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The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

Compiled and Edited by Darcy Kuntz

Vol. I.

July - August 2012

No. 4

The fourth issue of The Ruby Tablet contains a number

of esoteric papers covering diverse subjects as Time
and Space, Martinism, Astrology, Ritual Wands,
Exploration, the Holy Grail, Kabbalah, Ritual and
Rosicrucians. The author of the Shem Hamphoresh
was William Williams whose non-de-plume, Nurho
de Manhar, was his Golden Dawn Magical Motto.
He joined the Golden Dawn in September 1888.
Also of interest is Colquhouns G.D. ritual which
I transcribed from her hand-written notes.
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on the honour system. We will let you decide what to
donate, based on what you feel The Ruby Tablet is worth.
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button that will take you to our donation page.
A number of small and independent publishers
have listed new titles they published or are about
to publish. The majority of these books are limited
edition and this is a great opportunity to purchase
the books before they are gone. Please support the
independent book publishers in this issue.
Thanks and enjoy this issue of The Ruby Tablet.
All donations to the Golden Dawn Research Trust
can be made here:


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Time and Space by W. Wynn Westcott.
Letter of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin.
Ultra-Neptunian Planets.
Golden Dawn Research Trust.
History & Development of Magical Wands by Kelly.
Skylight Press.
An Interview of Dr. Robert W. Felkin.
The Ten Categores of Existence.
Kerubim Press.
The Holy Grail by A.E. Waite.
Spiritual Quotes No. 1.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Books.
Shem Hamphoresh by Nurho de Manhar.
Rosicrucian Order of the Golden Dawn.
A Ceremony Connected with the BRP by Colquhoun.
The Society of the Rosicrucians.
In the compilation, editorial content, notes and layout
Copyright 2012 by Golden Dawn Research Trust.
All rights reserved. The Authors and Editor have asserted their
moral rights to be identified as the Authors of this Work.

No part of this periodical may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any

means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any
information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the
Golden Dawn Research Trust except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
The Golden Dawn Research Trust is NOT affiliated with any Occult Group or Organization.
Nor do the Editor and Publisher endorse any Occult Group or Organization.

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Divine Pymander: Collectanea Hermetica Vol. 2

by Hermes Trismegistus.
This is the first revised and corrected edition since it was originally published in
1894. The edition was Edited Darcy Kuntz. A Note to the Collectanea Hermetica
Series by Robert A. Gilbert, Foreword by Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero
and an Introduction by Hargrave Jennings. Also included are advertisements
published in books and magazines from the 1890s.
Golden Dawn Research Trust, 2012. 168 pages. 6 x 9.
Hardback. ISBN-13: 978-1-9269820-1-4.
Price: $24.95 usd. Purchase the book here.

Now available:
The Golden Dawn Legacy Vol. 1:
The Magical Writings of Florence Farr
Edited by Darcy Kuntz.
This book contains most of Florence Farrs published magical texts including a
facsimile of the Magical Calendar. Also included are her magical writings for
the Order of the Golden Dawn using her motto: Sapientia Sapienti Dona Data
(Latin: Wisdom is a gift given to the wise). Other volumes from members of
the Order are to follow.
Golden Dawn Research Trust, 2012. 274 pages. 6 x 9.
Hardback. ISBN-13: 978-1-926982-02-1.
Price: $29.95 usd. Purchase the book here.



The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

By Names and Images:

Bringing the Golden Dawn to Life
by Peregrin Wildoak.
The Golden Dawn (GD) system of magic is the main source of the esoteric
and magical wisdom and techniques practiced in the West today. While the
rituals and bare teachings of the tradition have been published for sixty years,
the inner workings and esoteric keys that empower those rituals have largely
remained unpublished or unexplored in contemporary works. By Names and
Images remedies this lack by providing detailed and clear instructions for the
visualisations, spiritual connections and energetic practices required for every
major GD practice and ritual, as well as several unpublished techniques.
Focusing on the meanings and use of sacred names and practical
techniques of visualisation, the book thoroughly explores meditation and
divination, purification ritual, invocation and evocation, grades of initiation,
and direct experience of the inner realms. Also covered is an explanation of
the Qabalah and its use as a magical framework.
While the book is sufficiently practical and clearly explained to be of huge
benefit to a newcomer to magic, its primary aim is to allow people already
practicing the Golden Dawn system to do so more effectively, and to be
touched by the amazing spiritual blessings the rituals offer.
Skylight Press, 2012. 371 pages. 6 x 9. ISBN-13: 978-1-908011-50-3.
Quality paperback: $26.99 usd. Purchase the book here.


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

Available now:
King Over the Water: Samuel Mathers and the Golden Dawn
by Nick Farrell.
In King Over The Water, Golden Dawn magician Nick Farrell paints a picture
of the founders of the Golden Dawn becoming out of their depth as the Order
began to create magicians. Rather than painting Mathers as an eccentric
genius, Farrell sees him as an autocratic fantasist. He sees Mathers struggling
to keep up as his students rapidly became better than him at the system he
created, and shows how he was unable to raise his game to help the Order
develop further.
Kerubim Press, 2012. 362 pages, 6 x 9.
Paperback Price: $25.00 usd. Purchase the book here.
Hardback Price: $50.00 usd. Purchase the book here.

Also available:
Enochian Magic In Theory by Dean F. Wilson.
Gain an in-depth knowledge of Enochian magic. Learn how to derive the
names of angels from the various tablets. Discover the purpose of the tools.
Ponder the mysteries of the more obscure parts of the system, with Wilsons
suggestions for what they might mean.
Kerubim Press, 2012. 378 pages, 6 x 9.
Paperback Price: $30.00 usd. Purchase the book here.
Hardback Price: $55.00 usd. Purchase the book here.


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012


IT is long since a new thesis on the origin of the Grail myth has
been proffered in English circles of research, and it happens that the
last contribution to this involved but talismanic problem is made in
the course of an investigation which has far other objects in view. It
seems to me, therefore; that I shall deserve well of those readers who
are drawn by the cycle of Arthurian romance and history if I remove
the proposition from a setting in which it is likely to be buried, so
far as they are concerned. Dr. L.A. Waddell, who is ex-professor
of Tbetan at London University, and has been described as the
foremost living authority on Lhasa and its mysteries, has published
recently a monumental work1 on the genesis of civilisation about
3380 b.c. in the homeland of the Aryan and Nordic race, identified
with the Sumerians, whose vast city-ruins in Mesopotamia . . .
began to be unearthed some fifty years ago, and whose treasures
now enrich the national museums of Europe and America. Dr.
Waddells contribution to the general subject centres in his affirmed
discovery that the Sumerians were Aryans in physical type, culture,
religion, language and writing. The evidence for these things,
which are at issue with the views and conclusions of previous leading
Assyriologists, is to be sought not alone in the volume now before
me but in earlier theses of the same author on the Phnician origin
of Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons; on Indo-Sumerian seals; and
on the Aryan origin of the alphabet. At this point, having stated the
case, the debate must be left to scholarship, remembering that Dr.
Waddell carries many titles to consideration on this score. Perhaps I
should add that he seems not less dogmatic on his own part than the
most dogmatic in the cohort of experts. He is armed at all points;
but I hazard an opinion that if he has vulnerable places, they will be
found in fantastic etymologies.
And now as to the Holy Grail. He says that its original is still
extant, being a Sumerian fetish stone-bowl, described as a wartrophy. It belonged to the first Sumerian King, Dur or Tur, to

