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NR500 Wk 3 Identifying Scholarly Resources

Identify a topic of interest related to your area of practice. Perform a search in two scholarly
databases for an article that is relevant to that topic. Share the name, URL, and a brief
description of the two databases you located. Do not report on MEDLINE or CINAHL as
these are already well-known. What databases did you select? Why?
When I started working in the Emergency Department, my experience was just a small amount of
information that I retained in nursing school. One of the most common types of patients we see are those
who develop a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from a ruptured aneurysm. While working one of my
first shifts I was assigned a patient who developed a (SAH) was told the patient would need surgery, and
would need to coiled to repair and secure the aneurysm. Thinking back to my nursing school days the
only treatment I was familiar with was an aneurysm clipping. Typically, I would have conducted a
search on CINAHL or MEDLINE, but today I chose to explore additional databases to find information
on this new treatment.
The first database I chose to explore was the OVID database ( This database contains a
comprehensive amount of medical information that I was surprised to find out also included content from
the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) in its search results. JBI is known for presenting the latest evidence
based research in the healthcare field. When searching this database using the search terms
subarachnoid hemorrhage AND clipping I immediately found an article that explored the new
endovascular approach to treating cerebral aneurysms called clipping.
(Dumont, Sorkin, Mokin, Eller, & Levy, 2014) conducted a study confirming that the endovascular
approach of fill an aneurysm up with coils and thus securing it produced more beneficial long term
outcomes than clipping the aneurysm on the outside.
The next search I conducted was in the Micromedex database ( This
database caught my attention in the list provided in the CCN Library because I use in on a frequent basis
to locate medication information. I learned that in addition to providing a comprehensive drug database,
Micromedex also provides detailed information about diseases, acute care problems, and alternative
medicines. I was able to review a broad range of information regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and
recommended medications for a SAH.

Dumont, T. M., Sorkin, G., Mokin, M., Eller, L. J., & Levy, E. (2014). Advances in endovascular
approaches to cerebral aneurysms. Neurosurgery, 74(1), 17-31.

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