The Oneshot Collection Vol - 1

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The Oneshot Collection Vol. I

A Collection of SNSD/Girls Generation FanFics

By: Boxxsaltz

This work is purely fictional. Any correlations to true events are purely coincidental.
Characters are not owned by author and are not in any way responsible or related to their
fictional portrayals.

Table Of Contents

| Lost & Found

| Primetime


| Upholstery


| SelCa


| From 6 to 16


| Sound Barrier


| Bus Ride


| Three Is A Crowd


| Drabbles #1


| Drabbles #2: The Pleasures of A Princess


| Drabbles #3: 50 Words or Less Challenge

Lost & Found

PG-13; Taeyeon/Seohyun
The sun wasnt up when Taeyeon rolled herself out of bed.
She fished around in the mess of blankets thrown off the bed for her loose tank top and tugged
it on to match with the dark navy boy shorts she managed to weasel herself back into before
settling into sleep with the warm body beside her.
Taeyeon didnt look back at the bed as she lifted her acoustic guitar off its stand and settled on
the windowsill. She pulled up the glass to a reasonable crack and retrieved the box of cigarettes
and lighter beneath where the broken blinds pull string dangled.
Lighting up, Taeyeon took in a long drag. The smoke filled her lungs, tainting them in a way that
gave her voice that extra rasp so many swooned over. Taeyeon just liked how it made it sound
like she had years on her life, backing up that bad girl image who spent her entire life on the
Spending her life from seventeen to twenty-seven on the streets was hardly her entire life. But
when she thought back, maybe her life didnt even begin until she tasted her first helping of
asphalt and dirty grime beneath nails she could never stop nervously biting on.
Cigarette between her lips, she propped her foot onto the windowsill, back against the sliver of
wall for support as she began to play. Her fingers mapped out a tune of random chords, of
notes just plucked and stroked to waft through smoke filled air that still buzzed with the
aftermath of a light drunken hazy heat beneath the sheets.
Or on top of them. Summer heat made it too much to do anything beneath the covers and
Taeyeon always loved the raw air on her bare skin, though she wouldnt admit it. She wasnt the
romantic type. Not admittedly, at least.
Her lips moved, whispering words with notes with no meaning to the ears of the early risers
passing below the third story of her apartment on their way to work. Theyd never understand
the truth of the things that left her lips, and to Taeyeons ears they didnt either.
It was the empty, navy sky that could connect with the songs she sang. It was the moon and the
stars twinkling like visualizations to the beat of her heart that knew the true meaning. The
feelings of loss, longing, and sorrow. Of years never spent growing up as a kid to the ones
pretending to be the adult she was never ready to be.
A rustle of sheets caught Taeyeons attention. She didnt care to look back, giving them privacy
to slither on an oversized shirt and tugged loose jean shorts up long, spindly legs. Legs of the
youth not yet in their prime. Legs of someone who still had years to grow into them and put into
good use. Legs that had wrapped around Taeyeons waist, desperately holding onto her and

not letting go until Taeyeon promised with the kiss of the lips and a twist of fingers that she
wouldnt leave.
The absence of cigarette between her lips as it was snatched away drew Taeyeons eyes open
to meet the pair still lidded with sleep. She watched as the girl settled down onto the carpet,
crossing her legs beneath her and leaned a head against the wall as she took a drag.
Her eyes pinched as smoke polluted her lungs. She held in the cough, passing the cigarette
back to Taeyeon who smirked sadly.
Give it up, kid, Taeyeon took a long drag, the butt lighting up bright orange. She tapped the
ashes off the end onto the ledge and blew smoke at the window so it bounced back into her
Get back to sleep, she muttered, fingers absentmindedly plucking at the strings of her guitar
Youre awake,
Cant sleep,
Me neither,
Taeyeon casted her gaze down to the girl, her expression hard as if it would scare her away.
But the moon like face with the cosmic eyes just smiled faintly up to her from long, deep brown
hair that framed her face in such an innocent way it made Taeyeons heart hurt.
She had to look away before it got to her. Before she remembered that this girl was nowhere
she was supposed to be. Taeyeon had seen many of them. The young, daring type that
wandered out of the house looking for adventure but didnt know a thing about what the world
truly had to offer.
They snuck themselves into bars, teased the drunks and amused the bartenders with their
adolescent acts that got them in more trouble than they were looking for. Taeyeon had never
fallen for one of them. Shed been the one to drag them out of the bar, shove a couple bucks
into their hands for cab fare, and send them on home before their face could show up on the
news as a missing person.
But this angelic face had done a number on Taeyeon. It reminded her of herself, broke and full
of talent. The fact this little one could do a number on the dusty piano nearly broken down in the
back of the bar saved her from too much trouble but it didnt save her from Taeyeon.
She shouldve known better. She shouldve been smart and not taken her hand, leading her into
a world that Taeyeon wished at times she never wouldve been thrust into herself. But Taeyeon
was weak, and Taeyeon missed careless days, and Taeyeon thought that if she could just get a
taste shed be that much closer to the things she lost once again.

It only brought her shame in the morning when she looked at that face.
It was now the seventh morning of that weight in her chest.
Play for me? asked the girl.
Taeyeon glanced at her sideways. Go home, Seohyun, she rubbed the end of her cigarette
out on the windowsill before it could burn her fingers. She fished for another and lit up.
Seo Juhyun, she said. My real name is Seo Juhyun,
Taeyeon slumped against the window, letting out a strained breath of smoke as she shut her
eyes for a moment. Of course it was. The girl had been smart. Smarter than Taeyeon who was
careless with who she was. Kim Taeyeon, shed proudly say. She didnt know a thing when she
was seventeen.
Go home, Seohyun,
I dont want to, she nearly whined. The sound of it rubbed Taeyeon the wrong way. Seohyun
just batted her lashes, not affected by the sneer Taeyeon gave her. If you wont play, may I?
No, Taeyeon said around her cigarette and began to play herself.
Because if she didnt play, shed take this girl by the wrists, and throw her out of her apartment,
and demand she never come back. Taeyeon wasnt into tainting the spotless. Taeyeon wasnt
the wolf after the purity of the girl in the red cape.
Taeyeon wasnt the type to give in to desires for her own benefit. But she wouldnt admit what
Seohyun did to her. How her purity seemed to wash over Taeyeon, reminding her that not
everyone tossed aside was trash. Because Seohyun definitely wasnt trash and here she was
Eyes closed again, she hadnt seen Seohyun move. She only felt a head as it rested on her
thigh and a hand slide up her skin, rubbing her arm soothingly.
Yah, Taeyeon looked down at her, irritated.
Seohyun only smiled, hand grazing down the length of her arm to grab Taeyeons hand. She
pulled lightly, willing Taeyeon off the windowsill and onto the floor where they were level. Nearly
level. Seohyun sat taller than she did and it was in moments like this, that Taeyeon felt like the
child and Seohyun the older one. Even if they were only seven years apart.
Seohyun-ah, Taeyeon grumbled as Seohyun gently pulled her over into her, turning Taeyeon
around so she was cradled in Seohyuns lap.

Shh, Seohyun leaned her back against the windowsill, wrapping her arms around Taeyeon
who put her guitar aside to be out of the way.
The cigarette between her fingers was plucked away and placed on the windows ledge so
smoke was sucked out of the window and into the dawn barely breaking.
This is Taeyeon trailed off, blushing at the light rocking Seohyun began.
Across the way, Taeyeon could see their reflection in the long, full-length mirror propped on the
wall. As small as she was, she looked like a child cradled in her mothers arms, rocking her
beloved to sleep.
The pale, pinkish orange glow of a coming morning lit them up in a foreign hue of colors like the
workings of a kindergarteners coloring book, full of pictures shaded all outside the lines in
clashing, crayon colors.
Shhh, Seohyuns hands slipped down, taking Taeyeons in her own and twining their fingers
together. Her lips pressed into the top of Taeyeons head, kissing her short, gold tipped, black
locks. Sleep,
She rocked them, humming low under her breath. It took Taeyeon fighting through her aversion
to this setup, swallowing down every retort and demand for Seohyun to let her go and leave,
and siding with the part of her that wanted to remain before her ears were clear enough to make
out that the song Seohyun hummed was the one Taeyeon had been playing.
It was the song of her childhood. A tune she had heard someone her mother perhaps?
humming in years that felt so long ago and out of reach for Taeyeon. But she had held onto
those notes and they were her only connection to the lost times of her life.
Hearing them chime low in Seohyuns throat, wrapped in lanky arms, and enveloped in the
warm flavors of the coming sun made Taeyeons chest constrict. She felt the melody grip her
heart and squeeze, willing those tears sworn to never surface again, lift to the corners of her
She pinched her eyes shut, her entire body gripping subconsciously and felt Seohyuns
embrace tighten around her.
She continued to hum.
She hummed the wordless tune of innocence, and peace. Of carelessness, and happiness. Of
life lost and unpredicted love.
Taeyeonnie, Seohyun murmured softly, her voice stopping in its hum for a moment as she
pressed her lips to Taeyeons cheek damp with silently dripping tears.

Taeyeon settled back into her, letting herself go and allowing herself to admit the true reason
she had allowed this girl to waft into her life like the haze of smoke, to imprint and remain there
like the tar it that painted on her lungs.
Because it was never about innocence being stripped from this wandering girl so pure and
radiant. It was about her finding it once again, letting it take her, embrace her, and remind her
that nothing is ever truly lost.
Not when you close your eyes and let the music take you away.

NC-17; Tiffany/Jessica
The first time had her head in the toilet and the sting of bile at the back of her throat.
The second time had been no better seeing as Tiffany found herself scrubbing for forty five
minutes trying to erase the filth and the ghost of Jessicas hands on her.
The third timewell Tiffany wasnt exactly sure because she had spent most of the time with
her eyes closed and mind trying to figure out why she kept letting it happen.
It was always the same, though she couldnt recall how it began in the first place. She had just
happened upon Jessica one late night after everyone was long gone to sleep.
Everyone knew Jessica slept a lot. She slept all the time but no one knew why she did until
Tiffany discovered it was because she spent most of her nights curled on a cot in the living area
watching obscure American films and dramas. And one night Tiffany couldnt sleep. Nor could
she sleep the next or next or next which resulted in her bringing first a pillow then blanket then
set of blankets to join Jessicas late night activities.
Each instance drew them closer. First Tiffany moved onto Jessica when the girl offered to rub
her sore shoulder muscles. Then her hands massage her scalp then her hands wondered on all
parts of Tiffanys skin in such caressing ways they always soothe Tiffany to sleep.
But Jessicas hands had not long started to creep under her shirt, grazing over the fabric of her
bra and winding up Tiffany more than it was winding her down. Of course Jessicas solution to
her inability to fall asleep was,
This will help, as she slid her hand into Tiffanys pajama shorts and right into slick heat.
That first time, Tiffany had been too shocked to do anything. She just let Jessica rub her clit,
forcing Tiffany to bite her tongue to keep back those strange noises that bubbled in her throat
and wanted to escape at the feeling. Then at the release she was biting her lip so hard she
could taste blood.
That first time, Tiffany did fall asleep, and quite damn sound if she had to admit. But that
morning, when she woke up in her bed, the night before rushed in, hitting her in the gut and
made her vomit at howshe didnt want to think about it.
Not right now. Not as she teetered on the balls of her feet at her door. She could hear the hum
of the TV from the other room signaling Jessicas presence. The cold knob burned under her
fingers as she held onto it limply. Her pulse beat in her ears in nervous anticipation. She rocked
back and forth, eyes staring though the crack in her door so she could see the faint halo of the
TV screen glowing just barely down the hall.

Tiffany licked her lips, then chewed on the bottom one. Her mind raced. She knew what would
happen if she went out here. She knew what would take place as soon as she curled up under
Jessicas blanket and rested her back into her front was inevitable. And it was that inevitably
that sprang up familiar arousal in her stomach and had her turning the knob.
Her bare feet paced gently along the floor, each step shooting cold chills up her spine only for
them to run smack into the heat of arousal that made her body shiver more.
Slowing, Tiffany approached the corner, grabbing hold of the wall as she peeked around it. Just
as she suspected, Jessica was laid on the floor on her cot in front of the TV. But what Tiffany
didn't expect, and essentially had her mouth gape, was the position Jessica was in.
Sprawled on her back, the blanket was pushed down, only just draping over one leg leaving the
rest of her exposed. Completely exposed. Her night shirt was pushed up to show pert breast
one of which Jessica was rolling and pinching an erect nipple with skilled fingers. The other
Tiffany swallowed deafly, telling herself to just keep her eyes on Jessicas face or even turn
around and forget it. But her nature took over and she followed the path of the other arm down
past outlined ribs, toned abs, smooth hip bones, and into a pair of black underwear that were
pushed down enough for Tiffany to see Jessicas entire hand moving against her clit.
Tiffany cliched her teeth, catching that same sick feeling she had gotten the first time because,
what was she doing? It felt wrong. It felt perverted and sick to be watching Jessica please
herself. But at the same time it burned heat at the base of Tiffanys stomach that ebbed away
the nausea and replaced it with a yearning an a curiosity as to whether this was what Jessica
did all those times before Tiffany showed up.
It very well couldve been true. There wasnt a time Jessica had asked Tiffany to return the
favor. She just got Tiffany off and that was all and she seemed more than satisfied with doing a
favor than receiving. But now Tiffany understood why.
Tiffanys eyes snapped back up to Jessicas face. Closed eyes and slack mouth greeted her
and Tiffany cocked an eyebrow. She had sworn she heard hear name. But from the looks of it,
Jessica was far gone and engrossed in the furious motion of her hands against herself to be
saying anything. Unless it was in the height of ecstasy.
The thought alone had Tiffanys center pulse and a familiar sensation flow through her
increasing the soiled state of her underwear.
Fany Again her name whispered through the air.
Tiffany chewed on her tongue inside her mouth watching as Jessicas back arched and her legs
stretched farther apart so it edged her panties down more. Tiffany was rewarded a full view of

fingers buried deep inside Jessicas glistening, wet sex, pumping in and out in incredible rhythm
only to pull out a moment to rub at her clit. The action repeated.
Jessicas eyes pinched shut and her lower lip pulled between teeth. Her face glowed pale and
white in the light of the TV making the scene seem more like a dream than a reality.
Maybe thats what it was, Tiffany thought. Maybe she was dreaming. Maybe she
subconsciously craved Jessica so much that her imagination pieced together the one thing that
could turn her on and drench her in a matter of seconds. That had to be what it was, because
its only in her dreams that Jessicas eyes would open and lock with hers.
It was only in Tiffanys dream that she would be caught only for Jessica to pull a smirk that
weakened her knees making it so she had to grip the wall to keep standing. And it was only in
her dreams that Jessica would moan a barely audible,
Fuck me, Tiffany, as her body went rigid and her climax washed all through her body making
her brow furrow and her hand to move in jagged movements to prolong the experience of
having he fantasy of Tiffany being the one having gotten her off that edge.
Tiffanys eyes were glued to Jessicas rapidly moving chest as she fought to catch her breath.
The hand that had been fondling her beast was fallen to her side and the one that had been
between her legsTiffany drew her lips into her mouth to muffle her moan as Jessicas gaze found Tiffanys and
held on as she brought her drenched hand up to her lips and licked.
It was the single most hottest thing she had seen. Just watching Jessicas tongue dart out of
her mouth and lap at her own wetness that had happened from a fantasy of her.
Mmm, Jessicas lips puckered around two fingers deep in her mouth before pulling them out
with and audible slurp.
Tiffany almost crumbled to the floor then and there if it werent for the quiet, Fany-ah, that
reminded her this was really happening.

