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Chapter 3

Air Conditioning Systems Distribution And Cleaning

Air Ducts
To deliver air to the conditioned space, air carriers are needed. These carriers are called
ducts. Ducts are made of sheet metal or some structural material that will not burn
Ducts work on the principle of air pressure difference. If a pressure difference exists, air
moves from higher pressure areas to lower pressure areas. The greater this pressure
difference, the faster the air will flow.
Ducts are made of many materials. Pressure in the ducts is small, so materials with a
great deal of strength are unnecessary. Original hot air ducts were thin tinned sheet steel.
Later, galvanized sheet steel, aluminum sheet, and insulated ducts were developed. They
are made from materials such as fiber board. Passageways formed by studs or joists are
sometimes used for return air. This can be done where a fire hazard does not exist.
There are three common classifications of ducts:
1. Conditioned-air ducts.
2. Recirculating-air ducts.
3. Fresh air ducts.
Ducts commonly used for carrying air are round, square or rectangular. Round ducts are
more efficient based on volume of air handled per perimeter distance (distance around).
That is, less material is needed for the same capacity as a square or rectangular duct.
Resistance to airflow is also less.
The square or rectangular duct conforms better to building construction. It fits into walls
and ceilings better than round ducts. It is easier to install rectangular ducts between joists
and studs.
Tables have been developed to compare carrying capacities of rectangular and round
ducts. There are several round duct equivalent sizes to choose from. The one selected
depends on the one side dimension desired.


Fig 3-1: Layout showing most sheet metal parts used in conditioned air duct system.

Types Of Duct Systems

Air ducts deliver air to a room or rooms and then return the air from this room or the
rooms to the cooling (evaporator) system. Fig 3-1 shows a typical air duct system.
There are several types of supply duct systems:
1. Individual round pipe system.
2. Extended plenum system.
3. Reducing trunk system.
Some of the installations, like that shown in Fig 3-1, are combinations of two of the
systems or of all the systems.
Return air systems are usually of two types:
1. Single return system
2. Multiple return system.
The return systems can also be combinations of the two systems. Fig 3-2 shows the basic
Duct systems may be installed in basements, ceiling spaces, attics and in concrete floors
(slabs) of homes without basements.


In basements, the conditioned-air main duct is run across and just under the floor joists.
The branch ducts, round or rectangular, are then run between the joists to the grille or
diffuser openings. The return ducts usually use the joists and the floorboards for three
sides of the branch ducts (panned joists space) and then run the main return duct
alongside the conditioned air duct.

Fig 3-2 : Top views of duct system

Duct sizes
Before determining the duct size needed to carry air to a room, one must know the
volume of air that is to be delivered. This volume depends on the amount of heat the air
must deliver to the room during the heating season or the amount of heat to be removed
during the cooling season.
Normally, these calculations are not difficult but situations such as split heating systems
complicate the problem. In any case, the amount of air delivered to a room must always
equal or exceed the minimum fresh air ventilation requirements.
To reduce duct size and to save space in a building, smaller size ducts are now being
used. Such ducts operate with about twice the normal air velocity. This increase in
pressure and velocity requires more powerful fans. In turn, there is more noise.
The size of the ducts is based on the cooling needs.
Diffusers, Grilles And Registers
Room openings to ducts have several different devices:
1. To control the airflow
2. To keep large objects out of the duct.


