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Blue LED:

The blue LED forms the long-awaited third in the set (red, green were already produced) of coloured LEDs that can together produce white light, in a way that is environmentfriendly and energy-efficient. The blue LED can also be made to excite a phosphor into emitting red and green lights, with the mixture yielding white light.
LEDs basically consist of a junction of p-type (electron deficient or hole rich) and n-type (electron rich) semiconductors. When a voltage is applied across this junction, the
holes and electrons flow across the junction and recombine, in the process, releasing light.
They do not use mercury or any such gas as is used in the fluorescent light. This makes them environment friendly.
They do not require a filament to get heated and glow to shed light unlike the case of the tungsten light bulb.
In contrast to the incandescent bulbs and fluorescent lamps, the LEDS directly convert electricity to light particles.
As a result, there is greater efficiency; in the other two cases, a great part of the electricity gets converted to heat.
In the 1950s, the material that was commonly used to produce LEDs was Gallium Phosphide (GaP) with dopants (added impurities) like Zn-O or N. These gave out red and
green light.for blue light it was double heterojunction consisting of a combination of Indium- and Aluminium-doped Gallium nitride (InGaN/AlGaN)

How many Sumatran Tigers left? According to WWF, Sumatran Tigers are an critically endangered species with less than 400 wild tigers remaining in the Indonesian island of
Sumatra. They are the smallest surviving tiger subspecies. With dangers of poaching and deforestation, experts fear that it faces threats of extinction like the Javan and
Balinese tigers.

Meghalaya Rivers Turn Blue Due To Acid Flow

The colour of Lukha river in East Jaintia Hills district and Myntdu river in West Jaintia Hills district has changed to a bright sky blue, "an annual occurence at this time of the year", according
to locals.

The Meghalaya State Pollution Control Board in its 2012 report blamed "mine run-off" and acid effluents from coal mines as the main causes of water pollution in the area.

MSPCB member secretary J.H. Nengnong said the Board would be deputing officials to collect water samples from the affected rivers for conducting various tests.

Delhi-based Central Laboratory of Central Pollution Control Board said due to its "high acid" content the water was unfit for human consumption.

Prominent environmentalist from the area H.H. Mohrmen demanded thorough and independent tests to be conducted to find out the actual reason.

"In most parts of the rivers, we could find fine dust-like particles at the bottom of the rivers," he said pointing out that the fly ash released from cement factories located a few kilometers from the
water bodies could be one of the probable reasons.

In the past years, scores of dead fish were seen floating in the river, but local people said no dead fish were detected this year.

The Lukha river originating from Narpuh Wildlife Sanctuary area was found to have changed its colour on meeting with the Lunar river at Khatdung. The latter originates from Myndihati and
Lumshnong areas known for heavy extraction of coal and limestones respectively.

Local anglers who frequented the rivers in eastern Meghalaya said that another river Myntdu also started to change its colour.

The Meghalaya Electricity Corporation Ltd (MeECL) which has a "run-of-the-river power" base at Leshka confluence has also reported that high acidic content of the water in the river is corroding
machinery parts.

With mining and transportation of coal banned since April by the National Green Tribunal, the coal lying in depots across the two districts is a concern.


Channapatna, in the outskirts of Bengaluru, is synonymous

with colourful wooden toys and dolls as well as lacquerware. The
traditional craft of making toys, for which Channapatna has
become world-famous, comes alive in Karnatakas tableau
displaying the rich and attractive array of toys.


Held a week before Holi in the pleasant spring season in areas

predominantly inhabited by Bhil tribe the Bhagoria Haat or Bhagoria
Bhagoria: Festival affords the young boys and girls an opportunity to choose their life
The Festival mates. At the festival disputes are also resolved by Panchayat through
Madhya of Love and
conciliation, get-togethers are held and festival purchasing is also made.
Pradesh Matchmaking
However, of late Bhagoria has become synonymous with match-making.
The members of Bhil and Bhilala tribes participate in the festival with great
enthusiasm. Held in tribal areas of Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh the
Bhagoria festival has now become globally famous.


Majuli is the worlds largest inhabited reverine island and the seat of
vaishnavite culture, promulgated by Vaishnava saint Srimanta Sankardeva
and his chief disciple Sri Sri Madhavdeva. It is embraced within the two
Incredible arms of the mighty Brahmaputra and flaunts unparalleled scenic beauty.
Majuli is also enriched by the vibrant and the multicoloured culture of its
ethnic inhabitants belonging to Mising, Deori, Sonowal kachari

The island is formed by the Brahmaputra river in the south and the Kherkutia Xuti, an anabranch of the Brahmaputra, joined by the Subansiri River in the north.


Maluti Temples

Maluti, located in the

interiors of the jungles and
hilly tracts of Santhal
Pargana of Jharkhand 55
kms from Dumka District
headquarters, is famous for
architecturally splendid
terracotta temples
representing fusion of
various cults and beliefs.
The village is noted for a
large number of temples,
originally 108 of which 72
are standing. Its
uniqueness lies in the fact
that it displays a synthesis
of three great currents of
Indian religious traditions Shakti, Shaiva and
Buddhist ways of realising
the Absolute all three being
syncretised in the presiding
goddess Devi Mauliksha in
the 17 century AD

Large Cardamom


Large Cardamom (Amonum subulatum Roxb) a

member of the crop cultivated in the sub-Himalayan
state of Sikkim is one of the main cash crops cultivated
in Sikkim and Sikkim is the largest producer constituting
a lion share of Indian and world market. It is purely an
organic crop cultivated in Sikkim.
The large Cardamom plant is a perennial herb with
subterranean rhizomes with leafy shoots. Generally, 30
to 40 flowers are observed in a spike. Large-Cardamom
is cultivated in an area of about 23,082 hectares in
Sikkim with yielding area of 17,406 hectares.



Here comes the Bonaalu Tableau, the newly born

state of Telangana with Mahankali, the divine mother
goddess of the region. The 29th state of India formed
on 2nd June, 2014. This region is instantly recognized
with its world famous Capital city of Hyderabad, a
cosmopolitan city with right mixture of modernity and
age old customs and traditions. If you start strolling in
the streets of Hyderabad at any given time, the next
moment you would be drenched in the glory of 400

years of its momentous changes.

Bonaalu is the illustrious festival of the state,
particularly at Hyderabad celebrate to worship
Mahankali Goddess in the month of Ashada, which
normally falls in July / August.






Sultanpur Bird Santuary


Igu Dance
(Priest Dance)

Sultanpur National Park is a bird

paradise for bird watchers. Park is
famous for its migratory as well as
resident birds. Migratory species
reach here after covering incredible
distance, since their home land in
Europe, Siberia and Central Asia
becomes inhabitable due to cold
temperature, snow covered ground
and frozen lakes. Migratory birds
start arriving in the park in
September. Birds use park as a
resting place till the following MarchApril. During summer and monsoon
months park is inhabited by many
local bird species

Igu dance, meaning dance of the Priest, of the Idu Mishmi Tribe of
Arunachal Pradesh is a unique ritual dance.
Igu dance is performed on various occasions such as Reh festival different
ritual acts etc with an aim of appeasing various spirits for family and social wellbeing and prosperity.

Banjara (Lambani) people celebrate Teej festival in a grand scale and even in 21st century, they continue to give lot of importance to Teej festival. The festival, which is
celebrated during Sharavan month (August), is generally considered as a festival of unmarried girls who pray for better groom.

The opening ceremony saw Dance performances by the tribal artists from four States. The dances were by Kutia Kondh, Dhemsa and
Munda Tribes from Odisha be followed by Dobru and Flute Instrument performance from Gujrat, dance-Toda and Kaniyan from Tamil Nadu
and Pandvani gayan and Gond style Karma dance from Madhya Pradesh.
Reang or Riang are one of the 21 scheduled tribes of the Indian state of Tripura. The correct nomenclature for this ethnic group is actually Bru although the
name reang was accidentally incorporated by the Indian government during a census count

India Indonesia Joint Exercise Terminates

Exercise GARUDA SHAKTI-III, the 3rd exercise in the on going series of joint exercises between armies of India and Indonesia,
was conducted at Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare School in Vairengte, Mizoram from 09 to 21 Feb 15.
The exercise aimed at building and promoting positive military to military relations between the armies of the two nations.
The Eighth India-Nepal Battalion level Combined Military Training named Exercise Surya Kiran-VIII

In people with normal vision, the eyeball grows along with the rest of the body and is programmed to stop growing at a point that sustains clear vision and in people with
myopia, the typically spherical eyeball becomes elongated , resembling the shape of a grape or an olive.

An atomic clock is a clock device that uses an electronic transition frequency in the microwave, optical, or ultraviolet region[2] of theelectromagnetic spectrum of atoms as
a frequency standard for its timekeeping element. Atomic clocks are the most accurate timeand frequency standards known, and are used as primary standards for
international time distribution services, to control the wave frequency of television broadcasts, and in global navigation satellite systems such as GPS.
The principle of operation of an atomic clock is not based on nuclear physics, but rather on atomic physics; it uses the microwavesignal that electrons in atoms emit when they
change energy levels. Early atomic clocks were based on masers at room temperature

Pollution, loss of habitat, destructive fishing and sand extraction have all taken a toll on one of the most iconic and highly-prized freshwater fish found in the Cauvery river
basin in Karnataka. All these factors restrict the ability of the fish to migrate to their spawning grounds.
The giant Humpback Mahseer is on the verge of extinction, according to astudy conducted by researchers from the UK-based Bournemouth University and St Alberts College
in Kochi, Kerala.
In the paper, published in the journal, critically Endangered Species Research, the authors have pointed out a sharp decline in the fish population.
Biodiversity and fish population
The Western Ghats region is famous for freshwater biodiversity. Mahseer, belonging to the genus Tor, is considered a prized sports fish of great cultural value.
In the Cauvery, the Mahseer community comprises two varietiesa blue-finned fish and an orange-finned, hump-backed one.
While it is not clear whether these are distinct species or two different phenotypes (observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism), evidence suggests that
the humpbacked fish is endemic to the river whereas the blue-finned variety was introduced from Maharashtra in the 1980s, the study says.
The research paper shows that the endemic Humpback Mahseer is on the brink of extinction having been replaced by non-native, blue-finned outsiders, which have been
artificially bred and introduced in the river in the name of conservation.
In river Cauvery.

Great Barrier Reef from chemical pollution..not yet listed as endangered.

Threatened forests:
Atlantic forest, South America

Heart of Borneo, Borneo island-indonesia

Cerrado, South America

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, cleared a Bill on April 29 to unlock the compensatory forestation fund of Rs 38,000 crore, the use of which is
currently being supervised by the Supreme Court. The Compensatory Afforestation Fund (CAF) Bill, 2015, will be introduced in Parliament during the current session.
The proposed law seeks to provide an institutional mechanism, both at the Centre and in the states, to ensure expeditious utilisation of the amounts realised from diversion
of forest land to non-forest purposes. As per law, the promoter of a project coming up on forest land needs to deposit an amount with the government for afforestation of nonforest land equal to the land diverted or of degraded forest land twice the area of land diverted. Besides, the project proponent also deposits a net present value of the forest
in lieu of the non-tangible benefits lost with the loss of forests. Such amounts are currently kept in nationalised banks and are being managed by an ad-hoc Compensatory
Afforestation Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA).

The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime

ICCWCs mission is to usher in a new era where the perpetrators of serious wildlife crime
and forest crime face a formidable and coordinated response.

What is ICCWC?
ICCWC is the collaborative effort of five inter-governmental organizations working to bring coordinated support to the national wildlife law enforcement agencies and to the sub-regional and
regional networks that, on a daily basis, act in defense of natural resources. The ICCWC partners are the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) Secretariat, INTERPOL, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the World Bank and the World Customs Organization.

The Doha Declaration, adopted at the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, provides a strong basis for UN member states to put an end
to the current high levels of illicit trafficking of wild fauna and flora..

Around 100 mayors from around the world met recently and adopted the Seoul Declaration during the ICLEI World Congress 2015. ICLEI (Local Governments for
Sustainability) is an international association of local governments committed towards sustainable development.
The Seoul Declaration is important as it charts out the path to urban sustainability. It underlines the serious issues that our cities are facing at present and how they can
change for a better future...

Governments of 187 UN member states have adopted a 15-year plan with targets to substantially reduce deaths and economic losses from disasters. Called the Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, it is the first major UN agreement on the post-2015 development agenda consisting of four major aims and seven targets to be met by
2030. The Sendai plan, adopted last week at the UN Conference on Disaster Risk Resduction, will replace the existing Hyogo Framework for Action (2005) that ends this

The researchers, according to the report, analysed feather samples of the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) from the Canadian Arctic and western Greenland from 1877 to 2007.
They found the bird had been exposed to mercury for decades. Scavenging on the carcasses of whales, seals and other mammals killed by predators such as polar bears
was the primary source of mercury consumption.

Kinnerasani is a rivulet in Khamam district-telangana which merges into Godavari near Bhadrachalam.

Rupakam forms a distinct genre in the theatrical aspects of Telugu literature. Though equipped with inherent room for expression and theatrical dimension, it remains
structurally dissimilar to a drama. It is this typical aspect that makes it adoptable by any group sans theatrical paraphernalia. It even does not need a rehearsal, if the
participants happen to be well-versed in literature.

Vazvoor style of Bharatanatyam

Kavyarasa, an evening of classical dance based exclusively on the Geeta Govinda

ankat Mochan Sangeet Samaroh, a festival of openness, equality and pure enjoyment, is a great model for others to follow.
The Sankat Mochan Sangeet Samaroh is the biggest annual classical music and dance festival of Banaras, and one of Indias biggest
Among a plethora of Keralas percussion instruments, the edakka is exceptional in many respects. Shaped like an hour-glass, the colourful threads that pass through its
leather-surface, four jeevakkol and 64 four podippus (cotton-balls hanging beneath the wooden frame) provide the instrument a striking appearance. Acharyas of yore have
attributed the four jeevakkol to the four Vedas and the sixty four podippus to the 64 art forms

Theyyam (Teyyam, Theyyattam or Thira) is a popular ritual form of worship of North Malabar in Kerala. The performers of Theyyam belong to the lower caste community,
and have an important position in Theyyam. They are also known as 'malayanmar'.People of these districts consider Theyyam itself as a God and they seek blessings from
this Theyyam. A similar custom is followed in the Tulu Nadu region of neighbouring Karnataka known as Bhuta Kola..
Paratava community-fisherman community from kerala.
Issai Mazhalai, a unique music-linked concept that germinated 15 years ago-from south..

The Tea Board of India is an state agency of the Government of India established to promote the cultivation, processing, and domestic trade as well as export of tea from
India. It was established by the enactment of the Tea Act in 1953 with its headquarters in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta)

A new scheme has been introduced in the Union Budget of 2014-15 for 'Development of Advanced Ultra Super-Critical (Adv-USC) Technology for Thermal Power
Plants' as an R&D Project.
The aim & objective of the scheme is to undertake R&D and other aspects of Adv-USC Technology for Thermal Power Plants in order to improve power plant
efficiency (to 45 46 %), reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and reduce coal consumption, as well as establishing a demonstration power plant of 800 MW capacity
based on the developed technology. ..

Nilgiri Wildlife and Environmental Association (NWEA) is a non-governmental organization registered in Tamil Nadu, India. Their objective is
to conserve the wildlife, habitat and natural resources of the Nilgiri Hills.[1]
NWEA conducts programs on environmental education, tree planting, bird watching, animal census, soil conservation and arrange treking parties to Mukurthi National Park.

Vulture nesting declining: researchers

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B.Ramakrishnan (centre), assistant professor of wildlife biology, Government Arts College, Udhagamandalam, with volunteers at the vulture survey in Mudumalai.

Wildlife researchers have discerned a declining trend in nesting of vultures in The Nilgiris, the only place in South India to host four of the nine vulture species found in India.
A study is under way at Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) to identify the causes.
It is being done by Department of Zoology and Wildlife Biology of the Government Arts College at Ooty in collaboration with Forest Department and Nilgiri Wildlife and
Environment Association. It is expected to be completed next year.
B. Ramakrishnan, assistant professor of the Department, who is leading the team, told The Hindu on Saturday that despite searching for three years, they have not spotted a
single nest of the King Vulture whose entire population in The Nilgiris is estimated around 20.

Viable wildlife population

The research assumes significance as The Nilgiris is among the few places in the country to have a viable wild population of vultures. As a scavenger, they consume the animal
carcasses and prevent spreading of germs and diseases to both men and animals.
Further, the research team is also conducting an enumeration of vultures jointly with the week-long wildlife census under way at MTR now. The King Vulture will only eat
carcasses of freshly killed animals and hence, it shadows the movement of larger predators such as tiger and leopard. Following these vultures will also help ascertain the
population of big cats, he said.
The last survey conducted in 2014 put the count of White Backed Vultures at 125 and Long Billed Vulture at 15. Both of these species are classified as critically endangered.
The King Vultures population is put at 20 and the Egyptian vulture, 10. These two are classified as endangered and near threatened respectively, added Prof. Ramakrishnan.
Funding proposal
The research team has also written to the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests seeking funds to find out about the nesting habits of Long Billed Vultures. They are
found only in cliffs and gorges and the team did not have the financial resources for this venture now, he said.
The major threats to vultures come from Diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug used for both animals and humans.
While its use for animals is banned as the flesh becomes toxic and fatal for vultures, it can be purchased for human use albeit only with prescription.
Its sales must be monitored to prevent it from going to farmers.

Delphic Games of the modern era involve presentations, exhibitions, competitions and other activities in six different fields of art.[1] They are inspired by the Delphic
Games ofancient Greece.

National Highway 17, commonly referred to as NH 17, is a busy National Highway in India that runs roughly northsouth along the western coast of India, parallel to western
ghats. It connects Panvel (South of Mumbai city) to Kochi in Kerala, passing through the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, and Kerala. It is the 7th longest highway in
India with a length of 1,269 km (789 mi). It has been now renumbered as NH-66.

An average Keralites diet consists of excess of proteins and carbohydrates and is short in calcium rich leafy vegetables, leading to osteoporosis and other skeletal diseases,
especially in women

Akka Mahadevi caves are located on the ranges of Nallamalai Hills,telangana.

The cave has

obtained its name, for it is believed that the

famous 12th century philosopher and lyricist from Karnataka, Akka Mahadevi did penance and offered prayers to a Shivalingam that was naturally
existant deep inside the very same cave.
The Akka Mahadevi caves are naturally formed caves and are located very near to the upstream of the river Krishna

Originating over 2000 years ago, Koodiyattam holds a unique place in Keralas rich artistic tradition.
This ancient form of Sanskrit theatre, designated by the UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and its allied art forms, including the
Chakyar Koothu and Nangiyar Koothu, were the exclusive preserve of members of the Ambalavasi community..

