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uniT 1.1
uniT 1.2

page 4

Present simple and present continuous

page 7


UniT 2.1
uniT 2.2

page 10

Past simple and past continuous; Used to, get used to, be used to

page 13

Some, any, every, no

uniT 3.1
uniT 3.2
uniT 4.1
uniT 4.2

page 16

Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

page 19


uniT s.1
uniT s.2
uniT 6.1
uniT 6.2
uniT 7.1
uniT 7.2

page 22

Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous

page 25

Adjectives and adverbs

page 28

Future forms

page 31

Parts of speech

page 34

Gerunds and infinitives; The infinitive of purpose, in order to, so as to

page 37

So and such

page 40


page 43


uniT a.1
uniT a.2
uniT 9.1
uniT 9.2

page 46 '\.,.

uniT 10.1
uniT 10.2


The passive
Have something done

page 55


page 58

Past modals


,~ .. -~'
page 52

Make and let

page 61





uniT 11.1
uniT 11.2
uniT 12.1
uniT 12.2

page 61

Reported speech
Too and enough

page 70

Defining relative clauses; Non-defining relative clauses

page 73

Both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor

uniT 13.1
uniT 13.2

page 76

Comparatives and superlatives

Comparison of adverbs

uniT 14.1
uniT 14.2

page 82


page 88


page 91
page 92
page 93
page 95

page 79

page 85

Tense review
Question tags


page 99
page 100
page 101
page 103

page 104
- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - --- ---- - -- -- - --- --- --- -- - - ---- -- -- --- - - -- - - - -- -- --- - -- -- - - -- - -- -- ---- - - _,--- --~


-reat:c; , s~~eats
Slle d.oesn't Gat
We don't eat

Things toot are always trtl.e.

:'oil ydu:eat?

lime tables.

Sa ran ;md trer brother argue alll11e

My mum spetfks English and French

very WelL
Tire plane learcs at 8.00 fn the
momiJJg: nt have to gel up ,early/


;'~~,~ ~ 1


.* ~ctiOQS- ;~atar:~-~~~e~~~~~TnQw;_ .-;~:i,vW~&:rph~t~~'1v~~'i6f:;~~,~:

hiJ fioln!Hoi ao6ttetlvifth5aslia thiS:
* -'F.u:Jr~;arrang~~~rit~{
< :

~ Ob.;~.;;.;.~" . . ' '' ~i~~~~;J~:::;

- -' -~--

- ..:~. ::~ _pg_WJ~~ff~~~!t"fli!XP~~~t~:~~-':., ::.~~ .l

""'"'~:""''""'~;.::::~-, ~~~T-~~~..t~l~~~~lis,-~~

... ::' :.:tiJ:Jf1Sjstet:s1Mw;tl!tSnamr::t9Jn'!!~~if

1 Stative verbs
a Some verbs aren't usually used with continuous tenses. Many of these verbs refer to
states rather than actions. Some refer to thoughts, (e.g. know, think, believe, imagine);
some refer to feelings, (e.g. like, love, hate, enjoy); some refer to the senses (e.g. see,
smell, feel, taste); some refer to possessions (e.g. have, own, possess).
b Some stative verbs are used in both tenses, but their meaning is different.
Yes, I see what you mean. (understanding)
I'm seeing the dentist tomorrow morning. (an arrangement)
Lucy feels that her friend was wrong. (having an opinion)
0/iver's not feeling well so he's going home early. (having an emotion or sensation)

2 Time expressions
a We often use these expressions with the present simple: always, usually, often,
sometimes, rarely, never, every day, at the weekend, in the evening.
b We often use these expressions with the present continuous: at the moment, right now,
now, at present, currently.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
present simple.
1 Cats

4 Complete the questions with the correct form of the

verbs in the box.

(hate) the rain - I wonder why?







2 What _____ (your brother I want) for his


3 I really _________ (not believe) that he's telling the

(think) that she's unfriendly, but in
4 They
fact she's just shy.
(not need) much water at all.

5 Desert plants

(love) listening to the latest bands

on the radio.

2 Choose the correct alternatives.


2 We 're moving I move to a new home soon.

3 My mum is a/ways buying I always buys me new

trainers in September.
Paul teaches I is teaching a maths lesson at the

5 School in Greece starts I is starting at 8.15 and

finishes I is finishing at 1.30.

6 I'm so glad Alex is doing I does better at school these


coming now.

2 I don't know what to buy Rob for his birthday.

(he) listening to COs?
3 I love playing the piano and the guitar.
(you) any musical instruments?

4 That looks really dangerous. ______ (he) to

skateboard down those steps?

Be careful. Plastic is melting I melts if you put it near


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

present simple or the present continuous.
1 Carol's mum _ _ _ _ _ (make) us a pizza for

supper this evening.

2 What _________ (you I listen) to? I haven't heard

that song before.
3 My cousin

_____ (go) to football training every



(have) a guitar lesson every Friday

evening at 6 o'clock.

6 They _ __

(play) tennis really well this

(not I see) their friends this



it _____ (rain) a lot in the UK- even in the


(not have) many DVDs.

(you) where my iPod is? I can't find it


Mum and Dad stay I are staying at Grandma's house

because she isn't very well.

___ (you) for the bus? I think I can see one

Do you want to come over to my house now or

______ (you) your homework?

5 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 Are you coming trom Australia?
2 Polar bears live on the ice and catch fish in the sea.
3 I get up early tomorrow to go to the doctor's.
4 We often go for a walk on Saturdays.
5 Anna is having three pets: a goldfish, a cat and a dog.
6 My best friend is always believing what I say.
7 I'm not thinking he's a very honest person.

"' Complete the magazine interview with a student at

Atlantic College. Use the present simple or present
continuous form of the verbs in the box.

Do you have lunch at the moment?

6 Complete the text about the first day at a new

school. Use the correct form of the present simple or
the present continuous.

Today, Rob and Fiona _ _ _ _ (start)

a new school because their family have moved
to a new town. They _________2 (both I feel)

a bit nervous because they - - - - (not

know) many people at the school. They do know
one girl, Sally, who ______
- ___4 (live) opposite
their house. Sally _________5 (often I catch)
the bus to school, but this morning her father
6 (take)tnemallbycar.


'What subjects
(you I like) bes~
at school, Rob?,' Sally's dad asks. 'What hobb1es
_______u (you 1 have)IFionatBy the time
they get to school,they _____
- ~_: (all I talk)






SM: Hello, Katerina. Welcome to Spotlight magazine!

K: Thank you.
SM: I understand that you ____________ 1 to an
international school in the UK at the moment?
K: Yes, it's a school called Atlantic College, near Cardiff,
in Wales.
SM: Can you tell our readers something about your life

quite happily together.


The first lesson at school _______- (begin)


at 8.30 am. The teachers __ -~

(introduce) the new students to the class. When
the bell __________12 (ring) for break at 10.30,
all the students _____13 (usually I go)
outside into the playground. Another girl in
the class, Emma, says to Rob and Fiona, 'Come
on, then. I'll introduce you to some friends of
mine from the other class. You'll like them! They
_ _ _ _ _ _14 (play) basketball at the moment.
_ _15 (you I play)?'

Now their first day at school------ (get)

a lot better!


K: Certainly. Well, firstly, there are 350 students who

go to the school and they all ___________2 that it is
important to meet young people from other countries.
They __________3 to learn about life in different parts
of the world. You see, the students at Atlantic College
___________4 from about 70 different countries, so it's
SM: Apart from your studies at the college, you often
____________5 part in activities that help the children in
the local area, don't you?
K: Yes. This term, I ____________6 disabled children to
swim and climb. They __________7 the classes and it
____________ 8

very important for them to learn new

SM: We wish you all the best, Katerina, and hope you
enjoy the rest of your time at Atlantic College!
K: Thank you very much. I'm sure I will!

When. ~metttlD9' naspJready. ~~n
m~nr ~nee.

Wll$T Wl.l rnll\ a~o.m

ll~il!l ~puilifib.

In wont of rivaiS. soas, mn ntlln

group~ lslan~ .gtoop _

lndetinlte art1ele a I an

Wiien IJEIDpfflamllh:ings




- fo !11'1~ mo~ ilt!rlfiaflonahout a.

lt1i11g or a lli*JQO
To make <~ .ll&oornl ta ~ment aooUl
Otl,ll ,type tttihtng;

rttere'S'-a11 exp/Drlff wlufs fJeen

ro fhli

ditJrth~~ ttrreo1im~

Most tmiri's't;i lorta t.fif1 Meri#J!rramJBil.

self WJC9~.wiifll'[ff:J ff(f:~f/'1{;1;

'1hefiha gomi fffirP--m{WfflfS

Dad' {ltlW fNlF is mwer. ftll:<l Nissa/1

All atlas i$ rfJtiNY qse!IJJ fm lftlng up
{}ii!Gt!S ifN11wFemtlal'tliie!l.

Wh"en ve ti\l:lf~uf~somelhlng In
1n fr!J,nt ofooullb:las-, Cl)fltmclliS,
tlli.I\I11S, slreers:, fa~.

TlleJ're planning f1 rrolittay iu JtH1y

~ SUmJ11Ef'v

Choose the correct alternatives.
1 Maria doesn't like the I- fish but she likes the Imeat.
2 I'd love to swim in the I- Pacific Ocean one day!
3 What's the I a weather like in the I- north of the
4 There's the I a lady at the I a front door: she's selling
5 My cousin has got a I the rabbit and a I the mouse.
A I The rabbit is white, and so is a I the mouse!
6 Have you ever been to the I- UK?
7 The I - Rock music is good but I like other types of
music as well.
8 I know that a I - fruit and vegetables are good for me,
but the I- chocolate cake is much tastier!

Complete the sentences with a,


the, or-.

3 Read the information about different parts of the

world. Complete the sentences with the or -.

Karen comes from ________ Seychelles. They're a

group of islands near _ _ _ __ Africa.

Maria comes from

city in

Santiago. it's a big

South America.

3 Colin comes from ______ Droxford. it's a small

village in the south of __

My friend Helen has gone to live in ________ _

Sydney. it's the capital of _______ Australia.

5 The aeroplane flew over _______ Venice, in

Italy, and _ _ _ _ Alps - the mountains looked
fantastic from the air!

I'm going on a cruise to ______ Greece next

year. We'll be travelling all around _______ _

7 They're going to visit ______ Lake Van while

they're in _ _ _ _ _ Turkey. it's the largest lake in

the country.

_______ sun is very hot today. it's unusual for

this time of year.

_ _ _ Greece is a nice country, but

Greek language is very difficult.

3 Have you got _ _ _ _ _ aspirin? I've got

terrible headache.
4 There's

_____ river running right through

middle of our town.

I sit at ________ front of _ _ _ _ _ class

because I can't see ________ board very well.

6 All
food is ready for _ _ _ _ party.
Now we just have to wait for _ _ _ _ _ guests to

My mum hates _____ _ insects, especially

_______ spiders.

8 Their _ _ _ _ _ new house is fantastic! it's right by

_____ sea!

My penfriend, Ly, lives in _______ Vietnam, which

is in _ _ _ _ _ Asia.

4 Complete the conversation with a,

an, the, or-.

1 book I left on
A: Jess, have you seen
_ _ _ _ _2 kitchen table this morning?

6 Complete the text giving more information about

Atlantic College. Use a, an, the, or- .

B: No, I haven't, sorry.

3 iibrary book and I'm taking
A: Well, it's
it back tomorrow so I must find it. it's really good
though. You ought to read it.

B: What's it about?
A: it's about

English family who live

__6 Chile

5 Andes

adventures they have there. They

8 Chilean family too,

make friends with
story of how they communicate
with each other is fascinating. When ____
children of both families grow up, they meet again
11 London and spend their holidays
together. ______12 families stay in touch for

many years.
B: it sounds good. I hope you find it. Maybe I'll borrow it
next time I go to the library.
5 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the
incorrect sentences.
1 They eat a lot of the bread with their meals.
2 Katie's a very good friend - I can tell her anything!
3 Steve saves all the money he earns from his Saturday
job and puts it in the bank each month.
4 There was a food of all sorts on the table: meat,
sausages, chips and huge bowl of fruit.
5 I had the letter from my Canadian penfriend. She's
coming over here for a month next year.
6 Do you speak the Italian?
7 I'd love to cross Gobi Desert one day!
8 Where is a CD I lent you? You haven't lost it, have

. ________ _1 school
Famham College 1s
which is in ----------2 castle!---------4
castle was built in-- - - 14th century
and it is near ________5 sea. There are
6 lovely gardens in front of
- - - - - - 7 college. The college is near
- - - - - - -8 village of ________9 Ballymane,
--------10 D bl"n
u 1'
which is 30 minutes from_____________
11 capital of ________12 Ireland.

students live in special

student houses, forty students in

each house. Four students from-----. sh are ________16 room

different countnes

students come from all over-------w orld' from countries as far apart as
18 Australia and ______ _


Coming to study at Famham Coll~ge is

20 fantastic opportumty to work
tog;th~ ;; __________21 team and to make
22 wonderful new friends!


Past&mp e
Gompleted acti ras In the pa

He Y\lll,lchM

We wald'l~!!d
Aotibm tlrat Jnter1"1JJl~ed N:mgar

S!Jte. dida't waleh

llley ilfdn't-wtlldh

-eatlons in ttta past

Did 1.e vatctl?

Relleatea lltlons In fbe past.

Oid you watOh?

Por rre~U iai ~

Happy ,pl'loneli while I was puttlrlg on

r?IY froi~reffl,
W1:1 W9lll rmt for a m~al elh!ry eite,nlity
durfng our llo/lltlly.:

m !iliHl iii>i Oil


1'4~: was watochin.Y

Wf.t w~re Mitiihmg

1vla~'l watoning
l'her werlirt't wab;~L1ny
-_ Mttcl!lng?-

Alltion in II!'OQfflSS' 1n the ~ rhB /){)ys- ~il' S(Jffiti!J WfiM t/rty S"<!W
-a tlc1fJh7n~
r wn worl((n~ mmy nrmle's rlJS11illt'flnt
Temporary situations-.
cklng Uwsj/fWrJec.

WI!ra ttte~ \llih'lUJiD?

: yesterd ay, last weekend,
1 We often use these time expres sions with the past simple
three years ago,
while, as.
2 We often use these expres sions with the past continu ous:
(see page 4).
3 We don't usually use continu ous tenses with stative

111 ~-about fhinylt fiitwer~ -rirO!J(]~rFiiiNttm7trrJtgp[iJets. but:now 1
tr~ in th~ ili:\S:
ltua IIII\Ii!.



itt 1BI.It<ib.ont thlo!'ls

Wr r~ t~pas~~
am triie now.

My lir'erilf: ilifn ltJSe lD ISlBil

lJ!ll-l !fJj'j;lbey if(}fi{J the ____ af


- l"Mnill' 'lieolimtH;umfbtiaDlJ- --:,_rtgy.JifJf!HJIDtUSed IQ fiViiJg Qii thu

islfJfl]i wilfll1 her fam/Jy mll~ UIBle.


rittl ahildren wemn'l USt!.d l'b

siltiQg down for a kJir(J firm: ~~~d soon

nrsy martM mllffin!l {l!'OIJna.

What did Rich do last weekend? Complete the
sentences with the correct form of the past simple.


3 Read the text about a trip to the Swiss Alps. Choose

the correct alternatives.

(play) three computer games.

2 He __________________ (not I go) out with his parents.

3 He ____________ (phone) his girlfriend twice.

He _ _ _ _ _ (carry) some heavy shopping bags

for his mum.

5 He ___________ (chat) with his friends while they were

watching the match.
6 He ___________ (not I order) pizza, he------(choose) a Chinese meal instead.

He _________ {buy) a new CD.

8 He ___________ (ask) his dad for some more pocket


2 What were Holly and Jake doing last summer?

Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Use the correct form of the past continuous.
(not) help



(not) keep

(not) study



1 Holly ---~ how to play the guitar.

2 Jake ______ up money to buy an MP3 player.

3 Jake and Holly

at all.

tennis lessons.

Holly and Jake _________

5 Holly
6 Jake and Holly

her room tidy.

____ Jake's computer a lot.

7 Jake __________ his mum with the cooking.


Holly _________ a lot of messages to her friends.

la_st July, I went I was going 1 to England to stay

With my English penfriend, Sasha, in Devon. After
a week_ ~here, her parents took I were taking 2 us
on a skung trip to the Swiss Alps -it was the trip
of a lifetime 1
Firstly, the journey there was different because
Sasha's mum didn't like 1 wasn't liking 3 flying,
so we crossed I were crossing 4 Europe by train.
~ can tell you, no_thing is better than waking up
m the mormng m your little bunk bed on the
train, opening the curtains and looking out on
wonderful snowy mountains!

Eventuall~, we arrived I were arrivings at Zermatt,

a pretty little village right near the Matterhorn
where there is snow up in the mountains all yea;
r~und. We walked I were walking6 through the
VIllage when we realized I were realizing 7 that it
was very quiet Then Sasha's dad explained 1 was
explaining 8 that no cars were allowed in Zermatt!
When we got I were getting 9 up the next morning,
people already skied I were already skiing1o on the
mountain. I didn't know I wasn't knowing11 how to
ski, but it was so beautiful up there in the fresh cold
air, I didn't really mind !wasn't really minding12,!

4 Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence.

1 Trish _ _ _ _ _ play tennis for her school, but she

Jessie Hi, Pete.

doesn't have time any more.


a was used to

didn't use to

used to

The children _ _ _ _ _ living in a hot climate after a

few months.
a used to

got used to

didn't use to

3 Sorry, I _ _ _ _ _ speaking in English so please

forgive any mistakes.


don't get used to

was used to

got used to

(can I not)! lt


(be} really

(happen) to you? When I

s (see) you, you

(train) for a

then I

used to

got used to


is used to

didn't use to

(have) long hair, but now her hair is

short and spiky.

(not I get up) early after the long

2 They
summer holidays.

____ (you I speak) in English after a month in

I ~----~ (not I be) interested in clothes, but now
I love fashion!
(your brother and Tim I cook) their own

food before they bought their new flat?

(hate) swimming in the pool, but I

always loved swimming in the sea.


(stay) at home watching TV!

Pete You can't be serious, Jessie! Look, come with me to

starting volleyball again. lt's really important to me, you know.

5 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of

used to, get used to or be used to and the verb given.
1 She

(stop) training. After that, I mostly

Jessie Well, to be honest, I _ _ _ _ _ 14 (think) about

didn't use to

looking after her younger brothers

isn't used to

_ _ _ _ _13


the gym and get fit again.

and sisters because she's the oldest in the family.

(have) three cats in the house now,

but she didn't like it at first.

she lived in France for years.

a wasn't used to
c got used to

Pete Well, last week I _ _ _ _ _3 (try) to run up the stairs

She never _ _ _ _ _ eating frogs' legs, although

improved a lot recently.

about being fit.

big volleyball match.


6 Alexis _ _ _ _ _ be a good footballer, but he's

(not I worry)

Jessie Yes, I know, but last year in a match I

11 (break) my leg, so
_ _ _ _ _10 (fall) and

a didn't use to

decide) to get healthy? You

fit, didn't you? What

thinks they're dangerous.


