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Chapter II

Conceptual Framework
This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the conceptual model
of the study, the research hypothesis and definition of terms used in this study.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Potatoes have proven itself to be useful like serving as a cleaning agent, a refresher or
a beauty product. But, over the years of experimentation, scientists found out that
potatoes can also be a battery.
In 1800, an Italian chemist and physicist named Alessandro Volta discovered the Voltaic
Pile--- the first electrical battery that could continuously provide an electrical current to a
circuit, opposing the beliefs that electricity is only produced by humans (Decker and
Franco, January 2005).
In 1794, he started demonstrating that when two metals and brine-soaked cloth or
cardboard are arranged in a circuit they produce an electric current. He then used
several copper and zinc discs (electrodes) and stacked them up while being separated
by cloth or cardboard soaked in brine (electrolyte) to increase the electrolyte
conductivity. When the top and bottom contacts were connected by a wire, an electric
current flowed through the voltaic pile and the connecting wire (Motellay, Paul Fleury,
During this experiment, Volta did not consider the electrolytes as the electricity source
but instead theorized that the electromotive force (given in volts) which drives the
electric current through a circuit containing a voltaic cell, occurs at the contact between
the two metals (Decker, 2005. Electrochemisty Encyclopedia).

However, chemists soon realized that water in the electrolyte was involved in the
chemical reaction which led to the evolution of hydrogen gas from the copper or silver
electrode (Goodsman, Jerry 2001).
When the cell is providing an electrical current through an external circuit, the metallic
zinc at the surface of the zinc electrode is dissolving into the electrolyte as electrically
charged ions (Zn2+), leaving 2 negatively charged electrons (e) behind in the metal: Zn
Zn2+ + 2 e (This reaction is called oxidation).
While zinc is entering the electrolyte, two positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) from the
electrolyte combine with two electrons at the copper electrode's surface and form an
uncharged hydrogen molecule (H2): 2H++ 2 e H2 (This reaction is called reduction).
The electrons used from the copper to form the molecules of hydrogen are made up by
an external wire or circuit that connects it to the zinc. The hydrogen molecules formed
on the surface of the copper by the reduction reaction ultimately bubble away as
hydrogen gas (Graham-Cumming, John, 2009).
Over the years, scientists had thought of changing the electrolyte of a wet cell battery for
studies and experimentation. Many fruits and liquids can be used for the acidic
electrolyte. Fruit is convenient, because it provides both the electrolyte and a simple
way to support the electrodes. The acid involved in citrus fruits (lemons, oranges,
grapefruits, etc.) is citric acid.
Potatoes have phosphoric acid and work well as an electrolyte substitute, just like the
citrus fruits (Springer, 1986). Over these experiments, Jerry Goodsman in 2001 notes
that numerous recent authors propose chemical reactions for the lemon/potato battery
that involve dissolution of the copper electrode into the electrolyte. Goodisman excludes
this reaction as being inconsistent with the experiments, and notes that the correct
chemistry, which involves the evolution of hydrogen at the copper electrode, has been
known for many years. This experiment breaks the belief that the electrolyte is the

source of power but the energy comes from the chemical change in zinc when it
dissolves into acid.

Conceptual Framework
The conceptual model that will be used in this research study is the input-process-output
model where it shows the series of boxes that are connected to each other.


The materials used

for this research
experiment are:
-Galvanized nails
-Shinny copper
pennies/ pencil lead
-Wires with alligator
clips on each end (2+
per battery)
-LED bulb
-Multi meter
-Cutting board

Research Hypothesis
The researcher thinks
potatoes are stacked
together as batteries to
can be a possible
economical electricity
farms areas and poor


1. Take a potato and cut it in half. This

will make 2 batteries. Potatoes are
juicy, which is part of the reason they
can be made into batteries.
2. Take a knife and put a slit in the
potato and slip the penny into the slit.
Push as much of the penny into the
slit as possible, you want just a little
bit sticking out of the potato. Push the
nail most of the way into the potato,
dont let the electrodes touch, keeping
them about 1 inch apart.
3. Use the red line to touch the penny
in the potato and the black line to
touch the nail of a multimeter and
read the voltage. We should atleast
get 1.5 V (that should be 6 potatoes).
To add voltage, add more potatoes
following steps 1 and 2.
4. Align them together in a parallel
circuit fasion. Group your 6 potatoes
first in 2 rows and three columns. Put
a wire on the first (any on the first
column) potatos penny, attach its
other end to the galvanized nail of the
second potato (vice versa of the
potato in the second column). Then,
connect your remaining aligator wires
to the LED bulb.


