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Directions (1-5): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below.
I. A, B, C, D, E and F are members of a family consisting
of three generations. The family consists of two pairs
of couples. The family consist of two pairs of couples.
The family consists of only three females. The oldest
member in the family is a female but the youngest one
is male. No two persons are of the same age.
II. One day they visited a restaurant and sat around a
table facing towards the centre. D sat opposite the
person who occupies the third place when their ages
are considered in descending order.
III. A is the grandfather of F and sat on the immediate
right of D, who is the father of C but not the husband of
E. Persons of the same generation sat opposite each
other. B sat on the immediate right of a female. F is not
the youngest.
1. The youngest person sat between which of the
following two persons?
(1) D and E
(2) B and A
(3) D and B
(4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
2. The only person who sat between E and F is not the
person who is
(1) the mother of F (2) the daughter-in-law of A
(3) the wife of D
(4) the second in position in descending order of age
(5) the daughter-in-law of E
3. The persons who are adjacent to E, are
(1) B and F
(2) C and D
(3) C and B
(4) Data inadequate (5) None of these
4. Which of the following shows the correct order
rightward from the position of A?
(1) A, F, B, E, D, C
(2) A, D, E, C, B, F
(3) A, D, C, E, B, F
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
5. Which of the following statements is/are not true?
I. One of the couples is A and E.
II. D is the son of E whereas B is the wife of D.
III. C is the brother of F.
IV. E, B and F are females.
(1) All I, II, III and IV (2) Only III
(3) III and IV
(4) None
(5) None of these
Directions (6-10): Read the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below.
There are six girls from six different states UP, Bihar,
Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi and Paschim Banga staying in
three different hostels of Delhi University. Two girls in
each hostel are roommates. Every girl reads one of the
following newspapers: The Times of India, The Asian Age,
The Hindustan Times, The Pioneer, The Hindu, The Indian
Express. Neha stays in PG Womens Hostel. She is from |

Bihar. She does not read The Asian Age and The Hindustan
Times. Priya, from UP, reads The Indian Express. She does
not stay with Puja. Reena stays with a girl from Rajasthan.
The Asian Age is read by a girl stays in Meghdoot Hostel.
Manisha is not from Haryana and Paschim Banga and she
reads The Pioneer. A girl from Geetanjali Hostel reads The
Hindu. Rinki is neither from Delhi nor from Paschim
Banga. The Hindustan Times and The Indian Express do
not come in PG Womens Hostel. Girls from UP and
Haryana stay together. The Pioneer comes to PG Womens
Hostel. The girl who reads The India Express resides at
6. Who stays in Geetanjali?
(1) Reena and Puja
(2) Rinki and Puja
(3) Reena and Neha
(4) Neha and Rinki
(5) None of these
7. Who reads The Times of India?
(1) Rinki
(2) Neha
(3) Manisha
(4) Puja
(5) None of these
8. Who stays with Rinki?
(1) Neha
(2) Priya
(3) Reena
(4) Manisha
(5) None of these
9. Which state does Puja belong to?
(1) Delhi
(2) Bihar
(3) Paschim Banga (4) Rajasthan (5) None of these
10. In Which hostel does Manisha stay?
(1) PG Womens Hostel
(2) Geetanjali Hostel
(3) Meghdoot
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) In each question below are
given three statements followed by four conclusions
numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given
statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance
with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusion and
then decide which of the given conclusion and then decide
which of the given conclusions logically follows from the
given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
11. Statements:
No rats are elephants.
All dogs are elephants.
All dogs are cows.
I. Some dogs are not rats.
II. Some elephants are cows.
III. Some cows are not rats.
IV. No rats are dogs.
(1) All follow
(2) I, II and III (3) II, III and IV
(4) I, III and IV
(5) None of these
12. Statements
No elephants are rats.
All cows are elephants.
All dogs are cows.

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I. Some elephants are not dogs.

