Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter December

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter December http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-dec-consumer-newslette...

December 2009 The Beat Goes On ...

MENOPAUSE WARNING: Frequent and Chronic
Take the Wiley Mammography
Symptom Survey

In 2006, the oldest of the

baby boomers, those born Author and researcher T.S. Wiley, who wrote "Sex, Lies, and Menopause" (Harper Collins),
between 1946 and 1964, warned women six years ago about the dangers of mammography, devoting Chapter 5 to
began turning 60 years old. mammograms, breast cancer, and other misconceptions.
According to the US Census
Bureau, there were an
estimated 78.2 million baby
In recent news, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) of the Department of
boomers, as of July 1, 2005,
Health and Human Services reversed existing recommendations that women get
and 50.8 percent of them
mammograms every one or two years starting at 40, recommending biennial screening
were women. That means
mammography for women aged 50 to 74 years. The guidelines also downplay the
according to projections
effectiveness of self-examinations.
7,918 people turned 60 each
day in 2006, or about 330
every hour.
A New York Times article entitled "Behind Cancer Guidelines, Quest for Data" (11/22/09)
mirrors what Wiley said back then, and she recommends that you read the entire article
commenting once again, "screening would only be valuable if there were a cure for cancer."
This is one of the reasons
why there are so many
women today who are so The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) of the Department of Health and
uncomfortable with Human Services, a government panel of doctors and scientists, first reversed existing
menopause symptoms. • • - recommendations that women get mammograms every one or two years starting at
Hot flashes 40, recommending biennial screening mammography for women aged 50 to 74 years. The
guidelines also downplay the effectiveness of self-examinations.
- Night sweats?
- Lack of libido?
- Hair Loss?
- Dry wrinkled skin? More recently it was announced that “US medical task force 'fumbled' mammogram
- Insomnia? message,” The heads of the US medical panel acknowledged they "fumbled the message"
- Irritability? about when women should begin having routine screening mammograms in a controversial
report last month. In the report, the task force said there was "evidence that the net benefit

1 of 5 4/7/10 3:22 PM
Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter December http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-dec-consumer-newslette...

of having regular screening mammograms was small for women aged 40 to 49."
If you are one of more than
40 million women
experiencing discomfort from
menstruation to menopause, They now are clarifying that they meant the message to convey that starting routine
then you need to know the screening mammograms at age 40 should not be automatic, and that women have to
facts. recognize the trade-off between benefit and harm, and the net benefit is small when you
start with routine screening early.
Defined as the cessation of
menstruation for 12
consecutive months,
menopause marks the end T.S. Wiley commented, “It’s about the lobbyists for drug companies and the AMA, NCI…it
of a woman’s reproductive threatened their grants and funding until they caved, to keep the powers that be from
years, and usually occurs looking stupid for the last 20 years.”
naturally around age 51 or
52 when the ovaries stop Quoting from her book, Chapter 5, p. 97, Wiley stated, "Using X-rays to see abnormalities in
producing estrogen. breast tissue had been around since 1913, but had never really become a diagnostic tool
Immediate menopause can until the mid-1970s. When a pinpoint lesion appears in your breast, there may already be
happen at any age when the cancer cells multiplying in the shin of your leg, in your bone marrow. The pin-point size
ovaries are removed lesion that a mammogram picks up is only a symptom of what's happening elsewhere in
surgically. In either case, your body."
menopause affects women’s
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force concluded that such early and frequent
health and quality of life for
screenings often lead to false alarms and unneeded biopsies without substantially
the remainder of her lifetime.
improving women's odds of survival. The task force concluded one cancer death is
Read more ...
prevented for every 1,904 women age 40 to 49 who are screened for 10 years, compared
with one death for every 377 women age 60 to 69.

Wiley continues, "The other problem with mammography is obvious: Science only knows of
NEW MEDIA one absolute carcinogen to human tissue on the planet, and that carcinogen is ionizing
radiation. If the exposed cells don't die, the DNA breaks and they mutate. Cancer rarely
starts with a mutated gene; but a gene certainly can be mutated by an outside-the-body
influence like the ionizing radiation of power lines or mammography. Mammography is
ionizing radiation." Read more ...

Honor T.S. Wiley spoke to a group of women in Santa Fe New Mexico in

Yourself: August. One Wiley Protocol user talks about the seminar and
The Inner program, which she wishes to take to the Hispanic community. Click
on the video.
Art of
Giving and
T.S. Wiley: Military Use of Progesterone for Brain Injuries

By Patricia Spadaro
When Wiley testified before the United States Senate on behalf of the
Compounding Act, she made it clear that the U.S. military had
experienced great results using progesterone for those with brain
Music injuries. Click on the video.

