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For this semester, the coursework of literature in English required us to

complete two parts of task, first to critically analyse a short story and the second one
was to compile the samples of poems for primary school kids in most creative way.
Basically for me, the aim of the first task was to test our ability to analyse critically
about a story that we (my group and I) chose; Psychoanalytic criticism and how we
linked it to every hidden meaning of the story. My group, consisted of four members
who are Ira Emilia, Nur Syahirah, Mohd Syafiq and me myself, Aina Hafizah decided
to produce a poems-collection book on the main theme, Nature.

Throughout the period of completing this assignment, I have gained a lot of

new knowledge and experience especially about the different types of poems.
Poems such as haiku, limerick and sonnets based on the theme of nature actually
have their own specialities in expressing something either about real thing or
imaginary. For instance, I learnt that Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry
which consists of three lines and the first and the last lines have 5 syllables whereas
the second line has 7 syllables and this poem is rarely rhyme. Meanwhile for
limerick, I found it fun and suitable for children because it is a humorous type of
poem with only five lines. Kids usually prefer funny poems. And last is Sonnet; lyrical
poem with 14lines.

At first, I was about to suggest the theme of Love for this compilation, but yet
to think about it again, Nature is more suitable for children. This is because I feel like
they need to be exposed to the story of our nature, how nature benefits the earth and
its creature, to let the children know how the global warming happens, tell them how
they can practice Go-Green Life to save the earth together with us adults. Thus, this
compilation of different types of poem in a booklet form is a good modem to
encourage them to love and to appreciate our nature and next

in reducing the

environmental pollution.

Apart from that, I also experienced some difficulties especially when the
assignment needed to be done during the holiday which every group member was



not staying near to each other, so little time to discuss because of SBE week . So
after a short and quick discussion through phone and Facebook, we managed to
divide the works fairly into few parts and assigned who would finalise the
compilation. So I was the one whos responsible for the last compilation and had
finally completed the work a day before I bound for Kuching, which was on Saturday.
Here, I would like to highlight that teamwork is really important in any group
assignment regardless everything. Besides that, I also noticed that in a group work,
each of the group member should be more responsible, good communication skill
and know how to manage time for work and play, to make sure task can be done on
time (especially to avoid doing work last minute).

As conclusion, this assignment has taught me various knowledge,

experiences and lessons that are very useful for me in developing good personality
as a future English teacher.

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