II. Some cows are not dogs.
III. All elephants are dogs.
IV. No dogs are rats.
(1) None follow
(2) Only IV
(3) I, II and IV
(4) I and IV
(5) None of these
13. Statements
All books are pencils.
No pencils are copies.
All copies are dusters.
I. Some books are not copies.
II. Some copies are not books.
III. Some dusters are not books.
IV. Some books are not dusters.
(1) All follow
(2) I, II and III (3) II, III and IV
(4) II and III
(5) None of these
14. Statements
All books are pencils.
No pens are books.
All dusters are pens.
I. Some pencils are dusters.
II. No dusters are books.
III. Some pencils are not dusters.
IV. No pencils are dusters.
(1) II, III and IV
(2) II and either I or III follow
(3) II, III and either I or IV follow
(4) III and either I or IV follow
(5) None of the above
15. Statements
All books are pencils.
Some books are pens.
No pins are pens.
I. Some books are pins.
II. Some pencils are pins.
III. Some pens are not pencils.
IV. Some books are not pens.
(1) None follows
(2) Only I
(3) All follow
(4) Only II
(5) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 16-19) In each question below is
given a statement followed by three assumptions
numbered I, II and III. An assumption is something
supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the
statement and the assumptions and decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement. Then, decide
which of the answers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) is the correct
16. Statements
Bar Council of India (BCI) has decided to go on a
hunger strike to protest the implementation of the
Legal Services Authority (Amendment) Act. _____
Chairman of BCI
The Amendment has several loopholes and is
bound to hurt the litigants interests.
II. All the members of BCI will welcome the decision.
III. The hunger strike held in front of the court will put
a pressure on the respective authority.
(1) Only I
(2) I and II
(3) I and III
(4) All of these
(5) None of these |

17. Statements Despite

controversial Prohibition of Forcible Conversion of
Religion Bill was passed by the the Tamil Nadu
Assembly with the AIDMK and the BJP outvoting the
combined opposition of the DMK, the Congress, the
Pattali Makkal Katchi and the Left parties. _____ A news
I. Conversions create resentment among several
sections and also inflame religious passions,
leading to communal clashes.
II. Conversions only lead to the isolation of the
III. Strong opposition puts hindrance before a bill in
taking final shape.
(1) II and III
(2) I and II
(3) I and III
(4) All of these (5) None of these
18. Statements For the third time in a row this week, the
Indira Gandhi International Airport was put on a full
alert today after Air India received an anonymous
message that two terrorists laden with explosives
were aboard its Mumbai-Delhi-Hong Kong flight. ____
An authority of Indira Gandhi International Airport
I. Anonymous message is not likely to be hoax call.
II. Anonymous message is likely to be a hoax call.
III. Alertness might be helpful in reducing the menace.
(1) I and III
(2) II and III
(3) Either I or II and III
(4) Only III
(5) None of these
19. Statements You should be very careful, so that the
society does not adversely comment on the police
leadership. ____ A statement made by a CBI officer to
the newly recruited young officers
I. The society always indulge in adverse comments.
II. Peoples trust in the police force is not up to the
desired level.
III. Society has the efficiency to judge accurately about
the police leadership.
(1) I and II
(2) II and III
(3) I and III
(4) All of these
(5) None of these
20. The US has given its clearest signal yet that it is
planning what president Obama has called a limited,
narrow military attack on Syria as the Syrian
government is using weapons of mass destruction on
the local people, causing mass genocide.
Which of the following could be the main reason that
the USA is planning an attack on Syria?
1) The USA wants to end the autocratic rule in Syria.
2) Syria has used prohibited weapons, breaking
international laws.
3) The USA has economic interest in Syria.
4) The USA wants to create its own military base is
5) None of these
Directions (21-25): In each question below is given a
statement followed by two courses of action numbered I
and II. A course of action is a step or administrative
decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further
action in regard to the problem, policy etc. on the basis of

