Jan18.2016congressional Commendation For Filipino Researcher Sought

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JAN 18, 2016

NR # 4083

Congressional commendation for Filipino researcher sought

A lawmaker has filed a measure commending Dr. Dante Laroza Silva for being
acknowledged as Outstanding World Research Leader by the International Association
of Multidisciplinary Research.
In House Resolution 2176, Rep. Eric L. Olivarez (1st District, Paraaque City) said
Silvas exemplary and altruistic contributions to research and leadership and involvement
in establishing and sustaining a culture of research was recognized in Singapore on August
30, 2014 by The International Association of Multidisciplinary Research, the worlds
leading professional, scientific and multidisciplinary research organization.
Dr. Silvas paper entitled Silvas Management Competency Theory: A Factor-Item
Analytic Approach Utilizing Oblique Rotation Direct Oblimim Method under Kaiser
Barletts Test of Sphericity has traversed atop 663 submitted others and 220
educators/participants from all over the world.
Olivarez said Silvas paper was awarded the Best Paper Award given by the
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) at the World Congress on Engineering
and Computer Science at the University of California Berkeley, USA.
Silvas research paper delved on theory development and utilized an in-depth
examination of utility of management of competencies through factor-item analytic using
Oblimim Method.
Dr. Silva is a major nonconformist to attain educational supremacy, given by his
consistent attempt to make the educational system as flawless as possible with studies
which aimed to find out the influence of the 4MAT Teaching approach on the behavior,
attitude and academic performance of the students.
He is also at the vanguard of Asian efforts to have the continent be an even more
legitimate research resource in the international arena in the field of engineering
His competency in the researching field leveled with the cream of the crop in the
continent, earned him as ASEAN Engineer 2015 conferred by the ASEAN Federation of
Engineering Organization, to facilitate his mobility and professional practice as engineer
within the ASEAN ambit.
Dr. Silvas continuous receipt of international awards is a validation of his
relentless pace in determination of what needs to be solved, on his ability to be consistent
in looking through a wider perspective, and his work ethic which roots from his past
experiences and incredibly high profile educational background, Olivarez said.

Olivarez said Dr. Silvas academic proficiency and research pedigree can be
considered as an astounding feat not only in the academic, but as a country as a whole,
due to its highly impactful concepts that leaves open spaces for new researches to be done,
especially in the engineering and educational field.
He said Dr. Silva implicates values of excellence and commitment, and a habit of
utilizing unorthodox ways to yield significant results proven by his significant
contributions in the civil engineering profession, field of mathematics and educational
reforms and management both local and international.
Dr. Silva can truly be considered as essential personnel at the forefront of our
continually growing scientific researching field, as he has knitted a brand new perspective
with regards how the Philippines as a whole, can fare with the international academic
scene, Olivarez noted. (30) lvc

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