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What is a Halk?

Halks are flying companions that accompanies you in quests. You can help them
grow by training, feeding, and taking them in quests.
Where is My Holk?

You enter it in your My Series areas, just select it before entering.

------------------------My Holk Options:

Speak to the Holk instructor. He will give you the following options:


1st Option, Halk Status: You can see your Halk's stats here, along with its
elemental/status atck levels, it reads as follows:
Pg 1: Level, Elemental Attack, Status Attack, Fullness Level, Loyalty, Health,
Attack, Defense, Intelligence, Equipped Book of Learning skills

Pg 2: Elemental Attack Levels - None, Fire, Water, Ice, Thunder, Dragon; Status
Attack Levels - Poison, Paralysis, Sleep

2nd Option, Training Focus: You can assign your Halk on a training focus,
where the Halk will gain more pts on that stat after each quest.
The Following training options are as follows: Health, Attack, Defense,
Intelligence, None (I assume it raises more Loyalty points).

3rd Option, Rename Halk: You can rename your Halk anytime.


4th Option, Book of Learning Settings: You can equip up to 2 book abilities
for your Halks. The first option is to equip and the other option is to unequip a

To obtain these books (along with Halk Feathers) on the end of the
quest your Halk will fly down to drop something shiny with a recognizable aura
like this. A known fact is that your Halk must be present at the end and probably
done a significant amount of damage/amount of hits to the monster during the
quest for it to drop more often. Besides that, it is quite random. You cannot learn
the same skill more than once, but your Halk can still drop that same skill again
rendering it a useless drop.
Book of Learning Skills Info: http://www21.atwiki..../pages/640.html
-There are 36(39?) Halk Skills total, and you can only equip 2 at a time.
-Halks can drop either a skill or an elemental specific feather (depends on your
Halk's form).
-These are the skills:

Japanese Name / Name / Effects

Support Skills:
/ Hunter Care[Recovery] / Heals you and your party if
/ Hunter Care[Detox]/ Removes Poison status to you and
your party if needed.
/ Hunter Care[Deodorize]/ Removes Odor status for you
and your party if needed.
/ Increases Hunters' Attack / Increases the Defense
(Demondrug effect) of all hunters around the Halk.
/ Increases Hunters' Defense / Increases the Defense
(Armorskin effect) of all hunters around the Halk.
/ Focus on Support / Halk will support you and your Party Members
more by cancelling Faint/Earplug animations and even removing the Snowman
state with its spikes from its wings.
Offense Skills:
/ Abnormal Status Up / Halk will deal more status value on
its claw attacks.
/ Focus on Claw Attacks / Halk will attack more with its claws
as you attack the monster. Good for abnormal status hits.
/ Bomb Setup / Halk will be able to place Large Barrel
/ Breath Ball Attack / Unlocks Halk's Breath Ball Attack.
/ Breath Beam Attack / Unlocks Halk's straight Breath Beam
/ Focus on Breath Attacks / Halk will attack more with its Breath
Attacks. Breath unlock skills must be paired with this to work.
/ Self-Satisfaction / Halk will be able to get critical hits.
/ Elemental Bite / Halk will sometimes bite its target for a more
improved elemental damage and unique animation effect.
/ Elemental Attack Up / Increases the Halk's elemental
attack damage.
/ Always on the Offensive / Halk will always constantly
attack regardless of the Party's situation.
/ 3rd Time's a Charm / Halk will have an attack boost once
the Party suffers two faints.
/ Bird Wyvern Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the Main
Target's monster is that of a Bird Wyvern Species.
/ Flying Wyvern Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the
Main Target's monster is that of a Flying Wyvern Species.
/ Fanged Beast Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the
Main Target's monster is that of a Fanged Beast Species.
/ Piscine Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the Main

Target's monster is that of a Piscene Species.

/ Carapaceon Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the Main
Target's monster is that of a Carapaceon Species.
/ Elder Dragon Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the Main
Target's monster is that of an Elder Dragon Species.
/ Dragon Beast Killer / Halk will increase its attack if the
Main Target's monster is that of a Dragon Beast Species (namely Abiorugu).
/ Aggressive in the Jungle / If the quest is held in the Jungle,
the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Desert / If the quest is held in the Desert,
the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Swamp / If the quest is held in the Swamp,
the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Snow Mountains / If the quest is held in
the Snow Mountains, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Volcano / If the quest is held in the
Volcano, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Tower / If the quest is held in the Tower, the
Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Forest and Hills / If the quest is held in
the Forest and Hills, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Sea of Trees / If the quest is held in the
Sea of Trees, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Arena / If the quest is held in the Arena,
the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Canyon / If the quest is held in the
Canyon, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Highland / If the quest is held in the
Highland, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive in the Tide Island / If the quest is held in the
Tide Island, the Halk will increase its own attack power.
/ Aggressive when Alone / When Soloing quests, Halk will give
itself an Attack and Defense Boost.
/ Aggressive Bonds / When you have a full Party during quests,
Halk will give itself an Attack and Defense Boost.
/ Focus on Attack / Halk will increase its Attack but will decrease its
Defense Skills:
/ Focus on Defense / Halk will increase its Defense but will decrease
its Attack.
/ Put Up With Some Pain / Halk will not immediately fly
away when damaged.
/ Fast Recovery / Halk will come back faster into action from
/ Self-Avoidance / Halk will avoid more when under attack.
/ Self-Recovery / Halk will be able to heal self when in low

/ Wind Disabled / Halk will not be affected by any type of wind.

