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Reflection 7_ Lecture on Service Operations Management for

Faculty and Non-Teaching Personnel in Nazareth School of

National University
Gina Sy-Luna
March 11, 2015
DLSU Graduate Studies, 3rd term
EDM680D- Service Operations Management
Sr. Teresa P. Yasa, F.I.

This is the first time that I had experienced this kind of activity where I,
together with my Ph.D. classmates have
given a lecture in front of


teachers. This is something different

from my past activities in Sis. Yasas
class because usually we did some
school visitations only and observed their
operations management styles. It was
the administrators who were commonly talked to us and gave us some
overviews on how is the everyday operation of the institution. I am so proud of
my classmates who despite the time constraint in preparation because of our
four-day trip to Singapore to attend conference and bench-marking with other
institutions, we were able to come up with a decent presentation in front of our
audience and of our teacher. Honestly, at first, I was having this reservation if
we could successfully accomplish the group task because we never really had
the time to talk about it even were together for past few days due to the busy
schedule. We only communicated through e-mail. But of course, I had to trust
the group and do the responsibility assigned to me to the best that I could.
Thank God, everything went well and according to the plan. We were able to
finish on time. Everything in the program was followed accordingly.
Personally, I think the seminar will never be a success without the








observation that the teachers were very open to learning. I should say, what we

have shared may not be new to them but still, they responded attentively and
anticipatively in all the activities.
I should say that our presentation was not perfect. It still needed
improvement. Given the chance to do it again, I would like to suggest that it
should not be a lecture but rather it could be more proactive if it is a seminartraining type where we give more of situational inputs that in the end,
participants can reflect on their role/responsibility as agents/frontline service
people in the institution. We also have to note to prepare power point
presentation to stimulate the minds of the listeners, especially that there are a
lot of young generation of teachers who are basically audio-visual learners.
In totality, I would like to give a thumbs-up sign to our group. In here, we
fostered TEAMWORK. In operations management in any organization, I
concluded that a team of people is very important to deliver the service it
intended to carry out to the customers. Without teamwork all operations will
never be realized. Effective teamwork benefits the organization by increasing
the productivity which is important to meet the targets and fulfill commitments.
With this, I would like to end my reflection with the quote of Michael Jordan

says, Talent wins


games, but teamwork

and intelligence wins

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