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Production: Gods Gift

Genre: the genre of our production is drama with a hint of action as we preferred
this to a typical drama. This is genre incorporates all the themes within our ideas
for our production. We preferred this genre as we thought it would be visible for
us to shot a successful drama film instead of another genre. We thought it would
be more visible due to the generic codes and conventions and also pulling of a
successful drama film.
Duration: The duration of our film is 5 minutes as we are only shooting a short
film, this means that we need to have an impact from the start to get the viewer to
watch the rest of this film.
Target Audience: The target audience of our production are the ages 15-35.
This allows us to get different responses about our production as the older ages
would give us a different review than the younger ages. The reason why the
minimum age was 15 is because our sequence may contain material that could
upset a younger audience.
Outline:The main protagonist is woken up in a park, lying down on a bench. The
surroundings are a bit unfamiliar to him. He checks his phone and sees that he
has two voicemails. When he checks, one is from his friend telling him to look out
as some people are looking for him. The other one is from the doctors asking him
to come see a doctor. He goes to the hospital and the doctor tells him he has
something in his blood that cures people with terminal illnesses. When he comes
out of the hospital and he is walking and thinking that his life must change and he
is suddenly stabbed by an unknown person.
Character breakdown:
Protagonist: Male, age 20 and black. The character is potrayed as helpless
throughout the whole film and this causes the audience to sympathise with the
Visual elements:
Lighting The lighting of our production should be natural as it deals with real life
issues. Also it also can influence the audience by giving the film a sense of
Camera movement- The movement of the camera should be slow in the

beginning in order to show that something may be bothering the character.

However, during the climax the camera movement must be fast in order to create
Editing same with the editing quick sharp cuts between each shot to create
tension within the scenes. Layering scenes of the top of each other and
dissolving between the two to get a strong effect. We are able to do this by using
Final cut pro and editing software with all the latest updated software.
Setting- the setting for our production will be set in a public park, King George
Hospital and Oaks Park High School modelled to look like the inside of a hospital
Costume- The costume for the main protagonist is just a tracksuit or jogging
bottoms with hoody in order to associate him with the rough part of society. The
other characters such as Doctor Thompkins will wear normal smart clothes with a
lab coat on top. Dwayne would be wearing a jacket and black trousers with
something covering his face.
Audio elements:
Music - we are going to have score music in the background of our production to
enhance tension and suspense amongst the audience as well as a sense a relief.
Rationale: The reason why we chose this concept was because the idea of a
someone struggling with daily life and its challenges is something that is
surprisingly far more common amongst people. This would make it more
relatable to our target audience of males and females aged between 15 and 30
Constraints and contingency: Some of the problems we may encounter is that
the location we were supposed to film at did not work with the setting of the
sequence. Therefore, we will have to re-schedule for another date which means
we will have less time to film. Also people not turning up or being late could be a
big problem as it will limit us on the amount of footage we could get filmed and
also the lighting in the day as it gets dark quite quickly now the later we film the
more it could jeopardize our production with continuity errors.

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