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A suggested number of lines to devote to each topic is:

Introduction : 2 Lines
duty-related : 6 Lines
leadership / Navy's currently emphasized topic : 2 Lines
qualification, training, self-improvement : 2 Lines
community service : 2 Lines
Summary : 2 Lines
During this period Lieutenant X demonstrated initiative, enthusiasm,
professional ability and keen foresight in performing his duties as Exercise
planning officer.
2. Through remarkable foresight and skillful proficient guidance Cdr X
demonstrated outstanding qualities of leadership, professional skill, and
devotion to duty.
His initiative, resourcefulness, and untiring efforts to achieve perfection in
all phases of his duties as Executive Officer resulted in increased operational
efficiency of the ship.
His exemplary handling of administrative matters attests to his
professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail,
and the ability to adapt himself to any assignment or situation.
Through his keen personal interest, initiative and untiring devotion to duty
Cdr X rendered invaluable assistance in the planning and execution of an
improved communications security program for the command.
During his tenure in this position, Lt Colonel Rigler demonstrated
exceptional ability, accomplishing many complex tasks through diligence,
foresight and sound judgment,
Through his capable leadership he inspired personnel who served with
him to such an extent that all assigned missions were performed consistently in
an exemplary manner,
Through sound judgment, professional competence, and tenacity of
purpose Cdr X achieved major improvements in the mail and distribution
functions of the division,

9. As Assistant Judge Advocate, he demonstrated professional adeptness,

exercised sound judgment, and displayed unusual devotion to duty.
10. Lieutenant X's legal talents, display of energy, enthusiasm, and sincere
devotion to duty earned him the respect of all his associates.
11. His tact, professional knowledge and sound judgment, combined with his
ability to work without supervision and his willingness to work beyond normal
duty hours, evoked many favorable comments from the commands
12. He willingly assumed these responsibilities, normally performed by a field
grade officer, and accomplished the duties with commendable results.
13. He demonstrated on all occasions a thorough knowledge of his work,
exceptional dependability and resoluteness of purpose,
14. His high standards of conduct, infectious enthusiasm, and indomitable spirit
became infused in his Unit/Ship.
15. Major Hicks displayed outstanding professional ability, sound judgment, and
initiative in all aspects of his assignment.
16. Lt X demonstrated great initiative, superior knowledge of his duties, and
exemplary soldierly bearing in his capacity as an Assistant Army Advisor
17. His loyalty, trustworthiness, high morals, and naval conduct were of a high
order, worthy of emulation by his associates.
18. His tact, common sense, professional knowledge, and devotion to duty
were an inspiration to his associates, and contributed significantly to the
present high standards of administration, supply, and training existing in the
units which he advised.
19. His judgment, integrity, and exemplary personal conduct have won the
respect of all associated with him.
20. Through initiative, professional competency, and devotion to duty, Cdr X
contributed significantly to the effectiveness of the ...
21. His soldierly conduct, neat appearance, and cheerful cooperative attitude
earned for him the respect and admiration of his superiors and subordinates.

Lt X's untiring efforts, understanding, and professional ability were an

inspiration to both his superiors and subordinates.

23. His exceptional broad knowledge of administrative and logistical
procedures, coupled with his initiative, resourcefulness, and willingness to
cooperate enabled him to perform many additional duties which assisted the
Post Commander and his Staff and added to the smooth operation of the
24, Lt Cdr X exhibited outstanding organizational ability, highly intelligent
supervision, and exceptionally sound judgment
25. The initiative, imagination, organizational abilities, and untiring efforts
displayed by Lt Cdr X contributed significantly to the successful
accomplishment of the mission of his organization
26. During this period, through his initiative, superb planning ability,
professional competency, and devotion to duty, he was instrumental in
developing an effective Radiological Defense capability
27. Through sound advice, tactfully tendered, Colonel Williams succeeded in
establishing a harmonious and effective working relationship with the combat
team commander and his staff which resulted in significant progress in the
operational readiness of the combat team.
28. He displayed initiative, diligence, foresight, and sound judgment in
maintaining close working relations with other dept
29. Through initiative, professional ability, devotion to duty, and outstanding
leadership Cdr X has contributed materially to the accomplishment of the Ships
30. His professional competency, and technical knowledge, combined with
diligence and tact was instrumental in the formulation and successful
implementation of Army Aviation plans and procedures for emergency and
tactical operations.
31. His professional competency, devotion to duty, and calm and effective
planning, combined with his cooperative manner, were instrumental in the
accomplishment of the Second United States Army Chemical mission.
32. His outstanding qualities of leadership were demonstrated in all areas of
an important assignment requiring the highest degree of professional skill,
understanding and judgment.

