Morpho Syntax

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In this paper I am going to talk about the importance of the morphosyntax, the first
thing that I am going to explain is the meaning of this word, according to Thesaurus
dictionary morphosyntax are all the rules that determine the relation between one
linguistic form and another. As teacher it is important to know all these definitions,
since students are going to ask us things that are related to this and we cannot just
answer because of for me that is the most important reason, but through this
paper I am going to quote other ones that are important too; I have to say that I
was researching so much about this topic but I could not find important information,
all this is about concept associated to linguistics and morphology, but none that talk
about the importance of this as teachers, so I am going to develop this answer
according to my experience even when I am not going to be able to achieve the
task, I mean the length that is demanded.
Personally I really love linguistics, when I was in University the line that I decided to
take, besides teaching was linguistics, I have some researches on sociolinguistics,
it is so interesting to study this branch of my major, so according to those studies I
can say than beside the students questions another important reason is that
grammar is the language that makes it possible for us to talk about language




effective communication, even though grammar has high

importance in language teaching it can be negative, how is that possible? When

teacher just focuses in this part and use the whole class to explain on the board
students can be unmotivated because they will think that is boring, so teacher has
to teach grammar in an active way, so they have to have didactic.

n effective way to teach grammar in the teaching language




implicit grammar teaching activities for example, through the use of conversations
who include vocabulary used in the everyday language, in other words, using the
context, this method help us to increase motivation in our students because it is
fun, interesting and enjoyable for students while still meeting objectives and
So if we analise the latest explanation I can summarize that morphosyntax helps
us to speak and to write in a CORECT way, I mean if you dominated this concepts
you are going to be good at writing and that means that you are going to be a good
teacher since you are going to lead to the students in the correct way to write.
In addition I want to write that I have no too many words to express the importance
of knowing these concepts, so since I dont want to be superfluous I am going to
conclude this paper, by mentioning the following, I was able to achieve the last
assignment of this subject since I had to understand concept and applied them, I
am good at that, also I understand how linguistics works, but saying more than the
reasons that I already mention it is hard, teachers have to know about that
because we are teaching languages and this means that we are going to teach
structures, we have to know where they come from, so in my opinion there is not
too much to say about it.
On the other hand, as investigation, there are too many branches (linguistics ones)
that we as teacher can select to search on and develop projects that allows us to
have a better class and better understanding about structures and grammar.

Even when I am pretty conscious that I am not going to achieve all the points in the
project I want to conclude this saying that language teachers are not going to arrive
in the classroom saying guys today we are going to learn syntax, we are teaching
languages so all this is implicit in our grammar explanations, but it is important that
we teach them and encourage them to know the name of each thing in the
language, for example table is a noun, play is a verb, of is a preposition, etc in
order that students identify those elements when they have structure speeches and
Finally I want to say that I cannot quote because all the words up there are based
on my experience.


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