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Beanbag Game (1,2,3)

Suggested Statement:
For this activity, we will toss a beanbag to one another and whoever
catches the beanbag will say an adjective to go with their name. For
example, Cool Katherine. Then they will toss the beanbag to another
person and say the name of the people before them and then their
name. For example, Cool Katherine, Awesome Amy.
Give an adjective, hometown, etc. to go with name, and then throw the
beanbag to the next person. They have to name the person the person
before them and their adjective, and then say their own, and toss the
beanbag to the next person.

Toss Game (1,2)

Rock (or other object)
Suggested Statement:
We are going to toss a small object around the circle and the person
who catches the object will say something interesting about
Have a rock or an object and toss it around the circle, whoever catches
the object, has to say something about themselves.

Goals (1,2,3)
Suggested Statement:
Lets go around the circle and introduce ourselves and share one of
our future goals.
Each person should introduce themselves and then tell the group one
of their goals (i.e. Brad wants to get a higher education).

Starburst Game (1,2,3)


color code questions
Suggested Statement:
Please take 4 starbursts, one of each color. We will go around the
circle and have you answer the questions assigned to the color.
Each person takes at least 4 starbursts (but preferably one of each
color); they must answer a question about themselves. Color-code the
questions (red-greatest talent, yellow-hobby, etc.)

Scar Game (2,3)

Suggested Statement:
Lets go around the circle and each tell a story about our favorite
Everyone tells a story about how they got their favorite scar.

Human Knot (any)

Suggested Statement:
For this activity, we will stand in a circle and grab hands with someone
that is not next to you. Our goal is to untangle this knot.
Stand in a circle. Have each person join his or her right hand with the
left hand of someone else in the circle. Untangle the knot.

Hula-Hoop Game (1,2,3)

hula hoop
Suggested Statement:
Everyone stand in a circle and hold hands. We will try and pass this
hula hoop from person to person without unlinking arms.
Stand in a circle, holding hands. Place a hula-hoop on the arm of
someone in the circle. Pass the hoop around the circle without
breaking the link.

Telephone Game (any)

Suggested Statement:
This game will aim to show how communication can sometimes be
misreading. I will whisper a phrase into one persons ear and the
phrase will be passed along from person to person through whispers.
The last person will say the phrase out loud.
Whisper a certain phrase around the circle and see how it comes out
when you get to the last person. You can relate it to communication.

Impulse (1,2,3)
Suggested Statement:
Side note: This game will be a bit hard to explain without examples.
Play a trial run and explain rules during trial run.
Group sits in a circle. (This may be a bit easier at a table, but it can be
done without one.) Each person puts his/her hands on the table, palms
down. Hands should be manipulated so that arms cross over with the
individuals sitting on either side. (If sitting without a table, place hands
on the knees of those on either side.) Someone starts the impulse
be choosing a direction and slapping the table. The impulse moves
around circle. Once everyone gets the hang of it, add in these two
signals: 1) fist down on the table means the next hand is skipped, 2) a
double slap changes the direction of the impulse. When someone
goofs or is too slow, he/she removes that hand from play. The game
continues until one person remains.

Ball of Questions (1,2,3,4)

Ball of questions
Suggested Statement:
This activity is called Ball of Questions. We will toss a ball with
questions written on it from person to person and the first question
that catches your eye is the one you will answer.

Everyone sits in a circle. One person starts tossing a ball to another

person. On the ball, prewritten questions are all over the ball making
it a Ball of Questions. The person who catches the ball reads aloud
the first question that catches their eye, then answers for everyone to

Guess Who? (2,3,4)

Suggested Statement:
On this sheet of paper, write down something about yourself. Then,
we will mix the papers up and read what was written. The group will
then guess who wrote it.
Have each eighth grader write down something about themselves,
then mix up the papers. Read aloud and have the group guess who it

Guess (2,3,4)
Suggested Statement:
On this piece of paper, write down some of your personality traits.
Then I will collect them and read them one at a time. You all, as a
group, will try and guess who it is.
Each person in the small groups writes several of his/her personality
traits. The small group leaders collect and read them, one at a time,
and the group tries to guess who it is.

Follow Me! (Any)

Suggested Statement:
For this activity, we will choose one person to leave the room. While
they are gone, we will choose one person to be the leader. The leader
will begin a movement, such as clapping, and everyone else will follow
along. Everytime the leader switches a movement, the rest of the

group will follow along. The person who left the room will try to figure
out who the leader is.
Have one person in the group leave. While they are gone, choose
someone in the group to be the group leader. When the other person
comes back, the leader will begin a movement (i.e. clapping, snapping,
head rubbing, or anything visual), and the rest of the group will follow.
Whenever the leader makes a different movement, the remainder of
the group must also do that movement. The person who left tries to
determine who the group leader is.

Rock/ Paper/ Scissors War

Suggested Statement:
For this activity, we are going to play one on one rock paper scissors.
The person who does not win the game will follow the winner around
and cheer for them as they play another person. This will continue until
one two people are left playing and everyone else is cheering on the
person they lost to.
Each student has a partner for rock/paper/scissors. After doing the war
the loser becomes the winners cheerleader. You continue this process
until there are only two students left and everyone else is cheering the
person that they lost to on.

Anonymous Facts:
Suggested Statement:
On this sheet of paper, write down three facts about yourself. Based
on what you write, the rest of the group will try to figure who it is.
Each student writes three facts about themselves on a piece a paper.
Everyone then places their paper in a pile and someone picks a paper
to read the facts. The person then tries to figure out whose paper it is
by the facts given.

Two Truths and A Lie


Suggested Statement:
We will go around the circle and each of us will say three things about
ourselves. Two of them will be true and one will be a lie. The rest of the
group will try to guess which one of the three is the lie.
Each student will say three things about themselves. Two of those will
be true and one will be a lie. The group will then try to figure out which
one is the lie.

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