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Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004

Contents Page

1. About the employer - (Questions 1-17) 3

2. Achievements - (Questions 18-57) 3-5

3. Career history - (Questions 58-133) 5-8

4. Career plans - (Questions 134-156) 8-9

5. Closing questions - (Questions 157-166) 9

6. Customer care - (Questions 167-174) 10

7. Decision making - (Questions 175-187) 10

8. Education & training - (Questions 188-204) 10-11

9. Hypothetical - (Questions 205-209) 11

10. Improper - (Questions 210-217) 11-12

11. Interests - (Questions 218-235) 12

12. Job applications - (Questions 236-245) 12-13

13. Management & leadership - (Questions 246-288) 13-15

14. Opening questions - (Questions 289-299) 15

15. Problem solving - (Questions 300-311) 15-16

16. Salary & benefits - (Questions 312-325) 16

17. Skills - (Questions 326-337) 16-17

18. Teamwork - (Questions 338-360) 17

19. The job - (Questions 361-393) 17-19

20. Time management - (Questions 394-418) 19

21. Working conditions - (Questions 419-427) 20

22. Your personality - (Questions 428-487) 20-22

23. Your work - (Questions 488-512) 22-23

Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004
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About the question list

The table below lists all the questions which are included in the programme. We’ve grouped them into
categories to make it easy for you to find questions you might be asked in a job interview. The
categories are described in the ‘Category list’, which you’ll find in the ‘Documents’ menu.

The questions are listed below in alphabetical order. Each question has the category it belongs to and
the name of the interviewer who asks the question in the programme.

Some questions can fit into different categories, so we’ve given alternative categories where

No Category Question Interviewer

1. About the Don’t you think you might be better off in a Alan
employer/ the job different type of organization?

2. About the employer In your view, what are the major opportunities Jo
facing this organization?

3. About the employer In your view, what are the major problems facing Lee
this organization?

4. About the employer OK. What do you know about our organization? Top 25

5. About the employer/ So, why do you want to work for us? What made Top 25
the job you apply for this job?

6. About the employer/ This is a fast-growing, dynamic organization; do Alan

your personality/ your you think you can keep up with us?

7. About the employer/ What can we offer you that your current employer Top 100
the job can’t?

8. About the employer What do you know about our competitors? Bona

9. About the employer What do you know about our organization? Jo/Top 100

10. About the employer What interests you about our organization? Michael

11. About the employer What interests you about our products? Jose

12. About the employer/ What kind of company do you want to work in? Christine
working conditions

13. About the employer/ What makes you think that you’ll fit in with our RoseMarie
the job/ your organization?
personality / your work

14. About the employer/ What makes you think you’ll fit in here? Top 100
your personality

15. About the employer What research did you do about our organization RoseMarie
before you came here today?

16. About the employer Why do you want to work for this organization? Kyoko

17. About the employer Why do you want to work for us? Jose /Linda/
Top 100

18. Achievements/ career Describe a time when you felt that you were doing Lee
history/ your work well.

19. Achievements/ your Describe a time when you think things were not Christine
work going well.

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No Category Question Interviewer

20. Achievements Did you help to increase sales or profits in your last Top 100

21. Achievements Did you help to lower costs at your old company? Bona

22. Achievements Do you consider yourself successful? Bona

23. Achievements Give me an example of a situation where you Michael

spotted a new opportunity for your employer.

24. Achievements How important is it to you that you’re praised for Michael
your work?

25. Achievements/ your How important is recognition for you? Alan


26. Achievements How would you assess what you’ve done for your Alan
current employer?

27. Achievements/ your If we asked for a reference, what would it say Christine
personality/ your work about you?

28. Achievements / the job If you took this job, what would you expect to Lee
accomplish in the first year?

29. Achievements In your previous job, what were your most Bona
significant accomplishments?

30. Achievements / the job On taking this job, what do you think would be Kyoko
your major contribution?

31. Achievements So what would you say have been your main Top 25
achievements and failures in your career?

32. Achievements Tell me about a situation which you think you Jo

handled inappropriately.

33. Achievements/ career Tell me about a time when you had to produce Michael
history /your work work of a lower standard than you would’ve liked.

34. Achievements What achievements have given you most Alan

satisfaction and why?