Jessie I don't believe it! When -~~--1 (you I

(be) really bad! Anyway, Jessie, you

have a motorbike, but now he

a used to

Pete Hi, Jessie. I haven't seen you for ages! Do you know
what? I'm on my way to the gym!

at home and I

a don't use to
c am not used to

6 Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of

the past simple, the past continuous or used to.

_ _ _ _ _ (she I go) to our school? I think I know

her from somewhere.

Pete OK, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

s~ soroibfllJf.

MalnJY_111 amrm~iva ssllfMCe;<l"

11mre's somBINNJy on ~top of rl]8l

momt. 11 itiiet ii:IM.l. A

In llli!Jathre se~rroeiS anff~eSilcms.

lwrmetl m/round ffie,ffoust!; JJJJN


auytme, aiiyliriily. anylhingJ-an_Wllere

GO!Hiia_'f find yoU!; boolranyW{~ 8

Can a1lj/tody help mi\' witii1Jre

hepplnJJ? IF



flis si~ter is cleverer rhtm he ls!



no one, lialiottxr noflritig. fillafnly m-aftlrmati\!a'Santonces.


Na 11.118 spotrro m:e affhlfpslfy - I


Match the correct pictures to sentences A-D in the table above.

Sentence A _______ _

Sentence B ________ __ _

Sentence C ____________ _

Sentence D ____________ _

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

_____ was standing up at the end of the

a Everybody

b Anybody

2 The shop was closed so there was ________ to buy

a somewhere

b nowhere

3 She knows _______ about sport. She only cares

about music!
a no one

b nothing

4 There isn't ___________ good on television tonight.

a nothing

b anything

5 After the children's party, there were balloons

3 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 I've looked everywhere for that new Big Noise CD, but
it's very hard to find.
2 She came from a village anywhere in Wales.
3 Someone knew the way to the sports centre by bus so
they took a taxi.
4 She didn't know nothing about karate until her brother
started teaching her.
5 I wanted to ask you something, but I can't remember
what it was!
6 Anyone liked her at school - she was so popular!
7 The little girl couldn't see her mummy somewhere, so
she started crying.
8 I'm going to invite anybody in my class to the party.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

words given.
'I know I put those important notes

a everywhere

b nowhere

6 I know my ticket was

can't find it now!
a something

____ in my bag, but I

b somewhere

b no one

Susie's bedroom, which was pink.

b Nowhere

2 Complete the sentences. Use some-, any- or no-.

There wasn't t::+n~jthi'"'-g wrong with her- she just
needed to follow a healthier diet.
1 I know __________ about her family, but I do know
she lives near the school.
2 My new DVD is ____________ in my room, but I can't
find it!
3 Sam didn't know
he soon made friends.

at his new school, but

4 I couldn't sleep last night because _____________ was

shouting loudly in the street outside.
5 The ball was ______________ in the garden, so they
looked for it on the road.
6 We couldn't find ______ to sit on the bus so we
had to stand.
7 Tracy told me _________ very nice yesterday, which
made me very happy.

where?' SOME

_____________ on the open-topped bus had their

2 There was ___________ else at the restaurant when

we had finished our meal. NO
3 The dog used to follow him ___________ . EVERY
4 There wasn't _________ in the sea yesterday. it was

8 _____________ in their new flat was white, except for

a Everything


umbrellas up. EVERY

7 The classroom was empty early in the morning

because __________ had arrived.
a someone


too cold. ANY

5 The prisoner had __________ sharp in his pocket.

S Read about Jack's dream and choose the correct

-- - - -

6 Complete the letter about an unusual Scottish sport.

Use the words in the box.

answer A, B or C to fit each space.

The other night, I had a really strange

dream. I was playing in a football match
1 in another town. I didn't know
- - - - - - - - - 2 in the crowd and I didn't even


kno~;-yteammates, either! But we were

running around the pitch and -----:-in the stadium was singing and cheenng. I
felt great!



Then suddenly, - - - - - - - - 4 kicked t~e

ball in my direction and I knew that this
was my chance to go for a goal. I got the
ball and raced down the pitch. There was
s between me and the goal,
onlyU:egoalkeeper. I took a shot, the goalie
jumped too late- and the ball we_nt in!_ Goal!
_ _ _6 in my team started JUmpmg up
;~ddown and I was jumping up and down
with them. I felt so happy, but I wished that I
had a friend _________1 in the crowd who
could celebrate with me.
Just then, I heard -- _______a like a strange
ringing noise in my ears. It got louder an~
louder, and I got a bit frightened. But then It
stopped and I heard my mum saying, 'Wake
up, Jack_ it's Saturday and it's ~im_e for y~ur
football training. Your friend Tlm IS waitmg
for you!'


- - - -

1 A anywhere

B everywhere

2 A nobody

B anybody

3 A no one

B everyone

4 A no one

B everyone

5 A nobody

B somebody

6 A Someone

B No one

7 A somewhere B anywhere

8 A anything

B something




no one




De01r KOitie,

G-reeti~gs frClrYI ScotiOI~d! We're hOivi~g 01 greOit tiMe

here Ol~d the weOither im '+ too bOld.





to the



01 rooll~ strOI~ge sport COII\ed tossi~g the

(App01re~tl~, ~0<-i pro~O<.i~ce it 'kOI"ber '.) OV\i'-1



h .
-----.- - w o IS ve~ s+ro~g COl~ tOike p01rt i~ this
sport, Si~ce ~0<-i hOive to li~+ Ol~d throw 01 tree +rW\kl

--------- froM the V1ll019es 01~d +ow~s ~oor~

goes to the G-OIMes, Ol~d sClrY\e trOivel trClrY\ fOir OlwOI
__________a reOI\1~ k~ows how the sport s+Oirted,

bt.rt MOst



thi~k the Me~ who cL!+ dow~ the

trees, the foresters, first piOI~ed the sport JL!St to

h01ve 01 bit of fW\
4 .,.
--------- -'- ML!st tell ~0<-i is
how heOiv~ the cOiber is: L!SL!OIII~ OlrOLfV'\d 70 kilos! l +'s
OlbOL!f 55 Metres lo~g, too. So it's ~ot 01 sport for
_________s like ~0<-i or Me!

l d~~ '+ thi~k this sport is pl01~ed _________6

OL!+slde ScotiOI~d so
d01~ to see it!

~0<-i'll hOive to visit this COLi~+~ o~e

A~~wOI~, whOI; were ~OL!r holioo~s like? Did ~0<-i see

---- - ---~- ~~+erest:~9 while ~0<-i were i~ Sp01id I 'M
Sl.ire ~0<-i did Ol~d l COl~+ wOiit to hoor 0111 OlbOL!+ it.


PERPECT conTinuous
Present perfect simple
Yo-u'vo -w.alketl
~ hav811'1't walketl
Th~ aven' wi'llked

Was she walked?


~o u


For iTTIIrnJiar v~rbs, see, list 0f1


finisllcd acliohS" thilt tool<

ace at <1 JJIJll~~fio time in
!.he past

f'VeboUgllt !I new pair of jeans - theY're.

rea fly rtir:o!

Actlohs Ilia bappo:ned in ttte

Patrick's IDst Iris doot tey so he aan '.t

geflnto tlw 11ouso.

~st, but which yo-u can see

the ros1.111 of now.

So-rn~tllin.g Jhat hapJ:~efler:1

lhe past anti contlni.!I'S In ltle

S~;~methtng ltiat ilapJnulfJd
sovllrnl times in llrle past

Piffstmt perfect eerdihll&tis

.FJe's iioon walklnJi

AoUcms U~t started iJ:I1

J 1 ~ been reading this bc4k forti

You't/~ lleeo walking

pi\St and 81'~ stiU golngo 011

,tfTf/1 still llbVefl't finished it

1havun't been a:tlimg

They haven't betn ~lkln!l
tU1s she been walldng?
Have you been walklng?

(llspec!ally wh$111}hasl!lng

hMH Tong an action lil$Wd~.
MUons tlu1tJlappanild ll'i'Err 1il

lcmg pt!flucl or time a.nd haw:

stoppid but lliJ!Ie esenf

.t1oot~ b;!en


wwtdng very hafd mr:rmf/y

away ftJr th8 weflk.fldd or

Stl ~~m !9 (J(Jfle

a rest.


1 Time expressions
a We often use these time expressions with the present perfect simple: just, yet, already,
for, since, never, ever, recently, lately, today, this morning I week I month I year.
b We often use these expressions with the present perfect continuous: for, since, all day I
morning I year, for ages I a long time I many years.
2 We don't usually use continuous tenses with stative verbs (see page 4).

I've had a dog for three years.

NOT t"rte been ha.b'ing a dog for th;ee years.
3 We use the past simple, NOT the present perfect, with actions that happened at a
specific time in the past.
She's eaten a whole pizza. (we don't know when)
She ate a whole pizza last night. (we know when)


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
present perfect simple.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

present perfect continuous. Use the verbs in the box.

1 They _ _ _ _ _ (visit) their cousins in Spain twice


this year.

2 Sorry, Mum - I _ _ _ _ _ (eat) all the chocolates!



(email) her friends in England

home now.

5 They _ _ _ _ _ (invite) me to go to the cinema with

them on Saturday.

6 ______ (you I open) that parcel from Spain? lt

looks interesting.
7 You ________ (not I answer) all the questions in
the questionnaire.
8 What ________ (you I order)? Are you having the
same meal as last time?

2 Choose the correct alternatives.

1 He's had that car for I since ten years: it's getting a bit

old now.

Mum has never I just asked me to help her with the

supermarket shopping at the weekend so I'll have to
say 'yes'.

I've already I never done any water sports but I'd

love to.

4 They haven't seen their grandparents in Australia since I

for 2002.

Paul hasn't come home for ages I yet and it's

getting late.

6 You've ever I already eaten two plates of spaghetti

- surely you don't want any more?

I've had a really nice day today I tomorrow. Thanks for

bringing me.

8 She got 95 per cent! Has she always I ever failed

an exam?

I think it's over a year since we last saw Pete and

Linda. They haven't been to see us for ages I never!

10 We haven't had much rain this autumn ever I yet- the

ground is really dry.





What have they been doing?


Max does some exercise every day. At the moment, he

______ for thirty minutes.

Maggie and her friends have spent the afternoon at

the shopping centre. They _________ clothes.

several times, but they haven't replied.

4 We _ _ _ _ _ (miss) the bus so we'll have to walk


3 This is the best party I've ever been to! We


all night!

4 John's really proud of his new motorbike. He

_________ it all afternoon.
5 Jo and Sandra have bought some new COs. They
__________ to pop music all morning!
6 This homework is really difficult. I _________ it for
three hours!

Complete the questions and answers with the correct

form of the present perfect simple or past simple.
Use ever in the questions.


ever been abroad?

Yes, I have. I wenfto England last year.


6 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Use the
correct form of the past simple or present perfect

{not) be






(take) a photograph of your friend?

______ _

Yes, I have. I __________ (take) a photograph of my

friend yesterday.

2 ________

__(travel) by boat?

Yes, I have. I ______ _ (travel) on a boat last


3 ________ (buy) a DVD?

Yes, I have. I ________ (buy) a DVD last Christmas.

_______ (send) an email?

Yes, I have. I _______ __ ____ (send) an email last week.

5 __________ (see) a pop group play live?

Yes, I have. I __________________ (see) Green Day in concert
last year.

___ _ ____ (read) a story about ghosts?

Yes, I have. I __________ (read) one when I was 12

years old.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

present perfect simple or present perfect continuous.
1 Emma ______ ____ _ (break) her leg.
2 Our next door neighbours ________ _ __ (sell) their

My ram11y"-artcT ________------- -

house at last.

3 I ____________ (try) to phone her for ages, but I think

she's gone out.

4 Jim and Sally are always shouting at each other. They

___________ (argue) for the last hour!

Mum and Sheila _____________ (cook) food for the last

two hours.

Nick _ _ __

_(borrow) a laptop from a friend to

take on holiday with him.


I _______ (do) all the washing-up for you, Mum!

town in France two years ago. My dad is a

chef so he eas11y _________ _ 2 aJ'ob in a local .
a as an English
restaurant. My mum ---------teacher since the summer so she's very busy. I
4 to the local high school for the past
t;;; ye~;-;~d I've got another two years there.
It_________ 5 easy to start with. My French
______s very bad at first, so I ___ ___________7
t~-have extra lessons for the first term at school.
Recently, my parent s ________ __ s whether
to move back to England, but I'm fairly sure
they won't. Even my younger brother is happy:
my parents _________ __9 for him to have
horse riding lessons since September and ~e .
absolutely loves them! Perhaps we'll see him m
the next Olympics!

Haw IIJBIIJ stndilllls are fl} w~r clastt?

HowmHny; many, a feWi

a lot of

Jdoo't have many {wok.-s In my 11bg

llret:rr8ftl a:few siWdwwtreJF fttfl

- 11\Wlrl 'fD!J "k~ ane?

1h:ar{8(:1 'tgot.11Di at ens~
How lritJGI.i money l)lrve yoo gof rn YJNli

How 111UGh, muc4 a little,

ala# af

we hiN&t got muoh time - ~ /R$Sll"

sti'ifts nmmifiJdes.
71Jflm's a lltt/9 pa$18 (elf fn me


~haven't f}Ut a lOt Of IW,Jljl!!}e

98ca~JJM11tey're OfiJJI going away for tlu:

Complete the sentences with a quantifier from the table above.
1 They haven't got

furniture in their flat yet.

2 We've only got --~~~--- coffee left.

3 There aren't


children at school today.

4 _________ bread do you eat every day?

Complete the sentences with How much or How
many and the correct word or phrase in the box.



orange juice



1 ____________ have you got? That won't all fit into one


can you drink?

4 __________ do we need? Perhaps we should go to

the big supermarket.
5 _________ are there in your family?

6 _ _ _ _ _ is it to the next town? I don't think I can

walk much further.
( ... ~

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I've been to the cinema ________ times recently.

a a few

b a lot

2 We've only got _ _ _ _ _ bread left - it's not

enough for all of us.
a a few

3 Jhere were just

a a few

b a little

people on the bus.

b a little

Have you tried ___________ different types of food?

a much
Have you got
a much

b many

_homework tonight?
b a few

6 Rob's got __________ money in the bank.

a a little

b much

Her dad's travelled to


a a lot of


have got _______ chocolates.

have got _ _ _ _ butter.

3 haven't got

____ fruit.

have got _________ eggs.

5 have got _________ milk.

the party.

The Jones family ...

3 _________ have you got? We need lots of music for

3 Look at the picture of the Jones's fridge. Complete the

sentences with a little, much, a few, many.

b much

6 haven't got ________ sausages.

7 haven't got

_ _ _ cheese.

8 haven't got _________ yoghurts.

Complete the conversation wit!; ;nuch, a few, a little,

a lot of.
Trish Hi, Sara! How are things?

6 Complete the text about the Notting Hill Carnival with

the words in the box.


a iot

Sara Great! How about you?

Trish Not toobad. Look, Sara, how _____~1 time

have you got?


Sara Oh, I've got

minutes. Why?

Trish Well, will you help me get ready to go to the fancy3

dress party later? I've just got


costumes here that I've borrowed from friends.

Sara OK. Let's have a look at them. Have you got any

wigs to go with them? I think I've got


home if you want.

Trish Thanks, Sara, but actually I've got a long blond wig

that I might wear with this costume. What do you think?

Sara That would look great!
Sara How _____ 5 make-up shall I put on you,

Trish Oh, just

because I don't like having

on my face, please,
7 make-up on - it

makes me feel strange!

Sara Since you're going as a rock star, can I put
_ _ _ _ _8

tattoos all over your arms - you know,

those stick-on ones?
Trish Well, OK. I can wash them off later, can't I?

Sara I hope so! You can't really come to school like that

do you know about the
Notting H~ll Carnival? Well, it's Europe's biggest
street festival and it takes place in London
every August. Who makes all those wonderful
costumes? There aren't _____2 of people
who know how to make really good carnival
costumes, but Lawrence Noel is one of them.
Every year, he and his family make the costumes
for the carnival- and they've been doing this for
_ _ _ _ _3 years!

on Monday, can you?

Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the
incorrect sentences.
1 My younger brother doesn't speak many English.
2 I've made a lot of new friends since I came here.
3 We'd like to ask you a few questions, Tony.
4 My best friend Angela has much good ideas.
5 Have you spent many money this weekend?
6 Only a little people live on that small island.
7 Was there much traffic on the road this morning?
8 I've been having a little problems with my homework.

In 1973, Lawrence was asked to produce 40

costumes in 3 weeks. That's
4 of
costumes! He didn't have
5 time so
with~------- help from his wife and just '
friends, he worked all day and
night to get them ready. Over the years since
then, they've made thousands of costumes and they're still making them!


people come to the Notting
Hill Carnival each year? When it first started, just
families took part, but nowadays
you might get two million people over the 10 of those are
carnival weekend.
tourists who visit England especially to go to
the carnival. It's a truly memorable occasion for
those who are lucky enough to be there.



Past perfect simpJe
Tllw had alreiidy tead abmrt tile /NSillry

Comp1etod actions in the past ttiat

happened bafore other completed
~c rlllll$ In tile ~st.

or ttte b;JI/dfi1JJ IJ8fore they ~lsjlecl it

Ftei;llleflff lf:stening
m'd been Usl.enlng

Actionstt llill)penoo Jepe<Jit~ly

I flattbomr phMing him aJ{ daY tJetore

or for a period ot time llerore

Ire Dnallj' picked up the p/IMC.

I hadn't ltleeJ~llstenlng

anotl'ler -acticm In the !last

He had llstened
We. hll,d lfi:,11WI.ed
She hadil't llsteneU
They badn't listened
Had he listened?

lia(l fOil JJstenedf

flll' irregular verbs, see liSt on


Past perfect camiJ~UDUS

Tttey h~o'1 be:e'111istenlng

Hac SJ1e tleenUsrening?

Had#Jlu !_eellJ.lsfe!lln~

1 We often use these time expressions with the past perfect simple: already, after,
before, by the time, when, for, since, as soon as.
2 We often use these expressions with the past perfect continuous: for, since, all night I
day I week I year.
3 We don't usually use continuous tenses with stative verbs (see page 4).

Complete the _sentences with the correct form of the
past perfect s1mple.

3 Re~d an extract from Maria's letter about an

accident. Choose the correct alternatives.

1 By the time the builders _ - - - - (finish) building

the house, it was Christmas!
2 As soon as the visitors _ _ _ _ _ (leave), Mum
made us tidy up the house.
3 After we------------------- (complete) the test, the teacher
gave us some English magazines to read.
4 They ----------- (warn) us that the weather would
get colder, but we didn't really-believe them.
5 Our team - - - - - (lose) seven matches before it
started to win any.
6 Jon and Sally

(a1ready I dec1de}
--_-----to open
a small hotel when Jon lost his job at the factory.

7 1- - - - - - (never I visit) another country before

last year.
(have) an early lunch before we went
8 We
to the swimming pool.

Complete the sentences with the correct form o""1 the

past perfect continuous or the past simple.
He ftt?td be.el'\
re.t;~/ized he

chess for hours before he

was tired.

1 They

(practise) the piece for the concert

(need} a rest.
for weeks and they all

finally --:---------- (go) to sleep early in the

morn1ng, after he ---------- ---- (wor k) on the computer
all night.


(look) for a new jacket for months



(find) one I really liked.

