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TOpic:Rutgers University is a vibrant community of people with a wide

variety of backgrounds and experiences. How would you benefit from and
contribute to such an environment? Consider variables such as your talents,
travels, leadership activities, volunteer services, and cultural experiences.
Ever since I was a child, I was fascinated by the cultures and knowledge of
the people around me and to work hard beyond my limits. For this reason, I
look forward to the vivacious world of Rutgers in order to gain knowledge
from its diverse students and faculty. In return, I am eager to introduce my
talents and cultures to the university.
After my 13th birthday, my father enlisted me into his tax office, a place
where I received my first taste of the real world. As soon as we stepped into
the office room, his name went from Dad to Mr. Shahid. He applied a
draconian attitude towards me, especially on trivial matters. I recall an event
when I handed him an incorrect file, and he unleashed a storm of scolding at
me. He would also cut my pay for tardiness. When I asked why he was
extremely hard on me, he said, Because life is hard, little man, and you
need to be resilient in order to succeed Working at his office morphed me
into a competent individual and value hard work.
The lesson I learned stuck with me throughout high school and during my
first real job as a T-Mobile salesman. On the first day at the store, my boss
instructed me only a few details such as working the payment system.
Afterwards, I was on my own. The fact that I was unable to help customers
caused me to constantly get lashed out by them. The first few days made
feel that my boss just threw me into the lions den. However, I taught myself
all the necessary information, and I am now able to run the store alone. To
give back to the store, I successfully trained two recently hired employees
who are now able work on their own. Working at T-Mobile gave me the skill to
think under pressure, such as having to play around with a phone in order to
remedy its malfunction. That trait will one day help me with my dream career
in health care.
For cultures, I had the privilege to collaborate with people from Albania to
Zimbabwe and learn about their cultures, and in return, I offer them a glance
of my background. For instance, my mother-land is Pakistan, a country whose
people fast thirty times a year and have exotic interests in film, fashion, and
food. When I meet someone who is from an unknown country, we ask about
each others cultures and become friends. Being multi-cultural is important
to me because it gives me a more open mind about the world, and I love
influencing my classmates with my multi-cultural views.
When it came to my school work, I sought to compete against myself in
which I continuously raised the bar for myself and look for flaws and
improvements. I remember my mentor telling me how I have a lot of
potential and have a malleable mind. I always push myself to beyond my

limits in my studies because I believe that is the only to achieve my goals. I

do not want to end that habit. Therefore, the rigorous academics at Rutgers
are a blessing for me since I extol hard work and will help me achieve my
goal in the medical field one day.
Those qualities helped me out on the academic quiz show The Challenge and
to initiate the Astronomy Club at my school. To give back to Rutgers, Ill be
ecstatic to join the Academic Team, the Astronomical and Physics Society,
and the Brain and Health Science. At Rutgers Open House, I was
mesmerized by the diversity of the student body. I love to be an addition to
that salad bowl.
Over the years my talents had evolved in carving out my persona. Attending
Rutgers will not only continue the growth of my talents but also help me
achieve my life goals and desires in learning and pass the knowledge down
to others. I know it will take an exorbitant amount of effort, but I am up to
the challenge.

Prompt: Rutgers University is a vibrant community of people with a

wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. How would you
benefit from and contribute to such an environment? Consider
variables such as your talents, travels, leadership activities,
volunteer services, and cultural experiences.
I have come to truly admire all cultures, religions, and lifestyles
through my travels, an environment similar to the diverse community of
Rutgers University. Despite both of my parents upbringings, my mom
growing up in a rougher part of England and later immigrating to the United
States of America, and my dad, a Native American, growing up in a rough
part of Philadelphia, I was raised in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Due to
the utter lack of diversity in my hometown, my parents chose to expose me
to the world in order to expose me to the conditions outside the idyllic
fantasy I had always known. Their insight into global struggles not only
expounded my point of view, but gave me a deep appreciation for their
accomplishments that allowed for the comfortable life we shared. For
instance, throughout my childhood I traveled to England to visit my moms
hometownconsistently an experience in personal culture shock. Children
get jobs in their early teens, young mothers are not uncommon, and kids as
young as 8 or 9 sufficiently command the tube, the British subway system, in
order to get to a school miles away.. Similarly in parts of Philadelphia where
my dad was raised homeless families littered the streets, single women
carried pepper spray regardless of the time of day, and alley-way drug deals
were a common occurrence. My parents have also brought my sisters and

me to Jamaica and the Dominican Republic. Though these vacations may

see, typical for the average suburbanite family, my family has reinterpreted
its travels. We consistently venture off the beaten path; away from touristtrap resorts and instead immersing ourselves in the native culture of the
country. I have seen the poverty, effects of t hurricanes, and toil of the
people in the Caribbean. These vivid memories of a lifestyle so uncommon to
my own have impacted my life in a multitude of ways, but most importantly
given me a respect and understanding for the people of all race, creed, and
nationality. Furthermore, I feel these rich world experiences have led to my
development as a mature, well-rounded, empathetic womanall attributes I
believe I could bring the Rutgers community. I believe that with the diversity
found within Rutgers University, I can continue of my own quest of
reconnection with my roots by broadening my mind through interactions with
fellow students, but also discover more about the world and how others
perceive it.
Personally, I also believe that my countless unique life experiences
separate me from many other applicants in a positive manner that enables
me to adapt to a diverse student body. One factor of my individuality is my
unerring desire to help as many people as I can in order to better the world
around me. This lifelong goal has not only led me to join the Emergency
Medical Services, but also created my pathway to the coordinator of my
schools Annual Blood Drive in April. These levels of responsibility, which
many of my peers inadvertently lack, I feel that I would be able to inspire
willingness for community service and volunteering at Rutgers University. In
addition to my ambitions, I feel I am a capable leader. Throughout my high
school career I have been involved with my class, and for the past three
years I have been elected to a leadership position in class officer. In addition
to my roles help in student government, I also am the Editor-in-Chief for my
school newspaper and the secretary of the schools Latin Club. In
conjunction, my desire to help and lead make a powerful combination, one
that I believe would influence others to step up and learn responsibility as a
world citizen.
Since I was a young girl, I have been interested in learning about
other cultures, other societies, and other lifestyles. By attending Rutgers
University, I will be able to achieve this goal and through the diverse
backgrounds and experiences, I will learn a lot and as a result, I will mature
as a young adult. Due to my leadership qualities and my desire to help
others as much as I can, I feel that I would contribute to the atmosphere in
this university.
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