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The policies what is to be done while the mechanism specifies how it is to be done. For instance,
the timer construct for ensuring CPU protection is mechanism. On the other hand, the decision of
how long the timer is set for a particular user is a policy decision.
The separation of mechanism and policy is important to provide flexibility to a system. If the
interface between mechanism and policy is well defined, the change of policy may affect only a
few parameters. On the other hand, if interface between these two is vague or not well defined, it
might involve much deeper change to the system.
Once the policy has been decided it gives the programmer the choice of using his/her own
implementation. Also, the underlying implementation may be changed for a more efficient one
without much trouble if the mechanism and policy are well defined. Specifically, separating
these two provides flexibility in a variety of ways. First, the same mechanism can be used to
implement a variety of policies, so changing the policy might not require the development of a
new mechanism, but just a change in parameters for that mechanism, but just a change in
parameters for that mechanism from a library of mechanisms. Second, the mechanism can be
changed for example, to increase its efficiency or to move to a new platform, without changing
the overall policy.

Operating System Structure

The design of operating system architecture traditionally follows the separation of concerns
principle. This principle suggests structuring the operating system into relatively independent
parts that provide simple individual features, thus keeping the complexity of the design
Besides managing complexity, the structure of the operating system can influence key features
such as robustness or efficiency:

The operating system possesses various privileges that allow it to access otherwise
protected resources such as physical devices or application memory. When these
privileges are granted to the individual parts of the operating system that require them,
rather than to the operating system as a whole, the potential for both accidental and
malicious privileges misuse is reduced.

Breaking the operating system into parts can have adverse effect on efficiency because of
the overhead associated with communication between the individual parts. This overhead
can be exacerbated when coupled with hardware mechanisms used to grant privileges.

The following sections outline typical approaches to structuring the operating system. Monolithic Systems

A monolithic design of the operating system architecture makes no special accommodation for
the special nature of the operating system. Although the design follows the separation of
concerns, no attempt is made to restrict the privileges granted to the individual parts of the
operating system. The entire operating system executes with maximum privileges. The
communication overhead inside the monolithic operating system is the same as the
communication overhead inside any other software, considered relatively low.
CP/M and DOS are simple examples of monolithic operating systems. Both CP/M and DOS are
operating systems that share a single address space with the applications. In CP/M, the 16 bit
address space starts with system variables and the application area and ends with three parts of
the operating system, namely CCP (Console Command Processor), BDOS (Basic Disk Operating
System) and BIOS (Basic Input/Output System). In DOS, the 20 bit address space starts with the
array of interrupt vectors and the system variables, followed by the resident part of DOS and the
application area and ending with a memory block used by the video card and BIOS.
Figure 1.10. Simple Monolithic Operating Systems Example

Most contemporary operating systems, including Linux and Windows, are also considered
monolithic, even though their structure is certainly significantly different from the simple
examples of CP/M and DOS.

1. Tim Olmstead: Memorial Digital Research CP/M Library. Layered Systems

A layered design of the operating system architecture attempts to achieve robustness by
structuring the architecture into layers with different privileges. The most privileged layer would
contain code dealing with interrupt handling and context switching, the layers above that would
follow with device drivers, memory management, file systems, user interface, and finally the
least privileged layer would contain the applications.
MULTICS is a prominent example of a layered operating system, designed with eight layers
formed into protection rings, whose boundaries could only be crossed using specialized
instructions. Contemporary operating systems, however, do not use the layered design, as it is
deemed too restrictive and requires specific hardware support.
1. Multicians, Microkernel Systems
A microkernel design of the operating system architecture targets robustness. The privileges
granted to the individual parts of the operating system are restricted as much as possible and the
communication between the parts relies on a specialized communication mechanisms that
enforce the privileges as necessary. The communication overhead inside the microkernel
operating system can be higher than the communication overhead inside other software,
however, research has shown this overhead to be manageable.
Experience with the microkernel design suggests that only very few individual parts of the
operating system need to have more privileges than common applications. The microkernel
design therefore leads to a small system kernel, accompanied by additional system applications
that provide most of the operating system features.
MACH is a prominent example of a microkernel that has been used in contemporary operating
systems, including the NextStep and OpenStep systems and, notably, OS X. Most research
operating systems also qualify as microkernel operating systems.
1. The Mach Operating System.

2. Andrew Tannenbaum, Linus Torvalds: Debate On Linux. Virtualized Systems
Attempts to simplify maintenance and improve utilization of operating systems that host multiple
independent applications have lead to the idea of running multiple operating systems on the same
computer. Similar to the manner in which the operating system kernel provides an isolated
environment to each hosted application, virtualized systems introduce a hypervisor that provides
an isolated environment to each hosted operating system.
Hypervisors can be introduced into the system architecture in different ways.

A native hypervisor runs on bare hardware, with the hosted operating systems residing
above the hypervisor in the system structure. This makes it possible to implement an
efficient hypervisor, paying the price of maintaining a hardware specific implementation.

A hosted hypervisor partially bypasses the need for a hardware specific implementation
by running on top of another operating system. From the bottom up, the system structure
then starts with the host operating system that includes the hypervisor, and then the guest
operating systems, hosted above the hypervisor.

A combination of the native and the hosted approaches is also possible. The hypervisor can
implement some of its features on bare hardware and consult the hosted operating systems for its
other features. A common example of this approach is to implement the processor virtualization
support on bare hardware and use a dedicated hosted operating system to access the devices that
the hypervisor then virtualizes for the other hosted operating systems.

Exokernel is an operating system developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that
seeks to provide application-level management of hardware resources. The exokernel
architecture is designed to separate resource protection from management to facilitate
application-specific customization.
Exokernels are typically small in size because of their limited operability.
Conventional operating systems always have an impact on the performance, functionality and
scope of applications that are built on them because the OS is positioned between the
applications and the physical hardware. The exokernel operating system attempts to address this
problem by eliminating the notion that an operating system must provide abstractions upon
which to build applications. The idea is to impose as few abstractions as possible on the
developers and to provide them with the liberty to use abstractions as and when needed. The
exokernel architecture is built such that a small kernel moves all hardware abstractions into
untrusted libraries known as library operating systems. The main goal of exokernel is to ensure

that there is no forced abstraction, which is what makes exokernel different from micro- and
monolithic kernels.
Some of the features of exokernel operating systems include:

Better support for application control

Separates security from management

Abstractions are moved securely to an untrusted library operating system

Provides a low-level interface

Library operating systems offer portability and compatibility

The benefits of the exokernel operating system include:

Improved performance of applications

More efficient use of hardware resources through precise resource allocation

and revocation

Easier development and testing of new operating systems

Each user-space applications is allowed to have to apply its own optimized

memory management

Some of the drawbacks of the exokernel operating system include:

Reduced consistency

Complex design of exokernel interfaces

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