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X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.25: {100} poles of a cubic crystal

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Wulff Net

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.26: Angle between two planes

Geographic map is equal area concept.

Crystallography is equiangular concept.
Plane of projection is placed normal to the
end of diameter of the sphere.
Other end of diameter is the source of projection
- Imagine that a torch is placed there.
Plane of projection is normal to the diameter AB.
Projection is made from point B.
-If a plane has its pole at P,
-the stereographic projection of P is at P
-Obtained by drawing the line BP
-extend it until it meets the projection plane.
The stereographic projection of P is the shadow
cast by P on the projection plane with the light
source at B.
NESW is normal to AB and its shadow gives the
Great circle.

Fig 2.27: The Stereographic Projection

Stereographic Projection of great & small circles

Great circle ANBS projects as the straight line NS.

Great circle AWBE projects as the straight line WE.
Inclined great circle NGSH projects as the circle arc
line NGS.
Small circles on the sphere also project
as circles projected center does not coincide
with their center on the projection.
E.g., circle AJEK whose center P lies on
AEBW projects as AJEK.
Its center on the projection is at C,
located at equal distances from
A and E, but its projected center
is at P located at equal number of
degrees (45) from A & E.

Fig 2.28: Stereographic Projection of great & small circles

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.30: Angle between poles

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.31: Angle between poles

rotation to put on same great circle

Wulff Net

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.31: Rotation of poles P1 and P2 to put on same great circle

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.32: Trace of a pole (pole P2)

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.33: Measurement of angle between 2 poles

P1 and P2 by measurement of the angle of intersection of their traces

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.34: Rotation of poles about NS axis of projection

Rotate A1 about
B1 by 40 in a
Initial position

Rotate projection to bring B1 to the equator.

Bring B1 to the centre by rotating 48 about the N-S axis.
At the same time, A1 must also move to A2 along the
parallel latitude.
The rotation axis is now perpendicular to the projection plane.
Required rotation of 40 brings A2 to A3 along a circular path
centered on B2.
The B1 to B2 operation needs to be reversed to bring B2 to its
original position.
B2 is brought to B3 and A3 to A4, by a reverse 48 rotation
about the N-S axis.

Final position

Fig 2.35: Rotation of a pole about an inclined axis

Rotate A1 about
B1 by 40 in a
Initial position

During its rotation about B1, A1 moves along the small circle.
Centre of this circle is at C on the projection & not at its
projected centre B1.
At the same time, A1 must also move to A2 along the
parallel latitude.
To find C, we know that all points on the circle must lie at
equal angular distances from B1.
Measurement on a Wulff net shows that A1 and A4 are 76
from B1.
We locate any other point D which is 76 from B1.
Knowing 3 points on the required circle allows us to locate
its centre by plane geometry.

Fig 2.35: Rotation of a pole about an inclined axis

Table 2-3: Interplanar angles for cubic crystals.

X-Ray & TEM Lab

Stereographic Projection

Fig 2.25: {100} poles of a cubic crystal

Standard Projection
Let us look at the standard (001) projection.
The {100} cube poles are obvious.
The {110} poles are located 45 from the
{100} poles & are 90 apart.
(011) Pole is on the great circle joining
(001) and (010) & at 45 from each.

Using hu+kv+lw = 0
We find (111) belongs to both
101 and 011

u = k1l2 k2l1
v = l1h2 l2h1
w = h1k2 h2k1
Pole of (111) is located at the intersection of zone circle through

( 010 ) , (101) , ( 010 )


(100 ) , ( 011) , (100 )

Angle between the (111) pole & (010) or (100) must be 54.7

Standard Stereographic Projection

(001) and (011) standard projections

Fig 2.34: Rotation of poles about NS axis of projection

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