The mosquito-borne sickness causes pain so agonising it is also known as breakbone disease and last year saw Chinas worst outbreak in two decades, with
more than 47,000 cases, almost all in Guangdong province.
Catch one strain and you will be immune to the virus in future but if bitten by a mosquito carrying another of the strains, you are more likely to develop
severe dengue, also known as dengue haemorrhagic fever.

The Kudumbi are traditionally a Konkani-speaking farming community residing in Kerala

The Wildlife Trust of India, (WTI) is a national conservation organisation in India, committed to effective action for the protection of Indias natural heritage.
Our principal objectives include managing or preventing wildlife crises and mitigating threats to individual wild animals, their populations and habitats through
holistic strategies and practical interventions.
WTI was formed in November 1998 in response to the rapidly deteriorating condition of wildlife in India. WTI is a registered charity in India (under
Section 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961).

Todas-tribal community in nilgiri TN

Dyslexia, also known as reading disorder or alexia,[1] is a learning disability characterized by trouble reading despite a normal intelligence..

accompaniment of traditional music instruments such as Chore, Davil, Kuzhal, and Jaldra..
Some non-tribal women in Odisha have started learning tribal Saura paintings. it is not difficult for them to pick up intricacies of Saura painting because they used to draw
traditional Odia jhoti at their homes during festivals since childhood. Although said to be around 5,000 years old, Saura painting is still practiced in tribal villages in
Rayagada, Gajapati, Ganjam and Koraput districts of Odisha.
These paintings include two dimensional unique motifs of humans, horse, elephant, sun, moon. The painting form is unique as they do not differentiate between male and
female forms as in tribal community both have equal status.
ince 1982, International Dance Day or World Dance Day, is celebrated on April 29. The International Dance Council (CID), a partner NGO of UNESCO works towards the
objective to increase awareness and the importance of dance among the masses

sareesSoft Bagru mulls(rajasthan) and cottons in earthy oranges, indigo blues, yellows and mehndi green imprinted with kairi, butties, exotic nargis and chrysanthemum for day
wear. Chettinad cotton saris (Madhya Pradesh) in jewel-coloured stripes and rare checks or bold colours offset with typical woven borders. Odishas Sambalpuri ikats in
dramatic greens and blues for the evening and a range of Bengal cottons, block printed in Jaipur with unusual motifs and checks offer both day and evening wear options.
Banaras cottons bring a touch of evening glamour in sherbet coloured backgrounds woven with butties and lotus motifs, while Bengal hand woven silks with Jamdani flowers

For centuries, Santhals, spread across West Bengal, Jharkhand and Bihar, have nurtured culture and heritage. Some of the finest music and art traditions originated in this
tribe. Many Santhal instruments are becoming rare if not extinct, and are today being replaced by officially-sponsored mainstream instruments like the harmonium, tabla,
synthesiser etc. Three highlights of the exhibition are banam a bowed monochord and the only Santhal instrument to be categorised as a chordophone, tamak, a cup-shaped
drum made with an iron shell and buffalo skin, worn around the neck using a leather strap and played with two sticks and chadar badar, the communitys unique puppetry
Banam is replete with images made by craftsmen of what they saw in their daily lives and in chadar badar, a long pole acting as base, rows of beautifully carved wooden
puppets dance with the pull of a string.
However, that poses a complication as she has Oh or the Bombay Blood Group, a blood type so rare that only four in ten lakh population belong to it.

In case of an emergency such as excessive bleeding during surgery, the hospital has only Fresh Frozen Plasma but not the packed RBC (red blood cells).
Frozen Plasma will only expand the volume of blood but it is the Packed RBC that will improve haemoglobin levels, which will boost the chances of patients survival
The beating of chende-kerala and maddale-tamilnadu:-percussion instruments
Shiriya river kerala..

Jackfruit A Festival of Music For and By Children-by bhumija trust banglore

The word Sega connotes music, dance, and also dance-music. It is regarded as Mauritius' national dance, a major music genre, and one of its most popular pop-art forms.
The lively dance uses Creole language---the lingua-franca of Mauritius. The dancers, males and females, wore colourful clothes. In the performance that one saw, the
musicians were men. The traditional instruments that accompany Sega are the ravanne, the maravanne and the triangle. Sometimes, the instruments are ringed with seashells or small bells.
Sega, which is synonymous with joy and fun, had begun as the music and dance form of slaves from Africa. At the end of a hard day's work, the enslaved population would find
a brief escape from their misery by gathering around bonfires and dancing and singing, which was Sega in its early form
The event opened with rendition of Odishas provincial anthem Bande Utkala Janani

North-east cultural festival

arts, culture and entertainment
culture (general)

Eeshanya, the north-east cultural festival, was vibrantand colourful

Eeshanya was a two-day cultural festival organised by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Southern Regional Centre, an initiation towards deeper recognition of
the culture of North East India.
The second day witnessed dances from four of the seven sister states. The troupe Nyokum Ane led by Tamar Taddar presented Rekham Pada, a tribal dance from Arunachal
Pradesh. It is a Nyishi dance which is performed during the festival of Nyokum. Nyokum is defined by Nyok (land) and Kum (people). The men, Rikham Bo Pada and
women Reeyam Bo Yami, sing like the Tacha bird in this dance. They convey to their people that they will uphold peace and tranquillity in their surroundings, as informed by
IGNCAs brochure. They were clad in white and red skirts and adorned with Maji beads. The J.K. Womens Cultural group from Nagaland performed Apilo Kuwo. It is a dance
performed during the festival of Tuhini and Ahuna as explained by Shitoli, an artiste from the troupe. They performed a slow, but synchronised dance portraying the activities
in the field such as the stamping of paddy. They concluded their presentation by singing a farewell song, whose lyrics assured the audience that they would interact again.
Songs from the tribe of Temang or Temang Selo were danced to by Ujwala Kala Kendra from Sikkim. The audience learnt that Damphu, a circular percussion instrument
made of goat skin and 32 bamboo pencils is used in this form. Temang songs are light hearted and are known as Fabar Wohoi, or philosophical i.e. Tambala Wohoi. Tambala
Wohoi is sung by the Tamba, a societal leader of the Temangs. They danced Maaruni, a dance originally performed by men dressed as women during the festival
of Tihar. Maaruni was followed by Ghatu. It is performed by women who dance as the incarnation of Devi. Kalavathi Subba, head of the troupe confided that she was
apprehensive about bringing her children, the dancers, so far. But, she was glad that she did as they interacted with an audience that appreciated the north-east culture. She
also added that the volunteers of the event were very helpful during their stay in Bangalore. The volunteers were from SIMC, Bangalore.
A Manipuri ensemble presented Dasa Avatharam, the ten incarnations of Vishnu and Raas Leela, a Natwari Nritya of Krishna with his Sakhis. It was a performance of many
colours, petite movement and music that conquered the viewers mind
Folk Theatre .. Telugu people who lives in the both the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh having very rich folk Theatrical Traditions. Chindu Bhagavatham or Chindu
yakshaganam, Oggukatha, Toorpu bhagavatham, Burra katha are some of the folk forms of Telugu state..
This art Chindu Bhgavatam was being mainly catered by Madiga community of those areas. They never moved beyond this circle, for, the so called higher castes never
allowed them to present Bhagavatam shows in their areas
Kattaikkuttu is a rural theatre form practiced in the State of Tamil Nadu in South India.[1] The performers by tradition only men - sing, act and dance and the musicians
accompany them on the harmonium, the mridangam and the mukavinai.
In North India, Nautch is one of several styles of popular dance, performed by girls known as Nautch girls. Some references use the terms Nautch and Nautch girls to
describe Devadasis who used to perform ritual and religious dances in the Hindu temples of India. However, there is not much similarity between the Devadasis and the
Nautch girls. The former performed dances, mostly Indian classical dances, including the ritual dances, in the precincts of the Hindu temples to please the temple deities,
whereas the Nautch girls performed Nautches for the pleasure of men. In 1917, attributing the adjective to a woman in India would suggest her entrancing skill, tempting style
and alluring costume could mesmerize men to absolute obedience.
traditional music, known for her expertise in theKhongjom Praba[1] genre of Manipuri music..
pung cholam (Manipuri mridangam) and kartaal cholam.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an independent non-profit organization which sets a standard for sustainable fishing-london


Kallada River is a major river discharging into the Ashtamudi Lake. The Kallada river, which originates near Ponmudi from the Kulathupuzhahills Western
Ghats in Thiruvananthapuram District, is formed by the confluence of three rivers, viz., Kulathupuzha, Chenthurnipuzha, and Kalthuruthipuzha, and after traversing a distance
of about 121 km (75 mi) through virgin forests finally debouches into the Ashtamudi wetlandat Neendakara (a fishing harbour) near Kollam as it enters the Lakshadweep Sea,
part of the Arabian Sea..

WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) was founded in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society (NYZS) and currently works to conserve more than two million square
miles of wild places around the world. ngo

The Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO) is Technical Wing of the Ministry of Urban
Development, Government of India, and deals with the matters related to Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Including Solid Waste
Management in the Country

Chavittu Natakam
Chavittu Natakam is a colourful and vigorous theatre form of Kerala, popular among the Christian communities of
Thiranottam:This not-for-profit organisation started in 2007 owes its genesis to casual weekend get-togethers and animated discussions among art lovers in DubaiToorpu
Bhgavatham carries all the traits of Kuchipudi Bhamakalapam but is a folk art, practiced in and around Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram

A strong whiff of Madhya Pradesh fills Sankara Hall: vegetable-dyed Bagh saris, the rainbow colours of tribal bead jewellery and sequined Bhopal batuas. The Maheswari sari,
for instance, carried the specially-designed woven border suggested by Rani Ahalyabai and its motifs reflect the architectural feature of the Maheswari forts.
The Bagh saris softness comes from its many baths in the waters of Baghini and the Bhopal batua once contained ashrafis, to be showered on mujra artists.
A range of Chanderis, Dabu resist and Maheswari saris and yardage is on offer besides Kantha saris.
Karagattam ancient folk dance of tamilnadu.

Karagam, Kavadi and Kaliyattam, among other folk acts at 'Tamil Folk Dance',.
Kolu toys-andhra..
Pichwai paintings are a derivative of the Nathdwara painting tradition, which is part of the grand Mewar style of painting thats native to Rajasthan. They are largely wall art
used as a background to Lord Shrinath, a child manifestation of Lord Krishna..
Devagandhari and Chala Nattai-karnatic ragas
Manipurs ancient Longpi black pottery, Kashmir with embroideries such as Kantha, Ari and Kashida work from Srinagar,..
Kotpad shawl..- The Panika weavers of Kotpad and Baster in the Odisha-Chattisgarh border, claim a spiritual connect with the great 17th century poetphilosopher-weaver,

They are Kabir Panthis (followers of Kabirs philosophy) also known as Kabir Ke Julahe. In fact Panika weavers recite Kabir dohas (couplets) as they weave for the local
tribals including Murias, Gonds and Santhals, garments to be worn during rituals.
History has it that the Panika community of hereditary weavers came to the border area some hundred years ago. Gradually integrating with local tribal life, their weaves
began to reflect the myths, legends, stories and nature-centric symbolism of the tribes. The tribal garment pata or knee length drape, which they weave, is a soft, pliant fabric
and reflects the synchronisation of two cultures..

Bhagalpur tussars speak of a glorious textile heritage

For centuries, tribal communities in Bhagalpur, Bihar, have reared tussar silk worms in the forests on leaves of Asan, Arjun or Sal trees providing raw material for the uniquely
textured Bhagalpur silk saris and textiles. The saris were the mainstay of the regions economy and a great favourite in European markets during the colonial era.

The word Kalari means "threshing floor" or "battlefield" in Malayalam. Training forKalaripayattu, a martial art of Kerala is traditionally done inside
the Kalari
Katta Bommalaattam-art of wooden puppetry-TN

Ajrak is a name given to a unique form of blockprinted shawls and tiles found in Sindh, Pakistan; Kutch, Gujarat; and Barmer, Rajasthan in India
Thol Paavai is a Tamil term, referring to a puppet, made of leather. Puppeteers from Maharashtra, who migrated to Kanyakumari district during the reign of

Swati Tirunal, the musician-king of Travancore, are almost a lost clan today.
On how sacred groves are restored across the country.

The origin of the ancient sacred groves, scattered all over India, goes back to the pre-agricultural huntergatherer. As he migrated in search of food, stones were left in their
place of origin around which trees grew, becoming markers of identity and gradually assumed their identity as sacred groves, described today as a patch of forest protected in
favour and fear of God.
Known as pavitra vana in Andhra Pradesh, kovil kaadu in Tamil Nadu, deo bhumi in Uttarkhand and K law lyngdoh in Meghalaya, these ancient groves dot every State
representing a nurturing philosophy of eco-sensitivity and bio-diversity.
Looked after and maintained by local village communities, many of the groves today are intact while many degraded ones are being restored by the C.P. Ramaswamy
Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC), a Centre of Excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, set up in 1989 jointly by
the Ministry and the C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Foundation. Meghalayas ever green forests protected by menhirs representing ancestral spirits, Tamil Nadus tropical, dry
deciduous groves protected by Ayyanar horses, West Bengals thick groves and beautiful kumkum spattered Bankura horses, Rajasthans scrub tree groves full of peacocks and
Goas sacred crocodile protected evergreen forests open pathways of knowledge for the onlooker.
Strict taboos are observed in the sacred groves, according to the informative text which accompanies the visuals. No one can walk without footwear , there is no cutting of trees
or lopping off of branches, hunting and poaching are prohibited as also cattle grazing, defecation, and construction inside the grove

Dinesh Ray on lesser known music traditions of the Koch Rajbongshi community
Dinesh Ray, a researcher and collector of ancient instruments of the Koch Rajbongshi people, is a treasure house of rare knowledge, while his daughter Anindita Ray plays a
number of these instruments. She also sings and dances in performances of fading traditions such as Tukkha gaan, Jugi gaan and others.
The father and daughter, who live in Jalpaiguri in West Bengal, were in New Delhi recently along with their group to perform music and dance at a seminar on Koch
Rajbongshi History and Cultural Tradition. As his daughter demonstrates how to play the instruments in their collection, also singing along, Ray names them and explains
how they may differ from similar ones in other traditions.
There are two types of dotara. One has four strings while the other has five strings.
The four-string dotara is used in Bhavaiyya singing, and the five-string one is used in Baul singing.
Then there is the khamak. We use the one-string khamak in Tukkha gaan, says Ray. This is a form from the Tantrik tradition. The Bauls use a khamak with two strings.
Another rare instrument is the sarinja

Artefacts: Rainmakers from Chhattisgarh, Kerala (Wayanad) and Manipur make for exotic gifts. Toda bags and table linen present embroidery at its captivating best. Gujarats
striking rabari and soof embroidery done on wall hangings, folders and files are available too.
The Longpi black pottery made by the Thangkul Naga tribe from the Ukhrul district of Manipur is contemporary and minimalistic. A bird perched on the lid of a serving dish
or bamboo strips woven into a clay pot add to the exotic collections. The items are hand moulded from a clay-weather rock mix, and heated on a camp fire like furnace. A line
of coffee mugs, painted in Gond art style, is another attraction.
The textile section includes tussar saris, woven by tribals and embellished with dense kantha work, as well as block printed Maheshwaris. Bedspreads with appliqu work from
Rajasthan, yak wool and pashmina shawls woven by Bodh and Kinnauri tribals of Himachal Pradesh are some of the rare items on offer
A visual contrast is provided by the delicate Saura art from Odisha and Warli paintings of Maharashtra. Linked to marriages and other such ceremonies, todays Warli artist
fuses in his frames traditional motifs with modern elements such as cars and cycles. Minute dancing figures in circular formations painted in white against a geru background
form arresting frames.
Even more delicately executed are Saura paintings once painted on rock faces and walls to honour the dead and prevent disease. Todays tussar frames have beautifully
delineated trees and figures of dancers executed with incredible finesse. Saura painting is a style of wall mural paintings associated with the Saura

tribals of the state of Odisha in India

Pithora paintings feature motifs such as Sun, moon, elephant and horses. Colourful horse riders figure prominently as stories unfold about local legends and heroes. Pithora is
a highly ritualistic painting done on the walls by several tribes such as the Rathwas and Bhilalas who live in the central Gujarat,. Kurumba artist Balasubramaniam from Tamil

The Azure line boasts a range created from a revived Sungudi technique popularised by Gujrat's dye-resist style of sari weaving.
They came to Madurai a few centuries ago, fleeing drought and famine in their home province of Gujarat and bringing with them their weaving skills and the unique dye-resist
craft of Bandhini or Chundadi tie and dye veils worn by Gujarati women.
The migrant weavers came to be known as Saurashtras in Tamil country as they integrated and settled town in their new environment creating their own space as weavers and
textile embellishers. Their humming looms soon began to create saris instead of traditional veils, which they decorated with the bandhini tie and dye technique. This ancient
technique involves parts of the cloth being painstakingly tied with thread in order to resist from receiving the dye. The saris came to be known as Sungudi cottons . Some are
woven with narrow zari borders with puli kattivadhu (tie resist) and kattu kattivadhu or clamp resist dyeing. The border and pallu of the traditional Sungudi were dyed in
contrasting colours to the body of the sari, which were usually dyed red, black, dark blue and purple.
While the tie and dye techniques or Sungudi followed that of bandhini, the patterning began to reflect its own identity. The weavers followed the angular geometrics of the
kolam patterning depicted only through dots. It made for uniquely striking visuals. By the mid-19th century, a Sungudi was a must have in a Tamil womans wardrobe

New species of frog, fish found in Western Ghats

new fish species, Pethiastriata, along the streams of the Tunga in the Kudremukh National Park. V.M. Atkore, lead author of the study which was published in the
journal Copeia , confirmed the discovery of the endemic species from two streams, the Mudba and the Turad, of the Tunga.
Pethiastriata is described as a small fish, with a length of around 4 cm. The male is reddish in colour and the female, greyish. The species thrive in shallow pools of gently
flowing water and are found in small groups of around four. The fish differ from existing species on seven characteristics, including dark outer edges of scales that give them a
distinct striped pattern.