35. Achievements/ skills/ What are you good at? Top 100
your work

36. Achievements What are you most proud of in your previous jobs? Christine

37. Achievements/ skills/ What can you contribute to this company? Jo

the job

38. Achievements/ career What can you do for us that somebody else can’t? Lee/Top 100
history/ skills

39. Achievements/ the job What could you do for us? Bona

40. Achievements What do you consider you’re greatest failure? RoseMarie

41. Achievements/ the What do you have going for you that will make you Alan
job/ your personality successful in this job?

42. Achievements What do you regard as your major achievement? Jo

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No Category Question Interviewer

43. Achievements/ career What do you think you can bring to this Linda
history/ skills/ your organization?

44. Achievements, career What do you think you can do for us, and what Top 25
history/ skills/ your makes you think you’ll fit in here?

45. Achievements What does success mean to you and how do you Kyoko
judge it?

46. Achievements What’ve been the five most important RoseMarie

achievements in your career so far?

47. Achievements/ the What makes you think you can be successful with Michael
job/ your work us?

48. Achievements/ career What qualifies you for this job? Top 100
history/ skills/ your

49. Achievements What was your finest hour? Alan/RoseMarie

50. Achievements What was your greatest achievement, and how did Top 100
you achieve it?

51. Achievements What was your most rewarding experience? RoseMarie

52. Achievements What was your worst ever moment? RoseMarie

53. Achievements What were the 5 most important achievements in Kyoko

your last job?

54. Achievements / career What would you do for us? Linda

history/ skills/ the job

55. Achievements What’s been your biggest failure? Jo/Top 100

56. Achievements What’s your major career achievement? Michael

57. Achievements/ skills/ Why should we employ you? RoseMarie/Top

career history 100

58. Career history / Can you describe an ex-colleague? Lee


59. Career history/ Can you describe your ex boss. Jose

management &

60. Career history / Describe a situation where you had to change Jose
problem solving things radically.

61. Career history Describe the organizational structure in your old Michael
company and how you fitted into it.

62. Career history Do you feel you’ve progressed satisfactorily in your Alan
current job?

63. Career history Do you miss your previous job? Lee

64. Career history/ Do you think you’re a little over-qualified for this Michael
Education & training/ position?

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No Category Question Interviewer

65. Career history Give me a rundown of your career up to now. Top 25

66. Career history Have you ever been fired or asked to resign? Top 100/Top 25

67. Career history/ How could your current boss improve the way they Linda
management & managed you?

68. Career history How did you change the last job you did? Bona

69. Career history How did you change the nature of your previous Lee

70. Career history How did you get into this kind of work? Top 100

71. Career history How did you get your last job? Lee

72. Career history/ career How’s your work experience affected your career Alan
plans goals?

73. Career history/ job How long have you been looking for a new job? Jose

74. Career history How long have you been out of work? Jo

75. Career history/ the job How similar was your last job to the one you’re Christine
applying for?

76. Career history How would you evaluate your old company? Lee

77. Career history How would you rate the current organization you Alan
work for?

78. Career history I see you’ve had quite a few jobs in the last few RoseMarie/Top
years – does that mean you’re a job hopper? 100

79. Career history If you could’ve changed your last job, what would Jo
you have done?

80. Career history In your last position, what features did you like Jose

81. Career history Looking back on your career, would you have done Christine
anything differently?

82. Career history Looking back, would you have chosen a different Alan

83. Career history/ Some people can “step into other people’s shoes”. Alan
teamwork When have you had to do that?

84. Career history/ your Tell me a bit about yourself. Bona


85. Career history Tell me about a project which you worked on in Michael
your previous job.

86. Career history Tell me about some parts of your current job that Alan
you really dislike.

87. Career history Tell me about the work and people in your last job. Kyoko

88. Career history/ Tell me about your old boss’s weaknesses. Jo

management &

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No Category Question Interviewer