These opening devices are called:

1. Diffusers
2. Grilles
3. Registers.
Diffusers deliver widespread fan-shaped flows of air into a room. Some diffusers cause
the air to mix with some room air in the diffuser. Grilles are usually used as covers for
the return air ducts and have no adjustments.
Registers are used to deliver concentrated air streams into a room. Many have one-way or
two-way adjustable air stream deflectors.
Grilles control the distance, height and spread of air throw, as well as the amount of air.
Grilles offer some resistance to airflow. Grille cross-section pieces block about 30
percent of the air. For this reason and also because of the slow air movement to reduce
noise the duct cross-section is usually enlarged at the grilles. Fig 3-3 shows a typical air
Grilles have many different designs. Some are fixed and can direct the air only in one
direction. Others are adjustable and can be set to send air in different directions.
A rectangular grille with adjustable direction airflow vanes is shown in Fig 3-4. Some
grille designs have air vanes to direct the airflow three different directions at one time.
See Fig 3-5. Others are made with adjustable dampers, horizontal flow vanes and vertical
flow vanes. A ceiling-mounted rectangular air diffuser, direct air in four directions along
the ceiling.

Fig 3-3:-Typical warm air grille. Many are supplied with controls for adjusting size
of opening, and to redirect airflow.


Fig 3-4:- Rectangular grille

Fig 3-5:- Rectangular grille with adjustable airflow vanes. A- horizontal flow. BVertical flow. C- Horizontal flow. D Adjustment.
Without some way of controlling airflow in forced air systems, some spaces would not
get enough. One method of getting even air distribution is through the use of duct
These dampers balance airflows or they can shut off or open certain ducts for zone
control. Such a damper is shown in Fig 3-6. Some are located in the diffuser or grille,
some are in the duct itself. They are of three types:
1. Butterfly
2. Multiple blade
3. Split damper
All three types are shown in Fig 3-7. There are two types of multiple blade dampers: the
parallel blade type (Fig 3-8) and the opposed blade type (Fig 3-9). When installing a
damper, always draw a line on the end of the damper shaft that extends out of the duct to
show the position of the dampers.
For accurate air control these dampers should be tight fitting with minimum leakage.
Many are automatically controlled for either zone heating or cooling. Automatic controls
are also used to mix two airflows for either fresh air and recirculated air mixes, for


humidity control or for temperature control. These multiple dampers are interlocked by
controls to provide different mixes and to maintain correct total airflow.

Fig 3-6:- Three-vane adjustable damper controls airflow in duct. These dampers
may be operated either manually or automatically.

Fig 3-7:- Three types of duct airflow controls. These dampers are used to adjust
airflow volumes to help service technicians balance the system.


Fig 3-8:- Construction detail of a parallel blade damper.

Fig 3-9:- Opposed blade damper with blades open.

Fire Dampers
Automatic fire dampers should be installed in all vertical ducts in commercial and
industrial buildings. Ducts, especially vertical ones, will carry fumes and flames from
fires. These dampers should be inspected and tested at least once a year to be sure that
they are in good operating condition.
Ducts going into or through a fire wall must have fire dampers. These openings are rated
as follows:


1. Class A- Opening will hold back a fire indefinitely

2. Class B- Fire dampers may be used when a two to four-hour hold is required. This
class is approved for most general installation.
3. Class C- Fire dampers are used where a one-hour hold is required.
The following dampers are fail-safe units:
1. Spring loaded to close
2. Weight loaded to close
Vertical shafts serving two or more floors must be enclosed in a fire partition and fire
dampers must be used. Fig 3-10 shows a fire damper. Ducts of less than 20 sq. in. (129
sq. cm) area do not require a fire damper.
Fire dampers are usually held open by a fusible link. Heat will melt the link and damper
will close either by gravity, weight or spring. See Fig 3-11. Some fire dampers are made
to close by electronic sensors. In these, the damper blade latches operate either by
pneumatic (compressed air) or electric power devices which close the damper.
Smoke dampers use a photoelectric device to detect smoke. An electronic device will trip
a holding device and the damper will close.
Before one makes a duct installation, smoke and fire damper regulations must be

Fig 3-10:- Fire damper in closed position. A-Blades. B-Duct frame.


Fig 3-11:- Fire damper in open position. A-Damper vanes. B-Fusible link. If link is
heated, it will melt and vanes will fall, closing duct.

