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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id: < S14.>

Supervisor Name :< >



Revision History
Software Requirements
Specification Document


Table of Contents

1. Scope (of the project)

2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements
3. Use Case Diagram
4. Usage Scenarios
5. Adopted Methodology
6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

1. Scope (of the project)

Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of
specific project goals, deliverables, tasks and deadlines.
Project Scope. "The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result
with the specified features and functions."

The work and resources that go into the creation of the product or service are essentially the
things that frame the scope of the project. The scope of the project outlines the objectives of the
project and the goals that need to be met to achieve a satisfactory result. Every project manager
should understand how to define the project scope and there are some steps that can be followed
when doing this.
To define a project scope, you must first identify the following things:

Project objectives







2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirement

The official definition of a functional requirement is that it essentially specifies something the
system should do.

Typically, functional requirements will specify a behavior or function, for example:

Display the name, total size, available space and format of a flash drive connected to the USB
port. Other examples are add customer and print invoice.

A functional requirement describes what a software system should do,

The functional requirement is describing the behavior of the system as it relates to the system's
Functional Requirements: specify the functionality of the system. (e.g. fields in a form)
Functional requirements are the activities that a system must perform

Non-functional requirements

Non-functional Requirements: specify the quality of the system, is mostly related to the
satisfiability of the user.

Non-functional requirements describe how the system works, while functional requirements
describe what the system should do.
The definition for a non-functional requirement is that it essentially specifies how the system
should behave and that it is a constraint upon the systems behavior.
Some typical non-functional requirements are:

Performance for example Response Time, Throughput, Utilization, Static Volumetric












Data Integrity
Non-Functional Requirements are as follows:

This application can be used by a single user at a time
Application should perform all of its functions excellently and effectively
without any inconvenience.
This application will be available free for everyone
The application can easily portable from one desktop application to

User Friendly:
Application will have a user friendly interface.
This application should be more scalable and allow management
to add more functionality.

3. Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved.

Use cases can be employed during several stages of software development, such as planning
system requirements, validating design, testing software, and creating an outline for online help
and user manuals

4. Usage Scenarios

A usage scenario, or scenario for short, describes a real-world example of how one or more
people or organizations interact with a system. They describe the steps, events, and/or actions
which occur during the interaction. Usage scenarios can be very detailed, indicating exactly how
someone works with the user interface, or reasonably high-level describing the critical business
actions but not the indicating how they're performed.

High-Level Example
Scenario: ATM banking for the week.
1. Ali khan places her bank card into the ATM.
2. Ali successfully logs into the ATM using her personal identification number.
3. Ali deposits her weekly paycheck of $350 into her savings account.
4. Ali pays her phone bill of $75, her electric bill of $145, her cable bill of $55, and her water
bill of $85 from her savings account
5. Ali attempts to withdraw $100 from her savings account for the weekend but discovers
that she has insufficient funds
6. Ali withdraws $40 and gets her card back

5. Adopted Methodology
It is decided to select VU process Model that is a Combination of Water Fall model and Spiral

Reasons for Choosing VU process Model.

1. The main idea to choose is to get the benefits of both these models.
2. It is sequential model with backward repetition.
3. We want to achieve the linear nature of waterfall and iterative plus risk reduction nature
of spiral model.
4. In vu process model we will be work in phases to complete the given project.
5. All the activities are performed in a sequence in VU Process Model.
6. If we want to do correction or betterment at any stage and repetition whenever necessary
then we can choose VU process model.

The waterfall model is a sequential design process, used in software development processes, in
which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of
Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production/Implementation and

The spiral model, also known as the spiral lifecycle model, is a systems development method
(SDM) used in information technology (IT). This model of development combines the features
of the prototyping model and the systems development life cycle (SDLC).

6. Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

The work plan is a document that consulting firms use to organize a project. It outlines
the plan by which the company plans to complete a quality project within a given amount of time
and in compliance with a set budget.

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