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16.1.1 Conversion Factors of Units of Illumination

16.1.2 U.S. and Canadian Standards for Ballast Efficacy Factor
16.1.3 Starting and Restrike Times among Different HID Lamps
16.1.4 How Light Affects Color
16.1.5 Summary of Light-Source Characteristics and Effects on Color
16.2.1 Determination of Illuminance Categories
16.3.1 Zonal Cavity Method of Calculating Illumination
16.3.2 Coefficients of Utilization for Typical Luminaires
16.3.3 Light-Loss Factor (LLF)
16.3.4 Light-Loss Factors by Groups
16.3.5 Light Output Change Due to Voltage Change
16.3.6 Lumen Output for HID Lamps as a Function of Operating Position
16.3.7 Lamp Lumen Depreciation
16.3.8 Procedure for Determining Luminaire Maintenance Categories
16.3.9 Evaluation of Operating Atmosphere
16.3.10 Five Degrees of Dirt Conditions
16.3.11 Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) Factors for Six Luminaire
Categories (I through VI) and for the Five Degrees of Dirtiness as
Determined from Figure 16.3.8 or Table 16.3.9
16.3.12 Room Surface Dirt Depreciation (RSDD) Factors
16.3.13 Step-by-Step Calculations for the Number of Luminaires Required for a
Particular Room
16.3.14 Reflectance Values of Various Materials and Colors
16.3.15 Room Cavity Ratios
16 3.16 Percent Effective Ceiling or Floor Cavity Reflectances for Various
Reflectance Combinations
16.3.17 Multiplying Factors for Effective Floor Cavity Reflectances Other than
20 Percent (0.2)
16.3.18 Characteristics of Typical Lamps
16.3.19 Guide to Lamp Selection
16.3.20 Recommended Reflectances of Interior Surfaces
16.3.21 Recommended Luminance Ratios
16.3.22 Average Illuminance Calculation Sheet

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16.2 Section Sixteen

16.1.1 Conversion Factors of Units of Illumination

TABLE 16.1.1

16.1.2 U.S. and Canadian Standards for Ballast

Efficacy Factor

TABLE 16.1.2

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000,

Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.)
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Lighting 16.3

16.1.3 Starting and Restrike Times among Different

HID Lamps


(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th

Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering
Society of North America.)

16.1.4 How Light Affects Color

Relationship of Light and Color. Light is the radiant energy produced by a light
source. It may come to your eye directly from the source or be reflected or trans-
mitted by some object.
Color is the interaction of the light source, the reflector or transmitter, and our
own ability to detect the color of light. Remember, you cannot perceive color with-
out light. Different light sources radiate different wavelengths of light, influencing
the appearance of colored objects or surfaces.

Color Temperature. Color temperature describes how the lamp itself appears
when lit. Color temperature is measured by Kelvin degrees, ranging from 9000 K
(which appears blue) down to 1500 K (which appears orange-red). Light sources
lie somewhere between the two, with those of higher color temperature—4000 K
or more—being “cool” and those of lower color temperature—3100 K or less—being
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16.4 Section Sixteen

“warm.” Certain fluorescent lamps are intermediate types, lying somewhere

between cool and warm.

Color Rendition. Color rendition describes the effect a light source has on the
appearance of colored objects. The color rendering capability of a lamp is measured
as the color rendering index (CRI). In general, the higher the CRI, the less distortion
of the object’s color there is by the lamp’s light output. The scale used ranges from 0
to 100. A CRI of 100 indicates that there is no color shift as compared with a refer-
ence source, and the lower the CRI, the more pronounced the shift may be.
It is important to recognize that the reference source (and thus the CRI scale) is
different at different color temperatures. As a result, CRI values should only be
compared between lamps of similar color temperatures.

Additional Factors Affect Color Appearance. The color rendering properties of a lamp
are an important influence on the color appearance of an object. However, many
other factors also affect color appearance, such as the finishes used on walls, floors,
and furnishings; the intensity level of the lighting; and the presence of daylight in the
room. All these factors should be considered in selecting the appropriate light source.
Additionally, the room decor is a critical consideration in selecting a light source. If
colors such as reds and oranges are the main element, a warm light source (color tem-
perature below 3200 K) would be the best choice. Conversely, if blues and violets are
being used, cool lamps (color temperature above 4000 K) should be used. For
areas with mixed cool and warm elements, or where neutral colors such as gray
predominate, an intermediate color temperature source (3400 to 3600 K) should
be considered.

