Adderall XR

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Trade Name: Adderall XR

Generic Name: Amphetamine


Pt Weight:

Classification: Central Nervous System stimulants

Indications: ADHD
Why is your patient taking this drug? ADHD diagnosis management
Standard doses and routes:
PO: (Adults and Children 12 yr): 1060 mg/day in divided doses; start with 10 mg/day, by 10
mg/day at weekly intervals. Sustained-release capsules can be given once daily, tablets every 8
12 hr.
Patient Dose: 10mg in morning and @noon
Adverse Reactions & Side Fx: CNS:
hyperactivity, insomnia, restlessness, tremor, aggression,
anger, behavioral disturbances, dizziness, hallucinations,
headache, mania, irritability, skin picking, talkativeness,
thought disorder, tics
EENT: blurred vision, mydriasis
CV: SUDDEN DEATH, palpitations, tachycardia,
cardiomyopathy (increased with prolonged use, high doses),
hypertension, hypotension, peripheral vasculopathy
GI: anorexia, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, dry mouth,
metallic taste, nausea, vomiting
GU: erectile dysfunction, libido
Derm: alopecia, urticaria
Endo: growth inhibition (with long term use in children)
Neuro: paresthesia
Misc: psychological dependence

Patient/Family Teaching:

Instruct patient to take

Hyperexcitable states including hyperthyroidism;
Psychotic personalities;
Suicidal or homicidal tendencies;
Chemical dependence;
Structural cardiac abnormalities (may the risk of sudden
Nursing Implications: none listed in either book

medication at least 6 hr
before bedtime to avoid
sleep disturbances. Missed
doses should be taken as
soon as remembered up to 6
hr before bedtime. With
extended release capsule,
avoid afternoon doses to
prevent insomnia. Do not
double doses. Advise
patient and parents to read
the Medication Guide prior
to starting therapy and with
each Rx refill. Instruct
patient not to alter dose
without consulting health
care professional. Abrupt
cessation of high doses may
cause extreme fatigue and
mental depression.
Inform patient that sharing
this medication may be
Inform patient that the
effects of drug-induced dry
mouth can be minimized by

Trade Name: Adderall XR

Generic Name: Amphetamine


Pt Weight:

Lab Test Considerations:

May interfere with urinary steroid determinations.
May cause plasma corticosteroid concentrations; greatest in

effects of drug-induced dry

mouth can be minimized by
rinsing frequently with water
or chewing sugarless gum
or candies.
Advise patient to limit
caffeine intake.
May impair judgment.
Advise patient to use
caution when driving or
during other activities
requiring alertness.

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