Duct Calculations
In a cooling system where a duct serves more than one room, the duct must be designed
so that each room being served receives the correct amount of air. If the distribution is
not balanced, one room will be too warm while another will be cold.
Two methods used to calculate the proper size of plenum chambers, main ducts, branch
ducts and grilles are:
1. Unit pressure drop system
2. Total pressure drop system.
Unit Pressure Drop System
Air forced through a duct follows the path of least resistance. Many air conditioning duct
systems have several openings (grilles) for the air to escape from the duct. A duct with
low resistance will allow most of the air to flow through it while other ducts with higher
resistance will not carry the correct amount of air.


In the past, many duct installations were made that fed too much air to some rooms and
did not heat or cool other rooms sufficiently.
The unit pressure drop calculating system uses the same pressure drop for each length of
duct throughout the system.
For example, suppose that the total heat load during the heating season is 80,000 Btu/hr,
that there are six rooms with heat loads as follows:
1. Living room
2. Dining room
3. Kitchen
4. Bathroom
5. Bedroom No. 1
6. Bedroom No. 2

= 25,000 Btu/hr
= 15,000 Btu/hr
= 5000 Btu/hr
= 8000 Btu/hr
= 15,000 Btu/hr
= 12,000 Btu/hr

Referring back to the problem, one can work out the air volume needed to heat these six
rooms. Recall the specific heat of air is 0.24 and that the volume of one pound of air is
15.28 cu. ft. Therefore:
Btu/cu. Ft./hr. for a 68 F. (38 C) change =
15.28 = .936 Btu/cu. Ft./hr.
0.24 x 68
Divide by 60 (to get the answer into minutes) one gets 0.0156 Btu/cu. Ft./min.
Knowing the amount of heat that must be carried to each room per minute, one can work
out the volumes required per minute for each room :
1. Living room
25,000 x 0.0156 = 390 cu. ft./min.
2. Dining room
15,000 x 0.0156 = 234 cu. ft./min.
3. Kitchen
5000 x 0.0156 = 78 cu. ft./min.
4. Bathroom
8000 x 0.0156 = 124.8 cu. ft./min.
5. Bedroom No. 1
15,000 x 0.0156 = 234 cu. ft./min.
6. Bedroom No. 2
12,000 x 0.0156 = 187.2 cu. ft./min.
The total air volume is 1248 cu. ft./min.
To determine duct sizes that will handle the air volumes specified in this problem, data
must be obtained about airflow. Fig 3-12 are friction air charts for straight ducts. Values
were obtained by research. These charts have four variables :
1. Friction loss in inches of water on the horizontal scale (equal value lines are
2. Cubic feet of air/min. on the vertical scale (equal value lines are horizontal)
3. Velocity on scale line that slant down to right
4. Round duct diameter on scale lines that slant down to left
To continue with the problem, the main duct must handle 1248 cu. ft./min.


To keep the velocity to a low noise level, a friction loss of .04 in water column per 100 ft.
(30.5m) should be used.
On the chart, these two value meet and show that the velocity will be 700 ft./min. (214
m/min.), and the round duct will be 18 in. (46 cm) in diameter.
Using the same friction loss for the branch ducts, one gets the following round duct sizes:
1. Living room
2. Dining room
3. Kitchen
4. Bathroom
5. Bedroom No. 1
6. Bedroom No. 2

= 550 ft./min. and 12 in. dia. (30.5 cm)

= 480 ft./min. and 10 in. dia. (25.4 cm)
= 370 ft./min. and 6.9 in. dia. (17.5cm)
= 400 ft./min. and 8 in.dia. (20.3 cm)
= 480 ft./min. and 10 in. dia. (25.4 cm)
= 450 ft./min. and 9.3 in. dia. (23.6cm)

These velocities are reasonably low and the system would work. However, the total
pressure drop system is a more accurate method.
Round duct diameters may be changed to rectangular duct sizes. When changing round
duct sizes to rectangular duct sizes, remember that partition ducts basement should have
the same depth for better appearance. This also makes concealment of the ducts easier
where the basement is used as recreation space or living quarters. In most installations,
basement ducts should not exceed 8 in. in depth.


