether it is taking a different job, meeting new often goes hand in hand with worrying about the
future as we huddle where we "know" what will
people, reading a different book, learning
happen next. This worry will stifle our desires and
anything new so that we can expand our mind growth from manifesting in our lives. Precious
and spirit, we lock ourselves in the past. To “now” time is spent worrying about things we
have no control over. Is this negative energy what
we want to manifest in our future? Remember we April 2010 Edition

become what we think! Allowing negative purpose. You feel calmer and connected to the Divine.
energies today to be part of 2- Think about what really
our being will develop into makes you happy, what you
the worry of the future and enjoy doing then bring that into
once there, not having lived your life. By bringing joy into your
our dreams will become the life you will find happiness and
regrets and remorse of through happiness success. This
yesterday. positive energy will attract more of
Each of us has the power the same into your life.
within ourselves to call upon 3- Watch those thoughts! Are you
the Universe and the Divine always putting a negative spin on
to create a life of learning, things? Rethink in a positive way
growing and contentment otherwise you will attract more
through the expansion of negativity to you.
self-love. We need to spend 4-Be aware of the magnificence
time with ourselves and of Mother Earth. Take time each
recover that innocence we day to be in nature and truly breathe
once had for life and self. By in its beauty and feel your connection
believing that we can to its energy.
manifest whatever it is we 5- Know that you are endless
desire in our lives, with the intent for the higher potentiality. What is it you desire? Put it out there
good, we put forth positive energy and love to the through your meditations, vision boards, write it in
world as well. There are no limits to what we can your journal then be prepared for the Universe to
achieve if only we take that first step and believe. provide just not always the way you expect though!
How else will we ever know what we could be? 6- Let go of grievances, remorse, regrets, anger
Do you want to be at the end of your life and hate. There is no room for both sorrow and joy
wondering? in your heart. These things are past, learn from them
and move on. It is not always easy but the benefits are
"What if, should have, could have, why didn't I"? life changing.
7- Do not worry about the future. Put your
The one thing worse than failure is never having desires out to the Universe with the faith that it will
tried and being filled with regrets. Life is full of sort out the details for you. Watch for the signs and
lessons just waiting for us to experience. The opportunities when they arise, accept the challenge
sooner we realize we have the control within when it comes and give thanks when things are
ourselves to break the chains of the past we open manifested in your life.
the doorway to endless possibilities. The only
limits we have in this life are the ones we put upon May today be the first day of your own mindful
ourselves. We need to take this precious moment, journey within to a path of self-discovery?
this time of “now” and live it to its fullest potential.
By taking the following steps, we can be well on
our way to becoming all we might be!

1- Upon rising each day and before going to

sleep each night give thanks for your many
Take time to meditate if only for ten minutes twice a
day (thirty minutes is better). This takes you inward
to discover who you really are, your desires and your April 2010 Edition


Living Simply
By Gordon Rosenberg April 2010 Edition

it’s partly contributions to the race
because through one’s deeds is the
people main thing. Is it impossible for
don’t value us to attain such a place in
themselves. today’s world? I don’t think so.
They don’t Yes, it can be difficult. There’s
value the just not much support for
little things being who you are – unless
they have you do it in connection with
to offer. the prevailing culture.
They think
they must But some people don’t listen
be very to prevailing opinion. They
busy to be find it possible to do what they
justified. know they must, without
Look compromising their values.
around you. They do as they know they
You’ll see must, without worrying about
this going the opinions of those around
on them. This isn’t easy. It takes a
everything. real commitment to one’s
People are innermost inspiration. It takes
running all giving up fear and doing what
about doing you know you need to be
things – just doing. It takes not holding on
to be busy. to false perceptions about
Most people are very busy. Very little thought is going yourself. And it takes having
This may be especially so in into why we do these things. the courage to face objections.
western culture. But I doubt if It’s mostly a case of just doing
you could go anywhere on this for the sake of doing. None of this is easy. It really
planet now and see a never was. But some people
predominant culture that isn’t do it anyway. The choice is
too busy. It’s just the way ours. Be busy or be more
things have become. Yet, life In my view of reality, there’s relaxed. Live a life worth
doesn’t have to be lived this no reason for all this activity. living, or don’t. Be whoever we
way. There was a time on this It’s possible to do one’s life are, either in the context of
planet when people were more leisurely. It’s possible to those around us, or don’t
more relaxed, when they not be busy at anything – and worry at all about them and be
weren’t always in a hurry. still be a valuable person. Why true to ourselves. I say, be true
Then, life sped up. People is it that people need to be to oneself, for there’s really no
decided there was a lot to do defined by their work? Do you other way to live and be
and they should be doing it. do this –or- do you do that? fulfilled at the same time.
Now, it seems as if you must What’s so good about work, in
be busy to be okay. the commonest sense? I see a
place where work isn’t the
Why is it this way? Perhaps, main issue; where one’s April 2010 Edition

Shared by
partner and
to the

Marty is my playful side coming

to the surface. He is designed to
be a relief-valve for a world that
takes itself far too seriously. A lot
of the ideas I plan to explore with
him are gentle reminders that
the material world is always
swinging from left to right...
duality is the nature of the
journey here on earth. Marty
questions beliefs and fears, is a
bit self-serving, but at his core
there exists a love supreme... the
mask that, when removed,
reminds us there is really only
one life, and we all are it.

To see more of Marty’s videos and other video

creations of Chris Anderson, click here:
Humanity Healing
Awareness Campaign

We are ONE
ONE Planet, ONE Humanity
Earth Day 22 April
Dear Ones: We are each connected by
threads unseen, energies that travel and bind
meditation, seek the answer? What is your
truth? What does that mean?
the universe. One of these threads is silver.
The writing you read here is titled, "Silver
Threads." It is a simply written message Some of the many definitions listed on
containing alternatives to everyday life for the word truth are: the
choices. Have you looked at your loom actual state of a matter; conformity with fact
lately? Happy reading. or reality; ideal reality transcending
perceived experience. I especially like the
Marsha last one. Well, I like the last part –
„transcending perceived experience.‟
"When we discover that the truth is already
in us, we are all at once our original Mankind is fond of believing that what
selves.” he/she thinks is the absolute truth. Think
Dogen (Japanese Buddhist and Philosopher) about the way the word is used in a Court of

What is Your Truth? Law when a person about to give testimony

is sworn in - they promise to tell the “truth,
How beautiful and simple, profound and the whole truth and nothing but the truth...”
elegant a question. Is it one you can answer? And then they invoke the power of God!
Could this be the first time you asked this Everyone has their own idea of what the
particular question; will you take this query truth is! Are there shades of truth? Is it a
unto yourself and in moments of quiet black and white, either/or deal? Should truth
contemplation, in your sacred space of be labeled or categorized? Only you can
answer these questions.