4 The two friends

(write) to each other for
years before they actually ___________ (meet).
the b1g
5 Before our team --------------- (Pay
1 ) 1n
(train) for six weeks.

6 She----------- (not I fail) the exam in the end

although she---------- -(have) nightmares
for a long time!

ab~ut it

7 He -------- (learn) how to swim for only three

(swim) the length of the
months when he

-We had gone/ had been going 1 hill-walking one day in

October. It had been raining I rained 2 all night and the
ground was very slippery. Mum had packed I had been
packing 3 some sandwiches to take with us and when
we walked I had been walking4for overthree hours,
everyone wanted I had been wanting 5 a break!
Soon we had been finishing I hadfinished6 all the food
and we neeqed I had needed 7 to carry on. Unfortunately,
by the time everyone had started l had been starting s
walkingagain,the sun was disappearing behind the
distant mountains.
The accident happened I had been happening 9 fifteen
minutes later. I had been following I followed 10
my parents along the path and I walked I had been
walking 1tquite quickly when suddenly my foot slipped
I had been slipping12 on a rock and I fell I had fallen 13
forward. I screamed I had been screaming 14 in pain.
After that, I don't remember much. My mum told I
had been telling 15 me afterwards that she had called I
had been calling 16 the mountain rescue service on her
mobile phone and they had sent I had been sending 17 a
helicopter to take me to hospital! Luckily, they had been
flying 1-flew18 in that area so it all had been happening
I happened 19 very quickly. In the hospital, they told me
thatl had broken I broke 20 my foot badly in two places.
Well; I'm back to normal now, but I had to spend
two months in plaster, which wasn't much fun.

4 , er;: the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

ncorrect sentences.
1 I had never visit the town museum before we went
there on a school trip.
2 My uncle had been working at the factory for twenty
years when it closed down.
3 Natalie had already finished her dinner when I get to
her house.
4 I had been finishing my homework by the time I got off
the school bus.
5 Robbie had been enjoying the match, even though his
team hadn't played very well.
6 Have you been shopping before you went to the
7 After we had been to the cinema we took a taxi home,

because it was late.

8 Had Liz been listened when I told her about Sam and
5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
box. Use the past perfect simple or past perfect

6 Complete the conversation< Use the past simp!e, the

past perfect simp!e or the past perfect continuous.
Milly So where ______1 (you I go) for your holidays

last summer, Ben?

Ben Oh, 1__________2 (stay) with my Italian cousins in
Genoa for a month - you know, my father's Italian so I've
got a lot of cousins out there.
______3 (you I ever visit) them

Milly Oh wow!
Ben No, it
I really_______

(be) my first time, actually, and

(like) it. My parents _______6

(plan) to take me for years, but something always

________7 (happen) and we __________8 (can) go.
Milly So, __________9 (you I see) anything interesting
while you were there?
Ben Well, my aunt ______10 (tell) us a lot about the
. Lanterna in Genoa so we

_______11 (go) there one

day. lt's a lighthouse, actually, just by the port. lt was built

in 1543 so it's pretty old.

1 I realized I didn't have my key after I _________ the
front door.
2 The children _____________ pictures all morning.
3 She _______ him all day but he never answered

Milly Mmm, I love old buildings! ________12 (you I

climb) up to the top?

, Ben Actually we did - but only because my aunt
_ _ _ _ 13 (already I ask) the lighthouse keeper.
. Normally, you can only climb up to the first terrace.
_____________14 (be) there to the

the phone.

Milly So how many steps

I __________ the woman in the red coat before, but I

top and how long _______15 (it I take) you to get up

didn't know where.


5 They _________ in a helicopter before so they were

all feeling very excited.
6 John ________ all night so he fell asleep during the
7 Becky ______________ her project all day so she was
exhausted by bedtime.
8 We ____________ all the shopping by the time we met
our friends.
9 The rest of the family ________ all the apple pie
before I had a chance to have any!
10 My sister __________ and her eyes were all red.

Ben Well, it _______________16 (take) us about twenty

minutes, I suppose. When we _________17 (get) right
up to the lantern room at the top, we ______18
(count) 365 steps! But there was a fantastic view from up



1h ottUy rto1111S:
i~i!Jectives l.ISIIall~ emn~llefme

actjeefilfl'JS 100rn!'! aftttr r..ertain. ve~$.

TtJe J.lew J)ro[Jlljj11JJ!8 SBJJmmJ vety



.solffil adJt!Miltas b.e]innlm!-w-t1l,


a-. are used rnalnly after tha var!J.

#le slafm.

ll(ere pwaJ(fl,i!Jllli{JIJt twr:a.t.Jse-or

mtldl y varbs:

of roarmer slliJWiiii\11
Sf!me1hiflg ~PJJ.!lfiB or I!Hillne.

~ill erns

We'w def{(Jite/y going ro se(1hertl ,lerJ

Jll'ke that JJres - we woor thlmJ: (NNJ..
adrv edlsllf i)lace tell us wflero
tfirr with strre filetrrm.
-sem~hln~ ftapp~.
atlllems ut treqt.lello~ tell IJS w!Jen or f SD.mfllimos waH;h t:Jttlrslruws oo
JE1ii Vislrm, tflitlm "tiffi:R,
how Oftell '!romt~ffiJjl~:p.pP,JIS,
advems ofcer:mtnty te'IIIIS ~'v
S!lTe Yte:arillifsomnfh1ngl

NOTE: We do not usually put adverbs between a verb and an object.

I often go to football matches. NOT f go oftfm to footbaH matches.
Choose th~ correct alternatives.
1 She plays the violin wonderful I wonderfully!
2 We had awful weather I weather awful yesterday.
3 They watch usually I usually watch television in the mornings.
4 He's never late I lately tor school!


the underlined words. Are they adjectives or
Do you work hard at school?

1 Stella is a really friendly girl.


1 Sorry I didn't reply to your email, we were asleep

__________ for the weekend.

adj I adv

2 Are you alive _______ of anything? Snakes,

My mum's not at all afraid of mice.

adj I adv

You're not serious, are you?

adj I adv

3 When we came back home after midnight, everyone

I sometimes get very tired after a long

adj I adv

was alike------------
4 They found all the animals alone _______________ , even

day at school.

Please put the vase down carefully

- it was very expensive!


1 Jake looks very


7 The twin sisters I knew were not at all awake

4 Put the words in the correct order.

I'm going to certainly tell him what I think.


______ -should we call a

I was away ________ in the house and it seemed


adj I adv

Complete the sentences. Use the correct adjective or

adverb in the box.

__________ to watch the film

but her eyes were closing.

adj I adv

understand you.


after the heavy snow.

5 She tried to stay afraid

6 If you talk so fast in English, I can't



adj I adv

5 The soup smelled really tasty!

3 Put the adjectives in the correct sentences.


t"o t"ell hr/N..

1 My cousin Jenny plays really well badminton.


I was _____________ for school because I had to go to

2 This evening I'll stay probably at Martin's house.

the dentist's.

3 I think you looked __________ in yellow- the colour

3 They grow here oranges, bananas and other fruit.

suits you!

it was a bit__

____ of you to argue with your

4 - I get usually to school at about half past eight.

best friend like that.

5 That was a really ___________ film, wasn't it? I didn't

know what was going to happen until right at the end.

it's best very quietly to talk when you're in the library.

6 The children were playing _________ on the


computer all afternoon.


My brother will __ _

Please come ____ _

talk to you.

study maths at university.

I watch sometimes films at the cinema, but mostly I

watch them on television.

_ _ into the garden. I need to

7 Tourists learn never many words of our language.

8 You'll have to quickly work if you want to finish today.

Put the adjectives and adverbs into the correct

places in the sentences.
I saw a programme about whales on television last
night. (fascinating)

Read the text about Scrooge and choose the correct .

answer A, 8 or C to fit each space.

A Christmas Carol

<J;P./11) e1

1 People visit the town to see the famous castle. (often)

I'm sure you allknow this ______________ 1 story by

Charles Dickens.

2 I think we're ready to go now. (nearly)

Scrooge was a ____________2 old man who

3 Jack was wearing old jeans and a brown T-shirt. (blue)

-:-------- never gave a penny to anyone.

His clerk, Bob Cratchit, was poor and worked
------------ for the money Scrooge paid him.

4 The snow began to fall as we went through the

One evening, the ghost of his former partner,

Jacob Marley, came to visit Scrooge and told him
that three more ghosts would visit him. The next
night, Scrooge - ~- ------- __ 5 gone to sleep; but
he awoke just before the Ghost of Christmas Past
arrived. Scrooge looked ___________s at scenes of
his past happier life.

m9untains. (heavily)

I need to check my work because I sometimes make

mistakes. (careless)
------ -- ----------- - - - - - - - -

6 That food smells- I'm going to throw it out right now!


7 You shouldn't walk through the city centre at this time

of night. (definitely)

My boyfriend and I first met exactly one year ago.


The Ghost of Christmas Present arrived

- - - - - - - - - and Scrooge watched Bob
Cratchit and his family celebrating Christmas
------ - - - - - , eventhough they didn't have
much to eat. He really wanted to join them.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come then showed
Scrooge how people talked about his own death
and Scrooge felt very unhappy again. Suddenly,
he was -----------9 b ack m
h"Is own bed. He was
. was Christmas
----- ------ 10 ' h e was a l"IVe and It
Day! H~ wasn't going to be mean any more. He
was gomg to give everyone a present!







She ~~lU arrlvil
iilll wlll ~~~ ~e

General rtre!:liotio.ns abnllt1he


~ 'l\ltl[)'t am11t

Instant declslons.

1hr:: lliW'W w/JJ SfJ(J11 ~m the m01JJ1rai"

JW du ttw shQPpill{j 1111.& lilwttlil_y. JiHink.
inotiJad arfWmt!frllvt:,

Tflsy WQil't arr~Ye

'1JIIlll she .arri11E!'l


1bat lliJ.IeyitJ!s mnniug too llt:di Sh

I'm Q,OIIlQ. tocstu:tijy

Pr~ i ot il"lllS

We'ffl gQ nrJ tc sltiiJJ

tl!JI i~n't go'ingta ~J.U!ly
Ttto-y :mm't -~l)1ng ~~ smd"
Is she going to- srud~?
Are gou going lo :SI:Udy

bB.Silo cm eYirf!lnoo,


R\L!ll!'e. !!tai!Siillld illbrrrtilil\ll.

I'm goilt!J tn $1sd,gujlar ressufJS Stmfl,

ilbo!llthe tUUtr~

PI':Hent CUIIHn.UOUS for

'hlblre use
We:'m seeing my auars new baby rm

He"Is visilin g,them

We'r!l: vJsmug lliem

I'm noL Vi~iti119 them


nohiiitill.g ihem

Are,you visiting !hem?

JsshiH~sfti~ liem?

Hmlre erfect
SJ)e W41l-mlfe~Qll61-:;tetl

We will .oolfemso

Ac11bns that wJillle:.-c.o.mru!ltecl llY11

celim.ln lime io llil! future.

Wll' IUI fla ~e R!Jfs.Jted tl!Js unit ~&:


t -ou ille!r lmW trofleetei.l


~~oo't flaY~ Ctlllett~ti

:will-YOu havr, ca~l:cte,d~

Will t!!;Y baJle wlrected?

S"a.metMng that !IUI oo rn pron_rass

at'! c:erta!l.itmiimentlrr ilfii rumre.

tllfs tims aaxtwac.X. Oad wm b.e

liaYeftJIJff m'ih-t1 VSJL

We. Wfln't be ~veiJlng

Th ll1 wifn1 be lf.Jvelliflg
fiill liB Dil:lrnlfii.lliDj':_

Will ~u !le lravelllng'?'

Time expressions
We often use these expressions with the future perfect and future continuous:
This time next week I month I year, By the time.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of will
or going to . ..
1 We

(cook) the meal today, Mum, if you

tell us what to do!


I think I _ __

(take) the red shirt. it's a really

nice colour.

3 -------- (you I buy) those jeans? They look great

on you!

My parents _ _ _ _ _ (see) my teacher on Friday.

5 That's the doorbell! I


In 10 years' time, I

(be) 25 years old!

7 She _ _ _ _ _ (study) chemistry at university next

8 There _ _ _ _ (be) lots more houses in our area
in 20 years' time.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

future continuous or future perfect.

3 Read the sentences and choose the correct

1 This evening, we will have had I are having chicken
and chips for supper.
2 I will see I am seeing the doctor cat T pm tomorrow
3 By next year, my sister will have finished I is going to
finish her studies.
4 The weather is I will be fine and sunny tomorrow.
5 The concert will have finished I is finishing by 11 pm.
6 Put your warm coats on! lt is snowing I is going to
snow later!
7 Scientists believe many parts of the world will get I will
have got hotter in the future.
8 We aren't going to play I won't have played tennis on
Saturday afternoon.
4 Compiete the text about a new hotel. Use the future
form given and the verbs in the box.
{not) be








1 This time next week, they say it _ _ _ _ _ (snow).

By Tuesday I promise I

(finish) my


3 _ _ _ _ _ (you I tidy) your room by the time I get

back from the shops?

Next week I _ _ _ _ _ (leave) for school while it's

still dark.

5 I'm sure we

(not I learn) all these

irregular verbs by Friday!

6 This time next month, we

friends in the mountains.

7 If you all help, we

(stay) with our

(clean) the whole

house by 5 pm.

By next summer, Ellen

belt in karate.

(get) her black

1 (going to) a new hotel
on the island where we live. The hotel
_ _ _ _2 (will) thirty rooms with private
bathrooms. There
(will) any
rooms without a sea view. They - - - - (going to) lots of trees and flowers in the
garden and they
(going to) a
huge swimming pool outside. They hope that It
e (will) the best hotel on the island.
on Tu_e_s_d-ay-, the builders
continuous) work. I think I
and watch them!


Choose the word or phrase that best completes the

sentence or conversation.
1 Do you. think - - 7 - - - - - - - - this evening? it's got really
a it will have snowed
b it's going to snow
c it's snowing
d won't snow


6 Complete the text about swans. Use the correct

form of will, the future continuous <?r futur~ perfect.
Sometimes more than one answer IS possible.

that composition by 9 pm?'

'I think so.'

a You will have finished
b Will you be finished
c Are you finishing
d Will you have finished.
3 'I'm so tired.'
' - - - - you a nice cup of tea!'
a I'll make
b I'm making
c I make
d I'll have made



a meal with Susie tomorrow.

I have
1will have
I'm having
I'll have had

5 They _ _ _ _ to France this time tomorrow.


will fly
will be flying
are going to fly

6 Mum _ _ _ _ _ me an MP3 player for my birthday!


is going to get
will get
will have got

7 'I can't open the door with all these bags!'



going to help
be helping

8 Look at those dark clouds over there. I think it

_____ later.

will have rained

is raining
is going to rain

Whooper swans are just one type of bird that

travel an amazing number of miles every
autumn. They start their journey in Iceland in
late September. Over the next few months, they
_ _ _ (fly) over many. different countries
at speeds of more than so miles per hour.
What starts off this need for migration, that
is, the journey from one part of the world to
another? Well, when their feeding ground freezes
over, the swans aren't able to find enough food
to give them the energy they need, so they
decide to leave for warmer places. Nothing much
~---- (stop) them once they are up in
the air. Even when they are flying against a very
strong wind, they _____3 (carry on). They
only stop when they can't see where they are
going because of low cloud. On these occasions,
(land) and wait for the cloud
to disappear before going on.
By the time the swans arrive in England, they
(travel) great distances andthey
(cross) over 8oo kilometres of sea.
Doing all that Without any stops for food is quite
an achievement, especially for the young swans!
During the months of June and July,the swans
(start) to leave again. When they
are back in the colder north, they
(use) their time there to start a family and eat
lots of food to prepare them for their next long
journey back!

Proper liiiiDllS

The names of people, platOO or

prarti.ll lngs. Tlil~~ sfart WHI't a

capital jettef.

A we/lrkiwwn ~~ ifl ca./led


We~ g.OingJDlflepar-k aftlJr school

Cmnmon nouns

~e p;eop11l!, animals, places l)f"



AbstnlGt nouns

Name reellf19$ a_nd thl11gs VOII

cannot se9,

I fik.e people .W.o .s!NJW k~to



Indicate that something hap~s .

She'Splayfug ttw viOlin in a c~ on



D!l'S'CribiJrlg wonlsttlM tell us more

about noUlls.
Desmllllng words "Uiat tell us-more


Find wor:ds to describe the photos. Think of at least one word in each category for
each photo.


common noun
$poif_ _ _
------- - - --- --

2 verb
-------- - - -

3 adjective

4 abstract noun

----------- - - - -

proper noun

common noun

Read the text about the lguazu Falls. Find and list at
least two each of the following: proper nouns, common
nouns, abstract nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective or

adverb in the box.









1 The fire burned __________ all night long.


2 ______ lorries were not allowed on the

_______ bridge.
3 After six years of lessons, she played the piano

4 The people behind me were shouting

when they couldn't get on the bus.

In the heart of tropical SouthAmerica and

on the border between Brazil and Argentina,
there is a fantastic series of waterfalls, called
the Iguazu Falls. Everyone who goes there
falls in love with the natural beauty ofthis
incredible place. Many visitors to the falls take
an exciting boat trip under thewaterfalls. .
Birds sing sweetly in the bird park and exohc'
butterflies dance joyfully: If you go there, you ll

5 Phil was running _______ . __ , but Trish won the


6 Did you watch that

________ show on TV last

night? I almost fell asleep!

7 The animals looked __________________ and we were a bit

scared, but in fact they were ________ ..

4 Complete the sentences with the correct verb or

noun in the boxes.









proper nouns:

Lots of unusual creatures live in the

common nouns: _ __

I looked in the encyclopedia to _________ more

about volcanoes.

abstract nouns: _________________________________ _

adjectives: -------------------- ____ _ _

3 We're going to change our_________ _and try to

save water as much as possible.

adverbs: ---------------------------------- _____________ _

2 Read the text about a plane journey. Capitalize all the

proper nouns.

Kelly has bought __________ for the boat trip around

the island.

5 We're going to __________ ..... our friends at the park



Last summer, I flew to the united kingdom

on a british airways flight. Fortunately I had '--------- a window seat so I was able to look do~n at
the countries as we flew over them; We went
over italy, switzerland, germany and france.
We also flew over the adriatic sea and the
english channel, between france and england.
On board the plane, I was surprised to see
chris, who was also travelling to london! We
arranged to visit the science museum and
buckingham palace together.

I must __________ my friend a postcard from Paris.

7 Simon is looking after my _________ for me while

I'm away on holiday.

Mum is going to the library to ___ _ _ ___ about

courses for me to do next summer.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct abstract

noun in the box.



6 What type of word is missing? Circle the answer and

then complete the sentences with a word in the box.






1 There was a lot of





about the band's new



lt's wrong to keep birds in a cage: they need their

it's important while you're young to increase your

_______ (abstract noun I verb) of the world.

2 She's always wanted to visit _ _ _ _ _ __

proper noun), in the USA.

3 Unfortunately, several species of fish are in danger of



was difficult between them because they

didn't speak each other's language.

3 They ran---~------ (adjective I adverb) out of the

house when they heard the noise outside.

6 We all shared in Trish's

5 Her books were piled high on her _____________ _


You can use the internet to find the


(common noun I adverb).

