Youth Impact April 2010

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A monthly publication by MGOCSM Sarita Vihar Parish

Rev. Fr. Thomas John Mavelil

Dr. Wills Thomas

Saino Wilson


Bibin Varghese
Anish Thomas
Dennis Daniel


Winnie Thomas
Jinu Varghese
Anusha Thomas
Annie Joseph
Humble Varghese

Robin Raju

Sibin Mathew Johny
Honey Varghese
Koshy Varhese

Email id:

St. Thomas Orthodox Church
Pocket D, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76

Cover page picture source: 2


Table of contents
• Editor Speaks
• Major Church events
• Reading Easter in a Resurgent India – By Abu Mathen
• Reunion in Galilee – By Jinu Varghese
• Is Easter just about Abstinence? – By Maria Wills Thomas
• When I say, "I am a Christian” – By Saino Wilson
• Easter – By Sibin Mathew Johny


Editor Speaks

Lent has almost come to an end and what most of us now eagerly wait
for is the Easter Feaster session which sure does comes after a long
wait. All the vices which we give up during the Lent come back with a
vengeance. We seem to run after the very same things which we abhor
during the lent period. Control and self discipline seem to take a back
seat and what follows is a dramatic session of gluttony and self

I am sure this is not the transformation that God was expecting in us

following the lent.

This months Youth Impact tries to dwell on the aforementioned

scenario which all of us come across in our Christian lives.

By Dr. Wills Thomas


Major church events in the month of
2nd March 2010

Consecration of the Metropolitans on September 23

KOTTAYAM: The Holy Episcopal Synod of Malankara Orthodox Church

approved the election of seven candidates to episcopacy at the Malankara
Syrian Christian Association met on February 17 at Sasthamkotta. The Holy
Synod met at the Catholicate Palace Hall, Devalokam and HH the Catholicos
presided over sessions. Sittings of the Holy Synod stretched from February
18th through 26.

Fr. Dr. John Mathews, Fr. V. M. James, Fr. Dr. Nathaniel Ramban, Fr.
Yoohanon Ramban, Fr. Dr. Sabu Kuriakose, Fr. Dr. George Pulikottil and Fr.
Dr. V. M. Abraham are the seven Metropolitan-elects.Out of these seven five
are priests and they will be professed as Remban on April 15th, 2010 at
Parumala St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Orthodox Church. They will be
consecrated as bishops on Thursday, September 23, 2010. Venue for the
consecration will be announced later. Holy Episcopal Synod Secretary Dr.
Mathews Mar Severios presented minutes. Youhanon Mar Milithos, Zachariah
Mar Nicholavos, Alexios Mar Eusebius and Dr. Youhanon Mar Dioscoros led
the daily retreats.

In order to form a ‘social service strategy’ for the Church a committee was
formed with Youhanon Mar Chrisostomos as Chairman. ‘Department of
Human Resource Development’ will be reconstituted as ‘Ministry of Human
Empowerment’ and the new Ministry will begin a ‘Family Centre and an
Employment Portal’ to cater to the various needs of faithful.

The Holy Synod decided to celebrate ‘World Ecological Day’, June 5th and
decided further to organize a range of ecological awareness programs. It was
further decided that in 2012, when the Church celebrates ‘Centenary of
Catholicate’ and ‘1960 years of Christianity in India’ an International
Symposium will be organized, in which all Oriental Orthodox Churches shall

From now on Visitor Bishop for the Christusishya Ashram, Thadagam, will be
Dr. Zachariah Mar Theophilos.

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 2nd, 2010



2nd March 2010
Second Commemorative Feast of Mar Makarios

KOTTAYAM: Second remembrance of Metropolitan Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios

was observed at the Catholicate Chapel, Devalokam, where the bishop was
laid to eternal rest. The Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Didymos I was the
chief celebrant. Youhanon Mar Polycarpos celebrated Holy Qurbana.
Metropolitan Dr. Thomas Mar Athanasios made the remembrance speech. On
the eve of remembrance, bishop elect Youhanon Remban gave leadership for
evening prayer and procession.

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 2nd, 2010.