Fig 3-12: Friction chart for high-volume airflow in ducts.

Fig 3-13 :- A typical duct installation. Longest air path is shown in red.


Total Pressure Drop System

A more accurate method of calculating proper sizes of ducts is based on having the same
total pressure drop from the fan to each outlet. Fig 3-13 shows the duct system used with
the rooms as calculated. To keep the various ducts identified, it is good practice to letter
each different size of duct.
In Fig 3-13, suppose that the following air volumes must be carried :

Air Volumes in cu.


To be sure that the correct air volume leaves each outlet, each must have correct, equal
amount of total air pressure drop.
The method followed is to determine the longest and most complicated duct. This
combination includes ducts A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Assume a total pressure drop of .04 in. (0.1 cm) of water. This total means that the
pressure drop to each room outlet must be 0.04 in. For example, the opening to the
bathroom is the shortest overall distance. It must have the same total pressure drop as the
longest run through F.
An important part of this duct design is that the bends and elbows must be considered
when determining pressure drop. Generally speaking, the pressure drop of one elbow is
equal to 10 diameters of the duct. Assuming there is one large bend above the furnace
and that the grilles are located at the 7-ft. level in the room, the total length of duct A, B,
C, D, E and F is approximately:
Elbow (18 x 10)
Elbow (16 x 10)

15ft. (4.6m)
12 ft. (3.8m)
13 ft. (4.0m)
2 ft. (0.6m)
8 ft. (2.4m)
2 ft. (0.6m)
4 ft. (1.2m)


Elbow (9 x 10)
Vertical rise

8 ft. (2.4m)
8 ft. (2.4m)
8 ft. (2.4m)
7 ft. (21.m)
8 ft. (2.4m)
95 ft. (28.9m)

The total length (equivalent) is 95 ft. Because the 0.04 in. pressure drop was for 100 ft.
(30.5 m), the new pressure drop for the equivalent feet of duct is :
100 x 0.04 = 20 x 0.04 = 0.8 = 0.042 in. (0.105 cm) water
However, more important than this factor is the pressure drop in each section of the
longest duct:
Pressure drop in each part equals pressure drop/100 ft. multiplied by the ratio of length of
part to longest equivalent length.

.04 in. (0.1cm) of water column pressure drop.


Knowing the pressure drop in each part of the longest duct, now determine the pressure
loss up to each branch duct. Then, from this value and the length of the branch duct,
determine the pressure loss per 100ft. (30.5m) for the branch duct.
For example, consider the kitchen duct:
The pressure loss up to the kitchen branch duct is the sum of all pressure losses along the
way. Thus, 0.0063 + 0.0050 + 0.0055 + 0.0008 + 0.0034 + 0.0008 = 0.0218, which is the
total pressure drop.
If the total pressure drop to the outlet at the kitchen must equal 0.04 in. (0.1cm) water,
then, 0.0400 - 0.0218 = 0.0182 as the pressure drop in the kitchen branch. Assuming 87
cu. ft./min. (2.5 cu. m/min.) volume and 0.04 in. (0.1 cm) pressure drop, the kitchen
branch has length equal to the following :
Elbow (6.9 in. x 10) = 6ft. (1.8m)
= 7ft. (2.1m)
Elbow (6.9 in. x 10) = 6ft. (1.8m)
19ft. (5.7m)
If the pressure drop in 19ft. is 0.0182, the pressure drop per
100 ft. = 0.0182 x 100 = 1.82 = 0.096 in. water/100 ft.
From the graph, using a volume of 87.73 cu. ft./min. and the resistance of 0.096, the
following data is obtained: Size = 5.8 in. (14.7 cm) dia. Velocity = 530 cu. ft./min. (15
cu. m/min.)
Compare this method with the unit pressure drop values. Notices how these values differ.
One calculates comfort cooling air in about the same way. If the cold air duct is exposed
to warm, moist air, condensation on the outside surface of the duct may cause corrosion.
Moisture may also drip on structural parts and cause damage. In such cases, ducts should
be insulated.
Balancing The System
Balancing means sizing the ducts and adjusting the dampers to ensure that each room
receives the correct amount of air. Conditioned air must be fed in the right amounts to
each different room of a multiple room system (home or office).
Also the correct amount of air must be returned. If the system is not balanced, rooms will
maintain different temperatures, some ducts will be noisy, some will have incorrect
humidity, and some will have stale air.