89. Career history/ your Tell me about yourself. Lee/Top 100


90. Career history What annoyed you about your last job? Bona

91. Career history What annoyed you about your old boss? Christine

92. Career history What annoys you about your current job, or your Top 100/Top 25
current supervisor?

93. Career history What are some aspects of your last job that you Michael
really liked?

94. Career history What are some of the things about your current job Alan
that you find difficult to do?

95. Career history What did you enjoy most about your last job? Bona/Jose

96. Career history / What did you learn from your last job? Jo
education & training

97. Career history What did you like best about your last employer? Michael

98. Career history What did you like best about your last job? Lee

99. Career history What do you think about your current boss? Kyoko

100. Career history What do you think of the company you work for Linda

101. Career history/ What do you think of your current boss? RoseMarie/Top
management & 100

102. Career history What do you think you’re gaining from your current RoseMarie

103. Career history What do you think you’ve got from your current Linda

104. Career history/ skills What experience have you had using the internet? Lee

105. Career history/ What have you learnt from your current job? Top 100
education & training

106. Career history / skills What experience have you had in producing written Alan/Top 100

107. Career history/ time What kinds of pressures were there in your Michael
management previous job?

108. Career history / What problems did you encounter in your last job? Kyoko
problem solving

109. Career history/ What problems have you had in your current job? RoseMarie
problem solving

110. Career history What was the most interesting assignment you ever Michael

111. Career history What was wrong with your last position? Christine

112. Career history What would you most like to have changed about Kyoko
the organization you previously worked for?

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No Category Question Interviewer

113. Career history What’s given you the biggest amount of satisfaction Linda
in your current job?

114. Career history What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt from Top 100
your career so far?

115. Career history What’s the toughest job you’ve ever had to do? RoseMarie

116. Career history What’s the toughest thing you ever had to do? RoseMarie/Top

117. Career history/ skills/ What’s unique about you? Jose

your personality

118. Career history/ your What’s your daily routine in your current job? Linda

119. Career history / skills What’s your experience with computers? Jose

120. Career history What’s your opinion of the current organization you RoseMarie
work for?

121. Career history When were you most happy at work and why? Linda

122. Career history Which of your jobs have given you the greatest RoseMarie

123. Career history Who or what in your life has influenced you most Kyoko
with regard to your career?

124. Career history/ career Why are you changing careers? Kyoko

125. Career history Why did you choose this kind of career? Linda

126. Career history Why did you choose this type of work? RoseMarie

127. Career history Why did you join your current employer? RoseMarie

128. Career history Why did you leave your old job? Kyoko

129. Career history/ career Why do you want to leave your current job? Top 100

130. Career history/ career Why do you want to leave your current job? What’s Top 25
plans wrong with it?

131. Career history Why have you been out of work so long? Kyoko

132. Career history You don’t seem to have much experience. RoseMarie

133. Career history You haven’t done this sort of job before, how will Kyoko
you cope?

134. Career plans How did your last job influence your career? Bona

135. Career plans How do you see your career developing? Christine

136. Career plans How does this job fit into your career plan? Jo

137. Career plans How long do you plan to stay with this company? Christine/Top

138. Career plans / the job/ What are the major influences that encourage you Kyoko
your work to take a job?

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No Category Question Interviewer

139. Career plans/ interests What are you aiming for in life? Bona

140. Career plans What are you looking for in a new job? Jose

141. Career plans What are your career goals? Lee

142. Career plans What are your career plans? Top 100

143. Career plans/ interests What are your long-term goals? Jose

144. Career plans/ interests What are your short-term goals? Jo

145. Career plans What goals have you set for yourself in the past, Kyoko
and how successful have you been at achieving

146. Career plans What position do you expect to have in 2 to 3 years Jo


147. Career plans What will you be doing in 5 years’ time? Alan

148. Career plans What will you do if you don’t get this job? Christine

149. Career plans What will you do when you retire? Linda

150. Career plans / your What would your ideal new job be? Kyoko

151. Career plans What’s the next step in your career? Linda

152. Career plans What’s your career objective? RoseMarie

153. Career plans When do you plan to retire? RoseMarie

154. Career plans Where do you see yourself going after this job? RoseMarie

155. Career plans Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? Top 100/Top 25

156. Career plans Will you want my job eventually? Top 100

157. Closing questions Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me Alan/Top 100
about our organization?

158. Closing questions Have you any questions you’d like to ask me? RoseMarie

159. Closing questions Have you got any questions for me? Jo

160. Closing questions OK. Thanks for coming in today and we’ll be in Linda
touch very shortly.

161. Closing questions So, have you any questions for me? Jose

162. Closing questions So, would you like to ask me something? Michael

163. Closing questions Thank you for answering all my questions. Have Kyoko
you any for me?

164. Closing questions Well, that’s all the questions I have. Would you like Bona/Top 25
to ask me anything?

165. Closing questions What question didn’t I ask you that you expected? Christine/Top

166. Closing questions What’s the question you’d least like to ask me? Top 100

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No Category Question Interviewer

167. Customer care Give me an example of how you were able to make Top 100
an angry customer a happy and satisfied one.

168. Customer care / How do you go about dealing with people? Jose
teamwork/ your

169. Customer care Suppose a customer comes into your office to make Linda
a complaint. They’re very angry and annoyed. How
would you handle the situation?