16.1.5 Summary of Light-Source Characteristics

and Effects on Color

TABLE 16.1.5
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Lighting 16.5

16.2.1 Determination of Illuminance Categories

TABLE 16.2.1

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition,

2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of
North America.)
16.3.1 Zonal Cavity Method of Calculating
The number of luminaires required to light a space to a desired illumination level
(footcandles) can be calculated knowing certain characteristics of the room and light
source. The following method is the zonal cavity method of calculating illumination.

   N  lumens per lamp  CU  LLF
Luminaire Footcandles required (E)
where N  number of lamps
CU  coefficient of utilization
LLF  light-loss factor
E  recommended illumination (maintained)
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16.6 Section Sixteen

This formula can be rewritten to find the number of luminaires or to determine the
maintained footcandle level:

Footcandles required  area of room

Number of luminaires  
N  lumens per lamp  CU  LLF
N  lumens per lamp  CU  LLF
Area per luminaire
The coefficient of utilization (CU) is a factor that reflects the fact that not all the
lumens produced by a luminaire reach the work surface. It depends on the particular
light fixture used as well as the characteristics of the room in which it is placed,
including the room size and the surface reflectances of the room. If you know the
specific luminaire you want to use, obtain CU factors from the manufacturer. They
are usually included in product catalogs.
If you do not know specifically what fixture you will be selecting, you can use general
CU tables based on luminaire types (see Table 16.3.2).

16.3.2 Coefficients of Utilization for

Typical Luminaires (pages 16.7–16.17)

16.3.3 Light-Loss Factor (LLF)

The light-loss factor (LLF) is a fraction that represents the amount of light that
will be lost due to things such as dirt on lamps, reduction of light output of a lamp
over time, and similar factors. The following items are the individual components
of the LLF. The total LLF is calculated by multiplying all the individual factors
together. No factor should be ignored (set equal to 1) until investigations justify
doing so. Lighting calculations should not be attempted until all light-loss factors
are considered.

16.3.4 Light-Loss Factors by Groups (page 16.18)

Light-loss factors are divided into two groups: recoverable and nonrecoverable.
Recoverable factors are those which can be changed by regular maintenance, such
as cleaning and relamping luminaires and cleaning or painting room surfaces.
Nonrecoverable factors are those attributed to equipment and site conditions and
cannot be changed with normal maintenance.

Nonrecoverable Factors

1. Luminaire ambient temperature factor. For normal indoor temperatures, use a

factor of 1.
2. Heat-extraction thermal factor. For air-handling luminaires, use a factor of 1.10.
3. Voltage-to-luminaire factor. Assuming operation at rated nominal voltage, a factor
of 1 can be used. For other conditions, refer to Figure 16.3.5.
4. Ballast factor. In general, refer to the manufacturer’s data. In the absence of that,
the ballast factor depends on the lamp as well as on the ballast, so a ballast factor
developed for a standard lamp does not apply when, for example, an energy-
conserving lamp is used, even though the ballast is the same. Magnetic bal-
lasts bearing the label of certified ballast manufacturers (CBM) have a ballast
factor that is not less than 0.925 for standard 30- and 40-W rapid-start lamps;
the ballast factor for such ballasts is frequently estimated at between 0.94 and
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Lighting 16.7

TABLE 16.3.2

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16.8 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.9

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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16.10 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.11

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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16.12 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.13

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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16.14 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.15

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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16.16 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.17

TABLE 16.3.2 (Continued)

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North
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16.18 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.4 Light-Loss Factors by Groups

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting

Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy
of the Illuminating Engineering Society
of North America.)

0.95. The ballast factor for highly loaded rapid-start lamps is 0.95 and for various
low-wattage lamps is 0.90. A conservative estimate for a CBM-certified ballast
would be 0.93.
5. Ballast-lamp photometric factor. In general, refer to the manufacturer’s data or
use a factor of 1.
6. Equipment operating factor. For HID lamp-ballast-luminaire combination only,
refer to the manufacturer’s data or use a factor of 1.
7. Lamp-position (tilt) factor. Part of the equipment operating factor. Refer to Figure
16.3.6 for typical average data and to manufacturers for specific lamp types.
8. Luminaire surface depreciation factor. Over time, the various surfaces of a light
fixture will change (some plastic lenses yellow, for example). In the absence of
data, use a value of 1.