33. Through his initiative, professional competency, and devotion to duty, he

effectively planned and supervised the implementation of major organizational
changes which resulted in greater efficiency and more economical utilization of
34. Through versatility, leadership, perseverance, and devotion to duty, Lt Cdr
X discharged his responsibilities in a highly effective manner.
35. His outstanding qualities of leadership, combined with his enthusiasm and
devotion to duty, were responsible for the significant contributions he made in
furthering the mission of the navy/ship.
36. He displayed initiative, sound judgment and outstanding professional ability
in all aspects of both these assignments.
37. His honesty, integrity, perseverance, devotion to duty and earnest desire to
be successful has contributed immeasurably to his outstanding success as an
38. Exhibiting initiative, resourcefulness, and professional confidence,
Lieutenant Cdr X executed demanding assignments in a consistently
outstanding manner.
39. Lieutenant Higdon's marked ability, energetic approach, and intense loyalty
inspired the confidence of his superiors and provided a worthy example for his
contemporaries and subordinates.
40. Through professional competence, ingenuity, and patience, he met and
resolved the most serious difficulties.
41. He shouldered innumerable important responsibilities for maintaining
exemplary discipline and unit effectiveness.
42. He succeeded in maintaining a state of morale that resulted in exceptional
work performance both as to quantity and quality.
43. Cdr Lee's leadership, dedicated service, and superb organizational ability
contributed immeasurably to the accomplishment of the mission of Ship.
44. Through untiring effort, sound judgment, strong initiative, and a high degree
of knowledge, Lt Cdr X contributed significantly to the successful
accomplishment of the installations Gun/ Engine.

45. His commanding aggressiveness and spirited sense of responsibility were

instrumental in combining the many diverse elements of the Signal Staff into an
effective and coordinated working force, which contributed materially to raising
to a high level the efficiency of all Signal activities throughout the command.
46. His initiative and selfless devotion to duty, coupled with mature judgment,
executive ability, and a broad knowledge enabled him to analyze and solve
many problems.
47. Exhibiting initiative, resourcefulness, and professional confidence, Cdr X
executed demanding assignments in a consistently outstanding manner and
significantly contributed to the effectiveness of the ships org.
48. Lt Cdr X's marked ability, energetic approach, and intense loyalty inspired
the confidence of his superiors and provided a worthy example for his
contemporaries and subordinates.
49. Throughout his assignment he demonstrated rare and exceptional
initiative, resourcefulness, tact, and judgment, to a degree in keeping with the
highest naval traditions.
50. With his broad knowledge of technical and administrative procedures and
his soldierly dedication to duty he achieved an outstanding record in
discharging his diverse responsibilities as Deputy Electrical Officer.
51. His broad knowledge of personnel and administrative procedures,
professional competence, initiative, and sound mature judgment enabled him to
accomplish all duties assigned in a superior manner
52. His brilliant leadership was repeatedly responsible for the high state of
combat efficiency and readiness achieved and maintained by these units.
53. Displaying at all times, high professional competence, strong initiative,
and unfailing devotion to duty, he performed his important duties in an
exemplary manner.
54. His entire period of service has been marked by a selfless attitude and a
willingness to expend his every effort to achieve superior results.
55. He has manifested affirmative thinking in accomplishing expeditiously any
given task, and has achieved superior results through his aggressive and
wholehearted support.

During this period he consistently accepted responsibility for significant

and unusual projects well outside the area of normal activities.

57. His initiative, diligence, talents, and devotion to duty were major factors in
the successful establishment of the Command Management System.
58. He exhibited remarkable ability, initiative; professional knowledge and
drive in the development and formulation of the many varied and
demanding/challenging task/ plans
59. Through his tact, perseverance, devotion to duty, and outstanding
performance, Cdr X substantially furthered the prestige, effectiveness, and
efficiency of the position of EO.
60. His broad knowledge of administrative procedures, coupled with his
competence and resourcefulness, enabled him to make many material
contributions to the personnel staffing mission of Second United States Army.
61. Lt Cdr X continually demonstrated outstanding attributes of naval
leadership, and performed his assigned duties with the highest possible degree
of efficiency.
62. Serving as Deputy Electrical Officer, he displayed initiative, sound
judgment and outstanding professional ability in all aspects of his assignment.
63. His insight and grasp of administrative procedures and knowledge of his
job enabled him to insure the maintenance of a high standard of administration.
64. His outstanding skill, self-reliant enterprise, and cheerful cooperative
attitude, coupled with his soldierly conduct have earned for him the respect and
admiration of his superiors and subordinates alike.
65. His professional knowledge and administrative ability contributed
markedly to improved effectiveness of his organization.
66. His standards of appearance, naval courtesy, meticulous attention to
detail, and his cheerful cooperative approach to all problems and tasks drew
favorable comment from superiors and subordinates alike.
67. Displaying superior professional ability, initiative, and meticulous attention
to detail, he was outstandingly successful in discharging his many duties, which
included maintenance of all schedules and the execution of special projects in
addition to his usual daily tasks.