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Wah! Love
and Indian
music injects some of the ASK AN EXPERT: Courtney Ridley
faster frequencies into our
bodies... Listen here.

Dr. Courtney Ridley talks about having to clarify information from

the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) that was taken out of context,
because women have been told they are going to get cancer with
Film hormone replacement. Click video to watch.

The Living Matrix. A

documentary directed by
Greg Becker. A look at what
scientists see as they look at Q: What is the most compelling thing you have observed
the wonders of the human
body through the lens of with your patients using the Wiley Protocol?
quantum physics.

A: The most interesting thing about the Wiley Protocol is a large

number of my patients come in to the office and tell me they "feel
like themselves again." Click video.

Vitamin D and Breakthrough Cancer Prevention

Online Do you know what your vitamin D levels are? Dr. Sedrick Garland claims we can eliminate
breast and colon cancer. Click here to watch the video. "75 percent of breast and colon
cancers deaths could be prevented if we had between 40 to 60 anagrams per milliliters of
Vitamin D blood serum levels in our bodies.
YouTube: The
Bioidenticals Channel
In a new study, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center and
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, UC San Diego used a
We're on Twitter: complex computer prediction model to determine that intake of vitamin
@WileyWatch D... Watch video here.

Host: Carole A. Baggerly

Facebook: T.S. Wiley's

Rhythmic Living

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter December http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-dec-consumer-newslette...

The Planets
Old man winter is here, and the nights are getting longer. Which
means you need to get more sleep. Today, obesity and the major
When East Meets killers correlated with obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer
West - are caused by short nights, by working ridiculously long hours, by, literally, burning the
candle at both ends, and by the electricity that gives us the ability to do it.

Science Daily (Nov. 20, 2009)

-- Western Medicine is primarily
concerned with the material Think about it. We didn't have electricity until about eighty years ago,
aspect of the body and views all and that was only in major cities. And as a nation, we weren't as sick
medical phenomena as cause- then as we are now.
effect sequences, relying on
rigorous scientific studies and
research that seeks empirical
proof to all phenomena," write For more details about how the planets, light, dark and sleep affect your
the authors. "On the other
body, mind, spirit and health, read Lights Out: Sugar, Sleep and Survival, by T.S. Wiley.
hand, TCM and Ayurvedic
Medicine favor a holistic Order your copy from Amazon.
approach, view the mind and
body as a whole system, and
rely upon inductive tools and
methods for treatment."


Based on a series of
experiments and surveys in the
United States, China, and India,
the authors found that Wiley Protocol™ – Biomimetic Hormone
consumers prefer TCM (over Restoration Therapy Natural Estradiol and
Western medicine) when
uncertain about the cause of an
Progesterone Cream
illness (i.e., diagnosis
uncertainty) -- because a
holistic medicine tolerates
uncertainty better than Western The Wiley Protocol® is a trademarked, patent pending
Medicine. Similarly, consumers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) delivery system
prefer TCM (over Western consisting of biomimetic estradiol and progesterone in a topical
medicine) because of lay cream preparation, dosed to mimic the natural hormones
beliefs that TCM offers an produced by a woman’s body when she was in her prime.
underlying cure (versus
symptom alleviation by Western
Medicine). Read more ...
We now have doctors and pharmacies in 37 states, Canada and Australia, and the Wiley
Protocol will be available in Europe soon. Send our Wiley Protocol provider list to your
Do You Know the 50 friends nationwide.
Symptoms of Hormone
Imbalance? To read
about all the symptoms
experienced by women What's New?
in perimenopause and
menopause, click here.

Two new Wiley Protocol rhythms were launched at the NCPA 2009 Convention, New
Orleans and ACAM Las Vegas Nov 5-11th! For more information, read our press release.

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Wiley Protocol Consumer Newsletter December http://www.thewileyprotocol.com/2009-dec-consumer-newslette...

Snooz™ - Seasonal Neuroendocrine Optimal Organizational

Zeitgeber; Melatonin

Sleep better.

Sparc™ Therapy - Seasonal Pulsatile Adrenal ReCalibration;

Cortisol capsules


Our mission in this newsletter is to inform everyone on the Wiley Protocol about issues and concerns
pertaining to our collective future.
Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved. Wiley Systems, Inc.

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