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences..
The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is an international marine research program. The program uses heavy drilling equipment mounted aboard ships to monitor
and sample sub-seafloor environments. With this research, the IODP documents environmental change, Earth processes and effects, the biosphere, solid earth cycles, and
The program begins a new 10-year phase with the International Ocean Discovery Program, from the end of 2013. Two lead agencies formally established IODP. In April 2003,
officials from Japans Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) signed a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) in which they agreed to form and jointly operate the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
The barasingha also called swamp deer, is a deer species distributed in the Indian subcontinent. Populations in northern and central India are fragmented, and two isolated
populations occur in southwestern Nepal. It is extinct in Pakistan and in Bangladesh-vulnerable
Radioactive contamination, also called radiological contamination, is the deposition of, or presence of radioactivesubstances on surfaces or within solids, liquids or gases
(including the human body), where their presence is unintended or undesirable (from IAEA definition).[3]
Such contamination presents a hazard because of the radioactive decay of the contaminants, which emit harmful ionising radiation such as alpha particles or beta
particles, gamma rays or neutrons.
The unprecedented heat this summer has proved a bane to the flying foxes ( pteropus scapulatus) , whose population is already dwindling.
They mainly inhabit temperate and sub-tropical coastal areas often close to water sources and, being unable to withstand the blistering sun, are falling prey to it. With the
largest body size of all bats, they have grey heads resembling foxes.
As the temperatures soar, they are being found dead beneath the trees where they nest this hot season, causing concern to bird watchers and environmentalists.
According to animal lover Mahesh Kumar Vemulapally, they are already on the verge of extinction. They need to be preserved as they are very useful to man, by preying on
small harmful insects and helping natural afforestation by pollinating seeds.
Mr. Vemulapally says they need to be protected in the summer with the help of the fire department. In certain countries, the governments help endangered wildlife by creating
a congenial atmosphere. The Fire Service can spray water on trees where flying foxes nest, he suggests
Kaliyattom is held annually as a festival of agriculture. It has widely been considered a festival of seed procurement for the farmers getting ready for the upcoming monsoon.
Groups of devotees from different parts of the district proceeded to Kaliyattamukku in vehicles, carrying Poikuthira (symbolic horse) made of coconut leaves and bamboo.kozikode,kerala..
Malampandaram tribe-kerala

Hyperion Saturns odd, tumbling moon soon as NASAs Cassini spacecraft made its final fly-by of the spongy moon on Sunday.
According to the U.S. space agency, the Cassini spacecraft was positioned at a distance of about 34,000 km from Hyperion

A timely measure to restore endangered snails-ne-hundred endangered snails are on their way to Tahiti to restore a species
that became extinct in the wild, the Detroit Zoo said on Tuesday.
The zoo has been working for decades to preserve the tiny Partula nodosa snail, one of several species driven out of their native South Pacific habitat by efforts to control
another invasive snail species that went awry.
The disappearance of the species and its cousins in the wild was a result of an effort at biological control of giant African land snails, which were introduced to Tahiti and other
south Pacific islands in 1967 as a human food source for people, the zoo said.
It said some escaped, bred rapidly and began eating farmers crops. To control the African snails, Florida rosy wolf snails were introduced about 10 years later, but the wolf
snails instead developed a taste for the Partula nodosa and its cousins, the zoo said. With the sufficient growth of the captive population and the establishment of a protected

area on Tahiti, this species is officially on the road to being saved, said Carter
Hippali plant, whose leaves and fibrous roots are used for the treatment of respiratory allergies and indigestion. Madhunashini , whose leaves are used for treatment of
diabetes. Ashoka tree, whose numbers are dwindling even in the Western Ghats. The bark of the tree is mixed with milk and consumed for the treatment of gynaecological
problems and stress. Amruth Balle , whose leaves are used for treating fever, and Honagonne , whose leaves are used for the treatment of eyes; besides Banni plant and the
Indian Red Cedar

Furry Koala soon on vulnerable list-mammal- Australias Queensland state will list the koala as a vulnerable species

throughout the north-eastern region, saying urban expansion, car accidents and dog attacks were threatening the much-loved furry animal. Koalas are already listed as
vulnerable in south-east Queensland, but the extended protection to cover the whole state will see its government step up its efforts to map populations and conserve habitats..

Madanakaias, bracket figure, Chennakeshava temple, Belur, Karnataka, 12th century.

These are nayikas, or beautiful women, seen in Indic art from early times.
They represent the fertile abundance of nature

Mahabodhi Temple, Bodhgaya, Bihar. The temple, built in the mid-5th century A.D. at
the spot where the Buddha gained Enlightenment, near Gaya, is the oldest standing
grand structure in India. Xuanzang, the Chinese pilgrim who visited the site in the 7th
century, described Bodhgaya as "the centre of the Buddhist world".
This is one of the four holiest places for Buddhists

The 19 temples of Masrur,himachal, built during the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., make
it the largest rock shrine in northern India.
Here, engraved projections on the shrine on north-eastern side
THE Pantanal in Brazil, the largest tropical wetland in the world, is a nature lovers paradise and home to the largest number of jaguars in Latin

Kanha to Satpura
In January and March this year, 16 barasingha deer were transported from the Kanha National Park in a large customised truck specially to the
Satpura Tiger Reserve, where they are expected to breed in a specially designed enclosure and will be gradually released into the wild.

Poaching in the Mishmi Hills

The well-wooded Mishmi Hills, the takin habitat in Arunachal Pradesh which has already lost its large mammals to poaching, is facing uncontrolled
Bull tekin-,[2] is a goat-antelope-mammal-found in the eastern Himalayas-vulnerable.
The Mishmi takin occurs in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, while the Bhutan takin is in western Arunachal Pradesh and Bhutan
The white-bellied heron (bird), also known as the imperial heron or great white-bellied heron, is a species of largeheron found in the foothills of the
eastern Himalayas in India, northeastern Bangladesh, Burma and Bhutan-crit endangered

greater one-horned rhinoceros and Indian one-horned rhinoceros, belongs to the family Rhinocerotidae. Listed as a vulnerable species, the
large mammal is primarily found in India's Assam, West Bengaland in protected areas in the Terai of Nepal, where populations are confined to the
riverine grasslands in the foothills of the Himalayas

Farmers of karnataka celebrated Kara Hunnime, to mark the end of summer and the onset of monsoon, across the district on Tuesday.
In the morning, farmers washed bullocks and painted them with different colours and tied cockades, pompoms, forehead knots, hip belts and foot jingles.
They also offered a special puja with sweet dishes like holige, huggi and sweet rice.
Thereafter, they organised a bullock race as part of the celebration..

We know that yawning is contagious and researchers have found that it is not just restricted to humans and other mammals.

Responding a yawn with a yawn is not restricted to humans and a few other mammals alone as researchers have now found that it also happens with members of a bird species
of Australian origin.
Contagious yawning occurs between budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus), also known as parakeets that are often kept in cages as pets.
To date, this is the first experimental evidence of contagious yawning in a non-mammalian species, said study leader Andrew Gallup of the State University of New York in
the US.
Contagious yawning was previously thought only to occur between members of a few mammals humans, domestic dogs, chimpanzees and a type of rodent aptly called the
high-yawning Sprague-Dawley rat

A mysterious disease which swept through the steppes of Central Asia, last month, has killed a third of worlds saiga (mammal)population

efore the end of the last Ice Age, saigas roamed by the millions in a range stretching from England to Siberia, even into Alaska. Eventually they moved to the steppes of Central
Asia, where they continued to thrive until the 20th century, when these strange-looking antelopes began flirting with extinction.
Hunted for its horns, 95 percent of the population disappeared, and the saiga was declared critically endangered. He and his colleagues found that the saigas were infected
with two species of deadly bacteria, Pasteurella and Clostridium..

vector-borne diseases-mosquito-borne diseases -malaria and filarial

The giant anteater , also known as the ant bear, is a large insectivorous mammal native to Central and South America. It is one of four living species of anteaters and is
classified with sloths in the order Pilosa-vulnerable. The giant anteater can be found in multiple habitats, including grassland and rainforest. It forages in open areas and
rests in more forested habitats
A bird weighing just two teaspoons of sugar scares off a predator 40 times its size by imitating the hawk alarm of other species, scientists said on Wednesday.
Survival trick
The trick is used by the brown thornbill(least concerned), one of Australias tiniest birds, to scare off its much larger enemy, the pied currawong, they reported in Proceedings
of the Royal Society B.
The eight-gram (2.8 ounce) tiddler artfully copies the warning cry used by other bird species against attack by the goshawk a predator even bigger and scarier than the
This distracts the currawong, fearing a hawk attack may be imminent, and gives the thornbills nestlings enough time to take shelter.
Mimicry is a common defence in nature, but researchers were stunned at how effective this tactic is. They stumbled upon the trick during an experiment on birds reaction to a
stuffed owl..

The Pin Valley National Park and the Kibber Wildlife Sanctuary.-himachal Pradesh
Lead is used in paints for durability and colour enhancement.
Excessive levels of lead cause health hazards such as stunted growth in children and lung, heart and kidney dysfunctions in adults..

Around 78 species of mammals are included in Schedule I of Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, implying that highest priority is placed on the conservation of these
animals in the country. While the Schedule I mammals constitute well known species like tiger, elephant and Indian rhinoceros, lesser known species such as clouded
leopard, snow leopard, gaur, desert cat, Niligiri tahr, swamp deer, sloth bear and Tibetan, sand fox are also included in the list.
The book also lists the mammals that fall in the Critically Endangered category of the IUCN. These animals are: pygmy hog, Malabar civet, large rock rat and kondana rat. As
per the IUCN status 29 mammals (such as, Chinese Pangolin, fishing cat, Gangetic dolphin, golden langur, hispid hare etc.) in the country come under the endangered
category. The golden langur is among the mammals in the critically endangered category. Already four mammal species Cheetah, Banteng, Sumatran Rhinoceros and Javan
Rhinoceros are extinct in India..

Move to notify EGREE region as Ramsar site hangs fire

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Migratory grey herons(least oncerned) taking a flight over the mangrove forest in the Coringa wildlife sanctuary in East Godavari,Andhra..

A proposal to notify the East Godavari Riverine Estuarine Ecosystem (EGREE), a wetland mosaic landscape consisting of 44 high-impacting fishing villages encompassing the
Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, as a Ramsar site has been pending with the Forest Department for quite some time.
Coringa is the second largest mangrove in India after the Sundarbans in West Bengal with exceptional coastal and marine biodiversity. Though conservation activities are in
progress in Coringa, the wildlife region outside the mangroves is being severely affected by industrial development.
Although the industrial units, including those related to fishing, aquaculture, salt pans, port and shipping, oil and natural gas, and manufacturing units, are observing certain
environmental safeguards, they are found to be inadequate to effectively address the special conservation needs of the EGREE region.
Against this background, the UNDP-sponsored EGREE Foundation has sent a proposal to the government to declare the region as Ramsar site six months ago, but the file is
still pending with the government.
Of the 169 sites included in the Ramsar worldwide, Kolleru is the only site from Andhra Pradesh. Interestingly, the EGREE region is satisfying all the nine parameters being
fixed by the Ramsar, the global convention on wetlands of international importance, says K. Tulasi Rao, project coordinator of the EGREE Foundation.
Established in December 2014, the foundation has identified Coringa and its surroundings as potential Ramsar site after conducting several scientific studies.
The region consists of rich biodiversity, fragile environment, and vulnerable population of fauna. The Forest Department is expected to forward the file to the Centre, which
has to recommend the site for including in the Ramsar convention, Dr. Rao explains.
Once included in the Ramsar site, the region could get support from organisations such as Birdlife International, International Union for Conservation of Nature,
International Water Management Institute, Wetlands International, and the WWF International for protecting the flora and fauna.
It is not against industrial development in the region. But, somehow, the State government is not responding in a positive manner, says Dr. Rao.
Highlighting the need for protecting the wetlands, president of the Society for Promotion of Integrated Coastal Areas Management (SPICAM) T. Rajyalakshmi observes that
wildlife in the Godavari estuarine is facing several challenges.
The rapid industrial development along the coast is changing the shape of Hope Island. Something has to be done to protect the natural resource, which is in danger, she
says. The forest officials, however, are not available for comment..
The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a non-profit research organisation with headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and offices across Africa and Asia.
Research at the Institute focuses on improving how water and land resources are managed, with the aim of underpinning food security and reducing poverty while
safeguarding vital environmental processes..
BirdLife international(INGO) is a global partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and globalbiodiversity, working with people

towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. It is the World's largest partnership of conservation organisations, with over 120 partner organisations 120 partner
organisations. Together the BirdLife Partnershipforms the leading authority on the status of birds, their habitats and the issues and problems affecting bird life.-


Cambridge, United Kingdom


: Two of Plutos moons, Nix and Hydra, wobble unpredictably, according to data from NASAs Hubble Space Telescope.
The moons wobble because they are embedded in a gravitational field that shifts constantly, researchers said.
This shift is created by the double planet system of Pluto and Charon. . Pluto and Charon are called a double planet because they share a common centre of gravity located in
the space between the bodies
What is MERS?

According to the World Health Organisation Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel
coronavirus (MERS-CoV).
More than 20 countries have been affected, with most cases in Saudi Arabia.
According to WHO, the virus does not appear to pass easily from person to person unless there is close contact.
There is no known cure or vaccine.

Neolamarckia cadamba, commonly called Kadam is an evergreen, tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia. The genus name honours French naturalistJeanBaptiste Lamarck. The species has been widely but incorrectly called Anthocephalus chinensis. It has scented orange flowers in dense globe-shaped clusters. The flowers are
used in perfumes. The tree is grown as an ornamental plant and for timber and paper-making. Kadam features in Indian mythology and religion
The fungus causes a disease called chytridiomycosis on the skin that fatally impairs frogs ability to maintain electrolyte, water and oxygen levels.
The southern Corroboree frog was seemingly destined to be its next victim. But a pioneering collaboration has seen southern Corroboree frog numbers steadily climb in
captivity, with last week containing an important milestone in a plan to reintroduce the animals back into the wild.
Amphibian experts from Melbourne Zoo and Sydneys Taronga Zoo, along with NSW government wildlife officials, released 80 frogs into an enclosed, fungus-free area of
Kosciuszko national park

Kida Vettu (sacrifice of goats)-in temple festival in tamilnadu..

New blooms at Silent Valley-

discovered a new species named Impatiens sahyadrica at the Silent Valley. Balsams or jewel weeds (impatiens) belong to the family Balsaminaceae. The plants are mainly
distributed in tropical and subtropical regions and in the northern temperate regions.
The colour of the flowers ranges from cool white to lavender rose, brilliant pinks and many luminescent colours. Some even have two colours. The Nilgiri phytogeographical
region has the second highest concentration of impatiens on the Western Ghats
The National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), ( ) previously known as King Mahendra Trust for Nature Conservation is a Nepalese nongovernmental organization working in the field of nature conservation.It was established in 1982 as an autonomous non profit organization by legislative law of Nepal. The
mission on NTNC is to conserve nature and natural resources in Nepal while meeting the needs of the people in sustainable way.
The snow leopard (Panthera uncia syn. Uncia uncia) is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia. It is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species. Snow leopards inhabit alpine and subalpine zones at elevations from 3,000 to 4,500 m (9,800 to 14,800 ft). In the northern range countries, they also
occur at lower elevations..

In a bid to discuss steps taken towards elimination of lymphatic filariasis in the country, doctors, scientists and members of the Centre for Research in

Medical Entomology (ICMR) participated in the third national conference on Lymphatic Filariasis: Elimination 2015 Mission Possible, here on Friday.
Also known as elephantiasis, which leads to swelling of limbs, lymphatic filariasis is transmitted through mosquitoes and is caused by parasitic worms.
Speaking at the inaugural of the conference, P.L. Joshi, former director, National Vector-borne Disease Control Programme, said that the disease was
prevalent in 323 districts in the country 14 districts in Tamil Nadu

There is lot of difference between our leather puppets and the Indonesian one. Our leather puppets are transparent, bigger and more colourful, and even the presentation
differs. Theirs has a classical touch and is not a shadow presentation, while ours is folk form
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty ("fat modeling"), liposculpture suction lipectomy ("suction-assisted fat removal") or simply lipo, is a cosmetic surgery operation that
removes fat from many different sites on the human body. Areas affected can range from the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, to the neck, backs of the arms and elsewhere..

Funded by private foundations and under the technical guidance of Professors Michael Porter from Harvard Business School and Scott Stern from the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, the group formed the Social Progress Imperative and launched a beta version of the Social Progress Index for 50 countries in 2013 to measure a
comprehensive array of components of social and environmental performance and aggregate them into an overall framework

Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute is a marine fisheries research institute located at Kochi, India. It is an Indian Council of Agricultural Research institute. The
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute established by the Government of India under the Ministry of Agriculture in 1947 became a member of the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) family in 1967. The headquarters was shifted from Mandapam Camp to Cochin in 1971
The Gomti originates from Gomat Taal which formally known as Fulhaar jheel, near Madho Tanda, Pilibhit, India. It extends 900 kilometres (560 mi) through Uttar Pradesh and
meets the Ganges River near Saidpur, Kaithi in Varanasi district
The Karagam dance is very popular in Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andhra Pradesh (Garagalu) and Karnataka (Karaga). It is an eye catching item with the performer carrying
decorated and vertically piled vessels on their heads and donning colourful costumes dancing in a lively manner to the tune of Nadhaswaram and the rhythm of Thavil. [1] It is
popular in villages during temple festivals..
Mt. Stok Kangri at an altitude of 20,160 feet at Ladakh, Bara-lacha la also known as Bara-lacha Pass, or Br Lcha La,[1] (el. 4,890 m or 16,040 ft)[2][3] is a high mountain
pass inZanskar range,[4] connecting Lahaul district in Himachal Pradesh to Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, situated along the Leh-Manali highway
Moringa, native to parts of Africa and Asia, is the sole genus in the flowering plant family Moringaceae. The name is derived frommurungai/muringa,
the Tamil/Malayalam word for drumstick. Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and
minerals.-in tamilnadu..

Water borne disease-hepatitis,diarrhea,typhopid..