68. As Assistant Operations Officer, Lieutenant X demonstrated professional

ability, exercised outstanding judgment, and applied sound administrative
procedures in coordinating the activities for repair and maintenance of technical
material of the dept.
69. Lieutenant X's foresight, keen analytical mind, sound judgment and
enthusiastic approach to the numerous and complex planning problems
demanding solution, coupled with his great sense of responsibility, initiative,
and cooperative attitude, have contributed in large measure to the
accomplishment of the Ships mission.
70. As DLO, he applied outstanding skill, technical knowledge, and capable
leadership in achieving marked improvement in the maintenance of machinery.
71. His keen foresight, sound judgment, and professional competence
enabled him to discharge with superior results the many responsibilities
inherent in his position.
72. Exhibiting initiative, technical adeptness, sound judgment and
comprehensive knowledge in application and implementation of naval policies
and procedures, Cdr X executed demanding assignments in a consistently
outstanding manner and contributed materially to the successful
accomplishment of the supply mission of SEA THUNDER 2009
73. Through his knowledge of overall supply operations, thoroughness in
administrative matters, zeal, efficiency, tact, and devotion to duty coupled with
aggressiveness and exceptional organizing ability, Cdr X was instrumental in
overcoming many problems which proved of inestimable value in the successful
accomplishment of the missions of the Ship.
74. He demonstrated outstanding leadership and managerial ability in
supervising the complex and diversified operations of the Engineering Dept.
75. He displayed exceptional leadership, professional competence and
unusual devotion to duty in handling the many and diversified functions of his
office which without exception, performed its mission in outstanding manner.
76. Displaying exceptional professional ability, foresight, mature judgment,
and logical application of sound management principles, he was outstandingly
successful in guiding the activities of the Gunnery Dept through a period of
drastic reductions in manpower resources, coupled with increases in the

Cdr X's high professional standards, resourcefulness, devotion to duty
and outstanding ability reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service.
Cdr X's careful planning, meticulous attention to detail, and devotion to
duty reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service.
Cdr Xs outstanding leadership and superior achievements during this
assignment reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service.
The skill with which Lt X accomplished his assigned duties reflects great
credit upon himself and the naval service.
The outstanding record he achieved reflects great credit upon himself and
the naval service.
His performance of duty in this assignment reflects great credit upon
himself and the naval service.
Lt X's untiring efforts, devotion to duty, and loyalty reflect great credit
upon himself and the naval service.
Cdr X's initiative, resourcefulness, devotion to duty, and record of
achievement in this assignment reflect great credit upon himself and the naval
Cdr Xs efforts, enthusiasm, and devotion to duty were an inspiration to
his staff and his accomplishments reflect the highest credit upon himself and
the naval service.
10. His initiative, ability and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest
traditions of the naval service,
11. His outstanding leadership, devotion to duty, and realistic approach to the
many and varied problems confronting him are in keeping with the highest
traditions of the naval service.
12. Lt Cdr X's careful planning, meticulous attention to detail, and devotion to
duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service.

Lt Cdr X's commendable performance of duty is a credit to himself and to

the naval service.

14. His service exemplifies the highest traditions of the naval service,
reflecting great credit upon himself and Bangladesh Navy.
15. Through his actions and his many outstanding accomplishments he has
brought only the highest credit upon himself and the naval service.
16. Cdr Xs' outstanding accomplishments in this assignment reflect the
highest credit upon himself and the naval service.
17. Lt Xs' outstanding contribution to the successful accomplishment of the
missions reflects great credit upon himself and the naval service.
18. Lt Xs outstanding performance and attained results in this assignment
reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service,
19. Cdr X has, by his numerous meritorious accomplishments; reflect the
highest credit upon himself and the naval service.
20. Lt Cdr x' leadership, devotion to duty, and record of achievements in this
assignment reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service.
21. The distinct service rendered by Lt X reflects great credit upon himself,
and the naval service.
22. The initiative, diligence, personal interest, and professional competency
displayed by Cdr X furthered materially the operational mission of this
command, and reflect great credit upon himself and the naval service.
23. Lt Xs professional competence and outstanding accomplishments reflect
great credit upon himself and the naval service.
24. The initiative, sound judgment, and devotion to duty, demonstrated by Cdr
X contributed greatly to the successful accomplishments of the Myanmar
mission and reflect great credit upon him and the naval service.
25. Cdr Xs' devoted loyalty and commendable performance of duty reflect
great credit upon himself and the naval service.
26. Cdr Xs record of successful achievement can be directly attributed to his
outstanding professional skill and devotion to duty, and reflects great credit
upon himself and the naval service.