5th March 2010

Metropolitan-Elects: Consecration Pre-poned

KOTTAYAM: Consecration of Metropolitan-Elects is likely to be on

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at Kottayam, Mar Elia Cathedral, IOH has learned
from dependable sources. Fr. Dr. Nathanael Remban and Fr. Youhanon
Remban are among the seven Metropolitan-Elects and the rest five priests,
namely, Fr. Dr. John Mathews, Fr. V.M. James, Fr. Dr. Sabu Kuriakose, Fr. Dr.
George Pulikkottil and Fr. Dr. V.M. Abraham, would be professed as Rembans
likely on March 21 at Parumala Seminary. According to the proposal of Holy
Synod, these dates were April 15th and September 23, 2010. September 23
was, however, declared as Panchayat Election in Kerala and therefore, there
arouse a need for change for the date of consecration. It was in these
circumstances that the Catholicos has decided to pre-pone the dates to make
it more convenient, assumes IOH. Preparation for the five priests ahead of
their profession as Rembans is planned at Kottayam, Njaliyakuzhy Dayara.

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 5th, 2010.



8th March 2010

Georgian Pilgrim Centre Opened in Bangalore

BANGALORE: St George Orthodox Church, Indiranagar was proclaimed as

Georgian Pilgrim Centre on Sunday March 7 by Metropolitan Abraham Mar
Epiphanios,as per the holy edict of the Catholicos Baselius Mar Thoma
Didiymus I, Supreme Head of the Indian Orthodox Church.

The edict was proclaimed after the Holy Trimass. The edict also elucidates
grounds for the elevation through this decree. The congregation heartily
welcomed this decree and praised the Lord for the patron saint St George for
the favours.In his message at the public function held thereafter, Metropolitan
reiterated that irrespective of religion, it is important to know that God
understands your need when you approach God in prayer. When one is close
to God, he understands your every need without having to express it.

Sri N A Harris, MLA, Shantinagar, Bangalore, C M Philipose Cor Episcopa

Remban, Fr Jacob Mathew, Fr Shiju, Fr Saji Daniel, Col. K C George, Fr V P
Idichandy, Thomas Tharakan and Dr. Lalitha Oommen spoke on the occasion.
Sri Harris articulated on the Bishops’ quote of Jesus Christ’s teaching “Love
Thy Neighbour” and advocated to expand its horizon across communities by
treating each other as human beings and being patriotic in the service of our
nation. Sri Harris spoke in English, then in Malayalam and then translated
some of the points highlighted by the Bishop in Kannada for the benefit of the
Kannada speaking community in the audience.Sri Harris was accompanied by
many social workers & trustees of temples, mosques, churches of various
denominations from all over Bangalore. All were welcomed by presenting
bouquets to each one by the small children from the church sunday school.

Cor Episcopos Philipose Remban in his presidential address reminded that all
of the struggles in the establishment of the new church and was ecstatic of the
elevation of the church he commandeered to build. Prayers will be held in front
of the Cross Tower every Wednesday evening” informed Fr Saji Daniel, the

Written By: Biji Kurian John on Mar 8th, 2010


• 7


11th March 2010

OCYM Dubai Unit Handed Over Haiti Aid

DUBAI: It was a day of immense fulfillment for the members of St. Thomas
Orthodox Cathedral Youth Movement – Dubai (OCYM), when the materials
collected by them for the relief of Haiti Earth Quake victims were handed over
to Red Crescent , Dubai in a touching ceremony held at the St. Thomas Indian
Orthodox Cathedral on Friday,5th March 2010. With the permission of Ministry
of Islamic Affairs through Red Crescent Dubai, OCYM collected large quantity
of new ready made apparels, medicines and food stuff from the members and
their well wishers to help the victims of earthquake which struck Haiti on 12
January 2010.The Collected materials cost Indian Currency approximatly 30
Lacs were sorted, listed and packed by the members and families of OCYM
who voluntarily worked day and night and were handed over to the Head of
Red Crescent Society, Dubai , Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Alhaj Al Zarooni by
Fr. Biju P Thomas, the Unit President and Vicar of St. Thomas Orthodox
Cathedral,Dubai. Robinson Panicker, the Trustee of the Cathedral handed
over members contribution cheque (Rs.5 Lacs). Asst Vicar Fr. Pathose Joy,
Vicar of Jabel Ali Congregation, Fr. Aju Abraham., OCYM Vice President,
John P Geroge, Cathredral Secretary Marydasan Thomas, OCYM Secretary
Manoj Thomas and Mohammed Kamal from the Red Crescent Society were
present on the occasion. General Convener Abi Paulose welcomed the guests
and OCYM Tresurer Binny Mathew proposed the vote of thanks. Managing
Committee members, Members of Martha Marium Samajam, MGOCSM,
Sunday School, and other members of the participated in the function.

