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Back Up and Restore Active Directory

Exercise 1: Back Up Active Directory

Log on to a virtual machine
Unless otherwise instructed, use the following steps to log on to a virtual machine.
1. Press ALT+DELETE.
This sends the secure key sequence (CTRL+ALT+DELETE) to the virtual
machine. If you press CTRL+ALT+DELETE, you send the secure key
sequence to the host operating system.
2. Click Switch User.
3. Click Other User.
4. In User name, type the user name.
5. In Password, type the password.
6. Press ENTER or click the log on arrow.
The Windows desktop appears.
Run an application with administrative credentials
1. Right-click the application, and then click Run as administrator.
A User Account Control (UAC) dialog box appears.
2. The UAC dialog box will display one of three options. Do the steps based on
the option you see:
If the UAC dialog box prompts you to continue or cancel:

Click Continue.

If the UAC dialog box gives you the option to Use another account:
a. Click Use Another Account.
b. In User Name, type the user name.
c. In Password, type the password.
d. Press ENTER or click OK.
If the UAC dialog box does not give you the option to use another account,
and prompts you for a user name and password:
a. In User Name, type the user name.
b. In Password, type the password.
c. Press ENTER or click OK.

Exercise 1: Back up Active Directory

Task 1: Prepare for the lab
The virtual machines should already be started and available. However, if they are
not, you should complete the below steps.
1. Start DC01.
2. Log on to DC01 as Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
3. Start DC02.
4. Log on to DC02 as Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
Task 2: Install the Windows Server Backup feature
1. Switch to DC01.
2. Click the Server Manager icon next to the Start button.
The User Account Control dialog box appears.
3. In User name, type Administrator.
4. In Password, type Pa$$w0rd, and then press ENTER.
5. Server Manager opens.
6. In the console tree, click Features.
7. In the details pane, click the Add Features link.
8. On the Select Features page, expand Windows Server Backup
Features, and then select the Windows Server Backup and Commandline Tools check boxes.
When you select Command-line Tools, the Add Features
Wizard prompts you to install Windows PowerShell, a required feature.
9. Click Add Required Features.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Install.
12. When the installation finishes, click Close.
Task 3: Create a scheduled backup
1. Go to Start>Administrative Tools> and run Windows Server Backup with
administrative credentials. Use the account Administrator with the
password Pa$$w0rd.
2. In the Actions pane, click the Backup Schedule link.
The Backup Schedule Wizard appears.
3. On the Getting Started page, click Next.
4. On the Select backup configuration page, click Custom, and then
click Next.

5. On the Select backup items page, clear the (D:) drive check box, and
then click Next.
6. On the Specify backup time page, click Once a day.
7. In the Select time of day list, select 12:00 am.
8. Click Next.
9. On the Select destination disk page, click Show All Available Disks.
The Show All Available Disks dialog box appears.
10. Select the Disk 1 check box, and then click OK.
11. On the Select destination disk page, select the Disk 1 check box, and
then click Next.
The Windows Server Backup dialog box appears, informing you that all
data on the disk will be deleted.
12. Click Yes to continue.
13. On the Label destination disk page, click Next.
14. On the Confirmation page, click Cancel to avoid formatting D drive D.
Task 4: Perform an interactive backup
1. In the Windows Server Backup consoles Actions pane, click the Backup
Once link.
The Backup Once Wizard appears.
2. On the Backup options page, ensure that Different options is selected,
and then click Next.
3. On the Select backup configuration page, click Custom, and then
click Next.
4. On the Select backup items page, ensure that the Enable system
recovery check box is selected, and then click Next.
5. On the Specify destination type page, click Next.
6. On the Select backup destination page, click Next.
7. On the Specify advanced option page, click VSS full backup, and then
click Next.
8. On the Confirmation page, click Backup.

Exercise 2: Restore Active Directory and a Deleted OU

Task 1: Delete the Employees OU
1. Still on DC01, run Active Directory Users and Computers with
administrative credentials. Use the account Administrator with the
password Pa$$w0rd.
2. In the console tree, expand, and then click the User
Accounts OU.
3. In the details pane, right-click Contractors, and then click Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes.
A warning message appears.
5. Click Yes.
6. Wait for the deletion to complete.
7. Switch to DC02.
8. Run Active Directory Users and Computers with administrative
credentials. Use the account Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
9. In the console tree, expand, and then click the User
Accounts OU.
10. Verify that the Contractors OU is deleted.
Task 2: Restart in Directory Services Restore Mode (DSRM)
1. Switch to DC01.
2. Run Command Prompt with administrative credentials. Use the
account Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
3. Type bcdedit /set safeboot dsrepair, and then press ENTER.
4. Type shutdown -t 0 -r and then press ENTER.
Task 3: Restore System State data
1. Log on to DC01 as Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
2. Click Start, then right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as
The command prompt opens.
3. Type wbadmin get versions -backuptarget:D: -machine:DC01, and then
press ENTER.
4. Note the version information that is returned.

5. Type wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:version backuptarget:D: -machine:DC01, where version is the number that you
recorded in the previous step, and then press ENTER.
i.e. wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:10/14/2009-01:11 backuptarget:D: -machine:DC01
6. Type Y, and then press ENTER.
Task 4: Mark the restored information as authoritative and restart the
1. At the command prompt, type ntdsutil, and then press ENTER.
2. Type activate instance ntds, and then press ENTER.
3. Type authoritative restore, and then press ENTER.
4. Type restore subtree ou=Contractors,ou=User
Accounts,dc=contoso,dc=com, and then press ENTER.
5. Click Yes in the confirmation dialogue message box that appears.
6. Type quit, and then press ENTER.
7. Type quit, and then press ENTER.
8. Type bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot, and then press ENTER.
9. Type shutdown -t 0 -r, and then press ENTER.
Task 5: Verify that the deleted data has been restored
1. Wait for DC01 to restart.
2. Log on to DC01 as Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
3. Run Active Directory Users and Computers with administrative
credentials. Use the account Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
4. In the console tree, expand, and then click the User
Accounts OU.
5. Verify that the Contractors OU is restored.
6. Switch to DC02.
7. In the Active Directory Users and Computers console tree, click
the User Accounts OU.
8. Press F5 (Refresh).
9. Verify that the Contractors OU is restored.

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