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1- Determine impedance using slotted line

2- Determine impedance using smith chart

In this experiment we will use a waveguide slotted line and smith chart to study the basic
behavior of standing waves and to measure SWR, guide wavelength, and complex
impedance. Slotted lines can be made with any type of transmission line (waveguide, coax,
etc.), determining the place of two minima .


Gunn Oscillator.
Gunn Oscillator power supply.
Thermistor Mount.
SWR Meter.
Variable Attenuator.
Slotted Line.
Fixed Attenuator -6dB.
Cables and Accessories
2 waveguide support.
Fixed short circuit.

1. All power switches must be off. Set up and assemble the components as shown

2. On the slotted line, adjust the depth of the probe to the second uppermost mark.
3. Move the slotted line probe to the 40.0 mm position.
4. Make the following the adjustment to the Gunn-Oscillator power supply:
(voltage = Min, Mode = 1KHz, Meter Range = 10V)
5. Make the following the adjustment to the SWR meter
(Range = 0dB, Scale = Normal, Gain = min, Center Freq = mid, BW = 20Hz).
6. Turn on the Gunn Oscillator power supply. Wait about 1-2 minutes to warm up,
Adjust the supply voltage to 8.5 V.
7. Measure the distance between two minima nearest to the shorted load.
8. On the slotted Line, slowly move the probe until you encounter maxima.
9. On the SWR-Meter, Adjust the Center freq to maximize the needle deflection.
10. A Move the probe until you encounter the first Null1.
Null1 = 54.5 mm.
11.Slowly move the probe towards the source until you encounter Null2 = 78 mm.
12.From the data recoded, calculate the guided wavelength as
= = .
= . =

13.Disconnect the Gunn Oscillators power supply cable. Assemble the setup below.

14. Adjust the variable attenuator to 4dB and 2.32mm Blade Position.
15. Reconnect the Gunn Oscillators power supply cable.
16.On the SWR meter select the range that you use to detect maximum earlier. On
the slotted line move the probe until you encounter the voltage maximum closest to
the load.

17.On the SWR-meter set the Gain control to obtain a reading of 0 dB. If this is not
possible, select the next range of SWR meter and adjust the Gain to obtain 0dB.
18.Move the slotted line until you encounter the minimum located between the minima
previously observed.
= .
= .

a. Calculate the distance d between as:

= = . = .
b. Calculate the phase of the reflection coefficient as:

= .

c. Plot the circle corresponding to the measured SWR on the smith Chart provided,
draw a radius corresponding to angle and determine normalized load impedance

d. Adjust the variable attenuator to 2dB which corresponds to 2.62 mm blade position.


Repeat steps a to c for this load, and the result is : = .

= .
= = . = .

= .

From graphical :-


Turn off the Gunn Oscillators power supply cable.

g. It is required to verify the unknown load impedance by using specific formulas as


For SWR1 = .

= .
+ . +

= . .

+ + . .
= . .
. .

For SWR 2 = .

= .
+ . +

= . .

+ + . .
= . .
. .

19 .Repeat again with matched load

20 . Repeat again with open


The impedances in Smith Chart is normalized impedance with respect the

characteristic impedance.
+ 0

The distance between two successive minima of the standing wave is measured with
the slotted line and the SWR meter.

we study how use a Smith Chart to understand two ways unknown impedance by the
slotted Line . and confirm this by smith chart.

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