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Computer System

1. Understand the function of computer systems...................................................2
1.1 Explain the role of computer systems in different environments............................2
1.2 Explain the hardware, software and peripheral components of a computer system.........3
1.3 Compare different types of computer systems................................................5
2 Be able to design computer systems...............................................................6
2.1 Produce a system design specification to meet a clients needs..............................6
2.2 Evaluate the suitability of a system design specification.....................................6
3 Be able to build and configure computer systems................................................7
3.1 Build and configure a computer system to meet a design specification.....................7
3.2 Test And Document A Computer System.....................................................9
4. Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer systems................................9
4.1 Perform routine manitenance tasks on a computer system...................................9
4.2 Upgrade the hardware and software on a computer system.................................10

Computer System
In this report we are going to see about PC framework. Whats more, we are going to develop a
system design for London College of Education (LCE). Not just that additionally we are going to
see about computer software, hardware and peripherals as input and output devices etc and so
forth. Furthermore we would see about distinctive sorts of PCs and use. Also, we are going to
perceive how to make system design.

1. Understand the function of computer systems

1.1 Explain the role of computer systems in different environments
In this modern age computer system is utilized all over the place, used at Home, Networking,
Business, Communication, Real-time. At home the PC is utilized for ordinary works like for
seeking data on web, playing games and so forth, for that we dont require a rapid PC.
In business PC assumes a major part, all business there is a finance department, the principle
exercises of the finance department is to record all the business exchange, to control the money
income and so on , for that the need a PC.
The Networking is about PCs, For Networking PC is essential. Without PC, Networking is
incomprehensible and we cant share resources (i.e. records, recordings, sounds, pictures, and so
on) and communication between two or more individuals wont be conceivable. For Networking
we require no less than 2 PCs. LCEs computer labs network cover three different areas namely
London, Luton and Birmingham.
We can utilize computer system in Real-time. Real-time is a procedure in which individuals can
impart with no due date. We can share our recordings and so on. Here and there individuals use
PC as a TV. We can access to live data from a TV slot through a PC. Real-time can likewise
allude to event simulated by a PC at same speed that they would happen, all things considered.

Computer System
Communication is presently done globally utilizing computer system framework. Today the vast
majority of the PCs are fit for communication, similar to we can communicate something
specific, reports, picture and so forth to our companion on the opposite side of the planet. A
instant messenger program permits two unique PCs to speak by writing in content or they can
even voice chat with one another.

1.2 Explain the hardware, software and peripheral components of a computer system
Hardware: Hardware comprises of physical supplies of the PC. The elements Hardware are
motherboard, power supply, hard disk, expansion Cards and so forth. A power supply unit
changes over exchanging current electric energy to low-voltage DC power for inside parts of the
Motherboard is the primary part inside the CPU. it is a vast rectangular board with incorporated
hardware that associate alternate parts of the PC including the RAM, the CPU, the disk drive and
so on.

Expansion card in registering is a printed circuit load up that can be embedded into a d expansion
slot of a PC motherboard or backplane to add functionality to a PC framework by means of the
expansion bus.
Hard disk is used for storing and retrieving computerized
data, basically PC information. It comprises of one or more
unbending quickly turning circles, covered with magnetic
heads and with magnetic material masterminded to compose
information to the surfaces and read it from them.

Computer System
Software: S/W is a collection of programs and related information that gives the guideline to
advising a PC what to do and how would it. There are 3 sorts of programming: System
programming, programming and Application programming.

System software is programming intended to work the PC equipment to give essential usefulness
and give stage to running application programming.

Programming software include tools in the form of applications or programs that software
developers use to create, debug, maintain or otherwise support other application and programs.
Application programming is produced to perform in any assignment that profit by calculation. It
is collections of programs that permits the PC to perform a particular data processing work for
the client.
Peripheral: Peripheral is a device associated with a PC, yet not a portion of it, and is pretty much
subject to the host. These are input/output devices. Peripherals are: Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse,
Speaker and so on.