27. Cdr Xs' brilliant performance of duty and dedicated devotion represents
significant achievement in the most cherished tradition of the Bangladesh navy
and reflect distinct credit upon himself and the naval service.

Task oriented and detail minded; completes assignments to the while staying focused to
make sound and thoughtful decisions
Eagerly accomplished all assigned tasks and proficient in all technical areas
Has outstanding organizational skills; maximizes limited resources to create excellent results
Always strives for self improvement
Displayed high training skills and technical knowledge
Makes sound decisions; takes responsibility for his actions
Self-motivated committed to excellence
Extremely competent; performs all assigned duties above standards
Self-starter; displays a high degree of initiative
Extremely competent; performed all duties above expected standards and expectations
Always in focus and is superbly well organized; never without direction
Flawlessly handled finance transactions and Logistic requirements during cruise abroad
Displays tactical and technical knowledge well beyond his skill level
Completes all tasks timely and beyond expectations
Incorporates a variety of techniques that expedites the completion of all assignments
Demonstrates outstanding aptitude for operational and administrative work
His consistent performance has been invaluable to daily operations of the ship
Knowledgeable officer who demonstrated the ability to manage various tasks simultaneously
Technically and tactically proficient
Constantly seeks self-improvement; always willing to grow, learn, and improve

Always prepared to take on any task given

Excels in the absence of orders and guidance
Excellent knowledgeable and resourceful officer, Selected above peers for difficult missions
Achieved better results when confronted with major responsibilities and limited resources
Accomplished all tasks assigned with total accuracy
Displayed the highest levels of professional competence in execution of his duties
Demonstrated sound mature judgment, always displayed high level of initiative
Continually demonstrates competence and knowledge of a GO
Outstanding judgment; always gives sound advice and guidance to juniors
His organizational skills and attention to detail enhance overall unit effectiveness
Possesses the ability to make sound decisions with precision and accuracy

Highly dedicated










Exhibits high standards of behavior; a model sailor and extraordinary leader, dynamic
planner and organizer
Outstanding problem solver; Handles situation firm and fair; unequaled in promoting
harmony and teamwork
Loyal, truthful and fair, A real team player; makes positive contributions
Committed to excellence and exudes quality in all actions and assigned tasks
Unequaled loyalty; dedicated and caring leader
Focuses on mission accomplishment with superior results
Dedicated to the values and traditions of the Navy
Continually demonstrates leadership and integrity beyond reproach
Innovative and determined in pursuit of goals of the Navy
Professional conduct above reproach; consistently makes things happen with positive results

Places unit's mission, welfare, and training of his men above personal needs
Driven to succeed by self-motivation and strong sense of purpose
Integrity is unquestionable
Respected for his candor and integrity
Valued for her commitment and loyalty
Positive attitude toward mission accomplishment
Continually exhibits the highest standards of loyalty, integrity and personal behavior
Puts the Navy, mission and sailors before own personal interests
Offers advice, but loyal to final decisions made by superiors
Stands behind principles; outwardly determined and loyal
Sets the example for taking initiative and accepting responsibility
Strives for team effort in accomplishing assigned tasks
Dedicated team player who fosters esprit de corps. Totally professional and demands the
same of his sailors
Sincere, truthful and fair always places unit mission and mens welfare first
Takes a positive approach; enthusiastically performs tasks
Leads by example Instills pride and dignity in others
Displays a positive, can-do attitude, totally dedicated to the ships mission; a team player
Motivates and challenges subordinates through leadership by example
Presents himself as truly dedicated professional, Possesses high ideals, morals and ethics.
Has an honest, respectful reputation
Exhibits the highest standards of loyalty and personal behavior, displays a high degree of
honesty, loyalty and integrity
A truly dedicated professional, Possesses strong moral principles and personal values
Possesses the moral courage to do the right thing, exhibits pride in the unit; a true team
player. Displayed a high degree of professionalism and demanded the same of others
Vigorously supports equal opportunity and fairness for all personnel
Not afraid to confront sensitive issues. Always candid; stands up for his sailors