Recoverable Factors

1. Lamp lumen depreciation factor. All lamps put out less light as they age.
Specific information is available from each manufacturer, or you can use the
figures in Table 16.3.7 for preliminary calculations.
2. Luminaire dirt depreciation (LDD) factor. The accumulation of dirt on lumi-
naires results in a loss of light output and therefore a loss of light on the work-
plane. This loss is known as the luminaire dirt depreciation LDD factor and is
determined as follows:
a. The luminaire maintenance category is selected from the manufacturer’s data
or by using Table 16.3.8.
b. The atmosphere (one of five degrees of dirt conditions) in which the lumi-
naire operates is found as follows. Dirt in the atmosphere comes from two
sources—that passed from adjacent air and that generated by work done in
the vicinity. Dirt may be classified as adhesive, attracted, or inert, and it may
come from intermittent or constant sources. Adhesive dirt clings to luminaire
surfaces by its stickiness, whereas attracted dirt is held by electrostatic force.
Inert dirt varies in accumulation from practically nothing on vertical surfaces
to as much as a horizontal surface holds before the dirt is dislodged by gravity
or air circulation. Examples of adhesive dirt are grease from cooking, particles
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Lighting 16.19

from machine operation borne by oil vapor, particles borne by water vapor as
in a laundry, and fumes from metal-pouring operations or plating tanks.
Examples of attracted dirt are hair, lint, fibers, and dry particles that are
electrostatically charged from machine operations. Examples of inert dirt
are nonsticky, uncharged particles such as dry flour, sawdust, and fine cin-
ders. Tables 16.3.9 and 16.3.10 may be useful for evaluating the atmosphere.
Table 16.3.10 is intended to evaluate the atmosphere-dirt category. Factors
1 to 5 should be assessed and inserted into the spaces in Table 16.3.9
because they are required to describe the conditions of the space. The “Area
Adjacent to Task Area” column represents the area separated from but adja-
cent to the area in which the luminaire operates (which is the “Area
Surrounding Task”). The “Filter Factor” column contains the percentages of
dirt allowed to pass from the adjacent atmosphere to the surrounding atmos-
phere. The “From Adjacent” column indicates the net amount of such dirt
that can pass through. This category might include, for example, an open
window with a filter factor of 1.0 (no filtering at all) or an air-conditioning
system with a filter factor of 0.1 (90 percent of the dirt is filtered out). The
total of all the numbers in the “Subtotal” column is a number up to 60 and
can be translated into the applicable atmosphere-dirt category listed at the
bottom of the table.
c. From the appropriate luminaire maintenance category curve of Figure
16.3.11, the applicable dirt condition curve, and the proper elapsed time in
months of the planned cleaning cycle, the LDD factor is found. For example,
if the category is I, the atmosphere is dirty, and the cleaning occurs every 20
months, the LDD is approximately 0.80.
3. Room surface dirt depreciation (RSDD) factor. The accumulation of dirt on
room surfaces reduces the amount of luminous flux reflected and interreflected
to the workplane. To take this into account, Figure 16.3.12 has been developed
to provide RSDD factors for use in calculating maintained average illuminance
levels. These factors are determined as follows:
a. From one of the five curves in Figure 16.3.12, find the expected dirt depreci-
ation using Table 16.3.9 or 16.3.10 as a guide to atmospheric dirt conditions,
together with an estimate of the time between cleanings. For example, if the
atmosphere is dirty and room surfaces are cleaned every 24 months, the
expected dirt depreciation is 30 percent.
b. Knowing the expected dirt depreciation (step a), the type of luminaire distri-
bution, and the room cavity ratio (RCR), determine the RSDD factor from
Figure 16.3.12. For example, for a dirt depreciation of 30 percent, a direct
luminaire, and a room cavity ratio of 4, the RSDD would be 0.92.
4. Lamp burnout (LBO) factor. If lamps are replaced as they burn out, use a factor of
0.95. If a group replacement maintenance program is employed, use a factor of 1.

16.3.5 Light Output Change Due to Voltage Change

(see page 16.20)

16.3.6 Lumen Output for HID Lamps as a Function

of Operating Position (see page 16.20)

16.3.7 Lamp Lumen Depreciation (see page 16.20)

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16.20 Section Sixteen


(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000,

Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North


Percent of vertical lumens




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Operating angle from vertical in degrees
(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000,
Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North

TABLE 16.3.7
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Lighting 16.21

16.3.8 Procedure for Determining Luminaire

Maintenance Categories


(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating
Engineering Society of North America.)
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16.22 Section Sixteen

16.3.9 Evaluation of Operating Atmosphere

TABLE 16.3.9

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North

16.3.10 Five Degrees of Dirt Conditions

TABLE 16.3.10

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North

16.3.11 Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) Factors

for Six Luminaire Categories (I through VI) and for
the Five Degrees of Dirtiness as Determined from
Figure 16.3.8 or Table 16.3.9 (see page 16.23)

16.3.12 Room Surface Dirt Depreciation (RSDD)

Factors (see page 16.23)
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Lighting 16.23


(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North

TABLE 16.3.12

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North
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16.24 Section Sixteen