Computer System

Key board:
It is group of keys. We can utilize this to give the data to PC. The keyboard is like typewriter .
Also, it has Number keys, special keys and Punctuation keys. (arrow keys, Function keys and
caps lock keys and so on )
It is a little and special device in PC. We can control the movements in presentation utilizing the
mouse. The name likewise originated from it is shape. It is resemble a mouse. We can move
mouse, when we attempt to move the mouse the pointer likewise moves same course. It has
principally two catches.
It is only a screen show. It has graphical limits. The title can be separating three groups,
It is display two color. Background and foreground it can be highly contrasting like that.
Gray scale.
It is displaying different shapes of gray.
It is displaying more than 16 million colors. Also called as RGB monitor. Since it is accepting
three signals that is red green and blue.
1.3 Compare different types of computer systems
A computer is a universally useful gadget which can be programmed to do a set of arithmetic or
logical operations. There are diverse sorts of computer system: Personal PC, Minicomputer,
Workstation, Supercomputer and Mainframe.
Personal computer: A PC can be characterized as a small, generally economical PC intended for
an individual user.

Computer System

Workstation: It is a kind of PC utilized for software development, software development,

engineering applications, and different sorts of utilization that require a moderate measure of
computing force and generally high quality graphic capabilities.
Minicomputer: It is a medium size PC. As a rule, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing
framework equipped for supporting from up to 200 clients all the while.
Mainframe: Mainframe PCs are effective PCs utilized essentially by governmental and corporate
for basic applications, mass information handling, for example, evaluation. In a few ways,
centralized servers are more power than supercomputers in light of the fact that they bolster more
synchronous projects.
Supercomputer: Supercomputer is a board term for one of the speediest PC at present accessible.
Supercomputers are utilized for particular application that requires massive measures of
scientific computations.

2 Be able to design computer systems

2.1 Produce a system design specification to meet a clients needs
LCE College needs new PC for their college. I went to the college n according to my serve I
have made a rundown that what number of PCs are required for the college. So I have discovered
that they require aggregate of 180 PCs from which 100 will be for computer lab, 15 will be for
male staff room, 15 will be for female staff room and 50 PCs will be for graphic designing class.
The prerequisites of the College is that they require more memory capacity to store the data, they
need the PCs to be quick so that no work is postponed and they require high graphics in the PCs
so they can for graphic designing.
The issue with the present PCs running is that the PCs dont have enough memory limit, the pace
is moderate and they are not suitable for graphic designing.

Computer System
2.2 Evaluate the suitability of a system design specification
The PCs we have plan for the college is HP. The PCs we have design are profoundly upgraded as
the necessities of the college. The PCs are made with more memory limit then the before PCs so
all data is stored properly. In these PCs the speed is additionally increased by installed more GB
RAM so that every process is done speedier. The graphic card which we have installed, which
have improved the PCs in graphic designing. We installed cooling system in each PC with the
goal that it can be cool and dont have any issue regardless of the fact that it is utilized for a
considerable length of time and we additionally made the going down choice more less
demanding in each PC so there will be no issue in backing up. We additionally made the security
high so that any data is not spilled out and installed antivirus in each PC. We are additionally
giving free support for a long time; if any issue arrives with any PC we will settle it or supplant
the PC.
We will think about diverse PCs so u will have a idea that HP Is better to anything different PCs.
Hard Disk Drive
2TB 7200 rpm SATA hard disk drive
1TB hard disk drive
1.5TB hard disk drive
1TB hard disk drive
Graphic card

Computer System
3 Be able to build and configure computer systems
3.1 Build and configure a computer system to meet a design specification
The steps in configuring a computer system are
System installation
System configuration
System testing
System installation:
Our case has a slide-out plate, first we need to lay the case on its side.
At that point sink the spacer mounts for settling the motherboard.
Embed the CPU socket to do this, raise the little lever along the edge of the socket. At
that point put the processor, every one of the pins ought to slide easily into the socket.
Once the processor in put secure the lever back.
Keep in mind to utilize warm glue.
Apply the warm glue to the highest point of the CPU. This will switch heat from the

processor to the cooler.