She looked at Jessicas face, licking her lips as if she were lapping off the bit of moisture that
was at the corner of Jessicas mouth. She wondered how it tasted.
Tiffany-ah, Jessica called her again, a little louder. Tiffanys wondering eyes found hers again
as Jessica patted the empty spot on cot beside her. Come here, she beckoned.
Tiffany immediately began moving forward on wobbly legs. She was pulsing and aching. She
was light headed and dizzy. She was confused and then not so confused at all as she
approached Jessica and knelt down to sit down on the place on the floor.

Jessica looked up at her with lidded eyes. You see this? A hand dipped out of sight then was
brought up with damp fingers to hover over Jessicas lips. This is what you do to me,
Tiffany examined the glossy wetness on Jessicas fingers. I-I didnt do anything,
Jessica chuckled softly. You do everything to me, she purred sucking her middle finger all the
while holding Tiffanys eyes as she hummed around the finger then pulled it out. Im always so
sweet for you. See?
Without warning, Jessica touched her index finger to Tiffanys lips, holding it there until Tiffany
opened her mouth and let Jessicas finger slip into her mouth. She closed her lips around the
digit, tongue immediately reacting and swirling around the strange mix of sweet and salty.
She heard Jessica laugh softly as Tiffany finally stopped sucking on her finger and allowed her
to pull it out. She wiped her hand off on the blanket between them before sitting up and cupping
Tiffanys face with a hand that smelled like that seedy scent that was already surrounding them.
Would you like more? Asked Jessica.
Tiffany swallowed, her lips smacking to savor the last remnants of taste before they faded
away. She stared wide eyes into Jessicas eyes with no answer. Maybe she did.
Maybe shed like to lap at Jessica herself. But that was an area Tiffany had never ventured to or
thought of. And even the things she had imagined to do were only at the hands of Jessica and
never herself. For it was Jessica who opened that Pandoras box and it was Jessica who was
slowly showing Tiffany more and more things that were hidden in the nooks and crannies of that
A thumb brushed against Tiffanys cheek. Maybe later, said Jessica, smiling sweetly. But for
now, her voice darkened, leaning forward and tilting Tiffanys chin up. Her breath was hot and
sticky as she husked a poignant, I would like to taste you,
Tiffany lost her ability to breathe in that moment. It was as if all the air in her lungs had been
snatched away and someone hit the pause button on her heart but someone flipped the switch
making her core flood and her chest clench.
Breathe, Fany, Jessica cooed before leaning forward to press their lips together.
It was all too much. Tiffany was feeling over stimulated and she hadnt even been touched yet.
But it was too much. More than she had gotten before. Of all the other times, she knew what to
expect. She knew the routine: find Jessica, lay down with Jessica, shudder in Jessicas arms as
she fingered her, then leave.
There was never an exchange of words. There was never a chance glance or brush of lips. It
was basic and simple. It was nothing in comparison to what she was receiving from the way

Jessicas lips molded to hers and her tongue, still peppered with her taste, dragged across her
lower lip.
Fany-ah, Jessica muttered.
Tiffany opened her mouth and took in a breath much to her aching lungs pleasure and let
Jessicas tongue ease into her mouth. She all but moaned at the sensation it sent through her.
The heat, the slickness, the taste catalogue itself in Tiffanys memory making it one of her
favorites to sample. She only wondered why it had taken this long until Jessica thought it okay
to do more than just slid a hand into her shorts.
Somehow it felt backwards, like kissing shouldve come first, but right now to Tiffany it was fine.
Because lips and tongue were making her wetter as her thoughts of Jessicas nimble fingers,
that were on a sneaky path up her shirt, running through her folds and rubbing that magical spot
only Tiffany had touched herself for years before Jessica weaseled her own to caress it.
Relax, Tiffany heard Jessica laugh softly into her mouth.
Tiffany loosened her shoulders and rolled her neck back as Jessica began a trail of kisses
down her jaw and to the milky skin of her neck. Warm hands dragged across her braless chest
which drew out Jessicas amused chuckle.
Tiffany blushed and bit her lip as Jessica cupped her breast. She never slept with a bra on and
she always passed out after Jessica was finished with her so there as no reason to wear one.
Though now Tiffany realized just how desperate and needy the lack of one made her seem.
Sica Tiffany found herself mouthing more than saying as pointed teeth scrapped across her
pulse point.
Tiffanys eyes fluttered shut, her hands reaching out to grip Jessicas wrists, holding them in
place as she massaged and rolled her breast making the nipples harden against her palms.
She pinched at each hardened tip, teeth punctuating the squeezes with nips all across Tiffanys
neck. A lazy tongue smoothed the tiny red spots that would be gone by morning before leaving
another set of nibbles across the other side.
Tiffany sucked in a breath as Jessica bit and pinched down particularly hard.
You like that? Jessica asked into her neck with a swift lick. She brought her head up to peer
into Tiffanys eyes.
Tiffany swallowed. Yes, she shuddered out as Jessica squeezed her nipples between the
pads of her fingers again. Sica, ye-yes,
Perfect teeth peeked from between glossy pink lips as Jessica smirked. Ive underestimated

Tiffany had nothing to say to that. To her it was more of shocking herself than underestimating
herself. She never once dreamed of doing this - of watching Jessicas head dip down and have
those grinning lips engulf one of her breast and suck.
Having the fantasies in her head as she got herself off alone in her room in the dead of night to
faceless people as she reached a climax, yes. She had done that but to be in the act of, and
with Jessica at that, was different.
No, she was most defiantly not underestimating herself. She had the capacity for it, but it was
the actual drive and boldness to carry it out that shocked her.
It shocked her like a live wire, the currant traveling from the nipples being bit and nibbled and
licked and sucked by Jessicas mouth and spread to her fingertips and her toes. It shot down to
her center and nerve endings in her hips signaling them to move forward.
The motion didnt go unnoticed by Jessica. She merely grinned against Tiffanys skin, trailing a
tongue from one breast to the other and let her free hand that wasnt busy on the neglected
breast to tickle a path down her stomach.
Her nails pricked against Tiffanys abs making her twitch and squirm as they continued to
scrape along the inside of her thigh coming dangerously to pulsing heat between her legs.
Threading her fingers into Jessicas hair, Tiffany allowed her to lean them back so Tiffany was
laid across the cot. Jessica maneuvered so her thighs straddled Tiffany.
Tiffany frowned as warm mouth left her chest but quickly captured her lips for a chaste kiss that
felt more like a kiss between lovers rather than what they were..whatever they were. It felt
wrong to call Jessica a fuck buddy. She was a friend, a close friend that had made herself
closer to Tiffany, intentionally or not, by taking her in such intimate ways on more than one
Jessica smiled again, her head dipping back down, but Tiffany stopped her with a light tug of
her hair.
Can I- Tiffany stuttered, suddenly embarrassed by what she wanted to ask. She sighed,
licking her lips as Jessica gently caressed the skin of her hip. Can I see you?
If it wasnt for Jessicas glaring grin, Tiffany wouldnt have thought she heard her. Cold touched
Tiffanys skin as Jessica pulled back to sit up. Grabbing the base of her shirt, Jessica tugged it
off letting it fall to the floor beside them. Tiffany smirked at her bare chest all the while lifting her
arms so Jessica could pull off her own shirt finally leaving her bare in only a pair of pink
And these? Jessica tugged at the waistband of Tiffanys panties with a finger.

Tiffany only nodded and shifted around to let Jessica slink them down her legs then watched
wide eyes as Jessica did the same. The sight made her blush bright red as her eyes racked
over Jessicas body. She had seen Jessica in very little. It was expected from living with each
other, but this was something new. By just disclosing the most intimate parts of her made
Tiffany embarrassed just as much as it turned her on.
Silently, Tiffany watched Jessicas eyes take in her naked body as she moved to straddle her
waist again. Those deep brown eyes wavered not a bit as they ate her up making Tiffany feel
like one of the most luckiest girls. No one else was being looked upon by Jessica. But she was.
She was and she was the one who got to sigh at soft fingers pressing against her clit.
Tiffanys back arched, not expecting the action. Her eyes reopened to watch Jessica circle two
fingers against her clit. She tried to keep her eyes open as they swirled again and again but she
couldnt and she was plunged back into the darkness behind her lids.
Heat radiated off Jessicas body as she leaned back over her to take her lips in a kiss. Tiffany
moaned into the kiss as Jessica changed the motion of her fingers to up and down and
alternated between the circular figures she had first mapped out. Hips moving on their own
accord, Tiffany gripped Jessicas hair again, tugging her down wanting more of that wonderful
tongue in her mouth, of that glorious body pressed against hers, and of those exceptional
fingers against her.
Sica, Tiffany surprised herself at how rasped and fervent the moan sounded as it escaped
from her lungs. But she couldnt have kept it in.
Not when Jessicas fingers slid down to swipe around her entrance, collecting wetness so her
fingers moved slippery against her clit increasing that powerful sensation and building it inside
of her.
More, Sica. Please, she panted in her native tongue. At that moment she couldnt even recall
the simple Korean for those words.
But Jessica understood and Jessica drew her fingers away from Tiffanys entrance and broke
their kiss. Wet fingers lifted in front of Tiffanys face and once again that tongue darted out of
Jessicas mouth to lick them.
Oh my god, Tiffany hummed low, losing her mind at what Jessica was doing. Her lips moved
all around delicate fingers, hungrily sucking every bit off accompanied by wondrous moans
deep in Jessicas chest.
I really have underestimated you, Jessica taunted before her head dipped out of sight.
Tiffany only had a moment to even attempt to process what she meant by that before
something swiped long and hard against her clit. The noise that came out of Tiffanys mouth
was far from any notes she had sung before. It was animalistic almost the way it rippled from
deep inside of her and left her jaws.


She quickly slapped a hand over her mouth, biting down on the flesh of her palm to keep it from
coming out again. She fought hard against it, but moans and whimpers slipped past her
makeshift gag as Jessicas tongue worked wonders against her sex. The way her tongue
mimicked what her fingers had done was incredibly. It was nearly the same but the feeling was
better. It was juicier, sweeter, and hungry.
Lips wrapped around the nub and sucked hard. Tiffanys hips lifted off the floor only to be
slammed down by Jessicas hand that struggled to keep her still. Hands dropping at her sides,
Tiffany gripped the blanket beneath her, teeth bared and eyes pinched shut.
Air raged out of her nose and her hips bucked in short quick rhythm to the one Jessica mapped
out with the strokes of her to tongue. Tiffany didnt think it could get any better than that until her
eyes rolled back as teeth grazed over her clit and a set of fingers pressed up into her entrance
slipping in easily. It brought a pain and pleasure that erupted in her chest and clenched her
lungs making it hard to breathe.
She wanted so much to look down and see Jessicas head bobbing between her legs, but there
was no way she could. Arousal, white hot arousal, gripped her lids and choked her. Her nerves
were screaming on all parts of her body and her body was no longer hers to control. It had all
been surrendered to Jessica and her royal grade mouth and fingers.
Delicious sounds filled the air as Jessica continued to lick and fuck her thoroughly with three
fingers. Short, sporadic whimpers pushed themselves out of her mouth. An arm lifted, draping
over her closed eyes while the other reached down to claw fingers into Jessicas hair.
TIffany panted hard, shivering as pleasure began to build up slowly. She could feel it starting at
her toes and lazily making its way up her legs, through her stomach and to her chest where it
settled for a moment forcing out lust filled spats of,
Sica, Sica, Sica,
Then continued on a crash course into her fingers and up her neck where her body was seized
and her body went perfectly rigid. In that split second Tiffany lost all morals and manners as she
whimpered a devilish,
Oh, fuck, in husky English then clenched her teeth as waves of orgasm bulldozed through her.
Her hips kept moving, trying to milk out what else she could from Jessicas still pumping fingers
and lapping tongue. Her walls slowly stopped clenching and her lungs slowly allowed her to
breathe properly before she was released from the bondage of ecstasy and she relaxed into the
blankets around her.
Tiffany opened her eyes just barley seeing Jessica lift up with a glossy mouth, gleaming with
Tiffanys wetness. She crawled her way up with a grin before her lips touched Tiffanys and she
shuddered a moan at the taste of herself being shared between them.


Licking her lips, Tiffany watched Jessica roll over to lay beside her on the cot and dragged a
hand across her mouth to clean the rest of Tiffany away.
A hand reached down between them, taking Tiffanys fingers, twining them together. It was
strange - something a little too personal and intimate for them to be doing but Tiffany allowed it.
She could think of no reason as to not hold Jessicas hand.
Sica? Tiffany whispered into the darkness that flickered with obscure shapes from the TV
neither had chanced a glance at.
She started to feel that awkwardness rise up again as it did on other nights Jessica finger
fucked her to exhaustion. Only tonight she was still a live wire and her mind was ten beats late
in processing exactly what happened.
Jessica squeezed her hand so Tiffany lolled her head over to peer into shadowed brown eyes.
Now we sleep, Jessica said evenly.
She pulled the blanket that was at their feet up around them and draped an arm over Tiffanys
stomach. Resting her chin on Tiffanys shoulder, she shut her eyes and snuggled closer into her
Night, Fany-ah, she murmured with a soft kiss to her neck.
Tiffanys lashes fluttered. Goodnight?