Dedicated to unit overall success. Sets and achieves high personal standards
Focused on mission accomplishment; always attained superior results
Totally honest and fair; demanded the same of others. Fully supports equal opportunity
Exemplifies the meaning of pride and professionalism
Composed; not easily excited under stress or pressure
Exhibits the highest standards in all he does
Showed courage and determination in the face of adversity
Integrity above reproach; honesty unequaled
Enthusiastically devoted energy to mission accomplishment
Displayed honest concern for welfare and training of sailors; cares for sailors well being
Intense dedication to the units success, Makes positive supportable decisions
Endures and succeeds under stress and pressure
Displays a high level of pride to his organization
Dedicated to unit; sacrifices own time to ensure the job is done
Encourages honesty and values
Displays pride and dedication to the units mission
Possesses unselfish dedication to duty
Exemplified the meaning of pride and professionalism
Exhibits the highest standard of loyalty and integrity
Shows courage and determination when faced with adversity
Self-motivated and resourceful
Loyal to superiors, subordinates and the unit
Takes personal pride in himself and his unit
Makes sound decisions, Personal concern for duty
Can be counted on to accomplish any mission


Presented a professional, soldierly appearance at all times
Motivated, enthusiastic NO who took lead in organized physical fitness training of all soldiers
Excellent physical condition; led advanced PT during physical training
Excellent mental and physical abilities; displayed strong stamina
Projected superb military bearing and appearance
Projected confidence and enthusiasm when assisting subordinates
Appearance and military bearing were flawless
Excellent physical abilities and bearing
Inspired self-improvement in subordinates through sterling (genuine) personal example
Supported all commander's cup sports events
Her mental toughness and bearing were beyond reproach (criticism)
Projected self-confidence, authority and enthusiasm
Impeccable (Flawless) military bearing
Motivated, enthusiastic officer; took lead in unit fitness training
Possesses the stamina and will to continue when others stop
Demands and enforces high standards of his sailors appearance
Consistently displays a positive mental attitude
Remains calm and poised under pressure
Maintains his military bearing at all times
Well disciplined officer; displayed the utmost in bearing and appearance
Physically fit officer with strong stamina, mentally tough; able to manage numerous tasks at
one time
Maintained a positive attitude and deep pride in mission accomplishment
Mentally quick and resourceful

Dignified in presence and appearance

Successfully completed the Diving Course/ JSC
Consistently displayed a positive attitude and high level of confidence
Exceeds all standards of physical fitness
Positive mental outlook and attitude
Possesses unparalleled bearing and presence
Appearance always immaculate; exceptional role model for subordinates
Excellent role model in bearing and appearance
Excellent mental and physical attributes
Appearance and bearing above reproach
Is alert, quick and responsive
Displays impressive poise under stress
Remains flexible and cooperative under any condition
Takes extreme pride in personal appearance
Displays strong mental flexibility
Professional manner, commanding presence and dominant personality
Displays a strong sense of pride in the uniform
Presents a strong and confident demeanor
Impeccable appearance; role model standard
Consistently demonstrated sound physical and mental toughness
His mental toughness and discipline brought him to new found physical goals
Maintained excellent physical fitness; encourages the same standards of others
Mentally, physically and emotionally ready to lead in combat
Demonstrates positive mental outlook; Displays mental toughness under extreme pressure
Performs well under pressure

Sets the example for subordinates

Disciplined in attitude, appearance, poise and authority
Always displays a commendable military appearance
Fully committed to succeed; always gives 100 percent
Highly disciplined soldier in all aspects of bearing and appearance
Displayed exemplary military appearance
Mentally and physically fit to handle any task
Physically tough and mentally strong, dedicated to fitness; motivates others to exceed
Impressive military appearance and bearing
Bearing and appearance are exemplary
Aspiring performer; sets and achieves high standards
Exceeded standards for appearance and bearing
Highly motivated; a out front leader

FITREP Catch Words

ABILITY: exceptional, exceptional operational, remarkable, innate, marked, outstanding,

outstanding executive, outstanding managerial outstanding professional, outstanding
organizational, superb planning, superb organizational, unusual, technical ACTIONS:
conscientious, aggressive, tenacious, decisive
ACHIEVEMENTS: significant, outstanding
APPROACH: energetic, enthusiastic, enthusiastic and diplomatic, vigorous, diligent and
ASTUTE: advice, judgment, planning
ATTITUDE: cheerful, cooperative, selfless
COMPETENCE: professional, exceptional professional
CONTRIBUTED: immeasurably, significantly, materially, directly,
DEMONSTRATED: continually, has clearly, rare and exceptional
DEVOTION TO DUTY: untiring, sincere, constant, unfailing, unusual,
DIRECTION: positive, firm guidance. Enlightening
EFFORTS: untiring, vigorous, energetic, tireless
EFFICIENCY: optimum, maximum