Om-Times .com April 2010 Edition

Truth is sacred. Your truth lives deep inside will open your heart and mind to the
you, flourishing in your core. You knew messages contained within. In order to do
what your truth was at the moment of your that, you need to be willing to shed the cloak
birth. It is written on the parchment of your of knowing that you have been wrapped in
soul. The question is have you been so for what could be a good many years, a
clobbered by life experiences that you have lifetime!
bought into someone else‟s idea of truth?
What do you know for sure? One must dig Moving on to Step 2, become aware of the
deep for the answers to surface. It is neither behaviors and actions you perform that are
an overnight or simple journey. not true to the inner you. In order to let go of
something, you need to recognize and
Let‟s begin with what your truth is not. It is acknowledge what it is. You may wish to
not in the facts that society has deemed real start a journal and record things as they
or certain. It is not in the words of a text appear on your radar screen. This will help
book. And your truth cannot be delivered to you clarify the deeds and manners that do
you by another. Not by their words, actions not suit you, the things you need to let go of,
or insistence. What is it then? It is the to change.
knowledge you carry in your core. Next
question, what do you know of your core? Step 3, create the time and space to enter
This is not an easy question to answer by into meditation or quiet reflection whereby
any means. That which you knew at the you are open to the energies of the Universe.
moment of your birth; that which is written Practice the breathing that calms the chatter
on your soul will provide the answers you in your mind; in other words, develop the
seek. How does one tap into this ability to turn off the ever playing tape in
extraordinary source within? I hope you love your head. When the chatter stops your inner
all the questions as much as I do! voice can be heard. Ask the Universe, your
guardian angels and whoever else guides
Begin by setting an intention. Decide that and protects you to join you on this journey.
you will take this journey of discovery, To find your truth you must practice self-
wherever it may lead, whatever changes it trust.
requires. Living your truth is not always
easily accepted by the people in your life; This is quite a bit to digest. Until we meet
people who have often done their very best again, be kind to yourself as you begin to
to shape your thoughts and actions in their examine your life, and the many choices you
own image. Whether done out of love or have made and are making. A word of
otherwise, those who guide early life can wisdom here – rather than allow judgment to
and will teach what they know. One might join you on this path, become an observer.
question if these teachings are in actuality Your journal will be a great aid as you
their personal truth! After all, they learned undertake this journey. The next Silver
about life the same way you learned, from Threads will focus on Core Beliefs, another
the generation before! aspect of your truth. In the meantime, keep
breathing (deeply whenever needed) be well
Where do you begin? What steps should be and patient with yourself. You are in a good
taken? place!
Step 1 involves promising yourself that you

Om-Times .com April 2010 Edition

A Collection of Readings and Channeled
Messages to Help Guide Your Steps
The Astro-Sage
By Chris Anderson/Onefeather

Looking at the Heavenly Climate for April 2010...

Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles, poets thoughts. On the following day Saturn officially
and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry influences? reenters Virgo at the 29th degree... lover's quarrels
abate. The continuance of the squaring motion of
~Sir Walter Scott~ Pluto, Saturn and Uranus make these trying times
for nations and their clans...
Greetings Fellow Travelers!
The union of the Sun and Moon in Taurus on the
April enters with the Fulling of the Moon having 14th provides renewing of purpose, and the season of
occurred on the 30th of March and the initiation of
planting intends for future gains. The chela and his
Spring on the 20th of March, a passing of the dreary
loved ones will find rewards along the path!
times of winter. Lasonnambula now awakens with
the robin's call to Western Winds. The trining of the Sunday the 18th begins Mercury's retreat, the Sprite
Goddess to faire Jupiter on April 1st allows the Fool of messages and monies retreats back toward Sol's
forgiveness for his foolery! advance. The season of confusion and potential loss
begins as the Goddess trines nebulous Neptune and
Good Friday is a day of grounded communication as
Pluto trines the Sun. The ease of these energies
Mercury swiftly enters Earthy Taurus and the value
interaction can easily expand the whim of Mercurial
of one's efforts are proclaimed! Easter on the 4th is misdirection... the pilgrim should be alert for three
aligned with the resurrected flow of newbourn
days before and three days following these
energy, Gentle Venus trines the Lord of Vulcan and
“interesting” times. Campfires left unattended might
interrupts Pluto's square of Saturn, dispersing smiles
very well reignite!
upon the land. A day of resurrection this might truly
be! Yet wisdom cautions the chela to acknowledge April 20th sees the entry of Sol into Taurus as the
the tension of Uranus's advance in opposition to the Moon trines Jupiter from Cancer to Pisces...
Ringed Teacher, at odds from the 30th degree of auspicious indeed for those of both Water and Earth
Virgo to the 27th degree of the Clan of the Fishes in Clans! The Goddess gains light as the celebration of
the 12th. Earth Day on the 22nd unites. Following the
celebration on the 23rd a square between Venus and
Caution with one's words on the 5th is prudent as Neptune arises to infuse stress in creative pursuits,
Mars feels irritation with a square to Mercury, sparks initiation is best allowed to wait... plans could fail
from the Winged Heels might provoke the Warrior's when considering the backward movement of
rage. The following day Lord Pluto turns about and
Mercury being added to the strife!
retrogrades in Capricorn, re-examination of the land
just passed. Mercury in trine makes the passage less On Sunday the 25th Venus will enter the home of the
abrupt, spoken words will reveal one's heartfelt Twins, duality expressed with grace. Mercury and

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Mars once again clash and the chela is encouraged to alert traveler notes when lightening flashes on the
withdraw from places where there's potential for horizon and takes cover in places where
fights. Angry words will cause reactionary spite!
safety is sure!
The Moon comes to full on the 28th in the Clan of the
Scorpion and sparks ignite fireworks to no one's Blessing Light & Love from the Celestial Ashram...
delight. Extreme caution is advised with the
In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity
opposition of Sol and the Goddess, as squares and
facilitating trines abound! Pluto trines the Sun The AstroSage~
lending stress to Sol's square to Mars in prideful Leo,
and the the Moon in Scorpio joins the fray! “Men should take their knowledge from the Sun, the
Moon and the Stars.”
Saturn opposes Uranus in union with Lord Jupiter...
rigid beliefs will crumble to unexpected events and ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
unforeseen foes! The pilgrim recognizes that
wisdom encourages being cloistered this night! The AstroSage (aka Onefeather) can be contacted at:

April is filled with tension and reward; Spring causes

the breaking of Winter's ice fields and logjams while
His webpage and the services he offers is located at:
thunder rolls double across the land. Seeds planted
in a timely fashion will grow hardly with the multiple
showers in this season of stress and renewal. The