170. Customer care Think about a time when you had to deal with Kyoko
someone who was angry. What did you do to calm
the situation?

171. Customer care What do you know about customer care? Lee

172. Customer care What sort of experience have you had in dealing Top 100
with difficult customers?

173. Customer care What would you be willing to give up in order to Top 100/Top 25
meet a customer’s deadline?

174. Customer care What’s your experience of handling difficult RoseMarie


175. Decision making Describe a time when there was no procedure for a Linda
situation, and you had to make a decision.

176. Decision making How comfortable are you with making instant Michael

177. Decision making/ your How do you feel and react when colleagues Top 100
personality question the decisions you’ve made?

178. Decision making How do you react when colleagues question the Bona
decisions you’ve made?

179. Decision-making In your current job, what types of decisions do you Alan
make without informing your immediate supervisor?

180. Decision making/ time Tell me about a time when you were under Kyoko
management pressure to make a decision. Did you react
immediately, or take time to decide what to do?

181. Decision making What decisions do you find easy to make? Christine

182. Decision making What kind of decisions do you find most difficult to Linda/Top 100

183. Decision making What kinds of decisions are easiest for you? Jo

184. Decision making What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you? Kyoko

185. Decision making What was the most difficult decision you ever had Linda
to make?

186. Decision making What’s the best decision you’ve ever made? Jose/Lee

187. Decision making What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made in your Top 100

188. Education & training Do you plan to continue your education? Jo

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No Category Question Interviewer

189. Education & training Have you kept up-to-date in your field with Christine

190. Education & training How did you do in school? Bona/Top 100

191. Education & training How did you like University? Kyoko

192. Education & training How do you keep up-to-date with developments in Alan/Top 100
your kind of work?

193. Education & training How will your degree help you in this job? Kyoko

194. Education & training What have you done for self-development? Kyoko/Top 100

195. Education & training What have you learnt over the past year or so? Kyoko

196. Education & training What kind of training do you think you might need Jose
in the future?

197. Education & training What kind of training do you think you’ll need in Top 100
the future?

198. Education & training What kind of training or support do you think you’ll Top 25
need to do this job successfully?

199. Education & training What sort of training will you need to do this job Top 100

200. Education & training What subject did you study at University and why? Top 100

201. Education & training What training courses have you been on recently? Top 100

202. Education & training What training have you had for this job? Christine

203. Education & training What training have you had in the last 2 or 3 RoseMarie

204. Education & training What were your favourite subjects at school or Kyoko

205. Hypothetical If you didn’t have to work for a living, what would Top 100
you do?

206. Hypothetical If you had enough money so you didn’t have to Jose
work, what would you do with your time?

207. Hypothetical Imagine you were going to live on a desert island, Top 100
which 3 things would you take with you?

208. Hypothetical If you were to start up your own business, what Bona
would it be?

209. Hypothetical If you were to write your own obituary, what would Linda
you write?

210. Improper Are you going to have children? Linda

211. Improper Are you too old for this job? Linda

212. Improper Are you too young for this job? Kyoko

213. Improper Do you belong to a trade union? Linda

214. Improper How old are you? Kyoko

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No Category Question Interviewer

215. Improper I see you have children. How will you cope if you Kyoko
have to work late?

216. Improper Were you born in the United Kingdom? Linda

217. Improper What do you spend your disposable income on? Linda

218. Interests Are you a member of a group or organization Jo

outside of work?

219. Interests How do you like to relax and socialise? Top 100

220. Interests How do you relax? Bona

221. Interests How do you socialise? Bona

222. Interests What are your interests outside of work? Top 100

223. Interests What are your interests? Bona/Jo

224. Interests What do you do in your spare time to relax? Top 25

225. Interests What do you do in your spare time? Jose

226. Interests What do you do outside of work? Lee

227. Interests / your work What don’t you like doing? Jose

228. Interests / your work What gives you the greatest satisfaction? Michael/Top

229. Interests What have you been reading recently? Jose

230. Interests What interests do you have outside of work? Christine

231. Interests What was the last book you read? Michael

232. Interests What was the last film or play you saw, or book Top 100
you read?

233. Interests What was the last film you saw? Christine

234. Interests What was the last sporting event you attended? Alan

235. Interests Which newspapers do you read and why? Linda

236. Job applications Are you applying for any other jobs at the moment? Top 100/Top 25

237. Job applications Are you considering any other positions at the Lee

238. Job applications Are you making other applications at the moment? Michael

239. Job applications Have you applied to any other organization in our Alan

240. Job applications Have you been invited to any other interviews? Bona

241. Job applications Have you got any job offers at the moment? Lee

242. Job applications What other irons do you have in the fire for your Linda
next job?

243. Job applications What other jobs have you applied for recently? Jose

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No Category Question Interviewer