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the information given in the statement. You have to

assume everything in the statement to be true. Then,
decide which of the two given suggested courses of action
logically follows for pursuing.
Give answer
(1) If only I follows
(2) If Only II follows
(3) If either I or II follows
(4) If neither I nor II follows
(5) If both I and II follow
21. Statement A phone was received at the district
control office from an anonymous person that there
was a deadly bomb in the secretariat.
Courses of action
I. Bomb defusing squad should be sent immediately.
II. The authority should not give any heed to this type
of hoax.
22. Statement The hygienic condition of the city X is not
good. Polythenes and garbage are littered all over.
Courses of action
I. The hygienic condition of the city X is a problem
which has been persisting over a long time and cant
be improved immediately.
II. NGOs and Nagar Nigam should start a cleanliness
23. Statement Rajdhani Express was derailed while
crossing a bridge near city Y. This resulted in loss of
life and property.
Courses of action
I. An investigation committee should be set up to look
into the matter related to the accident.
II. Proper action should be taken against the accused.
24. Statement There is great fear among people that a
neighbouring country X will drop an atom bomb on
India within 24.
Courses of action
I. India should take initiative, drop atom bombs and
destroy the atomic centres of country X.
II. The President of India should talk to his counterpart
of country X.
25. Statement The epidemic of porno websites is
spreading in India and thus harming Indian youths by
degrading their moral and ethical values.
Courses of action
I. Cabin facilities should not be given to Internet users.
II. Porno sites should not be allowed to be free sites.
Directions (26-30): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below.
A task force was formed to nab four area commanders of a
naxalite group operating in a forest. These area
commanders were Gabbar Singh, Malkhan Singh, Chattan
Singh, Shambhu Singh. The task force was adorned with
brave and young persons. The head of the task force made
a plan to nab all the four area commanders by
encountering them.
The head choose four captains to do so. The captains were
Akkar Singh, Babbar Singh, Chatur Singh and Dilawar
Singh. |

Each has an encounter with one of the commanders. The

four encounters did not happen simultaneously, but one
after another.
Study the following clues and answer the questions
following it.
I. Neither the first not the third encounter was with
Malkhan Singh or Chattan Singh.
II. Dilawars encounter was the third one.
III. The encounter with Malkhan Singh came immediately
after the encounter with Shambhu Singh, which was not
the first one.
IV. Babbars encounter was not with Chattan Singh.
V. Chaturs encounter was the first one.
26. Chaturs encounter was with which person?
(1) Cant say
(2) Malkhan Singh
(3) Gabbar Singh
(4) Chattan Singh
(5) None of these
27. Third encounter was between Dilawar and
(1) Shambhu Singh (2) Malkhan Singh
(3) Chattan Singh
(4) Cant say
(5) None of these
28. Babbars encounter was with
(1) Malkhan Singh (2) Gabbar Singh
(3) Chattan Singh
(4) Shambhu Singh
(5) Cant say
29. Akkars encounter was with
(1) Malkhan Singh (2) Gabbar Singh
(3) Chattan Singh
(4) Shambhu Singh
(5) Cant say
30. Which of the following is correctly matched?
Encounter Order
I. Akkar
II. Babbar
III. Chatur
IV. Dilawar
(1) Only I
(2) Only II
(3) Only III
(4) Only IV
(5) None of these
Directions (31-35): In the questions given below, certain
symbols are used with the following meanings.
P@Q means P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q.
P Q means P is not smaller than Q.
P Q means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q.
P Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P+Q means P is not greater than Q.
P Q P is not equal to Q.
Now in each of the following questions, assuming the given
statements to be true, find which of the two conclusions I
and II given below them is/are definitely true.
Give answer
(1) If only conclusion I is true
(2) If only conclusion II is true
(3) either conclusion I or II is true
(4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true
(5) If both conclusions I and II are true
31. Statements:
Y, E J
Conclusions: I. ET
32. Statements: T
Conclusions: I. L
33. Statements: TO, OP, P