Wushu is both an exhibition and a full-contact sport derived from traditionalChinese martial arts..
Paudi Bhuyan tribe Orissa-where posco steel plant is proposed- Khandadhar hill(iron ore reserve)..
Neptunium, with the atomic number 93, was the first synthetic transuranium element (atomic number greater than 92, that of uranium) of the actinide series to be
discovered.- decay product of 239U by beta decay was producing atoms of a new element. The oxidation-reduction cycle technique used for this went on to form the basis of
transuranic chemistry.another transuranium element plutonium
Measurements by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed that Hydra and Nix, the second- and third-biggest of Plutos five known moons, are elongated and behave in a very
different way than Earths own satellite.
They tumble. They flip over so that sometimes the north pole becomes the south pole. Its a very, very peculiar dance. The moons do not change their position in orbit, but
their orientation in space, he explained, just tumbling, spinning in a random direction.
Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, together form what is called a binary planet, the only one in our solar system, with four smaller moons orbiting the central duo.
The imbalanced and shifting gravitational field created by Pluto and Charon is what sends the smaller moons tumbling unpredictably, according to a University of Maryland
And the effect was amplified by the satellites elliptical shape.
A US radio telescope has captured images of an enormous lava lake on the surface of Io, one of the moons orbiting the planet Jupiter, the Puerto Rico Astronomy Society
(PRAS) reported.. The Large Binocular Telescope Observatory in Arizona was the one that spotted the mass of lava in the region known as Loki Patera, a volcanic pit
measuring approximately 200 kilometers (124 miles) in diameter.
Greatest volcanic activity
PRAS spokesman Juan Villafane said the size of the lake is much larger than any of the five permanent lava lakes that exist on the Earth, since the ones on our planet only
measure some hundreds of meters across.

Discovered by the space probe Voyager 1 of the NASA in 1979, the moon Io is roughly the size of the moon orbiting the Earth and, according to PRAS, it has the greatest
volcanic activity in the solar system.PRAS is a private non-profit educational institution established in 1985.
Global Financial Integrity (GFI) is a non-profit, research and advocacy organization located in Washington, D.C.. GFI advocates and conducts research on national and
multilateral policies, safeguards, and agreements aimed at curtailing illicit financial flows and enhancing global development and security
Mee Kosam, an online facility to address peoples problems without delay, was launched in the district on Monday-andhra..
Honeybee disease:
Bees under siege
Foulbrood attacks the bee larvae, leading to the collapse of the colony. It is spread when bees raid the dead colony, bringing back spore-infected honey to their colony, or by
the importation of contaminated bee products.
While North America and Europe have battled foulbrood for centuries, South Africas bees have stayed healthy a resilience attributed to the countrys diverse bee
population, which has naturally fought off disease and pests in the past, as well as strict regulations that require any imported bee products to be irradiated
A once abundant bird in Europe and Asia is being hunted to near extinction because of Chinese eating habits, according to a study.
The population of the yellow-breasted bunting has plunged by 90 percent since 1980, all but disappearing from eastern Europe, Japan and parts of Russia, said the study,
published in theConservation Biology journal.
Following initial population declines, China in 1997 banned the hunting of the species, known there as the rice bird.
The invasive species such as lantana camera, eupatorium and parthenium hysterophorus affect vegetation in terms of native species and thereby bring down the food base of
the herbivores.-in western ghats.-spotted deer is found in niligiri in tamilnadu..
After a series of weather-related delays, NASA has successfully tested its revolutionary "flying saucer" that will help land heavier payloads on the surface of long-distance
planets, including Mars.
NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project completed its second flight test when the saucer-shaped craft splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean off the
coast of the Hawaiian island of Kauai on Monday

Smooth landingPhoto: K.R. Deepak

Location of an alula.Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Scientists claim to have solved the mystery of birds seemingly effortless in-flight turns and the softness of their landing.
It is thanks to a small group of feathers called alula which helps form a small vortex of air at the tip, the scientists said.
Alula is a thumb-like structure at the bend of the wing, and birds use it in slow and steep flight such as landing

For the last month though, the child has been on a bed at a city hospital, being exposed for about 12-18 hours a day to a strong, blue phototherapy light.
Born with what doctors believe is Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, a rare liver disorder, Anis needs the blue light to survive.
Due to an enzyme defect, his body is not able to break down bilirubin, a substance made by the liver and which turns toxic if not removed from the body. Bilirubin build-up
leads to jaundice, and can eventually damage the brain.
Mount Sinabung on Sumatra, one of Indonesias main islands, has been shooting smoke and ash more than 1,640 feet into the air since Monday. ..

Established in 1992, the year of the Rio Earth Summit, the GEF Small Grants Programme embodies the very essence of
sustainable development by "thinking globally acting locally". By providing financial and technical support to projects that
conserve and restore the environment while enhancing people's well-being and livelihoods, SGP demonstrates that community
action can maintain the fine balance between human needs and environmental imperatives. The GEF Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) is a
Corporate GEF Programme implemented by UNDP to provide financial and technical support to communities and civil society organizations (CSOs) to meet the overall objective of Global environmental
benefits secured through community-based initiatives and actions

One of the rare and globally threatened species of palm, the double coconut ( Lodoicea maldivica )
As bio-fuel plants like jatropa and pongamia required less water, the farmers in dry regions could take up their cultivation and improve their economic position. Apart from
jatropa, pongamia and neem, many other bio-fuel plants could be found in the nature

Vellayani Lake eyes heritage tag.

The Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN) under Bombay Natural History (BNHS) is the official Red List Authority and data provider of the Indian sub-continent to the Birdlife
International/ IUCN and in the same line Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN)kerala to first state to get bird atlas by thisorganization..

The lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus), or the wanderoo, is an Old World monkey endemic to the Western Ghats of South India.-nilgiris-endagred-mammal

Grow Gliricidia to increase soil fertilityCommonly known as fencing plant, it is known for many generations but the farming community has almost forgotten it under the belief that
chemical fertilizers are a sure-shot solution to the problem poor soil quality. Scientifically known asGliricidia Sepium, these trees add valuable
nutrients such nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous to the soil thereby increasing its fertility many times more than any other nutrient can do.
It is a multipurpose legume tree that increases soil productivity and yields in addition to reducing soil erosion and control pollution associated with
the use of chemical fertilizers.
The biggest advantage is sustainable agricultural productivity that Gliricidia brings. The results can be seen in a few months as the soil fertility goes up
and no chemical fertilizer is a match to Gliricidia.Also called live fencing tree, a Gliricidia tree grows anywhere

Gobi desert-china

Hepatitis E
Key facts
Every year there are an estimated 20 million hepatitis E infections, over 3 million acute cases of hepatitis E, and 56 600 hepatitis E-related deaths.
Hepatitis E is usually self-limiting but may develop into fulminant hepatitis (acute liver failure).
The hepatitis E virus is transmitted via the faecal-oral route, principally via contaminated water.
Hepatitis E is found worldwide, but the prevalence is highest in East and South Asia.
China has produced and licensed the first vaccine to prevent hepatitis E virus infection, although it is not yet available globally.

Hepatitis E is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis E virus: a non-enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus.
The hepatitis E virus is transmitted mainly through contaminated drinking water. It is usually a self-limiting infection and resolves within 46 weeks.
Occasionally, a fulminant form of hepatitis develops (acute liver failure), which can lead to death.
Globally, there are approximately 20 million incidents of hepatitis E infections every year.

Geographical distribution

Outbreaks and sporadic cases of hepatitis E occur around the world. These outbreaks frequently occur in resource-limited countries with limited access to
essential water, sanitation, hygiene and health services, and may affect several hundred to several thousand persons. In recent years, some of these
outbreaks have occurred in areas of conflict and humanitarian emergencies, such as war zones, and in camps for refugees or internally displaced populations
(IDP). An estimated 20 million infections and 3.3 million acute cases occur annually worldwide with an estimated 56 600 deaths.
Hepatitis E is found worldwide and different genotypes of the hepatitis E virus determine differences in epidemiology. For example, genotype 1 is usually seen
in developing countries and causes community-level outbreaks while genotype 3 is usually seen in the developed countries and does not cause outbreaks.
The highest seroprevalence rates (number of persons in a population who test positive for the disease) are observed in regions where low standards of
sanitation increase the risk for transmission of the virus. Over 60% of all hepatitis E infections and 65% of all hepatitis E deaths occur in East and South Asia,
where seroprevalence rates of 25% are common in some age groups. In Egypt, half the population aged above five years is serologically positive for the
hepatitis E virus.

The hepatitis E virus is transmitted mainly through the faecal-oral route due to faecal contamination of drinking water. Other transmission routes have been
identified, which include:
foodborne transmission from ingestion of products derived from infected animals;

transfusion of infected blood products;

vertical transmission from a pregnant woman to her fetus.
Although humans are considered the natural host for the hepatitis E virus, antibodies to the hepatitis E virus or closely related viruses have been detected in
primates and several other animal species.
Hepatitis E is a waterborne disease, and contaminated water or food supplies have been implicated in major outbreaks. The ingestion of raw or uncooked
shellfish has also been identified as the source of sporadic cases in endemic areas.
The risk factors for hepatitis E are related to poor sanitation in large areas of the world and shedding of the hepatitis E virus in faeces.


The incubation period following exposure to the hepatitis E virus ranges from three to eight weeks, with a mean of 40 days. The period of communicability is
The hepatitis E virus causes acute sporadic and epidemic viral hepatitis. Symptomatic infection is most common in young adults aged 1540 years. Although
infection is frequent in children, the disease is mostly asymptomatic or causes a very mild illness without jaundice (anicteric) that goes undiagnosed.
Typical signs and symptoms of hepatitis include:
jaundice (yellow discolouration of the skin and sclera of the eyes, dark urine and pale stools);
anorexia (loss of appetite);
an enlarged, tender liver (hepatomegaly);
abdominal pain and tenderness;
nausea and vomiting;

Horsely Hills-andhra
The arcu Mountains are a mountain range in the southwestern Romania(Europe)..

Diatom composition:


Nitroglycerin by itself is a very strong explosive, but is extremely shock-sensitive (that is, physical shock can cause it to explode), and degrades over time to even more
unstable forms, which makes it highly dangerous to transport or use. Dynamite combines nitroglycerine with adsorbents and stabilizers, rendering it safe to use, but retaining
the powerful explosive properties of nitroglycerin. The most common composition of dynamite consists of three parts nitroglycerin, one part diatomaceous earth and a small
admixture ofsodium carbonate.
A new antimalarial compound (DDD107498) tested on mice and several mosquito species has shown great promise, says a study published today (June 18) in the
journal Nature . The results gain prominence as the malaria parasite has developed resistance to many of the antimalarial drugs currently being used, including the potent
artemisinin. The compound targets the translocation elongation factor 2 (eEF2), which is essential for protein synthesis

Graphene nanoribbons (also called nano-graphene ribbons or nano-graphite ribbons), often abbreviated GNRs, are strips of graphene with ultra-thin width (<50 nm).

Nanocomposites, Contrast Agent for Bioimaging,

Large quantities of width controlled GNRs can be produced via graphite nanotomy,[4] where applying a sharp diamond knife on graphite produces graphite nanoblocks, which
can then be exfoliated to produce GNRs. GNRs can also be produced by "unzipping" or cutting open nanotubes.[5] In one such method multi-walled carbon nanotubes were
unzipped in solution by action of potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid.[6] In another method GNRs were produced by plasma etching of nanotubes partly embedded in
a polymerfilm.
For the first time, researchers have been successful in bringing about spontaneous chemical reactions between two different varieties of carbon nanotubes without using any
chemicals. In fact, a simple mechanical grinding of the carbon nanotubes with a mortar and pestle was all that was required to induce chemical reactions. The end result was
the production of valuable graphene nanoribbons.
Graphene nanoribbons are being increasingly used in composite materials.
To achieve this, carbon nanotubes containing two different chemical additives carboxyl groups and hydroxyl groups were chosen for the study. When ground for about 20
minutes, the additives reacted with one another and unzipped the nanotubes to form one atomic layer thin graphene nanoribbons. The reaction of the two different chemical
additives is exothermic in nature and the heat released ultimately unzips the nanotubes.
To be certain, the researchers repeated the experiment using various ratios of the two varieties of carbon nanotubes and in many conditions standard lab conditions,
vacuum, in open air and at variable humidity, temperatures, times and seasons.
Water is formed in this reaction, and its detection during the process of grinding proves the chemical reaction. Mechano-chemistry was proven this way. Till date, there has

not been any reported instance of graphene nanoribbons being formed by grinding the carbon nanotubes and in the complete absence of other chemicals.
This opens up the possibility of producing novel nanostructured products with specific properties by mechanical agitation.

Researchers have created the worlds thinnest light bulb using grapheme (an atomically thin and perfectly crystalline form of carbon) instead of tungsten as a filament.

In simple terms, graphene, is a thin layer of pure carbon-2 diamensional; it is a single, tightly packed layer of carbon atoms that are bonded together in
a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Layers of graphene stacked on top of each other form graphite

Lingambudhi Lake to be conserved as biodiversity hotspot-karnataka

Panamaram heronry to get new status-kerala: A proposal of the Wayanad district administration to develop the Panamaram
heronry as a conservation reserve, a first in the State, will immensely benefit the heronry, which is a major breeding station of the white ibis in the State. The heronry, on a
small islet on the Kabani river, is an elevated sand bank covered with vegetation, predominantly bamboo groves. But massive destruction of bamboo groves after a massive
blossoming of the plant in the district and illegal sand-mining near the islet are posing threats to the habitat of the avian population

Two celestial phenomena Moon in Conjunction with Venus and Moon in Conjunction with Jupiter, will occur on June 20 and 21. Those looking west after sunset on June 20,
can spot Venus below crescent Moon and Jupiter above crescent Moon.

Basel Convention
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their

The logo of the Basel Convention Secretariat


United Nations treaty


22 March 1989[1]


Basel, Switzerland[1]


5 May 1992[1]


Ninety days after the ratificationby at least 20

signatory states[1]






Secretary-General of the United Nations


Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian,


Basel Convention at Wikisource

The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, usually known as the Basel Convention, is an
international treaty that was designed to reduce the movements of hazardous wastebetween nations, and specifically to prevent transfer of hazardous waste
from developed to less developed countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of radioactive waste. The Convention is also intended to minimize the
amount and toxicity of wastes generated, to ensure their environmentally sound management as closely as possible to the source of generation, and to assist LDCs in
environmentally sound management of the hazardous and other wastes they generate.
The Convention was opened for signature on 22 March 1989, and entered into force on 5 May 1992. As of January 2015, 182 states and the European Union are parties to
the Convention. Haiti and the United States have signed the Convention but not ratified it.India has ratified it bro.-not legally binding treaty.

The Rotterdam Convention (formally, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in
International Trade) is a multilateral treaty to promote shared responsibilities in relation to importation of hazardous chemicals. The convention promotes open exchange of
information and calls on exporters of hazardous chemicals to use proper labeling, include directions on safe handling, and inform purchasers of any known restrictions or
bans. Signatory nations can decide whether to allow or ban the importation of chemicals listed in the treaty, and exporting countries are obliged to make sure that producers
within their jurisdiction comply-legally binding bro..

The Stockholm Convention is a legally binding international instrument,..

Legally-Binding Minamata Conventionindia has just signed ..not yet ratified..

What is trans fat?

Trans fat, a type of unsaturated fat that behaves like a saturated fat due to its chemical structure is of two typesnatural (found in beef/pork/dairy products) and artificial
(obtained from processed foods). It is responsible for raising the body's low density lipoprotein (LDL), also called the bad cholesterol and lowers the high density lipoprotein
(HDL), the good cholesterol. Overall, this increases the total blood cholesterol level which is a major risk for heart disease. trans fats can be linked to loss of memory is an
addition to the problems already associated with these hydrocarbons. Industrial trans fats are artificially produced to turn liquid oils into solids at room temperature and extend
food shelf life. They can be found in margarines, fast foods, baked goods, snack foods, frozen pizza, coffee creamers and some refrigerated dough.

GCF was created with the objective of making a substantial contribution to global efforts to combat climate change and of achieving the goal set out by United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The fund was formally established during COP 16 in Cancun in 2010. The fund has set a goal of raising US $100
billion per year by 2020

Rare sculptures discovered at Hampi-

The sculptures of Rama and Lakshmana; (right) the Dhanwantri Vishnu discovered at Gandha Madana hill at Hampi.

Fighting to protect the purity of Pedana Kalamkari:

Pedana is home to a unique variant of Kalamkari, with its own distinctive style and process. The ingredients used in the preparation of colours, the various stages of applying
the dye and the designs used are unique to the Pedana school of Kalamkari. The town produces fine textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, clothing, carpets, rugs,
linoleum and other materials that bear its hallmark.
Kalamkari originated from Persian art forms and has many style variations, but the Pedana artisans give all their products their unique identity. These processes are protected
from copying. Pedana Kalamkari was included in the Geographical Indications Registry in 2012 under the GI of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999. As per the GIR
user number AU/396/GI/19/12, production of Machilipatnam Kalamkari is geographically permitted only in Pedana and villages around Machilipatnam and Polavaram in
Krishna district.
he ongoing ground-level study was mainly aimed at asses the competitiveness of these two styles of Kalamkari Sri Kalahasti and Machilipatnam (Pedana) in the State..

Depression in Arabian Sea develops into cyclonic storm:

The deep depression over eastcentral Arabian Sea has moved north-northwestwards during past 6 hours and intensified further into a cyclonic storm (ASHOBAA), and lay
centred at 0830 hours of June 8, 2015 nearly 590 km west-southwest of Mumbai, 470 km southwest of Veraval and 960 km east-southeast of Masirah Island (Oman).
Why Ashobaa?
Tropical cyclones are named to provide easy communication between forecasters and the general public regarding forecasts, watches, and warnings. Since the storms can often last a week or longer
and that more than one can be occurring in the same basin at the same time, names can reduce the confusion about what storm is being described.

The North Indian Ocean region tropical cyclones are being named since October 2004. The North Indian Ocean region, comprising Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka and Thailand, suggest seven names each. They are used one after the another.

The last cyclone was called Nilofer, a name suggested by Pakistan. The current cyclone is named Ashobaa, a name given by Sri Lanka. Next cyclone will be Komen, as suggested by Thailand.

What is solstice?
A solstice happens when the Suns zenith is at its furthest point from the equator and on the summer solstice, it reaches the northernmost point and the Earths North Pole
tilts directly towards the Sun at about 23.5 degrees. It is also known as the northern solstice because it occurs when the Sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer in the
northern hemisphere. It is the longest day of the year. That does not mean that it has more than 24 hours in a day, we just have more sunlight compared to rest of the days. On
the summer solstice, we get between 15 to 20 hours of sunlight, depending on our location on Earth. The summer solstice for the northern hemisphere would mean winter
solstice for people in the southern. In contrast, the region would experience direct sunlight for the least amount of time and hence the shortest day of the year..

Taekwondo -is a Korean martial art with a heavy emphasis on kicks..

