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First United Methodist Church

201 E. Hospital Street, Nacogdoches Texas 75961

Volume 9, Issue 1
Jan 2016

18 - Church Office Closed in
observance of Martin Luther
King Day
20 - Common Ground Meal
Kick-off at 6:00 pm Meal
27 - Common Ground - 6 pm
29-31 Youth - The Difference
30 - East District Leadership

03 - Common Ground - 6 pm
08 - Primetimers at 10:30 am
10 - Ash Wednesday Service
at 6 pm - NO COMMON
17 - Common Ground - 6 pm

Inside This Issue:

A Note from the Pastors page 2
Ash Wednesday Service page 1
Calendar - page 7
Childrens Ministry page 6
Common Ground pages 1, 3, 6
East District Training pages 1, 3-5
Memorial Dedications page 5
Prayer Concerns - page 8


8:45 am
Contemporary Worship Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
10:55 am
Traditional Worship Service

Church Office (936) 564-8308

Fax (936) 564-8582

Office Hours: Mon-Thur: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Fri: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm. Closed for lunch 12:00 -1:00 pm


Jan. 20th Mar. 9th

Wednesday Nights
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Common Ground is back! We have made
some changes. However, the purpose remains the same: gather community, building
deep relationships, and grow our faith. We
hope you will join us!
Fellowship Dinner on Wed, Jan. 20 at 6:00 pm
Come hungry there are some great cooks in this church! Dinner will be potluck style, so
bring something to share if you can. There will be child-friendly options (most likely pizza)
as well. Even if you do not intend to participate in a study this semester, we hope you will join
Bible Studies held each Wed. beginning Jan. 27 at 6:00 pm
Classes are an incredibly important part of Common Ground. Some of them have limited
space, so make sure to sign up soon!
Continued on page 3


Every year our district gathers to learn and grow from one anothers experiences. This year we have compiled an exciting &
diverse set of workshops that we hope will enrich our ministries
throughout East Texas.

Saturday, January 30 (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)

First United Methodist Church- Nacogdoches
Register at the door - Cost: $10 (includes lunch & refreshments)
Free Child care provided
Schedule - 9:30 Registration & Gathering; 10:00 Announcements & Opening Worship;
11:00-12:00 Workshop Session #1; 12:00-1:00 Lunch & Fellowship; 1:00-2:00 Workshop Session #2
Continued on page 3


On February 10 we will have an Ash Wednesday service at 6:00 in the Sanctuary.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period where we prepare for the
celebration of Easter. There will be no Common Ground on Wed, Feb 10.

A Note From The Pastor

I want to thank all of you for an amazing Christmas season. There were so
many places and ways that the love of God was visible in our church and
community! I am thankful for the ways we all shared with family, friends,
and those around us. Christmas Eve is an incredible moment for me. All of
us sharing communion together, singing, hearing again the story of Jesus
birth, seeing the darkened sanctuary brighten as we share the light from our
candles and sing Silent Night. And then we commit to carry that light into
the world.
Not long ago someone shared with me a poem by Howard Thurman. I think
it is a great perspective for us as we head into the new year:
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back to their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoners,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace for all,
To make music in the heart.
Lets get to work see you at church!

Note From The Associate Pastor

The believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers. 43
A sense of awe came over everyone. God performed many wonders and signs through the apostles. 44 All the believers were
united and shared everything. 45 They would sell pieces of property and possessions and distribute the proceeds to everyone
who needed them. 46 Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and
simplicity. 47 They praised God and demonstrated Gods goodness to everyone. The Lord added daily to the community those
who were being saved.
~Acts 2:42-47

Each time I come across this text, I get a sense of wonder. Could it really be that simple? Could the churchs problems simply melt away if we were to attend fully to our community? Its a high calling. It would means a complete turn
away from todays me driven culture. It would take shifting to we instead: caring for others, supporting our neighbors, and building one another up. It means care for the poor and lonely - attentiveness to those who dont fit into our
way of seeing things. So yes, it would be hard. Nevertheless, this passage gives me hope that Christs church is not
doomed, but merely waiting for its people to take the initiative once again. Let us be a people that come together in
true community, so that once more the Lord will add daily those who are being saved.