ENTERPRISE: self-reliant
ENTHUSIASM: infectious, unbounded
EFFECTIVE: was outstandingly, planning, accomplishment, highly
EXAMPLE: sterling, personal
EXPERIENCE: broad, professional, technical
FORCE: driving
FORESIGHT: remarkable, keen, accurate
GUIDANCE: skillful, proficient, firm, cheerful
INITIATIVE: strong, rare and exceptional
JUDGMENT: sound, mature, outstanding, discerning, decisive
KEEN: personal interest, interest, insight, analytical mind, sense of responsibility
KNOWLEDGE: professional, technical, professional and technical, broad,
LEADERSHIP: positive, brilliant, dynamic, inspired, capable, energetic,
Outstanding qualities of, exceptional, vigorous, outstanding organization and
Leadership capabilities, qualities of the highest order, remarkable leadership qualities
LOYALTY: intense
MANNER: cooperative, diplomatic, brilliant, outstanding, superior, superb, efficient,
highly effective, exemplary, judicious
PERFORMANCE: outstanding, outstanding record of
PLANNING: meticulous, astute, capable, calm and effective
PRINCIPLES: sound managerial
PROFESSIONAL: confidence, ability, skill, competence, knowledge, and
technical knowledge, adeptness, inner
PRAISE: unstinting
PURPOSE: tenacity of, resoluteness of, fidelity of
RESPONSIBILITY: spirited sense of, keen sense of, willingness to accept,
willingly assumed the, deep sense of
SERVICE: dedicated
SPIRIT: indomitable
SUPPORT: vigorous, energetic, enthusiastic, aggressive
TECHNICAL: understanding, knowledge, adeptness
UNDERSTANDING: thorough, and judgment, human
WISDOM: unusual, unfailing

Adjectives With Synonyms

ABLE: capable, efficient, competent, skillful, clever, gifted, proficient

ACCOMPLISHED: cultivated, learned, skillful, proficient, finished
ACUTE: sagacious, astute, shrewd, discerning, keen, sharp
ADMIRABLE: excellent, commendable, estimable, praiseworthy
AFFABLE: amiable, gracious, friendly, sociable, approachable
AGGRESSIVE: energetic
AMBITIOUS: aspiring, zealous, desirous
ARDENT: zealous, enterprising, eager
ARTFUL: crafty, designing, shrewd, dexterous, skillful, adroit
ASSURED; self-possessed, confident

ASTUTE; shrewd, quick, bright acute

BRILLIANT: distinguished, illustrious, clever, sparkling, keen
CALM: impassive, placid, serene, cool-headed, composed, unruffled
CAPABLE: proficient, competent, qualified, able
COMMENDABLE. praiseworthy
COMPETENT: qualified, able, fit, efficient, capable
COMPLEX: intricate, involved, complicated
CONFIDENT: certain, sure, positive, assured, self-sufficient
CONFORMABLE: adaptable, compliant, agreeable
CONSCIENTIOUS: scrupulous, exact, painstaking
CONSTANT: continual, steadfast, staunch, loyal, unchangeable
COUNTLESS: numberless, innumerable, incalculable, illimitable
COUPLED WITH: in addition to
CUNNING: crafty, artful, dexterous
DAUNTLESS: undaunted, brave, fearless, courageous
DETERMINED: resolute, resolved, decided, firm, indomitable
DEVOTED: ardent, eager, loyal, faithful
DEXTEROUS: adroit, clever, expert, proficient, handy
DIFFERENT: various, incongruous, diversified, varied
DIRECT: straight, undeviating, unswerving, straightforward
DISCERNING: discriminating, clever, keen, subtle
DISTINCT: separate, explicit, definite, clear, distinguishable
DISTINCTIVE: distinguishing, characteristic, peculiar
DISTINGUISHED: celebrated, famous, illustrious, renowned, noted
EAGER: ardent, zealous, fervent, earnest, intent
EFFECTIVE: adequate, telling, effectual, efficient, capable, operative
EFFICIENT: effective, operative, capable, competent
ENERGETIC: strong, forcible, enterprising, active, strenuous, forceful
EQUIVALENT: correspondent, tantamount, equal, convertible, synonymous
ESSENTIAL: vital, requisite, necessary, inherent, basic, substantial
EVIDENT: clear, obvious, manifest, apparent, indubitable, distinct
EXCEPTIONAL: extraordinary, uncommon, rare, unusual, superior
EXHAUSTIVE: comprehensive, all-inclusive, thorough
EXPERIENCED: capable, efficient, trained, qualified, skilled
EXPERT: skilled, adroit, proficient, dexterous, finished
EXTRAORDINARY: remarkable, eminent, rare, uncommon, unusual
EXTREME: utmost, ultra, advanced, radical
EXULTANT: jubilant, elated, triumphant, pleased, satisfied
FABULOUS: extravagant, incredible, ethical, legendary
FACILE: easy easily done, feasible, practicable, within reach, accessible, expert,
dexterous, skillful
FAITHFUL: constant, true, loyal, staunch, trustworthy, reliable
FASTIDIOUS: particular, precise, meticulous, exacting, discerning, keen
FAVORABLE: auspicious, advantageous, propitious, helpful, beneficial
FERVENT: ardent, vehement, impassioned, intense, fiery
FINAL: crowning, conclusive, ultimate, last, farthest
FINE: exquisite, elegant, polished, finished, acute, nice, fastidious, excellent, skilled,
FINISHED: consummate, faultless, skilled, experienced
FIRM: rigid, fast, secure, determined, resolved, steadfast, staunch