Orangutans(monkey type)-in java,Indonesia-endagered..

In india found in south india.
Like Earth, Saturns moon Titan also possesses lakes and seas- he erosion of dissolvable rocks, such as limestone and
gypsum, leads to sinkholes, caves and salt-pans on Titans surface
: A study using data from the joint NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) Cassini mission suggests that the Saturn moon Titans surface indentation is similar to
creation of sinkholes on the Earth.
Apart from the Earth, Titan is the only body in the solar system known to possess surface lakes and seas, which have been observed by the Cassini spacecraft.
The team calculated how long it would take for patches of Titans surface to dissolve to create these features. We found that the dissolution process occurs on Titan some 30
times slower than on Earth due to the longer length of Titans year and the fact it only rains during Titan summer. Nonetheless, we believe that dissolution is a major cause of
landscape evolution on Titan and could be the origin of its lakes. Over time, this leads to features like sinkholes and caves in humid climates and salt-pans. The rate of erosion
creating such features depends on factors such as the chemistry of the rocks, the rainfall rate and temperature. While all of these aspects differ between Titan and Earth,
researchers think the underlying process may be similar..

Hyena(mammal) sighted in Mettupalayam(TN)..

Vitiligo /vtlao/ is a chronic skin condition characterized by portions of the skin losing their pigment. It occurs when skin pigment cells die or are unable to function. Aside
from cases of contact with certain chemicals,[1] the cause of vitiligo is unknown. Research suggests vitiligo may arise from autoimmune, genetic, oxidative stress, neural, or
viral causes.[2] Vitiligo is typically classified into two main categories: segmental and non-segmental vitiligo.
The global incidence of vitiligo is less than 1%,[3] with some populations averaging between 2-3% and as high as 16%. [4]Autoimmune diseases such as Addison's
disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes mellitus tend to occur more often in people who have vitiligo. There is no cure for vitiligo but many treatment options are
available including topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and phototherapy..

e-Pragati-which offers a bouquet of 600 services to people-e-Pragati, designed in collaboration with Wipro, is part of AP State Enterprise Architecture
Even today he goes out with his dappu or thappeta, a percussion instrument popular in the Andhra
The soil-friendly Arudra Purugulu, a breed of rare insects with velvet crimson body that appears exclusively in Arudra Karthe after the first rains in farms of Telangana, are
being purchased by some agents reportedly associated with Ayurvedic medicine industry at Rs. 600 per kg illegally.
The oil from the red velvet mite Trombidium grandissimum (Arudra Purugulu) is used in traditional Indian medicine to treat paralysis. Also, considered as an
aphrodisiac, Trombidium mites are referred in several websites as Indian Viagra.(telangana)..

IUCNs Red List: who is in, who is out

Fall of the kingLion remains listed as vulnerable at a global level and Guadalupe fur seal has now moved from the "near threatened" to the "least concern" category.Photos: AFP, AP

Nearly 23,000 species threatened with extinction: conservationists

The mighty lion, reclusive cave crabs and the world's rarest sea lion are among nearly 23,000 species at risk of dying out, a top conservation body warned Tuesday.
In an update to its "Red List" of threatened species, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature hailed some clear advances in saving endangered species like the
Iberian Lynx.
But, it warned, those successes have been overshadowed by declines in a range of species, with 22,784 species of animals and plants threatened with extinction.
"Our natural world is becoming increasingly vulnerable," warned IUCN chief Inger Andersen, urging increased efforts to save species teetering on the edge.

The Guadalupe Fur Seal, which was twice thought to be extinct due to overhunting in the late 1800s and early 1900s has also seen its numbers increase, IUCN said. The silky
sea mammal native to the west coast of California and off the Guadalupe islands of Mexico has now moved from the "near threatened" to the "least concern" category, largely
thanks to the enforcement of laws like the USA Marine Mammal Protections Act, it said.
Trade in lion bones
A range of other mammals have meanwhile fared far worse, due to hunting and the destruction of their natural habitats.
The lion remains listed as vulnerable at a global level, with its western African subpopulation listed as "critically endangered" due to over-hunting and dwindling prey.
The organisation also highlighted the decline in the extremely reclusive African Golden Cat, a cinnamon-coloured feline about twice the size of a house cat living in central
Africa, which is now listed as "vulnerable".
And it pointed to the New Zealand Sea Lion which now is listed as "endangered", due mainly to disease and changes to its habitat caused by fishing.
IUCN also warned that two species of crab, Karstama balicum and Karstama emdi, found only in a single cave on the island of Bali, are now considered "critically endangered",
as they have been increasingly threatened by growing tourism and numerous religious ceremonies held in the cave.

Leptospirosis (also known as field fever,[1] rat catcher's yellows,[2] and pretibial fever[3] among others names) is an infectioncaused by corkscrewshaped bacteria called Leptospira. Symptoms can range from none to mild such as headaches, muscle pains, and fevers; to severe with bleeding from the
lungs or meningitis.[4][5] If the infection causes the person to turn yellow, have kidney failure and bleeding, it is then known as Weil's disease.[5] If it causes lots of bleeding from
the lungs it is known as severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome

The Doppler effect (or Doppler shift) is the change in frequency of a wave (or other periodic event) for an observer moving relative to its source..

Two artistes from Tamil Nadu Bharathanatyam exponent Alarmel Valli and nagaswaram player Injikudi E.M. Subramaniam will perform at the Salzburg
Music Festival, a dream event for artistes across the world.
Since 1920, top artistes from around the world culminate every year in the Austrian city for over 200 performances. This year, the Indian artistes
will participate in Ouverture spirituelle Hinduism, an exclusive presentation on Hinduism.
The festival, to be held between July 15 and August 30, 2015, is expected to draw over 2.5 lakh people and the tickets have already been sold out..

Suruli falls-suruli river :TN,suruli hills TN.

The darters or snakebirds are mainly tropical waterbirds in the family Anhingidae having a single genus Anhinga. There are four livingspecies, three of which are very
common and widespread while the fourth is rarer and classified as near-threatened by the IUCN..
The Oriental darter or Indian darter (Anhinga melanogaster) is a water bird of tropical South Asia and Southeast Asia-near

threatened-found all over india,south

asia,s-e asia..
The Gokak Falls is a waterfall located on the Ghataprabha River in Belagavi district of Karnataka..
Rushikulya river-orissa..
river water turning red due to effluents discharged into it after iron ore mining.- Shankhani river-chhatisgarh-Cr,Cu,Nickel,iron oxides.. iron accumulates in organs within the
body. Therefore, in this situation, liver, heart, and pancreatic damage from the iron is highly likely, though not invariable. However, while chronically consuming large amounts of
iron can lead to a condition known as iron overload; this condition is usually the result of a gene mutation that afflicts about one million people in the United States. Left untreated, iron
overload can lead to hemochromatosis, a severe disease that can damage the bodys organs. Early symptoms include fatigue, weight loss, and joint pain, but if hemochromatosis is not
treated, it can lead to heart disease, liver problems and diabetes. A blood test can identify iron overload..

Amoxicillin is a drug to treat bacterial infection, not viral. Dengue is caused by flavivirus, not bacteria
Kallayi river in Kozhikode..

Palora Hill-kerala
The Haryana Government on Saturday said it will launch Mhara Gaon-Jagmag Gaon scheme, aimed at supplying uninterrupted power to rural consumers..
Gallium nitride (GaN) is a binary III/V direct bandgap semiconductor commonly used in bright light-emitting diodes since the 1990s. The compound is a very hard material
that has a Wurtzite crystal structure. Its wide band gap of 3.4 eV affords it special properties for applications in optoelectronic,[4][5] high-power and high-frequency devices. For
example, GaN is the substrate which makes violet (405 nm) laser diodes possible, without use of nonlinear optical frequency-doubling.
Its sensitivity to ionizing radiation is low (like other group III nitrides), making it a suitable material for solar cell arrays for satellites. Military and space applications could also
benefit as devices have shown stability in radiation environments. [6] Because GaN transistors can operate at much higher temperatures and work at much higher voltages
than gallium arsenide (GaAs) transistors, they make ideal power amplifiers at microwave frequencies..

ad valorem tax-Method for charging a duty, fee, or tax according to the value of goods and services, instead

of by a fixed rate, or by weight or quantity. Latin for, [according] to the value.

EPDM rubber (ethylene propylene diene monomer (M-class) rubber),[1][2][3] a type of synthetic rubber, is an elastomer characterized by a wide range of applications. EPDM
exhibits satisfactory compatibility with fireproof hydraulic fluids, ketones, hot and cold water, and alkalis and exhibits unsatisfactory compatibility with
most oils, gasoline, kerosene, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, halogenated solvents, and concentrated acids.
The main properties of EPDM are its outstanding heat, ozone, and weather resistance. The resistance to polar substances and steam are also good. It has excellent electrical
insulating properties. It has good resistance to ketones, ordinary diluted acids, and alkalines..


Figure 1: Magnetron MI 29G ( 29) of the old Russian Radar Bar Lock

The magnetron is a high-powered vacuum tube, that works as self-excited microwave oscillator. Crossed electron and magnetic
fields are used in the magnetron to produce the high-power output required in radar equipment. These multicavity devices may be
used in radar transmitters as either pulsed or cw oscillators at frequencies ranging from approximately 600 to 30,000 megahertz.
The relatively simple construction has the disadvantage that the Magnetron usually can work only on a constructively fixed

Zeolites are microporous, aluminosilicate minerals commonly used as commercial adsorbents and catalysts. Zeolites occur naturally but are also produced industrially on a
large scale.. Zeolites are widely used as ion-exchange beds in domestic and commercial water purification, softening, and other applications. In chemistry, zeolites are used to
separate molecules (only molecules of certain sizes and shapes can pass through), and as traps for molecules so they can be analyzed
The chemical compound 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) commonly known by its old name of ethylene dichloride (EDC), is achlorinated hydrocarbon, mainly used to
produce vinyl chloride monomer (VCM, chloroethene), the major precursor for PVCproduction. It is a colourless liquid with a chloroform-like odour. 1,2-Dichloroethane is also
used generally as an intermediate for other organic chemical compounds and as a solvent. It forms azeotropes with many other solvents, including water (b.p. 70.5 C) and
other chlorocarbons-ClCH2-CH2Cl..
Vinyl chloride is an organochloride with the formula H2C=CHCl that is also called vinyl chloride monomer, VCM or chloroethene. This colorless compound is an important
industrial chemical chiefly used to produce the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC).[2] About 13 billion kilograms are produced annually. VCM is among the top twenty
largest petrochemicals (petroleum-derived chemicals) in world production. The United States currently remains the largest VCM manufacturing region because of its lowproduction-cost position in chlorine and ethylene raw materials. China is also a large manufacturer and one of the largest consumers of VCM. [3] Vinyl chloride is a gas with a
sweet odor. It is highly toxic, flammable, and carcinogenic. It can be formed in the environment when soil organisms break down "chlorinated" solvents. Vinyl chloride that is
released by industries or formed by the breakdown of other chlorinated chemicals can enter the air and drinking water supplies. Vinyl chloride is a common contaminant found
near landfills.[4] In the past VCM has been used as a refrigerant..
Isoprene, or 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene, is a common organic compound with the formula CH2=C(CH3)CH=CH2. In its pure form, it is a colorless volatile liquid. Isoprene is
produced by many plants. Isoprene is produced and emitted by many species of trees into the atmosphere (major producers are oaks, poplars, eucalyptus, and some

Isoprene production from plants[edit]

Isoprene is made through the methyl-erythritol 4-phosphate pathway (MEP pathway, also called the non-mevalonate pathway) in the chloroplasts of plants. One of the two end
products of MEP pathway, dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP), is catalyzed by the enzyme isoprene synthase to form isoprene. Therefore, inhibitors that block the MEP
pathway, such as fosmidomycin, also blocks isoprene formation. Isoprene emission increases dramatically with temperature and maximizes at around 40 C. This has led to
the hypothesis that isoprene may protect plants against heat stress (thermotolerance hypothesis, see below). Emission of isoprene is also observed in some bacteria and this
is thought to come from non-enzymatic degradations from DMAPP.
Regulation of isoprene emission[edit]
Isoprene emission in plants is controlled both by the availability of substrate (DMAPP) and by enzyme (isoprene synthase) activity. In particular, light, CO 2 and
O2 dependencies of isoprene emission are controlled by substrate availability, whereas temperature dependency of isoprene emission is regulated both by substrate level and
enzyme activity.
Biological roles[edit]

Isoprene emission appears to be a mechanism that trees use to combat abiotic stresses. [5] In particular, isoprene has been shown to protect against moderate heat stresses (~
40 C). It was proposed that isoprene emission was specifically used by plants to protect against large fluctuations in leaf temperature.
Isoprene is incorporated into and helps stabilize cell membranes in response to heat stress, conferring some tolerance to heat spikes. Isoprene also confers resistance to
reactive oxygen species.[6] The amount of isoprene released from isoprene-emitting vegetation depends on leaf mass, leaf area, light (particularly photosynthetic photon flux
density, or PPFD), and leaf temperature. Thus, during the night, little isoprene is emitted from tree leaves, whereas daytime emissions are expected to be substantial during
hot and sunny days, up to 25 g/(g dry-leaf-weight)/hour in many oak species


Isoprenes are also used in the cell membrane monolayer of many Archaea, filling the space between the Diglycerol tetraether head groups. This is thought to add a stronger
structural resistance to harsh environments, in which many archaea are found.

Isoprene in other organisms[edit]

Isoprene is the most abundant hydrocarbon measurable in the breath of humans. [8][9] The estimated production rate of isoprene in the human body is 0.15 mol/(kgh),
equivalent to approximately 17 mg/day for a person weighing 70 kg. Isoprene is also common in low concentrations in many foods.

Ulexite (NaCaB5O6(OH)65(H2O)) (hydrated sodium calcium borate hydroxide), sometimes known as TV rock, is a mineral occurring in silky white rounded crystalline masses
or in parallel fibers. The natural fibers of ulexite conduct light along their long axes, by internal reflection.

Ponmala hill,Ithikkara river-kerala..

Laser refractive surgery or laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) comes into the play here as an option to those averse to use of spectacles or contact lens.
LASIK surgery is now a widely accepted procedure for correcting myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. In LASIK, the curvature of the cornea is reshaped using a laser that
removes tissues with precision..

Birds use primitive language

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Babbler birds, found in Australia, canstring together sounds to communicate

Its extensive
vocal repertoire is characterised by discrete calls made up of smaller acoustically
distinct individual sounds

Toxic fish poisoning common-

It might be tainted by ciguatoxins, which are found in algae that grow on reefs

Lusi volcani-indonesia

Tirparappu Waterfalls are located in Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu state, India.
The Kodayar River makes its descent at Thiruparappu. ..

Black tiger shrimp to become the new vannamei

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Native breed to step up national seafood business

Tiger shrimps displayed for sale at Fort Kochi. Photo: K.K. Mustafah

: Indian seafood business is on the verge of a major transformation, like the one ushered in by the exotic vannamei shrimp, with scientists at Rajiv Gandhi Centre for
Aquaculture, Chennai, closing in on a stock of domesticated, disease-free black tiger shrimp, native to Indian waters.
We are into the sixth generation of SPF tiger shrimp and trial farming in Odisha and Kerala, using bio-secure enclosures, has produced good results, said an official of
Marine Products Export Development Authority here on Thursday. He said that commercial-scale aquaculture using genetically-improved black tiger shrimp should be on in
about five years. With it, black tiger shrimp will join Atlantic salmon, Pacific vannamei and unisex tilapia in the roster of genetically-improved varieties. SPF stocks are capable
of doubling productivity, said the official pointing out what it meant to the seafood export business in the country.
Genetically improved, farmed tilapia yield is near five tonnes per hectare; vannamei yield is 3.5 to five tonnes and black tiger shrimp yield has been three tonnes . Farmers get
Rs. 300 a kg of 30-count vannamei and the price of tiger shrimp is higher.

Besides a surge in production, acquiring a genetic base for aquaculture means more eco-friendly, sustainable business, he said.

Horses are sensitive to the facial expressions and attention of other horses, including the direction of the eyes and ears. This shows that other species communicate in ways we

Left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) is an implant-based treatment method that reduces the risk of left atrial appendage blood clots entering the blood stream and cause a
stroke in atrial fibrillation (irregular and often rapid heart rate that commonly causes poor blood flow to the body). LAAC is an alternative to blood thinners. Though it does
not cure atrial fibrillation, it prevents development of stroke.
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common abnormal heart rhythm and affects four per cent of people in the 60-70 years age group and 14 per cent in the 80 years and above
age group. left atrial appendage, a muscular pouch connected to the left atrium of the heart, was a normal part of the heart that causes no problem in general population.
But this is also a major source of blood clots in patients with atrial fibrillation. Clots formed here could migrate to the brain and cause paralytic stroke, which could be fatal or
crippling.Generally, the AF is treated with blood thinning medication to reduce the chances of blood clots from forming. But blood thinners can increase the risk of bleeding
problems and also monthly monitoring by a blood test is required. The drugs also interact with food and other medication, which is more a problem in elderly because of their
frailty and multiple drug use.

Some corals naturally adaptive to climate change-Researchers in Australia cross-bred samples of a type of branching coral
known as Acropora millepora from two different locations about 500 kilometers (300 miles) apart.
Some came from Princess Charlotte Bay, a warmer area of the Great Barrier Reef that is closer to the equator.
Others came from Orpheus Island, about five degrees of latitude to the south where the waters are about two degrees Celsius (four Fahrenheit) cooler. Researchers found
that those with parents that came from warmer waters were 10 times more likely to survive under heat stress than those that were native to cooler
waters, suggesting that the animals' had some natural resilience in their genetic makeup..

In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings.
String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks
just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the vibrational
states of the string corresponds to thegraviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. Thus string theory is a theory of quantum
String theory is a broad and varied subject that attempts to address a number of deep questions of fundamental physics. String theory has been applied to a
variety of problems in black hole physics, early universe cosmology, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics, and it has stimulated a number of major
developments in pure mathematics. Because string theory potentially provides a unified description of gravity and particle physics, it is a candidate for
a theory of everything, a self-containedmathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter.