__ when she passed

the exam.

I didn't sleep well last night- I had a

(abstract noun I adjective) dream.

5 The fact that he could lift that fallen tree showed that
he had a lot of

_ _(adjective I


Do you have any~----~---- (abstract noun I verb)

about short summer courses?


7 We hope to _________ (adverb I verb) the project by

next Monday.

Bob _______ (adverb I adjective) practises the

guitar on Saturdays.

9 I saw some really ____________ (adjective I verb) works

by Picasso at the Museum of Modern Art.
10 Mum always takes her ___ _

noun) with her when she goes away.

(verb I common


lo plaiie m11 noun:
Going tQ motfJllll matahe.s 15 Oadls' main lmbl.l~
as Ule sutJ!ect
.Jauk Jratss Joggi11g.
as litJe otJie.rt
after certain verbs ana pflr~cs f really enjoy playill!} !JsCkJJBmmon With my uflG/6.
(see rJ.St belcm)


atter prepositio~

1 Common verbs and expressions followed by the gerund:





be mad about

can't stand

look forward to







feel like



Common verbs and expressions followed by the infinitive:






can't wait








would like

3 Common verbs followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, with no change of meaning:

begin hate like love prefer start
He prefers to have a light meal in the evening. I He prefers having a light meal in the evening.

Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive, but there is a change in

forget I remember + -ing refers to the past

I'll always remember going to that fantastic beach barbecue last summer.
I'll never forget watching my brother perform in a rock concert.
forget I remember+ infinitive refers to the future
Don 't forget to ring your friend this evening.
Please remember to tidy your rooms before you go out.
regret + -ing refers to the past
She regrets saying those things to her friend.
regret + infinitive is often used in announcements
We regret to inform you that there will be no dance classes on Saturday.
stop+ -ing means you don't do something you often did before
They stopped going to the gym because they had too much work.
stop + infinitive means to interrupt what you are doing in order to do something else
He stopped running to admire the mountain scenery.

Mafiil ~1'itU-wme- fl1t:hai11/lfher.~othes

forUie parij

To talk about a ~rlilon s pur,eoso,

.e ti~IJ.~HJtrlbe:fii!.!Jali'llll.

They taQk a JiW in O!de( fflit mbe latB for

To-tiflk ahnt~tia'J)en;on's purpostr.

Wd.!ftell llSl:l' lt in the negative~


r-diVJileti the lrrrm8Y~Jfl8/Jy 1ietwetm
lfiftm so as not fD ham an1 ar!Jilmenfs.

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the
verbs in the box.




to other countries teaches you a lot

3 Complete the conversation with the gerund or infinitive

form of the verbs in the box.





Penny Cathy, you know I've started _____________ 1 the

saxophone? Well, the school has arranged __________2

about the world.

me on a music weekend with the local orchestra!

2 My mum's good at _____________ things when we lose


Cathy Wow! That should be good.

3 I think that ____________ chess is a rather boring

Penny Yes, it's taking place at Saxton College and we'll


______________ information from the internet is quite


5 ________ in the afternoon for ten minutes gives me

then play in a concert on Sunday evening. Would you like

__________ 4 to the concert?

Cathy I'd love to!

energy for the rest of the day.

6 _________ is a fantastic winter sport.

7 One of her hobbies is

be playing some really good music. They expect us

____________3 there all day on Saturday and Sunday and

jewellery out of

8 ______________ hot chocolate is nice on a cold day.

2 Complete the text about twins with the correct form
of the verbs.

Penny Great! I must remember ____________5 an extra

ticket for you.

Cathy I'd like ______________ 6 some friends with me. Can

_____ 7 on my own.
I? I don't want
Penny Oh, don't worry, my parents will be there.

Cathy OK. Don't forget ________ 8 your parents that

I'm coming, and we'll all sit together and clap very loudly!
Penny Thanks, Cathy. You're a true friend.

Maggie and Lindsay are twins. They look

alike, but they don't sh~re many likes and
dislikes! For example, Lmdsay _______ _
(be mad about I dance) but Maggie
_ _ _2 (can't stand I go)to parties.
M;ggie __________3 (enjoy I visit) museums
butLindsay ____________4 (notlike I waste) her
time in places like that! She often ---'-------(imagine /meet) her favourite film stars or
_____6 (fly) to different parts of the world.
Maggie, on the other hand, __c. __-_- - - - - 8
(prefer 1 read) history books or----:-:--~----.
(learn) about the latest scientific d1scovenes.
So you see, they're very different twins!

4 Compiete the article about Alex Robson. Use the

gerund or the infinitive form of the verbs in the box.





5 Match the sentence halves.

Sara opened the door carefully
We looked at the map of the city
We took umbrellas with us
Jack took his headphones off
The students collected some money
6 They did all their homework on Friday


a so as to have the weekend free.

b in order not to get wet.
c in order to help homeless people.
d so as not to wake her baby brother.
e in order to find the hotel.
f so as to hear what his mum was saying.

6 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 We usually avoid to going out late during the week.
2 Do you fancy going for a walk in the park later?
3 I took the bus in order getting to school on time.
4 I won't forget texting you tomorrow morning.
5 They put on coats and scarves so as to not catch
6 Mum and Dad decided going by train rather than by
7 My best friend suggested watch a DVD in the evening.
8 I want to listen to his new CD seeing if I like it or not.

Alex Ro bson, 15, has loved magidor years. 'I

really enjoy ~ ----~- ~ ____:t my tricks atparties
for my takes a longtime to get r~ally
good, so I keep~:--~--.'""- _2 my tricks agam and
because I --wan
t ___
. _.. 3 perfect.'
.- ----,-~--.
-Alex's interest in magic began when he saw a
professional magicianperform at a children's
party. After that, he started __ --- .---
himself to do magic tricks. 'I used to go to my
locaUibrary --~ -~ -'-~--5 books about magic.
At home, Iused to practise in front of a mirror
6 if I looked good!'
--------- ....

. -..,--

But if ever hisfriends ask him how he does his

tricks, he refuses---~----them! Twill
never stop ____-,-:__ ~s interested in tricks
because magic has become part of my life now,
It's my only hobby', he admits. 'I love it!'


BefOre anoun (Witlll ot without

an adjellliYe). SJ1(Jil ~ol'l\e!!;_be.ftlre

MJ a~tnr Is Sltt:b a gtNif1l'HlS pemo111 soo

aiwa.p gjves me a wt uteilra m~

al art

Wlnm i seB het.

Belore anradjeitiv!l or an adve.rll

Tlls bus was- Sl) fait th.;dM' hfltl

1lf!!B WJY lmme.-

.:alone.!Wjfuout a"!'ml.lfl}.

.we CBJJ aim 11118 S'O-bemre: {lfiJCfh

m;rnY, tew anrl fiitftl.


'~ St:J-mnclflifJIMWOf'lf msffllght tha

i difm 't finish untll mitinigbt

Match the phrases to the photos A-D. Complete the phrases with much, many, few and
1 so -------- -- --- rain, so --- ----- ----- sun
2 so ____________cars, so ____________ bicycles
3 so __________ happiness, so ___ _____________ sadness
4 so ____ ____________ fruit, so ____________ people

Complete the sentences with such a I an or so.
1 The two families had _____________ lovely day together
in the forest.

I didn't enjoy the trip to the city centre on Saturday.

2 The cat was _____________ fat- it could hardly walk!

3 They were walking ___ _____

fast that I couldn't

keep up with them.

there again next year.

5 The traffic is making ____________ awful noise! Can

____ ___

_late last

________ warm! We went
7 The weather was
swimming every day.

8 That's ________ funny book! I couldn't stop

laughing when I read it.

2 Complete the sentences with much or many.

1 We've bought so ________ food! I hope lots of

people come to the party.

2 When we went to Australia, everybody gave us so
_________ advice about the journey!
3 There were so ________ people in the queue that
we decided to see the film another day.
Becky's got so ________ COs that she doesn't
know where to keep them all.

3 there were _____________ trees.

4 there were _________ people.

5 there was ___________ traffic.

you close the window?

Do you know why? Well, ...

1 there were _________ high buildings.

2 there was __________ blue sky.

4 The holiday was _________ success. Let's go back

6 I'm really tired. We went to bed

3 Read the complaints about an unpleasant shopping

trip to the city. Complete the sentences with so
much, so many, so little or so few.

My cousin Ricky has got so ________ energy! He

never sits still!

6 Jade's got so ________ clothes! I don't know how

she can afford to buy them.

6 there was ___________ noise.

And when we wanted to go home ...

7 we had ___________ heavy bags.

8 there were __________,_____ buses!

4 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the


5 Read the text about a special holiday and complete

the spaces using one word only.

1 There was __________ snow outside that they had to

dig a path from the front door.

a so

b so much


2 Jess had ______________ busy day that she didn't have

time for lunch.

a so a

b a such

c such a

3 The student was ____________ clever: she got 100% in

b such a

so much

4 There were _________________ passengers on the bus that

we couldn't get on.

a so few

b so

so many

5 They were __________ friendly staff in the hotel that

we decided to go back the next summer.
a such a

b so

c such

6 He was ________ annoying little boy that we all

told him to sit down and be quiet.
a such an

b such a

c so

7 We had _ _ _ _ _ winter clothes that we had to

buy lots of new ones.
a so much

b so few


They suggested ________s me scuba-

her end-of-term exams.

a so

You asked me to tell you about my summer

holidays last year. Well, we went to Australia,
1 order to see my cousins aga1n.
had _:__-_ ____2 a brilliant time together!

c so little

I have __________ money that I can't afford to go out

diving and that's something I'd always wanted


~~Brisbane and my aunt teac~es scuba-diving!

One day, we went ________ _7 see some
sharks in an underwater aquarium. I was
amazed to see so ________8 sharks all
together! When they fed them, things got really
interesting. They were all swimming around
9 fast - 1 got quite frightened!
-Luckily, there was no way they could have us for
their lunch!
I'm looking ________10 to hearing your
news really soon.

with my friends this weekend.

Bye for now

a so few


b so many


to do! I'll never _____ ----- seeing so

5 fish of all different colours. I'm
- - - - - - - - - 6 lucky that my mum's family live

Zao conlllilianal
If the temppmrore yMS beltm zero,
tJmre Is offen loo (}[l tmJ ff/Ms.

IfI uhless + preseill Efm~le

Unless lire temperidtJro yfR:s belaw

z.ero1 t/lf!re Jtm-'t usua.flY tee oo the

Main cJat~Se.


F"rst cenditional

I I Ullfess + presem simp,e

Malll clall$~
wifll1r + wrb

Things tm1 me likely to happen in

ftJoB turure.

If too oosts Jate.

we won't{llfllo sc~(1m
on time,
llnJess we fr.u.rry up, ~ lllle tare tor

Second oondi anal

Thlnfls that aF.e IJIIUke y to Mppen

(f Wl'/' bmlalmuse by trr8 sea, we'd go

in the 1lll,ure.

lhiN!l lwilfy ~mer.


!magJnar:y sftuatioll!l and thin,gs

If th-e chf}d,ren had JJntslw.d tfre;rfeetli

if+ _pastp~rtectsjmv.le

t~t.rlitlri"'Hteppen In tne

mom aftll"n:, lhey wouldn'tlraJJe.gOI!B


If past slmpl'e

Maln olause
WOJ!Id I 'd + ~ro

Third comlitional

Main clause
WDukNrave-+- past flartmipl"'

= if not
I won't go to the party unless I've got something nice to wear.

1 Unless

We can use were instead of was, but this is quite formal.

If I were you, I'd spend my money on clothes or COs rather than on magazines.

We can use the modals can, may, could or might instead of will and would.

If Jack passes his driving test, he might buy a car next year.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in the box.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

first, second or third conditional.

I'm sure I ___ __________(have) a good time if I'd gone

to the party.

2 _________________ (you I lend) me the book if you finish it

by tomorrow?

3 We wouldn't have been late if the lesson ________________ _

(finish) on time.

If I were you, I _ __________ __ (choose) my friends more


5 Unless you can keep a secret, I ___ _______ _____ (not I

tell) you my plans.

6 If I ________ (have) a million dollars, I'd give it all

to you!

7 I'd have gone to the meeting if he ____ ___ _ __ (tell)

(not) get
f loat







Ice-cream ______________ if you put it in the sun.

If the lake

Plastic ducks ___ _______ ____ if you put them in the bath.

My skin _______ __ _____ if I sit in the sun.

If you drop something made of glass, it usually

If you ________________a balloon with hot air, it rises.

If it ____ _________ ___ a lot, the roads may flood.

If flowers ________ ____ any water, they die.


over, everyone can go skating!

2 Match the sentence halves.

1 She hates going shopping
2 If you tell her what I said,
3 She'd have got the job of fashion consultant
4 If the clothes in that shop were cheaper,
5 If James hadn't studied for the test,
6 You might find some good bargains
7 If I know that one colour is in fashion,
8 I wouldn't have bought that dress

he wouldn't have got a good result.

if she'd applied for it.
I always buy a different colour!
I won't speak to you again!
if it hadn't been half price.
I'd shop there all the time.
if the streets are crowded.
if you wait for the sales.

me about it.

8 If he _____ _________ (not I do) a little exercise every day,

he feels unfit.

4 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 If you will go to the supermarket later, will you buy
some apples, please?
2 Unless we don't take care of our pets, they won't be
well and happy.
3 If I eat too many chocolates, I feel ill.
4 If we had~paid more attention to the lesson, we would
have und$rstood the problem.
5 We mighfsee some actors if we had gone to that
restaurant last Saturday.
6 I'd travel all over Europe if I have a car.
7 If his pronunciation were better, his English will be

5 Read the text about Stella McCartney. Then complete

the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
the box.

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a

similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Use between two and five words.
1 Unless they lock the door at night, some people don't

feel safe.

stella McCartney, the fashion designer, is

a daughter of Paul McCartney, the for~ er
Beatle, and Linda McCartney, an Amer~can
photographer. stella is a strict vegetanan~
as her mother was, and she therefore avo1ds
using fur or leather in her clothing.


Some people don't feel safe if _____________ the

door at night.

2 I'd really like to learn lots of languages, but I don't

have the time.

When she was young and she wanted more

pocket money, she used to work fo~ it by
washing up dishes in a restaurant m her
spare time.
Stella trained as a designer and presented
two collections of her clothes before sh~ got
the job of chief designer at Chloe, a Pans.
fashion house, in 1997. She now works with
the Gucci Group and other well-known brand
names. Some people have suggested that
she became successful partly because of her
famous father. However, itiswidely accepted
that she is a highly talented designer.
Stella got married in 2003and has got two
children. Famous friends of hers, such as
Madonna, Pierce Brosnan and G:wyneth
Paltrow, attended the wedding.,'- _


If I had more time, l _________________ lots of


3 Kate didn't do her maths homework because she

was ill.

If Kate hadn't been ill, she

_____________ her

maths homework.

4 We'll meet at 9 am on Sunday morning if our plans

don't change.

Unless-------------------- we'll meet at 9 am on
Sunday morning.

5 it's important that you tell Max about the trip.

If you see Max, ________________ him about the







1 If Stella hadn't been a vegetarian, she~------ fur

6 Because they hadn't closed the door, the cat escaped.


and leather in her designs.

If they ______________ , the cat wouldn't have

If Stella had been spoilt, her parents _________ her


lots of money.

3 Stella couldn't have afforded to buy things for herself if

she ________ a part-time job.

We __________ wet if it hadn't rained hard all

4 If Stella hadn't had a famous father, some people say,

she __________ successful.
5 If Madonna hadn't been Stella's friend, she
______________ to the wedding.

lt rained hard all morning and we got wet.


If we hadn't booked a ticket, we wouldn't have got in

to the cinema.

We only got in to the cinema __________ a

w~ + past simple

lo tatk about a pres~:~nt situa~ n

tlmt we would lik,e to chang&

J wish

we bad semi 11Wffl anlmsrs- ar

They wish they erudd sr:e thelr landJY lll
AIJS'frajja more otttm.

wish + would 1could

wis/1 + past llflrhld

1 Wish and would cannot be used with the same subject.
I wish I wen:tleJ could buy all the clothes in that shop!
2 We can use were instead of was, but this is more formal.
I wish my bedroom were a bit bigger.

Match Sandy's wishes to the photos A-D. Complete the sentences with one word only.
1 I wish I ~--------- a speedboat like that one.
lying on a beautiful beach right now.

I wish I

I wish I _ _ _ _ _ eaten so much pizza - I feel too full now!

I wish I

have loads of new clothes.


w~ + past simple

lo tatk about a pres~:~nt situa~ n

tlmt we would lik,e to chang&

J wish

we bad semi 11Wffl anlmsrs- ar

They wish they erudd sr:e thelr landJY lll
AIJS'frajja more otttm.

wish + would 1could

wis/1 + past llflrhld

1 Wish and would cannot be used with the same subject.
I wish I wen:tleJ could buy all the clothes in that shop!
2 We can use were instead of was, but this is more formal.
I wish my bedroom were a bit bigger.

Match Sandy's wishes to the photos A-D. Complete the sentences with one word only.
1 I wish I ~--------- a speedboat like that one.
lying on a beautiful beach right now.

I wish I

I wish I _ _ _ _ _ eaten so much pizza - I feel too full now!

I wish I

have loads of new clothes.


Complete the sentences with had I didn't have,

was I were or could.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs in the box.

I wish I --- -~------ long straight hair!

2 I'm going skiing this winter and all my friends wish

_coming too.

they _

afford to buy a new


Sara wishes she

mobile phone.

I wish I ----- -~-~-- go on the trip next weekend.

a bigger garden for all

5 They wish they

their pets.

6 Tom wishes he ____ _ _ play in the match next


I wish it


the weekend again!

_ _ _ so many

8 Sue sometimes wishes she

brothers and sisters!

2 Read the problems. Then complete the sentences

with would I wouldn 't and a verb from the box.





t idy

1 Jason keeps on breaking cups and glasses when he's

washing up.
I wish he

_ _ _ another job instead.

2 Our next-door neighbours listen to loud music all the

I wish they __ _ __

loud music all day long.


I wish he _ _ __ _ his room more often.

(not) forget

4 The children don't spend enough time on their

I wish they _ __


5 Carol is taking ages trying on clothes before she goes


it's raining all the time.


with them.
I ~~~------ -

by bus instead of

I'm tired! I wish


Joe's family don't like it here. They wish they

______ _ house.

Oh no! it's starting to rain . I wish I ----~ my

I wish someone _ _______ the phone!




They wish they i"!c.dl'\r rc./:.en the dogs on holiday

I wish she ------~- what to wear!

6 The phone is always ringing and you're busy.

{not) move


Luke's room is a mess.


I'm really enjoying the match, but my dad wishes he

_ _ _ _ _ at home.

My uncle wishes he -----~

one just broke down again ..

I wish it _ __ __ raining.

a new car. His old

6 There's a very long queue. Jack and Kate wish they


earlier at the concert.

5 Read Emma's letter to a teen maaazine and the repl

form of the y.
Comple.te the letters using the
verbs g1ven.

4 CRehad the summary of the film The Devil Wears Prada.

oose the correct alternatives.


