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Yale Model United

Nations Korea
2016 Delegate Viewbook

For those of you who have joined

us in previous years, welcome
backwe could not be more
excited to host you again.
My name is Kelsi Caywood and I have
the honor to serve as the SecretaryGeneral for YMUN Korea 2016.
The Yale International Relations
Association and YMUN Korea
Secretariat is proud to announce
that this years conference will be
held in Seoul from May 20th22nd, 2016 at Seoul Olympic
Parktel. Registration for delegates
is currently open, and the process
for registration will be thoroughly
explained later in this viewbook.

Dear delegates, advisors

and parents
Welcome to
Yale Model
United Nations
Korea 2016.

As we enter our fifth year in Seoul,

YMUN Korea remains committed to
providing an unparalleled delegate
experience that builds upon the many
successes of our previous conferences.
We now offer financial aid with the
aims of ensuring YMUN Korea is
more accessible to delegates of all
backgrounds. Our theme, This Is
Our World, reminds delegates that
they are global citizens and empowers
them to solve international challenges.
With increased committee options
and a charity partnership with Liberty
In North Korea, we are confident
in the social impact, educational
opportunity, and exceptional
quality of YMUN Korea 2016.

But YMUN Korea is more than

an academic conference: it is also
an opportunity for cross-cultural
exchange. Not only will delegates
be negotiating and practicing real
diplomacy in committee, but they
also will participate in a variety of
social events where delegates, Chairs,
and Secretariat members will get
to know one another. These social
events give delegates a chance to
continue committee debates, discuss
other interests, learn about Yale and
American universities, and make
friends with other high-achieving
students from around the world.
As my devoted Secretariat and I
continue preparing for Yale MUN
Korea 2016, be sure to follow
our updates via our website and
Facebook page. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me
and I hope to see you in May!
Thank you for your interest
in our conference.

Kelsi Caywood

This Is Our World

The world of today is not the world of our
parents. We find ourselves in a community
that is increasingly interconnected and global
a community that has time and time again
proven its ability to significantly influence
economies, governments, and cultures. As
young people, we have the opportunity to raise
our voices and call for greater global security,
and the potential to make lasting change.
We are just as accountable for our choices as
todays presidents and leaders are, and we must
start by considering complex issues, building
bridges, and breaking barriers. At Yale Model
United Nations Korea 2016, we invite you to
shape our collective future: this is our world.

Our Mission
YMUN Korea 2016s committee topics are
tailored specifically to this theme and task
delegates with thinking creatively and critically
about the issues facing the global community.
Throughout the course of the conference,
delegates will be equipped with the skills to
thoroughly debate and begin solving these
issues. YMUN Korea creates an engaging
and international learning environment for
both first-time and experienced delegates. It
is the Yale Secretariats hope that all delegates
will feel empowered to take seriously their
responsibilities as a global citizens as they return
to their schools, homes, and other communities.


YMUN Korea is proud to announce Liberty

in North Korea (LiNK) as its charity partner
for its 2016 conference. LiNK is a nonprofit
organization that rescues North Korean
refugees displaced in China and resettles
them in South Korea or the United States, so
that they can avoid being forcibly repatriated
back to North Korea, where they can face
harsh punishments as a result of illegally
emigrating. LiNK also assists resettled
refugees through its resettlement programs,
which provide support, information, and
resources to ease their adjustment. As of
October 2015, LiNK resettled 400 refugees
throughout the U.S. and South Korea.
LiNK also seeks to raise awareness of
human rights issues in North Korea through
media production, conducting research,
and through semiannual tours. The
organization has produced several featurelength documentaries, including Danny
from North Korea and Bridge to North
Korea in 2013 and The Peoples Crisis and
the SHIFT campaign video in 2012.
Half of YMUN Koreas merchandise
profits will be donated to LiNK and other
opportunities to directly donate to LiNK
will be available at the conference. We hope
that you will join us in the spirit of giving
and compassion. If you are interested
in learning more, please visit LiNKs