244. Job applications What other positions are you considering? Christine

245. Job applications What other types of jobs and organizations are you Alan

246. Management & Are you a good manager? Bona/Top 100


247. Management & Are you a leader or a follower? Lee/Top 100


248. Management & Are you a leader? Jo


249. Management & Describe your management style. Michael


250. Management & Did you ever fire anyone? Christine


251. Management & Do you feel ready to take on extra responsibilities? Christine

252. Management & Do you know how to motivate other people? Christine

253. Management & Do you like being in charge of people? Bona


254. Management & Do you mind working for someone older than you? Jose

255. Management & Do you mind working for someone younger than Bona
leadership you?

256. Management & Give me an example of being a good manager. Jo


257. Management & Have you ever had to sack someone? And, if so, Michael
leadership how did you handle it?

258. Management & How do you get the best out of people? Bona
leadership/ teamwork

259. Management & How do you manage organizational politics? Michael


260. Management & How do you manage your staff? Jo


261. Management & How do you motivate others? Alan


262. Management & How do you react if your authority is being Michael
leadership questioned?

263. Management & How do you run a meeting? Bona


264. Management & How has your current job enabled you to take on Linda
leadership greater responsibilities?

265. Management & How many people did you supervise in your Jose
leadership previous job?

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No Category Question Interviewer

266. Management & How would you go about firing someone? Jose/Top 100

267. Management & How would you motivate people? Linda


268. Management & If you were employing someone for this job, what Michael
leadership/ the job qualities would you be looking for?

269. Management & Let’s say one of your team is often late for work. Jo/Top100/Top
leadership What would you do? 25

270. Management & What are the qualities you like to see in a Linda
leadership supervisor or manager?

271. Management & What did you look for when you hired someone in Kyoko
leadership the past?

272. Management & What do you believe is the most difficult part of Michael
leadership being a manager, or a supervisor?

273. Management & What do you expect from people who work for you? Jo

274. Management & What do you know about total quality Alan
leadership management?

275. Management & What do you look for in a manager? Jose


276. Management & What do you look for in a subordinate? Kyoko


277. Management & What do you look for when you hire people? RoseMarie/Top
leadership 100

278. Management & What do you think are the most important qualities Kyoko
leadership in a leader?

279. Management & What is your management style? Kyoko


280. Management & What kind of management style gets the best Top 100/Top 25
leadership results from you?

281. Management & What makes a good manager? Christine


282. Management & What sort of manager are you? RoseMarie


283. Management & What sort of tasks do you like to delegate? Top 100

284. Management & What sort of things do you prefer to delegate? RoseMarie

285. Management & What’s the most difficult task in being a manager? RoseMarie

286. Management & What’s your approach to leading a team? Top 100

287. Management & What’s your biggest strength as a manager? RoseMarie


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No Category Question Interviewer

288. Management & What’s your biggest weakness as a manager? Top 100/
leadership RoseMarie

289. Opening questions Right, shall we make a start? Michael

290. Opening questions Sorry to keep you waiting. Shall we start? Jose

291. Opening questions Thank you for coming in to see me today. Jo

292. Opening questions Thank you for coming in to see me today. Shall we RoseMarie

293. Opening questions Thank you for coming to see me today. Are you Christine
ready to begin?

294. Opening questions Thank you for coming to see me today. What do Kyoko
you prefer to be called?

295. Opening questions Thanks for coming in to see me today. Shall we Bona

296. Opening questions Thanks for coming to see us today. Alan

297. Opening questions Thanks for coming to see us today. Shall we make Lee
a start?

298. Opening questions Well, it’s very nice to meet you, would you like Linda
some tea or coffee?

299. Opening questions Well, thank you very much for coming in to see us Top 25
today. How was the journey getting here? Did you
find us alright?