NC-17; Tiffany/Jessica
Tiffany tugged her sunglasses down over her eyes as she padded her way out onto the
balcony. The scenery of a beach stretched out down below, dotted with people all along the
Her fingers wrapped around the railing, leaning over just enough to give her eyes that extra
advantage to see further into the sea. Waves rolled and whirled, jumbling the images of surfers
into the mix of blue waters and white, but her eyes found her target.
She had grown accustomed to searching for her. The little brunette woman in the multicolored
bikini with I <3 Cali printed on the butt. Tiffany wondered if she wore it because she knew she
would be watching. Though not just Tiffany watching, but the people on the beach and the boys
waxing down their boards who ogled those black letters.
She must do it on purpose. She must know how each turned head drove a nail into Tiffany little
by little. But don't call her possessive, no, no. She was simply the jealous type even if she was
told she had no reason to be. Tiffany had the privilege of touching what was underneath that
itsy bitsy bikini where as everyone else could only drool away and dream.
The waves crashed in, bringing the hot pink board onto shore. It was a gift from Tiffany to the
brunette whose hair was teetering on the blonde side due to being outside. Tiffany couldn't
decide which shade she liked more. Not that it mattered. As long as she could still curl her
fingers into it, it could be purple for all she cared.
As if she could feel her looking, the surfer looked up as she walked her board along the sand.
She lifted a hand, using it to shield the sun as she peered up into Tiffany's beach side loft.
A smile came to plump pink lips when thy caught sight of her and all Tiffany could think was
how those lips had introduced a,
"Im Jessica, but you can call me whatever you want," to her at the beginning of the summer
when Tiffany had wandered into a surfboard store upon her vacation arrival.
She didn't buy a thing, having been distracted by the lack of modest dress code the store
seemed to have for their employees. She wouldn't even had to have asked the woman's name
if the bikini top she wore could hold a name tag without tugging it down to expose more of that
sun kissed skin.
Down below Jessica waved a hand. Tiffany lifted her own, acknowledging that she saw her. A
set of four fingers flashed back Tiffany's way before Jessica began walking over to the
showerheads to rinse off.
Pulling away from the balcony, Tiffany went back into the loft not minding to shut the sliding

door. Having the place nearly made her look like a spoiled brat. She had been one of those girls
who bragged that her daddy bought her a nice little vacation home but the downside was that it
was just for vacation.
Did she want to live there, shed have to take on the payments and things were much to
expensive. She'd much rather mooch, get her in a couple weeks of California sun then return to
Korea to compose more songs.
Heading for the fridge, Tiffany pulled out a bottle of wine. The cheap kind but she didn't
complain. Jessica had gotten it for her the second week after meeting her. At that point there
had been no time to drink hence the still plugged cork.
Popping it open, she poured a glass for herself and paced around the loft, waiting for the last
couple seconds of the four minutes Jessica had singled to her to pass.
A couple sips down, a knock came to the door. Tiffany broke her pace, hurrying for it then
slowed. She didn't want to seem desperate. Not that she was. However she was board and
creatively drained from staring at a notebook of only a couple lines written of the song she had
been trying to write. The eraser shavings indicated just how successful it was going.
"Hello," Jessica smiled once Tiffany opened the door. She stepped forward, taking Tiffany's
cheek to steady herself as she lifted up to brush a chaste kiss to her lips. Pulling back, she
licked her lips. "Korbel?"
"You should know,"
"Mmm," Jessica hummed as she walked through the door Tiffany opened more for her.
She stepped into the loft in flip-flops, frayed jean shorts, and that rainbow colored bikini top.
Tiffany was thankful. She didnt think she'd have the patience to deal with too many buttons and
zippers and tugs and pulls.
"Was there only enough for you?" Asked Jessica.
"No," Tiffany lazily dragged her eyes away from the top of those jean shorts, unbuttoned and
flipped down to show the top line of her bikini back to Jessica's face. "I'll pour you a glass,"
"That would be nice," Jessica smiled and walked away for the balcony. Tiffany hurried off to
pour a glass.
With drink in hand, she found Jessica leaning over the railing. Her hair blew with the wind,
exposing her neck where a tiny tattoo was inked in thick, swirling design.
Approaching closer, Tiffany held both their glasses between the fingers of one hand while the
other smoothed up a pronounced spine and pushed away hair. She grinned seeing chill bumps
raise to Jessica's skin and leaned down to kiss the tribal tattoo on the back of her neck.


The flavors of salt stayed on her lips and she came back for more, trailing her lips up and
around, drawing closer until her body was pressed up against Jessica's and she could easily
drag a hungry tongue along her ear.
"Mmm," Jessica purred, rolling her neck back. "People are watching,"
"Let them,"
Jessica chuckled as she turned around. She gripped the flimsy fabric of Tiffany's sheer, white
blouse tugging her close to kiss her quickly once again. Tiffany wasn't having any of it and
leaned in for more, so their lips shaped together.
Jessica didn't resist though she ignored the drag of Tiffany's tongue against her bottom lip that
begged for entrance. She just pulled back to take a breath and grin.
"My wine, please?" said Jessica, tickling the underside of Tiffanys chin with the nail of her
index finger.
Tiffany narrowed her eyes, glaring lightly. "You're a tease,"
Jessica's grinned widened as she plucked her glass from Tiffany's hand and took a drink. "Your
vacations up," said Jessica. Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "It was on your wall calendar,"
Tiffany nodded, leaning her back against the banister while Jessica leaned back over it.
"Disappointed?" she prodded, eyes catching the calendar inside the loft tacked up by the door.
Jessica shrugged. "Others will come, they always do,"
That prick of envy poked at Tiffany at those words. And as Jessica smiled smugly, she was
reminded how dumb that was. She'd very well forget Jessica by the time her eleven-hour flight
was up and she was back in a warm bed with a ray of sunshine that wasn't as fleeting as this
California wave.
Tiffany made a mental note to make a phone call to that little ball of sun before she started to
worry about Tiffanys well being.
Hmm, Jessica swallowed down another gulp. Tiffany turned to her seeing her jut her chin
toward the inside. How much did it cost to furbish this place?
Couple thousand? Tiffany shrugged, watching Jessicas throat bob as she swallowed. Why?
The leather is nice, she said about the couch.
Tiffany looked over her shoulder at it. One scratch is worth more than your life,

Jessicas eyes shifted down to the rug that splayed out in front of it. Is that imported?
Now, now, Jessica smiled, her teeth biting into the edge of her now empty glass. Her eyes
moved to the small dining table. I know IKEA when I see it,
Tiffany laughed softly as she stood up straight. A table is a table, she moved, taking the glass
from Jessicas hand and placed both of theirs on the patio table before returning to stand in
front of the brunette. Whatre you planning?
Nothing really, Jessica kept her gaze on the table, seemingly ignoring Tiffanys hands that
gripped her waist.
I dont believe you, Tiffany leaned in, molding their bodies together and wrapping her arms
around Jessicas back. Brown eyes finally looked down at her.
You should never trust a stranger, Jessica joked.
Tiffany rolled her eyes, letting their noses bump together. I think weve seen enough of each
other to be more than strangers,
Maybe, Jessica cooed, leaning forward.
Tiffany pulled back before their lips could meet. Tell me what youre thinking first,
Nothing, Jessica tried again and Tiffany pulled back.
Tell me,
Jessicas nose scrunched, her hands lifting to drape around Tiffanys neck making her
shoulders sag from the pressure. Thats hardly affective,
Tiffanys eyebrow cocked. Hm?
Jessica smiled, her bottom lip pulling between those pretty, white teeth. I always liked the show
over the tell,
Strong arms tugged, bringing Tiffany forward. Lips mashed into hers uncoordinated before she
regained her bearings and began to stabilize the kiss. That salty flavor of the ocean spread on
her lips with the distinct flavors of cherry chap stick. Tiffany nearly laughed as both Katy Perry
songs began to sound off in her head as Jessicas hands slid down her sides as swift as the
California breeze.
Tiffany shuddered under the touch, countering the caress with her own hands that palmed at
shoulder blades and dragged nails down an indented spine.


A lazy tongue lapped at Tiffanys bottom lip and she parted hers letting it in. She moaned as
their tongues touched, creating that first spark of the flame that traveled down to the base of her
stomach, pooling it with heat.
She walked her fingers around, removing them from the small of Jessicas back to spider their
way up her stomach. She lingered on the lines of abs, god those abs, that tightened and
released as Jessicas breathing became more rapid.
Dont tickle me, Jessica warned into her mouth.
Tiffany broke away a moment. Or what?
Jessicas eyes darkened, an ice coming into them that froze Tiffany the moment she said, How
many stories are we up?
Tiffany glanced over Jessicas shoulder to the balcony then back to lidded brown eyes. Point
Good, Jessicas warm smile returned along with a peck to her lips before she weaseled
herself out of Tiffanys grasp and took her wrist between her fingers.
Tiffany willingly let Jessica lead them through the balcony door and back inside. There was a
slight humidity to the air that started to settle into Tiffanys skin. It was perfect. Just the thought
of their bodies, sweaty from humidity, sliding against one another was enough to make Tiffany
jerk Jessica back.
Jessica squeaked as she rammed back into Tiffany then groaned at the ferocity Tiffany had in
the way she forced her tongue into her mouth. Jessica bit down on it, earning a hiss and a light
shove, sending her over the arm of the couch and onto the cushions.
Play nice, Jessica glared, playfully.
Tiffany walked up to her, shedding herself of the offending white blouse. Youre in my house,
she let the garment fall to the floor and straddled her knees around Jessicas waist.
Oh? Jessica turned to the coffee table beside the couch and reached over for an envelope.
Your late on your water bill, Mr. Hwang,
Smart ass, Tiffany knocked the envelope from Jessicas hand and gripped her wrist, pinning
them to the cushion above her head.
Jessica smirked. You love my ass,
Tiffany only laughed, sinking down to clamp her teeth into Jessicas neck. She squirmed
beneath her, sucking in a breath as Tiffany bit down a fraction harder. Jessica whimpered and

Tiffany let up, dragging her teeth along the marks her left.
Her lips continued down, sucking and biting along warm skin to the hill of her breast that peeked
from the bikini top. Tiffany used her free hand to tug the fabric down to reveal erect nipples.
Hungrily, she dragged her tongue along a hardened tip earning a soft little mewl from Jessica.
Knee bending beneath her, Tiffany felt Jessicas thigh maneuver, putting it between her legs.
Tiffany couldnt resist the urge to lean back on it, letting the slender thigh bump up into her
Mmm, she hummed around a nipple being sucked in her mouth. Jessica rocked so her thigh
slid at that perfect angle against the spandex shorts Tiffany wore.
Oh wow, Jessica muttered. Someone's ready,
Tiffany grunted as Jessica shifted again, jerking her thigh harder. So do something about it,
Putting those taught abs to use, Jessica sat up, sending Tiffany back. She had to shift her legs
to allow Jessica to change their positions, but she didnt complain. Not when that rainbow bikini
tops strings came loose and dropped away without Jessica having to even touch it.
Her own bra was snapped away and tossed to the floor as Jessica lowered, angling her knee
right at Tiffanys center and pressing them together just enough so their chests touched.
Like this? she taunted, rocking so Tiffanys core rammed into her leg.
Jess- she was cut off as another rough jerk pressed and her hips reacted, canting up and
down to match the forward motion. Jessi- not so-
-Rough? her words were punctuated as she thrust forward.
Tiffanys hands shot out gripping onto the veil of brown hair that poured over her. Her teeth
clenched as Jessica continued to rock, pace unrelenting, and force no less though the way
Jessicas fingers rolled and pinched her nipples between her fingertips relieved the pain.
Tell me, Tiffany, Jessica continued to taunt her.
Her fingers combed through Jessicas hair and clawed in with nails that sank into her brunette
scalp. Whatever words she wanted to say against the torture were not coming to her. All she
could think was how, despite the painful way Jessica bucked into her, she couldnt deny how
wet she was getting or how much her body was loving every bit of it.
Jess Tiffany moaned, her hands tangling into hair. The sweet friction between her legs was
almost to good to break it. But she knew it would be much better if she could get those shorts,
Off. Get them off,

As you wish, Jessica stopped her motion and moved back. She took Tiffanys shorts and
dragged them down her legs.
Tiffanys eyes opened, watching Jessica raise them to her nose and take in a long breath.
God, you smell her sentence tapered off as she dropped those clothing down and leaned
down, pushing Tiffanys knees apart and drank in the scent right from the source. Fuck,
Jessica stole the words out of Tiffanys mouth as bruised lips dove right into dripping sex.
Tiffanys arms shot behind her, hands gripping the armrest to stabilize herself as her hips began
to buck against the tongue strokes Jessica dragged along her clit.
Jessicas mouth worked like the trained maneuvers of a surfboard through water. It skated
across her clit, circling the hood like a cut through a wave and lips found purchase and sucked
with amazing proficiency.
A wet mouth slipped and slid down to her entrance, tongue circling around it like a corkscrew
before it pierced through, driving into a depth that kept Tiffany just a hair away from the edge
but instead had her teetering on it back and fort back and forth.
A pleasurable pain soared through her as Jessicas hands gripped the insides of her thighs and
pushed, stretching her legs to an uncomfortable degree. Her foot hit the floor, the threads
digging up into her sole. It hurt right in her joints, but it hurt so good as Jessica added teeth into
her ministrations leaving Tiffany begging and pleaded for a pair of those fingers to enter her.
Come on, she begged. Jessi- I-
One hand left her thigh to palm at a breast and twisted a nipple between fingers. It wasnt what
Tiffany wanted, but it may have been what she needed. She felt her body tense. She felt the
cracks begin to spread across the dam, letting everything out little by little until the wrecking ball
hit in the way those perfect white teeth bit down particularly hard on her clit.
It hurt so good that Tiffany saw stars and tasted blood as she clamped down a bit too hard on
the lip that was between her teeth. She went spiraling over that edge and was stricken deaf like
the compressing pressure of waves as she was taken under.
Arms flailing out, she gripped Jessicas hair attempting to tug the girl away from her. But she
didnt stop. Her mouth continued on and Tiffany screamed shrill as a set of fingers pierced into
her and twisted.
The dual effect worked Tiffany up fast. Her mouth fell open, tired throat letting out only rigid
gasps of air as Jessicas mouth and fingers continued assault on her.
She didnt know how the girl did it. How she managed to keep attention to so many places at
once and never miss a beat. She didnt know how her lips stayed attached as Tiffanys hips
thrashed violently, riding Jessicas face while her legs were wrapped around the girls neck
attempting to pull her into her.


Tiffany gripped her own hair, pulling it to add onto the numbing pain of a fourth finger, the
clamping of teeth, and the pinch to her breast that plunged her down into the blinding depths of
ecstasy once again.
Tiffany panted, her lungs aching and throat burning on each one. Coming back up, she gasped
like a fish out of water. Her hands flailed, reaching down to yank Jessica away but there was no
one there to grab.
Opening her eyes, Tiffany looked across the way at the dining table. A top it sat Jessica,
grinning smugly down at her with a drenched mouth. A drop rolled down her chin, and down
along her neck. Tiffany liked her lips, aching to trail her tongue along the length of that neck and
devour herself off those puckered lips.
Pushing to sit up, Jessica stopped her with a teasing little, Ah, ah,
Hand lifting, Jessica pointed, twirling a finger around.
Eyebrow cocked, Tiffany turned her head and looked down to the armrest of the couch.
Scratches done by the gripping of her nails decorated the leather. She rolled her eyes.
Jessica snickered, finger touched to her pouting lips. Oops,


NC-17; Tiffany, Sunny, Jessica
Tiffany drummed on her stomach to the beat of the music that played from her earbuds. Her lips
moved, silently mouthing the lyrics at the request of an annoyed Jessica who laid next to her on
the bed with phone in hand.
Tiffany had been tempted to kick her out seeing as it was her room and her room alone and she
had every right to sing out loud if she wanted. But Jessicas company was better than that of
the four walls so she let it slide.
With the last note of the song, Tiffany lolled her head on her pillow to look at Jessica. She was
on her back, phone held up and fingers moving across the screen as she swiped through
whatever app she had open. Tugging out one of her earbuds, Tiffany scooted over to see what
had held Jessicas interest for the past hour but her phone was pulled out of sight.
Yah! Tiffany pouted.
Jessica narrowed her eyes. Nosy,
Whatre you looking at?
None of your business, Jessica quipped, scooting away from Tiffany and rose her phone
again. Listen to your music,
Im tired of listening to it,
Read a book,
Jessi, Tiffany whined, closing the gap between them. Jessica rolled away. Let me see,
Yah, whatre you doing? Jessica swatted at the hands that tried to grip her wrist to pull the
phone into view. Let go,
I wanna see,
Jessica wrestled herself away, burying the phone into her pocket of her hoodie and turned her
back on Tiffany. No, you dont,
Yes, I do,
Jessica peered over her shoulder, blocking Tiffanys view of the screen. Believe me, you dont,
Why not? Asked Tiffany, curiosity sparked by the way the corners of Jessicas mouth kinked
up. Its not like its porn or anything,


Or anything, said Jessica, slyly.