Black holes[edit]
In general relativity, a black hole is defined as a region of spacetime in which the gravitational field is so strong that no particle or radiation can escape. In the currently
accepted models of stellar evolution, black holes are thought to arise when massive stars undergo gravitational collapse, and many galaxies are thought to
contain supermassive black holes at their centers. Black holes are also important for theoretical reasons, as they present profound challenges for theorists attempting to
understand the quantum aspects of gravity. String theory has proved to be an important tool for investigating the theoretical properties of black holes because it provides a
framework in which theorists can study their thermodynamics

Diverse microbial life beneath West Antarctic ice sheet- Scientists have found evidence of microbial life at a depth of
800 metres below the West Antarctic ice sheet in the Subglacial Lake Whillans.. The extremophiles (microorganisms that live in extreme environments like very high or low
temperature, extreme pressure etc) in the Subglacial Lake Whillans survive at very low temperature of -49 degree C and in a highly alkaline environment (pH of 8.1). The
pressure at a depth of 800 metres where the Lake is found is about eight megapascal. The Lake water was not saturated with oxygen.
The Lake supports a rich and diverse microbial community of bacteria and archaea . chemosynthesis is at the heart of deep-sea communities, sustaining life in absolute
darkness, where sunlight does not penetrate.
Nitrification may turn out to be fundamental chemoautotrophic pathway of new organic carbon production, note the authors.
The presence of large diverse microbial community in the Subglacial Lake Whillans suggests that other microbial life must be present beneath the10{+7}square kilometres of
Antarctic ice sheet.

Climate change and butterfly adaptation-The brown argus butterfly species that moved north in response to climate change now has

a narrower diet. While diet change is key to adaptation, variation in this important trait may be lost

Changes in ice sheet led to climate change-Small changes in the sizes of ice sheets during the last ice age triggered climate change, ..
say scientists, comparing simulated data with that from ice cores and marine sediments..

Protein kinase D1 has a key role in wound healing and skin carcinogenesiscurrent study results revolve around proteinases, enzymes that break down proteins as part of cellular life. Matrix metalloproteinases or MMPs specifically target the extracellular matrix, the noncell, structural framework within tissues. Beyond that role, the new study found that one member of this family, MMP-2, has another signaling role related to the human immune system. It may shift
a set of cells to become part of immune response that accelerates healing in some cases, but may worsen inflammatory disease in others.
Drug designers may be able to leverage the newfound MM-2 mechanisms to prevent the contribution of inflammatory signals to tumor growth and autoimmune diseases, or to promote wound

Radiation treatment of eye cancers using iodine-125-BARC-made BARC I-125 Ocu-Prosta seed is an ideal choice to treat
retinoblastoma and uveal tract melanoma, two forms of rare eye cancers.
Unlike conventional treatment which involves removal of eyes with the tumour to save the patient, successful radiation treatment saves the eye and retains vision.
Since iodine -125 ( I-125) has a half life of about 60 days, scientists have enough time to transport the sources from its production site at BARC laboratories to the treatment
centres at different parts of the country.
Batch process
BARC scientists produce Iodine 125 in a batch process by irradiating 4 gramme of xenon-124 gas in the Dhruva reactor for a period of 15 days. Xenon -125 produced by the
neutron interaction decays into I-125.
I-125 which emits low energy gamma rays helps to spare healthy tissues; it reduces side effects and related morbidity.

Electron neutrinos-solar neutrinos- are produced in the Sun as a product of nuclear fusion. By far the largest fraction of neutrinos passing through the Earth are Solar
neutrinos..The main contribution comes from the proton-proton reaction.

Aspirin may be a promising alternative for those who cant take long-term anticoagulant drugs that prevent clots from reoccurring in the veins, according to new research

Two Kuchipudi ballets, 'Pushkaram' and 'Amrapali',- Pushkaram theme details the richness of celebrations that take place once in every 12 years according to
zodiac scale. Amrapali-The second ballet Amrapali depicted the tale of a courtesan who lived some fifteen hundred years ago during rule of Bimbisara of Magadha and
neighboring land was Vaishali of Ujjain confederacy

An electronic earmuff reduces dangerous noise levels that are beyond 80 db. While the equipment reduces dangerous noise levels to ambient level, it would
not interfere with noises that are lesser than 80 db. Electronic ear muffs are used in mining, heavy industries, and aircrafts

Shirley (Shirale/ Shirle) water falls is one of the beautiful waterfallsin Uttara ..... village on the banks of the Nethravathi River in the

Satellite data from the last 19 years reveals that water from melting glaciers has caused the sea level around the Antarctica coast to rise by 2 cm more than the global average of
6 cm..

The compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile) (chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), a cyanocarbon, is
the defining component of a tear gas commonly referred to as CS gas, which is used as a riot control agent

Arctic sea ice removes atmospheric CO {-2}

NASAs Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has provided researchers strong evidence the moons volcanic activity slowed gradually instead of stopping abruptly a billion years ago.
Scores of distinctive rock deposits observed by LRO are estimated to be less than 100 million years old. This time period corresponds to Earths Cretaceous period, the heyday of dinosaurs.
Some areas may be less than 50 million years old. Details of the study are published online in Sundays edition of Nature Geoscience.

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. Nanotubes have been constructed with length-to-diameter ratio of up to 132,000,000:1,

significantly larger than for any other material. These cylindrical carbon molecules have unusual properties, which are valuable for nanotechnology, electronics, optics and

other fields of materials science and technology. In particular, owing to their extraordinary thermal conductivity and mechanical and electrical properties, carbon nanotubes
find applications as additives to various structural materials. For instance, nanotubes form a tiny portion of the material(s) in some (primarily carbon fiber) baseball bats, golf
clubs, car parts or damascus steel.
Nanotubes are members of the fullerene structural family

Why Western Ghats in Karnataka receive more monsoon rainfall

Due to the greater width, there is more time for drops to coalesce and precipitate

The continuous topography of the Ghats in Karnataka serve as a barrier to rain-bearing winds from crossing over.

In a recent study of rainfall trends using remotely sensed satellite data and actual field data from the Indian Meteorological Department of the Western Ghats region over the
past 14 years, it was found that during the monsoon months of June, July, August, September, the average rainfall was more over Karnataka than Maharashtra and Kerala.
The Western Ghats run parallel to the Arabian Sea coast for approximately 1,600 km from the Maharashtra-Gujarat border to the southern tip of Kerala.
There are several reasons for this. First, the mountain topography in Karnataka is broader than the narrow topography of the Ghats in Maharashtra. Due to the greater width
of the mountains, the rain bearing winds have to necessarily travel a longer distance and have more time for the drops to coalesce and precipitate as rainfall, resulting in
higher rainfall. In contrast, the narrow width of the Ghats in Maharashtra allows the rain-bearing wind to cross over to the leeward side rapidly before precipitation can occur.
As for Kerala, the Ghats there are in the form of isolated mountains, where the rain-bearing winds can easily cross over to the leeward side through the gaps in between
without precipitation occurring.
Second, the slope of the mountain has a direct bearing on the possibility of precipitation. This is borne out by the Ghats of Karnataka where the mountains are gently sloping,
compared to the steep slopes of the Ghats in Maharashtra and Kerala.
The air parcel will retain its energy and speed for a longer time when the slope is gradual. This will provide sufficient vertical motion to cloud droplets to grow by collision
coalescence process and hence form precipitation.
Third, the gentle slope provides a greater area for sunlight absorption and heating leading to greater convection when compared with an abrupt slope i.e. less Ghat area such
as that of the Maharashtra and Kerala Ghats.
Fourth, the continuous mountain range presents a greater barrier to rain-bearing winds than a range comprising isolated mountains with gaps in between where the winds can
Interestingly, the study found that often areas of heavy rainfall were far away from the summits of the mountains, as much as 50 km away.
The reason for this is that there is more chance of rainfall occurring at the foot of the mountain as there is greater depth for the moisture in the clouds to coalesce into big
drops which finally reach the ground, notes Ms Tawde in an email to this correspondent

Black holes consist of extremely dense matter giving rise to such a strong gravitational attraction that nothing, not even light, can escape from its edge called the event
horizon However, in 1974, Stephen Hawking proposed that there was a way in which the black hole could emit a faint stream of particles from its edge. This phenomenon is
now known as Hawking radiation. This happens in the following way.
In quantum field theory, a vacuum is not completely empty but contains fluctuations particle-antiparticle pairs form and annihilate each other in a twinkling, and this
happens all the time. In the context of a black hole, if such a particle-antiparticle pair formed at the event horizon, it could happen that one member of the pair escapes the
edge and the other is swallowed up, thereby leaving a weak flux of particles. This would give rise to Hawking radiation
Open oceans are much less efficient than sea ice when it comes to emitting in the far-infrared region of the spectrum. The Arctic Ocean traps a lot of the energy in far-infrared

Role of El Nino in heat build-up in Indian OceanThe western Indian Ocean, traditionally thought to have cooler sea surface temperatures (SSTs) than the central and eastern Indian Ocean, is surprisingly showing an even
stronger summer warming trend over the whole of the 20th century than the central and eastern Indian Ocean.
The warming is significantly so large that it may alter the monsoon circulation, monsoon rainfall, marine food webs and fisheries (western Indian Ocean is one of the most
productive oceans) and global climate including the El Nino. mainly due to El Nino events, which are getting stronger and more frequent during recent decades, possibly due
to a changing climate.These El Nino events weaken the summer westerly (blowing from west to east) winds over the Indian Ocean. Winds have the effect of cooling the sea
surface. Strong winds cause evaporation and loss of latent heat from the ocean leading to cooling. When the winds are weakened the opposite happens the ocean warms.

The study found that the ocean atmospheric phenomenon the El Nino, and its influence on the Walker Circulation were responsible for periodic weakening of monsoon
westerlies and led to abnormally high summer sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean.Walker Circulation represents the zonal (east-west) circulation over the
tropics. In the Pacific, the trade winds blow from east to west.This is because of the low pressure in the west and high pressure in the east, which drives these winds. This is
linked to the warm waters over the west Pacific and cool waters over the east Pacific.During summer, the Pacific cell is linked to the monsoon westerlies in the Indian Ocean.
During an El Nino, the wind direction reverses and the whole circulatory system shifts eastward leaving only weak surface westerlies in the western Indian Ocean.This results
in ocean warming in the Western Indian Ocean. Unlike the Pacific or the Atlantic Oceans, the Indian Ocean is land-locked on the north. This means that the ocean circulation
which carries the tropical heat towards the poles is restricted in the Indian Ocean, withholding the piled up heat

The dopamine transporter (also dopamine active transporter, DAT, SLC6A3) is a membrane-spanning protein that pumps the neurotransmitter dopamine out of the
synapse back into cytosol, from which other transporters sequester DA and NE into vesicles for later storage and release. DAT is implicated in a number of dopamine-related
disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, and alcoholism..


Biologists long assumed that one-way air flow was a special adaptation in birds due to the energy demands of flight. But now it is shown that bird-like breathing also developed
in green iguanas
Triclosan, an antimicrobial in soaps, shampoos and some toothpastes, is shown to cause liver fibrosis and cancer in mice through mechanisms that are also relevant in
The groundnut leaf spots (early leaf spot and late leaf spot) commonly called as Tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more
depending upon disease severity..
Baltic nations: Despite extensive measures to protect the Baltic Sea from anthropogenic activities since the late 1980s, oxygen levels continue to decrease. Warming in the
bottom layers could be the cause.

Bony fish are by far the most biodiverse fish group in both salt- and freshwater..

Human eye can see invisible infrared lightWhen laser light pulses rapidly, light-sensing cells in the retina sometimes get a double hit of infrared energy, causing the eye to detect light that falls outside the visible

A quantum dot (QD) is a nanocrystal made of semiconductor materials that is small enough to exhibit quantum mechanical properties. Specifically,
its excitons are confined in all three spatial dimensions. The electronic properties of these materials are intermediate between those of bulk semiconductors and of
discrete molecules. Researchers have studied applications for quantum dots in transistors, solar cells, LEDs, and diode lasers. They have also investigated quantum dots
as agents for medical imaging and as possible qubits in quantum computing

Taj: the pollutants causing discolouration identified:

Finally, the specific pollutants in the air that are responsible for the discolouration of the white marble of Taj Mahal have been identified. Particulate carbon and fine dust
particles that are deposited on the marble are responsible for its browning.
Carbon is of two types black carbon and light absorbing organic carbon or brown carbon. Both organic carbon and dust particles have the ability to preferentially absorb
light in the blue region of the spectrum. The absorption of blue light by these pollutants in turn gives the marble surface a brown hue.
There is one group of organic carbon which absorbs light in the blue region of the spectrum and this is called brown carbon. Discolouration is because of what is happening to
reflectance, and reflectance is in turn influenced by these particles.
Role of dust particles-The ability of fine dust particles to produce the brown hue is a well known in North India. According to him, it is the presence of haematite in the
dust that is responsible for the brown hue.
If haematite is not present in the dust then the dust would be only scattering in nature, he said. Haematite is the ingredient that absorbs the blue wavelength of the
Though the absorption of blue light by individual dust particles may be smaller than that by brown carbon, the copious amount of dust of two micron size found in the
particulate matter makes the overall absorption much higher than that by brown carbon. The study revealed that particles larger than two micron in size accounted for nearly
70 per cent of the deposited particle surface area. These relatively coarse particles are by default the dust particles.
Pure dust particles per se do not have the ability to stick to surfaces. But what we see is a potpourri of particles. The organic carbon is very sticky, Prof. Tripathy said. Unlike
the dust particles, carbon particles are in the 100 nanometre to 1 micron size. Burning of biomass like wood and dung, burning of trash and crop residue are the primary
sources of brown and black carbon.
On studying the marble samples, the researchers found that black carbon produces a greyish discolouration, while brown carbon and dust produce yellowish-brown hues.
A combination of these two result in darker shades of yellow-brown

Corals reveal winds, global climate linkStrong trade winds cause cooling while weak trade winds warm. Chemical changes in corals, show that weak tropical Pacific trade winds coincided with globally warming

Methane is leaking from Siberian permafrost-Spectacular sinkholes, appeared as out of nowhere in the permafrost of the Yamal
Peninsula, Siberia, with significant release of the greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere

Government has set up a National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)-min of agriculture..

The Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) was launched in 2005 to encourage private investments and employment generation
in textile sector by facilitating world class infrastructure for common facilities..

Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain which can be caused due to various pathogens including virus, bacteria and protozoa.
While JE is a Vector Borne Disease transmitted through Culex vishnui group of mosquitos, Encephalitis can also be caused by
entero-viruses which are water borne..
Geological Survey of India (GSI)-min of mines..
National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) including the mission Directorate, National Mission for clean Ganga and other related
matters of Ganga Rejuvenation have been transferred to Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change..
For rivers other than Ganga, National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) implements the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of
National River Conservation Plan (NRCP), jointly with the State Governments on a cost-sharing basis. min of water resources..
Archaeological Survey of India(ASI)-min of cult..
The Government of India has given in-principle approval for inclusion of three new vaccines in Universal Immunization Programme
(UIP) which also includes Injectable Polio Vaccine (IPV) in addition to Rubella vaccine and Rotavirus vaccine. ..
The Ministry of Rural Development has been implementing Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) since 1995
with the aim to provide financial security to senior citizens living below the poverty line. Under the Scheme Central assistance is
given towards pension @ Rs. 200/- per month to persons above 60 years and @ Rs. 500/- per month to persons above 80 years of
The Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Culture & Tourism Shri Shripad Yesso Naik has said that the Government proposes to
introduce a new scheme on the National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY) in the country for
conserving and preserving the heritage characters of the heritage cities. ..
River Baitarani-odisha..
Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation is holding consultations with all the stakeholders on the scheme of providing
Housing For All by 2022..
The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, besides implementation of various schemes in
the country, had in July 2006 also set up National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) with its head office at Hyderabad. Besides,
the Marine Product Export Development Authority (MPEDA) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, also implements various
schemes to pronmote export oriented fisheries in Maharashtra and other parts of the country
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) are set up under PradhanMantriSwasthyaSurkshaYojna (PMSSY) which aims at
correcting the imbalances in availability of affordable / reliable tertiary level health care and to augment facilities for quality
medical education in the underserved States. Under Phase-I of PMSSY, six AIIMS located at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna,
Raipur and Rishikesh have been set up. Under Phase-II of PMSSY, two AIIMS one each in Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal have been
approved. AIIMS, Rae Bareli is under construction. AIIMS of West Bengal has been decided for setting up at Kalyani. Under the
Phase-IV of PMSSY, Government of India plans to set up one AIIMS in each State in a phased manner.-min of health and family

Protection of Tribals Under PESA Act

The salient feature of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (PESA) and the modalities worked out to grant rights
to tribals in the country are:

Legislation on Panchayats shall be in conformity with the customary law, social and religious practices and traditional management
practices of community resources;


Habitation or a group of habitations or a hamlet or a group of hamlets comprising a community and managing its affairs in accordance
with traditions and customs; and shall have a separate Gram Sabha.

(iii) Every Gram Sabha to safeguard and preserve the traditions and customs of people, their cultural identity, community resources and the
customary mode of dispute resolution.
(iv) The Gram Sabhas have roles and responsibilities in approving all development works in the village, identify beneficiaries, issue
certificates of utilization of funds; powers to control institutions and functionaries in all social sectors and local plans.

Gram Sabhas or Panchayats at appropriate level shall also have powers to manage minor water bodies; power of mandatory consultation
in matters of land acquisition; resettlement and rehabilitation and prospecting licenses/mining leases for minor minerals; power to
prevent alienation of land and restore alienated land; regulate and restrict sale/consumption of liquor; manage village markets, control
money lending to STs; and ownership of minor forest produce.

The provisions of Panchayats with certain modification and exceptions have been extended to the Schedule V areas viz. the ten States
where the Panchayats exists in the country including Andhra Pradesh. A list of ten States has been annexed.
Gram Sabhas have been constituted in every State as per the Panchayat Raj Act/PESA Rules of the concerned State. Only four States
have framed their Rules for implementation of PESA. These are, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan
Special Economic Zone (Sez) at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is to lay the foundation of a Port- Based Multi-product Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at the prestigious
This industrial infrastructure project is to be established on 277 hectares with a total Public and Private investment of about 4,000 Crore rupees. This is
being planned as a Self-Sustainable Integrated Development Project having a potential of generating over 1.5 lakh direct and indirect job
PM lays foundation stone of Leh-Kargil-Srinagar power transmission line. Dedicates to the nation the 45MW capacity Nimmo-Bazgo
hydropower project
PM announces series of development initiatives for Jammu and Kashmir: Additional funding of Rs. 8000 crore for road projects
Prakash-Paryvaran-Paryatan (Energy, Environment and Tourism) will be given a boost in Ladakh
Prime Minister Narendra Modi today laid the foundation stone for the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar power transmission line, at Leh. This 245 km long
transmission line will be built at a cost of Rs. 1788 crore. Shri Narendra Modi also dedicated to the nation the 45 MW installed capacity Nimmo Bazgo
hydroelectric power project on the River Indus
Chutak hydropower-j nk-tiger hill.
Chitrakathi painting-thakur ommunity of sindhu durgaIn this form of painting 15" x 12" inches plain paper is used. Page is then filled with pictures painted in unique style. Colors used
in paintings are a nature's gift to this art from such as Geru, Red earth and green color prepared from leaves.
Story telling is done in a distinctive style. These stories are from epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana from set of pictures storyteller displays each pictures and tells the episode it
illustrates. The stories are all in poetry and total number of pictures still existing is about 4000 No. Tribal artists have added new pictures in past 60 years.
Ganesh Festival marks the beginning of chitrakathi. First picture displayed is of Lord Ganesha, besides leaf of prosperity thereafter leaf of Saraswati (Goddess of knowledge).


