Midwifery Drug Administration Exam

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Which of the following is the best action to prevent the medication from seeping out of the
muscle to the subcutaneous when injecting an IM medication?
A. Taut skin
B. Pinch skin

C. Use the Z-track method

D. Administer at a 45 degree angle

2. When administering a suppository to the patient, what should you instruct the patient?
A. Position on left side lying with knees flexed
B. Position on left side lying with legs stretched
C. Position on right side lying with legs stretched
D. Position on right side lying with knees flexed
3. You are ordered to administer ampicillin capsule TID p.o. You should give the medication:
A. Three times a day orally
B. Three times a day after meals

C. Two times a day by mouth

D. Two times a day before meals

4. Which of the following is the appropriate route of administration for insulin?

A. Intramuscular
B. Intradermal

C. Subcutaneous
D. Intravenous

5. A client complains of difficulty of swallowing when you try to administer the capsule
medication. Which of te following measures should you do?
A. Dissolve the capsule in a glass of water
B. Break the capsule and give the content with an applesauce
C. Check the availability of a liquid preparation
D. Crash the capsule and place it under the tongue
6. You are preparing to administer a buccal medication. The medication should be placed
A. On the clients skin
B. Between the clients cheeks and

C. Under the clients tongue

D. On the clients conjunctiva

7. It is important to verify the clients identity before administering the medication. Which of
the following is the safest way to identify the client?
A. Ask the client his name
B. Check the clients identification band
C. State the clients name aloud and have the client repeat it
D. Check the room number
8. 20cc is how many ml?
A. 2
B. 20

C. 200
D. 2000

9. Which of the following is the correct meaning of CBR?

A. Cardiac board room
B. Complete bathroom

C. Complete bed rest

D. Complete board room

10.What does PRN mean?

A. Round the clock
B. Immediately
11.1800ml is equal to how many liters?

C. When necessary
D. Now

A. 1.8
B. 18000

C. 180
D. 2800

12.Dr. G writes the following order for the client who has been recently admitted Digoxin .
125 mg P.O. once daily. To prevent a dosage error, how should the midwife document this
order onto the medication administration record?
A. Digoxin .1250 mg P.O. once daily
B. Digoxin 0.1250 mg P.O. once

C. Digoxin 0.125 mg P.O. once daily

D. Digoxin .125 mg P.O. once daily

13.Any time you will be applying eye drops to Miss Lee. After checking all the necessary
information and cleaning the affected eyelid and eyelashes, you administer the ophthalmic
drops by instilling the eye drops:
A. Pressing the lacrimal duct
B. Into the outer third of the lower conjunctival sac
C. From the inner canthus going towards the outer canthus
D. Directly onto the cornea
14.You measure a clients temperature at 102 F. What is the equivalent Centigrade
A. 40.1 C
B. 38.9 C

C. 48 C
D. 38 C

15. What is the best way a midwife can identify a patient when she is about to administer the
A. Check the chart of the patient and see whether the drug is present in the doctors order
B. Personally ask the patient his name
C. Check the name tag of the patient
D. None of the above
16.Which among the following topical drugs are best applied to wet areas of the skin?
A. Ointment
B. Cream

C. Petrolatum
D. None of the above

17.A patient suddenly had cardiac arrest, the doctor ordered epinephrine, an emergency
drug. What type of medication order is this?
A. Single dose
B. PRN order

C. Standing order
D. Stat order

18.Type of medication order that is carried out until the one who prescribed it cancels the
A. Single dose
B. PRN order

C. Standing order
D. Stat order

19.What type of medication action causes an unpredictable side-effect where the patient may
over react or under react with certain medications
A. Side effect
B. Allergic reaction

C. Idiosyncratic effect
D. Drug tolerance

20.A patient who had an allergic reaction to food was given diphenhydramine. The patient
asks you that he feels sleepy and you said this is an expected or predictable reaction to
the drug. This is an example of what drug effect?
A. Adverse effect
B. Idiosyncratic

C. Side effect
D. None of the above

21.An alcoholic patient had withdrawal symptoms when he suddenly stopped drinking
alcohol. This may be a sign of?
A. Dependence
B. Tolerance

C. Cumulative effect
D. Placebo

22.What do you call the condition when a patient requires a higher dose of a drug to produce
the effects that lower doses once provided?
A. Dependence
B. Tolerance

C. Addiction
D. None of the above

23.The main site of metabolism is the:

A. Stomach
B. Liver

C. Small intestine
D. Kidney

24.The main site of absorption is the:

A. Small intestine
B. Large intestine

C. Liver
D. Brain

25.Which among the following is the best way in doing skin testing?
A. 0.1 ml of the solution in a 1:10 dilution should be injected subcutaneously
B. 0.1 ml of the solution in a 1:10 dilution should be injected subcutaneously into the
C. 0.1 ml of the solution in a 1:10 dilution should be injected intradermally into the outer
aspect of the forearm
D. 0.1 ml of the solution in a 1:10 dilution should be injected intradermally into the inner
aspect of the forearm
26.Which among the following is true about anti-tetanus serum?
A. It requires skin testing
B. Slow acting

C. Has very low risk for allergic

D. All of the above

27.Your patient is taking in aspirin, an enteric-coated tablet, which of the following will you
instruct him to avoid?
A. Milk
B. Water

C. Gatorade
D. Chocolate drink

28.Your order reads labetalol 40 mg IV push every 10 minutes until blood pressure is lower
than 140/90 mmHg. You have labetalol 5 mg/mL available. How should you prepare the
correct dose?
A. 5 ml
B. 10 ml