To total air balance (TAB) a system, one must measure the air velocity leaving each grille
and determine how much free area the grille or diffuser has. The free area is the
actual size of the air openings.
To balance a system, do the following:

Inspect the complete system, locate all ducts, openings and dampers
Open all dampers in the ducts and at the grilles
Check the velocities at each outlet
Measure the free grille area
Calculate the volume at each outlet.
Velocity x area = volume flowrate

fpm x area in sq. in. = cu. ft./min.

(volume per minute)
6. Total the cu. ft./min.
7. Determine the floor areas of each room. Add to determine total area.
8. Find out the proportion each room should have.
x total cfm = cfm for room
Area of room
Total floor area
9. Adjust duct dampers and grille dampers to obtain these values.
10. Recheck all outlet grilles.
In some cases, it may necessary to overcome excess duct resistance by installing an air
duct booster. These are fans are used where there are too many elbows. A booster fan is
shown in Fig 3-14. An effective but simpler technique can be used to balance airflow to
the different rooms :
Mount accurate thermometers in folded cardboard as shown in Fig 3-15. Place one of
these thermometers in each room. Locate them on a table away from sunlight, lamps or
any extra heat source. Adjust dampers until each room has the temperature desired. It is
best to allow several hours for the system to adjust to any damper change.
Remember, if one room is too warm, one or more other rooms should be too cool. Close
damper to the cool room a little and open dampers a little to the room or rooms that are
too warm.

Fig 3-14:- Duct fan increases airflow in conditioned air ducts.


Fig 3-15:- How to use glass stem thermometer to measure room temperature. One is
placed in each room. A folded piece of heavy paper is used to keep the thermometer
from touching the tabletop.
Air Cleaning
Air pollution is a growing problem as urban areas increase in population and industries
expand. Cleaning the air has become an important part of air conditioning.
Air contaminants, as all foreign matter are called, include solids, liquids, gases and
vapors. Efficient air conditioning systems will remove 75 to 95 percent of these
Solid particles, kept in suspension in the air by air currents, fall into three general groups:
1. Dust. Usually, this results from wind, a sudden earth disturbance or from
mechanical work on some solid. Dust can have its origin in animal, vegetable or
mineral matter. Dust particles are usually over 600 microns in size (about 0.004
in. in diameter. Coal dust particles are usually 1 to 100 microns while atmospheric
dust is 0.001 to 30 microns in size.
2. Fumes. These are formed from materials that are ordinarily solids but have been
put into a gaseous state usually by an industrial or chemical process. Such
particles are about 1 micron in size.
3. Smoke. Caused by incomplete combustion, smoke consists of solid particles
carried into the atmosphere by the gaseous products of combustion. These
particles vary in size from 0.01 to 13 microns. Oil and tobacco smoke particles
range from 0.01 to 1 micron in size.
Gases are on the increase as air contaminants. They include carbon monoxide, sulphur
oxides, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. These gases form smog when combined with
water vapor.
There are also liquid impurities in the air. Two of the most common are:
1. Mists. These small liquid particles are mechanically ejected into the air by
splashing, mixing or atomizing
2. Fogs. These small liquid particles are formed by condensation. Fogs indicate that
the atmosphere has reached the saturation state for that chemical.