YMUN Korea is an annual Model
United Nations Conference for high
school students hosted by the Yale
International Relations Association
(YIRA) in Seoul, South Korea. YIRA is
a nonprofit student organization at Yale
University that aims to raise awareness
of and stimulate debate about global
affairs and international relations.
YMUN Korea held its first annual
conference in the spring of 2012,
but its partner organization,YMUN,
has been in place since 1974. YMUN
Korea is the first conference in Asia
to be hosted single-handedly by an
American university. With a spirit
of both tradition and innovation,
along with the Yale commitment to
educational excellence, YMUN Korea
is rapidly making itself known as one
of the premier educational simulations
of international relations in Asia
In its committees and throughout
the conference, YMUN Korea
has always encouraged delegates
to think thoroughly, quickly, and
creatively through structured and
constructive debate on a variety of
relevant issues. Overseen by Yale
student staffers, YMUN Korea
offers a vast range of historically and
geographically diverse committees
on international peace, security, and
socioeconomic progress each year.


The Conference
The Stage
Conference Schedule
Noteworthy Events
What is MUN?
Committees Overview
Delegate Training
Join Us
Contact Us


The Conference
Attracting delegates from South Korea and surrounding
countries, YMUN Korea will host approximately 350
students at Seoul Olympic Parktel over the course of
three days, from May 20th to May 22nd, 2016.
YMUN Korea 2016 has selected a group of dedicated and passionate
Yale students to organize the best intellectual and social conference
experience for delegates. YMUN Koreas Secretariat are well-trained in
MUN procedure, with many competing at the collegiate level for the
Yale Model United Nations team, and most have previous experience
teaching youth. The committees utilize unique YMUN procedure, a
hallmark of our renowned conference in New Haven, which all YMUN
Korea secretariat members have participated in. The Secretariat works
in direct partnership with South Korean high school upperclassmen,
providing them with valuable leadership and professional experiences.
Building off of YMUN Korea 2015s successes and strong
advisor and delegate feedback, YMUN Korea 2016 is proud
to announce several new initiatives to improve the educational
experience of the conference and provide the YMUN Korea
experience to an increasingly diverse group of delegates. Several
notable improvements to the conference this year include:
Financial Aid Program:

The Stage:
South Korea

As Koreas leading dynamic

city, Seoul provides the ideal
atmosphere for the rigorous
intellectual discourse YMUN
Korea facilitates. Combining
centuries of Korean culture and
tradition with breakthrough
technology and rapid economic
growth, Seoul is the perfect
stage upon which hundreds
of passionate young delegates
can gather and engage with
the most pressing issues in
international affairs. For YMUN
Koreas numerous international
delegates, Seoul is wonderfully
accessible for foreign visitors
with a variety of cultural heritage
sites and other attractions.
Seoul is home to Koreas most
renowned research institutions
and with them, some of the
brightest and most academically
curious students the nation
has to offer. This is an accurate
reflection of the incredible caliber
of YMUN Koreas delegates.
Seoul, South Korea truly is
the premiere location for a
what will be an unprecedented
Model UN experience.

YMUN Korea is dedicated to providing students of all

socioeconomic backgrounds the opportunity to participate in
our conference. Financial aid is available for both individual and
group delegations through applications on our website.

Increased Committees:
YMUN Korea is offering more committees than ever before while
maintaining our small committee size, which allows delegates increased
interactions and guidance from their chairs. Chair office hours will also
give delegates the opportunity to get feedback on their performance.

Special Events:
YMUN Korea will offer unique and enriching
workshops led by Secretariat members in addition to
our Yale Ball and Yale information sessions.

Ice Breakers
After arriving at the Olympic Parktel
and checking in, delegates can
meet members of the Secretariat
and other delegates through
fun games and activities.

Training Workshop

Please note the schedule is subject to change.
The conference will be taking place May 20-22, 2016.