FORCEFUL: effective, telling, graphic, vivid

ILLUSTRIOUS: famous, distinguished, eminent, renowned
IMPLANTED: inset, infused, instilled
IMPORTANT: material, notable, marked, outstanding, remarkable, noteworthy, stirring,
INCESSANT: continual, uninterrupted, unceasing
INDICATIVE: significant, characteristic, representative, expressive
INDUSTRIOUS: assiduous, diligent, busy, hardworking
INEXHAUSTIBLE: unfailing, unlimited
INFALLIBLE: unfailing, reliable, indubitable, certain, sure
INFECTIOUS: catching
INFINITE: countless, innumerable, boundless, unbounded, immeasurable
INFLEXIBLE: firm, stiff, unyielding, grim, stern
INGENIOUS: resourceful, inventive, clever, adroit
INHERENT: intrinsic, innate, inseparable, essential
INTENSE: extreme, profound, acute, keen, concentrated, ardent
INVALUABLE: priceless, precious
INVARIABLE: regular, constant, unchangeable
INVINCIBLE: unyielding, uncompromising, unconquerable, indomitable
KEEN: eager, ardent, acute, discerning, shrewd, quick
MANIFEST: apparent, evident, conspicuous, striking, prominent, notable
MARKED: conspicuous, prominent, noticeable
MATCHLESS: unequaled, supreme, peerless
MEMORABLE: notable, remarkable
NOTEWORTHY: remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary
OUTSTANDING: eminent, prominent, signal
PAINSTAKING: diligent, careful, particular
PARAMOUNT: supreme, chief, dominant
PEERLESS: Unrivaled, matchless, supreme, unequaled
PENETRATIVE: acute, discerning, astute
PERCEPTIBLE: perceivable, cognizable, discernible, visible
PERCEPTIVE: knowing, percipient, cognitive
PERFECT: faultless, immaculate, impeccable, flawless, inimitable, unparalleled,
PERSISTENT: persevering, unfailing
PERSPICUOUS: clear, lucid, explicit, exact distinct intelligible, manifest
PERTINACIOUS: persistent, firm, constant, resolute, unyielding
PLACID: calm, peaceful, gentle, serene, unruffled, undisturbed
PLEASURABLE: gratifying, pleasing, delightful, agreeable
POSITIVE: emphatic, inescapable, certain, absolute
POSSESSING: possessed of, master of, in possession of, endowed,
blest/fraught/laden/charged with
PRECISE: prim, rigid, unbending, exact, definite, punctilious
PREDOMINANT: ruling, controlling, supreme
PREEMINENT: distinguished, renowned, foremost, paramount, superior, supreme
PRESSING: urgent, persistent, critical, exacting
PRODIGIOUS: huge, vast, immense, enormous, portentous, astonishing, wonderful
PROFICIENT: expert, adept, masterly, dexterous, adroit, skillful
PROMINENT: marked, salient, important, distinguished, influential
REMARKABLE: distinguished, noteworthy, memorable, rare

RESOLUTE: determined, unflinching, firm, steadfast, tenacious, indomitable,

unbending, unshaken
SEDULOUS: diligent, persevering, untiring, assiduous
STEADFAST: constant, steady, persevering, firm, loyal
STERN: grim, unyielding, resolute
STIMULATING: inspiring, keen, spirited
STRENUOUS: active, energetic, ardent, zealous, resolute, persevering, indefatigable,