Tiffany just blinked trying to make sense of what that meant, missing when Jessica rolled off the
bed to a stand and stretched her arms above her head.
Im going to take a shower, Jessica announced before leaving Tiffany alone to stew over those
two words.
She probably wouldnt have if it wasnt for the smirk Jessica had on her lips as she swiveled her
hips out the door. Tiffany pouted, sitting up on the bed, and leaned her back against the wall
annoyed. Of the couple hours they were left at the dorms alone, all Jessica had done was be
busy on her phone.
She texted, she snapped pictures, she searched fan sites all the while Tiffany busied herself
with whatever. But it wasnt until the last hour or so that Jessicas concentration had zeroed in
on the phone and she kept it at an angle so Tiffany couldnt see.
Aish, Tiffany rolled her eyes, waving it all away. It didnt matter.
Sighing, Tiffany reached for her MP3 player when she noticed another rectangular electronic
sitting on the bed. She blinked in surprise as she made out the hot pink case around Jessicas
phone and nearly laughed out loud at how easy it was. At least she thought it was easy until
she was greeted with a passcode lock.
Frustrated, Tiffany dropped it back down, staring at the lit screen before it blacked out. The
hyped feeling she had ebbed away as the barrier between her and finding out what Jessica was
looking at started to get to heruntil she remembered a Sunny saying,
Sica, youre so full of yourself. What kind of passcode is that? Once when they were in the van
headed to a station. To which Jessica cheekily replied, One youll be screaming later,
The blush on Sunnys cheeks after Jessica sent her a heated smirk at that time didnt go
through Tiffanys mind. All she was focused on was every which way she could manipulate
Jessicas name into four numbers since that was all she could put in.
It proved all too easy.
Other than Jess and Jung, Sica was the third most popular choice. Tiffany laughed out loud as
the screen lifted giving her entrance and double tapped the center key to see what Jessicas
latest open apps were.
After pictures was videos then messaging with camera following up last. Tiffany touched the
photo icon. A list of albums showed under the camera roll. She scrolled down with a thumb,
reading the album names.

SoShi <3
Saranghae Family!
Tiffany pressed on Byuntae first, mouth dropping at the amount of pictures Jessica had stored
up of the members changing. They were from all sorts of events and times. All of unknowing
members with a few who had caught her just as she snapped. Like the one of Taeyeon, mouth
open in a yell, and Sooyoung who had her fist up in a threat.
The ones of Tiffany herself made her blush at each compromising position she was in with her
shorts or shirt halfway off, but it were the ones of Sunny that really turned her cheeks red.
Mostly because as many of them of Sunnys cluelessness to the shots being taken, there were
more where she shyly posed to peer over her shoulder at Jessica. One in particular of Sunny in
only a bra and extremely short shorts making bunny ears over her head reminded Tiffany of the
Bunny album.
Leaving the pervy pics, Tiffany quickly went to the last album, nearly having a heart attack at
what was shown to her. A list of pictures, all of Sunny filled up the album. Few had Jessica in
them as well, but it was Sunnys face who took up the majoritywell her face or herTiffany felt her heart race as she selected one in particular of Sunny in nothing but a pair of
white, cotton underwear, one hand cupping a naked breast while the other had just a finger in
her mouth innocently looking into the camera with a puppy dog expression.
Sliding her thumb to the left, another of Sunny this time on her back with legs spread open and
hand between her legs had Tiffany covering her mouth with a hand as she gasped.
Her finger slid across the screen again, getting a splendid picture of Jessica, holding Sunny by
the hair, yanking her head back so her neck was exposed to Jessicas tongue that lapped at the
soft skin there.
Everything in Tiffany told her to put the phone down. Everything inside of her told her it was
wrong. She was invading someones privacy, which was definitely not okay, but she couldnt
She continued to thumb her way through, eating up every juicy image of Sunny in all sorts of
poses and in various states of dress. Her hand pressed harder against her mouth, teeth biting
into her palm to hold back the moan that wanted to roll itself up her throat and out when she
found a shot of Sunny spread in what Tiffany recognized to be Jessicas bed.
Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open just slightly. Her hands were at her sides,
fingers digging into the blankets and back arched off the cushion enough so her taut abs were

stretched and flexed. It was a look of pure ecstasy. A picture snapped just at the height of
climax and aDing, ding.
Jessicas phone chimed, causing Tiffany to jump.
She looked up at the door to her room that was slightly cracked and paused, waiting to see
Jessica come back into the room. Only the wind and the distant run of the shower greeted her
and she relaxed, looking at whomever the message was from.
Sunny: Is this what you wanted?
Tiffany read in the message then clicked on the video attached to it. She waited, wide eyes and
shaking as the video buffered and then began.
Sunnys bright eyes and teeth popped up on the screen. Tiffany looked passed her to observe
the fact that she was in a bathroom stall.
Yah! You owe me, you know? I had to lie to leave shooting, Sunny began in mock anger.
Youre so greedy,
Tiffany watched eagerly as Sunny undid the button of her jean shorts and began tugging them
down to her knees.
I would enjoy this more if you sent me something to look at, Sunny went on as her underwear
followed to the floor. Maybe you in an elevator? She chuckled after that and leaned against
the wall of the stall, one foot lifting up to rest on the toilet seat. If youre up for the challenge,
Sunny looked right into the camera and grinned. Or are you too scared? Hmm? She laughed
again and moved the phone enough so Tiffany could see down her body.
The hand not holding her phone had descended down between her legs where it began to
move back and forth against herself. Sunnys face immediately shifted into one of pleasure.
You know, Sunny sighed as her head rolled back against the stall wall. I only do this for you,
Sica. Youre the only one I agree to do things like this for. Your text turn me on so much.
Her voice faded out there as her hand continued to move back and forth between her legs. Her
chest began to rise and fall quicker and her lip found place between her teeth.
I couldnt concentrate on the broadcast, you were making me so hot sowet, she accented
the last word by sliding her hand farther back then brought it up. Two damp fingers filled the
camera frame. Look. This is for you, Sica,

Tiffany shivered as Sunny dipped those wet fingers into her mouth and sucked them both,
moaning around them as they danced around her mouth. She pulled the fingers out and winked
at the camera.
I hope you enjoy watching me fuck myself for you. I expect the pair of those ruined panties
you're wearing after watching this, she paused, wetting her fingers with a long stroke of her
tongue then added, if youre wearing any,
Tiffany gasped at the same time Sunny did as she slipped two fingers into herself and moved
the camera down so the angle showed Sunnys damp center and the rest of her body in the
Her pumping hand took up most of the frame, moving in and out of herself with ease. Soft
whimpers could be heard but each one strained and hushed as she tried to keep her voice
Tiffany slid down against the wall, so she lay sprawled on the bed. The phone clutched tight in
both of her hands as she held it still, close in front of her face. She could feel an ache rise up in
her center that had her spreading her legs as if Sunnys movements on the screen were moving
on her.
God, Sica, Sunny breathed in the distance.
Her hand moved more rapid with a third finger stretching her walls. A thumb lifted to stroke at a
hardened clit, and the camera jerked away for a moment as Sunny groaned at the stimulation
she was causing herself.
When the image refocused, all Tiffany could see were drenched fingers, jerking and working
into tight sex. She wished that the screen were wider so she could see Sunnys face, but the
little mewling sounds she heard only helped Tiffanys imagination as to what Sunny looked like.
Make me come, Sica. Make me come, Sunny hissed, her hips now moving with the rhythm of
her hand.
Tiffany felt her own hips jerk against an invisible hand. She felt heat pool into her core and felt
wetness begin to build. She felt a tingle in her fingers that urged her to reach down and touch
herself, but her hands were both glued to the sides of the phone as if holding it tighter would
clear up the poor resolution image so she could see Sunny ministrations in HD.
Sunny whimpered franticly, the pace of her hand matching the tone of her voice. Take me
hard, Sica,
And hard was the way Sunny rammed her hand up inside of her so her fingers, all the way up to
the knuckle, were lost.

A tiny scream emitted from the girl on camera but it was quickly cut off as if she remembered
where she was. Then on, her sounds were muted, but they were enough to drive Tiffany crazy
and send her hips drying humping air as Sunny twisted her wrist and her hand stilled.
Tiffany saw Sunnys sex pulse as a wave of orgasm rolled through her. Her thumb and fingers
moved a couple more times to ride it out before she pulled her hand away from herself and
brought the camera up so her face showed again
Flushed cheeks and dilated pupils greeted Tiffany. A bottom lip, bruised with the faint markings
of teeth smirked as Sunny smiled into the camera and began lapping at her wet fingers, taking
every last bit of moisture off them.
Did you watch to the end or did you run off to take a cold shower before I could finish?
Sunnys laugh echoed lightly on the restroom walls. I have to get back now. Bye-bye, Sica.
Dont nosebleed all over the sheets. Sunny winked then laughed again just as the video ended.
Its not me who has the nosebleed,
Tiffany threw the phone down, pushing herself up to lean against the wall. She stared at Jessica
who stood in the doorframe clad in bathrobe and towel around her damp hair.
Jessi, I- I didnt mean- Im sorry I-
Did you enjoy the video? Jessica asked, promptly cutting Tiffany off.
Tiffany, dry mouthed and shaking from both burning arousal and embarrassment, only mutely
nodded to Jessica. She felt her cheeks heat up at the smirk on Jessicas lips that mirrored the
one Sunny had given in the video she had watched.
Well then, started Jessica as she stepped into the room and began to undo the belt of her
robe. How about a little instant replay, hm?
Tiffany could only swallow as she watched the slinky bathrobe drop to the floor.


From 6 to 16
R; Krystal/Jessica
"Soojung-ah," the coming question started off simple enough.
Just an utterance of her name where Jessica laid on her stomach near the foot of the bed,
flipping through the pages of a magazine while Kystal sat with her back against the headboard,
sifting through her sisters CD collection.
It rolled out Jessica's mouth easily - her name. It always did and it always made Krystal feel a
little sense of pride because her sister who always seemed much better, and talented, and
prettier, and beyond what Krystal thought of herself, was her sister and acknowledged her as
an equal and not as the second Jung daughter.
But something had switched inside Krystal, and her sister beckoning her name made her feel a
rush of warmth. It made her stop and answer her without hesitation. It made her anxious to
know what would come out of her mouth next however this time it only made her freeze.
"Soojung-ah," Krystal's head snapped up from the CD she was holding. She hadn't been
interested in the music as much as she was interested in spending time with her sister even if
her head was buried in a magazine.
"Neh, unnie?" she said, coolly.
Jessica's head tilted as her eyes stayed drawn to the page she was reading. "Do you have a
Krystal felt the CD slip out of her fingers and hit her leg with a clatter as it banged against the
case she had just taken it out of. Jessica turned over her shoulder and Krystal blinked flustered
at her smug grin.
"Why are you asking me that?"
Jessica shrugged, chin propped on fist as she grin spread wider. It was that simple action alone
that made Krystal wonder if Jessica knew. If she had caught the way Krystal let her gaze linger
on Jessica a second longer than necessary. If she had taken their hand holding in the
supermarket or the park or on walks as something more than their sisterly affection.
And that's what it was. Well, up until Krystal started to want nothing more or less than Jessica's
hand in hers, or arms hugging her, or her body curled up against her when she'd come over to
sleep in bed with her. She was smart enough to figure out what she was feeling if only because
she heard Jessica talking to her friends about things like that before. However"Why not?" Jessica broke Krystal's reeling thoughts.

She narrowed her eyes down at her sister, tossing the CDs aside in mock annoyance. "I'm six,
unnie. That's weird,"
"No it's not," Jessica rolled her eyes, her smirk turning into a grin. "I had lots of crushes when I
was your age,"
"On pervy ajhussi's," Krystal counted under her breath.
"Yah!" Jessica sat up, magazine in hand and arm reeled back to to hit her with. She stopped
just short at Krystal's cower. "Don't be gross,"
Krystal stuck out her tongue. "You're the gross one,"
"Why, you-" Giving her a swift smack on the forehead, Jessica dropped the magazine and
crossed her legs to sit across from a pouting Krystal.
She watched Jessica closely, noting the way her eyes zeroed in on her and her fist held under
her chin and elbows rested on her knees. She could see right into those warm and probing
brown eyes that always, with the smallest flutter or wink, urged her cries and worries away.
They were eyes that she clung onto and gave her strength to keep going in her studies but they
were also the eyes that gripped Krystal in a relentless gaze and wouldn't let go until she got
what she wanted.
"Soojung-ah," Jessica singsonged, her aegyo seeping through. "Just tell me. Do you?"
"No," Krystal came back immediately. She could feel her insides starting to tremble and the
heat at the back of her neck rise.
Jessica's head titled and her lips formed that sneaky smirk again. "No you won't tell me or no
you don't have one?"
"Unnie," Krystal groaned, trying to slide off the bed and get out of there to safety. But Jessica
was quicker, and her wrist was caught before she could get an inch away.
"Soojung-ah," Jessica urged, and just like Krystal knew, she gave her undivided attention back
to the one who was painfully bullying her into doing something she never wanted to. "Tell me,"
"No what?" Jessica perked up.
"No I-I don't-" Her sentence was cut short when her wrist was jerked, bringing her down and into
such close proximity with Jessica she could feel the breath from her nose.
Krystal froze.


She was frozen stiff on the outside, eyes wide and face flushed as Jessica's narrowed gaze
pierced deep into Krystal's own. It wasn't a new thing for her to do. Jessica always did it when
Krystal was acting up and needed to be scolded without too many words. She did it when
Krystal cried after a hard day at school but those times her eyes were gentle and her nose
kisses calmed her.
But this time was different. It was too much. It was neither scolding or comforting as much as it
was painful and suffocating just as much so as the words Jessica whispered then"You're lying," Krystal scolded herself for taking in that tiny breath of air that gave her away.
"Don't lie to me. You never lie to me,"
Krystal swallowed. "No,"
"Unnie, please," she sighed, her eyes closing for only a moment if only for her to try to regain
some composure. She licked her lips and let them flutter back open. "No,"
"It's just a crush," Jessica cooed, catching the uneasy shift in Krystal's tone. Bringing up a hand,
she brushed black hair out of her eyes. "There's nothing to be afraid of,"
Krystal's head dropped as she whispered, "But I am,"
"Because you" she trailed off with the words caught up in her throat.
"Me?" Jessica's eyebrow cocked. Krystal tried to weasel herself away again but Jessica's cool
hands cupped her face, and held her in place. "Me what? Soojung-ah?"
"My crush," she stuttered, feeling the heat of her face ignite her sister's hands that gently held
her face. "Unnie, you're-"
"Yah, stupid!" she was cut off with swift knock of Jessica's knuckles against her head and the
frigid absence of hands on her face. "We can't like each other like that. We're sisters!"
Jessica jumped from the bed, the force of her movement sending Krystal's back into the
headboard. Her eyes widened as she watched her sister snatch up the magazine she had been
reading and head for the door.
"Sooyeon-" Krystal called out but only the slam of the door returned her cry.