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

April 2010

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

by Darity Wesley

The energies and directions for the month of April evolve We also have both Mercury and Pluto going retrograde
around re-forming some of the situations, structures and (apparent backward motion from Earth’s perspective)
even relationships that make up your life as you presently this month. Pluto goes retrograde on the 6th of April and
know it. Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th. Now, I am not an
astrologer and know a smidge about it, but I certainly pay
The month of March was about all emergence. As we attention to the forces at play in the Universe and have
emerge into our truer, more authentic selves, becoming personally found it very helpful in staying aware and alert
more and more conscious of who we really are, we need to opportunities and challenges that go with these
to take a look around at our lives to make sure they energies. Observing and paying attention to this kind of
reflect the changes, the transitions we are going through. information also has a great benefit, a reduction of the
We need to make sure we are walking the walk and not
drama in your life, or, at least, your need to react to it.
just talking the talk. There are lots of folks who do that.
You can tell at an intuitive level when you listen to That being said, these planets being retrograde afford us
someone whether they are speaking truth or not and you an opportunity to make use of these reformative energies
can look at how someone’s life is unfolding to see the whirling around us in April. Write some of your thoughts
choices or decisions they are making or not making. about this down. Start a journal if you do not have one. I
started my journal in June of 1973 because “my changes
It is important to recognize, as we go along these new are happening sooo fast!!!”
paths this month that we are choosing daily or even
minute to minute, that while our relationships are an So, this is a month to stay aware and alert to each
important part of our lives, they do not have to be occurrence that confronts you. Like it or not, this will be
permanent. So many of us think this is a value to a an opportunity to exercise the change you have been
relationship and cannot let them just come and go as wanting. Simply go within, allow your Spirit to be your
they really must. The beauty of a relationship is guide. Do what feels right. Make some re-formations
measured by its intensity, not its duration. throughout the month of April.

We must see this month that the structures with which As we step into our new lives, much needs to be cleared.
we hold our lives together do not need to remain April is the month to get some practical issues aligned
unchanged either. We hang on to too many structures during this great year of transition.
which provide us the illusion of security. There was a
great book I loved written by Alan Watts many years ago Let your mantra for the month be: I see the changes I
called “The Wisdom of Insecurity.” Stepping out into the need to make clearly and consciously and I make
unknown, in love and trust, brings its own rewards and them…And So It Is!!!
changing some of the structures in our lives is a good
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual
thing. The beauty of the structures in our lives is that we Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San
are able to reform, change and re-structure them. Diego, California. You can contact her at If you wish to
There are many situations and events which will be subscribe to Darity’s Daily Oracles, just go to
flooding your life this month. Knowing that these events and send an email,
and situations create opportunities for you to re-form the simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line
situations, structures and relationships that need
reformation can, and should, be a conscious spiritual © 2010 Darity Wesley. All Rights Reserved.
practice for you for April.
OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition
OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition
Colin Beavan decides to completely eliminate his
personal impact on the environment for the next

It means eating vegetarian, buying only local food,

and turning off the refrigerator. It also means no
elevators, no television, no cars, busses, or
airplanes, no toxic cleaning products, no electricity,
no material consumption, and no garbage.

No problem – at least for Colin – but he and his

family live in Manhattan. So when his espresso-
guzzling, retail-worshipping wife Michelle and
their two-year-old daughter are dragged into the
fray, the No Impact Project has an unforeseen
impact of its own.

Laura Gabbert and Justin Schein's film provides an

intriguing inside look into the experiment that
became a national fascination and media sensation,
while examining the familial strains and
strengthened bonds that result from Colin and
Michelle’s struggle with their radical lifestyle
Watch The Trailer

Om-Times Magazine April 2010 edition

The BOOK A guilty liberal finally snaps, swears off plastic, goes
organic, becomes a bicycle nut, turns off his power, and P
generally becomes a tree-hugging lunatic who tries to save
the polar bears and the rest of the planet from
environmental catastrophe while dragging his baby E
daughter and Prada-wearing, Four Seasons–loving wife
along for the ride. And that’s just the beginning. Bill O
McKibben meets Bill Bryson in this seriously engaging
look at one man’s decision to put his money where his
mouth is and go off the grid for one year—while still P
living in New York City—to see if it’s possible to make no
net impact on the environment. In other words, no trash, L
no toxins in the water, no elevators, no subway, no
products in packaging, no air-conditioning, no television.

As the news stories go: "Colin Beavan is a liberal schlub who got tired
of listening to himself complain about the world without ever
actually doing anything about it…" Thus, in November, 2006, Beavan
launched a year-long project in which he, his wife, his two-year-old
daughter and his four-year-old dog went off the grid and attempted
to live in the middle of New York City with as little environmental
The Video impact as possible.

The No Impact project has been the subject of stories in the New
York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, and many other national
and international news outlets. Beavan has appeared on The Colbert
Report, Good Morning America, Nightline, The Montel Show, and all
the major NPR shows. He speaks regularly to a wide variety of
audiences, is frequently quoted in the press and consults to business
on the intersection of sustainability and human quality of life.

Michelle Conlin is Colin Beavan's wife, and had absolutely no

idea what she was getting into when she agreed to do the No
Impact Project. Along with their daughter, Michelle bears
witness – and is obliged to participate in – the experiments in
environmentalism that Colin designs for the family.

In the hours when Michelle enjoys life on the other side

(with electricity), she is a senior writer at BusinessWeek.
There she covers the Working Life, a beat that includes the
culture of work, social issues, work-life trends, and the labor
market. Michelle has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, CBS’s
Early Show, ABC's Good Morning America, CNN, NPR’s All
Things Considered, NPR's Marketplace, CNBC’s Kudlow &
Cramer, Fox News, and MSNBC. She has also been a regular
panelist on PBS's To the Contrary and CNNfn's Business

Om-Times Magazine April 2010 edition

The No Impact Experiment is a one-week carbon cleanse. It is a chance for
you to see what a difference no-impact living can have on your quality of life.
It’s not about giving up creature comforts but an opportunity for you to test
whether the modern “conveniences” you take for granted are actually making
you happier or just eating away at your time and money.
Joining is simple! Click here to sign up for our next program beginning
April 18th.
Visit How It Works for step-by-step instructions and download our How-To
Manual for day-by-day guidelines. Watch inspiring videos from past
participants about their lessons from the week and what motivated them to try
it. April 2010 Edition

Digital Media
Agreements in
by Eli

In our non-physical, before we came

into the physical, we all agreed to help
each other in the path of
remembering our True Selves.
Cooking OM-Times

Welcome to the Church of

the Holy Cabbage.
Healthy Meals
& Healthy Life
Lettuce pray.

