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4 Rohini is 10 - 2320 Taurus, ruled by the Moon "the

red one"
1st Pada: THE MOON AT: 10 00' to 13 20' Taurus
2nd Pada: THE MOON AT: 13 20' to 16 40' Taurus
3rd Pada: THE MOON AT: 16 40' to 20 00' Taurus
4th Pada: THE MOON AT: 20 00' to 23 20' Taurus
Those born in the star Rohini are agriculturists, experts, well-behaved, handsome, good
speakers and poets. They are stable minded, respected, enjoyers and interested in
lovemaking. They are of sweet-speech, intelligent, capable and bright. They are longlived and perform accepted jobs, religious, truthful and help those who have helped
them. Kings respect them. They respect gods and Brahmins and know the science of
meters and metaphors. They are able servants of their lords and determined. They are
endowed with good looking hands and wide forehead, handsome, independent, loved by
their children, experts, wealthy with respect to corns and money, have desire to wear
new clothes, suffer from eye diseases, little feared and play with women.

Rohini Nakshatra is about beauty, wealth and luxury. Since this nakshatra is ruled by
the Moon. It represents emotions, however, such emotions are not emotional, but
actually emotions of happiness and living in bliss. These folks like to be a part of elite,
rich and wealthy group and they want to associate with people who can increase their
status and wealth. This is also a very creative nakshatra as it represents singers, actors
and dancers. However, one thing to know about Rohini is that they get angry pretty
quickly and when they do, they can kill someone. The rule moon, which represents the
mother, shows great wealth and fame through the mother and a great relationship with
the mother. The was married into quite a rich and wealthy family. These people cut
through things and move forward, this make them very bold and symbolized by
chariot. .This nakshartra is about creation, whether creating art, kids, or a new
invention. They are very balanced and calm in the mind. They are quite beautiful,
especially females in this nakshtra. But, one of their qualities is to work less and make
more. They do not want to work 9-5 like rest of the world, because they know in the time
they would waste on tedious work, they can enjoy life, enjoy luxury or simply enjoy any
kind of art But, this doesn't mean they are lazy, they actually are the hardest working
people who know the value of money and security. This is why they make some of the
best businessmen, because they are very smooth and calm in their approach, unless of
course you don't go by what they are telling you then they will challenge you. Hardly
anyone can stop them at achieving their goals; they will go through any hurdles and
reach their destination, unless Moon is in a planetary war. KRS:

Rohini Nakshatra Characteristics Vrishabha Vrishabh rashi, four padas as per Indian
Vedic Astrology Rohini means the one who glows. Rohini is considered as the most
beautiful among Nakshatras. Rohini also indicates the red cow. The red cow indicates
motherly care and warmth. Lord Brhama is the presiding deity of this Nakshtra. Rohini is
the wife of Moon. Rohini Nakshatra has direct connection with wealth, family and care.
Rohini Nakshatra also indicates agriculture and crops. In modern contexts, it indicates
wealth, family and overall growth. People born in Rohini Nakshatra are attractive,
having beautiful eyes and sharp features. They are very sensitive to external
environment and get easily pleased or disturbed by petty things.
Rohini Nakshatra comes under in the domain of planet Venus (Taurus) and ruled by
Moon. Rohini is the fourth lunar mansion. Rohini Nakshatra is the favorite Nakshatra of
the Moon. The deity of Rohini is prajapati, lord brahma, the creator of the universe, who
can bestow everything so we should be careful what we want. Rohini is translated to
mean the red one or the red cow or the growing one. It is located near the pale
rose star of aldebaran. It consists of five stars in the head of the Taurus the bull. Taurus
is the earthy sign related with energy of where we experience the beauty and joy of life
and we can be settled and peaceful and calm. Rohini Nakshatra allows for growth and
creation on all levels, bestowing great creativity. The Moon is in Rohini is about
contentment, peace and being happy.

The shadow side of Rohini is the person is desirous and attached to love ones, and
favorite objects and indulgence and materialism of life. This is the nature of Taurus, it
can bring attachment, and greediness, too much of comfort and love and it can be
problematic. The native can be stubborn, short temper, critical nature and have issues
with jealousy.

Rohini is the Moon favorite Nakshatra of the Moon. People born in this Nakshatra have
large, clear and expressive eyes, feminine features, thick lower lip, and smiling face.
They are beautiful, sensual, charming, graceful and prosperous. Ascendant in
Rohini: attractive, magnetic eyes, charismatic, wealthy, popular romantic, artistic, sex
symbol, sensual nature, indulgent, and sexual addiction. Sun in Rohini beautiful,
seductive, sensual, artistic nature, poietic, musical gift, robust nature, liked by many
people. Moon in Rohini; wealthy, lovely appearance, balanced mind, good in singing,
and drama, famous, and well built physique. Mars in Rohini Passionate in love and
relationships, desire for pleasure, sex, and comfort. They are active in their social circle
and liked by most of the people. Mercury in Rohini: Very creative mind, emotional,
intelligent, and expressive through art, beauty, and fashion, interested in acting,
designing, interior decoration, and music. Jupiter in Rohini There is a great love for the
creative arts, culture, and history. It shows the expansion of love, food indulgence, and
beauty at a higher and more spiritual level. Venus in Rohini Having loving, sensual,
peaceful, content, and joyful nature. Have proportionate good physics and beautiful in
appearance. Saturn in Rohini: having solid, realistic and grounded future materialistic

stability. Saturn in Rohini people health, wealth resist to change. Rahu in Rohini too
much of materialistic desires nature, chase material comfort and pleasure. Rahu in
Rohini can become a relentless search to experience love in many directions. They
search for a partner through whom they can find the ultimate answers of true love and
happiness that their soul wants. Ketu in Rohini: Ketu is uncomfortable of Rohinis
passionate nature. They both aim is for moksha,but the expression differs. Ketu will feel
debilitated in Rohini, indicating a past life of luxury and pleasure that the soul was never
at ease with.