300. Problem solving Describe a difficult situation, and tell me what you Top 100
did about it.

301. Problem solving Describe a problem person you had to deal with. Top 100
What did you do?

302. Problem solving Describe how you successfully handled a difficult Alan

303. Problem solving Give me an example of how you’ve managed to Top 100
deal effectively with a crisis.

304. Problem solving How do you go about solving problems? Top 100

305. Problem solving In your previous role, what problems did you Michael
identify that had previously been overlooked?

306. Problem solving Tell me about how you’ve handled difficult RoseMarie

307. Problem solving Tell me how you’ve handled difficult situations. Top 100

308. Problem solving Tell me how you’ve managed to deal effectively Alan
with a crisis.

309. Problem solving What kind of problems have you had in your Top 100
current job, and which one caused you the most
difficulties, and what did you do about it?

310. Problem solving What problems did you encounter in your last job, Linda
which one frustrated you the most, and what did
you do about it?

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No Category Question Interviewer

311. Problem solving What’s the biggest problem you’ve had to RoseMarie

312. Salary & benefits Explain how your salary has changed over the last Lee
few years.

313. Salary & benefits How important is money to you? Jo/Lee/Top 100

314. Salary & benefits How much do you expect if we offer you this Jo

315. Salary & benefits How much salary are you looking for? Bona/Top 100

316. Salary & benefits How much salary would you expect if we offered Christine
you this position?

317. Salary & benefits How much were you earning in your last job? Jose

318. Salary & benefits Was your last salary an adequate reflection of your Bona

319. Salary & benefits What did you earn in your last job? Lee

320. Salary & benefits What do you think is your market value? Jose

321. Salary & benefits What kind of salary and benefits package are you Top 25
looking for?

322. Salary & benefits What kind of salary are you expecting? Christine

323. Salary & benefits What kind of salary are you worth? Alan

324. Salary & benefits What level of salary are you looking for now? Michael

325. Salary & benefits What’s your current salary? RoseMarie/Top

100/Top 25

326. Skills/ your personality Are you an innovative sort of person? Michael

327. Skills Are you computer literate? Jo

328. Skills/ your work How do you use computers in your current job? Top 100

329. Skills How would you rate your communication skills? Christine/Top

330. Skills/ your personality/ What are your strengths and weaknesses? Top 100
your work

331. Skills What are your three major skills? Lee

332. Skills What skill would you most like to have now that Linda
you don’t already possess?

333. Skills/ the job What skills are essential for success in this job? Top 100

334. Skills What skills do you think you will develop in this Michael/Top
job? 100

335. Skills/ your What will your referees say about you? Linda
personality/ your work

336. Skills What would you like to be better at doing? Michael/Top


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No Category Question Interviewer

337. Skills Which of your skills would you most like to RoseMarie

338. Teamwork Are you usually accepted into a team quickly? Alan

339. Teamwork Do you prefer to work in a team or on your own? Top 100

340. Teamwork Do you work well with others, or are you really a Michael
bit of a loner?

341. Teamwork How did you get on with the people in your last Michael

342. Teamwork How do you get on with your current colleagues? Linda

343. Teamwork/management How do you get on with your current manager? Alan
& leadership

344. Teamwork How do you go about forming relationships when Michael

you’re “new on the job”?

345. Teamwork How do you go about resolving conflict in a project Alan


346. Teamwork How do you manage to work with difficult types of Alan

347. Teamwork How do you react when you feel someone you work Alan
with doesn’t like you?

348. Teamwork How do you react when you see co-workers Linda

349. Teamwork How do you resolve conflict in a project team? Jo

350. Teamwork How do you work in a team? Jose

351. Teamwork How long would it be before you were making a Top 100
significant contribution to the team?

352. Teamwork How would you deal with a difficult or lazy Christine

353. Teamwork I expect you prefer to work in a team don’t you? Bona

354. Teamwork What contribution do you make to a team? RoseMarie

355. Teamwork What do you do when members of your team are Top 100
not really pulling their weight?

356. Teamwork What do you do when you think someone you work Top 100
with doesn’t like you?

357. Teamwork What kind of people do you find easiest to work Top 100

358. Teamwork What kind of people do you find it most difficult to Jose
work with?

359. Teamwork What kind of people do you like to work with? Linda

360. Teamwork What sort of contribution do you make to a team? Kyoko

361. The job Describe what you think this job is all about. Jo

Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004
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No Category Question Interviewer