16.3.13 Step-by-Step Calculations for the Number

of Luminaires Required for a Particular Room
1. Compile the Following Information:
■ Length and width of room.
■ Height of floor cavity; the distance from the floor to the work surface (usually
taken as 2.5 ft).
■ Height of the ceiling cavity; the distance from the ceiling to the light fixture. If
the fixture is recessed or ceiling- (surface-) mounted, the value is zero.
■ Height of the room cavity; the distance from the work surface to the light fixture.
■ Surface reflectances of the ceiling, the walls, and the floor. If the wall surface of
the floor cavity is different from the room cavity wall surface (as with a wainscot,
for example) obtain both figures. Surface reflectances are usually available from
paint companies, ceiling tile manufacturers, and manufacturers of other finishes.
If these are not readily available, use the values in Table 16.3.14.

2. Determine Cavity Ratios.

Area of cavity wall

CR  2.5  
Area of base of cavity

For rectangular spaces, the formula becomes

CR  5h  

where h  height of the cavity

l  length of the room
w  width of the room
Note that if the work surface is the floor, or if the luminaires are surface-mounted,
the floor cavity ratio and ceiling cavity ratio, respectively, are zero. Also, since the
three cavity ratios are related, after finding one, you can find the other two ratios by:

where CCR  ceiling cavity ratio
FCR  floor cavity ratio
RCR  room cavity ratio
hcc  height of ceiling cavity
hfc  height of floor cavity
hrc  height of room cavity
You can find the cavity ratios by calculation or use the values given in Table
16.3.15. First, find the RCR, and then use the ratios to find the values of the CCR
and FCR.
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Lighting 16.25

3. Determine the Effective Ceiling Cavity Reflectance and the Effective Floor Cavity
Reflectance. These are values of the imaginary planes at the height of the luminaire
and the work surface that will be used in finding the coefficient of utilization of a
particular light fixture. If the luminaires are recessed or surface-mounted, the
effective ceiling cavity reflectance is the same as the reflectance of the ceiling itself.
Use Table 16.3.16 to find the effective reflectances, knowing the cavity ratios you
determined in step 2.

4. Determine the Coefficient of Utilization of the Fixture under Consideration by Using the
CU Tables from the Manufacturer’s Literature or Table 16.3.2. Straight-line interpolation
probably will be necessary. Most tables are set up for a floor reflectance of 20 percent.
If the effective floor reflectance varies significantly from this, use the correction
factors given in Table 16.3.17 and multiply by the CU for the fixture.

5. Determine the Recommended Illumination for the Space Being Designed. Refer to
Table 16.2.1.

6. Determine the Lumen Output of the Lamps That Will Be Used in the Luminaire You
Have Selected. Values for lumen output for some representative lamps are given
in Table 16.3.18. More accurate data can be obtained from the fixture manufactur-
er or a lamp manufacturer. Determine the number of lamps that will be used in
each luminaire.

7. With the Information Compiled in the Previous Steps and with the Light-Loss Factor
(LLF), Use the Following Formula:

Footcandles required  area of room

Number of luminaires  
N  lumens per lamp  CU  LLF

You also can determine the area per luminaire using the formula given at the
beginning of this section.
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16.26 Section Sixteen

16.3.14 Reflectance Values of Various

Materials and Colors

TABLE 16.3.14

16.3.15 Room Cavity Ratios (see page 16.27)

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Lighting 16.27

TABLE 16.3.15

16.3.16 Percent Effective Ceiling or Floor Cavity

Reflectances for Various Reflectance Combinations
(see pages 16.28 –16.29)
TABLE 16.3.16 Percent Effective Ceiling or Floor Cavity Reflectances for Various Reflectance Combinations*

12:40 PM
Page 16.28
TABLE 16.3.16

12:40 PM
Page 16.29
(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.)
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16.30 Section Sixteen

16.3.17 Multiplying Factors for Effective Floor

Cavity Reflectances Other than 20 percent (0.2)

TABLE 16.3.17

(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North
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Lighting 16.31

16.3.18 Characteristics of Typical Lamps

TABLE 16.3.18

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16.32 Section Sixteen

TABLE 16.3.18 (Continued)

16.3.19 Guide to Lamp Selection

(see pages 16.33–16.34)
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TABLE 16.3.19

CH16_Hickey 11/15/01 12:40 PM Page 16.34
TABLE 16.3.19 (Continued)

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Lighting 16.35

16.3.20 Recommended Reflectances of Interior


TABLE 16.3.20

16.3.21 Recommended Luminance Ratios

TABLE 16.3.21
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16.36 Section Sixteen

16.3.22 Average Illuminance Calculation Sheet


(Reprinted from the IESNA Lighting Handbook, 9th Edition, 2000, Courtesy of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North

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