A third general classification of air impurities act as true gases:

1. Vapors
2. Gases.
There is little difference between these two impurities. Vapors are gases have condensing
temperatures and pressures close to normal conditions.
Not all impurities are objectionable or harmful. Perfumes and deodorizers have been used
for years to either make air more pleasant to smell or to cover up bad odors.
Special applications for air cleaning may be provided for: pollen (10 to 1000 microns),
bacteria and mold. The best air conditioning practice is to clean the air of these materials.
Pollen grains come from vegetation growth such as weeds, grasses and trees. Their
presence in the air is usually responsible for hay fever, rose fever and other respiratory
conditions. These particles vary in size from 10 to 50 microns. Spores vary in size from
10 to 30 microns.
Bacteria are microorganisms responsible for the transfer of many diseases. Many
manufacturing processes require the removal of these bacteria. Hospital rooms and some
refrigerators use bacteria-removing devices.
Air may be cleaned in many ways, depending on the foreign matter contaminating it.
1. To remove solids such as dust, soot and smoke, one may resort to:
a. Centrifugal force (for large particles)
b. Washing the air (for particles that are wettable)
c. Screens (to block the larger particles)
d. Adhesives. The air impinges on (strikes against) a tacky or sticky surface
and the dirt particles in the air stick to the adhesive. Fig 3-16 shows a filter
which has an adhesive material on a honeycomb surface.
e. Electrostatic (electrically charging the particles and adhering these
particles to an opposite charge surface). Fig 3-17 shows an electronic air
cleaner. Most of these cleaners have a screen to trap large particles and a
mat to trap the electron-treated particles. They are usually equipped with a
pressure drop indicator and controls.
2. To remove liquids:
a. Liquid absorbents (chemicals to absorb or react with the liquid)
b. Deflector plates.
c. Settlement chambers
3. To remove gases and vapor (these are molecular size impurities):
a. Condensation (cool the contaminant gas to its dew point and remove as a
b. Chemical reaction (to react with the gas)
c. Dilution


It is possible to remove almost 100 percent of the contaminants in the air, but to do so is
expensive. Removal of 90 to 95 percent is much more common and practical.
Filter efficiency is measured by;
1. Total weight of dirt it collects.
2. Size of the smallest particle it will remove
3. Checking for discoloration on the exhaust side of the filter being tested.
Many rooms gradually collect a brown-yellow color on walls, windows and light colored
drapes. This deposit does not come from smoking and open cooking such as for meats.
These gases and small particles collect on the cooler surface of a room, especially when
air movement is slow.

Fig 3-16:- Washable aluminium corrugated filter used to removed dust from a
forced air system. Aluminum is coated with adhesive material so dust particles will
adhere to the surface. Note airflow caused by honeycomb type filters. Air turbulence
insures trapping of dust particles.


Fig 3-17:- Electronic air cleaner for installation in air duct.

Adhesive Filters
Adhesive filters are made of various fibers glass, cotton, synthetic material and
aluminum. There are two classes of these filters.
1. Class 1 : fire resistance when clean
2. Class 2 : non fire resistance
Fiber of adhesive filters are coated with adhesive liquid or oil. Air is forced to change
direction and lose speed as it passes through the filter. This results in trapping of the
particles of lint and dust as they contact the adhesive surfaces. The filter material is also
packed tighter at the outlet side of the filter to improve its dirt-holding capacity. These
filters will remove as much as 90 percent of the dirt if they do not become loaded, or if
air velocity is not too high. The more common filters are of the throwaway or disposable
type. See Fig 3-18. These filters should be replaced twice each year or more frequently if
the dust conditions are high. The frames are usually made of rustproof steel or cardboard
with wire reinforcement. Fig 3-19 show how a fiber is installed.
Another method used to determine if a filter needs replacement is to use a water
manometer. The two manometer openings are connected to measure the airflow on the
two opposite sides of the filter. The filter should be replaced if the pressure drop exceed
0.5 in. of water across the filter.
The system is usually designed to allow the filter pressure drop (resistance) to be about a
fourth of the total pressure drop (pressure rise across the fan).
For example, if the total pressure rise across the fan 4.0 in. (10cm) of water column, the
allowed pressure drop across the filter is 1.0 in. of water column. These pressures are
measured with a water manometer.
The National Bureau of Standard (NBS) rates filter efficiency as follows:


