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A Critical Review
In Marketing Management, branding, segmentation and targeting, positioning, and
othermarketing strategies play unique but very critical roles. The interconnection of
these keyelements makes role of a brand in the contemporary market a success or a failure.
This report
has being prepared on the theme Are they doing right? to survey about a brand
that can be
found in the Sri Lankan market and look into those factors with regard to that brand. Thereport
also shall provide a brief insight to the terms and bring out the examples from the
selected brand. Therefore the best biscuit brand in Sri Lanka Munchee biscuits
has beenselected for the survey. Munchee biscuits are a collection of biscuit products
under thecompany named
or Ceylon Biscuits Limited. CBL markets its prime product

biscuits, under the brand name Munchee & is the dominant market leader, of the
biscuitindustry in Sri Lanka, with a market share in excess of 50%.
Product Line
Product line is a marketing strategy of offering several related products for sale. A
productline can comprise of related products of various sizes, types, colors, qualities
or prices. Thereare many products under the brand name of Munchee. The main product lines
areMunchee Sweet Biscuits
Hawain Cookies - Munchee's crusty; golden-rectangles with the irresistibletoastedcoconut taste are baked using a generous helping of local coconuts.
Munchee Nice - soft and light with scalloped edges.
Tikiri Marie - Lightly sweetened and baked & milky.
Ginger - Baked using 100% natural local ginger.
Milk Short Cake - A soft buttermilk exterior, rich milky taste.

Gem - baked with a rich helping of milk and butter and are mini lipsmackingdelights
Chocolate Marie - Soft, smooth and chocolaty brown.

Munchee Cream biscuits

Lemon Puff

lemon flavored cream sandwiched between two biscuits.

Chocolate Cream - Baked with rich thick chocolate.
Chocolate Puff - covered with drops of sugar are crispy and creamy.
Milk Cream - thick milk-cream soft centered munchies.

Munchee Savoury Biscuits

Cheese Buttons - small round and full of a sprinkling of natural cheese.
Snack Cracker - Baked until the enticing crusty surfaces turn golden-yellow.
Savoury Nuts - Baked in the shape of cashew nuts.
Onion Biscuits - deliciously aromatic and promise a distinct flavor.

Munchee Cracker Biscuits

Super Cream Cracker Layers
of rich creamy flavourful flaky textures pressedtogether.
Kurakkan Crackers - light and smooth cracker offering a one-of-a-kind flavor.

Munchee Tiffin

Tiffin Original - baked with a slightly salty and slightly sweet flavor.
Tiffin Onion - unique savoury onion flavor.

Munchee Cookies
Cookie Dane Assorted - Baked with sugar, milk, chocolate chips, thick milk chocolate, and local
vanilla essence.
Rice Raisin - rice and the fruity zing of raisins.

Munchee wafers - Three
thin and crisp wafer biscuits, two layers of cream.

Gift Packs
Tea Time Assortment - include

Hawaian Cookies, Nice Biscuits, ChocolateSquares, Daintees, Lincoln Biscuits and

Chocolate Rounds.
Gift Assortment - include

Hawaian Cookies, Nice Biscuits, ChocolateRounds, Lincoln Biscuits and Flat Finger
Segmentation & Targeting
When concerning Munchee brand, as it is rather new product when comparing to Maliban, ituses
technological segmentation
on developing products. They do not depend in thetraditional product lines; instead they
introduce various new tastes into the consumers. Forexample, the introduction of

Tiffin, savoury nuts, onion biscuits made the taste of biscuitsinto a novel way. When
considering the
geographical segmenting
, Munchee is successfullycovered almost all the country with its products & also all the
products of the Munchee arenot specific user oriented instead they can be used by
anybody. Which means the
demographic segmentation
is a wide band covering all the ages.When it comes to targeting the market, munchee
biscuit is targeting the general public. Thetargeted consumers are more generally
the people who are dealing with the market usually.Because Munchee is a consuming
product which is being used in day today life very often,the priority is given for general public. Of
course they are targeting the youth by introducingvarious novel products to keep the
popularity in the top.1.
Positioning Strategy
Positioning is the process which is used to build an image and self-identity in the
minds of the target market by the marketers of an organization. In this process, the
marketers shouldidentify the segment of market withwhich the product or band is
competed. In this case,Munchee launces several brands which are relevant to
various group of customers. For aninstance, Munchi Chocolate biscuits products are
mainly targeted for the children and youth.As well as their competitors also
launched a product that has similar kind features withMunchee Chocolate biscuits
also. In this scenario, Munchee has to do a vital process to
establish their image on the targeted group of customers. Then the organization has
to collectinformation about the perceptions of product and its attributes by a sample
of customers.After organization has to evaluate how their advertisements and
promotions are effective tocustomers for positioning. Munchee launched several big
advertising campaigns forintroducing new products (Tifin, Milk short cake biscuits)
and promoting the existingproducts (Chocolate, Savoury biscuits). Because of that,
they have to identify theeffectiveness of these customers. The concept of Value
proposition describes that what thebenefits that customers get by consuming that
particular product. It simply means that whyconsumer should by that specific
product and what additional services and better solvingproblems mechanisms
provided than other similar product offerings are. Munchee facilitatescustomers by
offering several services with better quality than its competitors. They mainlyfocus
on the best quality of their products with doing a number of quality testing
andexperiments. They use the best quality corn flavor, manufactured by Prima
(Trincomalee) tomake the mixer of the biscuits. As well as they use the ingredients and
chemicals approvedby the government in a proper methodical manner. Munchee
drives the minds of customer toconsume their products by carving the best quality
of their product than the competitors.Positioning statement is some of a description of the
target audience to whom brand is
directed and it should make a clear image on the customers mind about how the
needs to customers to view the brand. It is necessary that all the significant marketingdecisions
should be supported by the positioning statement without any inconsistencies. Thepositioning
statement should describe that the target audience, the competitors, benefits
thanother offerings and reason to believe (proof

that this products give what it promises. Acrowning success is the Munchee
Positioning statement.
Marketing mix strategy
Marketing mix strategy, coined by Neil H. Borden in the late 1940s means that
of the key elements which affect to marketing process in a correct manner. It consists with 4
Ps and 7 Ps concepts. In 4 Ps concept, first P is to refer the produ
ct elements like quality,brand, styling, safety, packaging and warranty etc.
As mentioned above, Munchee has lots of concern about the quality and safety of
their food stuffs. They use attractivepackaging whichhas ability to keep the food
stuff for a long time period. In Price, decision, they focus onseveral pricing
strategies, retail price, discounts, wholesale price and bundling etc. One of main fact
is that nearly all the popular Munchee biscuits products have the same price level astheir
competitors. They do not market to the supreme class of the society but the middle
andlower classes. So they remain their prices with competitors and increase the
quality of theproducts. Munchee has several agencies which are attached to their
distribution centerslocated in Anuradapura and Kurunagala like cities. The product
stores which aremanufactured in Pannipitiya and Ranala, distribute to these centers
which are having thefacility to store large number of product. In addition to that,
Munchee exports their productsto other countries like Australia and Guyana. So they
should have several transportationchannels like shipping and cargo services. Munchee has
several promotional campaigns likeadvertisements, sales promotions, public relations
and publicity etc. They use visual and print

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