Page 2


Continued from page 1 - Common Ground

Adult Ministry
Unusual Healings (Parlor) led by Rev. Trenten Oliver
In the Gospel According to John, Jesus never says, Your faith has made you well, but he heals no fewer than
five people. Well, these healings can teach us something about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Join us
on this 4-week journey as we explore what it means to respond to Jesus call in our lives and discover a personal identity based on healing, new life, and mission. The cost for the class is $5, which covers your participant
Covenant Bible Study
Has faith seemed a bit dry and worn out lately? Maybe, its time for some spiritual nourishment through Bible study.

Join us for an in-depth study of the Bible that emphasizes the biblical concept of covenant the enduring commitment between
God and people. Through covenant, we learn about Gods call, his love, and his unexpected favor. This class will be 8 weeks. The
cost for the class is $20, which covers your participant book.
Creating the Covenant (Part 1 Room 205) leader TBA; Living the Covenant (Part 2 Room 203) led by Mike Rigsby
Broken and Blessed (Room 202) led by Emily Taravella and Stacey Smith
Broken and Blessed is a six-week study that traces the story biblical families as God continuously brings blessing from brokenness. Despite both good and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation. Through these stories of
Genesis, New Testament teaching about family, and stories of contemporary families changed and used by God, this study shows
us how God can use our own imperfect families to bring blessing in a hurting and broken world. The cost of the participant book is
Mens Devotional & Basketball (Conference Room & FLC) led by Gary Wurtz
If you like basketball, fellowship, and/or devotional study, this group is for you. We welcome men of all ages, and all levels of basketball ability! Our devotion begins in the Conference Room at 6:00 pm, and then at 6:30 pm we move to the FLC for basketball.
Come join us throughout Common Ground, and then if you would like, stay even longer. This group continues to meet throughout
the calendar year.

Continued from page 1 - East District Training

SPR - Chuck Huffman
This workshop is for those serving on SPRC, including lay leader and delegate to annual conference, and for pastors,
too. The District Superintendent will share about the vital work of this committee in the life of the church. There will be
plenty of time for questions, discussion, and sharing of ideas to enhance the overall ministry of the church.
The Christian Calendar and Season in Your Church - Steve Woody
This class is for Pastors, worship leaders and worship committee members who are seeking ideas and resources for
meaningful worship celebrating special worship events such as Advent, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and
Good Friday. If you want creative ideas to impact your congregation this is the class for you.
Understanding the church role in the community today - David Goodwin & Steve Killiam
Have you ever wanted to understand your churchs role in the community? Are you making the impact that you think
you are? We will talk about how to get outside the four walls of the church, where can we go to get involved, and how
we get started.
We will be answering key questions such as:
Who serves our congregation outside of your church?
How do older congregations engage a younger community? How does your churchs involvement in the community
relate back to the church itself?
Extravagant Generosity, Stewardship, & Fundraising - Jeff Powers
Imagine what would happen if your congregation grew towards becoming a tithing church! Currently the average
member of a United Methodist Church gives less than 3% of their income in their financial support to their congregation. In this seminar, church leaders and pastors will learn ways to effectively discuss financial giving within the congregation. Participants in this session will leave with resources that can be immediately put to use to increase the giving in any congregation. For those bold enough to dream big, churches can begin the journey towards becoming a
Page 3