TACTFUL: diplomatic, conciliatory

TENACIOUS: persistent, persevering, unyielding, unwavering

UNBOUNDED: boundless, unlimited, endless
UNEQUALED: unmatched, unparalleled, incomparable, inimitable, unique
UNEXCITABLE: stoical, calm, cool-headed, unruffled
UNIQUE: unparalleled, unequaled, unsurpassed, unusual, rare, unprecedented
UNPARALLELED: peerless, unrivaled, inimitable, unique
VAST: immense, enormous, great, infinite, boundless
VERSATILE: many-sided
ZEALOUS: earnest, ardent, eager

Knockout Phrases

Meticulous attention to detail

Outstanding attributes of
Sound advice, tactfully rendered
Have substantially aided
Can be directly attributed to
Continually accepted
Gave renewed impetus
Effectively planned and supervised
Became infused in
Is evident in
Was instrumental in
Was an inspiration for
Was largely/repeatedly/personally responsible
Were major factors
Was outstandingly successful/effective
Was particularly noteworthy
Was a primary contributing factor in
Acting with vigor and determination
Constantly sought out new avenues for rendering better service
Due to his/her unfailing wisdom and untiring energy
Streamlined operational procedures
Acted as a pillar of strength
Served as a sterling example for all to emulate
Served as an inspiration to those with whom he/she served
Provided positive direction, sound advice, firm guidance, and
wise counsel
Always displaying a high spirit of cooperation, willingness, and

attentiveness to duty
Because of his/her demonstrated organizational ability and
his/her capacity for positive leadership
He/She streamlined operations, which provided smooth
teamwork and efficient functioning
Met problems with untiring energy and unfailing wisdom
Were the key to his/her unquestionable success and marked
him/her as a noncommissioned officer of the finest/highest caliber
Constantly set an example by a display of _, _, and _.
Marked him/her as a noncommissioned officer of the
finest/highest caliber
Proved himself/herself to be outstanding among his/her

(exceptional) (exceptional operational) (remarkable) (innate) (marked)
(outstanding) (outstanding executive) (outstanding managerial) (outstanding
professional) (outstanding organizational) (superb planning) (superb organizational)
(unusual) (technical)
(conscientious) (aggressive) (tenacious) (decisive)
ACHIEVEMENTS (significant) (outstanding)
APPROACH (energetic) (enthusiastic) (enthusiastic and diplomatic) (vigorous)
(diligent and untiring)
(advice) (judgment) (planning)
ATTITUDE (cheerful cooperative) (selfless)
(professional) (exceptional professional)
(immeasurably) (significantly) (materially) (directly) (markedly)
DEMONSTRATED (continually) (has clearly) (rare and exceptional)
(untiring) (sincere) (constant) (unfailing) (unusual)
(selfless) (unswerving)
DIRECTION (positive) (firm guidance and positive) (enlightening)
EFFORTS (untiring) (vigorous) (energetic) (tireless)
EFFICIENCY(optimum) (maximum)
EFFECTIVE (was outstandingly) (planning) (accomplishment) (highly)
(infectious) (unbounded)
(sterling) (personal)
(broad) (professional) (technical)
FORESIGHT (remarkable) (keen) (accurate)
GUIDANCE (skillful proficient) (firm) (cheerful)
INITIATIVE (strong) (rare and exceptional)
JUDGMENT (sound) (mature) (outstanding) (discerning) (decisive)
KEEN (personal interest) (interest) (insight) (analytical mind) (sense of responsibility)

(professional) (technical) (professional and technical) (broad)
(exceptional) (comprehensive) (superior)
(brilliant) (dynamic) (inspired) (capable) (energetic) (outstanding)
(outstanding qualities of) (exceptional) (vigorous) (outstanding organizational and
leadership capabilities) (qualities of the highest order) (remarkable leadership
(cooperative) (diplomatic) (brilliant) (out standing) ( superior) (superb)
(efficient) (highly effective) (exemplary) (judicious)
PERFORMANCE (outstanding) (outstanding record of)
PLANNING (meticulous) (astute) (capable) (calm and effective)
PRINCIPLES (sound managerial)
PROFESSIONAL (confidence) (ability) ( skill) ( competence) (knowledge) (and
technical knowledge) (adeptness) (manner)
PURPOSE (tenacity of) (resoluteness of) (fidelity of)
RESPONSIBILITY (spirited sense of) (keen sense of) (willingness to accept)
(willingly assumed these) (deep sense of)
SUPPORT (vigorous) (energetic) (enthusiastic) (aggressive)
TECHNICAL (understanding) ( knowledge) (adeptness)
UNDERSTANDING (thorough) (and judgment) (human)
(unusual) (unfailing)

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