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Conclusions: I. PT
34. Statements: D
Conclusions: I. D@M
35. Statements: A+P, A@T, T
Conclusions : I. P S
Directions (36-40): In each questions below is given a
statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II.
An assumption is something supposed or taken for
granted. You have to consider the statement and the
following assumptions and decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer
(1) If only assumption I is implicit
(2) If only assumption II is implicit
(3) If either I or II is implicit
(4) If neither I nor II is implicit
(5) If both I and II are implicit
36. Statements Instead of burning the leaves, bury them
in compost pits, by which it gets converted to natural
manure, making it beneficial for the soil. ___ A notice
issued in public interest by Department of
I. Whenever leaves are burnt in the open, the air gets
laden with tiny particulate matter which raises air
pollution to alarming levels, Which cause severe
respiratory disorders and eye infections to those
exposed to it.
II. Benefits gained from ashes of leaves burnt are not
as much as the benefits gained from the natural
manure obtained from leaves by burning it.
37. Statements A tempting cup of garma garma Georgia
now awaits you at every street corner. So, no matter
who you are or where you go, a Georgia Vending
Machine will hand you the same clean, delicious cup of
tea in Regular, Adrak, Elaichi and Masala and if youre
looking for a change try the Regular, Mocha and
Cappuccino coffee. One sip will make you realize why
every other alternative is a mere compromise! ____ An
I. Most of the people need delicious cup of tea or
coffee with a change in taste.
II. Every person is addicted to either tea or coffee.
38. Statements If you ask me about the daunting
challenges that I face, I would say that my
governments first priority is to improve the existing
law and order situation. Then follows the issue of
prices of commodities. ___ Mr. Y, a newly appointed PM
of country X
I. If a citizen of country X can sleep peacefully, he/she
can then think of providing food to his/her family,
ponder over education and move about freely in the
II. Prices of the commodities affect the common man
39. Statements If you have any unresolved consumer
disputes, do not not feel that you are helpless, do not
hesitate to assert your rights. Approach the District |

Consumer Forum for speedy redressal. ____

Department of Consumer Affairs
I. People dont want to approach consumer forum due
to the red-tapism in procedure adopted by the forum.
II. Speedy redressal will attract more unresolved
consumer disputes.
40. Statements It is not always true that only an
intelligent person can qualify the written examination
for Probationary Officers (Pos).
I. An intelligent person can qualify the written
examination for POs.
II. A person who is not intelligent can also qualify the
written examination for Pos.
Directions (41-45): Study the following information
carefully and answer the questions given below.
A word arrangement Machine, when given a particular
input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The
following is the illustration of the input and the steps
of rearrangement.
we again 36 early 17 morning in day 7 11
Step I
again we 36 early 17 morning in day 7 11
Step II
again 36 we early 17 morning in day 7 11
Step III
again 36 early we 17 morning in day 7 11
Step IV
again 36 early 7 we 17 morning in day 11
Step V
again 36 early 7 in we 17 morning day 11
Step VI
again 36 early 7 in day we 17 morning 11
Step VII
again 36 early 7 in 17 day we morning 11
again 36 early 7 in 17 day 11 we morning
Step IX
again 36 early 7 in 17 day 11 morning we
Step IX is the last step.
41. If the following is the IInd step of an input what will be
Vth step?
Step II After 89 she 38 wins 11 Olympic 22 the 7
(1) after 89 she 7 the 22 Olympic 11 wins 38
(2) after 89 Olympic she 38 wins 11 22 the 7
(3) after 89 Olympic 7 she 38 the wins 11 22
(4) after 89 Olympic 7 she 38 the 11 wins 22
(5) None of the above
42. Which of the following is the last step for the Input eat
9 fast icecream 22 3 umbrella cat 5?
(1) cat eat 9 fast 5 icecream 22 umbrella 3
(2) eat 22 icecream 3 umbrella 9 cat 5 fast
(3) eat 22 umbrella 3 icecream 9 cat 5 fast
(4) eat 22 icecream 3 umbrella5 cat 9 fast
(5) None of the above
43. Which step will be the last step for the Input elephant
17 free open 41 27 danger 15?
(1) IV
(2) V
(3) VI
(4) VII
(5) None of these
44. Which word/number will be at 4th from the left in step
V for the given input in above question?
(1) 41
(2) danger
(3) open
(4) 15
(5) None of these
45. Which word/number will be 3rd to the right of 41 in
step IV for the given input in Q. 43?
(1) open
(2) danger
(3) 15
(4) 17
(5) None of these