Continued from page 1 & 2 - East District Training

tithing congregation.
"It'll Never Happen to Me." - Disaster Ministries in the Texas Annual Conference - Scott Moore
This course will cover the basics of disaster ministries in the Texas Annual Conference and ways individuals, groups,
and churches can become involved in responding to natural disasters. We will examine disaster preparedness, conference Early Response Teams (immediately following a disaster), Long- Term Disaster Recovery, and disaster responses
at the local, district, and conference level. Resources will be provided on ways you can begin preparing yourself, your
family, your workplace, your church, and your community for a disaster and ways that the new Texas Annual Conference Mission Depot can help you engage in disaster response, training, and other mission opportunities.
Follow Up for Local Pastors & Lay Ministers - Jerome Brimmage & Jeff McDonald
A check-in, Q & A, and how is it with your soul time for our local pastors and lay ministers.
The Anatomy of a Great Sermon - David Briggs
A great sermon is a mix of art and science. There are simple tips and practices that can improve your sermon and help
you better communicate the gospel regardless of your personality type. In this workshop we will look at everything from
preparation to delivery of a great sermon. You will learn proven tips and best practices that have been used behind pulpits and in other public settings for centuries to effectively hand down the gospel.
Radical Hospitality in Smaller Churches - Karen Jones
How does a church express radical hospitality with a few people and limited resources? Come explore the topic with
Rev. Karen Jones. Karen serves at FUMC Center and has spent the last 10 years serving small churches in our district.
Come learn practical and doable ideas for reaching those who come through your doors and those that might come if
you reached beyond your walls.
How General & Jurisdictional Conference Works - Jim Bankston
What happens at GC and JC does effect you. Book of Discipline changes happen at GC and effect all things related to
the local church. New bishops are elected and assigned to annual conferences at JC. Local representatives elected at
Annual Conference are the ones who are given the authority to vote in these matters. This workshop will help you understand better how your church works.
Laity Unleashed - Leah Taylor
Come experience Laity Unleashed, an intensive experience for the lay person who yearns to live out Gods call in an
extraordinary way. It is designed to facilitate the discovery of that powerful place where spiritual gifts and the needs of
the world intersect. Laity Unleashed is about helping each participant discern, acknowledge and follow Gods call. See
what a session is like and work through one of the exercises used in the class.
Study on Wesley - Fred Willis
We spend a lot of time talking about our Methodist Heritage, but we tend to treat it a lot like a good olstory that has no
effect on today. Why should the impact of the early Methodists not also teach us how we should be moving into the future as a denomination? Influenced by a trip to England, Pastor Fred will be teaching this class that mixes our Methodist
history, the early success of the movement, and an honest critique of where we are now, asking the question How can
our heritage influence our future?
Identifying your Spiritual Gifts - Keffe Crooper
The only truly fruitful ministries are those that learn to co-labor with Christ. Jesus said, Without me, you can do nothing.
Spiritual gifts are the Me that we partner with to accomplish Gods purposes. Spiritual gifts are divine enabling whereby
Christ works in and through us. We will be looking into the foundational gifts of Ephesians 4, the Motivational gifts of Romans 12 and the Empowering gifts of 1 Corinthians 12. We will be looking at how to discern their presence in our lives
and our churches and how to begin the process of intentionally applying them to ministry.
Family Ministry - Amanda Boyd-Stratton
In days gone by, families attended a church when parents selected a place of worship and brought their children along
with them. Today we are experiencing more and more growth when families come along with their children to church!
Learn how to connect with families in your community. Come discuss ideas on how to develop your current program ministries to become whole-family-friendly and how to minister to families of all shapes and sizes!
21st Century Communications & Resources - Rebecca Hyde
Communicating beyond the pulpit clearly and concisely is an important part of any ministry but it can seem like a huge
undertaking. This workshop is intended to help anyone interested in learning how to improve their communication skills
and reach to a 21st century audience without being overwhelmed or spending a lot of money. Free resources available!
Shared Ministries - Keith Broyles, Paul Woodworth, & Pam Burnette
Doing Together What We Cant Do Alone - The Shared Ministries of Angelina County United Methodists (SMACUM) is a
joint mission and ministry project of Burke UMC, FUMC Diboll, Ryan Chapel UMC and St. Pauls UMC in Lufkin. These
four congregations have worked together for over four years providing school supplies for area children, raising money
for various mission projects including Clean Water of Haiti and helping a young man in need of a heart transplant. None
Page 4