Friday, May 20
1-4 PM
3-4 PM
4:30-5 PM
5-6 PM
6-7 PM
7-9 PM
9-10:30 PM

Registration and Delegate Ice-Breakers

Pre-Conference Delegate Training
Seating for Opening Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies
Delegate Dinner (provided)
Committee Session I
Yale Information Session and Social

Saturday, May 21
9-9:30 AM
9:30 AM-12 PM
12-1:30 PM
1:30-2:30 PM
2:30-5 PM
5-6:30 PM
6:30-9 PM
9:30-11 PM

Chair Office Hours

Committee Session II
Secretariat-Led Workshops
Committee Session III
Committee Session IV
Yale Ball

Sunday, May 22
9-12 PM
12-1:30 PM
1:30-2:30 PM

Committee Session V
Closing Ceremonies

Before the first committee session,

delegates that are new to the Model
United Nations system are encouraged
to participate in an introductory
workshop explaining the conference
and committee procedure. The
session will be led by the UnderSecretary-General of Committees
and provide a solid foundation for
the upcoming debate sessions.

Yale Information Session

and Social
Take a trip to New Haven through
informative sessions led by Yale
students about Yales academic
opportunities, extracurricular options,
and more. Delegates will have the
chance to sit down with the Yale
Secretariat to have casual conversations
about life in the U.S., their college
experiences. Delegates can also mingle
with their peers and enjoy snacks.

Secretariat-Led Workshops
Delegates will have the opportunity
to participate in fun and informal
workshops taught by Yale students on a
variety of topics. International delegates
can choose to participate in a workshop
to learn more about Korean culture.

What is Model
United Nations?
Model United Nations provides
students with the opportunity to learn
about and discuss todays most relevant
issues in international diplomacy
through participation in an academic
simulation of the many bodies of
the United Nations as well as other
similar international organizations.
Through the process of pre-conference
research and in-conference debate,
caucusing, and resolution writing,
delegates work together to fashion
solutions to these questions, while
simultaneously articulating the opinions
of the real United Nations ambassadors
and delegates whom they represent.
By converting this research into
resolutions and material for discussion
in committees, students hone their
analytical abilities, while the debate
and lobbying processes afford students
the opportunity to practice their
public speaking and conflict resolution
skills. Through academic research,
intellectual debate, public speaking,
and group problem-solving, Model
United Nations allows participants
to hone their understanding of
global issues and their ability to
think critically about them.

Yale Ball
A highlight of the conference,
delegates can swap their debate skills
for dance moves at the Yale Ball, a
semi-formal dance at the conclusion
of the days committee sessions.

To register, you may simply complete the online registration form, which can be found on the
YMUNK website, The forms require schools to provide
basic information about their delegations, and to submit country and committee requests.

At Yale, we pride ourselves on our
commitment to rigorous debate.
Students here engage in serious
conversations about the issues
that matter both in and out of
the classroom. The committees
at YMUN Korea will offer an
authentic taste of the university
experience. Chairs are chosen
from the ranks of Yales most
enthusiastic and knowledgeable,
bringing the expertise necessary to
ensure the success and academic
rigor of every committee. YMUN
Koreas delegates also contribute
their own unique perspectives;
YMUN Korea 2015 brought
together delegates from over
a dozen countries including
Switzerland, Uzbekistan, Saudi
Arabia, Malaysia, and India. At
YMUN Korea, we hope to bring
the spirit and culture of debate at
Yale into the lives of high school
students around the world.
In 2014, YMUN debuted YMUN
Procedure (formerly Hybrid) to
create a conference that provides
the best experience for our
delegates. YMUN Procedure is
an innovative MUN procedure
that builds on strengths of
both US and international
procedure: It expands on the US
Procedures focus on collaboration
and public speaking, while
incorporating the international
styles focus on content and

Any questions about the registration process can be sent to (for Korean delegates) and (for international delegates).