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Directions (46-50): Each of the questions below consists

of a question and two statements numbered I and II given
below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in
the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read
both the statements and
Give answer
(1) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer
the question while the data in statement II alone are not
sufficient to answer the question
(2) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in statement I alone
are not sufficient to answer the question
(3) If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II
alone are sufficient to answer the question
(4) If the data in both statements I and II together are not
sufficient to answer the question
(5) If the data in both statements I and II together are
necessary to answer the question
46. Is it 5 oclock?
I. Im looking at my watch. From this moment on,
the hour hand will take exactly twice as long as the
minute hand to reach the number six.
II. Im looking at my watch. From this moment on,
the hour hand will take exactly three times longer than
the minute hand to reach the number six.
47. In which month is my birthday?
I. I will celebrate my birthday in a month which
begins on a Friday and ends on a Friday too.
II. I will celebrate my birthday in the current month.
The result of adding the date of the last Monday of last
month and the date of the first Thursday of next
month is 38.
48. Alka and Madhu put 40 matches on the table and make
themselves aware of the game for which the matches
are to be used. As per the rules, the winner is the one
who takes the last match. Who will win the game?
I. Each player in turn takes 1, 3 or 5 matches.
II. Madhu chooses to go first and takes 3 matches.
49. Two cars start travelling from different points and in
opposite directions in a circuit race at a constant
speed. How much faster is one car going than the
I. The distances from A to B, B to C and C to A are the
II. The cars cross for the first time at point A, the
second time at point B, the third time at point C and
the fourth time again at point A.
50. What was the score in each match of a three-team
tournament in which the three teams (who
participated) A, B and C got 3 points, 2 points and 1
point respectively? 2 points are awarded for a win and
1 for a draw.
I. Each team played one against each of the two
other teams.
II. Each team scored one goal.
Directions (51-54): Study the following information to
answer the given questions.
Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing
six people each, in such a way that there is an equal
distance between adjacent persons. In row 1 P, Q, R, S, T |

and V are seated and all of them are facing South. In row 2
A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing
North. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each
member seated in a row faces another member of the
other row.
S sits third to right of Q. Either S or Q sits at an extreme
end of the line. The one who faces Q sits second to right of
E. Two people sit between B and F. Neither B nor F sits at
an extreme end of the line. The immediate neighbour of B
faces the person who sits third to left of P, R and T are
immediate neighbours of each other. C sits second to the
left of A. T does not face the immediate neighbour of D.
51. Who amongst the following sit at extreme ends of the
(1) S, D
(2) Q, A
(3) V, C
(4) P, D
(5) Q, F
52. Who amongst the following faces S?
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) F
53. How many persons are seated between V and R?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four
(5) None of these
54. P is related to A, in the same way as S is related to B
based on the given arrangement. To which of the
following is T related to, following the same pattern?
(1) C
(2) D
(3) E
(4) F
(5) Cant be determined
55. Who amongst the following faces B?
(1) P
(2) V
(3) R
(4) Q
(5) None of these
Directions (56-60): Study the following information to
answer the given questions:
In a certain code her idea has merit is written as fo la bu
na, merit list has been displayed is written as jo ke la si
na, her name displayed there is written as ya si bu zo
and name in merit list is written as na ya go ke.
56. What does ke stand for?
(1) been
(2) has
(3) merit
(4) name
(5) list
57. What is the code for idea?
(1) fo
(2) la
(3) bu
(4) na
(5) either bu or na
58. Which of the following represents name has been
(1) ya la ke si
(2) jo si ya la
(3) si jo ke na
(4) bu ya ke na
(5) ya si jo zo
59. What does zo stands for?
(1) there
(2) displayed
(3) name
(4) her
(5) cannot be determined
60. Which of the following may represent her name is
(1) zo ya go wo
(2) bu ya zo go (3) zo ya bu ke
(4) ya zo wu bu
(5) wo go zo ya

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