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

whose memory it was dedicated subsequently by his great grandson,

King Udu of Kish City, the fourth Imperial King of the First
Aryan Dynasty. He placed upon it the oldest known historical
inscription in the world, an genealogy of the said kings. What is
the connection, however, with the palladium of Arthurian quest? Dr.
Waddell says that it is now disclosed as the actual material original of
the famous Holy Grail of King Arthur. It is more even than this,
for it is also the magical stone-bowl Or cauldron captured from the
weirds at the Well of Urd . . . by Her-Thor as detailed in the Nordic
Eddas. It was captured by Dur or Tur from the aboriginal Chaldean
Serpent-Worshippers, when he destroyed the degrading dragoncult of the ancient world and substituted the sun-cult, characterised
as a bland form of worship. Udu himself was termed the King of
the Precious Stone, and King of the Hidden Vessel. It is called
hidden because he buried it under the foundations of a tower in
the oldest Sun-Temple in Mesopotamia. It was broken when so
entombed, and it remained in concealment till it was unearthed in
a fragmentary condition, but with its inscription practically intact,
by the Pennsylvanian University Expeditionat a date which I do
not find specified in the story. In any case, one of the fragments is at
present in Dr. Waddells possession.
So far as I am able to gather, the line of evidence for this affirmed
discovery is that King Arthur connects etymologically with Tur,
the first Sumerian King, as he does also with Thor; that the second
Sumerian King connects with and is the historical original of Sir
Gawain, the chief champion knight-errant of Arthurian legends;
and that the Grail was taken into concealment, as Udus Bowl was
hidden. Dr. Waddell might have added that King Udu was a priest
as well as a monarch, and that his concealment, of the fetish-bowl
suggests a further Grail analogy, because the German romancecycle represents the sacred vessel as carried away into the land of
Prester John, and that this priest-king and his successors became its
It is a mad world, my mastersis this world of scholarship; for
Arthur being also Thor is likewise Odin and St. George, while Gawain
is St. Michael, Cain and Nimrod. There is, of course, no Quest of

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

the Grail in this new version; it does not feed the hungry or give
drink to the thirsty: it does not produce oracles; there is no mystery
concerning a wounded king whose healing depends on the asking of
a certain question. In a word, this last speculation of origins explains
nothing connected late or early with the Holy Grail itself; or any
branch of its old romance-literature. It seems unlikely, therefore;
that it will attract attention at the hands of textual scholars. We
should have been more than grateful to Dr. Waddell had he offered
something to our purpose; for the position of the Grail problem is
under greater clouds than ever, and so seems likely to remain. It may
come as a surprise to several, but whereas there has been a subsidence
of work in England since the untimely death of Mr. Alfred Nutt, a
leading Celtic scholar, there are records of research in America which
have offered not only occasional new views upon certain aspects of
the Grail subject, but have cast grave doubt on several fashions of
interpretation. For example, a hostile judgment has been passed on
the fertility-cultus hypothesis which Miss Weston derived mainly
from Frazers materials in The Golden Bough, though it had earlier
protagonists in Simrock and E. Martin. It has been shewn also that
Miss Westons view is, in the most essential respects, identical
with that of W.A. Nitze, who was at work independently at the same
period. Dr. J.D. Bruce,2 in his exhaustive study of Arthurian literature,
concludes that where features common to Christian legend and
ancient cults are found in the Grail romances, it is much more likely
that these texts derived them from the former rather than from
any supposed underground perpetuation of the latter. The parallels
of the Grail procession are in Christian ritual, and Christian ritual is
far more likely to have been the immediate source than any ancient
rites of Agrarian Divinities about which we know nothing definite.
Not only, therefore, do the vegetation gods go forth, like the solarmythological hypothesis of Birch-Hirschfeld, which preceded, but
so also does the Celtic origin, and we are left with an invention which
has its basis in Christian Myth, fortified by the far-diffused stones of
passion-relies. This is an old view, but Dr. Bruce brings great learning
to bear on its reconstruction. It may be added that, so far back as
1893, Professor G.M. Harper 3 of Princeton College, Baltimore, had