~Author Unknown
Welcome to our new food and
cooking section.
This month we will explore a plant we all
mistakenly regard as a weed:

The Dandelion

Besides their culinary uses as coffee

substitute and salad ingredient, the
root and leaf of this pervasive weed of
the aster family are also used in
traditional medicine. Dandelion is
grown commercially in both the United
States and Europe. Dandelion leaves are
an excellent source of beta-carotene,
vitamin A, and vitamin C, nutrients
that act as antioxidants in the body.
Laboratory studies have shown that
dandelion flower extract has
antioxidant properties, and may even
help inhibit tumor growth.

In this new approach, we will

investigate the new approach of
Medicinal cooking and unveil the exotic
taste of those perky flowers.
Om-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Healing Cuisine

"Cream of Dandelion Soup" "Dandelion Blossom Cake"

Ingredients: Ingredients:
1.) 4 cups chopped dandelion leaves 1.) 2 cups flour
2.) 2 cups dandelion flower petals 2.) 2 tsp baking powder
3.) 2 cups dandelion buds 3.) 11/2 tsp baking soda
4.) 1 Tbsp butter or olive oil 4.) 1 tsp cinnamon
5.) 1 cup chopped wild leeks (or onions) 5.) 1 tsp salt
6.) 6 cloves garlic, minced 6.) 1 cup sugar
7.) 4 cups water 7.) 1 cup Dandelion Blossom Syrup
8.) 2 cups half-n-half or heavy cream 8.) 11/2 cups oil
9.) 2 tsp salt 9.) 4 eggs
10.) 2 cups Dandelion blossom petals
Preparation: 11.) 1 can crushed pineapple
Gently boil dandelion leaves in 6 cups water. Pour off bitter 12.) 1/2 cup walnuts
water. Boil gently a second time, pour off bitter water. 13.) 1/2 cup coconut
In a heavy-bottom soup pot, sauté wild leeks and garlic in butter Preparation:
or olive oil until tender. Sift together dry ingredients. In separate bowl, beat sugar, dandelion
Add 4 cups water. syrup, oil and eggs together until creamy. Add
Add dandelion leaves, flower petals, buds, and salt. pineapple, walnuts, and coconut, and mix well.
Simmer gently 45 minutes or so. Stir dry ingredients into the mixture until well blended.
Add cream and simmer a few minutes more. Pour batter into a greased, 9x13 cake pan and bake at 350° for about
Garnish with flower petals. 40 minutes.
1 8-oz package cream cheese, room temperature
"Dandelion Pasta Salad" 1 cup powdered sugar
1 or 2 Tbsp milk

Ingredients: Dandelion Egg Salad"

1.) 3 cups cooked pasta
2.) 1½ cups diced tomatoes, drained
1.) 4 hard-boiled eggs
3.) 1 cup dandelion greens, pre-cooked
2.) 2/3 cup dandelion greens, chopped and cooked
4.) 2 wild leeks, minced, greens and all or 2 5.) Tbsp minced
3.) 1 tsp horseradish
4.) 1 Tbsp fresh chives
6.) 8 olives, sliced
5.) ½ cup mayonnaise
7.) 2 Tbsp vinegar
8.) 1 Tbsp olive oil
Chop eggs coarsely. Add Dandelion greens, chives, and horseradish. Mix
9.) 1/2 tsp salt
gently. Add mayonnaise and mix just enough to coat ingredients. April 2010 Edition

Herbs to boost your fertility
Useless by fun facts By Nicole
about Food th
Up until the 18 century, herbs were the principal form of medicine in our society. It is important to
 Ice Cream Is recognize the potentially powerful effects herbs and plants can have. For prolonged use, or if you
have an existing health problem, a qualified herbal practitioner should be consulted.
Chinese Food!
*Evening Primrose-Native Americans used all parts of the evening primrose to treat infertility. They
ate the seeds and made tea from the yellow flowers and peppery leaves.
 Potato crisps
were invented *Ginseng-The Chinese have valued this herb for 7,000 years as a cure-all restorative tonic. Its root
can be chewed or added to stews as a treatment for impotence.
by a North
American Indian Other ways to boost fertility:
called George Antioxidants: vitamins A and C-
Vitamin C-This vitamin can increase sperm count and improve sperm mobility; its levels are reduced
by alcohol and fried foods. Best sources are citrus fruits and green or red vegetables.
 The dish chop-
suey does not Vitamin E-An essential antioxidant-deficiency can affect reproduction in both sexes. Found in
almonds, sunflower seeds, whole grains and green vegetables. Citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, melon, peas,
come from peppers, watercress, cabbage, and tomatoes are all excellent examples of vital vitamin C and E.
China. It was
B group vitamins
created by
Chinese Vitamin B6- Balances female hormones and boosts fertility. Found in bananas, broccoli, squash,
asparagus, and lentils.
immigrants in
California Vitamin B12- Improves a man’s sperm count and is found in seaweed, egg yolk, sardines, tuna,
chicken and liver.

Essential fatty acids-these acids are ‘good’ fats that are needed to make high-quality sperm with
 Instant coffee mobility. Best sources are seeds (such as pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, linseed), nuts and oily fish
(including tuna, mackerel, herring, salmon).
has been in
existence since Manganese- Promotes healthy DNA and is essential for reproduction. The best sources, are red
fruits such as raspberries, blackberries and black grapes as well as pineapple, okra, lima beans, oats,
the middle of beetroot, celery, watercress, lettuce, tea and most nuts.
the eighteenth
Selenium-Is required for the male reproductive system and is essential for sperm and is essential for
century sperm mobility. In women, it reduces the chances of miscarriage. Good sources are Brazil nuts,
whole grains and shellfish.
 Carrots Really
Zinc-Is needed for healthy sperm production and can raise a man’s testosterone levels. It is also an
Can Help You important nutrient in the development of the unborn baby. Good sources include seeds such as
See In The Dark! sesame and pumpkin, whole grains, ginger root, and brewer’s yeast. It is also easily absorbed from
fish and seafood such as oysters and prawns.
When you look at the view of Earth from
space, you are immediately in awe of what
you do see: the incredible beauty of
Creation. It is not until you look closer that
you realize what you do not see.

You do not see lines partitioning countries.

You do not see separation between races.

You do not see division between religions.

You do not see the walls people build to

isolate themselves from each other.

There is just One Planet. There is only One


This section is dedicated to introducing

thoughts and ideas to foster a greater
understanding of Humanity’s
Banning Cluster
Light in the Darkness
of Conflicts
By Rene Wadlow

In a remarkable combination of civil

society pressure and leadership from
a small number of progressive States,
a strong ban on the use, manufacture,
and stocking of cluster bombs will
come into force on 1 August 2010
now that 30 States have ratified the
Convention on Cluster Munitions.
The Convention bans the use,
production, transfer of cluster
munitions and sets deadlines for
stockpile destruction and clearance
of contaminated land. The
Convention obliges States to support
victims and affected communities. April 2010 Edition

resources. Thus, outside Europe, pressure for
ratification will have to come from the non-
governmental sector which played an important
role in the preparation and promotion of the

However all bright sunlight casts a dark shadow,

and in this case the shadow is the fact that the
major makers and users of cluster munitions were
deliberately absent from the negotiations and the
agreement: Brazil, China, India, Israel, Russia,
Pakistan, and the USA.