A potatopowered light

that when
up and used
light bulbs, then it
efficient and
substitute to land

Definition of Terms
1. Brine- is a solution of salt (usually Sodium Chloride) in water.
2. Current- is a flow of electrical charge carries.
3. Citric Acid- is a weak organic tribase acid that occurs naturally on citrus or juicy
fruits. It is widely used as an acidifier, as a flavoring, and as a chelating agent.
4. Electrical Circuit- is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source
flow. Electric current flow in a closed path is called an electric circuit.
5. Electrolyte- is a substance that produces an electrically conducting solution
when dissolved in a polar solvent, such as water.
6. Electrode- is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a nonmetallic part
of a circuit.
7. Oxidation- is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule,
atom or ion.
8. Potato- is a starchy, tuberous crop in which can be used as a substitute
electrolyte because of its pH content.
9. Reduction- is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule,
atom or ion.
10. Wet-cell Battery- a battery that used liquid electrolytes, which were always prone
to leakage and spillage. These were also called the first-century batteries.

Chapter III
Research Design
This chapter aims to show the method or research used, the sources of data, the
data-gathering instruments and the data-gathering procedures.
Methods of Research Used

The research had used the experimental research method. The experimental
method is a systematic and scientific approach to research in which the researchers
manipulate one or more variables, and controls and measures any change in other
variables. This method is often used when there is time priority in a casual relationship,
there is consistency in a casual relationship and the magnitude of the correlation is
Sources of Data
The actual experiment was used to collect exact data for the research. The
researcher also used the library as reference for his related literature and studies. The
materials that he used included textbooks, encyclopedias, thesis books, and the
Data-Gathering Instrument
The researcher had used 3 potatoes cut across in half, 6 galvanized nails, 6
shiny copper pennies or 6 pencil lead (the biggest one, to be more convenient), 6
alligator-clip wires, an LED 1.5v bulb, a multimeter, a sharp knife and a cutting board.
Data-Gathering Procedure
The researcher started his experiment by cutting the 3 potatoes across in half,
giving him 3 more. Then, a galvanized nail was pierced at the same sides of each
potato--- if the nail was inserted on the right side of a potato, then the other 5 should be
of the same side as well. The finished potatoes are first set aside. After this, the 6 shiny
copper pennies one side were roughen with the use of a sandpaper. Then, a roughen
penny is placed on the opposite sides of the nails of each potato. Using the multimeter,
measure the voltages of each potato (the sum of all the potatoes voltages should be
equal or more than 1.5v. Less than this will not light your LED bulb. The potatoes then
were aligned in a parallel circuit fashion with the use of your crocodile-tipped wires, thus
giving us a potato-powered battery. The remaining wire at the end of potato 6 should be
attached to the LED bulb. This will surely power your LED bulb.
Chapter IV
Results and Discussion

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data
collected in this study.
Table 1
Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Gathered Data in Terms of Success

Number of Potatoes


Frequency (f)


Table 1 shows that 5 that when 1 potato is used to power up an LED bulb, 0
percent of the five tries will fail. When 2 potatoes are used, 20 percent chance or 1 out
of five tries will assure that the LED bulb will light. But, when 4 and 6 potatoes are used,
100% or five out of five tries will assure that the LED bulb will work.

Chapter V
Conclusion and Recommendations
This chapter presents the conclusion and the recommendations of the study.
The conclusions were made after computing the data in the table and the
numerous experiments done. The results were observed as significant due to the result

of the frequency distribution table. The researcher therefore concludes that potatoes can
light up an LED bulb.
Based on the findings and conclusions written on the study, the following are
recommended by the researcher for future studies similar to this:
1. Try to use other pulpy fruits to light up and LED bulb.
2. Discover the effectiveness of the potato-powered light bulb in larger scales like of
being used at slump areas and the like.

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