/ Earplug Enabled / Halk will not be affected by any type of monster
Miscellaneous Skills:
/ Prefers Small Monsters / Halk will prefer attacking Small
/ Prefers Large Monsters / Halk will prefer attacking Large
/ Monster Locator / Psychoserum effect to locate Large
monster's location for the hunter's party members.
/ Prefers Close to the Hunter / Prefers fighting in the
proximity of the hunter and party members.
/ Signal Stop / Signal will stop the Halk from attacking
/ Focus Target / Halk will focus on one target, even if
attacked by a different monster.
/ Carving Caution / Halk will attack monsters around the Party
if they are carving.
/ Hunter Map Information / Map will always be visible to
the Hunter.
/ Item Caution / Halk will attack monsters around the Party
if they are using Items.
/ Poogie Observer / Shortens the wait interval of the Poogie
appearing during the quest.
/ Stray Gook Luck / Increases chances of finding rare stray
Gooks in Gook quests.
/ I love Gathering / Halk will drop gathered items if it is not attacking.
/ I love Dangerous / More likely that you will start by the Large
Monster's Area in the Map.
/ I love Secret Areas / More likely that you will start at the Map's
Secret Area.
The Halk has two recognizable attacks with Breath Skills:
-To get the Breath ball attack, you need the skill.
-To get the Breath beam attack, you need the skill.
-Each of the 6 Halk types will have their own versions of Breath ball and Beam
------------------------5th Option, Halk Tutorial: If you can understand this or the site, you don't
need to read this crap! w
------------------------Here are what each Halk will look like, depending on their Element:
Thunder / Basic / Fire
Ice / Dragon / Water

------------------------Feeding your Halk:

-Call it at the rock by pressing confirm at it.
-It will give you a list choice of items it can eat, HR 1~30, 31~99, 100~, or just
simply list All() of them.
-These items are also organized by monster species material, others, or
simply list all with the last option again.
-While you highlight the Halk edible items, you can see its effect even before
feeding it on the bottom right message! it reads as follows:
None: +x, Fire: +x, Water: +x, Ice: +x, Thunder: +x, Dragon: +x,
Poison: +x, Paralyze: +x, Sleep: +x Fullness Value: +xx
-Once your Halk reaches 100 points on an element, he will evolve to that
Halk! But in turn, all other points on any other elements resets to 0. The
same applies to the other 2 status attributes once you reach one to 100.
Tips when feeding your Halk:
-I suggest giving your Halks +20 pts of fullness value instead of the common
+30 ones so you can feed it more times.
-Adding it up, you can feed a Halk around 3 to 5 times per day (every 24 hours,
starting at 0:00 JST, assuming his Fullness Level drops to 0 by that time)
This is the list of items with +20 fullness level (As you can see, it is harder to get
water and ice halks. The same goes for para and sleep status): Here!
-The more you focus on one element, the faster it will evolve (e.g. Feeding it a +6
xxx element item boost per serving).
Side note: At the same time of being able to feed your Halk again (0 JST), you
can get a shiny item called Full Energy Source from My
Halk. This will significantly reduce the damage taken by you in the whole
duration of the quest (will not wear off after dying). This item can only be
used once a day (1 Quest Clear, abandoning the quest will NOT count as

a use), and be obtained once a day. The cooldown wears off at 0 JST (this
means your quest must be over before 0 JST to use it the next day, I tested this
exceeding 0 JST during the quest...w). Therefore it becomes useless if you do
not use one a day. Otherwise, it can be made into a Mega Nutrient or a Mega
Juice with the P combination old man with some other material.

I can't wait that long! I want my evolved Halk now!!!

-By Collecting 3 Gook junks, you can obtain which gives your

Halk -30 Fullness level

-To collect Gook junk, check the Gook Guide: http://forums.minega...the-gookguide/
...Here is a ferias link for you as well~ =]
...and a quick guide:
=>First, you need a gook~ =]
=>Talk to the gook caretaker cat, and choose the first option. By doing so, the
Guildmaster in the square can let you post gook map gathering quests.
=>You will sometime see a huge gook in the quest which drops junk 100% the
time. Otherwise it is 4% from all the gathering spots. Each map only have 3
gathering spots, and is easily classified where the gooks are gathering in
=>Best places to farm:
-Jungle [Areas: 1 > 2 (gather in the middle) > 5 (gather the mushrooms near
the cave entrance) > 6 (possible big gook, gather near the deeper cave
entrance) > 8 > 2; just gathering]
-Sea of Trees (mining only)[Areas: 6 > 3 (mine by the vine) > 7 (big gook, mine
by the gooks) > 8 > 2 (mine where the gooks are)].
=>I recommend bringing Gather +2 and Fast Gather sets.
=>After clearing a map quest, you need to talk to the gook caretaker cat again
to activate more Map gathering gook quests for the Guildmaster to post.
How to turn off your Halk? Go to the menu options, 3rd page, the 7th option
will toggle it ON/OFF.
There are Serious Drinks that will need 3 different Halk feathers (2
choices of 3 for each drink)! You can create these drinks from the combination
stand using Guild Points. These are cool that they make your left arm glows for 5
minutes (7.5 minutes with Everlasting skill).

Effects of Serious Drinks:

Fire / Thunder / Dragon / Ice / Water Serious Drink - x1.1 Element attack
up of that element only (depending on your weapon/elem stone), for 5
Critical (Raw) Serious Drink - +30% Critical for 5 minutes.
You can ask someone to dupe Halk feathers (Rare 3!) for you (instead of
switching a lot and farming a lot with different Halk elements), but you can only
dupe 3 at a time (Capcom made it so to prevent mass ><)
------------------------Leveling Up your Halk:
This is simple. Just make your Halk reach its maximum point value with all 5
stats to get to the next level (255 is the Cap for Lvl 1, and 510 is the cap
for Lvl 2). There is no Lvl 3 as of yet.

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