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The student how to design a database definition, relationship

entities using SQL, Oracle and installation files and stored
Objectives of the course:
1. Training students on how to design databases
2. Training students on the language of SQL
3-Training students on the Oracle system
4-examine the files, distribution and storage of ways
Vocabulary decision:
Scheduled on two theoretical and applied include:
1. theoretical side includes:
* An overview of the database system
* Data models and languages used
* Architecture for Data
* Data Planning
* Simple and complex, and the selected data
* Databases amendments
* Jobs data
Images and data formats *
* Oracle
Classification and test data *
* Secure data
* Estimate the costs of data
* Structures of files and records
Indexing and files tree *
Commercial systems for data *
Operating systems 2 301-HAL -3
Manage, organize and protect your files system files
disk space management Evidence and its elements
File server process control concurrent performance and
reliability of file systems.
Processes and pathways
parallel, competing processes,
models of treatment,

mutual exclusion,
critical region,
simultaneous translation applications,
The security of operating systems,
distributed file systems and virtual memory
based on the student experiences the process of competing
processes and applications.
Objectives and vocabulary of decision:
Provide the student with the necessary knowledge about the
role of the operating system in the
management of files and programs,
and generate multiple processes competing for shared
resources of the computer,
taking the case of the distribution of files and
case management of virtual memory into account also
the security aspect of operating systems container in this
The scientific side and includes: the application of topics
studied in the classroom using the Linux operating system and
Internet applications
First, a brief introduction to decision
Overview of Internet technologies (definitions, stages of
development, examples, applications, publication and
roaming technologies, online tools, protocol TCP / IP
.client / server
The structures of the use of the World Wide Web
-WWW evolution
based applications on CGl language Java language
,creation of Web sites
.Security and privacy in the Internet

the use of Internet technologies in enterprise networks

Second: Objectives of the course
By the end of this course the student is expected to be
:able to
know the technical foundations and tools adopted by the
.World Wide Web
.acquisition deal with HTML technical skills
.acquisition of web site creation skills
:Third: Vocabulary decision
:Scheduled on two theoretical and applied include
:theoretical side includes .1
.Overview of Internet technology
.use of the Internet
.explain and programming Web pages by HTML
the JavaScript language and its applications in the
.Java language
.Do Applets
.Introduction to Programming Languages and perl CGl
.Internet Security


:A brief description of the decision

An overview of the techniques online (definitions, the

evolution of examples publishing technology applications
and wander, online tools TCP / IP protocol. Use of highWide Web WWW protocols and the HTML in the text,
images, links, forms, connections and indexing databases,
development-based CGL Java language applications
language JavaScript enabled sites Safe Web and privacy in
the online use Internet technologies in enterprise networks
:Objectives of the course
This course aims to inform students on the technical
underpinnings and tools adopted in this global network,
particularly technology, HTML and its associated protocols
and network the WWW as well as languages and
programming tools and the establishment of appropriate
:Vocabulary decision
:The theoretical side includes
The use of the Internet .1
Special building your web sites .2
How to work online services .3
sights and sounds of the Internet .4
Web TV .5
sympathetic networks .6
building online .7
Internet Customers .8
solving customer problems .9
web programming and related tools .10
databases and web-hosting .11

Internet Security .12

E-mail (Aktrona a) .13
e-mail behavior .14
Address Lists .15
World Wide Web (Web) .16
Internet browsers .17
understand the basics of the Internet .18
Use Outlook program .19
understand the basics of the browser .20
Web Search Network .21
Use Web Tools .22
The use of advanced tools in the Post and .23
copies of programs and files .24
improve the efficiency and security browser .25
OS 2
:A brief description of the decision
administration and protection system administration files
vacuum disk files. Evidence and elements. Control file
server performance and reliability of concurrent file
systems operations. Operations and corridors parallel,
competing processes, treatment models, mutual
exclusion, critical region, simultaneous translation
applications, the security of operating systems, distributed

virtual memory file systems based on student experiences

.the process of competing applications and processes
:Objectives and vocabulary decision
To provide the student with the necessary knowledge
about the role of the operating system files and programs
in various management and generate from competing
operations on the shared resources of the computer while
taking the case of the distribution of case files and virtual
memory management into account as well as the security
aspect of operating systems comprehended in this
The scientific aspect includes: application topics studied in
the classroom using the Linux operating system and
Projects are required: The functions are given to students
and review Dr. resolved in office hours

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