---- -- -

r The- film TheDevil Wears Prada is about a

woman, Andrea (Andy) Sac h s, who gets a J.young
I second
assistant to th e e d'Itor of a New Yi ok f as
magazine. The edit M'
Priest! . or ashion
I difficult and demanor,d'mg Iranda
y, Is a very
boss and
to run around all d I
poor Andrea has
ay ong to keep her happy
I Here are some of Andy's
. h es:
She wishes she would have 1 had1
more ashwnable
I clothes to wear.
h es she knew I would k
now more about
She wishes her b oss zs. I were less diff I
She wishes she didn't h
Icu t.
I work
such long h
ave to I doesn't have to
She wishes she got I could et5 .
I magazine.
g a JOb on another
Try to watch the film, or read the
I what
happens in the end!
book, and find out



I have a problem- can you help me at all?
You see, I've had a terrible argument with my
friend Sophie. I wish I ________1 (never
I say) anything to her, but now it's too late. I
thought Sophie was my best friend, but she
said some really mean things about me to
another friend. When I heard about it, I got
very angry and I said some very nasty things
to her. Now I wish I -----~--2 (wait) a bit
before I spoke to her. I also wish, though, that
she -~ ____3 (not talk) about me like that.
She isn't speaking to me now and I wish I
4 (think) of the right thing to do.
Can you help at all?

I understand how you feel and that youwish
you ______5 (change} things back to
how they were. However, I think you were
right to show Sophie that you were upset by
her behaviour. I wish I ________6 (have}
the courage to say that sort of thing when I
was your age. If you really wish that you and
7 (be) still friends, then you
should talk to her about her behaviour and tell
her why it upset you. I'm sure she'll wish she
s (not hurt} you like that. Good


,;tiuzy f:i)J~ff/Jif~filiJsfutiiil'f'd

fh.iimhlf"Wtfst;a/iril:mi!~ -~'Ya] rr

'f.!!dll' !':eGtte.

TheJI IIOOted JJJ; tu tile wetfding, mli ~ ~ mlfiletlln 1hB wiHldlng, bu . Wf

1i11.1 fJOOid'n.'t:YaiPJf-a~m~~ 'lro,ll/dll ge

'/,Jf.SU~tlw!hiid wWfhP.t

wea lrflr.
IJu!-MuOcnt~r ~eiJ~i11{l r;Jught trmv

m;;uJtg-pfjtnpiiiiir l\'btm thl! 'tlffi.r;J,




VnJtYifliti8teJJ, ~eone tmo: Mtt

s(Y8tf1111id 'tlie CO.

Jfiij(J.)tJJmJtiiJYi tlie_Dll ha! hem~ J:J;ld/J-

we half tr.inafl toe da(JS 1.'1 t.y m

the gar/m1, IJutftif!Y rintd'tahWI~

The ao.rr~t haiJ lJeell tfained1o stay irr

11teJj841/Jn tM -!}' dhln'taiLWl;ri9 9.1'1


I Will giv.~ aJitM1E!3ts}iiii~tNI
Mtl d8y.

}.11 fhe.~Wj{JM 1Vtm.tiet$Jlli

Mbr.rday..- -

1hett1! golngmmmw w1ifm r

The tilllr1"Waflt 'fu.setj fS:gqmg la ~ '!!." iJJrt-..

il~~lfliYI W.:J.hi e~lmt-

1 We use the passive when we don't know who does the action, or the action is more
important than who does it.
2 We use by when we want to know who does the action.
That clothing company was started by my cousin.
3 We can also use the passive with modals.
This game can be played by several players at the same time.
4 When we use the passive with some verbs, e.g. believe, think, know, consider, we add
to be.
They believe he is one of the richest businessmen in the world.
He is believed to be one of the richest businessmen in the world.

Read about Becky Jones, the Managing Director of
Electronics 4U. Complete the text with the correct
passive form of the present simple, the present
continuous or will.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

present perfect passive. Use the verbs in the box.

(not) finish


Becky Jones works for Electronics 4U, a

company that makes video game consoles.
Every day, sh e
-----1 (drive) to
work by her assistant. When she gets to her
_2 (bring) a cup
Office ' she ----___
3 ( 11)
of coffee. Then she -------------- - te
the latest news about the company. Every
she _________________ 4 (take) round



1 All the parents __________ to come to the


2 She ________________ how to use all the programs

on the computer.

3 The school disco ___________ by the final year

4 The new block of flats __________________ yet.

5 The parcels _________ to England and

the factory to talk to the workers.

should arrive by next week.

At the moment, she-----------(show) the electronic parts for the new

PlayGame 4 The workers---------.--(congratulate) on their hard work. She IS very
pleased with them. Now the new PlayGame 4
consoles __________________1 (pack) into vans
for delivery to the shops tomorrow, where
they __ -----~-- :- ______s (buy) by hundreds of

6 Unfortunately, the hi-fi system

___ _ yet.

7 _____________ (the students) lots of tests lately?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

past simple passive. Use the verbs in the box.





turn off

_______________________ a new camera for my birthday

last year.


2 The jacket she bought ______________ in Italy.

3 All the boats
because of the high winds.

2 Complete the text about robots with the correct

passive form of the past continuous, the past perfect

. --- - - - -,
or will.

4 The lights _______________ before they lit the

candles on the cake .
5 The houses in the village __________________ _




- - - -- - .

by robots, do you think?

nearly a

hundred years ago.

Last week, in another factory, hundreds of

I robots ----------------- (make). They were I

special robots. They
I (design) by a nanotechn~logy-~~ienti;t-to I
make very small electronic parts for video
1 games and video game consoles. The robots
(give) hands and fingers I
so that m future the job of a human worker
(do) by them and many I
times faster.
I On Monday, the robots
s I
(program) to make parts for p~-;,G~me-5.
(human workers 1 replace) 1

from leaving the port

_ _ _ _ _ (you) to the Bridge of Sighs on

your tour of Venice?

7 All the chocolates __________________ before I

5 Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence.

1 Millions of letters _____ every day.
a be posted
b are post
2 We

c are posted
d being pos~~d
some free tickets for the concert last

a are given
b been given

c were gave
d were given

3 The film star------ everywhere by paparazzi on

her last visit here.
a is being followed
b was followed
4 He

c was been followed

d has followed

the prize for Best Artist next week.

a is going to be awarded
b is awarded

c has been awarded

d be awarded

5 1 _______ to play in the volleyball team this year.

c 've being chosen
a 'm chosen
d 've chosen
b 'm being chosen

6 The house
a had been painted
b is being painted

this week.
c is painted
d is painting

7 The criminals----- in the area several days

a had being seen
b were being seen

c will be seen
d had been seen

8 I'm sure they _ _ _ _ _ back after their recent bad

behaviour at the party.
a won't be invited
b are going to be invited

c are being invited

d will invited

6 Read the magazine article about a co~puter games

exhibition. Choose the correct alternatives.

At a recent computer games exhibition in London,
young (and older!) computer garners were
introduced I had been introduced 1 to some of the
classic computer games used over the last forty
years. It was a fascinating experience.
One of the earliest so-called video games, Tennis
for Two, has been invented I was invented 2 in 19 58.
It was played I was being played a on a tennis court
on the screen and the ball had to being hit I had
to be hit4 over the net, as in real-life tennis. Many
of these earlier computer games are created I had
been created s by people on their computers at
work, when they weren't busy. This 'hobby' then
became a huge world-wide industry!
In the 1980s, games started to use characters Who
had been moved I could be moved6 around on the
screen. This was being thought I was thought7 to
be a great improvement on previous technology.
In recent years, many films have been used I have
used a to inspire games, for example, the Star Wars
and Harry Potter films.
The modern games on display included all the
latest favourites such as The Sims, Nintendogs,
Tomb Raider, Halo and Mario Brothers. Garners at
this kind of exhibition are, of course, always keen to
know what kind of games are being produced I will
be produced 9 in future years. Already, new exciting
types of interactive games such as the Eye Toy are
being developed I are developed 10, where the use
of a- camera and a- microphone make the whole
experience more 'real'. So it seems that computer
games in the future are likely to be increasingly
interactive and more realistic than ever.

Have som8lhfng dons

lrave + noun+ past
partrc pla

Wtwn someoM ~loo tlocs

somelhittg' for us.

srn: lf/clj$ /{1flg hair $0 Mle Qnly has lfef

trail' cut once if yew!

1 We can use the verb have in different tenses.

They're going to have their house painted next summer.

I had my photograph taken for school.
Lisa's having a special necklace made for her.

Match the sentences to the pictures A-D. Then complete the sentences using the
words given.
1 Clare's having ___________________________ . (portrait I paint)

Matt's having ---- ------------------- --------. (eyes I test)

Jenny's having - --------------------- -------- ------- . (hair cut)

4 Jon had __________________ ______ ___ . (arm put in plaster)



Complete the sentences with the correa~ fo;m of

have something done.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

have something done.

I think they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the exams I

mark) by next week.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (his computer I fix) at

2 Pete
the moment.

Mum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the new table I

deliver) to the house last Saturday.

4 They ~---~-

(the house I build) in

six months. That was very quick!

5 Maria _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (a special
engagement ring I make) at the moment.
(the flat I clean) from

6 We

top to bottom and then it was ready to rent.

7 While the player

treat), everyone was worried about him.

(his leg I

Oust I the living room I

8 We
paint) - do you like it?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

have something done. Use the verbs in the box and
the words given.






Kelly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (her hair) by a

professional for the photo-shoot tomorrow.
Kelly ~~

by a professional

htt,r l1t?!t'r

for the photo-shoot tomorrow.

(you I your
photograph) for your passport? I'm going tomorrow.

1 When

2 I_

(my boots) last week and

now there's a big hole in them.

3 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(the swimming pool)

(they I always I their

newspapers) to the house?


(we I the grass)? lt's

getting a bit long.

_ _ _ (the air-conditioning) for

ages. Let's call the engineer this week.

(her hair I dye) blond.

Aar h.GJ~t'r d17dl-d blond.

He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the TV I repair) again. lt

kept breaking down.


(a lot of apple trees I

plant) in the garden a few years ago.

3 We

5 While we were away, we _ _ _ _ _ _

(the house). it's a lovely green colour now.

7 We _ _ _ __


when I last visited the hotel so I couldn't use it.

6 When

She ________

(the grass I cut) next

(always I the car I
4 They
wash) before they go on holiday.

5 Don't worry, madam. We _ _ _ __

(the goods I deliver) to your house first thing tomorrow.
6 A:
B: No, I did it all by myself!

(you I the flat I decorate)?

Rewrite the sentences putting the words in the

correct order.

6 Complete the text about hi-tech homes with the

correct form of have something done.

1 having 1 She I mended I her I mobile phone I is

2 just 1 had 1 have 1 weighed I We I our luggage

3 my tyre 1 1 1 here 1 changed I have I Can I ?

4 these jackets I have I going to I I'm I dry-cleaned

is I going to I for her 21st birthday I have I My sister I

designed I a dress

6 all the invitations I had I printed I They I long before

the wedding I had

How do you fancy living in a futuristic 'smart

home'? These. are houses or flats where everything
is connected by computer and where you can
___________________ 1 (lots of things I do) for
you that will hopefully make your life a lot easier.

7 has I for her I all the housework I done I Mum I each


5 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
Poor Sal! She's going to have taken out a tooth th1s
S&Jt!! Sh.e. S
to h&Jtve &Jt tooth t~Ptl'.e.n
01:11t tfrt'~

1 We're having a new kitchen put in next week.

2 Grandpa's has his blood pressure checked tomorrow.
3 Robbie and his brother have to having their eyes
tested every six months.
4 We had the children's party by a special firm
5 I've had my shoes mended and they're as good as
6 My little sister loves having stories read to her at
7 Mum's decided that she'll have cleaned all her silver
8 The school are having a DVD be made of the concert.

For example, imagine you are living in one now.

This morning, you __________ ----- ____ 2 (the
curtains I opened) for you at exactly 8.oo am,
when you needed to get up. When you wandered
into the kitchen you ________________a
(your breakfast I cook) for you. Then you
________________________ 4 (a shopping list I make)
for you by your fridge, which told you what was
needed. You entered the shopping list oh your
computer and you ________________s
(the food I deliver) to your house. You also
_______________________6 (the right TV channel/
switch on) for you by your smart sofa, which knows
by your weight which member of the family you
are and which TV programmes you watch!
You are going out now so you
(your clothes I choose)
for you by your wardrobe. The hi-tech wardrobe
mirror displays your schedule and matches suitable
clothes to your chosen activity. While you are out
with your friends, you can phone home and can
___________________8 (the heating I turn on),
ready for when you get back.
__________________ 7

So you see, smart homes are going to make your

life easier- and perhaps, lazier?



j)r'eSertt abinly

JMlliWJp jV'IJrtJi~fl tiJe OOXIJS1


imp.o.s JIIJty

That can't be right! I'm sUf8 ttfe prml! r11

lire trousers was- 25 euro~ fJrJi I fJI;J}d :!fl_


paS! <Uiili!Y

My mum -ooY!d nm remly fast w'Het~:-E1!iiW<l5 younger.



fflP-Y may ~sit us at the weekend. ant

its not rltlffrrtm fP.l.


IJO sit:liiU.\'

w~ might hare -a maii1s tflsf Jtf1Xl tyeBki

shauld I $/luultln1t


rt~n sh!JUld go and S(]!J 'tire



r1.entfst ab()Ul

that wothache.
She shouldn't Jtsttm ro what errrryone.

OU/1hl (noj)

tellsllr:r lo do.

r(111{/lll hJ fl(J t10W- ifls get!fng fat~:.

Yeti .oJJDh mn t~;~ ~mt tMmucil 1u11k
~.tJ (HJ'fldn 't ring for jl Wli,

thank6-- f'if

needtl~t f. dfJif.l:lilmd to.

lack of neeMslty



We 111$1 have the v wsslre,rJ#fday

- Jt'B: filthy!



You mJtsll11f make se mutll

iafB and:ptlopji!.J!Itf!B$leup,



rmrse. rrs

1 Modals are used before the infinitives of other verbs without to.
2 They have no -s in the third person singular.
3 They have no infinitives or participles (e.g. to must, musting, musted do not exist).
4 Mayn't is very rare.

Match the sentence halves.
1 He must open the shop
2 They shouldn't use
3 I might ask
4 You really don't need to
5 She could sing
6 I mustn't
7 We ought
8 I can

3 Complete the school rules with must, mustn't or

don't need to.
1 You _ _

their mobile phones so much.

very nicely when she was younger.
to save some money for the holiday.
at 9 o'clock every day.
take me there in the car.
f draw objects, but not people.
g her to come with me tomorrow.
h forget to take the DVD back this evening.

2 Read the problems and advice. Complete the advice

with should I shouldn't and a verb in the box.







Problem: Your friend has nothing to wear for a party

Advice: She -should borrow something from another

Problem: Your friend broke something of her mum's.

Advice: He~------------------ to her.

Problem: Your friend ate two bars of chocolate before

Advice: She __________________ before meals.

3 Problem: Your friend lied to her parents.

Advice: He___________

__lies- it's better to be

Problem: One of your friends is unfit.

Advice: She _________________ to an aerobics class.

Problem: Your friend is feeling cold.

Advice: He _________________ more clothes on.

6 Problem: Your friend's pet isn't well.

Advice: She ____________ _

it to the vet.

7 Problem: Your friend is feeling sleepy in class.

Advice: He ___________ up so late watching

2 You

arrive at school by 8.30.

3 You __

be late for lessons.

4 You __________ bring the books you need to all your




_ ___ wear a uniform, but you should

always wear smart clothes.

5 You _ __
_ ___ . eat food, listen to music or use
mobile phones during lessons.

6 You ____________ take part in after-school activities,

but many students enjoy them.
7 You __

do your homework and hand it in on


8 You

_______ go to school on Sundays!

4 Tick the sentences that are correct Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 You needn't go home yet, it's only 7 pm.
2 She must buys a present for her mum's birthday- it's
next week.
3 That can't to be the right time! I thought it was 4
o'clock, not 5 o'clock!
4 You don't wait for me after school this afternoon
because I'm going to the dentist's.
5 Take an umbrella with you because the weather may
get worse later on.
6 I mustn't understand why you like that boy!
7 They ought to went to bed now. it's getting very late.
8 We mightn't come home till late because the party
doesn't start until 10 pm.

5 Put the underlined phrases in the correct sentences.

In last week's magazine we asked about stealing in our
schools. Here are some of your text messages.

6 Read the story and choose the correct alternatives.

1 I find it really annoying when people steal money and

other things from you at school. I think the school
don't need to ________ punish them.
2 Most people my age shouldn't ___________ steal from
others- they just do it for 'fun'. lt's not fun, though, if
your things get stolen.
3 Some kids can -~------ steal things just because
they see them lying around. So I suppose sometimes
we have to be more careful with our possessions.
4 You could _____________ leave money or your mobile
phone anywhere in a public place. Schools are no
different from anywhere else.
5 I saw somebody in my school trying to steal something
the other day. I may__
_ __ see that he had his
hand in my friend's bag so I went into the classroom.
He ran off pretty quickly!
6 lt's a question of educating young people about right
change the
and wrong. People must
way they behave only if they understand why their
behaviour is wrong.

I had a .scary experience last week. My parents

were gomg out for the evening. My mum said to
me before leaving, 'Sandy, we may 1 needn't 1 be
late home, but you mustn 't 1 should 2 worry about
anything. Just lock all the doors. You shouldn't
I can a phone us any time you like on my mobile
phone.' 'OK,' I said, and settled down to watch my
favourite horror film on TV.
However, that wasn't such a good idea. After a
while, I might I could4 hear some funny noises
outside the house. I turned off the TV and listened
hard. It sounded as if someone was coming in
the front door! 'Now,' I said to myself, 'I mustn't 1
couldn 't5 panic. I'll just stay in here and not go out
of the room.' I didn't want to talk on the phone in
case the burglar heard me.
Eventually, after half an hour had passed, I couldn't
I must.n't 6 stay there any longer so I crept out of
the hvmg room and looked in the kitchen. There
was the 'burglar'! I'd forgotten that my brother
Jack was coming home that evening.
'Obviously, I couldn't 1 needn 't1 worry about
burglars,' I said loudly, and my brother looked
up from his PlayStation. 'Really, Jack, you must
I shouldn't 8 frighten me like that! I missed my
horror film because of you!'

Pe~SIIfl~l ~RBUms:



















my,~ If



if iJlJJ't JJIJ.(;~ssaqr to .!lSll


ifiJCll H

WiH'ioft't !W!Mi-Wl!ii!'ct

1flllt"6 n&r;.n.aGm.

lllsyw~ with

JJJMB VI..m~lm'i1JsilBtil/i..f/f.l.(J(J.l

f?l'OilCIIfn1G: repeat a ;su~jettt.



Wi!'_:_d_on . JJ SUail~J! !i~~~


an olifl'l(t pmJ1oun,


TQc talff<ifloul imtions Wlill'f@

1hiHlrlbleGf:amll objeat 1iJ'attm
:same ~eree(fr .

JWJl! fJJ. M;:sdwaJ~

--- 'fi


f{fiiJ<We.flimstilf.a pr:eserrt ilffllr lie fffrl

i:>mjllw;l ill' llCfli111.