Yet as arms negotiations go, the cluster bomb ban

has been swift. They began in Oslo, Norway in
February 2007 and were thus often called the
“Oslo Process.” The negotiations were a justified
reaction to their wide use by Israel in Lebanon
during the July-August 2006 conflict. The UN Mine
Action Coordination Centre (UNMACC) working in
southern Lebanon reported that their density
there is higher than in Kosovo and Iraq, especially
in built up areas, posing a constant threat to
hundreds of thousands of people, as well as to UN
peacemakers. It is estimated that one million
cluster bombs were fired on south Lebanon
during the 34 days of war, many during the last
two days of war when a ceasefire was a real
There will be in November 2010 the first
possibility. The Hezbollah militia also shot off
Meeting of Parties to the Convention in
rockets with cluster bombs into northern Israel.
Laos, Laos being the State where the largest
number of fragmentation weapons had been used.
It is thought that the Israeli cluster bombs were
Therefore it is important to encourage as many
“made in the USA” while those of Hezbollah came
States as possible to ratify the Convention prior to
from Iran. Therefore one of the important
the November conference so as to be able to
conditions of the Convention is the ban on the
participate in this first meeting of the Parties. In a
transfer of cluster munitions. Under the U.S. Arms
note at the end of the article, I list the 30 States
Export Control Act, when Israel or others buy
which have ratified by geographic area as treaty
cluster bombs and other lethal equipment, a
ratification is often influenced by what other
written agreement restricting use must be signed.
States in a region do (or do not do).
The UNMACC has reported finding evidence that
Israel used three types of US-made cluster bombs
We see that it is the European States which have
during the war in Lebanon. At the time, it was not
the most ratification. This is in large part due to
considered against the Geneva Conventions to use
the leadership of diplomats from Norway and
cluster bombs against soldiers, but their use was
Ireland. There has been no such positive
banned against civilians and in heavily populated
leadership in other world areas, with the possible
exception of Laos in Asia. However the diplomatic
service of Laos is small and without great
Cluster munitions are warheads that scatter April 2010 Edition

scores of smaller bombs. Many of these sub- that world citizens are not in the field of real
munitions fail to detonate on impact, leaving them politics and that I would do better to stick to
scattered on the ground, ready to kill and maim pushing for a ban on napalm — photos of its use in
when disturbed or handled. Reports from Vietnam being still in the memory of many
humanitarian organizations and mine-clearing delegates. Governments always have difficulty
groups have shown that civilians make up the vast focusing on more than one weapon at a time.
majority of the victims of cluster bombs, especially Likewise for public pressure to build, there needs
children attracted by their small size and often to be some stark visual reminders to draw
bright colors. attention and to evoke compassion.

The failure rate of cluster munitions is high, Although cluster munitions were widely used in
ranging from 30 to 80 per cent. But “failure” may the Vietnam-Indochina war, they never received
be the wrong word. They may, in fact, be designed the media and thus the public attention of napalm.
to kill later. The large number of unexploded (1) The United Nations Institute for Disarmament
cluster bombs means that farm lands and forests Research recently published a study on the
cannot be used or used with great danger. Most continued destructive impact of cluster bombs in
people killed and wounded by cluster bombs in Laos noting that “The Lao People’s Democratic
the 21 conflicts where they have been used are Republic has the dubious distinction of being the
civilians, often young. Such persons often suffer most heavily bombed country in the world” (2).
severe injuries such as loss of limbs and loss of Cluster-bomb land clearance is still going on while
sight. It is difficult to resume work or schooling. the 1963-1973 war in Laos has largely faded from
broader public memory.
Discussions of a ban on cluster weapons had
begun in 1979 during the negotiations in Geneva
leading to the Convention on Prohibition on the
Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may
be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have
Indiscriminate Effects — the “1980 Inhumane
Weapons Convention” to its friends.

The indiscriminate impact of cluster bombs was

raised by the representative of the Quaker United
Nations Office in Geneva and by me for the world
citizens with the support of the Swedish
government. My NGO text of August 1979 for the
citizens of the world on “Anti-Personnel
Fragmentation Weapons” called for a ban based The wide use by NATO forces in the
on the 1868 St Petersburg Declaration and Kosovo conflict again drew attention to
recommended that “permanent verification and the use of cluster bombs and unexploded
dispute-settlement procedures be established ordnance. The ironic gap between the
which may investigated all charges of the use of humanitarian aims given for the war and
prohibited weapons whether in inter-State or the continued killing by cluster bombs
internal conflicts, and that such a permanent body after the war was too wide not to notice.
include a consultative committee of experts who However, the difficulties of UN
could begin their work without a prior resolution administration of Kosovo and of
of the UN Security Council.” negotiating a “final status” soon
overshadowed all other concerns.
I was thanked for my efforts but left to understand Likewise the use of cluster bombs in Iraq April 2010 Edition

is overshadowed by the continuing Research, 2006)
tensions, sectarian violence, the role of
the USA and Iran, and what shape Iraq (3) Ratifications as of 8 March 2010 by
will take after the withdrawal of US geographic areas:
Thus, it was the indiscriminate use of Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark,
cluster bombs against Lebanon in a France, Germany, Holy See (The Vatican),
Ireland, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta,
particularly senseless and inconclusive
Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino,
war that has finally led to sustained
Slovenia, Spain,
efforts for a ban.
Latin America
The ban on cluster bombs follows closely Mexico, Nicaragua, Uruguay
the Convention on the Prohibition of the
Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer Asia
of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Lao PDR, Japan
Destruction which came into force in
March 1999 and has been now ratified by
Burkina Faso, Burundi, Malawi, Niger, Sierra
156 States. Many of the same NGOs active
Leone, Zambia
on anti-personnel mines were also the
motors of the efforts on cluster bombs —
a combination of disarmament and
humanitarian groups. *Rene Wadlow,

Representative to the United Nations,

We can play an active role to encourage
the States which have signed the Geneva, Association of World Citizens
Convention on Cluster Munitions to have
their Parliaments ratify. A more difficult
task will be to convince those States
addicted to cluster bombs: USA, Russia,
China, Israel, India and Pakistan. The ban
may discourage their use by these States,
but a signature by them would be an
important sign of respect for
international agreements and world law.
Pressure must be kept up on those
outside the law.

