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Last course business ethics ISO standards

= international standardization organization

19001 standard in quality management FYI

CSR-ISO 26000 instrument


Nov 1 2010 was released this instrument

Specific presents just guidelines on social responsibility, no requirements.
Doesnt need any certification
CSR has always a voluntary character
Can be applied as well in the public sector, not only in the private one, to any
kind of organization
Regardless the size of the company
All countries
Aims to promote a common understanding of social responsibility


encouraging moral commitment to meet the requirements of social

Synthesis in a single document the concepts, definitions and methods of
evaluation of social responsibility
Encouraging organizations to do more than follow the law (fundamental duty
of any organization and an essential part of its social responsibility)
To help organizations to contribute to sustainable development

Ethical values:

Concern for people, animal and environment

The commitment for communicating the impact of its decisions regarding
stakeholders interest

Social responsibility principles:


Respect for stakeholders interests organization should respect, consider and

respond to the interests of its stakeholders
Respect for the rule of law to comply with legal requirements
Respect for international norms of behavior when the law or its
implementation does not offer adequate protection to society or the

Advantages and disadvantages

Innovative process of stakeholder involvement in developing a global standard
Identify fundamental explanations related to socially responsible behavior
Identifying and enhancing intergovernmental agreements
Applicable in any type of or
Emphasize the importance of integrating CSR into strategy

ISO 26000 could be misunderstood
May not be used properly
Perpetuation of mistakes/confusion about social rep

Exam at 10am on Monday!!!

Multiple choice exam

Norms general and universal, particular and special (moral norms classification)
Special ethical norms are elitist and formalist, manifest on special occasions
The concept of business ethics is defined as particular form of applied ethics,
set of rules and moral norms aimed at how traders should conduct their businesses
According to EU the CSR is that behavior by which companies decide without
being required to integrate different ecological objectives etch definition !!!!!!!
Difficulties in implementing the Ethical code arise in the following
situations codes are vague and meaningless, codes ??
Employees are an important group of stakeholders, because they are
directly affected by the companys success and failure

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