Wed tt' . us . rcflel:~


pmntl!ln!!- witl11\Gtfllns
tflat pplo norma:lry tfo t{)
tliamsellies, tlnl~ '\1'1! :wmiJ
tG em ph iiSizi"OO~thi ll!l

llj~ ~ ~

booam:e ~ Llnllst~al,
~~e lni!inlj' us $JJfff$QtliJ,
${1moiJotlf, {1(1 cme; naborty,
somefhiag amtoaihfrrnln
afflRMtlVI! S i1tenu.s.

TJer~'S samethlng lr1 my slla4

Wll use '8'1'1JOM anyDm!} 1Jf'lti

1ffl.Yth/Qg in n41g;ltlV!l SfllikiiHlHQ;

rnrm 'f fJW anJmJe al mY new sclroal.

-am:J ~~Ciijon~.
\\1.(! o~e everyone; everyb(){Jy

~l(erYiJ[f8 ~vlta t:Mlll

tmd e~ryllrillg i:l lltfinmrtiYe

sroJtenrnrs and quc:Won~,

gtN!fJ timtJ. f!ilf1Y


We_ clotllllslt imJefinibt

PmFHJuns bUilrJtllinJJ ~ifli lW

?IIth Ultl negative ro~ oh



Complete the sentences with the correct subject or
object pronouns.

Complete the story with the correct indefinite


I'm sitting next to EQ.QQy this year. She's a good


1 These oranges are very sweet. I really like

2 As we were crossing the road, my mother saw
3 When my brother and I arrived home at midnight, Mum
said, 'Where have ____________ been?'
4 Where are my black boots? I haven't worn
___________ for ages.
5 Sam and 1 are going to the cinema on Saturday.
___________ 're going to meet some friends there.
6 They've bought a new car recent Iy. ------------'s
very nice.

1 was

chatting to Liz and I asked her if-------- -wanted to come shopping.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive

1 hope

you enjoyed ttoV~r'!>elve'fi! at the fun park!

1 we had a slight accident the other day, but luckily we

didn't hurt _____________ .
2 She was really bored and she asked-----------what she was doing at the party.

1 had

Anyway, Simon decided to put out __________ 1

for the mouse to eat. He asked me not to say
____________2 to Mum when she came home
because he knew that she'd be horrified.

to laugh at __________ when I got red paint all

over my clothes and hair!

4 The Chief of Police __________ was at the scene of
the crime.
5 The children behaved __________ so well last night.
1 was really proud of them.

6 He looked at__

_ in the mirror and didn't like

what he saw.

My annoying little brother, Simon, has a pet

mouse. One day, it escaped from its cage. He
got very upset about this and went around the
house shouting, 'Has PrnttoneO seen my mouse?'
Fortunately, Mum was out shopping at the time
and wouldn't be back until later.

1 bought

_ _ __ __ _ a book to read on holiday.

In the meantime, Simon looked __________ a

for his mouse, but he just couldn't find it. Of
course, when Mum came home she knew that
_____ -----~ was wrong immediately.
'Oh, hello Mum: Er... no,___ _ _____s 's
wrong,' said Sim:on. 'It's just that I can't find
__________ that I've been looking for. It's very
annoying, but then __________ 7 loses things
sometimes, don't they?'
Simon then decided to look under the kitchen
table. Mum had sat down to have a cup
of tea and a rest. Suddenly, Simon noticed
_____________8 under her chair.
'Oh Mum, don't look now, but I think I've just
found it. Now don't worry, _________9 is going
to get hurt as long as you stay calm ... '


Complete the sentences with the words in the box.








Do you remember Tom and Mollie? I'm going to see

---- --- ---- tomorrow.

I'm really glad we're both going! I'll phone

---------- in the morning about the trip.

4 Please help - - - - - ------ t o sandwiches

and cake.

wants to be successful in life.

6 Those people were really unhelpful! Why were

-----------so rude?
7 There's -- -- - - --- st range about the food. lt tastes
really awful!

Read the text about a teenager fighting crime

Complete the spaces using one word only.


1 Fortunately, she didn't cut ------------- on the broken


Ray will do --------- -- to help. He's very good at

mending things, you know.

5 :ick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

mcorrect sentences.
1 I've invited everyone in the class to my party!
2 Mandy ~nows ~nything about the galaxies and the
stars. lt s amaz1ng!
3 No on~ wanted to write an article for the school
magaz1ne so 1 had to do it.
4 She blamed_ themselves for the argument although it
was really h1s fault.
5 hi really enjoyed me when I went to stay at my friend's
6 Could someone please turn that music downl
7 I'd like to ask yourself a question, please.
8 Did you see those lovely flowers? My friend bought
they for me yesterday.

How your mobile phone can be useful!

Becky Thomson from East Norwood showed last
week that __________1 was intelligent and brave
when she stopped a burglar. Becky, 15, thought
she heard _________ 2 trying to break into her
neighbour's house. She tried to ring her parents,
but she couldn't contact __ _______
Then she realized that she _________4 video the
burglar through the window, using her mobile
phone. So she filmed _________ 5 and when he
saw her, he ran off. He was later arrested and
charged with burglary.
The police praised Becky, but also warned other
. young people not to do the same.' __________ .
should always make sure that ___ _ __ _ _ _ _ are
safe first before doing _____________8 like this,' a
police spokesman said. 'Always remember: save""""""---- ___________9 first!'


tl~fft haVf + pa!i


m;~y I

nrlgbtI CHhJid h-a liB +

past partfciPJe
could ,liave + past participle


rw ~'t M.w: heatd tltelr "~w 0" )e

- it'S comirrg !JUi t01rmt.rmv1.


Mum <iml Clad m11,v lfweoo' shctf}liffl

- /fJsjH:ffl';5n1 hr:Je.

Ber*J CJJflld hare di111B /lrtliJ!r inNer



slliiilltl bflve fougHt to'halle +

past p~rticiple


I SliDI11JljjjjWJ t1f101ted fW to 1lp{li/Jgl~'fl:

/{Cjr.f Ji::SJm1 J'8t6,

Slm(Jillp~ llaWJc-Foogtit trilf; i'J


~o&fjjpfd}J 't ~ rum!!l'l ngJr~,

~Ve're on

have ;.. past~__rt clple

usMa.v~ paslpathipJe:


glfJ./la,vi+::1!1&1 ~clpte-


tho wttmg ttmtf lW''(

:/Jfj.m nH:iitlrarre fpft LWri'-Pl' naw"

Shit'll belwme S(Hl(l,


J wooJd IJava Jent vu S(l111a11lMey.

You JffstdrtJii'l i'lsk.r

Match the two parts of the conversations.
1 I haven't done my homework yet.
2 I didn't eat much for lunch today.
3 We caught a taxi into town.
4 I would have shown Josie what to do.
5 lt wasn't a good idea to argue with Paul.
6 There's no answer when I try to ring Laura.
7 I ought not to have gone swimming in that sea.

3 Complete the sentences with should have I shouldn't

have and a verb in the box.

a Well, I thought he was wrong.

b I told you to be more careful!
c You should have finished it by now.
d She may have turned her phone off.
e She didn't ask for your help, though.
f You could have taken the bus.
g You can't have been hungry.

2 Complete the sentences with can't have I must have

and the verb given.
1 You _ __

(make) a mistake in the

booking. I asked for two rooms, not three!

2 Joe
(finish) his homework already!
He's only been in his room for five minutes!


(eat) too much pasta. I've got a

stomach ache now.

4 They _ _ _ __

(be) tired when they arrived

home last night. lt was a long day.

5 Sara obviously _
(hear) the news yet
and I don't want to be the one to tell her.


(have) singing lessons

recently because she didn't use to sing that well.

7 That
green, not blue.

(be) Luke we saw - his car is





lt's so bright today! I think I _

- --- my


2 Look at the mess! We ____________ the baby

alone with the crayons!

I told you we------~------~- tickets for the

concert last week! They're all sold out now.

4 There are forty people coming to the party. I think I


more food!

5 They ________________ the bus. lt's much quicker by

6 Kelly was really tired in the morning. She

to bed earlier.

4 Complete the conversation. Use the modal verb

given and a verb in the box.

Interviewer Mark, it's great to meet you! Thank you for

agreeing to this interview.
Mark it's my pleasure.
Interviewer So, would you like to tell us about the walk
you did last year?
Mark Well, I decided to walk the whole length of Britain,
from John O'Groats in Scotland down to Land's End
in Cornwall, in the south-west corner of England. To
be honest, although I enjoyed the whole experience,
1 ___________ ___________ 1 (should) much harder before
attempting to walk so far.
Interviewer So what do you think you
_ _________ _______ _ _2 (ought to) differently?
Mark Well, I ______ ___ _______ 3 (could) long distances
every weekend for several months before I started the
challenge. Instead, I only really started walking properly
one month before.
Interviewer it _____ _ _____ _____ _4 (must) very difficult
for you.
Mark Yes, it was. Of course, I saw some lovely parts of
the country, but I __ ______ _ _ ____ ___5 (would) it more if
I'd had a friend with me.
Interviewer You _______ _______ _______ 6 (can't) the journey
all bad, though. Weren't there any good times?
Mark Well, yes, it certainly was an interesting
experience and the scenery was lovely, but it still
(might) more enjoyable if my feet

_____ _ _ ____ ___ _______ 7

hadn't been hurting so much!

Interviewer Perhaps you __ _ ________________8 (shouldn't)
to walk so far!
Mark You're absolutely right! Next time, I'll walk from
John O'Groats to the next village! I think I could manage

S Read the text about Stratford-upon-Avo n. Choose

the correct aiternalives.

/i1t sb dtJ sth

let+ llbitmt ... infinitiv

10 [i\~ ~~tnn IYf llll{l16 tlmDhoriy tD do My sleter le Jllo!l w~l6"/l l!etlJOW lJV/J.
MY rment6 M rt le~ me. ~o JtJ flu~


Jnake sb do .siN
111<tke + QtJjMt <>1-

llfinjfure Wilhllll .lo

To m~:o~~n


JfJ parfi/1t made rnp.

~ii/Jltrgfr r r/1(1/'l 't ~'ll'i


r11To it.M t1

want m.

The lf!BCIPe/'10 lfrlfl1'! make IJS Wf(ih

liNJYmtft;fa IJ!i Glimll We

trtc, WHI%,

Match the sentences to the pictures A-D and choose the correct alternatives.

1 My mum lets I makes me stay in bed on Saturday mornings.

2 My dad makes I lets me help him with the shopping.
3 My grandma lets I makes me eat as many cakes as I want.
4 My sister makes I lets me tidy my half of the bedroom.


Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or
past simple form of make and a verb in the box.

Dad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not I me) his car until I'm


3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.


1 The football coach _ _ _ _


_the team train very

hard for the match.

My friends JNtPtde
our quarrel.

JNte PttJ'of,::>.:<:'z:e

(me) to Steffi after

1 Jessica's parents
(her) until she
was in high school to get a mobile phone.

the concert on Saturday.

a let


{her) to keep her

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of let

and a verb in the box.



(not I his little brother) on his

1 Andy

that's what he always wanted to do.

_ _ _ _ _ (not I me) late in the

week because I have to get up early for school.

b let

Mum is going to
me help in the
restaurant next summer. I want to earn a bit of pocket
a make

b let

8 Will you _ _ _ _ _ me watch the late film tonight?

it's a comedy.
a let

b make

(me) the jumper I'd bought last Saturday.

Mum _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (me) dinner last night: I


10 They'll

(not I us) the bus

with our dog yesterday.

6 My friend ________ (not I me) her new CD

when I asked her! it's not fair!
(not I her) any
unhealthy food last year because of her illness.

b made
us go to the party if we promise

to be home by midnight.
a make

made burnt sausages and chips!

5 The bus-driver

us all have some

lessons in the classroom before we could go out in the

a let

Fortunately, the shop assistant

7 Sandra's doctor

a made

9 The sailing instructor


my brother study economics:



The teachers
go (us) home early yesterday
since they had a meeting.

b make

6 No one

football in the rain yesterday afternoon.

2 My parents

I won't _ _ _ _ _ you go out in those awful clothes.

a let

(not I us) food that we

8 The sports teacher _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not I them)


b let

Go and change at once!

My grandparents
don't like.


I don't really like going to the island, but my aunt

______ me agree to go and visit them there next

a made

even though it tasted horrible.

Sally's friend

b let


(Robbie) the medicine,

5 The doctor

He was very rude. You shouldn't _ _ _ __

a make

(me) all my clothes away

My mum
before I went to bed.

b make

anybody talk to you like that.

{him) his

3 Tim's singing teacher

breathing exercises every day.

b let

2 I really hope my parents will ______ me go to

___ (not I me) in every

2 My parents

a made

b let

4 Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with

phrases using the correct form of make or let.
My brother forced me to give him some of my crisps.
;v.p,de ~vte g rve

6 Jamie and Kathy went to a sports camp last summer.

Read about their life before and during the camp.
Complete the texts with the correct form of (not)
make or let and the verbs given.

Dad allowed me to have a ride on his motorbike last


2 I asked if I could have another ice cream but Mum

said no.
---- --- - - --- - - - -- - - - -- - - ----


----------- --- - -

3 My brother told me to turn the television off when the

guests arrived.

My teacher said I could go home early because I

wasn't feeling very well.

My sister said she wouldn't allow me to borrow her

new CD.

Mum said I had to write an email to thank my aunt for

her present.

5 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 The film director made the actors to wait until all the
scenes had been filmed.
2 They won't make you hire a jet ski unless you're over

3 Those children were very lucky! Their parents let them
live in a tree house for a week!
4 I'm so lucky that they're making me have their old
Xbox for free!
5 Why don't you make her feeling happy by giving her
some flowers?
6 My mum lets me play computer games, but not for
very long.
7 Dad didn't make me the help in the house - he just
asked me if I could do it as a favour!

Then last summer we went . o a :>F ~

camp. Ithought it would be fun, but it
was really hard work! The camp leaders
_ _ _ __ _s (us 1 get up) at 6.30 am
=and it was the holidays! They
____ __9 (us 1 clean) the room
~~eryd;yand cook and wash the dishes.
The sporting activities were good, but they
never ______ __ ___ __ _____10 (us 1 watch
TV) in the evenings. At the weekends,
they _ _ ___ ____ ___ _______11 (us 1 relax) a
bit and have some free time, but they
12 (us 1 go) outside the
~;;;p-;t;-ll.T;;-b;honest, we were glad LLL~-----"~--
get home again!


i -

Psaf slmpll!

Past t'l:mtiJJUOU5

S-hfNc;afd, q.em an apple s ft' llay'.

-+ 6M ~,,{rJ 11M tJtiNm 8/)p/fJ evsry daJ

Nee !lfJJd, 'Pm pmyJJJ_ll-a wm(Jllfflr gt~me. '


Past perf.ect simple

SJpe -stJldr '' was very aNgry w/tflliim. ~

-t She sBltJ she had bHllllt':fY ;mp(jl wJtb 11

Past perfect


w.o playing a UDm{JIJter !1f1lfT

/k. sal~ rve btHJght two pew Ql'!s:.

resent perfect slm u

~nt fJ6rfet:t GOntfhUD'US

#f. ~ he

/1f.i ,<;firJ fiercJIHJughllwO PlOL'YGil.

S!Je said, fJ'wl bwm fislfi:ning tQ music.

'$Jlf.! sjiki that sJ1e'd betm' l;sfefJiml ftJ llfUiil

/k.!51Jid, 'J'/1 $e8 ytnJ scon,'


HQ1111'1 M WilliltJ see mf! soon.


S'aid. fm lfQ to lJooi< m~ iwlfl'tar.'

-f, S-he sllid -BI!e Wtn golug tQ fJJ)ok1tw hlllfitJiJ,
r.asJmlf loo; oo YQU pla-y tm111is~
fasf(orJ hllf if /iNMlffer sheplsjle'(J fD~mrs..

l.a!tked him, 'Wllero 'ilrB pm twiag7'

4 I w IJlfll''Whetti! he was fiDirm.


'Open your bOokS!

He tafd ~to (]JIImJJJJr..hotJ.KS.


s~ SJ.fifl.,

'fhm'l talk in thB f{)SS(In.'

$he US-IHlt mtalk ffllhl:i' Jessrm

Sl!e $11l{f, 'Pieqse cJDse lhe Wfutfmv.-'



me ttl Close liJ&win!ltJ.w.

She Mid; flle.ase aon'f ma~ a nqfse,

mms~ noJ}o;

'-""'li.8lm rmkmi_us1J.fli

1 Changes in reported speech:

a Pronouns
'I really like spaghetti,' said George.
George said that he really liked spaghetti.
'We don't want to miss the film,' said Milly and her brother.
Milly and her brother said that they didn't want to miss the film.
b Situation, time and place
Words that are spoken in a certain situation may be reported elsewhere. In which case,
it is logical to make certain changes. For example:
'I'm not going to eat all those sandwiches,' said Lucy.
Lucy said that she wasn't going to eat all the sandwiches.

'We're having an extra dancing lesson today,' said

Jessica said that they were having an extra dancing
lesson that day.
'We'll tell you about the new project next week,' said
Scott said that he would tell them about the new
project the next week.
'I'm watching a DVD at the moment,' said Paul.
Paul said that he was watching a DVD at that moment.

Rewrite the statements in reported speech.
1 'I'm very hungry.'

2 Medals
Could, might, should, ought to and would do not change
in reported speech.
'You ought to find out the time of the party,' Dad said.
Dad said that I ought to find out the time of the party.
3 These verbs are often used with reported statements:
say, reply, wonder, announce, explain, answer, complain.
4 These verbs are often used with reported requests and
commands: advise, ask, order, command, tell.

Rewrite the sentences about making a film in

reported speech.
1 The assistant said 'Put your costumes on, please.'

She said ___ _

The assistant asked us ____________________________ _

2 'We're going to watch the match on TV.'

He said ____________________________________________ _

2 The make-up artist said, 'Don't touch your faces.'

The make-up artist advised us __________________ _

'I've been waiting for half an hour.'

Jenny said_

3 The assistant said, 'Be ready in five minutes.'

The assistant told us _____________________ ,:______ _

4 'I don't know the answer to the question.'

Alex said ___________________ _

4 The director said, 'Be quiet please, everyone.'_

The director ordered everyone _ __ ____ _____ __

'it's a really horrible day.'

Mum complained that

___________________________ _

5 The lead actress said, 'I can't act in this costume!'

The lead actress complained ___________ _

'I won't be at school next Monday.'

Simon explained that . _ __

_ __________________ _

'Sally should have her hair cut.'

Mum said that __________________________ _

'We've spent all our pocket money for this month.'

They said __________________________________________ _

2 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1 'Are you inviting Jack to your party?'
I asked her ___________________________________________________ _
2 'Have you tidied your room?'
Dad asked me _____________________ _

'Will you come with me to the football match?'

Rob asked Anna _______________________________ _

6 The director said, 'it's time to go home!'

The director announced ______ _

4 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the

1 Trish told her __________ _
a not to stay

a told me

b asked me

3 I said that I ___________ her later.

a would ring

b ring

4 Mum asked me _____________ out.

a if I was going
5 The film star replied
about the award.

I asked Tom _________________________________ _

a whether she was

Joe asked me ___________________________________ _

b to not stay

2 They _. __________ if they could have pizza for supper.

'What are you doing at the weekend?'