Continued from page 1 , 2 & 3 - East District Training

of these missions could be done by one of us but working together we do this and more.
Center for Congregational Excellence - Jesse Brannen
The Center for Congregational Excellence is pleased to offer two workshops. One on revitalization, the 5 ws who, what,
where, why, when and another on the single board model of local church governance.
Local Schools as Mission Fields - Cindy Doran
Size does not matter! Finally... a mission field that fits every church... no matter how small or large! If your church is
needing ideas on how to minister to their community, build relationships and reach out in new ways this is the class for
you! You will leave with direct and specific ways that you and your congregation can use.
Grief Ministry - Gerry Giles
Rev. Gerry Giles will present an introduction to the series GriefShare, a thirteen-week series designed to help individuals
recover from the deep hurt of pain following the loss of a loved one. The discussion will also cover the GriefShare program Surviving the Holidays and the correlation of a grief ministry and a Stephen Ministry Program.
Childrens Ministry - Sally Frasier
Childrens ministry is vital to the growth and life of a congregation. But for a church to have a vital childrens ministry
there are things you need to know. This class is designed to share important aspects of childrens ministry such as; ways
to secure, train and keep volunteers alternative Funding in Ministry (dont let money guide what you do!) networking and
sharing Vacation Bible School sets and materials.
Youth Ministry - Alain Leistikow
ATTENTION: Youth Connect 2016 is going to an awesome day full of fellowship, discipleship, and learning. We will be
focusing on 10 ways to connect to the youth in your church and your ministry. Come join us to grow in your faith that you
can demonstrate to the all the students God entrusts to you.


C D Thomas
Clyde Sheffield, Bettie & Rudy Washburn
Bryan C. Bill Burk
Judy Burk
Margie Terry
Steve & Becki Campbell
Rhonda Courvelle Russell
Carolena M Turner, Ed Cole
Dr. Allan Cannon
Dick & Pat Rayne
Margaret Bogan
Harold Bogan
Fussy Heflin Bogan
Harold Bogan
All that died in 2015
Tom & Dorothy Franks
Terry Smith
FUMC Friendship Sunday School Class
Carol Voigtels 80th Birthday
Dr T A & Carolyn Alhashimi
Gwen Harper
Bill & Marilyn Larison
Page 5




Rachel Anderson, Jim Jenkins,

Helen Brown, Sue Parsons
Harold Bogan
My Children - Carolyn & Mike
Hardy, Beth Bogan, Roger & Sue
Ellen Bogan
Harold Bogan
Patsy and Leon Hallman
FUMC Upper Room Sunday
School Class
Dennis Bradford
Nita Turner, Ed Cole, Bobbie
Forsythe, Marilyn & Bill Larison
Dick & Pat Rayne,
Merle Arrant
Charles & Goldie Reynolds,
David & Sarah Ash
Mike Robertson, Helen Foreman
Martha Sullivan


Continued from pages 1 & 3 - Common Ground

Play Ground (Library) led by the Adult Bible Sunday School Class
If none of the above appeal to you, or you are just looking for some time to relax with friends, here is you class! Play Ground is all
about community. There will be coffee, board games, and good conversation. There will be games to choose from, but feel
free to bring games from home that you love. There is no need to sign up. Just come as you are and join us for some lighthearted

Youth Ministry
5:30 - Doors open to the Gym and Snack Supper in the Family Life Center
6-7:30 pm - JH Youth, 7-8th grade, are invited to the new Ignite JH ministry in
the Youth Center. There will be food, drinks, game rooms open, super
fun games led by the JH ministry team, a brief message/worship time and
discussion groups. An awesome time for JHers to grow in their faith in
Jesus Christ and make awesome friends in Him!
6:30-8p SH Youth, 9-12th grade, are invited to the new Ignite SH ministry in
the Youth Center for worship time led by the youth band, a brief message
and small groups for discussion. It will be a meaningful opportunity for SH
youth to deepen their faith in Jesus Christ and discover truth and strength
to deal with the challenges of high school life as believers and followers of Him.