Maybe that wasn't the thing Krystal should've been thinking about as Jessica slammed the
restroom stall door. But it was difficult not to when last time it was Jessica leaving her rather
than Jessica coming to her.
Krystal felt the grin coming to her lips but Jessica's finger quickly shut it down.
"Don't," Jessica hissed, locking the door with a hand behind her back. Krystal bit the inside of
her lip, but the restraint was futile in holding back the smile. "I said, don't,"
"Mianhae, unnie," Krystal muttered, her lips puckering to kiss the finger still pressed against
them. Jessica dropped her hand down, the glare in her eyes becoming more pronounced.
She stared up, boring into Krystal's eyes with such power that had Krystal still been that sixyear-old girl she would've shattered under it. But she was sixteen and she had practice with that
glare many times in the past year. A lot of which came from beneath her before Jessica gave in
and allowed Krystal to pleasure her in the way she had been imagining for too long.
Krystal smirked at that thought.
"Uh, you-" Jessica snapped. She spun around to go for the door but Krystal stopped her with a
strong grip on her wrist. "Let me go,"
"You came to me," said Krystal, grabbing Jessica's other hand. "Remember?" the words slid out
at Jessica's ear. Krystal wrapped her arms around her sister from behind, twining their fingers
together at Jessica's stomach. "You followed me,"
Jessica sighed. "You shouldn't tease me here,"
"Then where else?" Krystal rested her chin on Jessica's shoulder. "The dorms are too crowded,
the stations are always busy"
She felt Jessica shift her weight. "We go on stage soon,"
Krystal sighed, her body slumping against her sister's back. "Are you going to run away from
me again?"
She felt Jessica tense in her hold. It was the chord of all chords to pluck. And usually Krystal
didn't. She often just pushed aside that day Jessica bullied her into confessing her
uncharacteristic love for her older sister. That confession led to a lot of tension between them.
Lots of arguments, many fights, too many tears, and too many true feelings left unsaid and
hidden for longer than necessary.
Krystal knew the guilt Jessica felt for hiding from Krystal for so long. It wasn't until Jessica
debuted and she missed Krystal that she called her in tears and begged her to come to her
dorm and there Jessica confessed. She confessed that her feelings for Krystal, though she

wasn't aware of them as much as Krystal had been her own, had grown into something she
couldn't keep at bay especially with Krystal's past confession floating around in her mind.
"Krystal," the weight in Jessica's voice hurt. Krystal pulled back, allowing her sister to turn
around and face her. "I'm sorryKrys-"
"Just kiss me," Krystal cut her off, taking Jessica's hands into her own and placing them on her
waist. "Jessica unnie," she whispered, stepping forward so Jessica's arms could circle her waist
and her back rested against the stall door. "Kiss me,"
There had been a time when it was Krystal who heeded to Jessica's request, but time had
passed and it was Krystal's words that lured in her sister. They lured her in over time, leading to
hours of passion and pleasure that erupted from past feelings now allowed to be expressed and
Those feelings all came out again at the way Jessica shaped her lips to Krystal's. It was not a
hurried kiss, but slow and calculated and full of meaning. It was packed with an apology for
things said in their younger years and things that couldn't really be put into words in their older
years. But that was okay, Krystal thought as Jessica grazed her tongue across her lower lip,
because sometimes actions speak much louder than any words.
"Sooyeon unnie," Krystal hummed and instantly felt a shiver course through Jessica's body at
the mention of her real name.
"Neh, Soojung-ah?" Jessica cooed back between kisses.
"I," Krystal broke their kiss a moment so their lips were only a breath apart. Their breathing was
already getting heavy but it was nothing compared to the pants that followed Krystal's, "I love
you, Sooyeon,"
A quick intake of breath.
A jerk of the hands that rested on Krystal's waist.
A lung forward.
Jessica reclaimed Krystal's lips with fervor. Her fingers burned into the skin of Krystal's waist
where her shirt had ridden up just enough to expose the skin underneath. Krystal lifted her
hands, taking Jessica's face in her palms to steady the urgency of the kiss that wavered a
moment at the grind of hips.
Krystal groaned, the utterance opening her mouth just enough for Jessica to slide her tongue
past her sister's teeth and rival with the one inside her mouth.

"Mmm," Krystal swallowed the taste of her sister's tongue and relished in the feel of it lapping at
the roof of her mouth. It was a weak point she knew Jessica was aware of, it made her knees
wobble and her stomach pool with heat.
Her hands slid up, grasping the blonde hair of her sister and winced at the teeth that clamped
down on her tongue. Krystal hissed at the pain but moaned at the way Jessica's hips into hers
"Unnie," she breathed, head falling back as Jessica's lips left her mouth to trail down her throat.
"Hmm?" the vibration of her lips against her pulse made Krystal shudder.
She wondered when the tables turned again. When her teasing had become Jessica's teasing.
But then maybe she knew. She knew it would turn out this way when she brought up the past.
This was Jessica's way of apologizing.
"Unnie" she muttered again, pulling Jessica's gaze back up to hers with a tug of her hair.
Dark brown eyes stared up at her with a burning that made Krystal's everything pulse. "I
"What do you want?" Jessica questioned, placing a kiss on Krystal's nose. "Tell me what you
"I want you," her voice was a breath of a whisper followed by Jessica's grin that burst across
her lips brighter than any blinding stage lights. "I want you, unnie,"
"Baby," Jessica cooed, her hands that had slipped up the back of Krystal's shirt ran down the
skin of her back with the faintest press of nails. "You know you already have me,"
Krystal melted into Jessica's arms, their lips jointing together once again. Blonde hair seeped
through her fingers the tighter she gripped, and goosebumps surfaced along every surface of
her skin as nails racked across her back.
Hips found a steady rhythm that marked out a pace of what would usually take them further.
Into a time of hands sliding down stomachs and fingers working to build the greatest passion
they could create, but in that moment it wasn't about that. It wasn't about the sex or the
pleasure. It was about the love that had taken so many years to unlock and set free.
"You've always had me,"


Sound Barrier
NC-17; Jessica/Krystal
The light of the moon through the window was just as soft as the breath that filled the room.
It was a steady silence only accompanied by light breathing and the brush of fabric as it left
skin. Any other time or person, it wouldve been uncomfortable shedding concealing layers in
the nothingness. However, it was what they had grown accustomed to. There was no need for
words or glances.
They had invented their own sort of foreplay. One that was slow, timed, and patient. There was
no room for rushing and why hurry things along? Getting to the passion and the heat too soon
took away from the entire meaning of what they were trying to achieve.
Because between the sisters, the release of the action was purely second to the beautiful
emotions they created in the dragged out sensuality they had formed. At least for nowwhat
pace they set once they got going was another thing.
The rustle of fabric hitting the floor turned Jessica around to see Krystal peeling off her jean
shorts to join the shirt and bra she had just discarded. Her hands came up to comb through her
hair making it wave like the surface of a black lake.
As if she felt Jessicas gaze, she turned over her shoulder, eye catching the soft glow of the
moon that ignited her skin up in a pure, white silk blaze only interrupted by the ink black of her
of her lashes that fluttered in a slow blink.
Jessica pushed on a smile, arms dropping back so the sleeves of her opened button up shirt
slid off and floated to the floor. Krystal bit her lip, grinning coyly as she turned away to remove
the last piece of cloth that she wore.
Reaching out, Jessica stepped forward. Her fingers stretched out, tips tingling in anticipation as
they pressed into the small of Krystals back. Only the tiniest intake of breath was an audible
indication of Krystals surprise while her shoulders flooded with goosebumps that winded all the
way up her neck. Jessica used a hand to brush the vail of oil black hair to expose to smooth
ridges of bones down Krystals spine.
Bringing her lips down, Jessica kissed the top most one drawing another set a glorious
goosebumps that she attempted to kiss away all across her shoulders. Krystals smell radiated
cool from her skin. Jessica drank it in, grinning at how different it was from her own.
It was always funny to her how many people compared the two but Jessica knew the real
Krystal. What camera or music video captured of her was hardly a fragment of the Krystal that
Jessica had the privilege to expose and enjoy behind closed doors.

Her grin stayed as she kissed up the side of Krystals neck, letting her tongue dart out the
smallest bit to taste milky skin.
Sooye it sounded more like breath - a prolonged inhale - cut off by the dragging of Jessicas
hands up Krystals bare stomach and across her chest as palms grazed firm breast.
Cold hands reached back, gripping Jessicas thighs and squeezed as if to juice the moisture
from her Jessicas core that had already started to seep between her legs.
Hands smoothing over erect nipples, Jessica slid her hands back down, palming toned abs.
Krystals head tilted back so it landed on her sisters shoulder giving her mouth more room to
roam and teeth a perfect place to clamp done on a pulsing vein. Fingernails found place in
Jessicas thighs sending a jolt of electric heat up her body and sending her core into a warm
buzz. Nails dragged up, racking Jessica's skin with faint red lines. Any harder, they would leave
marks for days but they both knew the risks in that.
Careful, Jessica whispered into her Krystals ear.
She felt the vibration of Krystals silent laugh and rolled her eyes. Leaning, Jessica pressed
Krystal forward so her body melded with the wall. She could feel the cold surface against her
hands making them both shiver. Her teeth bit down again on Krystals shoulder making her
sister counter with a backwards thrush of her hips.
Jessica chuckled, thrusting her own hips so the smack of Krystals hips against the wall echoed
in the room.
Unnie, Krystal attempted to pout but the way the air rushed from her lungs made it into a
delicious moan turned deeper as Jessica dipped her hand down so her fingers brushed at her
sisters damp folds.
Krystal wavered in her arms, body dipping down for a moment at the sensation before she
regained balance. Jessica smoothed her fingers down again, letting them slip between folds
and glide across a hardening clit. Krystal shuddered out a groan, her nails burying deeper into
Soojung-ah, she hissed in a warning.
Mianhae, Krystal groaned as Jessica rolled her hips into her from behind so that her hand
jerked against Krystal as the wall pushed it back. The sound that escaped Krystals throat was
just a hair off key from the one that slithered from Jessicas own lips at the feeling of her own
core grinding against her sisters rear.
Unnie, Krystal beckoned, letting the press of her nails on Jessicas thighs turn back into the
pads of finger tips and massaged.

Hmm? Jessica muttered, bucking her hips again. Krystal hissed at the angle Jessicas fingers
pressed harsh against her.
I want to see you, she pleaded, gently. Jessica rolled her hips once more before pulling away.
Jessica hardly had a second to think before fierce lips captured hers and warm hands took her
face into sweat, sticky palms. Her mouth was invaded instantly, taken over by a heavy tongue
that tasted of the aftermath of a Popsicles and ice cream. It searched Jessicas mouth
curiously, lapping around and tasting the flavored of her sisters tongue.
Jessica hummed into the kiss, grabbing Krystals hips in her hands and yanking her forward so
their bodies together. Lips connected, Jessica felt the vibration of a muted sound from both their
throats at the sensation slapping their bodies together created. It had their hips rocking
instantly, both trying to find a pace not too fast but nowhere near painfully slow.
But thats how it felt, Jessica thought to herself as Krystals burning hands snaked off her face
and smoothed down over her shoulders and skated nails across her back. Its what she really
thought when Krystals mouth left hers to trail kisses down her jaw and down her neck. They
peppered her collarbones, something Jessica loved to do to Krystal but having the bones
sucked and bitten on herself was that much more tantalizing.
The bump of a mattress at the back of her knees caught Jessica off guard. She hadnt realized
Krystal was baking them up until she was falling backwards and sprawled on the bed with
Krystals stomach falling between her legs creating a sweet friction against her pulsing center.
Do that again, Jessica requested. Krystal complied, shifting so her stomach rubbed against
her sister. Again,
Jessicas eyes fluttered shut as Krystal rocked again. Her hands reached out, grabbing hold of
Krystals shoulders, pushing down on them to keep a rhythm. It was hardly much but for some
reason it was everything. It wasnt the feeling of a wet tongue or nimble fingers but it sent shock
waves all through Jessica.
More, Jessica pleaded. Krystal laughed cooly, her abs tightening with another thrust.
Greedy, she teased and pushed Jessicas legs open wider causing her sister to grimace at the
stretch. But the moment that grimace appeared it was just as soon gone and replaced with a
struggling expression of ecstasy.
Its hardly fair, Krystal breathed above her.
Jessica pried her eyes open to see the faux pouting frown her sister wore. Hm?
You always go first, Krystal whined, stomach ramming into Jessica causing her to bite her lip
before her scream could echo through the room. You-

You talk too much, Jessica quickly cut her off, the tips of her nails digging into Krystals
shoulders to shut her up and have her keep doing that swirling thrust of her hips.
There was too much building inside of her. Too much that didnt need to be said during this
time. They were creatures of silence, feeling, and pleasure. There was never much a reason to
say anything other than their names and the pleads for more or less or faster, harderShh, Jessica pressed her index finger to Krystals lips to stop her from retaliating. She saw her
sisters eyes grow dark a second before her lips kinked into a smirk that made Jessica flood
between her legs. She knew that smirk.
Krystal slid her body down, everything from her bellybutton to her chest slipping easily against
Jessicas damp center until her mouth hovered over it. Unnie-
Shut up, Jessica hissed but it was she who needed to be told the command because the
moan she let out at the feeling of Krystals tongue against her was three decibels above the
safety point.
She stuffed her wrist into her mouth, biting down in attempt to drown out the rest of them that
seemed to flow out of her like the memorized lines of a song that matched the brutally delicious
choreography Krystals tongue was doing along her slit.
Krystal lapped one long stroke all the way up then dipped into her folds to taste. She kissed the
hood before wrapping her lips around it and sucked hard. Hips bucked against Krystal's face so
hard Jessica she worried until another harsh suck.
Krystal anticipated the next move and grabbed her sisters hips to hold them down. It hardly
kept her at bay as Krystals tongue marked an uneven path down Jessicas clit and right at her
entrance. Her tongue swooped around, teasing the area Jessica knew was a mess of wetness.
She had no reason to be embarrassed. It was what Krystal did to her - was still doing to her before she had laid a single finger on her. She would always be wet for her.
Soojung-ah, she sighed harshly, hands reaching down to grip Krystals hair to hold her in
Fingers dug into her hips as tongue buried inside of her in and out, shifted to her clit a moment
then returned. The sensation clouded her mind. The beating of her heart was loud in her ears
and the breath raging out of her lungs was rigid.
Krystal, she managed to get out, and just as she expected, Krystals mouth moved away from
the assault on her center to assault Jessicas mouth once again.
The taste of herself combined with a set of Krystals quick fingers rubbing against her did
Jessica in. She felt her body snap and her toes curl as the release swept over her like the
dumping of a bucket of water across barren plains.