Rohini Nakshatra born characteristics and features

Male Natives of Rohini Nakshatra
Physical Features : He is normally of slim physique. However, based on other
planetary positions and aspects, short structured and fatty persons have also been seen.
His eyes are very attractive with a special magnetic touch. Appearance is very beautiful
and attractive, big shoulder and well developed musclesCharacter and general
events : He is short tempered. Once he gets angry, it will not subside so easily, and
nobody can change his decision. He becomes extremely obstinate if some one attempts
to over-ride his opinions or thwart his plans. He remains oblivious to any advice or ideas
counter to his own.He has special knack to find faults of others. Whereas, he
cannot work with a fixed aim. He is ruled by his heart rather than his brain. While he is
ready to sacrifice everything for his loved ones, he will not hesitate to cause extreme
trouble to the hated. He feels impressed upon his own workAcceptance of the truth
and discard of the false is his plus point. His life is full of ups and downs as he does not
try to pre-plan his objectives. He can attain great success in his life provided a little
restraint is kept in the freedom of his mind. There is no tomorrow for him. He spends
everything for todays comfort.Education, sources of earning / profession: As
far as possible he tries to be more sincere and honest in all the work he undertakes. But
he lacks patience and forgiveness. He tries to be jack off all arts and in the process he
fails to pass through the path of requisite rhythm and system.
His freedom of mind will quite often lead him to the downfall. It is also seen that some
Rohini born persons have risen from the lowest rung of life due to the finest placements
of other planetsHe may earn from milk products, sugarcane or as a Chemical
Engineer. He is best adapted for mechanical or laborious workPeriods between
the age of 18 years and 36 years will be the most trial some periods. He will have to face
a lot of problems economically, socially and on health grounds. It is often noticed that
such people enjoy their lifes best between the age of 38 years and 50 years and 65
years and 75 years of age. One of the primary factors to be born in mind is that he
should never take anybody into confidence.. He has to be extra careful in his business
partners and employees. There is an inherent drawback in him that he blindly believe
others. For a happy existence, it is suggested that he should screen the persons
thoroughly before confidence is bestowed on such personsFamily life : While he
cannot enjoy full benefit from his father, he will be more attached to his mother and
maternal uncle or maternal things. He will not hesitate to throw away any social or
religious laws when warranted for. Hence his married life will be marred with

disturbancesHealth : He is prone to diseases connected with blood, blood cancer,

jaundice, urinary disorders, blood sugar, tuberculosis, respiratory problems, paralysis
and throat trouble.
Female Natives of Rohini Nakshatra
Physical Features: She is beautiful. Her eyes are very attractive. She is of medium
height and fair complexion.
Character and general events: She is well behaved and well dressed. she shows a lot
of pomp and show but at the same time she has a a very weak heart. Like the males,
females born in Rohini, are also short tempered and invite troubles. She is practical,
secretive and violent when instigatedEducation, sources of earnings /
profession : She possess inherent aptitude for any work entrusted to her or done by
her. She earns from oils, milk, hotels, paddy fields and as a dress maker. Middle level
education is indicated for herFamily life : Her family life will be good. She will
have the comfort of her husband and children in full. She must curb the tendency of
stubbornness for a harmonial married life. She must avoid doubting her own husband as
otherwise marriage may end in divorce.Health : Her health will generally be good.
She will have pain in the legs and feet, pain in the breast, sometimes breast cancer,
irregular menses and sore throat, pimples and swelling above the neck.Positive
Traits: Lovely appearance, charismatic, good communicator and listener, attractive,
inner strength, affects others, strong public life, gentle manner, comforting, truthful,
moral orientation, smooth talker, sharp, balanced mind, fixed in purpose, well educated,
does well financially, dutiful to the family, responsible, helps others, gifted in the arts,
healthy, non-envious.Negative Traits: Indulgent, materialistic, takes advantage
of others through manipulation and deception, sexually or sensually indulgent, critical of
others, possessive of individuals or ideology, jealous, overly sensitive, changeable,
addictive and indecisiveCareer Interests: Politics, authority positions,
agriculture, real estate, restaurant and hotel business, fashion designers, models and
musicians..Compatibility and Incompatibility: Mrigasira Nakshatra
symbolized by the creative source of a female snake is the most compatible Nakshatra
with regard to Rohini. Uttara Aashada Nakshatra symbolized by the yoni of male
mongoose happens to be the most non compatible Nakshatra with regard to Rohini
nakshatra.Ashwini and Bharani Nakshatras along with their female
counterparts in Revathi and Satabishsa are compatible with Rohini Nakshatra. As a
nakshatra symbolized by the yoni of snake, it is neutral to male and female
counterparts of tiger. Apart from its compatibility to the mentioned ones and neutrality
to Visakha and Chitra, Rohini is inimical or incompatible to the remaining birth

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