Childrens Ministry

Childrens Common Ground Wednesdays for Spring has been

reconfigured to fit our new 6-week schedule.
We are excited to kick off the schedule with our covered dish kick
off meal on January 20th. This Potluck celebration is a GREAT opportunity for us to invite, recruit and encourage friends to join us for our Kids Do
Church Leading in Worship Spring Common Ground Series, as well as
invite the parents to participate in all of the adult offerings we have.
Please bring a friend and your favorite potluck meal. Beginning January
27th, there will be two introductory Wednesdays before our joint Ash
Wednesday Service on February 10th. These first two Wednesdays will
lay the groundwork for our projects. Then after Ash Wednesday, there will be 4 weeks of completing projects and practicing leading in worship. We will be providing many opportunities to participate in preparation for our Childrens Sunday
and learning why and how we worship at FUMC. Children can participate in art projects, musical offerings with chimes,
the girls ensemble, scripture reading, recitation, ushering, greeting, etc. (all the areas of leading in worship).
Any child who does not want to do chimes, can prepare for Childrens Sunday in some other way (though we will encourage them all to participate). We will make banners/paraments, we will need speakers, we will need greeters, we will
need ushers, we will need many roles filled. We will use this time to prepare them all for a wonderful Worship Service.
Common Ground ends at Spring break and so we will have one or two rehearsals between Common Ground finish/
Easter and Childrens Sunday to be sure the kids are ready to lead Worship on April 3 rd.
We are so excited to see how the Lord will use our precious children to touch the hearts of many on April 3 rd. We are
very excited about this years Childrens Sunday. If you have a specific gift or offering youd like to contribute to help us
prepare the children, please let us know.
A very special thanks to the ladies who are preparing to lead chimes. What a blessing! Happy New Year to All,
and many prayers for our FUMC kids and families for 2016 ~ Childrens Ministries.

This spring FUMC children will be preparing for Childrens Sunday in many different ways. During
the months of January and February we will be collecting childrens artwork that depicts Jesus and/
or the life of Christ. Please encourage your child to consider making a drawing at home or during
Sunday School. Please submit his/her drawing on a plain white sheet of 8x10 paper to Elsa during
the month of January or February. You will all enjoy fruits of their labor on Childrens Sunday.
Page 6


18 - Church Office Closed in observant of Martin Luther King
19 - SPRC Meeting at 6 pm - Library
20 - Common Ground Meal - Kick-off (No classes)
21 - Church Council Meeting at 5:30 pm - Parlor
Missions Committee Meeting at 6:30 pm - Conf Room
24 - Disciple II Bible Study at 4 pm - Conf Room
Confirmation Class at 6:30 pm - Room 208
26 - Preschool Board Meeting at 6:30 pm - Library
27 - Common Ground - Meal at 6 pm; Classes at 6:30 pm
29-31 - Youth the Difference
30 - East District Leadership Training
31 - Disciple II Bible Study at 4 pm - Conf Room
Confirmation Class at 6:30 pm - Room 208

03 - Common Ground - Meal at 6 pm; Classes at 6:30 pm
04 - Board of Trustees Meeting at 5:15 pm - Library
07 - Disciple II Bible Study at 4 pm - Conf Room
Confirmation Class at 6:30 pm - Room 208
08 - Primetimers at 10:30 am - FLC
09 - UMW Circle VI Meeting at 6:00 pm - Parlor
10 - Ash Wednesday Service at 6 pm - NO COMMON
11 - Evangelism Committee Meeting at 4:00 pm - Library
14 - Disciple II Bible Study at 4 pm - Conf Room
Confirmation Class at 6:30 pm - Room 208
15 - UMW Circle III Meeting at 6:30 pm
16 - UMW Circle I meeting at 9:30 am - Library
UMW Circle II & IV at 9:30 am

UMW Circle VII meeting at 10:00 am - Parlor

17 - Common Ground - Meal at 6 pm; Classes at 6:30 pm

If you are planning to reserve a room in the Church for a
meeting, gathering, etc., a request can be made either by
completing a Building Use Form that can be found in the
Workroom or online, scroll down to the
bottom of the home page and click resources, church forms
and then building use.


To obtain an ACCESS ACS user ID, logon to, click the ACCESS ACS link at the bottom of the page. For more information, kindly contact
Sharon Bright at 936-564-8308 or email

Articles Due for Next Newsletter

The next Newsletter will be dated Monday,

February 1, 2016. Articles for this issue should be
emailed to by 3:00 pm Monday,
January 25 , 2016.


Please email all information to

for our weekly Bulletin/E-News by 3:00 pm on Tuesdays.