40 percent
60 percent
85 percent
95 percent

It is important to remember that filters are more efficient dirt removers when they are
dirty, but the airflow decreases. A 40 percent efficient filter is one that has 20 percent
efficiency when clean and 60 percent efficiency. Fig 3-20 is a table of filter efficiency.
Filters are tested in laboratories and they can also be tested on the job. One test is to find
out how many 0.3 micron size particles the filter can remove. The test is made by
measuring the interference with diffused (scattered) light.
To increase filtering surface or area in filters, many different designs are used. A popular
method to increase the area is to use pockets to trap the air, as shown in Fig 3-21.
Most electronic filter systems also have cleanable filters. Remove filter. Ensure power is
switched off. Clean with a mild detergent-warm water mixture, rinse and replace. Turn on
the power. These filters last indefinitely.

Fig 3-18:- Throwaway paper frame glass fiber filter.


Fig 3-19:- Throwaway type filter being installed. A-Air return B-Filter

Fig 3-20:- Table of filter efficiencies

Fig 3-21:- Pocket type disposable air filter. Air pockets increase filtering surface
Throwaway Filters Servicing
Filters should be replaced when they lose their efficiency or when they are so clogged
that they produce too much pressure drop across the filter.
Visual inspection is one way to decide when filters need replacement. If they have turned
black, if the frame is bent or warped or if the filtering medium is punctured, replace the
filter. If the housing shows signs of corrosion, clean it by sand blasting and repaint.
Checking the pressure drop across the filter is another way to decide whether the filter
should be replaced. When the pressure drop across the filter is more than 25 percent of
the pressure drop across the fan, the filter should be changed.


Always replace filters with the arrows (printed on the frame) pointing in the direction of
airflow. The side towards the blower has more adhesive and must be on the air-out side
of the filter. If this is not done, the filter will quickly load with dirt and clog.
When replacing filters make these two checks:
1. Inspect filter for tears and holes. Place a strong light on one side of filter and look
through filter from other side.
2. Use manometer to check pressure drop.
Electrostatic (Electronic) Theory Of Cleaning
Static electricity has an important effect on dirt and dust clinging to walls, drapes and
ceilings of rooms. Static electricity is created by two surfaces come together, there is
rubbing contact and then separate.
Rubbing a cloth on a nonconductor will build up surplus electrons on one of the
nonconductors (negative charge). The other material will lack electrons (positive charge).
These excess electrical charge jumps an air gap and the spark can cause a fire or
Static electricity also attracts dirt and dust to vertical and overhead surfaces.
Ionizing the air will neutralize this static electrical charge. (Ionizing means to break it
down into positive and negative particles or charge). When this is done, dirt and dust will
settle to the floor and the danger of a static electricity spark is over.
Instruments are used to measure static electricity. They can read both a lack of
electrons (positive charged) and a surplus of electrons (negative charged)
Materials vary in their ability to generate static electricity. The farther apart the
substances are on the list, the greater their ability to generate static electricity. The
material at the top assumes a positive (+) (-) charge.
There are three ways to ionize air:
1. Power
2. Non Power
3. Nuclear
The power unit is the electronic filter. A non power unit uses metal to remove the static
electrical charge. The nuclear power unit gives off a double positive or alpha particle.
Basically, the electrostatic filter puts a static electrical charge on all particles that pass
through it. These charged particles are then attached to collector plates with an opposite
electrical charge.