'Where have you put my books?'

out late.

b was I going
_ _ ___ extremely happy
b that she was

6 They said that they .. _ ________ very busy that day.

a have been

b had been

6 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the


5 Read the article about Johnny Depp. Write the

numbered phrases in direct speech.

Johnny De pp is well known for a variety of starring

roles in the cinema, but most of all, perhaps, for his
role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the
Caribbean films. In a recent interview, he talked
about his early life and career. He was born in
Kentucky, USA, in June 1963. His great -grandmother
was a Native American belonging to the Cherokee
tribe. He described how he and his family had
lived in lots of different places o before they finally
settled in Florida. Johnny had started to learn the
guitar when he was twelve 1 and played in a rock
band throughout his teens. At that time, he hadn't
really been thinking of a career in the cinema 2_
Johnny stated that the actor Nicolas Cage had first
advised him to go into films 3_ He also said that
nowadays, his family was the most important
thing in the world tohim 4_ He explained that he
loved watching cartoons on television with his
children s and that he didn't like to watch himself
in films s. He didn't want to think about the film
again once the acting was over. He explained,
however, that he'd always chosen to act characters
in films that he found interesting as people 7 and
not just because the film might be successful.

1 The teacher told us ------ - ---- a noise.

c not making
a to not make
d we make
b not to make

1asked him------------- the project.

c had he finished
a if he finish
d if he had finished
b if finished

3 We - - - - - - - - whether the weather would get

c wondered
d said

a complained
b ordered

4 The doctor --- - ---- - - me to take more exercise.


c replied
d complained


5 When I asked him, he -

---~- -- that he wasn't too

keen on the idea.


a ordered
b told

_ the car driver to stop.

The police officer - -

c announced
d said

a replied
b ordered

7 We asked her---------- going.

a where she was
c where are you
b where was she
d where she is


_her bag from the kitchen.

a asked to me to get
b said me to get


asked to get
asked me to get

g The driving instructor -------

'My family and llrved r:M !of':; of dt"fferenr

but to go straight on.

p!Prce-;; ... '

a said me
b told to me

'I ___ _


'Nicolas Cage------------------- -----------------

'My family

5 'I __




---- ----

10 1asked them----- a whether they wanted

b whether wanted

not to turn right

c told me
d ordered
something to drink.
whether they want


AnD ~uu@QD@[}{]
The Jest i1t8S}on dllfJclJlt tows to tmish

-Sh_;1!i_II:~(jpW11:ortrtl~ ~_Jog

czrilessly ami !hey aJIIJroke.

/I' Vasstt warm flfiOlJ!Jh


wgo swimming,

ltildn'fget if11fNi phonc-qWc/dy errouJ}lr

y1rW t/te tmller!li!J{J off.

Write sentences about the pictures using too or enough and a word in the box.


1 The giraffe was


to eat the leaves.

2 The boat went _______ _____and the water-skier fell off.

3 The music was _______. I didn't enjoy the concert.
4 Jenny didn't wake up _____________ __ and she was late for school.


Write sentences using too and one of the words
This parcel is t"oo het?tv'1 for me. Could you carry it,

3 Complete the sentences using too or (not) enough.

Use the correct form of the verb given.
1 The baby's only two months old. He __________ _

(be I old) to walk yet.

please? (heavy I light)


My jeans are _______________ to wear. (dirty I clean)

2 You can't come out of the sea and get into the car
-you're ____________ __! (wet I dry)

2 The mountain ~---------- (be I high) for us to walk

up it in one day. We should get to the top tomorrow.
3 We___________ (concentrate I hard) so we didn't do
well in the exam.

3 This homework is ___________ . Can you help me,


please? (easy I difficult)

4 You're talking ______________ - I can't understand you!

5 They __________ (run I quickly) and he fell over.

(fast I slowly)

5 lt was raining - - - - - - t o go for a picnic. (lightly I

6 Last summer, it __________ (be I hot) to do anything

much. We just went to the beach every day.


6 That dog would be ___________ for our little flat!

7 I don't believe that she could be so rude! She's

___________ to say something like that. (nice I

2 Complete the sentences using enough and an

adjective or adverb in the box.

My dad says a holiday to Disneyworld _________ _

(be I expensive), so we're going to stay with my






9 Jamie __________ (run I fast), and came last in the



He didn't do his work cPrrefl/111'1 M-.ol/fgh to get good

1 She didn't arrive ____ _ _ _ _ to catch the train.

2 The sea wasn't _________ for us to go swimming.

3 The little girl's shoes weren't __________ for her any

Unfortunately, the old lady wasn't shouting

__________ and no one heard her at first.

I hadn't done the washing, and my blouse wasn't

____________ to wear to the party.

6 She hadn't cooked the potatoes _________ and

they were still hard.
7 The book wasn't ____________ for her to finish it.


grandparents again.



Paul ________________ (feel I well) to go to school


(small I big)


My bag ---~----- (be I heavy) to carry this morning

so I took some books out.

10 I think motorbikes ____________ (be I dangerous). I

prefer to go by bus or train.

Rewrite the sentences putting the words in the

correct order.
1 wasn't I Her handwriting I enough I to read I clear I
for me I

2 busy I were I to I answer I The hotel staff I our

questions I too I

6 Complete the conversation about a film. Use too or

enough and an adjective in the box.





Lisa So what did you think of the film, Jake?

Jake Well, I thought it was a bit _______ _

3 sang I to I too I be I He I in the concert I badly I

sometimes, didn't you? So many guns and a lot of

shooting going on. There were some parts where I
couldn't look at the screen!

4 to finish the exam I weren't working I enough I fast I

The students I

______2 . Sitting there

Lisa Yes, I agree. it was also
for nearly three hours without a break was quite difficult.

Jake The plot wasn't _____________3

either- I mean,

I always knew what was going to happen next! I really

5 isn't I enough I Your work I this term I good I

found some of it quite boring.

Lisa What did you think of the acting?

any more I big I The coat I for her I wasn't I enough I

7 for us I sad I watch it all I too I The film I was I to I

Jake Well, mostly it was OK, but Katie Wilson wasn't

____________4 in the main role. She's usually much
better and I thought she made her character seem
and silly. Brent Peters was good, though.


8 politely I to the customers I wasn't speaking I The

Lisa Well, he's ____________ 6 to keep the girls happy!

But I'll tell you one thing, the scenery was fantastic!

shop assistant I enough I

Rewrite the sentences so they have a similar

meaning to the first sentence. Use too or enough.

Jake I agree, but unfortunately all those views of the

7 to keep us all
Himalayas weren't quite
awake. I'm sure I could hear someone snoring behind me!

1 This food isn't very tasty. I don't like it. (enough)

Lisa I couldn't go to sleep because the music was

This food isn't ____ _

_ _ __ _ _ _ for me.

2 I can't wear her shoes because her feet are bigger

than mine. (too)
My feet

Jake Oh well, let's hope we choose a better film to go
and see next time!

_________ for me to wear her

3 We couldn't see the band because the stage was too
far away. (enough)
We couldn't see the band because we weren't
------------------------------- to the stage.
4 You're making too many mistakes. Be more careful
when you do your homework! (enough)
You aren't doing your homework
5 I wish you would walk a bit faster! (too)
You walk ____________________ !



Who or that


Toaji is ff1B boy who I that ll<IIM firslln llltt

wh;ch or 1hal


nurt's tire cS! whlch 1tMI Mnm wa11ts ttJ bit



Bile's the gjrl Wfr0$e- JJuJt(ler is In ah8od.



mst's1he lJiNJch ~ we-us'tW to go lasl




lr W8S'fi1si TtWSday wllfm wB went tQ drs ~

1 Defining relative clauses give ~ssential information about nouns. Relative clauses begin
with relative pronouns: who, that, which, whose, where, when.
2 When a relative pronoun (who, which or that) is the object of the relative clause, we can
leave it out.
Spaghetti and meatballs is a meal {which I that) I could eat every day.
3 Relative pronouns act as subjects or objects. They replace pronouns, so only one
subject is needed.
They've rented a house for the summer. /t's by the sea.
They've rented a house for the summer which is by the sea.
NOT They've refjtecl a house for the summer 'vlhich it is b'y' the sea.


SRnJ!x., WIW ~:lfllks SS:_ll ~ fs.a IIitmd of my



My mobile phone, wlllch I was giwm a !fUr IJlJO,

JmPt WtJilifi1{J IJWflPrl)t

lltB lle~r,tiosc on ~ttelsaaiDUr-sc/JtJ(J~
w~mtlnto haspjpll~flf.

TJnrow !Jtmks~R!Jl Yififfre: l!~ buu{iht ~s

Ef1Jlfl6fllJtJOks, /Ta$cl.osod down.
i_thrf'~i1Ik-1D'Ckr WJJpn:we..hadmmrtgM


1 Non-defining relative clauses add extra, non-essentia l information. We put non-defining

relative clauses between commas. The clauses start with the relative pronouns: who,
which, whose, when, where.
2 We don't use that in non-defining relative clauses.
3 We cannot leave out the relative pronoun in non-defining relative clauses.

Match the sentence halves.
1 This is the village
2 I bought the book
3 lt was last October
4 Sue is the friend
5 Here's the CD
6 That's the teacher
7 I had a strange dream
8 I heard about a white tiger

3 Complete the sentences with the correct relative

clause a-f.

I don't really remember the house

lived when I was very young.


was so impolite to you?

3 I can't afford to buy all the COs ~---- I like.


Her father is the man

news last week.


hotel was in the

5 She showed me all the pets in the pet shop

-~~~~she'd like to have.

6 Are you still writing to the people

on holiday last year?
7 We had really horrible weather

we met
we went

to stay with our friends.

8 The computer game

that one over there.


_ _ _ , is having lessons this year.

a where we had lunch last Saturday

b who didn't know how to use a computer
c when it was very hot

books were all over the floor.

Can you tell me the name of the person

, we had the air-conditioning

5 Sam, - - - - - - - , looked very cross.

whose, which or that. If you can leave them out, put

them in brackets ( ).

Last August,
on all the time.

2 Complete the sentences with where, when, who,

, plays for a local football

3 My brother,

whose children are in my class.

when they went to Australia.
that I still remembered a few days later.
that attacked its trainer.
where I was born.
who always buys me nice presents.
that you were reading on holiday.
h which you lent me last month.


, has won an

2 The Silver Fish restaurant,



lt was Ben

, are too small for me

1 My favourite jeans,

I'd like to buy is

d who fell in the pool

e which my mum gave me last year


whose name is Kevin

4 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 Basketball players who they are tall are usually the
best players.
2 The storm, that had lasted for three days, caused a lot
of damage.
3 I'm sorry, but I don't know the person you're talking

4 Is this the cafe that we are meeting your friends?
5 Did the girl who phoned last night leave a message?
6 Have you got the dictionary I ordered a few weeks ago?
7 I don't know the boy which spoke to you this morning.
8 The school disco, which it is usually great fun, wasn't
so good last time.

They've sold ________ _

5 Choose the answer that best completes the


1 The girl ----------sends me emails lives in

b who
a -

My aunt's got a very nice house. She's also got a flat

by the sea.
My aunt, ____ _

1 Read ~'le t.ext about an accident and complete the

2 Those boots ____ _ ----- - you are wearing have got

space::. usmg one word on!y.

holes in them!
a where

b _
----- th e f'1re started belonged to a

3 The factory

friend of my parents.
a where

b which

4 The weather, ---

----has been very cool

recently, is going to change soon.

a that

b which

My best friend is a girl ___________ father is a

a whose

b that

lt was last night -------- everyone was asleep,

that I heard a strange noise.

a when

b _

I really like the DVD _____ _ -- - you got me for my

a where



b _

e sentences using relative pronouns.

The girl in blue is behind you. She's my sister.

The girl in blue,



belu~ {i!i



Last weekend, we swam at that beach. it's my

The beach whe;re

RN:: -s~v~n.,

I'm reading the book. You gave it to me for my

I'm reading the book

- ----------


I decided to start going to the gym. That was three

years ago.
lt was three years ago _______ _

I like that mobile phone best. it's rather expensive.

The mobile phone _____

4 The s~udents have raised a lot of money. They want to

orgamze a party.
The students, ____________ _


5 They've sold the black puppy. lt was in the pet shop.

Seventeen-year -old Matt Horton,

____________1 is a promising young bas
player, and his friend Jo Alister, were travelling
home from training on a very cold evening last
December. As they went round a sharp bend
in the road Matt suddenly lost control of the
car. It flew off the side of the road and went
down a steep hill into a river, _________
was at the bottom. Jo managed to get out of
the car and climb back up the hill. He got to
the road; ___________3 a passing car stopped
and the driver went to help the boys. Jo
immediately went back into the river with the
driver, although the water, ___________ came
nearly up to their necks, was extremely cold.
They opened the car door and managed to cut
Matt's seatbelt, __________5 was trapping him
in the car. A few minutes later, __________
they pulled Matt out of the car, they were able
to see that he was still alive. They gave him
first aid and then the driver of the car went off
to inform the rescue services. Matt was very
lucky to survive the accident. He will always
be grateful to those people _________ . brave
actions saved his life. One of the policemen
____________ 8 had been called to the scene stated
that the accident had been caused by the icy
condition of the roads.

mw[}{] @uu@, ~Dlr[}{]~w w,


Bath my sister iHid f havo gtft green

both ... and

flit/fer ... or

To emph:asl~lllc ti'lat 1here J an alternative. We can order either {iizi2 tJ( ell t:ken
lmd cJI/ps. Which.woufd J!Qtl {Jrefe{?

neithsr ... nor

Look at the



io e mpha5l~~ tllat two altetnalives are

not llDss;lliB,Irk81yur true.

NeitheT ChaHI9>fN1f Jane tookedJJef11


and choose the correct alternatives.

Neither I Either Mr Jones nor I or Mr Smith were tall and thin.

Either I Both the house or I and the school had white walls.
We can neither I either go to Australia nor I or go skiing. We can't do both.
Neither I Both Bill nor I and Josie wore glasses, though both their parents did.


Choose the correct alternatives.
1 Neither I Either Tim nor his brother are very tall.
2 Bob would really like to have both a motorbike and I or
a car, but he hasn't got enough money.
3 The teacher gave us a choice: neither I either we
stopped talking or he'd give us extra homework.
4 The sales assistant in the shop persuaded me to buy
either I both the jeans and the jacket.
5 Neither I Both the meat nor the chicken were very
6 You can have seats either I neither in front of the stage
or at the side.
7 They decided to visit both the castle or I and the
museum that afternoon.

3 Complete the sentences with both ... and or

neither ... nor.

2 Complete the sentences with both ... and, either...

or, neither... nor.
1 _ ___ _ _

Melissa _ _ __ _ Luke are keen on

sports. They train three times a week.

2 You can have

a doughnut _ _ _ __

a cream cake, but not both!


In my opinion, _ _ _ _ _ Lucy _ _ _ _ _ Sally

are very good at maths! They always need a calculator
to help them.

4 Mum made us choose ------------ a week by the

sea _ _ __ _ in the mountains, so we chose the

quite difficult sports, but of the two, I think sailing is a

bit easier.

7 _ _ _ _ _ my friend _ _ __ _ I wanted to go
out so we stayed in and listened to music.

_spiders can be


the black trousers
5 In the end,
------- - - - the white trousers fitted me, so I bought
a jacket instead.
6 ______________ _ _sailing __________ water-skiing are



giraffes are huge



hedgehogs move


parrots live in

very quickly.


______ polar bears _ _ _ __

seals live in

hot climates.
tigers _ _ _ _ _ leopards belong to

the big cat family.

dolphins _ _ _ _ _ whales are fish,

though they both live in the sea.

8 _ _ _ _ _ cats _ _____ dogs make popular

9 _ _ _ _ _ lions _ ____ zebras can be found
in Africa.
10 _ _ _ _ _ crocodiles _ _ _ _ _ alligators can
be found in Europe - except in zoos!

_ _ __ _


__ __

cows _ _ _ _ _ sheep live on farms.

ducks ________ eagles can fly.

4 Complete the conversation about water sports with

5 Read the news stories. Complete the texts with both

... and, either ... or, neither ... nor.

both, and, either, or, neither, nor.

Jess Hey, Mark, Mum has said that I can choose to do
________ 1

a windsurfing course__

waterskiing course as my birthday present this year! What

do you think?
Mark Well, I think _________ 3 windsurfing
____________ 4

waterskiing are really cool sports. Why

Two young people were rescued yesterday

from a cave near Toulouse, France. They had
fallen into it while they were walking up a
- t e1y, ------- - ----1 the girl
. Fortuna
- _______2 the boy were injured.

don't you try windsurfing?

Jess I don't know. I can't really choose. Perhaps Mum

would let me learn_____

_____5 activities? Let's go and

ask her.
Jess Mum, instead of choosing between windsurfing
____________ 6
__________ 7 ,

waterskiing, could I possibly learn


Mum What? You can't be serious, Jess. That would be

really expensive. No, _________ a one _________9

the other, please.

Jess But I've found a place where you can do lots of

different water sports and you don't pay anything extra.

Mum Well, in that case, I'll think about it. Although
another idea would be for you to learn _________10

windsurfing ____


waterskiing but have a new

game or two for your PlayStation instead.

Jess & Mark Great idea!

A tornado blew away a house in Oklahoma

USA The strong winds also blew away a '
mother and her baby. _ _ __ _ 3 the mother
- - - - - - - - - - her baby were found about 30
metres from where the house had been, alive
and well!
-._. . .---- . - -arrow escape yesterday
TWo girlfnends h~d an - .
n southern
while_swimming lfi Lake Oslma 1
.. _ _
5 Pippa Clark ---'---- ---Afnca,
_ d swimmers who
.-_ d lens en were goo. _ .
Arnan a --. ed the lake. On this occasion
d l fe. lt a sharp pain a,nd
frequently ~s . - -- --- Pppa sud en Y
however, I - - ; h d its teeth tnherarml
-- realized a crocodile a
-- - - - - - 5h could
. .- - _
Amanda k!lew e _ _ . -- she went
.-_ . . . --.-_. -. . ___ . s swnnaway. d"le which
herfnend--'-:--=----tohelpheran<istruckthe croco _ I ,_.
amazingly swam away:
Samantha Pegg, aged g, was recovering at
home yesterday after a serious accident.
Samantha had tried to climb a 20-metre tree
near her home in Perth, Australia. Disaster
struck when she slipped and caught her foot in
an electricity power line. Luckily a friend, Chris
Apple by, aged 12, was nearby and managed to
climb up and rescue Samantha. Chris said later
that he didn't really have a choice:________
he had to go and get her ___________10 she
would have been badly burnt. Fortunately, she
was OK in the end, after hospital treatment.



Sltort ad ~clrues
ntdsr lt1Uldes1


the nicest


~~~ lifggm

11 ppy lla!W er the ncwp-est




more beautiful
ihll r:nost beautiful

more ~opu~r
lhs- mo~ popular

li'tqdtar adjootives

WB<use c.ompara.Hveo ad] cll~.~:es -It's- "'~'mer ltlday rhan ft was xr:,st~a
T1NJ ofl/llst mf!fflbet rifoor rnmily IS
Gmmlmt;,'i!ihrJ 1s.92l
~~~pt.e er things.
WE! u~ suJ)erlafiYB t~cljectjveSc
to ccmpariHlne membiiT ma
group wittl t'he Whole group,

t'!l fllS. e compariSOl1S between


old'r -thKoldoo
better the best




So#le books-arc IJtt'te fnfel'esfiltg than

MY Mend l one oftlls rrrost popular
4rts ttl'e scflfl{){.

