Meet The Experts: Why You Should Attend: Register

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West Midlands

Meet the experts

Join us on 26th January at the International Trade Hub, Cheylesmore House
in Coventry and meet a host of international trade experts.

Why you should attend:

network with Government advisers, university experts, and trade body representatives
benefit from 30 minute 1:1 meetings with individual experts offering advice on international trade
get answers to your questions on international trade and take the first steps to exporting

Who will you meet?

UKTI International Trade Advisers We can provide expert international trade advice and practical
support to help you to grow your business overseas
Digital and E-commerce Exporting advisers Receive help and advice on building your online and ecommerce presence, identify new e-marketplaces around the world and take advantage of
discounted rates
International Communications Speak to an expert about any language or culture issues to do with your
target market, including translation and ways to improve your email, phone and website communications
Intatrade We offer advice on advanced routes to market, such as international joint ventures and
partnering, distributorships and contracts
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) We can help you develop new partnerships for international
business development, provide information on European legislation and policies
China British Business Council (CBBC) We help UK companies grow and develop their business in
China, including: advice and consultancy, market research, event management and more
Moneycorp We are an International payments and foreign exchange provider. Our expertise can help
you secure a great exchange rate for your international payments
Physical Transport of Goods - Speak to an Expert about moving your goods around the world. One of
the most important stages of your International Sale is understanding how the goods will get to your
customer and how will you meet their expectations and yours
Export Communications Review Have an expert review your website and literature
High Growth Markets Speak to our Overseas Business Network Adviser about doing business in any
of the following markets: Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea,
Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi, UAE, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Romania, Turkey, Morocco, South Africa, Chile, Columbia, Mexico
Market Selection service Our expert consultant can help you narrow down your ideal target markets
during this 1 hour session
UK India Business Council (UKIBC) The UK India Business Council is the leading membership
organisation helping UK companies do business in India.
Innovate UK Get help and advice to progress your innovative products and services
Poland Expert Meet with one of the British Polish Chamber of Commerces experts and
find out about business opportunities in Poland
Logistat UK - Logistat UK Ltd provides a totally independent logistics management and
consulting service. They offer free health checks to assess where savings can be made in
supply chain logistics (freight, customs, duties etc), help with HMRC compliance and how to
make service improvements.
Taxation and Accounting Expert - BDO is a national, leading accountancy and business
advisory firm focused on providing services to ambitious businesses within the UK and
worldwide. We have vast experience of helping UK businesses with the potential
taxation/accounting pitfalls of commencing or growing operations overseas.

To register for this FREE event and to prebook your 1:1 meetings contact:
Gemma Basterfield
International Trade Adviser
T: +44(0) 2476 654 186

Cheylesmore House,
5 Quinton Road,
Coventry CV1 2WT

Between 9:00 14:00 (refreshments included)
Please be aware that you only need to turn up
in time for your scheduled appointments and
you do not need to be there all day. There will
be a networking buffet lunch between 12
1pm, everybody is welcome during this time

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