She let the sound of her mutters sing into Krystals mouth where they were swallowed and
saved for later when their positions would be flipped. The thought of Krystals throaty groans
and soprano moans held Jessicas orgasm a couple seconds longer leaving her hips still
thrusting even after Krystal had stopped stroking her down.
Her chest pressed up against Krystals own naked one in pants that contrasted the easy
pressure of Krystals controlled breathing. Deep brown eyes stared down at her from a face
surrounded by a curtain of black hair that trapped in their breath. They bore down into her
holding silent words that Jessica had cut her off from saying because she knew.
She knew what Krystal wanted to say but she wouldnt allow it. That was one reason why they
had agreed on silence because saying certain things, regardless their relation, it changed
everything. It put more weight on what they did with each other. By not breaking that barrier of
silence, it seemed like they could still tip toe on that line but not cross it.
Jessica pushed on a smile in attempt to wipe the hurt Krystal was trying to hide behind the
blank canvas she wielded.
Soojung-ah, she cooed, smoothing a hand across her cheek and pulled her down for a kiss.
The taste of herself flooded her tongue again reminding Jessica what they had been doing.
She sucked Krytals tongue, savoring the taste as one hand grazed down between them. She
shifted beneath Krystal so that her knees pressed against her sisters thighs to spread her legs
apart. Jessica could feel the heat radiating from her sister before her hand even found its
destination and her fingers started to dip down and stroke.
Not a single sound escaped Krystal as Jessica continued to circle her fingers around a moist
clit. She was wet. So incredibly wet that Jessica found herself being turned on all over again.
She moved her hand down to drench her fingers in her sisters wetness then drag them back up
along her slit. Still no reaction, at least not in Krystals face. But Jessica felt her abs tighten and
her lungs expand wider than the calm they had been retaining.
She grinned, eyes locking on Krystals. She circled her fingers, finding a steady pattern. It made
her wrist hurt from the angle they were but she wasnt going to stop. Not until Krystal cracked.
Not until sheKrystals eyes pinched shut as Jessica drove her fingers up into her. Her jaw flexed and her
chest crushed Jessicas from the sudden in take of breath. Teeth perked out between Jessicas
lips as her grin widened. If she hadnt thrust her fingers in again, the scowl Krystal was trying to
give her wouldve been as cold as ice.
But her eyes shut again and her mouth fell slightly agape. Her hips moved the tinniest bit and
Jessica moved hers to get them going. She watched Krystals face mold and contort. She
watched her fight against really expressing the effect her sisters fingers had on her but she
couldnt deny it.

Just as Jessica could never pretend the things that Krystal did to her - these sinful things that
had her withering in the silence of a room and biting down on her fingers to keep from
screaming - made her insane. Krystal was no exception though tonight she was really trying.
Jessica saw her Krystals lips quiver above her and quickly took them. She hadnt expected
Krystal to kiss her back, but she did. Strong and passionate and with a desperation that spurred
Jessicas aching wrist to pump faster.
The sounds of their mouths and tongues fighting was a perfect compliment to the sound of her
sliding in and out of her sister and their bodies smacking together as Krystals hips became
more erratic topped it all off. Each thrust pushed Jessica into the bed making the springs creak
and send jolts of arousal through her.
Soojung-ah, Jessica broke the kiss to look at her. She could feel Krystal reaching her breaking
point but she could see how much she didnt want to reach it by the way her brow creased in a
mix of pain and pleasure.
She didnt want to go over that edge yet. At least not like this. At least not like they had trained
their bodies into doing with only muted praises and halfhearted cries of each others names. It
was easy to get off now with just those things but thats not what Krystal wanted. If Jessica was
honest, it hadnt been what she wanted either. But she was hardly selfish to change what they
had built over the past years and send it somewhere else butUnnie, Krystals sleek voice yanked Jessica back to the current.
It brought her back to those eyes, glossy and lips reddened. It brought her back to bucking hips
and panting breaths. It brought her back to the heartbeat that slammed against her own
begging and pleading for this wall to be broken. For the glass to just be shattered.
Unnie, Krystal moaned, her fist clenching tight just like her walls were starting to around
Jessicas fingers.
I love you, Jessica whispered.
It hadnt been much above a breath, but the silence captured everything. The shock on
Krystals face told her every syllable had been heard, and her walls clenching around her
fingers told her that she had registered those few words.
It hit her in violent waves and Jessica kept pumping her fingers, trying to keep up. But her wrist
was screaming for her to stop so she did and just watched the affect of her words roll over her
sister. She just watched that wall crumble and Krystals head fall down against her shoulder
where her warm tears leaked out onto her skin.
Jessica pulled her fingers out, cleaning them on the blanket beneath her to wrap her arms
around Krystal whos body gave the slightest quiver. She squeezed her sister into her, lip

between her teeth to hold back her own cries because she had done it. She had eased them
over that line and there was no way of going back. Not when Krystal muttered,
I love you. God, I love you,
And Jessica broke, crying over every moan and sigh and gasp she had heard Krystal give in
the time they had done this knowing none of them had ever sounded so sweet and right as
those three words they had never been meant to say.
Silence broken.


Bus Ride
NC-17; Krystal/Jessica
Krystals head jerked as the bus hit a bump. Her eyes shot open, blinking the sleep away as
she focused on the interior of the large charter bus littered with SM Artists.
Krystal yawned, her head turning to the side where Jessica was sitting next to her, fast asleep.
Her head was slumped against the window, bouncing every once in a while against a pillow she
had propped up and snoring lowly.
A thick, comforter of a blanket was thrown over them blocking out the freezing cold of the bus.
Even with Krystals long sleeves and blanket she was freezing so there was no doubt Jessica,
in her tank top and shorts, was experiencing arctic temperatures. It was that reason alone
Krystal found her right arm twined and fingers locked with her sisters under the cover. Well,
that and other things.
Like the fact Jessica had wandering hands that wouldnt stop tracing paths and circles, and
placing feather like touches on Krystals short clad legs as soon as that blanket got thrown on
them. Not that the caresses werent welcomed.
Krystal had felt her body react to them and strong. She felt the goosebumps rise and the flush
come to her face. She felt her lungs start to pick up breath, and the heat rush between her legs.
It had been so long since they had been together like that, and though Krystal had wanted
those sneaky fingers to do a lot more to her, she batted them away, grabbed her sisters hand
to suffice for her rudeness and went to sleep like her body was screaming for her to do.
Another jerk of the bus jostled their twined hands so Jessicas a slipped out a little. Krystal kept
her eyes on her sister's face as she eased her hand out of the limp hold and let her hand land
on a naked thigh. Her skin was warmth beneath the blanket and smooth to the touch.
If there was one thing Krystal was jealous of her sister it was her legs. Not too small and not too
big. So perfectly sculpted and smooth and powerful.
Krystal grinned at her own thought about how powerful those legs were. Legs strong enough to
trap Krystal between them and not let her go until her tongue finished the assault it was doing
on her sister, and Jessica saw those stars she claimed only Krystal made her see.
Krystals hand moved subconsciously then. She ran her hand down the length of Jessicas thigh
and back up. Down again and back up before switching to the other one and repeating the
motion only adding in the slight press of her fingers to massage.
With her free hand, Krystal tugged the comforter up higher so it was over Jessicas shoulders
and up to Krystals neck before she let her hand dip inward and graze Jessicas inner thigh.
They were both close together so her knuckles rubbed against the opposite one. Krystal wished
they werent. She wished to get to that heat just inches from her hand.

A loud laugh drew Krystals attention away from Jessica to look up the bus. She saw Onew
smack Taemin, who mustve made the loud outbursts. Across the way in the seats next to
where Krystal sat, Taeyeon let out a low grumble as she roused from the racket. Krystals hand
stilled, watching the SoShi leader roll her head her direction and her eyes split open the tinniest
Krystal grinned when she finally caught her eye, and Taeyeon returned it before giving another
long yawn and closed eyes again.
Long seconds ticked by before Krystals hand started moving again. She turned her head back
to Jessica, leaning into her, so her chin rested on her sister's shoulder. Her hot breath licked
back into her face as she breathed into her sister's neck, moving closer and closer until her lips
kissed the lazily pumping vein there.
She drew back just a hair to peer over her shoulder, making sure Taeyeon was asleep and
Sunny beside her was still out before she latched her lips to Jessicas neck and sucked.
Her hand moved under the blanket, massaging and running along Jessicas thighs. She sucked
on her pulse point, hand attempting to push toned legs apart.
A tongue darted out of her mouth to lap at sensitive neck skin before placing kisses up along
Jessicas jawbone up to her ear where Krystal licked the shell of her ear.
Unnie, she whispered, removing her hand from Jessicas thigh to sneak up the wispy fabric of
her tank top. Her nails skated across abs and the sleek fabric of her bra.
Jessica, she called again, her palm resting against one taught breast and squeezed.
The softest gasp of breath escaped Jessicas lips at the action. Krystal smirked against her ear
and tuned to check her surroundings again before she began to knead her sister's breast and
chew on the soft part of her ear. With her free hand, Krystal let it slip under her own shirt to
tease her own hardening nipples.
As she pinched her own, she moaned softly into Jessicas ear, her mind reeling on the thought
of how much better Jessicas skilled fingers touching her would feel. From the way she
incorporated the tips of her nails to pinch at her nipples followed by soft fingers to ease the
Krystal felt heat shoot between her legs and her thighs spread apart a hair. She wanted those
hands on her, and she cursed herself for being so set on sleeping earlier and not just letting
Jessica finger her until she passed our right there.
Unnie, Krystal found herself calling a fraction louder out of her own ecstasy than anything
else. She licked down the column of Jessicas neck and back up to her ear and back down.
Wake up, she hissed.
The hand on Jessicas chest wiggled beneath fabric to touch hot skin. An erect nipple greeted
Krystals fingertips giving the perfect opportunity to pinch and,


Sooyeon-ah, she pressed harder and heard a gentle moan emit from her sister. Krystal
smirked around the piece of flesh between her teeth, dragging her hand away from her own
breast to move down her stomach and grabbed the button of her own shorts.
She gasped sharply, and pulled back from Jessicas neck when she felt a hand grasp her thigh.
Krystal blinked, surprised to see the lidded brown eyes of her sister looking at her.
Dont touch yourself, Jessica whispered.
Krystal kept her eyes on Jessicas as she felt her sister grab the hand that was about to
pleasure herself with and pulled it into her own lap. Jessica shifted in her seat, scooting down
enough so she could spread her legs apart easier.
Krystal found herself licking her lips as her hand was placed at the heat that radiated through
her sisters work out shorts. It was hot and damp against her fingers as she brushed them at the
most heated section.
Me first, Jessica smirked and let go of Krystals hand. Krystal began to snake her hand from
her sister's shirt when she was stopped by Jessicas hold on her wrist.
Krystal shook her head and motioned to Taeyeon, whose head was turned their direction but
still asleep. Jessica nodded and allowed her to slip her hand away. They shifted again, making
their top half appear normal and calm but under the blanket, Krystal busied her fingers, rubbing
against Jessica on the outside of her shorts.
She saw her sisters chest start to pick up in rhythm of each inhale and exhale. She saw her
eyes flutter shut, but her face still held that calm. Moving to the waistband, Krystal snuck her
hand between skin and underwear, sliding down until fingers slipped between moist folds
causing Jessica to suck in a breath.
Krystal dipped fingers lower, coating them in slick, wet heat. Youre so wet, she whispered.
Jessica smirked. Did you think I was asleep?
Krystal pouted. Thats mean,
You shut me down first, remember? Jessica quipped, lightly. Krystal scowled, driving her hand
down so two fingers lodged inside her sister.
Jessica cried out a decibel too loud to be good. She glared at Krystal after making sure no one
took notice. Krystal only grinned, cutting off that ice-cold gaze by driving her fingers in and out
of her wet heat. Jessicas insides squeezed her fingers, and Krystal felt herself getting wetter at
how tight Jessica was - always was.
Krystal wished so much to be able to see herself pleasuring her sister. There was nothing that
got her off more than seeing her own hand in action or watching her tongue slide and maneuver
all over Jessicas clit.


But for now she had to just be satisfied with the way her sister bit down on her lip, and the way
her hips rocked only slightly to not give them away. She would have to be satisfied with the way
her head fell back and her teeth bared when Krystal stroked her thumb against her clit.
Soojung-ah, Jessica muttered between clenched teeth. Her hand gripped Krystals thigh under
the blanket, squeezing as Krystals fingers curled inside her. Oh my god, she uttered in
Krystal smirked, chewing on her lip as she watched her sister struggle to keep quiet. She
watched her writhing in ecstasy as Krystal attacked her with nimble fingers and pressed into her
with a thumb.
It made her wonder if even earlier, when Jessica was trying to tease Krystal, if it had been more
out of her own arousal rather than wanting to get Krystal off. Krystal figured it was the former by
how wet Jessica had already been and how much of a reaction she was getting. Not that she
didnt get this sort of response ever.
There were plenty of times Krystal had Jessica bucking her hips violently and screaming into a
pillow at the works of her tongue. There were times she had the marks of nails be embedded in
her back and teeth in her shoulders to muffle screams at the work of her fingers in and out of
her as she held Jessica up against a wall and fucked her until she could stand no more.
She heard the note of a thousand choruses sing out in a dark room as Krystal rocked her hips
into her sisters center, her stomach being coated in Jessicas wetness as she went faster and
faster and harder and harder at her request.
However, now they were on a bus full of people, and Krystal could see how much a torture it
was for Jessica not to be vocal about what Krystal was doing to her. It was such a strong
response that there was no doubt it was what Jessica had been craving ever since they
stepped off the stage after the concert, and her hands not only slapped Krystals butt but gave
her a nice squeeze knowing how much those hints turned on her little sister.
Krystal, there was pleading in the tone Jessica used. Her eyes opened to lock with Krystals.
Yes, unnie? Krystal inserted third finger and winced at the nails that near punctured her thigh.
It hurt so good it made Krystal slap a hand over her mouth to hide her groan.
Hips bucked up against her fingers as she circled her thumb over Jessicas clit. Eyes pinched
shut as fingers curled, hitting that spot Krystal had found long ago and teased any time she got.
Teeth found lips to hold back sound as Krystal licked up the side of Jessicas neck and
Come for me, Sooyeon-ah,
She captured Jessicas lips with her own to swallow the moan as Jessica's walls clenched
around her fingers as waves of her orgasm hit. Hot, sticky wetness coated Krystals hand and
fingers as she continued to rub Jessicas clit as she rode the pleasure out.


She parted their lips, panting herself and stared into the dark eye of her sister whose bottom lip
was bruised from biting down on it so hard. Krystal grinned, bringing up her free hand to stroke
the sore flesh and placed a small peck on it.
Thank you for waking up, she whispered and drew her hand out of Jessicas shorts and
brought those fingers to her lips.
She watched the aroused expression on Jessicas face as she sucked on one digit then the
next, tongue darting out to lap between fingers. Jessica rolled her eye and turned away toward
the window.
Krystal laughed quietly, looking around the bus to make sure they hadnt been discovered. She
was about to turn back to Jessica when a pair of eyes caught her attention making her do a
double take at a grinning Taeyeon whose eyes were on the finger still in Krystals mouth.
Licking her lips, Taeyeon winked. Krystal lapped at the rest of the wetness on her fingers
gaining a smirk from Taeyeon in return.
Next victim.


Three Is A Crowd
NC-17; Jessica/Krystal/Victoria
It was a sweet sort of torture, Jessica thought from where she sat in a chair against the wall. A
bed presented itself directly in front of her topped by two people neither of which she was
allowed to touch. At least not yet. She could only watch. She could only watch and seethe and
ache. She could only let her eyes resent and love the scene in front of her.
She should hate it, in all honestly, but some sick part of her brain made it pleasurable to
observe her sister with an unnie that took over Krystals time more than Jessica had ever been
able to give.
That part was what made her stomach twinge when she watched Victoria sit Krystal at the foot
of the bed and pull off her shirt with such gentleness it made Jessicas heart hurt. They were so
different and Jessica knew that.
Victoria was gentle, her touches and caresses always done in some passionate way that could
send Jessicas knees weak just by watching. In contrast Jessica was rough. She was quick,
precise, and calculating of what every little thing she did to Krystal would draw what reaction.
She thrived off those reactions. It always spurred her on more, but it was difficult hearing her
sister breathe a moan as Victoria stripped off Krystals bra, cupped her breast and leaned in for
a kiss. Their lips molded so perfectly sweet.
The way Victoria kissed Krystal was always that way. As if she were glass and would break.
Jessica knew otherwise. Jessica knew of that ruthless side Krystal possessed and never fully
unleashed in front of her leader. That sort of thing was Jessicas own private stash and the
thought it made her grin.
Vic-unnie, Krystal murmured.
Jessicas eye snapped up to her sisters face as her head rolled back letting Victoria kiss down
the column of her neck. There had been a time Jessica found marks on that perfect skin. Marks
she hadnt left herself. After a painfully awkward confrontation with the f(x) leader, she never
found a single blemish left again. At least not by Victoria. Jessica left her own on various parts
of Krystals body just to spite her. And that may be what Victoria was doing in return.
By the way her fingers massaged Krystals breast and her fingertips pinched hardened nipples
was drawn out and deliberate. The way her mouth nipped and licked down Krystals neck,
swiping lazily across her pronounced collarbones then reclaimed her lips in a sweet kiss was
enough to make Jessica boil.
But the jealous heat in her chest wasnt nearly as strong as the burn between her legs at
hearing Krystal moan and claw at Victorias bare back, leaving wondrous streaks of red across
her skin.