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

affirmed that the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, symbolising the

continued presence of Christ in the world, was the final cause,
the unacknowledged reason, the unknown beginning, of the whole
cycle. There is also Miss L.A. Fisher4 who in 1917 proposed the
Holy Grail as a symbol of transubstantiation, and might have been
inspired by my own study of the literature, but it had not come into
her hands. A later writer has, moreover, resuscitated the colourable
suggestion that the Grail, which in all its forms has been suspect
from the beginning to the mind of Latin orthodoxy, represented a
counter-ecclesiastical claim with a secret story behind it, which may
be compared again with my personal thesis concerning a Hidden
Church. But Dr. Barto,5 to whom I refer, deals chiefly or only with
the German cycle, and is more concerned with shewing after what
manner the Grail mythos degenerated into that of the Venusberg.
This is a new contribution to an important branch of the subject, and
seems to establish firmly its point of view.
I continue to hold, on my own part, that certain folk-lore
materials, like the tale of Perceval, were taken over by the makers
of the Grail story and adapted to their purpose. It is in this form
only that they assumed a spiritual significance, from which point of
view the quests of scholarship among the raw material of the past are
of archological interest only. Furthermore, as there is no question
that the metrical Roman de Saint Graal, which passes under the name
of Robert de Borron, contains intimations of a priestly hierarchy
independent of Rome and of a secret formula which appears to be
of Eucharistic character.6 I hold also that those who are looking
for light on the real meaning of the Grail will do well to follow the
suggestion made now long ago by a certain German writer, and turn
in the direction of various religious movements belonging to the
late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, and classed, of course,
as heretical. The Cauldron of the Dagda and the treasures of the
Irish Tuatha de Danann may offer material correspondences with the
talismans of the great romance-cycle; but in reality they are little
more to the purpose than the fetish stone-bowl of the first Sumerian
king, as revealed to us by Dr. Waddell.

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

1. The Makers of Civilisation in Race and History. By L.A. Waddell,
Ll.B., C.B., C.I.E., etc. 8vo. Pp. lvi + 646. London: Luzac & Co.
Price 28s. net.
2. The Evolution of Arthurian Romance. By J.D. Bruce, 2 vols., 1923.
3. The Legend of the Holy Grail. By G. McLean. Harper, 1893.
4. The Mystic Vision in the Grail Legend and in the Divine Comedy. By
Lizette A. Fisher, 1917.
5. Tannhuser and the Mountain of Venus. By P.S. Barto, 1916.
6. See my Hidden Church of the Holy Grail, 1909.

Spiritual Quotes No. 1.


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers:

An Exploration of Westcotts Enochian Tablets
by Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers: An Exploration of Westcotts
Enochian Tablets by Sandra Tabatha Cicero examines every aspect of what the
author calls the Full Color Scale Enochian Tablets and provides graphic color
keys and a complete color-coded breakdown of the nearly 3,000 triangles that
make up the pyramid squares of the four tablets. It is a first-class textbook on
the Color Magic of the Golden Dawn.
H.O.G.D. Books, 2012. 316 pages, 4 color plates. 8.5 x 11.
Quality paperback. ISBN-13: 978-0-9795177-1-6.
Price: $29.95 usd. Purchase the book here.

Also available:
Basics of Magic: The Best of the Golden Dawn Journal, Book I
Edited by Chic Cicero and Sandra Tabatha Cicero.
This book presents the worlds best known occult and magical organization in
a clear and practical way, providing a vehicle for communication, exploration,
and discussion for anyone interested in understanding the universe and his or
her role in it.
H.O.G.D. Books, June 2007. 210 pages. 6 x 9.
Quality paperback. ISBN-13: 978-0-9795177-0-9.
Price: $24.95 usd. Purchase the book here.


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4


July - August 2012

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

Golden Dawn Rituals and Commentaries by Pat Zalewski.

