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Horoscopes of Cricketers

Rahul Dravid

Moon Ketu



Date of Birth - 11.01.1973 at 11.00 AM at 22 N 42, 75 E 54 . Balance Dasa- 02-09-23

Saturn. Birth Star - Uthrattathi ( Uttarabhadra ).

Jupiter is a functional benefic for Pisces Ascendant and his position is the 10th
House, the House of Profession , confers Hamsa & Samrajya Yogas. These yogas
can confer longevity, power & pelf on the native. Jupiter is also Vargothama, which
makes him happy till the end of his life.

The tenancy of five planets in the 10th house is a rare & powerful Raja Yoga.
According to the classical texts if the 10th house is occupied by 4 planets or receives
the joint aspect of 4 planets there occurs Samrajya Yoga leading to kingdom ( ie..
wealth, position & authority ). These planets , under the formidable influence of
Swakshetra and Vargottama Ascendant lord, Jupiter confer Raja Yoga on the

Angular Venus & Jupiter confer high longevity on the native. Their tenancy in
Angles along with angular Moon are eulogised in astro textbooks for conferring
status, name, fame, happiness, wealth & success on the native.

The trinal lord, Moon , lord of the 5th house, is well posited in a benign sign in the
Ascendant. It forms a powerful Kesari Yoga with angular Jupiter, bestowing
excellent communication ability, handsomeness, wealth and intelligence ( Dhanavan
Swakuladhipo Mahaprajna ).

A powerful Kesari Yoga cancels Kemadruma Yoga ( no planets on either side of

Luna ) . The characteristics of this Yoga are world renown, wisdom, wealth &

His body is slim because Pisces , his Lagna gets only 26 benefic points in
Sarvashtavarga. But he has stamina, he can withstand the strain of long playing
hours and is not injury-prone, thanks to the strength of Jupiter and due to the fact
he gets 35, 31 & 36 benefic points respectively in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses in

Jupiter's transit of the 5th got him married, when Jove transited his exaltation sign
of Cancer. Jove at that time aspected his Ascendant & the Lunar Ascendant.

His Venus Dasa started in 04/11/1999 and he became the cynosure of all eyes.

Future Projections

Venus is the 3rd and 8th lord and hence his dasa is not a bed of roses. Rahul's Venus
Dasa, Moon Bhukthi will operate till 04112005. He may continue his good
performances but there will be many adversities for him. He may take over the
captaincy from Ganguly in 2006 during the sub period of Mars. His performance
will continue to be good during Jupiter Bhukthi but Venus can create some hurdles
for him. Despite the benign subperiods & periods, he will fing the going a bit tough
because of the 8th and 3rd lordship of Venus, but will bring some laurels to India!
India is undergoing Elarata Saturn and the Indian teams' performance may not
come upto our expectations !

Virender Shewag

Ketu Moon



SunMar Rah

Date of Birth - 20.10.1978 at 08.00 AM at 28 N 39, 77 E 13 . BirthStar - Rohini

Exalted Jupiter has pulled him to this present situation, he being the best opening
batsman for India, who has set the records on fire with a triple century. Born in the
asterism of Rohini, with the Moon exalted, he has Mars, the sports planet which
imparts Bodily Kinnaesthetic intelligence, in the constellation of Vishakha, ruled by
exalted Jupiter. Saturn is in fiery Leo in the constellation of Pubba whose stellar
dispositor is also in Vishakha. The Lunar Ascendant lord, Venus, is in his own Sign
Libra with Mercury, Sun & Mars. He has a good future, because of the excellent
placement of Jupiter and Venus. From the Moon Sign, Venus & Mercury form a
powerful Vasumath Yoga, a yoga for prosperity. ( Lagnath Atheeva Vasuman
Vasuman Sasankath ).

Sachin Tendulkar

Sun Asct Ketu

Ven Sat

Mars Rasi

DOB - 24041973; 07.30 AM at 18 N 56, 72 E 51. Birthstar Poorvashada ( Pooradam ).

In Sachin Tendulkar's horoscope, Sun and Mars exalted made

him the world's greatest batsman. His birthstar is Pooradam.
Jupiter and Mercury are neechabhanga thus fortifying the

In Sachin's horoscope, the Lunar Asc is more important than

Asc. We find that the 9th lord is exalted and the 5th lord is
exalted. Both are Lakshmi Sthana. Hence his wealth. Mars
rules sports and his exaltation has made him a champion
cricketer. That he will achieve 15000 runs in ODIs is only a
matter of time. Also overtake Gavaskar's record of 34 Test
hundreds ! A powerful Dhana Yoga is caused by the exaltation
of Mars in the House of wealth. High Bhagya is decreed by Sun,
the 9th lord, exalted in the 5th.

In the initial stages Rahu Dasa had given him some injuries but
now he has overcome all that. Neechabhanga Jupiter in the
lunar second has catapulted him to dizzy heights of fame.
Rahu Dasa will see that he will rise furthur in the realm of

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