Jessica licked her lips, watching Krystal pull herself forward to wrap her legs around Victoria
who was knelt on the floor in front of the bed. Her legs held her tight, jerking Victoria forward so
her naked center could connect with her bare stomach.
Oh Krystal breathed, head falling forward onto Victorias shoulder.
Her hands were still roaming across her leaders back, but Jessica lost sight of where Victorias
hands went. By the gape in Krystals lips, she could only assume they were headed on a path
right to her hot, dampJessica, Jessica blinked up to dark brown eyes that stared lidded over at her. Sica It left
Krystals throat in a breath as her lip found its way between her teeth and bit down.
Whatever Krystal was calling her for was lost in the ecstasy of Victorias fingers rubbing against
her. She watched Krystals back arch and her hips move forward to match whatever movement
Victoria was doing with her hand. Her thin arms gripped around Victoria tighter, drawing her
closer still.
Jessica felt herself rise up out of her seat slightly. She burned to join in. She wanted so much to
kiss Krystals neglected lips that were still ripe and rosy from what Victoria had done. She
wanted to be in Victorias place, pleasing her sister in the only way she knew- to grip her hair
from behind, with two fingers deep inside Krystal, and lips kissing the bites she left on the back
of her sisters neck.
The thought alone pooled wetness out of Jessicas center. Her knees pulled apart farther,
letting the pulsing ache between her legs spread and fester into her fingertips that were grazing
a path down her stomach to the waistband of her underwear.
Unnie! Krystal groaned, and then bit down on Victorias shoulder. Her eyes opened wide
finding Jessicas immediately.
Jessica held her gaze, eating up the fire in her sisters eyes as she rocked her hips ever so
quickly to match the steady rhythm Victoria was giving her.
Unnie, she called again, but it was to Jessica. She knew by the tone. Jessica looked right at
her waiting. Krystal licked her lips. Touch She managed to get out before muffling her own
moan by biting her lip. Please,
Jessicas fingers slid farther down, dipping into her underwear. The grin on Krystals face
encouraged her on, letting her slip over skin and down between moist folds.
Jessica couldnt help but let out the smallest of moans at her own touch. It sent pleasure
coursing through her veins with each erratic stroke she made to her hardened clit. She was
almost embarrassed by how turned on she got from watching her sister be fucked by someone
else. Especially Victoria.

Victoria with her wonderful legs and the gorgeous smile. Victoria with those long, nimble fingers
and those focused eyes that Jessica found herself staring into as she came on other occasions.
Mixing that image with the memory of Krystals hand in replace of her own had Jessicas hips
More, Krystal shuddered, her legs falling from around Victoria to spread there widest. Jessica
saw the stretch in the muscles of Krystals thighs. More, she pressed, hands gripping
Victorias hair and pulling.
Jessica knew the meaning of the action. It filled her with a mix of envy and arousal at seeing
Victoria drop away from Krystals chest so her mouth was between spindly legs and a tongue
lap up warm, sticky heat.
Krystal whined, her fingers threading into Victorias hair. Her hips moved back and forth causing
Victorias head to jerk back and forth as her tongue lapped against her clit.
Krystal groaned. Unnie, god, let me see you- Sooyeon-ah- please,
The broken phrases of English were enough for Jessica to get the message. Retracting her
hand, she stood up enough to rip off her underwear and leave them on the floor followed by her
bra before sitting back down and spreading her legs wide enough for Krystal to see all of her.
Her fingers wasted no time stroking her clit up and down while her other hand fondled her
Faster, Unnie, Krystal called, her eyes wide and lip red between her teeth as she watched
Jessica finger herself.
Whomever the request was for, Jessica found her fingers moving faster against herself,
matching the quickened laps of Victorias tongue. It darted all around Krystals clit, dipping down
to her entrance then back up. Her hands held Krystals knees, stretching her open more and
more while Krystal held Victoria in place with curled fingers in blonde hair.
Jessica circled her clit with two fingers before lowering and letting them inside of her. Her cry
was timed perfectly with Krystals own whose head was thrown back and hands were on her
breasts, rubbing and pinching and playing with them as she rode Victorias face.
It was such an erotic view laid out in front of her. It burned white-hot arousal all through Jessica.
The part of her mind that disliked the arrangement was gone and replaced with a need to hit
that high. And what she saw was getting her there.
All of it, from Victorias bobbing head to Krystals canting hips. From Victorias quick tongue to
Krystals playful fingers on her own nipples. From the wet sounds of fingers pumping and
tongues lapping to the delicious stretch of muscles as Krystals legs were pushed open to an
uncomfortable degree.

Jessica felt her body slide down in the chair, her legs throw up over each armrest so her
seeping sex was open and revealed to all. Soojung-ah, Jessica moaned, her eyes only slits.
Unnie! Krystal whined, her hips moving there fastest yet.
Soojung, Jessica uttered, her fingers curling inside of herself. All she needed was to hear her
sisters sweet moans one more time, and she would be a goner. Come for me, Soojung-ah,
Krystals teeth bared, the muscles in her neck tightening and her toes curling to mimic the same
action Jessica did against that perfect spot inside of her. She could feel the buildup in herself
and see it on Krystals face as it bubbled and built up, pressing out the most delicious,
Unnie! As she hit that peak.
Jessica was gone at the ringing of her name in the room. Her walls clenched around her fingers
and she rode out her orgasm to the pants and shudders of her sister who yanked Victoria up by
the hair and devoured her lips with her own.
It was fiery intense and all teeth and tongue. Jessica could see her sisters wetness all over
Victorias face and Krystal licking it off as she hummed into the kiss.
She saw Victoria start to climb up on the bed to push Krystal back into it, but Jessica was
quicker. She jumped out of the chair, lunging forward to grab Victoria by the hair and pull her
back down to the floor.
Jessica! Krystal yelled.
Shh! Jessica hissed, her own knees hitting the floor behind Victorias.
Jessica-yah- Victoria squeaked.
Jessica pulled her head back so Victoria looked at her upside down. Let me take you, She
smirked and shoved Victoria forward so her torso bent over the edge of the bed leaving her rear
against Jessicas hips.
Jessica moved forward, folding her own body over Victorias from behind. She traced her hand
along the leaders curves with her free hand while the other held her face in the cushion of the
Victorias skin burned beneath her fingertips as she dipped her hand between Victoria and the
mattress and slid it between muscular thighs to find the girls soaking center. She felt Victorias
moan more than she heard it as her fingers slid with ease along her slit.
Only say my name, Jessica warned as she started to pick up pace.

She felt Victoria nod in agreement against the cushion. Looking up, Jessica met Krystals eyes
that stared at her from the top of the bed, back against the headboard.
Jessica grinned, her gaze sinking down Krystals naked body to where her hands rested
between her legs.
I want to see you, said Jessica.
Krystal shuddered at her voice and immediately let her legs pull apart. Glistening, sleek heat
met her eyes. Jessica felt her hips rock into the back of Victoria at the way Krystal dragged lazy
fingers along her slit and traced a dripping center.
Soojung-ah, Jessca muttered, her fingers slipping inside of Victoria.
Sica Victoria moaned into the comforter followed by a whimper as Jessicas grip on her hair
Yes, Unnie? Jessica purred, sliding her fingers in and out at a torturous pace. Each slip
forward caused the heel of her hand to press into Victorias clit causing her to gasp.
Vic-Unnie, Jessica cooed again, her hips moving back and forth behind her to match what her
fingers were doing. Tell me,
Jessica her voice trailed off in a stream of Chinese as Jessica pulled out to rub her clit in
violent strokes accompanied with a series of milky moans.
Krystal echoed her leaders cries and Jessica looked up at her sister wondering if the reason for
her erratic rubbing on her pink clit was to Victorias cries or by watching her sister finger her
Tight walls squeezed Jessicas fingers as she reentered them into tight sex. Victoria whimpered
in approval making Jessica grin. It was how Victoria was. Too sweet and wholesome to beg and
ask for what she wanted.
It made fun for a nice long torture session until her face would contort and her hands clenched
from all the teasing Jessica or Krystal did, only for her to hit that peak unable to last after such
long stimulation.
Jessica clawed her hands in Victorias hair to hold her in place as their skin slapped together in
a wonderful sound at their gyrating hips. Each bump of her ass to Jessicas center sent burst of
pleasure through her core. It was strong and perfect and enough to get of her of a second time

Sooyeon-ah, Victoria screamed her name as her walls clenched their tightest around her
The reaction Jessica felt on her fingers was echoed by the image of Krystals own rapidly
beating into her sex that tightened and gushed watery wetness all down her slit and onto the
Fuck, Jessica rammed her hips into the back of Victoria. Fuck, fuck, fuck, her teeth bit into
Victorias shoulder to shield her screams as she came at the sight of Krystal dragging her
fingers out of herself and licking them clean.
Jessica panted, convulsing against Victorias back as she humped her ass a few more times to
bring her back down. Panting, Jessica slid down, her back falling to the floor and bare chest
rising and falling rapidly.
Her arms spread out from left to right as she closed her eyes. The shuffle of covers met her
ears then a pair of soft lips against her own. Jessica kissed them back, tasting her sister on
those lips telling her who it was she was kissing.
Another mouth found her inner thigh, lapping at the wetness that had seeped out of her at
climax. Victorias lethargic tongue drew nearer and nearer to her center causing Jessica to jerk.
Not again, she managed to mutter between Krystals kiss.
A hot, sticky hand cupped Jessicas face drawing her eyes open to look up into Krystals dark
gaze. Jessica turned her head enough to kiss Krystals palm. Next time youre mine,
Krystal smirked, looking back over her shoulder to see Victoria leaning back against the side of
the bed. Unnie?
Victoria winked, turning her gaze to Jessica. Then youre mine,
Fair enough,


Drabbles #1
Various ratings; various pairings
I. There was something in the way Jessica looked at her just before the music for The Boys
What glances they shared on stage were numerous and ranged from ones of concern to ones
of pure hilarity.
But this one was different because Jessica hardly took her eyes off the crowd as she sang her
stack of Cause the girls bring the boys out,. However her eyes made way back to Sooyoung as
the highest note rang out sending a jolt though her like a shock of an electric wire.
It wasnt until afterwards, when she was splashing water on her face in a bathroom that
Sooyoung understood.
For she was far from a boy but yet found herself coming out and falling right into the arms of
Jessica as the girl barged in and took her against the wall.
---II. A cold shiver coursed down Yuris spine, freezing the beads of water that dripped from her
shower damp hair. She lazily closed the door behind her, her eyes glued to Sunny who was
sprawled across the bed, clothes haphazardly strewn along the floor. Legs crossed and arms
folded behind her head so pert breast stuck out, all Yuri could think was that she had put a
completely new meaning on sunny side up.
---III. The unnies are weird,
It was the only thing Krystal could say without giving away too much. How else could she say
that the top four eldest SoShi members had popped her popcorn, sat all around on a couch late
at night watching sleazy movies and talking about their sexual escapadeswith each other.
It weirded Krystal out amongst other things. Other things that had her blushing in the interview
and off handily admitting her now lack of innocence. Jessica had simply smirked beside her
much too knowingly.
Maybe because that innocence had been taken by that perfectly manicured hand that squeezed
her thigh.
Next question,

---IV. The thing about breaking hearts is that you shatter with them.
Taeyeon found that out the hard way and she tried. She tried not to let Tiffany get her. It was
she who had cut things off and it was she who needed to be strong about it. There just seemed
no since to hold their complicated relationship of tears and confusion.
But for some reason, as Taeyeon sat outside of Tiffanys room door, drowning the the cries of
Tiffany from inside and suffocating from her own silent sobs, she thought shed rather cry in the
frustration of struggling to meet in the middle rather than be reduced to the shattered, sobbing
mess she had been left.
---V. It was all fun and games.
I dare you to kiss Yonna-ah,
That drunken slur of a sentence was packed with the most terrifying and blissful words Yoona
had ever heard. She didnt know whether or not to glare at the smirking Jessica or smile a shy
thanks to her for announcing the dare. All she knew was that Yuri was crawling on hands and
knees across the floor toward her with alcohol glossy eyes and pink lips full and plump. She
heard a chorus of screams around her as those lips touched hers and then it hit.
It was all fun and gamesuntil someone got hurt.
And Yoona couldnt decide what hurt more: that the sobriety of her mind would remember this
moment or the fact that the liquor drenched veins of the one love she had never been able to
quench would never remember a thing.
---VI. Happy Anniversary!
Taeyeon was rendered speechless at the spread in Tiffanys room. Cake and fruit and snacks
and juice and all sorts of childish things they hadnt eaten or touched since trainee years.
She hasnt even realized she was crying until Tiffany quickly jumped up, dopey, party cone hat
falling lopsided on her head, and wrapped her arms around her so she buffered each of
Taeyeons shudders.
Well be together forever, right? Tiffany said somewhere behind her as she gripped tight.
Taeyeon only cried more as the memory of Tiffany hugging her in angry tears when she was
returned to the building after running away flooded over her.

Right, she managed to squeak out as she counted the years of blood, sweat, and tears the
two had spent together. Forever,
---VII. Omo! Is that maknae?
Sooyoung pointed over at the dance floor where Seohyun was dancing to the hyped, electronic
beats of the music.
Hyoyeon leaned back against the bar, bottle of beer tipped back as she took a swig and
watched the hard hits Seohyun made with the beat of the music.
Her sore muscles and bags under her eyes from hours of dance rehearsing had not been in
---VIII. You know what theyve been saying about us? Yuri muttered into Taeyeons ear before
she pressed a kiss to the side of her neck and flitted away as the crowd continued to roar.
What slyness Yuri had failed her. The fancams and pictures capturing the sensual event blew
up the interns much to Taeyeons rage, but what made her stop cold was the tag line,

SNSDs leader Taeyeon and Yuri dating rumor confirmed?

Own it, Yuris voice almost had her jumping out of her seat and send her laptop flying. I
have, she pecked a kiss to Taeyeons lips. Think. No more hiding, she winked as she
bounced off.
Taeyeon watched her back disappear down the hall. They didnt have anything to hidebut by
the growing flush of her cheeks at the touch of those lips on her may or may not change in the
near future.
---IX. Jessicas eyes pinched shut as Sunny rolled her hips, sending the strap on she wore deep
inside if her. Fingers clawed, Jessica pulled Sunnys hair, gripping back at her locks so they
stood out from her head.
You got the fire naui gaseumeun kkung kkung kkung, Sunny sang in a husky whisper into her
Jessica didnt think her insides would stop burning from the waves that racked through her.