(1) See Eric Prokosch, who called

attention to the range of weapons used in
the Vietnam war in his Technology of
Killing: A Military and Political History of
Anti-personnel Weapons ( London: Zed
Books, 1995)

(2) R. Cave, A. Lawson and A. Sherriff.

Cluster Munitions in Albania and Lao PDR
(Geneva: UN Institute for Disarmament April 2010 Edition

'12seconds for Peace' is a new venture into
collaborative video-arts and is designed to raise
the energy of manifestation for peace on our
planet and in our individual hearts and minds.
When humanity manifests internal peace and
recognises the natural order of the human
condition, then peace in the world will follow.

Background Symbol:
The Shift
For those traveling the
winding roads of Self-
Knowledge, it is
necessary to be aware
of energy shifts and
their consequences
while not losing
perspective. Without
the explicit intention
to be iconoclastic, we
offer you actual
examinations of the
cosmic reality from
different outlooks, the
flow of energy and its
influence in individual
life journeys. The
multiplicity of the
phenomena of the
Shift cannot be
translated based solely
from one’s own point
of view.

We invite you to
experience others’ and
share yours.

Music: Echos of a Fallen Dream from the album Visual Art by Deb Graves
Rewriting Destiny To see more of Deb Graves’ Art, visit:
To listen to more from Soulwire or to purchase the CD,
Click Below to Request Boarding Clearance


Do YOU want to spend your computer time being empowered… entertained… and INSPIRED? Please
visit our community homestead where people like YOU are gathering for personal and planetary healing,
development and transformation! Inspiration is just a click away…
It’s virtual… It’s reality… It’s a whole new dimension in cyberspace and self-exploration!

C.S.ONE - Cyber-Space Station ONE (for ONEness) - is a unique and innovative new Internet
attraction that weaves together spirituality, metaphysics, holistic health, empowerment, self-exploration,
and consciousness to create an inspirational, informative, and fun experience.

Energetically coded and designed for repeat visits, C.S.ONE is a community “experience” center,
educational resource, art and entertainment showcase, and social hotspot all rolled into ONE. Current
offerings include online circles, guided meditations, spiritual readings, teleclasses, shopping, games,
radio shows, daily prizes, and much more – all for you to enjoy online right from your own home!

Together with OM-Times and Humanity Healing, we invite you to get onboard and experience the
energy… to laugh… cry… get connected… release and rejuvenate… share your experiences… expand
your awareness… stir your soul… and have fun!

We look forward to your visit.

Blue Ray Healing by

Debra Graves
/ Araznu

incoming energies for April 2010

The energy for this month speaks of that occur.
unconditional love. A huge wave from deep
within the center of the galaxy approaches, it will JUDGMENT
be felt by all. Those who have chosen the path of
enlightenment will know what it is they are I have also noted many
feeling, others will struggling with
sense a sudden judgment. It is a good
uplifting of their spirits thing to remember that
yet not know why. we all have our own
During this time drink beliefs. When someone
lots of clear fresh else does not see things
water. You can activate the way you do, or see
each and every glass by what you believe to be
blessing the water. the truth, please do not
Hold the glass in your judge
hand and send a beam as this is their truth.
of rainbow light from Beliefs are changing as
your heart center we navigate our way
saying "may this water along our paths and
be blessed with the many beliefs will
highest of vibrations". change or at least be
This will in turn raise adjusted.
your own vibrations as Let others say what
you consume the they believe, it is your
water. choice how you react.
The channeled image
from the Arcturians for Crystal
this month shows the selection for
galactic wave of heart
energy flowing towards April 2010
us. Activation image "Unconditional Love"
by Deb Graves "Araznu" There are many crystals
It will be of great importance to anchor these that carry the energy of unconditional love. I
energies to Mother Earth and the crystal grid. As have found that
these energies flow it is going to adjust the Mangano and Cobalto
magnetic properties of the grid and within
calcite will assist with
ourselves. We ask at this time for all
lightworkers to assist Mother Earth by sending the vibration and
out waves of calm and asking that all shifts and frequency of the
changes that are occurring be so with grace and incoming energies.
ease. There will be more Earth crisis activity but
with our mass intent being on calm, grace and
ease this will greatly diminish any damages Cobalto Calcite
The Crystal Grid
Healing, activation and meditative journey to the Crystal Grid, a connection with unconditional love.

Children’s Corner
Dylan’s Adventures to the Crystal City.
Before I Became
by Maria Khalife

Before I Became a Mother ... There was never a

problem sleeping whenever I felt tired.
A Mother…
as entertaining as a novel or a good movie. I never
The time I crawled into bed wasn't dependent on knew that my child would grow up to tease me
anything but my own schedule. I never dreamed about such a wonderful thing, and for being so
there'd be a day when I wouldn't even have time emotional. I never knew how clearly I'd identify
to brush my teeth or comb my hair! with fear and pain just by looking into a child's
Before I Became a Mother ... My home stayed
Before I Became a Mother ... I never understood
meticulously clean and I was happy to have friend
the deep connection between me and my nursing
drop by unannounced. There weren't toys spread
child, and that even if he was asleep at the end, I
all over the place. I never gave a second thought to
couldn't bear to put him into his crib. I never knew
the sharp corners on my coffee table. Who even
how weakness felt when I could not stop my
knew some plants contained poison?! I wasn't
child's pain when he skinned his knees. I had no
tuned into the controversy about immunizations
idea that my life becoming child-centered could
and autism.
tilt my world so quickly. I did not understand that
handling diapers and spit ups would become a
Before I Became a Mother ...I had no idea that practical form of love and not be distasteful
watching a child sleep with love in my heart was
because of it. April 2010 Edition

Before I Became a Mother ... I
had no idea that the spark of
love could become so palpable
so quickly. I never knew I
could have so much love for
one so small. I never knew
how much I would love and
enjoy all the aspects of being a
mother. I didn't know that
seeing to the needs of such a
tiny child would make me the
focus of attention for one
baby's life and that it was so

Before I Became a Mother ... I

did not know that my love and
caring would show outside on
my body. I wasn't aware how
keen my sense of hearing and
attention could become so that
I would be awakened at the
slightest sound from my child.
I didn't know until after I had
a child that my attention
would never be fully on my
own pursuits until he became
much more self sufficient. I
wanted all about and around
him to be "okay."

Before I Became a Mother ... I

was clueless that this
adventure would involve love,
joy, sadness, worry, awe,
sacrifice, and tremendous
satisfaction. I had no idea that
my feelings would be
enhanced to such big
proportions. I don't have one
moment of regret. April 2010 Edition

Chris Anderson/Onefeather

Whispers slide upward between

tangled root, wrapped around stones
grasping blades of grass
bush and tree, dormant for these many

I hear them every-so-often

soft, tangled innuendo of awakening
as the days grow longer and
sun climbs higher in the sky, brilliant white.