This is not another beginner book on Magick that so many large publishing
companies tend to print. This book was designed for the intermediate and
advanced practitioner of the Order of the Golden Dawn. Now for the first time,
the secrets of the original members of the Stella Matutina are being published
so that those who could benefit from this knowledge will learn as Zalewski had
done with his mentor, Jack Taylor. This leather edition is stricty limited to 350
copies of which 111 are numbered and signed by the author.
R.O.G.D., 2011. 551 pages, 8.5 x 11.
Deluxe Leather Edition. ISBN-13: 978-0-9823521-9-9.
Unsigned and unnumbered: $89.00 usd. Purchase the book here.
Signed and numbered: $156.00 usd. Purchase the book here.

Also available:
Mathers Last Secret: The Rituals and Teachings
of the Alpha et Omega (REVISED) by Nick Farrell.
This Revised Hardbound Edition is strictly limited to 111 copies. It is significantly
revised from the first paperback edition and has become known as the scholar
edition as the rituals have been meticulously compared to the original and
copious footnotes have been added to clarify any discrepancies from what is
known to be actual.
R.O.G.D., 2011. 348 pages. 6 x 9.
Hardback. ISBN-13: 978-0-9846753-1-9.
Price: $47.00 usd. Purchase the book here.


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

May 18, [19]64.

An Outline of a Preliminary Ceremony

Connected with the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
by Ithell Colquhoun.

The Altar is arranged as for the 0=0 Grade of Neophyte of the G[olden
Rose and Dagger in E[ast]

[Red] Lamp and Fire Wand in S[outh]

Cup in W[est]

Pentacle with Bread and Salt in N[orth]

(If the Pentacle is not ready, a gold coin may be substituted.)

(The Altar is draped in black; in the centre is a White Equilateral Triangle and a Red
Cross of Six Squares; the height of the Triangle should be the same as that of the Cross.)

The Ceremony of Banishing and Purifying the Four Elements:

Water: (Take the Sword and face West.)

I exercise ye, impure, unclean and evil Spirits that dwell in this creature of
Water (oil, wine), by the Holy and Divine Name of AL ( la ), the strong and
mighty! (Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Water with Sword):


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

And in the Name of Gabriel ( larbag ) the Great Archangel of Water, I

command ye, to depart and no longer pollute us with your presence in this
Hall of Maat!1

In the name of HCOMA (Trace the Invoking Equilibrating Pentagram of Spirit

Passive with the Lotus Wand); and in the name of MPH ARSL GAIOL, I
consecrate thee, O creature of Water, to the service of the Magick of Light!
(Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Water with the Cup.)

Fire: (Take the Sword and face South.)

I exercise ye, impure, evil, and opposing Spirits dwelling in these creature
of Flame, by the Holy and Tremendous Name of GodElohim ( iyhla ),
the Vast and Mighty One! (Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Fire with Sword):

And in the Name of Michael ( lakam ) the Great Archangel of Fire, I

command ye, to depart and no longer pollute us with your presence in this
Hall of Maat!

In the name of BITOM (Trace the Invoking Equilibrating Pentagram of Spirit

Active with the Lotus Wand); and in the name of OIP TEAA PDOCE, I
consecrate thee, creatures of Flame, in the service of the Magick of Light!
(Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Fire with the Fire Wand.)


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

Air: (Take the Sword, fast East and strike the air three times.)

I exercise ye, impure, unclean, and evil Spirits that dwell in this creature of
Air, by the Holy and Divine Name of YHVH! ( hvhy .) (Trace the Banishing
Pentagram of Air with Sword):

And in the Name of Raphael ( lapar ) the Great Archangel of Air, I

command ye, to depart and no longer pollute us with your presence in this
Hall of Maat!

In the name of EXARP (Trace the Invoking Equilibrating Pentagram of Spirit

Active with the Lotus Wand); and in the name of ORO IBAH AOZPI, I
consecrate thee, O creature of Air, to the service of the Magick of Light!
(Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air with the Dagger.)

Earth: (Pick up the Salt, face North and cast the Salt to the Four quarters going
clockwise. Return the Salt to the Altar and then take the Sword and face North.)