Written By: Manoj Thomas on March 11th 2010



18th March 2010

Marthomma VI Award to Mar Osthathios

CHENGANNUR: First Marthomma VI award will be conferred to the senior

Metropolitan Dr. Geevarghese Mar Osthathios. This award was instituted by
the St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, Puthenkavu on the bicentennial of the
death of Marthomma VI, who is other wise famed as Mar Dionesius the
Great. The award will be presented at a function on April 21, 2010 at
Puthenkavu Cathedral. The award includes Rs. 10001.00 and a felicitation

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 18th, 2010


18th March 2010

Metropolitan Elects Proceed to Parumala Seminary on Friday

KOTTAYAM: Having received blessings from retreat fathers Metropolitan

Elects return tomorrow to Parumala Seminary from Mar Baselius Dayara,
Njaliyakuzhi. Metropolitan Elects received the goodwill from their retreat
fathers with commitment and assurance to uphold the tradition and heritage
of the Malankara Orthodox Church, which she inherited from St. Thomas, the

Metropolitan Elects reached Catholicate Palace, Devalokam on Thursday,

March 11th, and called on the Catholicos to procure apostolic blessings.
After evening prayers at the Aramana Chapel, the Catholicos bestowed the
Metropolitan Elects with the preliminary session of retreat.

Absence of love is the biggest crisis that the society faces today. This crisis
can be overcome with love alone. Presumptuousness is reflection of evil.
Love sustains only when ego fades away. “Metropolitan Elects shall become
carriers of love and this is the advice that I have to give to you”, the
Catholicos said.



“Saint Gregorios of Paraumala was able to open the gates of heaven through
prayer, fasting and meditation. May Parumala Thirumeni be your role model
in your endeavor to achieve this goal”, the Catholicos exhorted the
Metropolitan Elects, who are about to enter into the highest orders of
ecclesiastical authority. Catholicos Elect Paulos Mar Milithios and Secretary
to the Holy Episcopal Synod Dr. Mathews Mar Severios have also attended
evening prayers along with the Catholicos to bless the Metropolitan Elects.

On Friday, March 12th, the Metropolitan Elects reached Njaliyakuzhi Dayara

to carry on with the first phase of mediation prior to their receiving of
apostolic succession. Catholicos Elect Paulos Mar Milithios and Dr. Mathews
Mar Severios were also there to receive the Metropolitan Elects at

On the following days Metropolitan of Kottayam, Geevarghese Mar Ivanios

led meditations for the Metropolitan Elects. “Creator and the creation
intermingle neatly at the Dayara and hearing from a great retreat father like
Mar Ivanios has paved ways to know the profundity of truths of the faith of
our Church. This will surely help to lay a stronger foundation to lead the
Church into the 21st Century. This was a time for us to learn from silence as
well”, reflected the Metropolitan Elects in one accord. There were prayers for
seven hours of a day at their stipulated times.

On Friday, March 19th, Dr. Mathews Mar Severios Metropolitan will lead
deliberation on principles to be followed at sacred proceedings and services.
Tomorrow Metropolitan Elects will attend evening prayers at Parumala
Seminary and on Sunday, the priests among the elects will receive
profession of Remban from the Catholicos at the same venue.

Written By: B.J. Mathews, George Thazhakara on Mar 18th, 2010




20th March 2010

Priest Metropolitan Elects: The Stage Set for Profession of


PARUMALA: By 10 am local time tomorrow, the priest Metropolitan Elects

will have their Profession of Rambans upon them. A full fledged ascetic is a
ramban in the Orthodox Syrian tradition. From the third Century onwards,
Orthodox Church consecrates only monks to the High-Priesthood and even
today that tradition carries on. Fr. Dr. John Mathews, Fr. V.M. James, Fr. Dr.
Sabu Kuriakose, Fr. Dr. George Pulikkottil and Fr. V.M. Abraham are the five
priest Metropolitan Elects, who are entering into the monastic orders

“Preparations are over for the profession of ramban”, informed Manager,

Parumala Seminary, Fr. Youhanon Ramban. The Catholicos has already
reached Parumala and His Holiness has donned today the monastic
vestments to the five priest Metropolitan Elects, after compline, the prayer for
bed time or soothoro. Over 4000 people are expected to witness the historic
moment tomorrow.