M.v tJad Is ac-flrd nriii he CO!JI<sMsr

fm'id lhan my mumt
11ie &v(}{St-expetlence et my lifo w;JS
when l-l}at last at ltHNilrp.orl.

1 Spelling rules for short adjectives:

a Most adjectives: add -er, -est (e.g. old, new).
b Adjectives ending in -e: add -r, -st (e.g. nice).
c Adjectives ending in one vowel and one consonant: double the consonant and add -er,
-est (e.g. big, thin).
d Adjectives ending in -y, change they to i and add -er, -est (e.g. happy, nasty).
2 We can use as ... as to say there isn't a difference between two people or things.

My room is as messy as yours!

3 We can use not as .. as to say there is a difference between people or things.
My cat isn 't as friendly as Wendy's cat.


Complete the sentences with the comparative form
of the adjectives.

My room is _ _ _ _ _ (tidy) than my sister's room.

Is your brother ___

Mum was ______ (brave) than I was when we

3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or

superlative form of the adjectives or (not) as.
1 Tom wasn't

(lucky) as Gina in the game.

She was the winner again.

(tall) than your father?

2 This reality TV programme is _ _ _ _ _ (bad) than

all the others we've seen.

saw the huge spider.

4 The weather is getting ____________ (hot) now.

Her latest single is ____________ (successful) than her

3 From the top of that mountain, you get the

_________ (wonderful) view!
4 Jenny is already

previous one.

(tall) as her mother.

6 He is a _________ (fast) runner than all the other

students in his class.

5 The noise coming from the city streets was

_ _ _ _ _ (loud) than normal.

7 This exercise is _ _ _ _ _ (easy) than all the others.

as his sister.

8 Are you ____________ (good) at languages than your


2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of

1 This is really __________ (exciting) thing that

has ever happened to me!

3 Which is ________ (large) country in the

You're _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (important) person in my

lt was one of
when their dog Jason died.


My grandmother's engagement ring is

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (valuable) thing I own.

What's the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (bad) dream that you

can remember?

_ _ _ _ (cheap) than

His hobby is collecting pictures of the _____________ _

(expensive) cars in the world.

9 The _________ (comfortable) plane seats are the

2 That house with all the flowers outside is

. _______ (lovely) in the village.

7 The black shoes I like are

those red shoes.

the adjectives.

He never exercises. No wonder he's _ _ _ _ _ (fit)

(sad) days of her life

_(young) member of her

ones with extra space.

10 Your brother isn't _______ (old) as my brother,

is he?

4 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 1think his jokes aren't as funnier as mine.
2 Which subject do you think is the interesting at
3 Some of the richest people in the world are Hollywood
film stars.
4 Your schoolbag is heavy than a sack of potatoes!
5 The weather is usually best in summer than in spring.
6 This is the most difficult question in the test.
7 Fortunately, my trainers aren't dirty as yours.
8 Simon is more popular as Matt because he always
enjoys having fun.

6 Read the text about Joss Stone and choose the

correct alternatives.

loss Stone is an internationally-known soul singer,

but she comes from a. small village in Devon. This
is her story.
loss was born in 1987 in one of the smallest 1 the
most small 1 villages in Devon, England. She. was
never, as she has said, more hard-working 1 the
most hard-working2 pupil at her school: her more
greater I greatest3 interests were always music
and art. She was probably prettiest 1 prettier4 and
more talented I the more talented5 than most of
the other girls in her school, but she was shy and
never boasted about her amazing voice.
Joss was one of the most young I the youngest6 pop
artists to have both a hit single and a hit album.
She was only 16 at the time. She is admired by some
of the bigger I biggest7 names in music, such as
James Brown and Elton John. The most important
I Most importantB thing, though, is that she has
remained a nicer I nicest9 person than so many
other pop stars. Friends say that she has never lost
the personality she had when she was a simple
schoolgirl. She's been the most lucky 1 luckier
than most 10 people and her first step towards a
successful music career came through a BBC talent
show. Joss performed to a large TV audience at the
age of just 14, and a new star was born!

Complete these sayings with a word from the box.







1 as quiet as a _________
2 as black as

3 as cold as
4 as warm as ______
5 as white as

6 as brave as a

as light as a __

8 as easy as------9 as free as a

10 as hard as




t11.maktCAJmpm-lrnm,,bli:M.eeo Ute GQ/JiffJ:_mJ fr.ta mtlwriJrlr ~-


IJcnavfou of poop le ortl!.l~W~ -

umJeri/Boo 11iB ]JloBif!m'l

l(IJ19 ad'll!dJs

ml)m qtitl&~


mnre ml iy

CiiCT f01J.SP611k ~lmRNJJl mm't

fJIUln '<f11~

negular Brliverl>i






Match the sentences to the photos A-D. Then choose the correct alternatives.

1 That jet can fly higher I harder than other planes.

2 He can kick the ball longer I further than anyone else.
3 The cyclist in the yellow shirt was moving more faster I more quickly than the others.
4 Sandra plays the guitar better I harder than anybody I know.


Choose the correct alternatives.
1 Can't you walk faster I more fast? We'll never get there
if you don't hurry up.
2 Dan always dresses smartly I more smartly than his
friends, doesn't he?
3 Ben should do his homework more carefully I the more
carefully this term.
4 My little sister played more happier I more happily
once I had given her the new toy.
5 After the teacher had explained, we could do the
exercise easy I more easily.
6 I shouted more loudly I loud so that they would stop
and wait for me.
7 Some of the students worked more hard I harder than
the others.
8 You can often buy things on the internet more cheap I
more cheaply than in the shops.
2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

:S Complete the sentences with the comparative form

of the adverbs.
1 Jess studied ________ (hard) in the days before

the exam.

2 Sally talked _______________ (serious) about many

subjects than her friends.
3 The students were studying

a shorter

b longer

5 The cars travelled __________ (slow) as they went

over the bridge.

6 Sam spoke _______ _____

3 I tried _ _ _ _ _ in history last year and got a

better mark in the exam.
a harder
b hardly

ever done before.

7 The musicians played __________ (fast) as the

dancers danced.
8 The rain fell _________ (heavy) during the night.

1 We live more recently


you have.
kilometres if I'm wearing good walking shoes.

b later
than ever and it flew

I'm glad that Matt started to behave worse

____ when he went to high school.

5 Can you speak further ____________ ? I can't

understand you.

b more highly

6 Did you know that the ostrich runs ___________ than

most other animals?
a faster
b more faster

7 We woke up _ _ __

than the rest of the family

and went down to the sea for a walk.

b earlier
a too earlier


I've seen Sonya more successfully ___________ than

3 I can walk more sensibly ____________________ than ten

over the goalpost.

a higher

_______ to the school than

all our friends.

4 Sue always gets to school ______ than everyone

5 Tim kicked the ball

(angry) to me than he had

4 Put the underlined adverbs in the correct sentences.

2 We live _ _ _ _ _ to the school than my best

a further
b nearer

a more late

I wish I knew her ___________ (well), but we haven't

met very often.

1 Joe can carry on playing football _ _ _ __

because he's fitter than the others.

_ _ ___ (quiet) after

6 Her cough sounded earlier __________ so they took

her to the doctor.
7 She wrote songs more clearly __ _

when she

was working with another musician.

8 The film finished nearer ____________ than we had

5 Read the text about the advantages of having music

6 Complete the conversation with the adverb form or

lessons. Complete the text with the comparative

forms of the adverbs.

the comparative adverb form of the words given.


Andrea Hey Mike, I'm thinking __

(serious) of

going in for the school talent show. I've been able to sing
_,_,_, _____,___2 (good) since I started taking lessons. What
do you think?
Mike it's not a bad idea. I wonder why Susie doesn't
want to go in for it? She's been singing ________ _
(long) than you.
Andrea She can also sing ___ _

(loud) than me,

but she can't sing in tune!

Mike I hear that you'll be allowed to use a microphone if
you like. What will you do?
Andrea Well, I don't ___________~5 (normal) use a

microphone, but for something like this I think I'll sing

__________s (good) with one.
Mike I've been practising ___________7 (hard) than all of
you, but not singing. My voice isn't very strong because
8 (good). I
I can't reach the high notes very________
_ 9 (far) in the competition
decided I could go __ _ _
if I did something completely different.
Andrea Well, what are you going to do?

We often hear that piano playing or singing ,,=~,"~~","'"

helps a child's brain todevelop ------:-----(quickly) than it would normally do. This ~as
been shown once again in a recent Canadmn
study where six-year-old children in Toronto
were given free weekly piano or singing
lessons. According to this study, their IQ- a
popular measure of intelligence -went u~
--~----2 (fast) over a nine-month penod
than the IQ of children who were not having
the music lessons. Children who didn't have
any musical training during this period. did
_______3 (badly) at the IQ test. Music seems
to help the brain to develop _______________
(well) in many ways. In your younger years,
especially, it can help you to. solve problems
___s (easily) and thmk _,____, ___ ,_6
-(~reati~ly). Unfortunately, the benefits aren't
so great for older children and adults. If they
took up music at a later age, it would take a lot
__ ,___ ,_ __ ,_,_7 (long) for it to have any effect on 8
their IO level, and it would be a lot ____,_____
(hard) to achieve really good results.

Mike Juggling. My brother showed me how to do it last

week and I discovered I could do it
than I expected. Watch this ...




Presertt"psrf ct~nliiQJoos- o.M!rm-'5 1100!1 WIDiitfng tmn1 all WW. 1'm SIJI'P wrs

Past p:edetl stmpre;


We:'lt tmi - ~ tJw citooo({j(H 11o!Jke1ieTare Uiii

- - - l)r#~ttg_uf!/.1talm>B.fWt-

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
present simple or present continuous.
1 A: What ___________ (do), Jon?

I ____________ (think) I've been in the sun too long. My

skin _________ (burn).

3 She _____________ (go) to the beach every weekend.

(Melanie I play) on the

My cat ____________ (hate) thunderstorms. lt always

_____________ (hide) under the bed!

7 The days

_ ____

(meet) some


AI ice That means you _________________5 (stay) indoors

outside in the fresh air.

David Look, you _


David Well actually, I _ _ _ _ _ ____

friends tomorrow and we ____________

while we _______________6 (have) a wonderful time

ring you back later?

What game ___ _ __

Do you want to come too?

some computer games.

(be) very lucky.

4 We _________________ (have) lunch at the moment. Can I


Alice I ___________2 (go) windsurfing with Alex.



David lt looks like it _ _ _----- ____ 1 (be) a nice day

B: I ------~ (watch) my favourite game show on

3 Complete the conversation with the correct future

___ (get) longer now it's summer.

8 What time __________ (the plane I leave) for Crete?

2 Complete the text with the correct past tense form.

(get) tired by about

5 pm. Why don't we meet up in the evening instead?

Then we ______________8 (both I be) happy.
Alice OK then. See you at about 7?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

future perfect or future continuous.

Last Saturday, I ___________ 1 (listen) to my

1 Are you coming to the concert on Saturday? Sandy

_____________ (play) the violin.

favourite radio station when my mobile

(ring). lt _____________a

2 They _________________ (finish) painting the house by


(be) Jackie. She ____________________4 (want) to

give me some important news so she said she
_________________ 5 (come) round to my house. About a
month before, she

(tell) me that she

______________ _7 (enter) a writing competition. As a

young child, she often _______________8 (write) stories

and ________________9 (give) them to her mum to read.

the time we come back from our holidays.

3 We _______________ (not I have) lunch until later so
have a snack if you're hungry.

4 A: What ____ _

B: I ________________ (lie) on the beach!

5 Louise

________________1o (write) stories ever since so I

wasn't really surprised when she told me her news.

(try) not to think about it for the last few weeks, but they
______ 13 (send) me a letter yesterday. Isn't
it fantastic?'
1_______________14 (be) very happy for Jackie.

_________ (read) lots of books by the

end of the summer.

(not I do) all my shopping by

'I ______________ 11 (win) first prize in the essay

competition!' she said happily. 'I _______________12

(you I do) this time next


Monday. I'll need a few more days.


I'm sure that you _ _ _ __ __

_ __ (dance) all night

at her party!
8 Justin

__________ (not I go) out by the time

we get home. He never goes out till late.

She ______________15 (deserve) first prize and I

(know) that one day she would

______________ 16

become a well-known writer.


Negative question ags

After aftirrrrative sem1enoos.

Aftirmative queStion 1a!JS

Alter negatrve<Sentenoes.

Its aJ]!Joo film. iM 't it:?

1 In sentences with be, have, will and can, we repeat the same verb in the question tag.
You can play chess, can't you?
Simon won't be late, will he?
2 In sentences with other verbs, we use do.
You saw Usa yesterday, didn't you?
Match the sentences to the pictures A-D. Then choose the correct alternatives.


1 You haven't had your lunch yet, had you I have you ?

2 You're interested in computers, don't you I aren't you?

3 You remembered to do the shopping, don't you I didn't you?
4 She played tennis today, didn't she I isn't she ?


5 Read the text about an international airport and

choose the correct alternatives.

6 Choose the word or phrase that best completes the

1 Our dog. ____ --- when the postman came to the
a has barked
b barked

~adrid Barajas Airport was built I built1 in 1928.

Smce then, it has become I became2 one of the

most important airports in Europe. In February

2oo6, the_new Terminal4 building was opened/
was openzng3. This is a very light, airy building
which is helped I helps4 the passengers to feel
relax~d before their flight. The designer of the
ter_mmal, the British architect Richard Rogers, is
gomg to use I used s colour and glass to make this
a very different building from normal airport
buildings. In fact, he won 1 has won 6 a very
Important architecture award for Terminal 4 in
While they have built I were building7 Terminal
4, two more runways were also being built 1 were
also buildings. There have been I were9 already
two runways, so now, with the four runways in
use, a plane can land or take off every 30 seconds!
In future years, people say that 70 million
p~ssengerswill pass I are passing 10 through the
mrport every year.

c barking

is barking

Soon I ________ all the books by my favourite


a will have collected


am collecting

3 Our house------_

a is redecorated
b is redecorating

c collect
d will collect
in the autumn.
c is going to be redecorated
d will be redecorating

4 This time next month, we __________ on holiday


a go

have gone

c are gone
d will have gone

5 They . ___________ the whole house before the guests


are cleaning
had cleaned

c have cleaned
d are going to clean

I ---------an email from Jenny for a long time.

a had
c haven't had
d haven't
b don't have

7 We ____________ to the mountains in the summer, but

we are going this year.
a don't usually go
b won't usually go

c aren't usually going

d won't usually have gone

Lynne ________ on the phone for hours and I need

to make a phone call!
a had been talking
b was talking

c is talking
d has been talking

Match the sentence halves.
1 You won't be leaving next week,
2 Simon won't lose my CD,
3 They didn't forget anything,
4 She'll get here before midnight,
5 You remembered to lock the door,
6 That film was a bit strange,
7 You haven't had your lunch yet,
8 They'd eaten all the cake,

b aren't we
b doesn't she

is he

5 Your friends don't know him, _________?

will you

Sally is baking her first cake, but her friends have

noticed a few problems.
1 You've got all the things you need,

_ ___

___ - _?

You had washed the bowl before you used it,

You did clean the oven before you switched it on,

7 You aren't putting salt in instead of sugar,

8 You won't throw it all away in the bin, _________ ?

4 Complete the future tense questions with the correct

question tag.

b do they

3 They'll be watching the documentary about Iceland

later, ________ ?

5 You aren't going to walk 20 kilometres,

8 We've got a lot of homework this evening,

_ _ _ _ _?
b haven't we

________ ?

6 We're inviting Sasha and Paul to the party,

---------- ?

b does it

Becky won't have finished her project by tomorrow,

_______ ?

7 The sun doesn't go down till 9.30 in the summer,

_ _ _ _?

Maxis going to become a lawyer, ______________?

2 You'll read the book about Gaudi, ____________ ?

b don't they

6 They aren't having a party on Saturday, _________ ?

a don't we

were you

6 You weren't looking at the wrong recipe, _________ _ ___?

Phil isn't angry with me, _______ ?

a will it


5 You hadn't fed the cat from that plate, _________ ?

3 They're busy at the moment, _____?

b are they
a aren't they

a are they

haven't you


______ ?

2 Jan feeds her dog every evening, ________?

a do they

hadn't you

1 We're going to the sea on Saturday, ______?

a isn't he

did you


2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

are you

d did they?
e didn't you?
f have you?
g won't she?
h will you?

a isn't she

in the box.

2 You didn't forget to buy some eggs, _____ -- -----?

a will he?
b hadn't they?
c wasn't it?

a won't we

3 Complete the questions with the correct question tag

I'll get a new tennis racket for my birthday,


- __ ?

8 They aren't going to watch that horror film,


5 Rewrite the questions putting the words in the

correct order.
1 does he I doesn't like I playing basketball/ Harry I?

2 hasn't I Natalie I has she I her birthday present I yet I

opened I?

3 won't I will they I our secret I tell anyone I They I?

Read the magazine interview with Ellen MacArthur.

Complete the questions with the correct question tag.
Ellen MacArthur, has successfully sailed around the world
on her own twice and has become a role model for lots of
young people in different ways.
Kelly Ellen, it's great to meet you! Our readers would

love to hear about how and when you started sailing. You
became interested in sailing when you were very young,
_________ 1 ?
Ellen Hi Kelly and your readers! Yes, I started sailing at

4 doesn't she I Maria I the electric guitar I to play I

wants I?

the age of four when I used to go out on my aunt's boat.

Kelly Your home wasn't by the sea though,

--------- ___2?

5 next I to play /it's I isn't it I my turn I?

Ellen No, we lived in the middle of the country, but I was

determined to sail. I didn't want to do anything else.

aren't buying I are they I Clare and Mark I this year I

Kelly Things haven't always been easy for you,

a new computer I ?

- -------------3?

Ellen Well, I saved up my school dinner money for

7 when you were six I piano lessons I didn't you I

started I You I ?

several years in order to buy my first boat.

Kelly You were twelve years old then,
Ellen No, actually I was thirteen! And I was fifteen when I

8 to their house I will be inviting I won't they I My aunt

and uncle I for a week I us I ?

6 Tick the sentences that are correct. Rewrite the

incorrect sentences.
1 Jamie hasn't done anything wrong, hasn't he?
2 We're going to buy a new TV this year, aren't we going
3 Dad didn't park the car far away from the house,
did he?
4 Our friends won't be arriving until after midnight,
are they?
5 They were cooking the fish on the beach, didn't they?
6 Your friend doesn't want to learn how to waterski, is
7 We hadn't shown you the photos already, had we?
8 You haven't seen Carlos recently, haven't you?

bought my second boat, which was a bit bigger.

Kelly Now you're a successful sailor, but you're planning
more trips, ___________s?
Ellen Yes, I'm always planning something new!
Kelly And I'm sure you'll still be sailing for many more

years, _________6 ?
Ellen I can't imagine my life without sailing - and we're

now helping kids who have illnesses to enjoy sailing as

well. So it's much more than just a sport for me.
The interview with Ellen MacArthur is fictitious.

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