I exercise ye, creatures of impure and opposing Spirits that dwell in this
creature of Earth, by the Holy and Divine Name of ADONAI Ha-ARETZ!
( xra-h

ynda. ) (Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth with Sword):

And in the Name of Auriel ( layra ) the Great Archangel of Earth,

I command ye, to depart immediately and no longer pollute us with your
presence in this Hall of Maat!

In the name of NANTA (Trace the Invoking Equilibrating Pentagram of Spirit

Passive with the Lotus Wand); and in the name of MOR DIAL HECTGA, I
consecrate thee, O creature of Earth, to the service of the Magick of Light!
(Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Earth with the Pentacle.)


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

Outline of the Pentagrams in the Ritual

Note: In each case, the Sword is used for Banishing and the Lotus Wand for
Invoking. The Hebrew Names are used for Banishing and the Enochian Names
for Invoking.I.C.

1. Banish with the Pentagram of Water. (Traced with the Sword.)
2. Invoke with the Equilibrating Pentagram of SpiritPassive.
(Traced with the Lotus Wand.)
3. Invoke with the Pentagram of Water. (Traced with the Implement of Water.)
4. Banish with the Pentagram of Fire. (Traced with the Sword.)
5. Invoke with the Equilibrating Pentagram of SpiritActive.
(Traced with the Lotus Wand.)
6. Invoke with the Pentagram of Fire. (Traced with the Implement of Fire.)
7. Banish with the Pentagram of Air. (Traced with the Sword.)
8. Invoke with the Equilibrating Pentagram of SpiritActive.
(Traced with the Lotus Wand.)
9. Invoke with the Pentagram of Air. (Traced with the Implement of Air.)
10. Banish with the Pentagram of Earth. (Traced with the Sword.)
11. Invoke with the Equilibrating Pentagram of SpiritPassive.
(Traced with the Lotus Wand.)
12. Invoke with the Pentagram of Earth. (Traced with the Implement of Earth.)

1. Colquhoun used the name Thama-est, but added Maat in brackets. I have
chose to use Maat as that is what the Golden Dawn Hall or Temple is referred


The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

The Society of the Rosicrucians:

A Rough Sketch of their Fundamental Doctrines.
The following are in outline the fundamental doctrines of the Brothers
of the Rosy Cross. He who fulfills the required conditions, may find all
necessary information in the Book of Initiation, and they say that when
he is ready he finds with ease, a guide who, through his higher self instructs
and directs him infallibly.
It is understood that the Society desires to be truly spiritual and asks
no fees, but it seeks as members only those who are practical workers in the
cause of humanity. But it is a secret body, not from fear of enemies, but
in order to spread the truth, unimpeded by the war of opinions. The truth
being eternal, is not subject to opinion, but to those who are able to see, it
stands revealed in its own light.
1. The Universe as a whole is a Unity, having only one, eternal, universal
and fundamental cause for its existence. All the multifarious forms,
essences, powers or principles, are not originally self-existent, but are
merely various manifestations of that one and universal cause. They are
various modes of one original activity, and their shapes or organisms are
the products of that activity, working upon different planes of existence
and in various stages of evolution.
2. This cause, being eternal, unlimited and infinite, is beyond the
power of the intellectual comprehension of any mortal and limited being.
Its presence may be perceived everywhere, but in its highest aspect it can
fully be known only to itself. Beings lower than itself, may intuitively feel
its presence, but cannot intellectually know it, until they have risen up to
its own level on the plane of existence. To avoid circumlocution, we call
that eternal (spiritual) principle in its highest aspect God or Brahm;
both words signifying originally Good. 1
3. In this eternal and universal cause, the center or fountain of All,
is contained potentially everything existing in the Universe. It is itself,
germinally or in a more or less developed state contained in everything
that exists, It forms the (spiritual) center of every living organism, and life
itself is only a mode of manifestation of its own power. It is the cause and
the architect of every form; it builds the form which it in habits, from that
center, by the power of its own (consciously or unconsciously active) will
and thought, and by the means offered by eternal nature, the latter being
itself a product of previous states of its own existence and eternal action.