Regularly-Scheduled Meetings
Mens Emmaus Reunion Group meets at 6:30 am in the Parlor (1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays)
HRT Emmaus Reunion Group meets on Mondays at 5:15 pm - Barbara LaFours
Girl Scout Troop 1406 meets on Mondays at 6:00 pm in the Scout Lodge
Girl Scout Troop 1016 meets every other Tuesday at 5:30 pm in the Scout Lodge
Celebrate Service Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Christian Writers Fellowship at 5:45 pm
YoWe (Youth on Wednesday Evenings) at 5:30 pm-Jr. High Ignite; 6:30 pm Sr. High Ignite - Youth Center
Bell Choir Rehearsal at 6:00 pm in Room 207
Chancel Choir Rehearsal at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room.
Grace Emmaus Reunion Group meeting at 8:30 am in the Library
Heart-to-Heart Chorus at 9:00 am in the Choir Room and performances at Nursing Homes at 10:00 am (2nd & 4th Thursdays)
Youth Praise Band practice at 4:30 pm in the Youth Lounge
Cub Scouts meets at 5:00 pm in the Scout Lodge
Youth on Sunday Night 5:30-Youth Open Gym; 6:30 pm-Youth Snack Supper; 7:00 pm-Youth Bible Study
Volume 9, Issue 1

Page 5

Our Staff

PRAYER CONCERNSUPDATED, Monday, January 11, 2016 (9 am)


Senior Pastor
Associate Pastor
Director of Youth Ministry
Director of Childrens Ministry
Director of Preschool
Director of Music Ministry
Celebrate Worship Leader
Office Manager
Financial Secretary
Building Manager

For a more up-to-date Prayer List, kindly contact our Church Office564-8308.
Charla Dumas (Karen Jenlinks daughter), Louis (Len) Neff (Dawn Rigsbys cousin), Dick Voigtel,
Hunter LaGrone (requested by Charles Reynolds), Cindy German (Anne Petits daughter), Jean
Smith (Cindy Himes mother), Becky Taylor, Dottie Clagett, Martin Houser, Marilyn Davis, Tonya
Turnage, Pat LaRue, Melanie Kieffer (requested by Patrick Rovers Houser), Jeff Thomas (Carla
Coffees cousin), Samantha Hein (Sue Laws great-niece), Bobbie Williams (requested by Betty
Lewis), Kirk Watson (Kelly Youngs brother), Randy Hauck (requested by Hank & Suzy Crouse),
Charlotte Carey (Brad Maules sister), Sunne Schotke (Brad Maules niece), Bubba Hughes
(requested by Al Smith), Huntley Stephenson (requested by Al Smith), Pat Rayne, Jarrell Grout,
Steven Russell (Lynn Teagues brother), Mike Rogers (requested by Allen Anthony), Annette Martin, Gary Chaney, Claude Chaney, Ruth (Marie) Baker, Rachel Turnage, Ann Wilson, Campbell
Cox, Rudy Washburn, Jenny Scott (Kay Jeffreys daughter), Juan Alvarez (requested by Karina
Ibarra), Jonathan Wolfe (Gale Whites son), Stephanie Bentz (Cathy Johnsons daughter), Rosemary Moffatt, Jean Stephens, McKenzie Hanlon (requested by Colleen Abernathy), Dave Collun
(Sheila Smiths cousin), Arin Lee, Leah Dorsey (Leon Dorseys daughter), Roy Laprarie (Al Smiths
brother-in-law), Cecilia Andis (Jerry Andis sister), Peggy Cox, Eddie Ash (David Ashs father),
Dianne House, Sue Whatley, Daniel Coolidge, Kate Maloy, Joe Butters, David Lymbery (Betty
Bunchs grandson), Debbie Sellman (friend of Jo Taylor), Jack Macris (Sharon Scifres brother)
Military Personnel in Combat Zone
Jack Duffin, Jake Trotter, Westen Kuenstler
Names will remain on a published prayer team list for 90 days. The prayer team appreciates
current updates on requests. Please email your requests and updates to
If you know of a member of FUMC who is in the hospital or who will be having surgery, kindly
contact the Church Office - 564-8308. EMERGENCIES, call 936-585-2294.

The mission of the First United Methodist Church of Nacogdoches is to make disciples through
Christ-centered service and outreach. With Gods help, we will do this through witnessing,
teaching and loving.


First United Methodist Church

201 E Hospital Street
Nacogdoches, TX 75961


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