The Council on Energy, Environment and Water ( is an independent, not-for-profit policy research institution. CEEW addresses pressing global challenges through an integrated and
internationally focused approach. It does so through high quality research, partnerships with public and private institutions, and engagement with and outreach to the wider public.
CEEW has been ranked as India's top climate change think-tank two years in a row

Ultra-wideband (also known as UWB, ultra-wide band and ultraband) is a radio technology pioneered by Robert A. Scholtz and others which may be used
at a very low energy level for short-range, high-bandwidth communications using a large portion of the radio spectrum. Similar to spread spectrum, UWB
communications transmit in a manner which does not interfere with conventional narrowband and carrier wave used in the same frequency band.

The opening ceremony will see Dance performances by the tribal artists from four States. First it will be Odishi dance and other
dances by Kutia Kondh, Dhemsa and Munda Tribes from Odisha. It will be followed by Dobru and Flute Instrument performance from
Gujrat, dance-Toda and Kaniyan from Tamil Nadu and Pandvani gayan and Gond style Karma dance from Madhya Pradesh. ..
tribal festivals of Phagu,Phagua and Phagun Parab-bihar
scene from an exhibition as part of Kaananasangamom, a six-day tribal festival, at the Kanakakkunnu Palace grounds in Thiruvananthapuram.-sylvan tribe-kerala-nature loving tribe..

Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India (BGREI), a sub-scheme of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) is being implemented in
seven eastern states namely Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, West Bengal and eastern Uttar Pradesh from 20102011 to address the constraints limiting the productivity of rice based cropping systems. Under this scheme, various activities like
cluster demonstrations of improved package of practices, assets building, site specific activities and marketing support are being
undertaken. ..
Chit Funds are registered by State Governments under the Chit Funds Act, 1982 an Act administered by the Ministry of Finance but
with responsibilities of implementation resting with the States. Cheating by Chit Fund company through fraudulent schemes is an
offence under the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes (Banning) Act, 1978. The power to investigate and prosecute lies with
the State Governments. However for better identification of Chit Fund Companies, Rule 8(2)(b)(iii) of Companies (Incorporation)
Rules, 2014 framed under the Companies Act, 2013, provides that if the companys main business is financing, leasing, chit fund,
investments, securities or combination thereof, its incorporation shall not be allowed unless its name is indicative of such related
financial activities, viz., Chit Fund or Investment or Loan, etc-min of corporate affairs

(C) Schemes delinked from support of the Centre:

1. National e-Governance Plan
2. Backward Regions Grant Funds
3. Modernization of Police Forces
4. Rajiv Gandhi Panchayat Sashaktikaran Abhiyaan (RGPSA)
5. Scheme for Central Assistance to the States for developing export infrastructure
6. Scheme for setting up of 6000 Model Schools

7. National Mission on Food processing

8. Tourist Infrastructure..


Nathula Pass in Sikkim

Mana Pass in Uttarakhand
Niti Pass in Uttarakhand
Lipulekh Pass in Uttarakhand
Shipkila Pass in Himachal Pradesh..

Improving the Condition of Older/Aged Persons:

(1)Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is implementing a Central Sector Scheme of Integrated programme for Older Persons (IPOP)
since 1992 with the objective of improving the quality of life of senior citizens by providing basic amenities like shelter, food, medical care and
entertainment opportunities and by encouraging productive and active ageing. Under this Scheme, financial assistance (up to 95% in the case of
States of Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim and North-eastern states and 90% for rest of the country) is provided to Non-Governmental/Voluntary
Organisations, Panchayati Raj Institutions etc. for maintenance of Old Age Homes, Respite Care Homes and Continuous Care Homes, Multiservice centres, mobile medicare units, Day care centres for Alzheimers disease /Dementia patients, physiotherapy clinics for older persons etc.
The Programme is mainly implemented through Non-Governmental/Voluntary Organisations.
(2)Ministry of Rural Development
Old age pension is provided under the Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS) which is a component of National Social Assistance
Programme (NSAP), implemented by Ministry of Rural Development. Under IGNOAPS, central assistance of Rs. 200/- per month is provided to
persons in the age group of 60-79 years and Rs. 500/- per month to persons of 80 years and above and belonging to below poverty line (BPL)
household as per the criteria by Government of India. State/UTs have been requested to contribute at least the same amount under the scheme.
(3) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Keeping in view the recommendations made in the National Policy on Older Persons, 1999 as well as the States obligations under the
Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens, 2007, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had launched the National Programme
for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE) during the 11th Plan period to address various health related problems of elderly people. The basic aim of
NPHCE is to provide dedicated health care facilities to the elderly people through State Public health delivery system at primary, secondary and
tertiary levels, including outreach services. ..
The National Culture Fund was established by the Government of India (Ministry of Culture) as trust under the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890
vide notification published in the Gazette of India dated 28th November 1996.
NCFs primary mandate is to establish & nurture Public Private Partnerships in the field of heritage and mobilize resources for the restoration,
conservation, protection and development of Indias rich , natural , tangible and intangible heritage..
The Government has decided to transfer Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna(RSBY) from Ministry of Labour and Employment to the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare with effect from 01.04.2015 pursuant to Government decision make it a part of the National Health Assurance Mission
to be implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Central Ground Water Authority has been constituted under Section 3 (3) of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to regulate and control development and
management of ground water resources in the country.

Government of India launched the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 in 2013. It aims to achieve national fuel security by
promoting hybrid and electric vehicles in the country. There is an ambitious target to achieve 6-7 million sales of hybrid and electric vehicles year
on year from 2020 onwards. Government aims to provide fiscal and monetary incentives to kick start this nascent technology-Min of heavy
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) of Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Mid Day Meals Scheme of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Drinking Water & Total Sanitation
Campaign of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation and Targeted Public Distribution System of Department of Food & Public Distribution ..
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)-min of water resources
The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation is implementing a scheme namely Market Intervention Scheme (MIS) for procurement of

agricultural and horticultural commodities which are generally perishable in nature. ..

Ethanol Blending Programme (EBP) min of food,consumer affairs
Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI)-min of shipping and the Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India (DFCCIL)-min of
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP) -The assistance under the STEP scheme will be available in any sector for
imparting skills related to employability and entrepreneurship, including but not limited to the Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Processing,
Handlooms, Tailoring, Stitching, Embroidery, Zari etc, Handicrafts, Computer& IT enabled services along with soft skills and skills for the work
place such as spoken English, Gems & Jewellery, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality. For economic empowerment of poor women across the country
including the rural areas, Ministry of Women and Child Development has launched a revised STEP Scheme Guidelines-2014 to provide updated
skills and new knowledge to poor women of the age group of 16 years and above
Cheti Chand (Sindhi: ) is an important festival celebrated as New Year's Day by Sindhi people of India and Pakistan. It is also celebrated by the
Sindhi diaspora around the world. According to the Hindu calendar, it is the second day of the month chaitra(i.e. a day after Ugadi and Gudi Padwa),
known as Chet in the Sindhi language. Hence it is known as Chet-i-Chand
"Sajibu Cheiraoba" is the new year of the Meiteis[1] of Manipur. The Sajibu Cheiraoba is a traditional festival celebrated on the first day of Sajibu month
(equivalent of April) every year
Kashmiri Pandits celebrate their New Years Day on the first day of the bright half of the month of Chaitra (MarApr) and call it Navreh - the word
navreh, derived from the Sanskrit nava varsha, literary meaning new year. The Kashmiri Pandit families that migrated to the plains before 1900 also
celebrate Navreh with great pride. On the eve of Navreh, a platter of unhusked rice with a bread, a cup of yogurt, a little salt, a little sugar candy, a few
walnuts or almonds, a silver coin, a pen, a mirror, some flowers (rose, marigold, crocus, or jasmine) and the new panchanga or almanac is kept and
seen as the first thing on waking up in the morning..

Chaitra Sukladi is the New Year in traditional Hindu calendar based on the Vikram Samvant Hindu Lunar calendar
followed in North India. In 2015, the date of Chaitra Shukladi is March 21. Vikram Samvant 2072 begins on the day.
This New Year is observed on the first day of the waxing phase of the moon in the Chaitra month (March April) in
traditional calendar. In simple terms, after the Chaitra Amavasi day (no moon day). Shukladi is one of the methods
by which a lunar month is determined. Sukladi means starting from the bright half of the month or from the day
after Amavasi (no moon).
Shukladi method is followed in the calendars followed inMaharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
In North India also Shukladi method is used to celebrate the Vikram Samvat New Year. But here a month is
calculated from Purnima to Purnima (full moon).

Navroz or Nowruz is celebrated as the Iranian and Persian New Year; it is the first day of spring or equinox. The day is calculated as the sun crosses the
celestial equator thereby equalizing the length of day and night exactly every year. On this day, families from diverse ethnic communities and religious
backgrounds gather together to observe the rituals. It is celebrated by any cultural region that comes under Iranian influence or has migrations by
Persians. Although the Zoroastrian religion is a part of the countless religions in India as they represent as a minority sect, not everything about this
festival is known. We share with you some very fascinating facts about this festival

National Supercomputing Mission (NSM): Building Capacity and Capability to be jointly implemented by the Department of Science
and Technology and Department of Electronics and Information Technology -The Mission envisages empowering our national academic and
R&D institutions spread over the country by installing a vast supercomputing grid comprising of more than 70 high-performance computing
facilities. These supercomputers will also be networked on the National Supercomputing grid over the National Knowledge Network (NKN). The
NKN is another programme of the government which connects academic institutions and R&D labs over a high speed network
National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).-min of rural dev..
The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY ) of the Labour and Employment Ministry will now be implemented by the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare. The RSBY, the health insurance scheme for BPL(below poverty line) families was launched for the workers in the unorganized
sector in the FY 2007-08 and it became fully operational from 1st April 2008. It provides for IT-enabled and smart card-based cashless healthy
insurance, including maternity benefit cover up to Rs. 30,000/- per annum on a family floater basis to BPL families (a unit of five) and 11
occupational groups in the unorganized sector. The Unorganized workers social Security Act, 2008 came into operation w.e.f 31st December
2008 and it encompassed ten social security schemes benefitting the unorganized workers including the RSBY. ..
Down syndrome people have one extra chromosome (47 instead of 46 chromosomes) in their body which affects the development of their brain.
However, the people with the above conditions can learn many needed skills that are required to live a fuller life.

Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY)-min of finance:

Some key features of the scheme are:

Available to citizens aged 60 years and above.

Pension would be on immediate annuity basis in monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual mode, varying, respectively, between Rs. 500 to 5000
(monthly), Rs. 1500 to 15,000 (quarterly), Rs. 3000 to Rs. 30,000 (half-yearly) and from Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 60,000 (annually), depending on the
amount subscribed and the option exercised.
The payout implies an assured return of 9% on monthly payment basis, which amounts to an annualized return of 9.38%.
Loan (up to 75% of subscribed amount) can be availed after 3 years from the Date of Commencement.
On death, the full purchase price will be refunded to nominee.
Exit/surrender would be allowed after 15 years or earlier in special circumstances like critical / terminal illness of self or spouse.
Payment will be through ECS or NEFT
The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely, Integrated Child Protection Scheme
(ICPS) for rehabilitation and reintegration of children in need of care and protection, including orphans.-min of women and child development.

Beki flowing above Danger Mark in Assam

River Rapti in Balrampur district of UP..
Prime Minister Narendra Modis ongoing visit to Russia and five Central Asian nations could expedite the feasibility studies under way to assess whether India should sign a
free trade agreement (FTA) with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).
Even as it is yet to firm up its agreements with the European Union, India is considering the option of signing a pact with the EEU, which has Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan and Armenia as members, and will see the inclusion of Tajikistan later this year
Meanwhile, Biocon clarified that trucks were carrying bio-waste of inert cell mass, which is nutrient rich, highly bio-degradable, non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-chemical
waste. However, it has a pungent smell

Vitamin D deficiency causes serious health problemsWith an aim to sensitise doctors on the problems arising out of deficiency of Vitamin D, the Indian Medical Association has taken up a campaign Rise & Shine.
As part of the campaign, the IMA conducted a continuing medical education programme here on Monday in which 100 doctors participated.
Vitamin D deficiency can have a serious long-term impact on a persons health, making them vulnerable to diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer.
Further, over 80 percent of India's population are vitamin D deficient.
In a State that enjoys abundant sunshine for most of the year, it is surprising that over 80-90 per cent of the population suffers from Vitamin D deficiency. There are several
reasons for the widespread nature of Vitamin D deficiency among Indians, including consumption of a prominently vegetarian diet, overall sun-shy behaviour, long hours
spent working in indoor spaces, and dependence on cars as modes of transport even while commuting short distances. Vitamin D deficiency is easily preventable by getting
more sun exposure, eating a balanced diet, and taking prescribed supplements..

Diseases that spread from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases-

Kyasanur Forest disease and Kala Azar are the recent additions to this list.

Diseases like Avian influenza, Dengue fever, Chinkungunya and Leptospirosis are some of the diseases prevalent in the country.

Bacteria dont double in mass before dividing-New work shows that bacteria (and probably other cells as well) don't double in
mass before dividing. Instead, they add a constant volume (or mass) no matter what their initial size is

meningitis A vaccine (MenAfriVac) manufactured by Serum Institute of India, Pune was approved by WHO a few days ago for use in infants in sub-Saharan African
populations. ..
A new study indicates a close chemical analogue of curcumin, which is a natural product found in turmeric, has properties that may make it useful as a treatment for
Alzheimers disease.

Why tectonic plates move suddenly-The answer comes down to two things: thick crustal plugs and weakened mineral grains. Those
effects, acting together, may explain a range of relatively speedy (million years or longer) moves among tectonic plates around the world

Microscopic spheres of calcium phosphate have been linked to the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a major cause of blindness. AMD affects 1 in 5

people over 75, causing their vision to slowly deteriorate

Rivers might constitute as little as 20 per cent of the water that flows yearly into the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans from the continents. The rest flows through a
subterranean estuary..
A new study suggests that infertility cannot be successfully treated with stem cells,
casting doubt on an old theory that it is possible to create new eggs with the help of stem cells

Beneficial algal species discoveredTwo new bloom-forming algal species were discovered recently off the west coast of India. These two species have excellent carbon capture properties ability to absorb
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce global warming and are also promising candidates for use as bio fuels.
Currently, a number of research groups are working on using algae as a potential candidate for carbon sequestration because they grow at very high rates and can absorb
atmospheric CO{-2}.
Both of the newly discovered species are endemic and bloom-forming.
As they are endemic, their cultivation is not going to cause any environmental harm; had it been a species of Atlantic or Mediterranean origin, it might overgrow local flora and
might wreak havoc on the local habitats the so-called bio invasion.
Bloom forming indicates spontaneous growth. There is no need for fertilizers/pesticides or any expensive cultivation systems such as photobioreactors for their cultivation.
These can grow sporadically at shorelines and can sequester CO{-2}.
The algae species named Ulva paschima Bast , and Cladophora goensis Bast were discovered.
A number of active substances are isolated from algae including some algae of genera Cladophora andUlva . Probably most famous is Kahalalide-F, which is now being used in
clinical trials against prostate and breast cancers.
Kahalalide-F is isolated from Bryopsis a closely related green algae to Cladophora as well as Ulva and it is very probable that same or related chemical is present in newly
discovered endemic algae

Comets are like deep fried ice cream-Using an icebox-like instrument, an Indian-origin researcher-led team has revealed that fluffy ice
on the surface of a comet would crystallise and harden as the comet heads toward the Sun

How aerosols affect tropical rainfall-

The inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ), a belt of precipitation (caused by northeast and southeast trade winds coming together) has been shifting southwards in Central
America since 1900, when the industrial revolution and associated atmospheric pollution began in real earnest, notes a paper published recently in the journal Nature
The reason for this shift, according to the study, is the cooling effect of aerosols that were produced in large quantities due to industrialisation.
Cooling of the atmosphere results in less rainfall and dry conditions while warming leads to evaporation, convection and rainfall. The study found that since 1900 there has
been a steady increase in rainfall in the southern tropics, in contrast to a steady decrease in the northern tropics.
The researchers analysed a stalagmite found in a cave in Belize (a Central American nation) to construct a record of rainfall patterns in the region over the past 450 years. This
site is near the northernmost extent of the ITCZ, a remarkably sensitive location for reconstructing even minor variations in ITCZ position. The team measured Carbon-13
isotope levels over this period in the various layers of the stalagmite. Carbon isotope serves as a good proxy for rainfall as recorded in the stalagmite over the thousands of
years of its formation. Stalagmites grow incrementally as drops of water seep through the overlying rock.
The growth of the stalagmite is therefore linked to the amount of water reaching it, which is in part controlled by rainfall. Furthermore, every drop of water reaching the cave
has a unique chemical signature which is controlled by the prevailing climate, most often temperature and rainfall amount.
This chemical signature is then incorporated into the stalagmite layers as it grows. By chemical signature in this case, is meant oxygen and carbon isotopes. One can see how
rainfall has changed over the years by measuring the change in Carbon-13 isotope value through time.
The stalagmite portions were dated by measuring uranium-thorium isotope ratios over the past centuries.
A key factor in the method is that uranium is soluble in water while the daughter products are non-soluble. This means that uranium is present in water which seeps into
limestone caves and is incorporated into stalagmites but its non-soluble daughter products (thorium) are not. Daughter isotopes present in the sample increase through time
as the uranium decays and the ratio of the uranium to the thorium is measured to provide an age estimate, Dr. Harriet E. Ridley from the Department of Earth Sciences,
University of Durham, U.K., and the first author clarified in an email to this correspondent.
The authors point to increased aerosol concentrations in the northern tropics of Central America as the likely cause. There have been drying events even before 1900, but these
coincided with northern hemisphere volcanic eruptions which sent aerosols into the atmosphere causing cooling and therefore, dry conditions

Twenty-two species of mammals, including humans, have eyelash length one-third the width of their eye that keeps the eyes healthy. Anything shorter or longer causes more
dust to hit the surface
Oceans are taking in about 90 percent of the excess heat created by human greenhouse gas emissions, but theyre also absorbing some of the carbon dioxide (CO2) itself.
According to the European Space Agency, the worlds oceans take in about a quarter of all human CO2 emissions. A set of chemical processes dissolves that CO2 and turns
it into carbonic acid and sets off complex changes to the chemistry of seawater, which dissolves shells and coral and creates a cascade effect that could disrupt entire marine


Van Gogh's paintings are turning white, and here's why-It was discovered the speck was originally red and
contained a lead known as plumbonacrite.
The scientists explained plumbonacrite was one of the first synthetically-made paints known to man and was popular with Van Gogh.
However, unknown to him the time, plumbonacrite degrades colours when exposed to light.