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

4. The highest form of activity of this principle requires for its perfect
expression, perfect means. The perfect cannot manifest its perfection in
an imperfect organism. The place which a being occupies on the ladder of
evolution, depends on the progress which that divine principle, acting in
the center of each being, has made in evolving an organism, adapted to its
5. The most perfect organism for the manifestation of the divine and
universal principle in its highest aspect, of which we know, in the (spiritual)
organism of Man. In this organism, this divine principle, after having
attained sensation and consciousness in the lower forms of nature, may acquire
(spiritual) self-consciousness and self-knowledge, evolving what is called the
individual mind, with all its powers and faculties, for (spiritual) perception
and real knowledge or wisdom.
6. The (ordinarily) visible so called physical body of man is not the real
Man, but merely a more or less imperfect representation of the real, or
inner man, whose sphere of activity may extend as far as the sphere of his
mind; in other wordsas far as the power of his (spiritual) perception. The
inner man is a reality, which after having attainedby the power of self
differentiationan individual existence, will retain its individuality, after
the physical forms, which it has occupied for the purposes of evolution
during its life upon a planet, have been disintegrated and changed into
other forms.
7. Every being continues to exist in its essence after the (physical) form
which expressed its essential character, has dissolved and disappeared;
but as long as it has not acquired (spiritual) self-consciousness and selfknowledge, it is forced, after a time of rest, to reappear in a new form
(mask or personality), to resume the process of its further development.2
After the divine principle in man has attained individual (spiritual) selfconsciousness and self-knowledge, it requires no more embodiments in
(physical) forms, and may, harmoniously united with the All, continue to
exist as a self-conscious intelligence.
8. The attainment of spiritual self-consciousness and self-knowledge
and the necessarily resulting perfection, therefore involves the attainment
of immortality, and the latter can only be acquired by acquiring the former.
Only that which is perfect remains; the imperfect is continually subject to
9. Although the individual human monad, without (spiritual) selfconsciousness and knowledge, may arrive at that state of perfection in
the slow course of its evolution, extending perhaps over many millions of
years, nevertheless there is no necessity to wait until nature may, perhaps

The Ruby Tablet

Vol. I, No. 4

July - August 2012

slowly and unaided, accomplish her object, but she may be assisted by the
individual will and effort of those who know how to proceed.
10. The first necessary requirement for all who desire perfection, is
therefore to know the laws that rule in the visible and invisible universe, and
the attainment of the knowledge involves a study of the constitution of
the Universe and of the constitution of (the soul of ) Man.
11. From knowledge springs power, but those who possess knowledge,
will be in the possession of something that will not benefit them, unless
they desire to put it to some practical use. The second requirement is
therefore to will, and as an individual will, deviating from the direction
of the will of universal good, or acting in opposition to the latter, is
evil, and can only bring final destruction upon him that exercises it,
consequently the will of the individual must act in accordance with the
universal will of God.
12. To act evil is for the majority of men far easier than to do good.
Good will and desires to become useful must be made to accomplish some
work. To overcome the resistance of evil and to put good into practice
requires energy, courage and effort, and the third necessary requirement is
therefore to dare to practice the good which we know and desire.
13. But as a power, after it has once been obtained, may be employed
for good or for evil purposes, and as it is not desirable that persons with
evil inclinations and tendencies, should be taught the way to prolong their
personal existence after the dissolution of their physical form, because
their existence would cause the infliction of injury upon others, and expose
themselves to a long, slow and painful final disintegration; therefore, the
deepest secrets of the Rosicrucians, and the way to the practical application
of the secret knowledge, should be taught only to those who are good and
pure to a degree sufficient to warrant that the mysteries communicated and
revealed to them, may not be misapplied. The fourth necessary requirement
for the Rosicrucian is, therefore, to be silent, in regard to that which it is not
expedient to speak.

1. These words are continually giving rise to misunderstandings and
misinterpretations, because nearly every one has a different opinion of
what is Good.
2. See Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 6.

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