X. Her eyes closed on her reflection in the steam streaked mirror.

Nothing was right. Everything was wrong. Everything. There was not a pretty feature on her.
She could dance, yes. Her dancing may have been the only thin from offing herself. But as the
words of fan sites, video comments, stylist, hairdressers, and the occasional snide comment
from one of the members reeled like a filmstrip on the back of her lids, Hyoyeon couldnt think of
anything better than the knife to take away the pain.
One drop, two drops, three drops of crimson hit the tile floor mixing with the saltiness of her
silent tears.
One day, she muttered over and over. One day shell go under and all of it would end.
---XI. Innocent.
Seohyun took pride in it, she did. Because she adored her mother who raised her into the wise
young woman she was. But the girls had annoyed her and she was boiling because they were
just teasing her on the fact she cried when she was angry. So maybe it was okay when she
directed a little,
Stop being such a bitch! To a stunned frozen Sooyoung before Seohyun ran away to lock
herself in the room.
She thought it would shut them up but the roaring laughter from the other side of the door told
her told her she had just dug herself into that angelic image deeper.
Some words just didnt suit her and never would.
---XII. Sooyoung watched as her swaying hips temptingly disappeared out of sight around the
corner. It was the perfect lure, she knew. But as she popped a handful of shrimp crackers into
her mouth, she thought to herself some things were too good to give up. Shed chase after
Hyoyeon another day.
---XIII. Sunny: Fany-ah!
Tiffany discreetly typed in her reply to the text and stored the phone back between her crossed
knees as she drew her attention back to the meeting only for another vibration to grab her

Sunny: Im so wet right now.
Tiffany had to read over the message several times before she realized that those were
Sunnys exact words.
Sunny: Im soaked.
Tiffany felt the heat rise up in her cheeks.
Sunny: Im dripping, Fany-ah.
Her legs crossed tighter, attempting to scorch the ache between her thighs but the loading
picture Sunny sent her way just pooled arousal all through her causing her to forget the meeting
and lick her lips in anticipation.
Sunny: Look how wet I am ;)
The message loaded and Tiffany almost burst out a groan at the image. She pressed the button
at the top of her phone so the screen went dark on the lols that followed up the picture.
Arms crossed, Tiffany rolled her eyes at the shot of Sunny and Taeyeon holding up peace
signs, clad in dripping wet t-shirt over their swimsuits while the others splashed in the pool
behind them.
Soon, Tiffany would her her revenge.
---XIV. Sunny held her breath as the small of her back was pressed against the sink in a restroom
stall at the station.
My first kiss went a little like this Krystals voice from the performance going on on stage
filtered through the walls.
Jessicas eyes burned icy cold and smoldering hot into her own as she leaned forward, sinking
into her before their lips touched.
---XV. There were many things to the tango, but the only thing Sooyoung could think of at that
moment as Hyoyeon was running through her Sway number with her was sensuality. There was
no way for it not to flutter and burn and squeeze and ache in her as her leg hooked around
Hyoyeon as she slid down her side.
To say she wasnt a hot and bothered, smoldering mess by the time Hyoyeon dipped her at the
end wouldve been an understatement.


Again? Asked Hyoyeon, panting lightly. Sooyoung licked her lips, chest heaving to restore the
breath the dancer hovering over her had taken away.
She would never decline that request.


Drabbles #2: The Pleasures of A Princess

NC-17; Jessica/All SoShi
I. Love & Hate
God, I hate you,
It was music to Jessicas ears because she knew it wasnt true. It was never true, but Taeyeon
never failed to say it. She did every time Jessica showed up when Taeyeon least wanted it.
When she was preoccupied, already gripped by the sands of sleep only to be awaken by hot
lips on her thigh and curious hands up her shirt.
But thats how Taeyeon loved it, Jessica knew, hearing her leader moan as she gave her clit a
nice long suck. She got off the best when she was disturbed, slightly ticked off having been
woken up, only for that livid frustration to change into a different, more welcoming, sort of
Omo, Taeyeon moaned as her body tensed. Jessica lifted her head up, giving her that last
stroke of a finger that tipped her over.
Grinning, Jessica wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, eyes shifting to the other bed
where the bright eyes of Sunny watched them, her own hand already plunged into her shorts.
Jessica smirked. Take them off,
II. A Stroke of The Sun
Sunny was a voyeur, struck hot and bothered by the sight of any sexual ministration anyone
partook with someone else, or more specifically, with their self.
It was always a sort if thrill, Jessica thought, her naked center hovered over Sunnys own
glistening sex, as she straddled the blondes hips. Sunny was already dripping, had soaked
through those fitted boy shorts by just watching her now dazed off roommate getting off by the
self proclaimed ice process.
Jessica dipped her fingers down, stroking her fingers lazily against herself. Sunny moaned. Her
own hand found pace and her eyes widened, finding their desire between Jessicas legs as she
got herself off.
It was exhilarating, Jessica couldnt deny. There was just something about watching someone
squirm and pant and moan and clench while you masturbated yourself and never laid a single
finger on that skin. It was a twisted sort if masochism Sunny enjoyed as she held herself back
from touching what was right in front of her and open for the taking.
But Sunny didnt move. She just pumped her wrist harder.


She was a delicious eyeful the way her head threw back and she moaned into the air as
Jessicas own wetness seeped out of her and dripped onto Sunny.
Jessica smiled and dismounted her, picking up her discarded clothes, leaving with a satisfied
smirk on her lips.
III. Ride On
Tiffany was her favorite, though Jessica would never admit to anyone else. Because there were
some who liked to feel special as their Sica took them, but if she has to be honest, her nights
with Tiffany were purely invigorating.
She just couldnt understand how she could come herself without a hand, hers or Tiffanys,
touching her. But it happened. Every time without fail. She just laid their, sprawled on her back
with hands clutching the blanket to hold her in place as Tiffany rode her stomach.
Just her stomach.
Tiffanys wetness coated Jessicas abs, glazing them up in heady, delicious gloss. It rolled
down Jessicas sides, cooling as it went. It made vulgar sounds as Tiffanys sex slid all up and
down, back and forth, long and hard from Jessicas hips to the base of her ribs.
And Tiffany was loud.
She talked in quick spats of words and screamed out in husky English. She pushed down with
her hips with a snarl of Jessicas name - accent free - and came with a growl of dirtier curse
Coupled with that, the juices coating her sweaty body, and the intoxicating smell that filled the
room, Jessica hit her peak and shuddered as orgasm shook through her.
Tiffany kissed her lips and smiled smug. Jessica slapped her in the arm for teasing her like

IV. Dare Devil

She found it particularly amusing the way innocence could be tainted. Though she was sure she
hadnt been the first to even brush a touch on their precious Seohyun, Jessica liked to pretend
she had been the one that drove her to this point.
They only had eleven floors left and Seohyun was humping her face. Her hands were splayed
against the walls of the elevator while Jessica, on her knees, licked and lapped and sucked

She burned to use her fingers but thats not what Seohyun like. She liked that torture of tongue
minus the penetration. And Jessica was okay with that, if only Seohyun wasnt the longest one
to ever hold on.
She craved that fear of someone walking in on them too much, albeit the dorms, the stations,
the public restrooms and dressing rooms at malls. Seohyun loved the thought of someone
catching the so-called innocent maknae getting her precious innocence taken away from her in
the dirtiest of ways.
So it came as no surprise when the bell of the bottom floor chimed and she finally shuddered
into Jessicas mouth, doors sliding open to a lobby.
Everything clear, Seohyun blushed and folded her skirt back down. Jessica laughed as that
faade of innocence painted itself back on.
V. Little Play Thing
Yoona was such a child.
A little, stingy, possessive child who didnt like to share her toys. Shed let Jessica borrow them
if only she used them on her and only her.
Jessica gripped onto oil black hair, forcing Yoonas head down so her body bent over the edge
of the tub, water still filling it up.
Yoona always ran a bath before they started. She loved the bubbles washing away the
aftermath of sex, but the mewling sounds from her throat told Jessica that Yoona liked this part
much more.
Jessicas hips, adorned with strap on, glided easily into the younger girls tight center. Her walls
gripped the plastic harder as Jessica thrust grew stronger. The slapping of her thighs on
Yoonas ass was a sweet symphony, painted with the gurgling noises Yoona made as her face
was plunged beneath the water.
Jessica yanked her head back up, hearing Yoona gasp for air. Her body moved, matching every
forward thrust with her own backward one.
Jessica moaned herself as she plunged the toy to the hilt and felt Yoona grip it particularly
strong. Jessica felt herself flood at the thought of how good it would feel having her own tongue
or fingers or anything deep inside of the girl, feeling her hug her at the precipice of ecstasy.
A cry went out and Jessica buried Yoonas face back into the water, letting her voice ring out
bright and shrill like a sonar.
Pulling out, Jessica dropped the strap on into the water, watching as drops splashed onto the
immobilized Yoona still draped over the edge of the tub.


VI. Beat For Beat

Hyoyeon worked them up together.
She was sweet, really. Jessicas lips were raw from kissing and every part of her body was
tingling from being touched by those curious hands, just as talented and precise as those
talented legs. But this was about Hyoyeonbut then again it was never just about Hyoyeon.
Jessica fell back against the mattress as Hyoyeon situated them comfortably with her head at
the foot of the bed while Jessicas was cradled in a pillow. Tight hands gripped Jessicas ankles
and pulled, sliding her inward to close the gap between them. Their centers pressed together
like the two matching pieces of a puzzle.
The dance began - Hyoyeon always the one to move first.
She shifted her hips a couple of times until she found the right angle and she was off. Jessica
did her best to match, but her dancing skills, though not terrible, could never quite keep up. But
she tried and thats all that Hyoyeon cared about.
She didnt care about skill, only passion. Only each of their thrusts meeting and hitting beat for
beat, in a synchronized rhythm Jessica found only Hyoyeon could create during sex.
Jessica saw a hand flail out and she gripped it, threading their fingers together because thats
how Hyoyeon liked to go out. She liked to join that last bit of connection so the tempo locked
perfectly between them and she was done for.
Like every time, Jessica tried to get up and leave, but Hyoyeon yanked her back.
Oh well. There was nothing too bad with cuddling.
VII. Shiver
The time it took to find and download the perfect video was more exhilarating, Jessica thought
as she leaned her back against the headboard. Then she remembered this wasnt about her as
much as it was about the lanky Sooyoung sitting on the bed, between her legs gripping blankets
in her fists.
A laptop sat on the mattress before them, playing some Japanese adult video that had made
Jessica feel dirty for even watching it the first time. The second time around had the slight same
affect, but not how it had on Sooyoung.
Crude noises came from the speakers, low and distorted. Jessicas hands palmed Sooyoungs
breast, rolling and pinching hard nipples. She felt Sooyoung slide down, legs falling apart
further, spreading her scent throughout the room.


That got her going and Jessica finally let in.

She attached her lips onto the side of Sooyoungs neck, sucking that spot that made the
younger girl weak. Her hand ghosted down, inching into polka dot panties and found a
protruding clit.
She hardly had to do much when she felt Sooyoung begin to tighten around her fingers that
easily worked their way inside. Her walls nearly squeezed them out, but Jessica fought back,
curling her knuckles so fingertips stroked that perfect spot.
She felt Sooyoung shiver. It rolled from her toes, up her legs and over her stomach. It vibrated
in her chest and came out of her throat in time with the Japanese girls own scream of pleasure
that took place of Sooyoungs silent one.
Can we watch it again? asked Sooyoung, body still shaking like a leaf in Jessicas arms.
Jessica dipped her lips to her ear. Turn around. I have something better for you to watch.

VIII. A Bitch of a Mission

Ropes. Always ropes.
Jessica wondered when Yuri would get more creative, or careful. Because she was sure the
rope burns on her wrist and neck would last for days. She honestly didnt really feel like coming
up with more outlandish lies to her make up unnie before their next photo shoot.
But Yuri kept the ropes, and tugged them in her hand, the rough threads choking her as her
neck was yanked forward, driving her face and tongue deeper into Yuri.
She couldnt really breathe, but that was the point. Yuri wanted Jessica to wait - to struggle. She
wanted her to fight through an aching jaw and chaffing skin to get Yuri off before she started to
see black fuzz, passed out, and was then shaken awake after a moment to try and complete the
mission again.
She felt like a dog on the end of a leash held by a sadistic owner, but, oh fuck, it made Jessica
She could hear Yuri squeaking and her teeth grinding together as they clenched together. She
tugged the rope subconsciously, caught up in arousal to even realize how Jessica was using
her last breath to bite her teeth down on a swollen clit.
It did the trick.
Jessica was awarded the view of the most violent thrasher of them all, convulse violently just

before her world went black.
Mission accomplished.


Drabbles #3: 50 Words or Less Drabble Challenge

Various ratings; various pairings
I. Death
Taeyeons fingers gripped harder as she watched life fade from unblinking eyes beneath the
surface of the water. No eye smile could help this victim from the compression against the
throat and water filling lungs. Such dementia could never be explained but, oh, death had never
looked so beautiful.

II. Peace
Hyoyeons fingers shook as brackish liquid filled the syringe. Needle piercing flesh, her eyes
rolled back and breath left her lips as bliss coated her veins and rapture entrapped her soul.
Second by second her smile returned as one by one her internal demons all came to fleeting

III. Tomorrow
One more night, and youll be mine, said Sunny, taking Jessicas fingers away from twisting
the engagement ring on her finger and twined their fingers together. Forever,
Jessica smiled as warm lips shaped hers. Forever,

IV. Loopholes
Excuse me, officer Hwang? Sunny eyed the cop writing her up a ticket. Ill let you cock that
gun anyway you want if you let me off.
The fingers driving into her like bullets in the backseat just off the interstate were totally worth it.

V. Timetables
Yuris hand slid across wood, knocking her desk calendar to the floor. Her eyes screwed up as
a skillful tongue lavished her core, drawing her to shuddering climax. Lips touched chaste and
hips swayed out the door, she buzzed in the next client. Just another day at the office.

VI. "I want breakfast but were out of milk"
Handful of cornflakes in her mouth, Sunny latched her lips around Jessicas entrance, sucking
hard and drinking warm wetness into her mouth. Jessica shuddered, watching Sunny rise up,
chewing cereal soggy from her come. She tossed the empty carton in the trash. Maybe they
didnt need to buy milk after all.


VII. Temperature
Sooyoung shivered as Yoona slid the ice cube in followed by slender, frigid fingers. Sun beat
down, pooling sweat across her collarbones that slid down the side of her neck. Sooyoung
moaned as melted ice dripped out onto the bench beneath her. Soon shed learn how to take
the heat.
VIII. 5 lines or less
Sunny twisted her fingers, breath hitching as Tiffany's nails ripped down her back, drawing
welts she knew would be there for days. Her mouth found the bruise left from her teeth on
Tiffany's neck, latched her lips onto it, and sucked as she felt walls tightening around her
She laughed as TIffany shuddered against the wall, body slipping down against the cool cement
as rubbery legs took her to the floor. Sunny glanced at her watch, removing scattered hair from
her face with a damp hand.
She knew that would be the last time Tiffany ever doubted the things she could do with her
fingers in five minutes.


A special thanks to:

All my wonderful readers

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