362. The job / your work Do you prefer variety to your day’s work, or are Christine
you more comfortable with routine?

363. The job Give me a definition of this job. Bona

364. The job How do you see this job developing? Jose/Lee/Top

365. The job How does this job sound to you, and would you Top 25
take it if we offered it to you?

366. The job How does this job sound to you? Lee

367. The job How long will you stay in this job if we offer it to Jose

368. The job/ your work How long would it take you to make a meaningful Lee
contribution to our organization?

369. The job How long would it take you to make a significant Michael
contribution to this particular role?

370. The job How would you tackle this job? Lee/Top 100

371. The job So what do you feel you can bring to this position? Michael

372. The job Tell me what you think this job is all about. Top 100

373. The job What appeals to you about this position? Lee

374. The job What are you looking forward to most about this RoseMarie

375. The job What aspects of this job would you delegate? Alan/Bona

376. The job What attracts you about this job? Christine

377. The job What do you find least attractive about this job? Linda/Top 100

378. The job What do you find most attractive about this job? Christine

379. The job What do you think this job is all about, and how Top 25
would you go about tackling it?

380. The job What do you think you can bring to this job? Top 100

381. The job What do you want from this job? Jo/Top 100

382. The job What made you apply for this job? Jo/Top 100

383. The job/ skills / your What makes you perfect for this job? Jo/Top 100

384. The job/ your What personal qualities do you think will be RoseMarie
personality required in this job?

385. The job / your work What sort of things bore you at work? Christine

386. The job What will be your key target in this job if we Michael
appoint you?

387. The job When could you start work here? Linda

388. The job Why did you decide to apply for this position? Linda

Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004
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No Category Question Interviewer

389. The job Why do you want this job? RoseMarie

390. The job Why should we give you this job? Linda

391. The job Why should we hire you? Kyoko

392. The job Will you be able to do this job with your disability? Linda

393. The job Would you take the job if we offered it to you? Kyoko/Top 100

394. Time management Are you a 9 to 5 person? Lee

395. Time management Can you work to deadlines? Jo

396. Time management Can you work under extreme pressure? Alan

397. Time management Can you work under pressure and to strict Michael

398. Time management Can you work well under pressure? Lee

399. Time management Do you have any holiday commitments? Lee/Top 100

400. Time management How did you determine your priorities in your last Michael

401. Time management How did you organise your work in your last job? Jo

402. Time management How do you cope with multi-tasking? Bona

403. Time management How do you deal with a hectic day? Bona/Top 100

404. Time management How do you decide on your objectives? Jo

405. Time management How do you go about managing your day? Top 25

406. Time management How do you handle pressure? Christine/Top


407. Time management How do you make sure you get your work-life Christine
balance right?

408. Time management How do you manage your day? Lee

409. Time management How do you manage your time? Jose/Top 100

410. Time management How do you react when a deadline’s approaching? Alan

411. Time management How good are you at meeting deadlines? Jose

412. Time management How many hours are you prepared to work? Michael

413. Time management How often are you off sick? Bona/Top 100

414. Time management We work to very strict deadlines; do you think Linda
you’d be able to cope?

415. Time management What do you know about time management? Jo

416. Time management What kind of hours are you prepared to work? Top 100

417. Time management What kind of hours are you used to working? Alan

418. Time management What kind of hours would you like to work? Christine

Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004
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No Category Question Interviewer

419. Working conditions Are you prepared to relocate? Jo/Top 100

420. Working conditions Are you willing to travel? Lee

421. Working conditions Can you describe your ideal working environment? Christine

422. Working conditions Describe what the worst working environment Alan
would be for you.

423. Working conditions Do you prefer to work in a small or large company? Bona

424. Working conditions In what environment do you work best? Lee

425. Working conditions In what kind of work environment are you most Christine

426. Working conditions What kind of work environment do you prefer? RoseMarie

427. Working conditions What’s your ideal working environment? Top 100

428. Your personality Are you a creative kind of person? Top 100

429. Your personality Are you aggressive? Jose

430. Your personality Are you an ambitious person? Bona

431. Your personality Are you an analytical kind of person? Jo

432. Your personality Are you competitive? Christine

433. Your personality Can you act on your own initiative? Bona

434. Your personality Describe a situation where you were criticised. How Jo
did you react?

435. Your personality Describe yourself in one word. Bona

436. Your personality Do other people, like you? Jose

437. Your personality Do you have the right to work in the UK? Kyoko

438. Your personality Do you like to compete? Michael

439. Your personality Do you like yourself? Christine

440. Your personality Do you need other people around you to stimulate Alan
you, or are you self-motivated?

441. Your personality Give me an example of a time when you were Top 100/Top 25
criticised at work. How did you react?

442. Your personality Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Kyoko

443. Your personality How ambitious are you? Jo

444. Your personality How could you improve yourself? Bona

445. Your personality How do you cope with stress? Alan

446. Your personality How do you cope without motivation? Jose

447. Your personality How do you handle criticism? Jose

448. Your personality/ your How do you operate under stress? Bona

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No Category Question Interviewer