Usually the air is first passed through a throw away filter to remove most of the larger
particles of dirt. Then it is fed through the electrostatic filter. In this filter, the air first
passes through a highly ionized field. A wire with a high positive voltage is suspended
between ground wires.
Electrons passing through the air space put a positive electrical charge on any particle
that attempts to pass through the ionized field. This particle is the drawn to the grounded
plates (negative potential).
Potentials of as high as 12,000V are used.
Because of the high voltages used, the electrostatic filter may be dangerous. The units
should be designed to shut off automatically when the service doors are opened to gain
access to the units. Fig 3-22 shows an electronic cleaner designed for duct installation.

Fig 3-22:- Electronic air cleaner for installation in air duct

Filters which carry small static electricity charges are also available. They usually are of
the same size as throw away filters. These filters remove dirt particles by attracting them
to surfaces charged with static electricity. Such filters are cleaned by washing in water.
Be sure to open the power circuit before washing.
Electronic filters may be installed in duct systems and are also used as separate cabinet
units. The filters can be placed in the return airflow ducts in several ways.
The electronic cells and protective screens must be cleaned every two to three months.
Material collected is black in color. Continue cleaning with water, until cleaning water is
clear. Use recommended detergents and water detergent solutions.
After cleaning, rinse away all detergent solutions. The drying action takes place after
assembly and operation. Some electronic filters have a built-in wash design. Some are


manually operated with a hand valve. Some are semiautomatic. A push button switch
shuts off the system, opens the water solenoid valve and starts a timer which will put the
system back in operation after the wash cycle. The fully automatic system uses a timer to
turn wash cycle on and off. All built in washing systems require a water supply and a
Electronic filters have four main parts:
1. Frame
2. Power supply
3. Prefilter and airflow distributor
4. Electronic cell
The unit must be installed level and plumb for proper drainage and more efficient air
flow. The hot water line to the washer should have a strainer.
Airflow should be evenly distributed across the face of the air cleaner for maximum
efficiency. If the unit is near the airflow elbow, use movable air vanes or baffles.
Excessive lint interferes with electronic air cleaner (EAC) operation. A fine-mesh screen
or filter should be installed ahead (upstream) of the filter.
Servicing Electronic Filters
Electronic air cleaners (EAC) need service when:

Unit does not arc.

Meter (if used) reads low.
Trouble lights remain on.
Strong ozone odor is detected.
Rooms are dusty and dirty.
The unit arcs all the time.

Check on last cleaning of filter. Be sure power switch is on. Be sure the power doors or
panels are closed. Check fuses. Check the meter readings. (refer to service manual or
owners manual.) These meters will show if:

Conditions are normal.

Filter is dirty.
Filter is wet. (Operate dry switch)
There is an electrical failure.

Some meters will show if electrical trouble is in the power source circuit or in the highvoltage circuit.


If the trouble is in the high-voltage circuit, inspect and electrically test the power pack
capacitors and collecting cell ionizing wires. A portable electronic filter with the collector
cell removed and connected for testing purposes.
In the power pack, inspect the low side first with either a test light or voltmeter. Test each
part starting with the wall outlet or power source.
Then check the transformer, rectifiers (a-c to d-c), the capacitor resistors (should
discharge capacitance in about 10 seconds). The capacitor can be checked by
In the collector section, inspect the bent plates, plates out of position, dirt bridging the
gap between ionizing wires and the plates, broken insulators and broken wires. Plates
must be straight. Remove and replace broken insulators and ionizing wires.
One should inspect the building and the complete air-handling system. New carpeting, for
example, may temporarily cause an overload on the filter. Leaking duct systems and
untreated concrete floors are all unusual high load conditions. Dusty construction work in
the vicinity may also overload the unit.
A properly operating unit will be indicated by black water when the cell is cleaned. A
properly operating unit allows only fine white dust to leave the ducts. A cheesecloth over
a grille if it becomes discolored shows that the EAC is not working properly.


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