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Chapter 13 American Government

20 terms by axelravedominguez

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In terms of its percentage of women

and nonwhite members since 1950, the
Senate, compared with the House, has
A) not changed at all.
B) fewer women and nonwhites in
powerful positions.
C) been faster to change.
D) been slower to change.
E) changed at about the same rate as
the House.

The complexity of the procedure for

enacting a law gives the advantage to
the bill's
A) party supporters.
B) congressional sponsors.
C) opponents.
D) supporters in the executive branch.
E) supporters in the media.

In the typical public opinion poll,

A) Congress is more popular than the
president, but not the judiciary.
B) Congress is the most popular branch
of government.
C) the three branches of government
are equally popular.
D) Congress is more popular than the
judiciary, but not the president.
E) Congress is the least popular branch
of government.

The text suggests that the importance

of congressional legislators, compared
with that of members of Parliament,
can best be inferred from the
A) resources they receive while in office.
B) number of committee assignments
they have.
C) number of votes they receive in
D) frequency with which they debate
major bills.
E) number of votes they cast while in

One study reported in the text showed

that the strongest correlation between
congressional voting and constituency
opinion was in the area of
A) taxation.
B) civil rights.
C) commercial regulation.
D) foreign policy.
E) social welfare.

A basic difference between a

parliament such as Great Britain's and
the U.S. Congress is
A) members of Congress are more likely
to vote the party line.
B) none of the above.
C) that the principal role of Congress is
to debate national issues.
D) members of Parliament have more
power and higher pay.
E) Congress does not select a president.

All of the following statements

concerning the filibuster are correct
A) today, it takes seventy-five senators
to end debate.
B) it became a common feature of
Senate life by the end of the nineteenth
C) it was used by liberals and
conservatives alike.
D) there have been attempts to restrict
its use.
E) it became an unpopular feature of
Senate life by the end of the nineteenth

In the last thirty congressional

elections, the gap between votes and
seats in the House is illustrated by the
fact that the
A) Both A and D
B) Republican percentage of votes has
been higher than the Republican
percentage of House seats.
C) Republican percentage of votes has
been lower than the Republican
percentage of House seats.
D) Democratic percentage of votes has
been lower than the Democratic
percentage of House seats.
E) Democratic percentage of votes has
been higher than the Democratic
percentage of House seats.

A member of the Senate has just been

elected to a position that requires him
to keep the majority leader informed
about the opinions of other party
members. He has just been elected
A) chairman of the Policy Committee.
B) majority party whip.
C) president pro tempore.
D) chairman of the Steering Committee.
E) chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

If Congress were to act quickly and

decisively as a body,
A) there would have to be restrictions
on debate.
B) there would have to be fewer
opportunities for stalling tactics.
C) there would have to be strong
central leadership.
D) All of the above
E) there would have to be minimal
committee interference.

Most of the power in Congress is found

A) caucuses.
B) party leaders.
C) state delegations.
D) specialized caucuses.
E) the chairmanship of committees and

If you wanted to know what a member

of Congress really thought about a bill,
you would be best advised to look at
how he/she voted
A) in the previous session.
B) on the referral of the bill.
C) on the final passage of the bill.
D) on amendments to the bill.
E) during the quorum call on the bill.

Where is the real work of Congress

A) In the committees in both houses
B) On the House floor
C) In the caucuses
D) In floor sessions in both houses
E) On the Senate floor

In Great Britain's parliamentary system,

candidates for Parliament are selected
A) the party.
B) other members of Parliament, as in a
private club.
C) the people, through primary
D) the prime minister.
E) delegates to the party conventions.

To propose an amendment to the U.S.

Constitution, Congress would have to
pass a
A) bill.
B) joint resolution.
C) concurrent resolution.
D) simple resolution.
E) bypass resolution.

Unlike in the House, the scheduling of

legislation in the Senate is
A) governed by closed rather than open
B) determined ad hoc.
C) controlled by the Rules Committee.
D) initiated by means of a discharge
E) determined by the majority and
minority leaders.

In recent years, the political beliefs of

members of Congress have become
A) close to the center of the political
B) moderately liberal.
C) moderately conservative.
D) more unified.
E) more polarized than those of voters.

Recent changes in the composition of

Congress have resulted in
A) a more moderate Senate.
B) a more nonpartisan Senate.
C) a more ideological and partisan
D) a more nonpartisan House.
E) a more moderate House.

Members of the Senate must have

been a citizen of the United States for
at least _______ years.
A) six
B) seven
C) four
D) two
E) nine

Pork-barrel legislation
A) allows members of Congress to
support bipartisan causes.
B) does all of the above.
C) gives tangible benefits to
constituents in hope of winning their
D) places limits on spending near the
end of the congressional term.
E) removes excessive spending in order
to balance the budget.

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