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The petitioners predecessor in interest Achintya Ghosh, filed a writ petititon

being W.P. No. 5188(W) of 2003 thereby praying for a writ of mandamus
commanding the respondent authorities to allow the writ petitioner to carry on
construction in accordance with the sanctioned plan being building sanctioned
plan No. 124(B-X)/ 99-2000 dated 28.10.1999 which was ultimately heard by the
Honble Justice Pranab kumar Chattopadhyay and His Lordship was pleased to
grant interim order the said writ petition to carry out construction work strictly in
accordance with the sanctioned plan with the help of the police authority.


After passing the aforesaid interim order the respondent authority restrained the
petitioner from proceeding with the construction work on the site in question by
exercising power in terms of provisions of Section 398(1) of the Kolkata
Municipal Corporation Act, 1980.


Letter written by the Assistant Secretary to the Government of West Bengal, Land
Reforms Department, the 1st Land Acquisition Collector, Calcutta was requested
to drop the proceeding initiated for acquisition of the said premises.


Upon hearing the parties the Honble Writ Court was pleased to dispose of the
writ petition being W.P. No. 19952(W) of 2006 with liberty to file fresh plan
without considering the fact as to whether the writ petitioner was entitled to the
benefit of the proviso of Section 398(1) of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act
and the interim order, which is still subsisting passed in the other writ petition
already referred to above.


Your petitioner preferred an appeal being M.A.T. No. 539 of 2009 before this
Honble Court along with an application under Section 5 of the Limitation Act
and the said appeal and application came up for hearing before the Honble
Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghosh and the Honble Justice Asim Kumar Roy on
29.07.2010 and Their Lordships were pleased to allow the application for
condonation of delay for preferring the appeal but Their Lordships were pleased
to dismiss the appeal.


Your petitioner applied before the respondent no. 4 thereby praying for issuing
certificate regarding the observation (a) Character of the road. (b) Width of the
road. (c) Alignment if any which are necessary for the purpose of sanctioning
building plan.


The writ petition was disposed of by the Honble Justice Soumitra Pal in W.P. No.
1281 of 2010.


Petitioner preferred a writ petition being W.P. No. 1281 of 2010 before this
Honble Court and which was ultimately heard by the Honble Justice Soumitra
Pal on 29th November 2010 and His Lordship was pleased to dispose of the same
by directing the Municipal Authority to dispose of the application of the petitioner
dated September 03, 2009 by passing a reasoned order to be communicated to the
parties within a period of six weeks from the date of communication of this order
after giving an opportunity of hearing to the petitioner.


The order of the Honble High Court dated 29.11.2010 was communicated to the
respondent authority.


Notice was issued and intimating the petitioner a proposal for acquisition of the
above land which was still under process. Therefore, the application for survey
observation report cannot be dealt with at present.


The Land Acquisition Collector issued a notice thereby intimating number of

reminder have been sent to the Land & Land Reforms Department for requesting
administrative approval to issue notification under Section 4 of the Land
Acquisition Act, but no instruction has been received till 20.01.2011.


Petitoner moved a writ petition being W.P. No. 208 of 2011 upon hearing on 19 th
May, 2011 was pleased to pass order directing the Kolkata Municipal Corporation
to take decision with regard to the sanction of the building plan within 60 days
from the date.


A contempt application was filed against the Contemnors being the officers of the
Kolkata Municipal Corporation and in order to avoid the mischief of Contempt
Application, an application for recalling the order dated 19.05.2011 was passed by
the Honble Justice Indira Banerjee in W.P. No. 208 of 2011 and the said
application for recalling was dismissed on 4 th January, 2012 passed by the
Honble Justice Indira Banerjee.


The Kolkata Municipal Corporation preferred appeal against the order dated 4 th
January 2012 being A.P.O.T. No. 121 of 2012 and the Honble Division Bench
was pleased to pass interim order thereby staying the impugned Judgement under
Appeal for a limited period and thereafter it has been allowed to be continued till
the disposal of the Appeal.


Honble Chief Minister and Honble Minister-in-charge of Land and land

Reforms Department has framed the policy stating that the present government
should not acquire any land by forceful means for any project. The same decision
was circulated among all the Land Acquisition Departments of the Government of
West Bengal.


Notification has been published in the Kolkata Gazette on 23.11.2012 under

Section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act with a request to the person interested to
file objection thereof within 30 days in writing to the First Land Acquisition
Collector in terms of Section 5A of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.


Petitioner filed a written objection against the above said notification under
Section 4 of Land Acquisition Act to the First Land Acquisition Collector.


A written argument has been submitted before First Land Acquisition Collector in
support of his objection filed before the said authority.


Report of Land Acquisition Collector regarding the acquisition of the said



A notification was published under Section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act

proposing to acquire the said land of the petitioner.


Further notification was issued under Section 8 of Land Acquisition Act for the
purpose of taking measurement of the land for computing compensation or
passing award.


Government issued a Memorandum of Policy decision.

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