Whitney Houston: by Joni Patry, USA

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Whitney Houston

Joni Patry, USA

oni has been a practicing astrologer and teacher

for over 30 years, and founder of the Galactic

Center in Dallas. She has been an online Vedic
Instructor for the Online College, for the American
College of Vedic Astrologys Online program, is a
faculty member for ACVA (American Council of
Vedic Astrology), and served as the executive
secretary for CVA (Council of Vedic Astrology),
where she published and distributed the International
CVA Journal. As a writer, she has published three
books and many articles and research in Vedic
astrology. Her book Eastern Astrology for Western
Minds is a complete manual of Vedic astrology. Joni
has organized international symposiums and is often a
keynote speaker for national and international
conferences. She has been on national television and
radio programs as an authority on both Western and
Vedic astrology. Her clientele includes the Whos
Who of America, including Hollywood celebrities.
Her web site, www.galacticcenter.org, has a good deal
of information for all students of astrology. She can be
contacted at joni@galacticcenter.org

someone leaves this
world we pay tribute to their
lives. Celebrities who live
their lives under a microscope can give us
our greatest insights into the perils of life
of being rich and famous. Whitney
Houston was the most awarded female act
of all time. She was a singer, actress, model
and producer. But most of all, she was
noted for her exceptional voice.
The 2nd house is the house of the voice,
face and our ability to make money, and I
would say she did exceptionally well in
these areas. She has Jupiter and the Moon
in Pisces in the 2nd house. Jupiter rules
Pisces so it is exceedingly strong here. The
fact that it also rules the 11th house
(Sagittarius) denotes even more power to
bring in riches because the 11th house is
great wealth and the combinations of the
2nd house and 11th house mean big
Jupiter in the 2nd house aspects by trine
the 6th and 10th house indicates a strong
work ethic and career. With her Sun and

Venus in the 6th house in Cancer Jupiter aspects them tightly, giving her work opportunities
and success. Her mother was a famous singer and her cousins were Dionne Warwick and
Dee Dee Warwick. Her godmother was Aretha Franklin. The powerful Sun and Venus in
the 6th house reveal her famous cousins from her mothers side. The 6th house is known to
be aunts and uncles because the 6th house is the 3rd house (siblings) from the 4th house

Aside from Whitneys beautiful voice, face, extraordinary wealth, money and fame she
suffered profoundly with addictions. You wonder how could anyone with such talent, beauty
and money be so unhappy. With a closer look at her chart the psychological troubles that
keep her from happiness are revealed. Her ascendant is Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn;
and although very strong and powerful in Capricorn, is retrograde in the 12th house. The
12th house has a hidden secretive side that no one sees or knows about. It is the house of our own
undoing, meaning self destructive. And the Moon which rules the mind on first glance is
conjunct Jupiter but it also receives aspects from malefic Mars, Saturn and is at the midpoint
of Rahu/Ketu . The Moon reflects our moods, mind and emotions. And she was definitely
Her ascendant ruler Saturn is in the nakshatra Shatabishak, which many times has a connection
to drugs and alcohol, or specifically healing around addictions. And Saturn which is placed in the
house of solitude and secrecy (12th) is in nakshatra Dhanishta. This nakshatras symbol is a
Most modern astrologers miss this point subtly mentioned by Joni & they ignore aspects/dasas of planets that are at
the midpoints of the nodes. This cannot be ignored especially the 10th from Rahu/Ketu. Ex see chart of bollywood
celebrity Amitabh Bachchan, Saturn is at midpoint of nodes and 10th from Rahu, it was during Saturn dasa he became
the King of Bollywood. - SA

drum and denotes timing as in music, and labeled the richest one- indicating great wealth.
Dhanishta is one of the nakshatras ruled by Mars and her Mars is in the 8th house, which is
one of the most misunderstood houses. The moksha houses that refer to spiritual liberation
are the hardest to understand in this world.
The moksha houses are 4, 8, and 12. These houses pertain to the spiritual world and cannot be
understood completely from the material world. The 4th house is our past, heritage, genetics,
soul and represents where we return as in the end of life. The 8th house rules control, power
and death- ways that we control and manipulate others is through money, sex and death.
These are the most powerful controlling agents on earth. The 12th house is the last and final
house indicating endings or the final frontiers. All these houses attach themselves to the
emotions of death, dying and endings in life. They represent the veil of this world into the
unknown or unknowable worlds and dimensions beyond this existence. These houses rule
the unknowable and inconceivable. They cause the most difficulty in life, therefore are the
portals to spirituality. After great difficulties we are forced to seek the deeper essence of our
truth, which is the spiritual dimension of our soul.

s Whitney has Mars in the 8th and Saturn in the 12th house, she wanted to escape
the unfulfilling world of illusion and manipulation of this ephemeral world. One
very specific difference about the 8th house concerns the need to feel in control in a
place where control is never possible. To feel controlled or to control others is unnatural for
our innate need is to feel free. The more out of control one feels the more they struggle to be
in control. This creates all the dysfunctional behaviors associated with addictions and the 8th
house. Guilt, shame and disgrace are the culprits of dysfunctional behavior and addictions.

Planets in the 8th house will give rise to the discovery of this profound journey to discover
freedom, and the ultimate freedom comes from surrender and can mean the death of this
As Mercury is in her 7th house of relationships and partners it is conjunct both Pluto and
Uranus setting up an explosive combination for radical events. Both Mars and Rahu are in
signs ruled by Mercury. Mars is in Virgo and Rahu is in Gemini pointing both back at her
troubled Mercury which is in her house of marriage and relationships. Her greatest torment
came from her relationships which feed her addictions from issues of control.
As to her drug use and problematic behavior Whitney was trying to escape searching for
something beyond this world. The real problem is we have to face our issues because life is
truly about doing the work, of facing that which we dont understand or like in ourselves. It
means getting clear and facing our fears. Once we have come to terms with our fears they
seem to dissolve instead of mounting into the exaggerated scenarios we create in our minds.
As to the events that lead to her untimely death she simply gave up on doing the hardest
work of all, facing herself. Mars, the planet that rules her 3rd house of will power, is currently
transiting retrograde depleting her will to live, plus her natal Mars is in her 8th house of
death. The night she died Saturday February 11th 2012 transiting Mars was 26 degrees, exactly
aspecting four of her natal planets, Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu and Ketu. As transiting Mars is
retrograde making it slow and deliberate in movement, its aspects have more intensity. It is
precisely 6 houses from natal Saturn and 8 houses from Jupiter resulting in an accidental
death. But in reality, was it really accidental or was it an unconscious suicide? She gave up
and didnt want to do the work of facing her addictions. And there is danger when transiting
Mars is in the 7th house affecting Jupiter by full 8th aspect in the 2nd house, both the 2nd
and 7th houses are maraka houses and pertain to death.
I think Whitney Houston is a prime example that all we seek such as money, fame, fortune,
talent and beauty are ephemeral and cannot give the satisfaction, love or happiness we
believe it will provide. But what will give us our joy, happiness and completion is facing the
truth and doing the work, to come to terms with our truth. Facing our fears within ourselves
and discovering that we made the illusions of our guilt something to fear. Addictions are so
deep and misunderstood, and the mind which is ruled by the Moon and Mercury can sway
us in disillusion until we discover the truth which will give us our ultimate freedom which
involves surrender. Whitney may have escaped her fears temporarily but she will still inevitably
have to come back and do the work.

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