Ensure that the cooler is in the right position.
Cuts fix cooler to the socket.
Installing the RAM.
The RAM must be suitable for the motherboard.
While installing line up the RAM with its space . At that point, press the module into the

Alert is suggested, as a lot of weight may harm certain tracks on the motherboard. It is
best to push one side down first. It is best to push one side down first.
At that point comes the establishment of graphic card, these days graphic card are
typically fitted in the AGP space gave particularly to this reason. The opening are situated
in the focal point of the motherboard
Before fitting an extension card, expel the proper opening addition from the back board
of the case.
After that introduce the hard drive before that dependably abandon some space above to
avert heat development.

Computer System
At that point install the CD-ROM drive, it is like install a hard drive, first watch that the
jumper design is right and after that install the CD-ROM for the situation, however
cautious not to over-fix the screws as overabundance weight can harm it.
Presently its a great opportunity to associate the links. The 80-pin lace link is for the hard
disk and the 34-pin is for the floppy.
At that point unite the power supply links. Finally watch that all connections are
correctly, once you have checked then you can begin your PC.
We will also install all the peripheral which are required for the college.
System configuration: First arrange Basic input Output System (BIOS) e.g.: memory timing,
clock settings, memory timing, drive setting and boot order. We have done the BIOS setting for
every one of the PCs so that there are no issues with the PCs. We have installed anti-virus to
secure the PCs for any sudden infections and we will overhaul the counter infection at whatever
point upgrades are accessible. We have done everything according to LCE college requirements,
we have set the folders and files sharing authorization and we have done all the setting for the
peripheral devices.

3.2 Test And Document A Computer System

System testing: We will test the framework to discover any issue in it, will check the Power On
Self Test (POST) after that we will check the H/W e.g.: peripheral devices, input/output devices
and afterward we will test the S/W to check in the event that its working correctly.

4. Be able to undertake routine maintenance on computer systems

4.1 Perform routine manitenance tasks on a computer system
There are two types of Maintenance:
Software Maintenance
Hardware Maintenance

Computer System
Software Maintenance: upgrade the product if any update is accessible. We have to update
scheduling maintenance process, we will likewise do back-up, clean-up and we will do keep up
other outsider utility programming e.g.: spyware removal, compression utilities. On the off
chance that any software error we will settle it with in 1 day and we will do a month to month
support for every one of the PCs.
Hardware Maintenance: Upgrade the H/W by configure and installing new peripherals e.g.:
scanners, printers and so on. Introducing extra or substitution gadgets e.g.: memory, hard drive,
graphic, memory, optical media and sound. We will month to month do the cleaning of the H/W.
4.2 Upgrade the hardware and software on a computer system.
Upgrading is the procedure of supplanting an item with a more up to date rendition of the same
item. In computing is by and large a substitution of software , hardwareor firmware with a more
up to date or better form, so as to bring the framework a la mode or to enhance its qualities.
Samples of normal H/W upgrades incorporate installing extra memory (RAM), including bigger
hard disk, supplanting chip cards or graphics cards, and putting in new forms of programming.
Numerous different updates are conceivable too.
Basic S/W upgrades incorporate new version of OS, anti-virus program, office suite, of a hostile
to infection program, or various other tools , of different instruments.
A firmware or software upgrade is a major or minor and the discharge version code-number
increments as needs be. A upgrade will change the version number, while a minor upgrade will
frequently annex a .01, .02, .03, and so on. For instance, version 10.02 may assign the
third minor upgrade of version 10.
LCE college for the most part make S/W upgrades for the accompanying reasons: 1.) to bolster
college regulatory requirements 2.) to get to rising advances with new components, and
apparatuses 3.) to meet the requests of changing markets 4.) to keep on accepting far reaching
item support.

Computer System






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( Scan



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