writing. YMUN Korea will be

using YMUN Procedure, which
is structured so that each topic is
debated equally throughout the
By the end of the conference,
delegates will have debated and
voted on one resolution per topic,
worked directly with their Chairs
on the content of the debate, and
improved their writing, public
speaking, and debating skills.
This procedure allows delegates to
focus in on specific aspects of the
topic and then incorporate all of
these concepts into one resolution
for the issue. YMUN Procedure
returns MUN to its original
spirit: diplomacy, collaboration,
and problem-solving.
Delegate Training
Recognizing that delegates come
with varying levels of experience,
YMUN Korea hosts a delegate
training session that outlines
parliamentary procedure, the
structure of committee debate,
and strategies for participating
in debate. In addition to the
training session, online training
materials will be available prior
to the conference. Both help
to ensure that all delegates can
fully participate in and get the
most out of the conference.
Delegates will also be able to
receive feedback from their
chairs on their position papers.

Join Us:
Individual Delegate Registration

Payment Information

YMUN Korea is a Model UN conference

for students participants in Grades 9 to 12.
Due to the different schooling system in
Korea, all students between the ages of 13
to 18 are eligible, even if they are currently
in what is termed middle school in Korea.
Individual delegates from across the globe
meeting this criteria are welcome to attend the
conference. Individual delegates can register
through the forms located on the website.

Group Registration
YMUN Korea welcomes group delegations
from both Korean and international
schools, allowing these delegations to
register multiple delegates together for
a seamless registration experience.

Group delegations of 5 delegates or more
can register online through the forms
located on the registration link on the
YMUN Korea website. Group delegations
receive a discount on their delegate fees.


Upon sending payment according to the

instructions listed on the YMUN Korea website
and registration confirmation email, students
will receive a payment verification email. We
aim to verify payments as soon as possible.

If the payment was made under a parents
name, you must notify the USGs of Delegations
of the account holders name at ymunkorea.
domestic/ Include your
full name (in Korean and English), your school,
and your registration date with your payment.

YMUN Korea is committed to allowing
students from all socioeconomic backgrounds
to participate in our conference and we are
providing both individual delegate and group
delegation financial aid. Applications for
financial aid can be found on our website.
Regarding any issues with payments,
including refunds, please contact the USGs
of Delegations at ymunkorea.domestic@ Please be informed that no refunds
will be issued after March 20, 2016.


Nov 9 - Dec 27



Dec 28 - Mar 20



Mar 21 - May 3



Delegations receive a W 10,000 ($10) discount per

delegate for registering as a group (5+ delegates).


Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
Several frequently asked questions are addressed
below. More frequently asked questions and
information can be found on our website.
Will food be provided?
Food will be provided only during the delegate dinner, which
will take place on the evening of the first day. Delegates
will be able to eat at nearby restaurants for all other meals,
but YMUN Korea will not be covering those meals.

Learn About Registration

Contact USGs of Delegations,
Yoojin Han and Eric Margolis
For Korean delegates:
For international delegates:
Learn About Committees
Contact Director of Committees,
Andi Peng
Learn About Conference Events

Will accommodation be provided?

YMUN Korea does not offer accommodation. The secretariat
is securing lower hotel rates for delegates near the venue.
Where can I find more information about debate
procedure and committee topics?
Once you have completed registration and payment, you will be assigned
a country and committee. In the email with that information, you will
receive the password to access YMUN Koreas resources page, which
includes topic guides for all committees as well as information about YMUN
Koreas unique debate format and procedure. If you have further questions
about committees at YMUN Korea, please do not hesitate to email the
Director-General of Committees at

Contact USG of Services,

Victoria Loo
Inquire About Sponsorship
Contact USGs of Marketing,
Rebecca Persson and Alex Jang
Direct Other Inquiries To
Kelsi Caywood, Secretary-General
Mike Yoon, Director-General

Are there any opportunities for high school

students to be involved with the conference
besides registering to be a delegate?
All positions are currently filled. Interested students should
look for applications next fall on the YMUN Korea website if
they are interested in participating in our Assistant-SecretaryGeneral, Vice-Chair, or Student Ambassador positions. These
opportunities provide students with a great opportunity to learn
more about MUN, conference organizing, and leadership.



This is our


May 20-22, 2016

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