Winds shifting from the north Video

back again, west... then
west by southwest... warmer
by small degrees, icicles melt with their light

droplet by droplet
shiny crystal, sparkling clean
descending into rivulets, merrily
mad dashing to join puddle, stream...

March slowly unfolds

faire Spring blushes, shy entrance
greeted by the rousing world
and whispers breaking the long winter

Abruptly, all are hushed as

this quiet unfolding... comes across the land.
by Jodi Flesberg Lilly

Today I Open

Today I open to possibilities

And entertain the ones that shine

Today I willingly speak my truth

And release the dreams that aren’t mine

Today I trust my instincts

And follow the inner signs

Today I open my heart and mind

And revel in a breath at a time

Today I dare to love what I love

And leave the rest behind

(C) 2010 Jodi Flesberg Lilly ~All Rights Reserved April 2010 Edition

I walk in the sky
Another fleeting moment,but you never change
Still and awake I hear your voice in mine

I walk in the sky

Open to the wave, floating in your breath
Love so close, you carry me to the Divine

My feet have wings in silken dreams beyond time

I wait for your return
Lovers give in surrendering rhymes
with eyes inside, you quench my thirst
Oh this feeling…

Walk in the sky to see a thousand lifetimes in a lifetime face to face in the mirror of eternity..
Searching far and beyond
to end where I have begun

I walk in the sky

Through the misty garden of no return
I see your soul in mine
Feeling love so deep ..I lose myself
Oh this feeling

I walk in the Sky

reaching for your hand,You take me to your Heart
Still and awake,
I feel your soul in mine

My feet have wings in silken dreams beyond time

I wait for your return
Lovers give in surrendering rhymes
with eyes inside you quench my thirst
Oh this feeling

copyright 2006 Hoku Lani Publishing

TWIN FLAME By Marina {WolfWillow}

I look out the window

into the darkening night.

The lights across the road

reflect on the rippling pond water as
the barren branches of the trees
sway in an unseen breeze.

Suddenly, the moment is magical!

My heart thrills
as a faint ripple in time connects us.

I see the reflection of your eyes in the glass,

and I know you're thinking of me, too. April 2010 Edition

Unconditional Love

What is unconditional love?

Perhaps we have never noticed it.
Perhaps we do not know how to
recognize it.
Get outside on a sunny day.
Feel the sun on your body.
Sun is sharing herself with you
irrespective of your
beliefs, job, race, nationality or
This is unconditional love.
Get outside on a rainy day.
Feel the rain on your body.
Clouds are sharing their fruits with
irrespective of your
beliefs, job, race, nationality or
This is unconditional love.
Get outside on a windy day.
Feel the air on your body.
Wind is sharing himself with you
irrespective of your
beliefs, job, race, nationality or
This is unconditional love.
Acknowledge the unconditional love
Feel it. Hear it. Smell it.
Become it.
Copyright @ 2010 by Shervin Hojat
Tear Bliss
Tears are only as heavy
as you let them be,
and you can let them be.
the cleansing of your Soul,
Weight being lifted,
Sweet release,
flowing with ease.

Pure and simple,

Love’s Light
You are here with me
and we are always together.

Tear bliss is really just

sheer bliss.
Just let them flow
and they will go,
Such sweet release,
back into peace.

And we are always here.

Debbie Camarda©2010

OM-Times Magazine April 2010 Edition

Host of and in Partnership with:

with Host
Chris Anderson
currently on Onefeather Journal Radio:

Swami Beyondananda seeks to move forward what he calls an "up-wising" - waking up and wising up to
our true human potential, and engaging millions to participate in the greatest adventure inhuman
history: Conscious evolution. This "evolution" (as described in the book Spontaneous Evolution) is not
about the hit-or-miss unfolding of a random universe, but rather the understanding of life as a spiritual,
intentional process. It is a holistic and integrative view, and encompasses the beliefs of the traditionally
religious, the spiritual but not religious, secular humanists and ethical atheists, and what our friend and
co-heart Caroline Casey would call "the compassionate trickster." The comedy is intended to heal the
heart and free the mind, to offer incisive insights into inconvenient truths (and convenient lies), and to
do so through the eye of love.

Onefeather and Kristin Reitter (aka The Full Moon Goddess), a music and sound therapist and
healer, discussed music, healing modalities and a wide variety of other subjects ranging from
Tarot to Astrology to politics and human evolution. Kristen introduces listeners to her new
meditation cd and talks about crystal singing bowls as a healing tool. This is a great, lighthearted
and affirmative interview that's guaranteed to leave the listener in an upbeat mood for the
coming transformative times.

currently on OM-Times Radio:

OM Times Magazine in association with

Onefeather Journal Radio and Humanity
Healing Network is pleased to present an
interview of Toronto Pictures founder, Director
Bruno Pischiutta and Executive Producer Daria
Trifu. This insightful and engaging discussion
touches on a multitude of subjects including
the latest film, Punctured Hope. In addition, the
evolution of Bruno's career as well as upcoming
projects are part of the dialogue... a great show
for all who are interested in humanity and
April 15th on OM Times/Onefeather Journal Radio:
where we're headed. Onefeather has a revealing and enlightening
discussion with Christopher Buck of Humanity
Healing Foundation and OM Times Magazine.
Nothing speaks more love
than Flowers
You’ve Read Their Columns Here In OM-Times….
Now Read Their Books!

Judith Orloff, M.D. Ronald Alexander, PH.D Charlotte Reznick, PH.D Sarah Maria

Terry & Linda Jamison Chandi Devi Marsha Cook Shervin Hojat, PH.D

Mary Cook Naomi Brenda Steve Bhaerman


Find them in the OM-Times Book Store! Click HERE
Recommended Reading

These Selections Available In The OM-Times Bookstore

Second Sight: An Intuitive Psychiatrist Tells Her Extraordinary Story and Shows You
How to Tap Your Own Inner Wisdom
by Judith Orloff MD

In her new book Second Sight, this moving personal story Dr. Orloff recounts her "journey
to become whole" by first accepting and then embracing her intuitive abilities. She tells of
her childhood fear of her intuition, of her physician-parents' efforts to ignore and even deny
them, and of her slow awakening to the understanding that her intuition is truly a gift. She
tells of her struggle to incorporate her abilities into her MEDICAL practice and traditional
medicine and of the many successes she's experienced with patients ever since.

Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here
by Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. & Steve Bhaerman

In the midst of the current worldwide crises comes a hopeful new story of our evolutionary
future, a book Deepak Chopra has called "world changing." Based on the latest discoveries
in "new edge science," resonant with ancient spiritual wisdom, Spontaneous Evolution
weaves science, spirit, politics and economics into a holistic paradigm that maps a pathway
for planetary healing.