Catholicos Elect Paulos Mar Milithios, Kuriakose Mar Clemis, Zacharia Mar
Anthonios, Dr. Mathews Mar Severios, Abraham Mar Epiphanios and Dr.
Mathews Mar Thimotheos will attend the services.

When a priest becomes ramban, he has to put on the schema (masnaphsa)

upon his priestly cap and this is done after tonsuring. This symbolizes that he
has renounced the world completely and is embracing the yoke of
asceticism. The schema, therefore, does not contribute towards high priestly
vestments, but only means that the person, who wears it, is a monk. Any
one, who wishes to enter into monastic orders and wishes to take the vow of
asceticism remaining unmarried, can be a ramban. LL Catholicos Baselius
Augen I was a ramban deacon. There are various arrays among rambans
too, namely, ramban layman, ramban deacon, ramban priest, and ramban
chor-episcopos. A bishop is always a ramban episcopos or ramban

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 20th, 2010




22nd March 2010

A Three Year Faith-Study-Action Plan for the Church : Catholicos

Parumala: The Church will implement a three year action plan to equip the
faithful to overcome challenges that affect humanity like environmental
issues, family disintegration, aberration in faith, and terrorism, said the
Catholicos. He was talking to the multitude of faithful after inaugurating the
Catholicate Day celebrations for the year 2010 at Parumala.

This action plan will be implemented at parish level in the coming three
years, confirmed the Supreme Head of the Malankara Church. The
Malankara Church shall be ready to accept new challenges as an
independent national Church, when the Centenary of the Catholicate and
1960th anniversary of the establishment of Christianity in India are
celebrated. The three year faith-study-action plan shall contribute to the
above said goal, continued the Pontiff. Catholicos Elect Paulose Mar
Milithios hoisted the Catholicate flag before the meeting.

Written By: B.J. Mathews on Mar 22nd, 2010




Reading Easter in a Resurgent India
In the Christian tradition, Easter is unarguably the most
important religious festival. It is the crucifixion and resurrection
of Jesus Christ that makes the Christian story special - the
Son of God gives up his own life in order to atone for the sins
of the human race. In his resurrection, He gives believers a
new life and a new hope for the future. The story of Easter
defines us as Christians, but can we define our world better
through this story? Reading Easter in a resurgent India asks
us to be mindful of the deep symbols that it holds for us. I want
to look at two symbols of the Easter story briefly and attempt to
tie them together with the messages they tell us about the
state of our world today.

Divine Power: The Symbolism of the Empty Tomb

All the four Gospels mention the visit of the women of Galilee
to the tomb of Christ on the Sunday after the crucifixion, in
order to anoint him with the spices they had prepared.
However, they find the stone of the tomb rolled away and the
tomb empty, and are told by angels that Jesus has indeed
risen (the Gospel of John has a slightly different version). The
discovery of the empty tomb is the first proof that Jesus has
transcended his death, and demonstrates God’s power beyond
doubt. The empty tomb tells us that often we expect a certain
sequence of events but rarely give credence to the possibility
of God’s work. The women who went to the tomb had been
told of the resurrection, but they neither remembered nor
expected it. The empty tomb also reminds us that despite the
mortality of our own lives, through divine power, we can enter
the kingdom of heaven. In a world caught up with its own self-
importance, in a country that is perceived to be an emerging
power, we often forget that things can often go awfully wrong if
we fail to take into account God’s will.



Hope: The Symbolism of the Empty Cross

In the Orthodox tradition, the Cross is always depicted as

empty. Although the crucifixion is important for the supreme
sacrifice of the Son of God, the empty cross symbolizes the
resurrection and the hope for the second coming when all
people will be saved. The symbolism is a powerful one
because in a country and a world deeply divided by conflict,
strife and all kinds of misery, the empty cross offers the
possibility of improving our conditions. But the absence of
Christ on the cross also symbolizes the presence of the Holy
Spirit, among us, ever present.