C. 6 ml
D. 8 ml

29.You have on hand diazepam (Valium) 5 mg/mL. You need to administer 8 mg IV push stat.
ml having a seizure. How much should you C.
ml the syringe?
to a2.2
B. 1.6 ml
D. 3 ml
30.Give Ceclor 45mg/kg/day PO in 3 divided doses for a patient who weighs 66 lbs. A 75 ml
stock medication is labelled Ceclor 125mg/ml. How many mL would the midwife
administer per dose?
A. 5 ml
B. 4.2 ml

C. 3.6 ml
D. 2 ml

31.Order: Amoxicillin 0.25 g PO every 8 hrs. Available: Amoxicillin 125 mg tablets. How many
tablets will the midwife give in 24 hours?
A. 2
B. 3

C. 4
D. 6

32.The doctor ordered diazepam (Valium) 10 mg PO bid for a patient. Diazepam is available in
15 mg extended-release capsules, 5 mg/ ml vial and 5 mg/ 5 ml oral solution. What will the
midwife administer?
A. 2 ml
B. 10 ml

C. 10 mg
D. 2 mg

33.The doctor ordered phenobarbital sodium (Luminal Sodium) 60 mg PO in divided doses tid.
The available dosage forms are 30 mg/ ml injection vials, 16 mg capsules, 20 mg/ 5 ml
elixir and 15 mg tablets. The therapeutic level is 15 to 40 mcg/ml. The patient's
phenobarbital level is 0.035 mg/ml. What should the midwife do? (2 pts)
A. Hold the medication due to a potential overdose
B. Administer 2 ml via deep injection
C. Administer 4 tablets per schedule
D. Administer 5 ml elixir per schedule
34. A patient weighing 88 lbs. must be given cefotaxime sodium (Claforan) 180 mg/ kg IM.
The drug stock is 500 mg/ ml vial. The midwife will give:
A. 6 ml
B. 8 ml

C. 12 ml
D. 14 ml

35.The doctor ordered diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 40 mg PO TID for a patient Benadryl 12.5
mg/5ml is available. How much would the patient have received in 24-hours?
A. 16 mg
B. 3.2 ml

C. 16 ml
D. 48 ml

36.The doctor ordered a medication for a patient 50 mg/ kg weight. The patient weighs 110
lbs. What is the total dose in grams that the patient should receive?
A. 2
B. 2.5

C. 1.5
D. 3

37.Rhona, a 2 year old female was prescribed to receive 62.5 mg suspension three times a
day. The available dose is 125 mg/ml. which of the following should midwife Edwin prepare
for each oral dose?
A. .5 ml

B. 1.25 ml

C. 2.5ml

D. 10 ml

38.Randy is diagnosed with amoebiasis and is to receive Metronidazole (Flagyl) tablets 1.5g
daily in 3 divided doses for 7 consecutive days. Which of the following is the correct dose
of the drug that the client will receive per oral administration?
A. 1000 mg tid
B. 500 mg tid

C. 1500 tid
D. 250 tid

39.Ear drops are prescribed for an infant with otitis media. The most appropriate method to
administer the ear drops to the infant is to:
A. Pull up and back on the pinna and direct the solution onto the eardrum
B. Pull down and back on the pinna and direct the solution onto the eardrum
C. Pull down and back on the pinna and direct the solution toward the wall of the ear
D. Pull up and back on the earlobe and direct the solution toward the wall of the ear canal
40.You are to instil otic solution into the clients ears. Above all, you avoid doing which?
A. Pulling the auricle backward and upward
B. Placing the tip of the dropper on the edge of the ear canal
C. Warming the solution to room temperature
D. Placing the client in side lying position
41. You are educating the client on the use of a metered-dose inhaler. Which is the correct
A. Take several short shallow breaths after inhaling the drug
B. Cough before inhaling the drug
C. Hold the breath after inhaling the drug
D. Press the cartridge before inhaling the drug
42. You are about to administer a nasal spray, which among the following should you instruct
the client?
A. Instruct the client to tilt his head to the side for 5 mins
B. Tell the client that he can immediately do what he wishes
C. Instruct the client to tilt his head backward for atleast 5 mins
D. Instruct the client to keep his head straight for 5 mins
43.It is also known as the non-proprietary name of a drug
A. Brand name
B. Official name

C. Generic name
D. Chemical name

44.Name given by the manufacturer who first develops the drug

A. Brand name
B. Official name

C. Generic name
D. Chemical name

45.It is a study of what the body does to the drug

A. Pharmacokinetics
B. Pharmacodynamics

C. Pharmacognosy
D. Pharmaceutics

46.The doctors order reads Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 500mg @ hs for 3 days. This is
interpreted as?
A. Benadryl 500mg to be given at bedtime or 8pm
B. Benadryl 500mg to be given before meals for 3 days
C. Benadryl 500mg to be given at bedtime or 8pm for 3 days
D. Benadryl 500mg to be given early in the morning or 6am for 3 days
47.What is your consideration when administering a suspension drug?

A. Shake the bottle sideways by holding the lid with the index finger and the bottom with
the thumb
B. Shake the bottle by placing the it in between the palms of both hands and move hands
forward and back in an alternating manner
C. Do not shake the bottle because it can destroy the drug
D. Shake the bottle in any way you want
48.This is a drug with special coating that resists stomach acid but dissolve in the alkaline
environment of the small intestine
A. Caplet
B. Enteric-coated tablet

C. Scored tablet
D. Capsule

49.The doctor ordered diclofenac sodium 0.05 g t.i.d. for a patient with athritis. How many mg
would the nurse have given for a 24-hour period? (3 points)
A. 150
B. 100
C. 50
D. 65


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