Grace Lost and Found: From Addictions and Compulsions to Satisfaction and Serenity
by Mary Cook

Many recovery books are for the beginner, and that makes sense. But then what? This grace-
filled book is for people at later stages in their recovery who are looking to uncover the
underlying causes for their addiction and heal the psychological and spiritual pain, often
lingering from childhood that many addicts bear.

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Recommended Reading

These Selections Available In The OM-Times Bookstore

You Are Here – Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment

by Thich Nhat Hahn

In this book Thich Nhat Hahn, the renowned Zen monk, author, and meditation master,
distills the essence of Buddhist thought and practice, emphasizing the power of mindfulness
to transform our lives. "Mindfulness is not an evasion of an escape," he explains. "It means
being here, present, and totally alive. It is true freedom - and without this freedom, there is
no happiness." Simple, warm, direct, and startlingly potent, this book reveals the heart of
the Buddhist path and helps us to reconnect with the joy and wonder of being alive,
regardless of life's changing circumstances.

Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears
by Pema Chödrön

In this book Pema Chödrön shows us how to break free of destructive patterns in our lives
and experience a new sense of freedom and happiness. Drawing on the Buddhist concept of
shenpa, she helps us to see how certain habits of mind tend to "hook" us and get us stuck in
states of anger, blame, self-hatred, and addiction. The good news is that once we start to
see these patterns, we can begin to change our lives for the better.

For the Benefit of All Beings - A Commentary on the Way of the Bodhisattva
By H. H. the Dalai Lama
Translated by Padmakara Translation Group

The fourteenth Dalai Lama, a living embodiment of the bodhisattva ideal, presents here
detailed practical guidance based on sections of The Way of the Bodhisattva by Shantideva,
the best-known text of Mahayana Buddhism. The Dalai Lama explains this classic and
beloved work, showing how anyone can develop a truly "good heart" and the aspiration for
the enlightenment of all beings. In this book, the Dalai Lama's profound knowledge is
evident—the result of extensive training. Here he shares his extraordinary insight into the
human condition and what it means to be a responsible and caring person.

If you are an Author and would like to have your book featured in OM-Times Recommended Reading and the OM-Times
Bookstore, write to
Recommended Reading

These Selections Available In The OM-Times Bookstore

Surviving Cancer and Other Tough Stuff: An Illustrated Journal for a Healthy and
Abundant Life
by Kanta Bosniak

Hypnotherapist and cancer survivor Kanta Bosniak shares her inspiring story and offers
readers facing any life challenge a gentle process for transformation with excercises in the
included workbook. It will help anyone who wants to emerge from a difficult experience
better than before...happier, healthier and living a more abundant life.

Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion and Wisdom

by Steve Gooch

Reiki Jin Kei Do broadens the way we can view Reiki, seeing it, more than simply a healing
system, as a way of living and a means to enlightenment. It is a path to self-perfection and
liberation. It did not suddenly appear in the 19th century, but has an older lineage that runs
back through Tibetan Buddhist monks. Reiki Jin Kei Do is set to reshape the way we think
about Reiki.

The Awakening: A Conscious Shift to a Higher Realm

By Vicky Anderson

This book was written specifically for the Christians who will soon be awakening to the Truth
and for the Agnostics who are still searching for it. It is the true story of one person’s
spiritual awakening. It bridges the gap between Christianity, Eastern Mysticism and Western
Science to provide a crystal clear picture of what is really happening to mankind today

If you are an Author and would like to have your book featured in OM-Times Recommended Reading and the OM-Times
Bookstore, write to
Recommended Reading

These Selections Available In The OM-Times Bookstore

They Sing to Our Hearts: A Communicator Shares her Stories of Animal Wisdom
by Naomi Brenda McDonald

They Sing to Our Hearts: A Communicator Shares her Stories of Animal Wisdom is a
charming collection of poignant stories from her many years as a professional animal
communicator. In her new book, Naomi shares the lessons that the animals she has had the
privilege to work with and love have taught her. Through her metaphysic and Shamanic
studies, Naomi had learned many of the Universal Truths on an intellectual basis. But it was
her connection with the animals that deeply touched her heart and allowed her to fully
embrace these valuable life lessons.

HEAVEN SPEAKS: Intimate interviews with Illuminated Souls

by Pamela Bloom and Carla Flack

When two conscious mediums opened their doors of perception, Heaven came calling. But
to their surprise, so did Hollywood! It all started when a man Carla was seeing made a light-
hearted comment about Walter Cronkite’s first interview from Heaven. To Carla and
Pamela’s surprise, that simple statement kicked off a torrent of channeling. And that was
only the beginning!

Forgive Myself
By Bruce Morse

I built a fortress to hide from the world. I built a prison to lock up my heart and soul. But life
has a way of tearing down walls. Institutionalized at thirteen, diagnosed schizophrenic at 24,
losing a son at 45, this is the story of how my walls shattered, my defenses collapsed and I
was given the gift of confronting my deepest fears. It is also the story of the people in my life,
those who wounded me, those I wounded, those who inspired me and those who loved me
and taught me to love.

It is a story about a boy filled with rage who dreamed of becoming a man capable of love.

If you are an Author and would like to have your book featured in OM-Times Recommended Reading and the OM-Times
Bookstore, write to
Writers Copyright Information
Baba Shuddhaanandaa
Brahmachari 72 Original material generated by
Chandi Devi 49 contributors is copyrighted in the names
Charlotte Reznick 30 of the contributor, and commercial
Charlottemarie 112 publication and reprint of material for
Chris Anderson 20, 78, 84, 110 distribution is strictly prohibited without
Cristina Smith 36 written permission from the contributor.
Daria Trifu 18
Darity Wesley 56, 86 To read the OM-Times Reprint Policy, visit
Debbie Camarda 8, 115 our website at:
Deborah DeNicola 69
Debra Graves 104
DeZengo 6
Eli 91 or click here:
Gina Hardy 46, 58
Gordon Rosenberg 76 OM-Times Reprint Policy
Janice Chrysler 74
Jodi Flesberg Lilly 111
Judi A. Lynch 62
Judith Orloff 28
Maria Khalife 107
Marina (Wolfwillow) 113
Marsha Cook 80
Mary Cook 24
Naomi McDonald 54
Nicole 94
Rene Wadlow 96
Ronald Alexander 42, 66
Shervin Hojat 50, 114
Starlene Breiter 26
Steve Bhaerman 15
Steve Gooch 100
Wellington Rodrigues 38

Recording Artists
Charlottemarie 112
Daniel Kobialka 2
Soulwire 102
The Fifth Dimension 83
Trevor Hall 21

Visual Artists
Deb Graves 102
Kaitlin Buck cover
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