In both these depictions, ‘emptiness’ remains important,

perhaps the most powerful message of all. All mystical
traditions emphasize the importance of ‘emptying ourselves,’ -
removing the identity of the self so that it may be replaced with
God. Our preparation for Easter is in effect a version of this -
prayer, fasting and the observation of the Lent is an abdication
of the narrow, egotist self so that it may be replaced by a
higher power.

Written by: Abu Mathen George



Reunion in Galilee

The angel at the empty tomb announced to the woman that the
crucified Jesus has risen from the dead and is going ahead of
you into Galilee. The risen Lord Himself told the women on
their way home, “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee;
there they will see Me.

Galilee–what memories it held for Jesus and His disciples.

There, in Nazareth, He grew up. There, on the shore of the
Sea of Galilee, He found his first disciples. There, He opened
His preaching and healing ministry, and there, in Cana, He
performed His first miracle. Galilee asked “Who is this?” the
reply was, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in
Galilee”. Pontius Pilate on learning that Jesus was a Galilean
sent Him to Herod for judgement.

It is not surprising that the risen Lord sought a get-together

with his disciples. It was a familiar territory. The mountaintop to
which Jesus had directed them was undoubtedly a locale
where He had previously met with His disciples. The well-
known scene would help identify the risen Saviour as indeed
the Jesus of Galilee.

The Galilee where Jesus Christ meets us today is His Word, in

the Holy Bible. This word bears the witness that Jesus was
delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for
our justification. And His message to us is this, “If you hold to
my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know
the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).

Written By: Jinu Varghese



Is Easter just about Abstinence?
Lent time, to most of us is a time of abstinence from various food and
drinks. However, is lent time just about abstaining ourselves from our
favorite food and drink or is it much more than that...?

Mathew Ch. 15 Verse 11. says that “What goes into a man's mouth
does not make him 'unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth that is
what makes him 'unclean’.” The aforementioned verse clearly highlights
the predicament, which is highlighted in the above paragraph. The
nuance of the above verse is that our inner self should be reformed
before following any ritual; our focus should be on the way we speak or
behave otherwise all our efforts to purify ourselves would be in vain.

Most importantly lent time is the time of reformation; it is the time when
we should try to make changes in our character and our lives. For once
we can stop being overly critical and judgmental about others. We
should try to accept people as they are, as Jesus did. He never kept
any criterion to be friendly with anyone. He loved and mingled with
everyone whatever his or her background was.

We are all normal human beings and it is very difficult for us to control
our temper at all times, it is natural for us to get irritated and angry. Still
we can try our level best during this lent time to control our emotions.
There is an old trick, which my grandma used to say especially during
lent time to keep our temper at bay, each time you feel angry just think
about the suffering of Christ at the Calvary…think about the ordeal he
went through it would help you control your anger.

Hence, let us make a difference in our life this lent time and spread the
message of love, compassion and care instead of concentrating on
trying to be pseudo-saints.

Written By: Maria Wills Thomas



When I say, "I am a Christian”

When I say, "I am a Christian"

I'm not shouting, "I’ve been saved!"
I'm whispering, "I got lost!
That's why I chose this way".
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I don't speak with human pride
I'm confessing that I stumble -
Needing God to be my guide
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong
I'm professing that I'm weak
And pray for strength to carry on.
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success
I'm admitting that I've failed
And cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I don't think I know it all
I submit to my confusion
Asking humbly to be taught.




When I say, "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect
My flaws are all too visible
But God believes I'm worth it.
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartache,
Which is why I seek His name.
When I say, "I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge
I have no authority...
I only know I'm loved
God loves you just the way you are, but he refuses to leave you
that way..
Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen..!

Written By: Saino Wilson




Even though Christ gave his life,

An Ugliness still stalks the earth;
So we must cherish his rebirth
Through beauty between man and wife
Each soul must replicate the dove;
Redemption feels like our love.
The tomb of Christ is but the bed
He rested on three days.
Easter morn he rose again,

The flower of our spring.

On him, arisen from the dead,
Must we, though flesh decays,
Bestow our faith that when we die

Our souls, like his, shall not long lie

Forsaken in our tomb.

Christ shall, with deep affection, when

He sees our soul’s affliction then
Redeem us with his pain.
In his eternal suffering
Shall we find grace enough to bring
The seed of faith to bloom.

By Sibin Mathew Johny



Email id:
St. Thomas Orthodox Church
Pocket D, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76 20


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