449. Your personality Have you changed in the last few years? Bona

450. Your personality / your How important is a sense of humour in your work? Christine

451. Your personality/ How well do you respond to being told what to do? Linda/Top 100
management &

452. Your personality How would an enemy describe you? Jo

453. Your personality How would other people describe you? Lee

454. Your personality How would you describe your personality? Jose

455. Your personality How would you describe yourself? Jo

456. Your personality How would your friends describe you? Jose

457. Your personality/ If I spoke to your current boss, what would they Linda
skills/ your work say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

458. Your personality Name a person you admire and explain why. Bona

459. Your personality Ok, so tell me a bit about yourself. Top 25

460. Your personality/ your So, to sum up, what would you say are your Top 25
work strengths and weaknesses?

461. Your personality Tell me about a situation where you had to be Lee

462. Your personality Tell me about a time when you had to be extra Bona

463. Your personality Tell me something about yourself that you’ve never Christine
told anyone else.

464. Your personality/ the What are the personal characteristics and qualities Alan
job you will bring to this role?

465. Your personality What are your main sources of motivation? Kyoko

466. Your personality/ your What are your strengths? Bona/Jo


467. Your personality/ your What are your strong points? Jose

468. Your personality/ your What are your weak points? Christine

469. Your personality/ your What do other people see as your faults? Jose

470. Your personality/ What do the people who work for you think of you? RoseMarie
management &

471. Your personality/ your What do you dislike doing? Bona


472. Your personality What kind of person are you? Michael

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No Category Question Interviewer

473. Your personality / your What kind of things do you feel most confident Linda
work about doing?

474. Your personality What makes you “tick”? Jose

475. Your personality What makes you put in your best effort? RoseMarie

476. Your personality What motivates you? Top 100

477. Your personality What sort of person are you socially? Michael

478. Your personality What sort of person are you? RoseMarie

479. Your personality / your What sort of things do you feel least confident Kyoko
work about doing?

480. Your personality What sort of things make you angry, and how do Linda
you react?

481. Your personality/ your What was the last thing that made you annoyed at Jose
work work?

482. Your personality What would your colleagues say about you? RoseMarie

483. Your personality When have people really tried your patience? RoseMarie

484. Your personality Which of your qualities could be strengthened or Kyoko


485. Your personality/ your Which personal qualities get in the way of your RoseMarie
work work?

486. Your personality Who was the last person who made you very Linda

487. Your personality Why do respect the Queen? Linda

488. Your work Are you a member of any professional groups? RoseMarie

489. Your work Are you good at your job? Christine

490. Your work Describe how you approach a project. Bona

491. Your work Do you enjoy routine tasks? Lee

492. Your work Do you like to try new things, or do you just prefer Lee
to stick to routines?

493. Your work Do you like working with figures more than words? Michael

494. Your work Do you prefer to have a job with well laid out tasks, Michael
or one where the work changes frequently?

495. Your work Given a choice in your work, what do you like to do Christine

496. Your work How do you handle change? Jo

497. Your work How do you react to change? Jose

498. Your work How do you think your previous boss would rate Christine
your work?

499. Your work How would your previous boss describe your work? Kyoko

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No Category Question Interviewer

500. Your work On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your work Lee
to you?

501. Your work On holiday, what do you miss most about your Lee

502. Your work What do you dislike doing most at work? Top 100

503. Your work What do you like and dislike about this kind of RoseMarie

504. Your work What do you like most about working? Lee

505. Your work What do you look for in a job? Michael

506. Your work What do you think will be the most important Jo
changes in your work over the next few years?

507. Your work What interests you most in your work? Kyoko

508. Your work What sort of things would you now want to do at Kyoko
work and why?

509. Your work What sort of work do you enjoy most? Jose

510. Your work What would be a typical bad day for you? Michael

511. Your work What’s the most important thing to you in a job? Kyoko

512. Your work Why did you decide to go into this kind of work? Kyoko

Teaching-you Job Interview Skills Question list © Peter Brown and Jose Ros 2004

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