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Coming Soon -The Amphibious Home

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17th July 2013


The self-sustaining Amphibious House []

With climate change, global warming and the melting of glaciers, researchers predict a sharp rise in sea levels, which could stifle
some of the world's largest metropolitan cities built near the coasts of the sea as well as the rivers . This is the reason that architect
Juan Castanos is planning to build self-sustaining amphibious cities that will host and help humanity in a world where floods are
recurrent globally. Juan [] Castanos [] , based in the United States is
working on a project to alleviate recurring flooding problems in the world and has come up with the brilliant idea of a unique
amphibious house design. He is launching a campaign to raise funds in the coming days. This innovative and sustainable home
makes use of cutting edge technologies. The eco -friendly and stylish residence boasts a large number of energy-saving systems
and accessories. The innovative design allows the building to remain comfortable inside with ventilation and zero carbon emissions.

The main feature of the intelligent design of an Dynamic
home is to rise as the flood waters increase but still remain
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Coming Soon -The Amphibious Home

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The home also uses solar panels, wind turbine and super-efficient photovoltaic equipment. The system recovery ventilation,
mechanical ventilation and ventilation pump provides heating and cooling without consuming much energy. The sky lights in the
ceilings allow natural light to filter into the interior spaces, Exterior shutters provide shade to reduce solar glare during the summer


Amphibious House during dry season

Additional insulation panels have been included to minimize heat and cooling loss, also there is a roof garden where you can plant
flowers or your favorite vegetables, which helps increase biodiversity in the natural landscape and provides a positive environment
for you and your family. The Amphibious home is not only an alternative to suffering during a natural disaster it is an
environmentally sound way to live.

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Amphibious House during Flood season


Amphibious House Self Sustaining System

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The Amphibious home design by Architect Juan Castaos []
The house, which is part of an ambitious program to construct an amphibious city, is the first part of a project that represents a new
concept of urban living that aims to unite the urban design of existing cities to be connected to the new amphibious cities, in order to
create a harmony with the growth of the former cities that are affected and threatened by flooding. Coming soon this year, will be a
campaign to raise funds for construction of the first amphibious home in the United States. Building this unique home here in
the U.S. will not only help save lives and property but will create jobs for many Americans. Factories producing the amphibious
homes will bring jobs back to areas in our country that have practically become ghost towns since the economic recession. This will
cause a great boost in the economy, insurance rates will drop, the government will save money because there will be less loss of
property, and less money having to be spent on disaster relief and less people on welfare. The benefits will be many for us all. Our
country will get stronger with the American people back to work and proudly being able to say this home was Made in the U.S.A.
by Americans and for Americans.


The flexibility, harmony, aesthetics and conceptual ambition given by Castaos result in a flexible and environmentally sustainable
space that directly relates to living in harmony with water
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On the
finding a real energy optimization through

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The presence of various technological systems allow, for example, to control the use of light through factors such as time of day or
season of the year in which it is located.

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Likewise, technology should always supplement with a new understanding the way in which we organize ourselves as a society.


We should therefore, also help establish new places of social interaction and cities that promote and use the technology available to
relieve serious economic and social problems caused by climate change and flooding.

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Coming Soon -The Amphibious Home

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The New generation in Amphibious Architecture [] in now here to help humanity and the new
generations to come.
Posted 17th July 2013 by Arch. Juan Castanos
Location: United States
Labels: Amphibious Architecture, Architecture, Architecture for Humanity, Arquitectura, Arquitectura Anfibia, Arquitectura
para la Humanidad, Juan Castanos

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1/13/2016 8:57 AM

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