How chameleons change their colour-With a little help from Raman spectroscopy, Swiss scientists have found the answer to an
endlessly intriguing evolutionary poser: How do chameleons change their colour?
It turns out that chameleons have a mobile lattice of nanocrystals on the surface of their skin, which come together and disperse thereby shifting the wavelength of light
reflected by the reptile

East Antarctica melting due to sea gateways-Researchers have discovered two seafloor gateways that could allow warm ocean
water to reach the base of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica's largest and most rapidly thinning glacier..

Leptospirosis (also known as field fever,[1] rat catcher's yellows,[2] and pretibial fever[3] among others names) is an infectioncaused by corkscrewshaped bacteria called Leptospira. Symptoms can range from none to mild such as headaches, muscle pains, and fevers; to severe with bleeding from the
lungs or meningitis.[4][5] If the infection causes the person to turn yellow, have kidney failure and bleeding, it is then known as Weil's disease.[5] If it causes lots of bleeding from
the lungs it is known as severe pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome

Adopt seed drill sowing techniqueIt is cost-effective, requires less water, less chemical pesticide and is less labour intensive among other things when compared to the conventional
method of transplantation. Secondly, there will not be any reduction in the yield.
Input cost
A farmer adopting the new technique could save a minimum of Rs. 6,000 to 8,000 per acre on input cost, besides consuming less water.
Adopting seed treatment prior to sowing would bring down the risks to a great extent.

The autism spectrum or autistic spectrum describes a range of conditions classified as neurodevelopmental disorders in the fifth revision of the
American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5). The DSM-5, published in 2013,
redefined the autism spectrum to encompass the previous (DSM-IV-TR) diagnoses of autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not
otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and childhood disintegrative disorder.[1] These disorders are characterized by social deficits and communication
difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviors and interests, sensory issues, and in some cases, cognitive delays

Hemis to host month-long Kumbh Mela of the HimalayasLeh:

Hemis, the biggest monastery in Ladakh will celebrate one thousand years of Buddhist yogi Naropas visit with a month-long festival of dance, music
and religious teachings in July next year.
An 11th century saint, Naropa was believed to have been born a prince into a royal family in Kashmir and the king and queen besides the kingdoms
subjects agreed it was not befitting for Naropa to dwell in the midst of worldly people and that he should be among practitioners of the Dharma.
Hence, he was sent off to be educated at the Nalanda University where he debated with Buddhist scholars and eventually became one of the gatekeepers
at the institution.
Titled Kumbh Mela of the Himalayas, the festival, to bring not only the different sects of Buddhism but also people from across the globe together
both physically and spiritually. The festival is expected to be an extended rendition of the annual Hemis festival observed at the monastery that
celebrates Guru Padmasambhavas birth anniversary

Indian scientist helps find breakthrough mal aria cureidentified a key protein that if targeted stops the disease, paving the way for new treatments. identified a key protein, called a protein kinase, that if

targeted stops malaria.

There has been a great deal of excitement among malaria scientists about the outcome of our research since it not only tells us about the biochemical
pathways that are essential for the parasite to survive in our bodies but it also allows us to design drugs that can spot these essential pathways and
thereby kill the parasite..

New species of songbirds evolving in Western GhatsOf the 23 species of songbirds that inhabit the tropical montane cloud (shola) forests across Western Ghats, it was found that ten
such species have not crossed the mighty 40-km-wide Palghat valley for several thousand years, with some specialist species
isolated for even up to five million years

No Big Bang, the universe was there all along: studies-

It is widely-believed that the universe is 13.8 billion years old. photo: AFP

One of the most popular concepts in physics is that of the Big Bang the point when the universe as we know it came into being.
Now a theory challenges this whole picture. According to this theory, there was no Big Bang and the universe existed all along, without beginning or end.
Moreover, the theory also attempts to give an explanation of Dark Matter and Dark Energy two phenomena that scientists are struggling to understand.
It is widely believed that the universe originated some 13.8 billion years ago and the bursting forth of this monstrous entity from a single point is termed the Big Bang.
The Big Bang appears as a singular point (Hawking-Penrose singularity) in the mathematical equations that define general theory of relativity. The laws of physics break down
at this point and nothing can be known about what happened before this. In other words, it marks the point of birth of the universe.
Now, three scientists have come up with an alternative theory. In their theory, the universe may have existed all along, perhaps with no beginning as dramatic as a Big Bang.
Saurya Das, professor of physics at University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, was fascinated by the Raychaudhuri equation (RE), which is an important step in deriving the
Hawking-Penrose singularity theorems. The equation is attributed to Amal K Raychaudhuri who used to teach at Presidency College, Kolkata. When it is treated in a classical
formalism, the equation leads to the singularity. But the singularity vanishes when the particles are treated as quantum particles and the fields are treated as classical. This
leads to a solution which is the everlasting universe which was not born in a Big Bang. This was work published by Dr. Das in Physical Review D.
This is unlike the steady state theory, according to which matter is constantly being generated to keep the universe steady, Dr. Das said in an email to this Correspondent.
In the case of Dark Matter, he and his collaborators showed that it arises naturally. In a paper published recently in Physics Letters B, they showed that in the quantum
corrected Raychaudhuri equation, one set of corrections can be interpreted as giving rise to Dark Matter, while the other term was instrumental in preventing the Big Bang-

like scenario and giving infinite life to the universe.

The explanation for Dark Energy comes from the term that prevents the Big Bang-like scenario.
It must be mentioned that there are a few other approaches that have argued that there was no Big Bang

Invasive species of snail spotted on Goa varsity campus-

The Giant African Land Snail (GALS), listed as one of the worlds 100 most invasive species by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. If these snails multiply, there will be a threat to our agro-horticulture and public
health since they act as a vector of human diseases like Eosinophilic meningitis, which is caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a
parasite that nematode commonly resides in the pulmonary arteries of rats. The parasite is passed on to humans through eating
raw or improperly cooked snails or freshwater prawns

Pelicans flock to artificial island in Parakkai tank near


Roosting nests of pelicans (Pelecanus philippensis), known as Kulakeda in Tamil, are visible in an artificial island in Parakkai tank
near Kariamonickapuram on National Highway 47Pelicans were large wetland birds living mostly in large tanks in India. They were
often considered to be migratory species. The birds, protected under the Indian Wild Life Act, often flocked in a girdle formation.
nesting season of pelicans was from November to April

How dolphins hear soundsUnlike most mammals that primarily process sound in a single area, two areas of the dolphin brain are associated with the auditory system, a new
research says. The researchers applied a technique of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) on the preserved brains of two dolphins, which died after being
stranded on a beach in North Carolina more than a decade ago. The study focused on the dolphin auditory system, since dolphins along with several
other animals, such as bats use echolocation to sense their environments.
We found that there are probably multiple areas in the dolphin brain associated with auditory information, and the neural pathways look similar to

those of a bat, Berns said.

This is surprising because dolphins and bats are far apart on evolutionary tree. They diverged millions of years ago but their brains may have evolved
similar mechanisms for using sound to create mental images
"Mo Lam", a style of folk music that reaches deep into the heritage of northeastern Thailand..
Melattur style is of bharatnatam..

Human language and bird babble-

Researchers found that the chestnut-crowned babbler has the ability to convey new meaning by rearranging the
meaningless sounds in its calls. This is the way humans form meaningful words-Least Concerned..

How animals keep track of seasonsThe circadian clock machinery in the animal brain encodes seasonal changes in daylight duration along with changes in the amount
of chloride located inside certain neurons

New source of methane in Arctic discoveredMethane, a highly effective greenhouse gas, is usually produced by decomposition of organic material, a complex process involving bacteria and
But there is another type of methane that can appear under specific circumstances: Abiotic methane is formed by chemical reactions in the oceanic crust
beneath the seafloor.
New findings show that deep water gas hydrates, icy substances in the sediments that trap huge amounts of the methane, can be a reservoir for abiotic
methane. One such reservoir was recently discovered on the ultraslow spreading Knipovich ridge, in the deep Fram Strait of the Arctic Ocean. The
study suggests that abiotic methane could supply vast systems of methane hydrate throughout the Arctic

Comet dust: Mercurys invisible paintcarbon from passing comets could be the planet's mystery darkening agent

Silicosis is a fibrotic lung disorder caused by inhalation, retention and pulmonary reaction to crystalline silica, as a result of exposure during mining,
stone crushing and quarrying activities.
The most common form of silica is quartz. Exceptionally high exposure of silica can cause silicosis within a month with a significant impairment of
lungs within few years. The major silicosis prone industries are: stone quarries and crushers; quartz mining; foundries; sand blasting; ceramics; gem
cutting and polishing; slate and pencil; construction; mining; and glass manufacturing
The Emerald Island is a phantom island reported to lie between Australia and Antarctica and south of Macquarie Island..
The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a species of tortoise found in dry areas and scrub forest in India and Sri Lanka. This species is quite popular in the exotic
pet trade-Least Concerned..

vector-borne diseases - malaria and dengue . Aedes, the-day biting mosquito, could cause dengue and Anopheles mosquito, which normally bites at

night, could cause malaria and chikungunya..

Fisherfolk worried over marine luminosity-Even as the fishermen are getting disillusioned by the absence of the chaakara, a
prosperous phase in the fishing season, other queer developments are generating apprehensions among the fisherfolk.

Luminosity at sea is not a new phenomenon, says P.K. Dinesh Kumar, Senior Principal Scientist at the National Institute of Oceanography. He attributes it to the large-scale
presence of noctiluca, a carnivorous light-emitting plankton. These organisms are found in waters with low oxygen content. They proliferate instantly and occupy several
square kilometres of sea surface in a short span of time.
These are dangerous to marine life as well as humans, he cautions. The species being carnivorous, eat away the food particles in the marine water, consumed by fish, depriving
the latter of a congenial growing environment.
The planktons also get deposited on the shores bringing bad odour due to the decay which could also be a breeding ground for disease causing germs.
The phenomenon had been noticed along Thiruvananthapuram coast in 2004..
Aranmula Puncha wetlands-kerala..

Melattur style
The Melattur style of Bharatanatyam dance was developed largely out of the devadasi traditions and Melattur Bhagavata Mela by Mangudi Dorairaja Iyer (19001980).
Unlike other Bharatanatyam gurus, Mangudi avoided the items which glorified the poet's human patrons, as performing such items would be inconsistent with his adherence
to spiritual practices of Srividya Upasana. It is only the deities or the great rishis who were deemed worthy of such glorification. Thus, the repertoire of a Melattur style dancer
consists mostly of the ancient items performed in the temples.

A new study has found that the critically endangered Staghorn coral may benefit from supplemental nutrition to mitigate the adverse impacts of global climate change

Camphor-scented leaves found in Western GhatsA new tree species that gives out strong smell of camphor when its leaves and stem are crushed has been reported from southern Western Ghats.
The species, which is endemic to the Ghats region of Kerala, was named as Cinnamomum agasthyamalayanum after the type locality, Agasthyamala hills, from where it was
reported. The find attains significance as this is considered the only endemic species that gives out the smell of camphor. Now, the challenge is to find out whether camphor
can be distilled from the plant at commercially viable level. While natural camphor is extracted by distilling the leaves and bark of Cinnamomum camphora , a native to China,
Taiwan, southern parts of Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, it is also synthetically produced. Camphor oil is extracted by steam from the chipped wood, root stumps and branches of
the camphor tree. It is then rectified under vacuum and filter pressed, explained scientists.
Camphor has a wide range of medicinal applications especially in Ayurveda. Camphor has pain-relieving effect. It is an ingredient in a few externally applied oils to relieve
muscle spasm. It also has mild mucolitic property and can reduce bronchospasm. It is also used in mild dosage in internal medicines. ..
NASAs New Horizons spacecraft has for the first time snapped Kerberos and Styx the smallest and faintest of Plutos five moons, capturing its first-ever family portrait of
the Pluto system

Myopia (Nearsightedness)Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the most common refractive error of the eye, and it has become more prevalent in recent years.

What Causes

Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long, relative to the focusing power of the cornea and lens of the eye. This causes light rays to focus at a point in front of the
retina, rather than directly on its surface.
Nearsightedness also can be caused by the cornea and/or lens being too curved for the length of the eyeball. In some cases, myopia is due to a combination of these
Myopia typically begins in childhood and you may have a higher risk if your parents are nearsighted. In most cases, nearsightedness stabilizes in early adulthood but
sometimes it continues to progress with age.
Refractive surgery can reduce or even eliminate your need for glasses or contacts. The most common procedures are performed with an excimer laser.
In PRK the laser removes a layer of corneal tissue, which flattens the cornea and allows light rays to focus more accurately on the retina.
In LASIK the most common refractive procedure a thin flap is created on the surface of the cornea, a laser removes some corneal tissue, and then the
flap is returned to its original position.

Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in Europe have boosted the efficiency of water-use of trees, which is coupled to the uptake of carbon dioxide during


Spiders are masters of colour vision: study- Spiders have four pairs of eyes for different aspects of their surroundings. Their
principal eyes see in red, green, and UV. A filter also converts some green-sensitive cells to seeing red..

Noctiluca scintillans , the algal bloom and a diatom, which gives dark green colour to the oceanic waters-North Arabian Sea turn deep green and straw yellow at times. The
bloom, also known as green tide, occurs during the winterspring (mid Februaryend March) and spreads to the entire northern half of the basin. Researchers had been
regularly monitoring the bloom since 2009. During their cruises, researchers had found the colour of water was remarkably dark green in ocean depths exceeding 2,000
Though not toxic, it is classified as harmful algal bloom as its spread can lead to depletion of dissolved oxygen in the bloom region. The decay of the high biomass can lead to
the release of ammonia and steep reduction in dissolved oxygen, which may force other marine organisms to move to safe regions, he said

Reshaping mountains in the human mind to save species

facing climate change (Nature Climate Change)-

People commonly perceive mountain ranges as jumbles of pyramid-shaped masses that steadily narrow as they slope upward.
While thats certainly how they appear from a ground-level human viewpoint, a new study shows that pyramid-shaped mountains are not only a minority in
nature, but also that most ranges actually increase in area at higher elevations. Besides reshaping the mountains in our minds eye, the findings could lead
scientists to reconsider conservation strategies which are often based on misconceptions about mountain terrain for mountain animal species
threatened by climate change. Instead, the 182 mountain ranges the researchers studied take on four principal shapes: diamond, pyramid, inverted pyramid

and hourglass.


Special fats essential for brain growthspecial arrangement

Mutations in the protein Mfsd2a cause impaired brain development. Mfsd2a is the transporter for a special type of fat called LPC composed of essential fatty acids like
The first ever global survey of sharks, rays and skates in coral reef environments using underwater cameras will begin in August.
The Global FinPrint survey uses technology called baited remote underwater video (Bruv) to take one hour of underwater footage, capturing marine life.
Bruvs, which are nonharmful, consist of shark bait with one or two GoPro cameras. The three year study will include Australian locations in the Great Barrier Reef in
Queensland, and the Scott and Ningaloo reefs of Western Australia.

Volcanic ash shuts five Indonesian airports-Mount Raung in East Java, one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia, has been
spewing ash into the air for nearly a week

Onake Obavva
Onake Obavva (18th Century) (Kannada: ) was a woman who fought the forces of Hyder Ali single-handedly with a pestle (Onake)[1]in the kingdom
of Chitradurga of Karnataka, India. Her husband was a guard of a watchtower in the rocky fort of Chitradurga

Valvil Ori festival at Kolli Hills on August 2, 3King Valvil Ori ruled over Kolli Hills in 200 AD. He is known for his skill in using the bow and arrow. He is also known for his generosity and as a king who ruled without caste
Hence, based on the State Governments direction, the district administration is organising the festival every year in which various cultural events and sports contests are
Europa is one of Jupiters moons. Its about the size of our moon. Europa is a very special moon in our solar system because it might be able to support living things. Beneath
its icy crust, there could be an ocean with twice as much water as there is in Earths oceans.
We know a lot about Europa from NASAs Galileo mission, which visited Jupiter over 10 years ago. We have also taken pictures of it with the Hubble Space Telescope. But now
NASA plans to send a spacecraft, a machine that flies in space, right to Europa to learn more. It will loop around Jupiter and fly by Europa 45 times over three years. It will get
as close as 16 miles (25 kilometers) above the icy surface

Pyrenees mountainsis a range of mountains in southwest Europe that forms a natural borderbetween France and Spain. It separates the Iberian Peninsula from the rest of continental Europe,
and extends for about 491 km (305 mi) from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea.

The Iberian is a peninsula located in the southwest corner ofEurope.), it is the second largest European Peninsula, after theScandinavian Peninsula. The peninsula is divided
between four states: Spain, Portugal, Andorra, and France; as well as Gibraltar, adependant territory of the United Kingdom

How the giant pandas conserve energyThrowing fresh insight into the lives of pandas, a study finds that giant pandas have clever ways to conserve energy, including having lazy lifestyles, small organs and special
genes-very slow metabolism..

Megapode, which is the name of the endangered species of bird found mainly in the Nicobar Island
Havelock, Neil Island-andman and nicobar. there are five tribes in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, namely the Jarawas, Onges, Shompens, Sentinelis and Nicobaris

The Tasmanian Devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world and is found only in the wild in Tasmania, Australia. It has been described as the vacuum cleaner of the
forest, as it mainly eats dead animals.
Tasmanian devil babies are called imps..

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