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Devante Dodgens

JRN: 11:00
What Is Gained and Lost In Media Immersion
The university system of America has been dramatically changed by
the introduction and usage of social media. The usage of social media is very
high among college students and universities have been quick to adapt to
suit the needs of the students. This has and will continue to have both
negative and positive connotations into the future as society continues to
adapt to a reliance on social media for communication.
There are many positives that come from universities attempting to
use social media. The programs through the university can keep up with
alumni and also reach students who otherwise wouldnt be able to be
reached easily, such as people with far commutes. Colleges that use social
media also tend to have higher retention rates over colleges that do not. It
also allows the colleges and universities to keep students up to date,
allowing for more participation in school events and incentives for
participating in them, such as hashtag contest and photo contests at these
events. Organizations now use social media to reach out to possible
members, boosting membership levels and allowing for a more immersive
Colleges also have gained many benefits from using social media in
terms of safety. During the Virginia Tech massacre, the schools Facebook
page kept constant updates about the situation and telling students where to

seek safety at and to not move. Many colleges now have systems in place
that will alert students through the use of text or social media if there are
weather or safety concerns on campus and how and where they can find
more information.
Losses however do also exist in the college system as a result of
usage. Many people find themselves more isolated from the college
experience because of lacking in fact to face contact. Also statistically,
college students who spend a lot of time on social media tend to have lower
grades. Social media causes big problems on the social scope of things in
universities. In can encourage the spread of false information through usage.
Take for example last year during a particularly bad winter day, there were
reports on Facebook going around that Centrals campus was closed. Many
students believed it and decided to share it, when in fact school was open
and in session the next day. Social media has also had a wide impact on
admission testing, with many admissions offices now looking at potential
students profiles before admitting them.
The usage of social media tends to swing to have more positives then
negatives at the current time period in America. Colleges have gained higher
retention rates, better systems for safety and enjoyment and a chance to
reach students that otherwise wouldnt have been reached. Despite the
negatives of the misinformation, admission testing, and isolation many find
the fact that colleges using social media to be an integrative and soon
necessary part of being successful.

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